Interpretations on Judgment. Sweeter than honey, stronger than a lion St. Ambrose of Milan

  • Sleep (lat. somnus) is a natural physiological state characterized by a reduced reaction to the outside world, inherent in mammals, birds, fish and some other animals, including insects (for example, fruit flies).
  • Sweeter than honey, stronger than a lion
  • "What is sweeter than honey, stronger than a lion?" (mystery)
  • "darling came, and knocked down by force" (riddle)
  • Strong and sweet, but not a liquor
  • "...better than any medicine" (proverb)
  • The state of a lazy student at a lecture
  • Lermontov's poem
  • Lermontov's verse
  • The Essence of Lethargy
  • Lethargic...

    • In medicine, the method of electrotherapy; direct current treatment of small strength and voltage
      • Camphor, obsolete. camphor (lat. Camphora) - terpenoid, ketone of the terpene series.
      • (camphor) (Greek kamphora) a transparent substance with a strong specific odor, extracted from Japanese laurel and used in medicine and technology
      • (camphor) crystalline, strong-smelling substance, used in technology and medicine
      • Kanfora hard, but volatile, flammable and strong-smelling, white substance extracted from the camphor or camphor tree or camphor, Laurus camphora. Camphor grass, Satrorosma monspelias plant
      • A strongly odorous substance
      • Substance with a strong odor
      • Item with a strong odor
      • A drug from the group of nerve stimulants
        • Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont (June 3, 1867, the village of Gumnishchi, Shuisky district, Vladimir province, Russian Empire - December 23, 1942, Noisy-le-Grand, France) - Russian symbolist poet, translator and essayist, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian poetry of the Silver Age.
        • K. D. (1867-1942) Russian poet, critic, essayist, translator, collections "Under the northern sky", "Silence", "We will be like the sun", "Sonnets of the sun, honey and moon", "In the parted distance"

There is a saying: "Better a tit in the hands than a crane in the sky." I can never agree with her. I don't need one or ten or a thousand tits while my crane is flying somewhere in the sky. When I meet my bird, I can look into her eyes and sincerely say: "I have been looking for you all my life because I love you." You will object to me, they say, who knows if this mysterious crane even exists in the world? Maybe she is already roasting on a spit, shot down by a forester's arrow, or maybe she never existed at all in the world? So be it, but if my bird still flies somewhere, if there is at least one chance to meet her, let it be just one chance in a billion, I will risk it, because I know it is worth it.


Fluffy white snow lay like a thick blanket on the evening streets of Rinermo. Winters in these parts are snowy, but windless, and from this the cold is not felt at all. Once upon a time, about eight years ago, I celebrated the New Year here with my university comrades, then these old houses and stone pavements covered with snow created a feeling of a magical holiday. It was this holiday that I have been missing for a long time, and maybe that is why I came to this town today, hoping to feel what I felt before. However, at the very moment when I jumped off the footboard of the train and walked to the exit of the station, I realized that I had arrived in a completely different city. No, Rinermo has not changed, I have.

During these eight years, I turned from an unknown youth into the commander of one of the most daring robber gangs and found a dozen excellent comrades. Four of which, until the end of their lives, will pace the cells of the central prison of the alliance, and six, one by one, went to that world, which is commonly called the best. There were a couple of friends who turned away from me voluntarily of their own free will. However, I did not condemn them then and I will not now - to each his own. So, in a nutshell, I told you about myself and how I was left completely alone on the streets of the city of my youth, with a light bag on my shoulder and a heavy heart.

I am not a pessimist or a melancholic, but sometimes I get very sad. This kind of very special sadness, on the one hand, you understand that, in principle, everything is very good, and faith in the soul does not let despondency even enter the threshold, but ... no matter how grandiloquent it may sound, spiritual wounds begin to ache and bleed without asking permission. The harsh steel mask of the warrior falls, revealing a completely human face with children's eyes, on which tears glitter. It is at such moments that a person feels his loneliness very acutely. Loneliness among a crowd of acquaintances, comrades and friends who will never understand you, and if they do, they certainly will not be able to look at the world through your eyes.

Anyway, I wandered through the snow-covered city, immersed in my thoughts, and looked at the falling snowflakes. A few passers-by nodded their heads to me as a sign of greeting and continued on their way, some hurriedly almost running, some slowly, walking.

A female figure emerged from the alley, wearing a coalition military jacket and a burgundy shawl tied in a pirate fashion. I must say that such an outfit looked quite normal for these places. Rinermo was a kind of oasis, where the most motley audience flocked from all over the war-torn Slavia. It would seem that this kind of hodgepodge of coalition troops, mercenaries, bandits, runaway prisoners and tourists should have turned the city into a kind of dirty and restless Lordtown, but for some reason this did not happen. Klev, Zagrad and Lantsy turned into ruins, Varnati and Konertu were controlled by coalition troops in the morning, and at night by rebel gangs, and only in Rinermo there were flowers on the windows, paved streets were swept by elderly janitors in yellow overalls, and today people lived the same way as a hundred years ago.

I can’t explain why, but something in the girl’s walk alerted me, and in a moment I realized that my intuition had not failed me. The girl's shoulder touched the shoulder of an elderly gentleman in a long old-fashioned coat, and a hand with graceful fingers snaked into his wide pocket, grabbing a heavy purse. The stranger did everything so professionally that neither the elderly gentleman, nor his companion, nor even the waiter standing at the door of the restaurant noticed anything.

Having flown out of someone else's pocket, the purse immediately found its place under the thief's jacket, and in the next moment her sharp gaze literally collided with mine. Well done, I smiled and gave her a thumbs up as I continued on my way. In a few seconds, a whole gamut of feelings was reflected in the girl's eyes: fright, surprise and gratitude.

You might want to know why I just left this stranger behind without getting to know her or even talking to her? A couple of years ago, perhaps, I would have done just that, if only out of pure curiosity, especially since the girl was very pretty. A couple of years ago, but not now. All my short and stormy novels, which, by the way, were not so many, ended equally sadly. The thing is, I believe in love. Yes, yes, that's right, you can laugh at me as much as you like. I believe in love and do not recognize any semitones or compromises. One life one love. Until death and even after it. Unfortunately, those girls whom I met during my twenty-eight years of being in this world were not ready for serious self-sacrifice. Or maybe they just didn’t know how to love, because when you love someone, then, without bargaining, you just throw out everything that you have in your soul, and you don’t regret anything ...

Do not think that I am disappointed in women and do not want any more relationships, this is not so. Either a teenager in puberty or a complete idiot can say this. Any person needs a couple, a soul mate, if you like, a companion. Finding such a soul is oh so difficult, and sometimes it hurts. Indeed, during the search, you will make a mistake more than once and run into a sharp razor of misunderstanding or, even worse, betrayal with your bare heart. There is such an oriental wisdom that says that if you open your soul to all people, they will certainly spit in it and even spoil it with the voluptuousness of a sadist, but by closing it, you can simply miss that one person prepared by God just for you. The one that will enter your heart like a sword in a custom-made scabbard. That's why I keep my soul open always and in front of everyone, and when tears of pain and humiliation cover my eyes, I just wait. Sooner or later, their flow will dry up, and you can continue on your way again.

The day of my return to Rinermo was just that period of my life when I had to let my bursting heart cry enough and calm down. That is why I limped tiredly through the white streets, and that is why I passed by.

In less than an hour, I walked around the entire Rinermo, or rather its entire central part. It was not without difficulty that I managed to find the restaurant in which, eight years ago, my friends and I celebrated some nameless holiday. The neon sign for "Mother Clorinda" had only two letters, "M" and "K", and one of the windows was boarded up with plywood. “Is it worth it to come here or look for a place more carefully,” I thought, leaning against a twisted lamppost. The dilemma in favor of Mama Clorinda was helped by my right side, which hurt mercilessly from a long walk. Last year, my cheerful team and I came under fire from coalition troops in Lyantsy. The most annoying thing was that we were not rebels, and all this political fuss in Slavia interested us exactly as much as politics can interest brigands. But, alas, no one is immune from what is called "being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Having lost one fighter, we broke through the ring of coalition troops, and only ten minutes later, already in the car, I found that a jagged fragment was sticking out of my side. The wound did not want to heal in any way, and even now it often reminded of itself.

Samson went to Timnath and saw in Timnath a woman from the daughters of the Philistines, and he liked her. He went and announced to his father and his mother and said:

I saw in Timnath a woman from the daughters of the Philistines; take her to be my wife.

His father and mother said to him:

Are there not women among the daughters of your brothers and among all my people that you go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?

And Samson said to his father:

Take it to me, because I liked it.

His father and mother did not know that this was from the Lord, and that he was looking for an opportunity to take revenge on the Philistines. And at that time the Philistines ruled over Israel.

And Samson went with his father and with his mother to Timnath, and as they approached the vineyards of Timnath, behold, a roaring young lion came towards him. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he tore the lion to pieces like a kid; and he had nothing in his hand. And he did not tell his father and his mother what he had done. And he came and spoke to the woman, and Samson liked her.

After a few days, he again went to take it, and went to look at the corpse of a lion, and behold, a swarm of bees in the corpse of a lion and honey. He took it in his hands and went and ate on the way; and when he came to his father and his mother, he gave them also, and they ate; but he did not tell them that he had taken this honey from the corpse of a lion.

And his father came to the woman, and Samson made a seven-day feast there, as suitors usually do. And as they saw him there, they chose thirty marriage friends who would be with him. And Samson said to them:

I will tell you a riddle; if you guess it for me in the seven days of the feast and guess it correctly, then I will give you thirty sindons and thirty changes of clothes; if you cannot guess it for me, then you give me thirty sindons and thirty changes of clothes.

They told him:

Guess your riddle, let's listen.

And said to them:

From the eater came something to eat, and from the strong came something sweet.

And they could not guess the riddle in three days. On the seventh day they said to Samson's wife:

Persuade your husband to solve the riddle for us; otherwise we will burn you and your father's house with fire; did you call us to rob us?

And Samson's wife wept before him and said:

You hate me and you don't love me; you have made a riddle to the sons of my people, but you will not solve it for me.

He told her:

My father and my mother did not guess it; and will I tell you?

And she wept before him for the seven days during which they continued to feast. Finally, on the seventh day, he solved it for her, for she earnestly asked him. And she solved the riddle to the sons of her people.

And on the seventh day, before the setting of the sun, the citizens said to him:

What is sweeter than honey, and what is stronger than a lion!

He told them:

If you had not yelled at my heifer, you would not have guessed my riddle.

And the Spirit of the Lord fell on him, and he went to Ascalon, and having killed thirty people there, he took off their clothes, and gave their changes of dress to those who solved the riddle. And his anger was kindled, and he went away to his father's house. And Samsonov's wife married his marriage friend, who was a friend with him.

During the wheat harvest, Samson came to see his wife, bringing with him a kid; and when he said: “I will go into my wife’s bedroom,” her father did not let him enter. And her father said:

I thought you hated it, and I gave it to your friend; behold, the younger sister is more beautiful than her; let her be yours instead of hers.

But Samson said to them:

Now I will be right before the Philistines if I do them harm.

And Samson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took torches, and tied tail to tail, and tied a torch between two tails; and he kindled torches, and sent them on the harvest of the Philistines, and burned up both heaps and unreaved bread, and vineyards and olive trees.

And the Philistines said:

Who did it?

And they said:

Samson son-in-law of Timnah, for this one took his wife and gave it to his friend.

And the Philistines went and burned her and her father's house with fire.

Samson told them:

Although you did this, I will take revenge on you myself and only then will I calm down.

And he broke their legs and thighs, and went and sat down in the gorge of the rock of Etama. And the Philistines went and encamped in Judea, and stretched out to Lehi. And the people of Judah said:

Why did you go against us?

They said:

We came to bind Samson, to do to him as he did to us.

And three thousand men from Judea went to the gorge of the rock of Etam and said to Samson:

Don't you know that the Philistines rule over us? What did you do to us?

He told them:

As they did to me, so I did to them.

And they said to him:

We have come to bind you, to give you into the hands of the Philistines.

And Samson said to them:

Swear to me that you will not kill me.

And they said to him:

No, we will only bind you and hand you over to their hands, but we will not kill you.

And they tied him with two new ropes and led him out of the ravine.

When he approached Leha, the Philistines greeted him with a cry. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and the cords that were in his hands became like burnt flax, and his bands fell from his hands. He found a fresh jawbone of an ass, and stretching out his hand, he took it and killed a thousand people with it. And Samson said:

With the jaw of an ass, two crowds; with the jaw of an ass, I killed a thousand people.

Having said this, he dropped his jaw from his hand and named the place: Ramath-Lehi.

And he felt very thirsty and called to the Lord and said:

You have made this great salvation by the hand of Your servant; but now I will die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised.

And God opened a hole in Leh, and water flowed from it. He got drunk, and his spirit returned, and he revived; that is why the name of this place was called: “The source of the caller”, which is in Leh to this day. And he was the judge of Israel in the days of the Philistines for twenty years.