How to communicate with a girl on VK: secrets of virtual communication. What to talk about with a girl on VK? Some tips

The advent of the Internet, dating sites and social networks has seemingly opened up the whole world to us. But why are so many guys and girls still single? After all, in order to meet someone and get to know a person better, you no longer need to go anywhere. I went to Facebook or Vk, found a pretty girl from my city - meet, chat, date. But many young people simply don’t know how to do it correctly. And ladies, naturally, very rarely write first, even in such a feminist-minded society.

How to start dating a girl on VK?

“VKontakte” is the most popular network among young people in Russia and the CIS countries. Here you can learn a lot about the tastes, hobbies and views on life of an individual from information from his personal profile. Girls always use this opportunity and carefully study guys' pages. Therefore, in order to evoke a reciprocal desire to get acquainted and respond to a message, first make sure that your VK page attracts attention.

Remember, girls are repulsed:

  • “I came to your page and I had one question for you...”;
  • “Hi, I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how”;
  • “They told me something about you, but I went to your page and realized that it was not true.”

This introduction will intrigue any girl. She will want to find out what you are hiding. The conversation should be playful and lead to an obligatory meeting. For example, let's take the last phrase and build an example dialogue.

You: “They told me something about you, but I went to your page and realized that it was not true.”

You: “Hello by the way”

She: “Who are you? And what did they tell you?”

You: “What difference does it make? I see they are wrong"

She: “Is this one of my friends? What are you talking about?"

You: “Okay, let’s meet today, I’ll tell you something. You'll be interested to hear this."

Believe me, an intrigued girl will run to meet you as fast as she can. After all, she will be sure that behind her back someone is spreading false gossip about her. Even if she has no desire to meet anyone or go on dates, the eternal female curiosity will still lead her to you.

What then? Everything depends on you. Turn on all your charm when meeting in person. Give her a surprise - a bouquet of flowers or a small present. Make an appointment at some nice cafe. And to the question: “Who said what about me?” answer: “They told me you were beautiful, but they were wrong. You are incredibly beautiful." Now you can reveal your cards.

Social networks are the best place to meet people. It’s very easy to flirt here, since you don’t get lost under the gaze of your interlocutor and can calmly think about your answer. Try to behave naturally and joke a lot in personal correspondence. All you need is for there to be a constant spark between you.

What to talk about with a girl on social networks?

No one is interested in texting for hours about the weather or social and political events. But the girl they love is ready to talk about herself for hours. Your task is to find out everything about her:

  • her interests, hobbies, hobbies;
  • whether she has male friends;
  • how many friends does she have?
  • how often does she use VK?
  • what was the last movie she watched, etc.

But don't ask all these questions in order, as if you were conducting a survey. Find out everything smoothly during the conversation. Girls are more emotional, so she will definitely appreciate it if at the beginning of the correspondence you ask: “How are you feeling?” and “How was your day?”

There are topics that are definitely not worth discussing. You also need to watch what you write and avoid the most common mistakes. What is the best way to communicate with a girl online? Remember:

Trying to seem like a popular guy, “don’t go too far.” Often guys try to seem like alpha males who are already used to dealing with many girls. This is even taught in pickup truck courses. Now, don't do this! If you are not one, then your acting is noticeable even to an inexperienced schoolgirl. At best, she will think that you are crazy. So just act natural. A girl will appreciate sincerity more than feigned importance.

Subtleties of SMS correspondence

Communication via SMS is almost the same as correspondence on social networks, the only difference being that Facebook or Vkontakte make it possible to find out more about a person through his profile. But you can also exchange photos, music, pictures in messages. Don't neglect these useful features!

How to communicate with a girl via SMS? You don't need any special knowledge. Avoid rudeness, profanity and taboo topics. The following recommendations will also be useful to you:

  1. Use emojis.
  2. Ask the girl to send you a selfie.
  3. Did you see anything unusual? Take a photo and send it to her in a message.
  4. Be sure to give compliments.
  5. Don't overdo it, you shouldn't be intrusive.
  6. Be original, do not use template questions, phrases, jokes from social networks, etc.
  7. Be sincere.
  8. Show you care. The girl will appreciate the SMS: “It’s cold today, wear a warm jacket,” “I hope your boss lets you leave work early.”

Your task during correspondence is to prepare the ground for a future meeting. The following correspondence is a good visual example.

He: “What did you do over the weekend, Yulechka?”

She: “Cooked, cleaned... In general, nothing special”

He: “What did you cook?”

She: “Pasta with seafood”

He: “Wow, you know how to cook this!”

He: “Will you treat me sometime? I haven’t eaten anything decent for a long time.”

She: “Definitely”

He: “In the meantime, let me treat you to something tasty. What would you like?

She: “Well, I don’t know... Maybe something sweet”

He: “What time should I pick you up?”

In this correspondence, the guy carefully “asked for” a meeting with the girl and prepared the ground for a future date. After all, she promised to treat him with homemade pasta, next time you can play it up and ask to come to her house or buy groceries and invite the girl to give a master class on cooking Italian cuisine.

In any case, do not delay your correspondence. Reciprocal interest will soon fade away if the relationship is not brought to a real level. Be bolder, because this is what flirting on social networks is for, to warm up feelings for each other in real life.

Rules for communicating with a girl on dating sites

Another place for virtual communication on the Internet is dating sites. Girls without complexes and prejudices often register on such sites. Therefore, if you are interested in non-binding meetings, this is the place for you. There are fewer taboo topics and prohibitions here, but still, it is better to wait until the girl herself takes the conversation to a more informal level.

How to communicate with a girl on the Internet on a dating site? First, to avoid disappointment, immediately write down the real purpose of creating a profile on the site. Are you interested in long-term relationships and mutual feelings? Write like that. Then seekers of adultery and light affairs will pass you by. But you shouldn’t write about serious intentions in your profile if you only want minor flirting or intimacy. Be extremely honest, and then communication with beautiful ladies will meet your expectations.

In any situation, the most important thing in communicating with a girl is a positive attitude. If you are depressed, upset, or simply feel out of place, the girl will feel it even from the message. If the reason that it’s difficult for you is internal tension and complexes, first get rid of them. To do this, understand yourself, learn relaxing breathing techniques, and consult a psychologist.

Inga, Moscow

There has been a moment in the life of every guy and man when there was an awkward pause in a relationship with a girl. Accordingly, very often the question arose related to what to talk about with a girl, when you run out of things to talk about. This is especially true for a couple who are just starting their relationship. The young man will feel awkward, worrying that his beloved will perceive him as stupid and uncommunicative.

If you notice that your recently cheerful and interesting conversations (on VK, on ​​the phone or on a walk) are no longer the same, check out our material. From it you will learn several important points that will help you cope with such inconvenient and problematic circumstances.

1. For example, you both like to watch movies. Or even you don't love, but your beloved adores it- this is the answer to the question of what you can talk about with a girl. A moment may arise here when a girl on a walk says to you something like: “I watched the new Avengers trailer, how I liked it! I’ve already watched it 10 times, and I can’t get enough of it!”

Instead of simply saying that the movie should turn out beautiful, you can develop this topic with the following phrase: “Yes, indeed, there are no bad films from the Marvel company. This one would be cool to see in 3D."

After this, the girl may object that, for example, she did not like some part of the solo film about a superhero. This can be very successfully develop a topic of conversation, sharing with each other interesting facts and details about what exactly you liked or didn’t like about the film.

2. Another proven way to conduct a successful and long-lasting dialogue is the moment when you ask in a conversation - how was her day. Allowed for each event ask clarifying questions- this will allow you not only to show your attention to the person you care about, but also to occupy yourself with conversation for a long time. An example of a dialogue with a similar direction:

  • Hello! How was your day?
  • Oh, you know, at the university, again, with my friend, all the couples were chatting, discussing the most different things. Then we had a boring couple, and after that we went to the canteen. And there, just imagine, I met my classmate, whom I hadn’t seen for 3 years!

In such a case You can ask questions about the following:

  • How is her relationship with her friend from the group?
  • What subjects were there classes in?
  • How she spent time with her former classmate and so on.

The main thing here is listen carefully to the girl and make it interesting for her to tell you everything that happens to her.

If a person understands that you are interested, then she will open up to the relationship and everything will work out for you.

How to communicate with a girl?

There is a simple answer to the question of how to communicate with a girl - look for common themes, examples of which we will give below. If your beloved shares your hobbies with you, then the conversations will go well on their own, and you won’t even have to specifically look for a subject for further conversation.

So, among the general topics that you can talk about with a girl, we can highlight:

  • Music and cinema;
  • Pets;
  • Traveling around the world;
  • Personal interests and hobbies in free time;
  • Memories from childhood (happy);
  • Favorite celebrities.

As a rule, when a guy makes an acquaintance and is the first to take the initiative to start a relationship, It’s best to choose neutral themes to talk with a girl without touching on too personal matters, like family matters or childhood. For example, ask her about what she likes to eat, where she would like to visit (countries of the world, various attractions), and so on.

What to talk about with a girl when you run out of topics to talk about?

When you realize that you don’t know what to talk about with a girl, when you’ve run out of topics to talk about, It is best to follow the general principles and rules. Here are some of them:

  • Talk about topics in which you specialize;
  • Talk about what people listen to you about;
  • Converse unobtrusively, without moving the conversation in one specific direction;
  • Don't brag or make your interlocutor feel embarrassed with your words.

Usually, most girls don't understand: in computers, cars, repairs, construction and other purely masculine topics. Accordingly, it is best not to touch on them (at least until you find out that she is interested in them).

How to start a conversation and what to talk about with a girl on VK?

Social networks are a particularly popular place these days. They also start relationships, and guys, as always, may face the problem of how to start a conversation and what to talk about with a girl on VK, Twitter and other services.

Generally, there are no special differences here from what topics it is recommended to start a conversation on in real life. After all, on the other side of the monitor sits the same person, with interests and hobbies. So don’t worry too much and start talking about movies, music, hobbies, reading educational and entertaining literature (digital, including), favorite places, study or work, animals, travel.

If she doesn’t want to talk, then you’ve probably touched on a topic that’s too sensitive for your interlocutor. On the Internet, you can also get into a person’s “sore spot,” so to speak, if, for example, you are talking about relationships, and the girl recently broke up with her former boyfriend or that she fell in love, but did not find reciprocity. Then you need to quickly change the topic in a different direction, joke and somehow interest her.

What to talk about with a guy when you run out of topics to talk about?

In our modern world, there is such a tendency that not only the stronger half is looking for a relationship. Often the lady herself is forced to make the first step in building a future together, if she really likes the guy or man. And, accordingly, we can say for sure that girls also think about the question of what to talk about with a guy when they have run out of topics to talk about.

In fact, examples of correspondence on VKontakte or conversations while you are walking are not particularly different in this case, since guys are the same people as the fair half. It is also important for them when a person is interested in his favorite hobby, actor, work. You can also ask around here what are his plans for the future– guys love to dream and daydream about how they will build themselves a house, buy a car or go on a trip around the world.

Probably every guy has encountered a situation where he didn’t know how to start a conversation with a girl he liked online. "Where to start? What to ask?" - these are the main questions that torment many representatives of the stronger half of humanity when dating girls. First of all, you should pay attention to her interests, analyze the page, study statuses and posts on the wall. This will help you get a rough idea of ​​the person and give you a lot of ideas about what questions to ask.

Many guys make a lot of mistakes when communicating, and the principle of dialogue is simple, just be attentive, you can use compliments, but without being too sophisticated, find as many common topics as possible. Of course, during the first communication it is important to make an impression, and not a visual one, as was customary before. If a girl is educated and smart, she will not be impressed by the huge number of mistakes in the dialogue, writing herself in capital letters or her name in small letters, using large font, a huge number of emoticons, this is perceived by many as stupidity and frivolity.

What to talk about with a VK girl if you have thoroughly studied her page and all her experiences. This is a huge advantage, because you can ask something about her life, where this photo was taken, adding that she turned out very well, ask about music and other simple nuances.

What can you talk about with a girl on VKontakte?

It is also important to consider topics on which it is better not to start a conversation, especially during the first communication. For example, your mention of your ex-girlfriend will not evoke any positive emotions; this immediately speaks about the qualities of the person himself. It’s also not worth littering with compliments, as doubts immediately arise about the sincerity of the words. You need to have a conversation on topics that are interesting to both interlocutors, so a girl who is not interested in sports or cars will not be very comfortable talking about a topic about which she understands absolutely nothing, and the impression of such a man is created as if he is a bore and not an erudite interlocutor . When thinking about what to talk about with a girl on VK, immediately exclude the topic of sex from the list. This is a real taboo, especially during the first communication, asking questions, having such frank conversations on this topic, introducing the interlocutor to your partner, will completely discourage her from corresponding with you in the future. From here it immediately becomes clear for what purpose he writes to her and that apart from satisfying his needs, he is not interested in anything else.

It is best to show interest in the immediate personality of the interlocutor. This is the key to what you can talk about with a girl on the Internet. Communication should be as delicate and tactful as possible, without questions about personal life. You can talk about distant topics, such as music or cinema, thereby inviting her to the just-released premiere. A girl will rightfully appreciate it if you start a conversation about the sights of the city and invite her to take a walk around these places, especially if she has never been there before. You can ask about school, work, habits, for example, morning running can be continued by drinking coffee together. Having found a topic to talk about with a girl on the Internet, you can quickly transfer the dialogue to a personal meeting and thereby begin a relationship. Choose light, interesting topics that evoke positive emotions, for example, children, pets, various funny incidents, you can write a joke to the girl.

What to talk about with your girlfriend on VKontakte?

Any representative of the fair half of humanity will rightfully appreciate it if she is asked for advice on something she is good at. You can ask about her plans, dreams, thoughts. These are the answers to the question of what you can talk about with a VK girl for the first time or with one you have known for several days, and maybe even a year.

In the modern world of digital technology, even familiar communication and dating have been transferred to the Internet. Of course, good old acquaintances on the street, or in cafes and restaurants, on the bus and subway, in a shopping center or the old fashioned way - through friends, still have a place, even in modern society. But more and more guys and men are asking questions. How to meet people on the Internet or on a social network. What to talk about with a girl on VK, What to talk about with a girl on VKontakte, VK, VKontakte, social networks. No matter how they formulate this question. How to communicate with a girl on VK?

It is to all these questions that we will answer in this article. We will give advice to guys on where exactly to start meeting a girl on VK. What work needs to be done before writing the first message. How to communicate with a girl on VK, where it is better not to start a conversation (first message), and why. And on the contrary, what should be the ideal first message for each type of woman in VK. How to properly analyze a girl’s page on VK before starting communication. How it can help you is that you carefully and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the page in advance. What tricks and hooks no one has taken for a long time now. How not to seem banal and predictable? How to be an interesting person and interlocutor on a social network. Tips for guys on all these questions are below in this article.

What to talk about with a girl on VK, VKontakte, VK, VKontakte.

What are the advantages of the VKontakte site compared to other social networks or dating sites? But I really believe that VK is the best way to meet and communicate with girls. Since I analyzed many dating sites and social networks. And I can say with accuracy what the advantages of the VKontakte site are over other dating sites. The most important plus is the number of registered users. When I tried to find girls in my city - on any other site, I received in the search results - from 2-10, to a maximum of 30-50, 100 pages with women from my city. In VK – from 1000 to 5000! Because not every girl is registered on a dating site. But almost everyone is in contact! Which means where are the best chances to meet and chat with a girl from your city?

Plus, such a detailed profile (page), with the help of which you can perfectly get to know a person, even before actually communicating with him, is not found in any other place! The first and one of the main tips follows from this. What can you talk about with a girl on VK. To begin with, if you have difficulties communicating in contact, read in detail the page of the girl you are interested in. By analyzing the page, you can learn a lot of things that will help you communicate in the future with a specific person. For example?

How to communicate with a girl on VK.

1. Photos. What can you learn from photographs alone? On your avatar, or in albums. Modest and worthy girls, they post photos from holidays (family ones), with their pets, and most importantly - a girl in the autumn forest, in nature, at the sea, everywhere in clothes. It’s a completely different matter, girls of easy virtue, etc. These are the obligatory photos from clubs, parties, endless drinking and partying. At sea or on the beach - almost what the mother gave birth in! And of course, where would we be without the famous duck or bow lips!

Total show off, like I’m a very cool girl, all so fashionable and glamorous. There are some characters - nude photos. What can you talk about with such girls, and how to communicate with such girls? Really a question! In general, I want to say that worthy women can be seen from afar, as well as unworthy ones. And all just thanks to photographs alone.

2. Relationship status. When a girl is really in love (the place is not vacant in short), then she immediately makes it clear to all the other guys and men that she is already taken by another man. She is in love or in love, which means she has no desire to consider other options. These people have the following statuses: in love, married, dating, or at least have a friend. Single people, on the contrary, and especially those who are very eager to meet guys - actively searching, unmarried. How and what you can talk about with a girl on VK who is single, she herself will give you hints. The best thing about such characters is that they make contact well. Unlike the unfree ones.

Unfortunately, there is also a third type of women and relationship status. Those who already have a boyfriend, but they consider themselves open to new acquaintances with guys and men. What if there is someone better?! Why miss such a chance, they think. So their status may be single, or the relationship status is simply hidden. Of course, not everyone with such a status is such a person. But... There are definitely such people. With a living boyfriend or even almost a husband, she is behind his back, looking for someone better. And at the same time, she does not immediately tell a new acquaintance that she has a young man.

What to talk about with a girl in contact, on VK?

3. Interests and so on. What can you talk about with a girl on VK, how to communicate with a girl on VK? You can find out just from there. In your interests, you can find out what kind of films, TV series, music, books a girl likes. What are her interests and hobbies? Cross-stitch or skydive, dance or wrestle. How and where she likes to relax and spend her leisure time. Cinemas and theaters, shopping and entertainment centers, museums and exhibitions, or active recreation, karting or skating rinks, bowling or paintball. She herself gives you topics to talk and discuss with her. What can you talk about with her on VK. How to communicate with her. All this is already in her interests, hobbies and hobbies, and favorite pastimes.

All you have to do is analyze her page, interests, places of work and recreation - in search of something in common. For example, you studied together, or worked together, or like to relax and walk in the same places. Or you have common hobbies and interests. That's all you need to start communicating. If you have something in common or are similar, then you will definitely find something to talk about together. Maybe you like the same films and TV series, or books, or maybe you like the same music, you can somehow go to a concert of your favorite band together. Or you both love ice skating, skydiving, or diving. There are so many interesting things you can talk about with a girl on VK.

If you studied or worked in the same place, discuss teachers or bosses, employees, whatever. The main thing is to have something to start communicating with. And there you can already chat about anything. With almost every person, you can find at least one common interest that can be discussed. If interests are not indicated, then you can just ask about them.

What to talk about with a girl on VK. How to communicate?

The main thing is not to be banal and like everyone else, not to be predictable. This is when you start communicating, the first message is - Hello, how are you? Let's get acquainted! What could be more banal than this? This pretty woman receives 1000 such messages a day! You must stand out, interest and intrigue. Encourage communication with you. Charisma and charm will help you here, if you have them, of course. As well as communication skills and relationships with women. Think before you write something, especially if we're talking about about the first message. First impressions only happen once.

Also, you should remember and understand. What to talk about with a girl in contact. What, a text message does not convey the accompanying emotions, impressions, gestures, facial expressions, and mood, and most importantly, tone! So, unfortunately, this lack of communication via the Internet and social networks can really ruin your nerves. And emoticons don’t even always help. Where it would be clear to everyone (over the phone, or during live communication with a person) that you are joking or not speaking seriously - in contact - it can sound (sign up) in a very harsh tone and intonation. So, if you have black humor, or unsurpassed charm in real life, where everyone understands you and is already accustomed to your style of communication. It’s not a fact that on the Internet it won’t be a complete mess.

How many times have I personally explained to girls exactly in what tone or intonation I said this or that. So it’s worth taking this factor into account when you want to make a joke or something like that. Also, it is worth remembering that not everyone likes long messages, just as not everyone likes short ones. Also, not everyone likes to communicate in contact with the same person every day, just like there are people who, on the contrary, are almost offended if they are forgotten about even for a day.

What can you talk about, what to talk about with a girl on VK.

Apart from the weather and how are you? Well, for example, about common interests and hobbies. Who likes and doesn't like what. What do you have in common, or argue about what you disagree with each other about. How was your or her day? Just talk about it sincerely, and not just for show. Tell interesting or funny incidents today, or in general. Try to arrange a meeting on the weekend. Discuss interesting places to go. You don't have to go on a date right away. It’s easy to meet and chat live. Look at each other, talk, feel the emotional connection and closeness between a guy and a girl, or not feel it. How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte? Be yourself, don’t try to hide behind a mask of show-off or anything else. Over time, everything will be declassified for you. What to talk about, about everything, the main thing is to think about what you say.

The VKontakte social network offers its users many opportunities: communication, watching movies, listening to audio files, video calls, etc. Also on the site you can easily find friends, like-minded people and even meet the opposite sex. And yet communication is perhaps the most important function of a social network. What to talk about with a girl on VK? This question interests many young people who want to meet or establish contact with the fair sex. So, first things first.

How to meet a VK girl?

First, let's define it: are we talking about a specific girl you saw, maybe even know, but don't know personally, or about looking for a girl?

Situation 1

If you already know what kind of girl you want to meet, then the first thing you will need to do is find her on the site. If she is not in your friends' contact list, then you will have to use the search. To do this, in the vertical menu of the social network “VKontakte”, select the “People” item. In the window that opens, we need to set the search parameters (indicate first and last name, age, city of residence, place of study, and so on). As soon as the desired page is found, start dating. What to talk about with a girl on VK? You can start a conversation with a banal greeting (“Hello”, “Good evening”, etc.). If a girl does not respond for a long time, then there is no need to duplicate the message. Try sending her a gift, commenting on her photos, liking her to get her attention.

Situation 2

If you just intend to find a girl, then the People service will help you. In the search parameters, you can set parameters that interest you (age, place of residence, interests, life position, and so on) and start viewing the “candidates” for your heart. You can also look for girls through your friends.

What to talk about with a girl on VK?

After exchanging greetings with a girl, you can:

  • indicate why you decided to write to her (admit that you like her and you have a desire to communicate with her);
  • continue casual communication, which can later develop into something more (make sure that the girl is single and really interested in your further communication).

What to talk about on VK?

You can communicate with the object of your adoration on absolutely any topic, excluding personal ones (for example, the question of why the girl is lonely and what happened to her previous relationship is not entirely appropriate, unless, of course, the conversation has already gone in this direction). Ask about her hobbies (movies, music, books) and tell her about what interests you. If you notice that you have common hobbies, be sure to note this. Take an interest in her activities (who she works for, who she studies for, and so on), and her future plans. Ask questions so that the girl can answer in detail. Dilute the conversation with humor, a funny quote or a funny picture - she will definitely like it, and she will notice that you are a guy with humor.

So, now you know what to talk about with a girl on VK. Go ahead, get acquainted and communicate - after all, this is what social networks were created for.

What can you talk about with a girl on the Internet? 8 topics for conversation and 6 rules

Communication on VKontakte between a guy and a young lady often develops into virtual friendship, telephone dialogue, and then it’s not far to a real date. However, to achieve this kind of progress, it is important to be able to ask the right questions.

If you don’t know what you can talk about with a girl, how to conduct a conversation on the Internet, what topics to choose for conversation, follow the following tips from experienced network users.


If you have no idea what to talk about with a girl, first remember what you know about this interlocutor.

Let’s say you already know each other (you have mutual friends, just a casual acquaintance, you’ve been corresponding for quite some time), in this case it will be much easier to conduct a dialogue on VK.

You just need to ask the right questions that relate to changes that have occurred since the previous communication.

If you just want to communicate with a woman online, carefully study her page - photos, list of communities, downloaded audio and video files. Such an “audit” will tell you the hobbies of a potential interlocutor and will help you choose really interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

If you notice something that unites you - acquaintances, studies, hobbies - offer to talk about this particular topic. As a starter, you can post a “piece” of your biography, telling some interesting incident from your life.

There is no need to immediately talk about personal topics, since adherence to principles, characteristic of young people, can reduce communication to nothing.

Don't know what to talk about with a girl? Be guided by the situation and once again carefully review all her photographs in contact. Probably, something in a girl’s appearance will give a clue and help maintain the conversation that has begun. For example, in the photo, a young lady is hugging a cat (find out his name), sitting on the bank of a river (ask if she knows how to swim when the photo was taken). Finding questions is not that difficult, the main thing is to be attentive to the details.

Topics for conversation with girls

Your task is to correspond on VK with the young lady in such a way that it is interesting for both of you. To do this, you need to find suitable topics for communicating with the girl. A representative of the fairer sex is unlikely to be pleased by a long conversation about cars or football news.

You need to be careful when choosing questions that you don’t particularly understand, so as not to appear stupid in girls’ eyes. It is also not permissible to argue while discussing such topics; this can make your interlocutor laugh.

What questions should we discuss? The simplest and most reasonable solution is to choose so-called eternal topics for dialogues. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

  1. Relationship. Ask what kind of men your interlocutor likes, what she expects from a relationship, and what behavior she will not tolerate from a guy. Naturally, one should not insist on discussing this topic if the girl is not ready for excessive frankness. Don't ask vulgar questions either.
  2. Cinematography and music. You can chat with a girl online about such current topics as new movies, music, television series or television shows. From the correspondence you can find out what the young lady’s favorite actor, film, or musician is. Then these questions should be smoothly translated into the possibility of going to the cinema together.
  3. Hobbies. Another “eternal” topic that will interest both a guy and a young lady is hobbies and sports. Ask what your interlocutor’s hobbies are, how she spends her free time, and whether she plays any sports.
  4. Reading. Nowadays it’s not so easy to find a girl in contact, or even in real life, who would be passionate about literature. If your interlocutor is an avid bibliomaniac, discuss what literary genres are close to her, and what books by writers she has read over the past week. You can show your erudition by including quotes and aphorisms from classical works into your conversation.
  5. Memorable or favorite places. You can also chat on VKontakte about the sights of the city in which you both live. Discuss the girl’s favorite city places, find out which cafes she prefers to sit at and have a cup of coffee. This information can then be used when asking you out on a date.
  6. Travel or vacation. You can also chat with your interlocutor on VK about planning a weekend getaway, traveling during the holidays or vacation. A guy and a girl can be united by a common love of travel, active recreation, or a vacation spent in the same place.
  7. Study or work. Questions about educational or work issues also belong to the “classic” topics of communication in VKontakte and other social networks. You can ask your interlocutor how her day was, so she can feel cared for by the guy.
  8. Animals. Representatives of the fairer sex usually love to talk about their pets and will be interested in a guy who also shares this interest. Find out if the girl is a cat lover or a dog lover; perhaps she keeps parrots at home. Most likely, you will see these very favorites in the photos on VK.

Naturally, you don’t need to correspond on all these topics at once; choose for dialogue only those questions that are interesting to your interlocutor and you. In this case, communication in contact will not seem like an interrogation to the girl, but will look like a casual conversation.

To keep the conversation going, insert stories about your hobbies and skills as you write, but in a way that doesn't seem like bragging.

For example, if your interlocutor is interested in cycling, offer to keep her company or teach her cycling tricks.

If the conversation turns to literature that has been read, offer to read some new book or a continuation of a series that the young lady is interested in. The guy’s task in such a situation is to show his imagination and offer his help.

Telephone communication

If you have had a good chat on VKontakte, it’s time to chat on your mobile phone. And then the guy faces the following questions: what to talk about with a girl on the phone, where to find the courage to call and how to carry on a conversation while hearing her voice.

Having taken the girl's phone number, be brave and make a call. At the very beginning of the conversation, make a smooth transition from communication in contact to the moment when you decide to call her. Continue the conversation from the point where you left off during the correspondence. For example, find out how she got home yesterday.

There are no special topics when communicating on the phone between a guy and a girl. You can chat on the above examples of topics, discuss something new that happened while you weren't talking. Perhaps the interlocutor herself will ask questions - serious and not so serious, and you can switch to a new problem of discussion.

Try to listen to the young lady carefully, inserting your emotional comments during the conversation. Be sure to tell her how much you enjoyed talking to her and how pleasant and sexy her voice is. Vulgar hints at this stage are not entirely appropriate.

Rules of communication

Let's say you now know the main topics for communicating with a girl on VK or by phone. However, in order for communication to proceed in a positive way and bring you and your interlocutor only positive emotions, adhere to the following rules of communication in contact:

  1. Do not deceive your interlocutor by inventing non-existent wealth or a successful career for yourself, or by displaying other people’s photographs. If you want to chat not only on VK, but also in real life, the deception will quickly be revealed, and the girl, most likely, will no longer want to correspond with you.
  2. Don’t pull the “blanket” of the conversation onto yourself by actively advertising yourself. A guy who starts talking or describing for hours how cool he is will be 100% likely to be considered by his interlocutor as a narcissist and a narrow-minded egoist.
  3. If you communicate with your interlocutor as a girl, and not as a friend or pen pal, do not discuss other representatives of the fairer sex with her. The only exception is if you want to compare your interlocutor with some actress (naturally, the young lady will at least be in no way inferior to the celebrity).
  4. Do not discuss her previous relationship with the young lady, unless she, on her own initiative, wants to discuss her former lover with you. In general, having a conversation with a girl you barely know on the topic of ended love affairs is considered bad form.
  5. Not all representatives of the fairer sex like vulgar jokes! This is a reinforced concrete rule that applies to every guy, which should be remembered once and for all. Perhaps, after some time, you will move to another level of relationship, and vulgar anecdotes and jokes will be perceived by the young lady with understanding and even pleasure.
  6. During the conversation, try to ask so-called open questions that will require detailed answers from the interlocutor. For example, instead of “worked today?” ask the girl “how was your work day today?” This way you can significantly prolong and diversify the conversation.

And a few more simple recommendations for a guy who doesn’t know how to communicate with pretty girls on VK. There is no need to behave intrusively and defiantly when speaking. Nice young ladies like interlocutors who arouse interest, and not the desire to quickly end the conversation. In addition, it is important to find topics that both of you will like, because both people should enjoy communication in contact and on the phone.

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How to communicate and what to talk about with a girl on VK

Today, more and more dating with girls is moving from real life to the Internet. More specifically, in VK. However, when it comes to communication, many guys have absolutely no idea how to properly communicate with a girl and what to talk to her about. Actually, I already wrote an article about how to meet people on VK. But direct acquaintance and further communication are different. When you meet someone, you simply use a few templates and quickly take a number. It is not always possible to meet in real life right away, or the girl does not want to leave her number yet. This is where internet communication skills come in handy.

Once upon a time, in the first years of the founding of the VKontakte website, meeting girls on this social network was much easier. People were just registering and were not yet completely comfortable with their relationship to these sites. Yes and

How to communicate with a girl on VK - basic rules

#1 Don't be intrusive. Nobody likes clingy behavior and you should be tactful towards the girl. If you don’t see enthusiasm from her answers, then it’s better to say that you’ll write to her later. The reasons may be different: she is in a bad mood, got a bad grade at university, the hamster died, etc. If you don’t feel these moments, you can seriously push the girl away.

#2 Be original and not boring. Forget such phrases as “how are you”, “what are you doing” and the like. I don't want to answer them. Try to find a common theme and develop it, adding your wonderful sense of humor and a dose of intelligence. This is much better than spending short or long correspondence about nothing.

#3 Don't bombard the girl with questions. If you ask an interesting question, try to develop a conversation or discussion out of it. If you throw questions one after another, it greatly stresses a person out.

#4 Don't always be online. If you are constantly hanging out on VK, then this means that you are an uninteresting person who has nothing to do except sit in front of the computer. And if a girl notices this, it will greatly blur the impression of you.

#5 Use your sense of humor. So that your friend begins to experience emotions when communicating with you, use a sense of humor. After all, without this component, the conversation will turn out to be serious and boring.

Article on the topic: How to meet a girl on VK

What to talk about with a girl on VK - the best topics for conversation

There are several topics of conversation that can always be interesting to talk about with a girl. For example:


You can find out what a girl is like, what she does, her hobbies and how she spends her free time. And also make a conclusion for yourself whether this person is interesting to you at all.

A traditional theme, especially among the British. In some situations it's nice to talk about the weather.


Perhaps the girl is involved in some kind of sport. Then this will be a good topic for conversation. Provided that you also like the sport.


Here you can learn about the girl’s views on life. How she sees her relationships with the opposite sex.


Many people have a dog, cat, hamster, etc. at home. A relaxed and fun topic.

It’s impossible without him :) Of course, you shouldn’t talk about sex from the very beginning of dating. But in the future, this is a very good topic for learning about a girl’s sexual preferences. Show that you are not embarrassed to talk about it. Also, such conversations have a positive effect on quick seduction.

Article on the topic: How to meet a girl on VK: part 2

An example of communicating with a girl on VK for the purpose of seduction (excerpt):

Tatyana: That's for sure. Therefore, you need to clearly express your thoughts and desires

Mark: I liked you, I want to make love to you

Tatyana: Even so right away

Tatyana: Very unexpected

Tatyana: Did you like me the day before yesterday?))

Mark: no, not at all

Tatyana: I liked you too

Mark: that's good

Mark: and I clearly expressed my desire)

Tatyana: Right now, yes.

Tatyana: Let's make love.

Mark: Saturday

Tatyana: In the evening

Tatyana: I never planned such activities

Tatyana: And you?

Mark: I think so too

Tatyana: There’s a first time for everything

Tatyana: But it will be fair. So?

Mark: Exactly. No misunderstandings

Tatyana: And everything is like adults

Tatyana: And just like in the movies)

Mark: exactly)

Tatyana: But there will still be embarrassment. Is not it?

Mark: slight embarrassment is appropriate)

Tatyana: But only light)))

Tatyana: Do you like to kiss?

Mark: yes, very much. And you?

Tatyana: And I am very

Mark: Cool

Tatyana: Yeah

Tatyana: We have already found one common interest

Mark: good interest))

Tatyana: Excellent)

Tatyana: I think we’ll find more)

Mark: I have no doubt)

Tatyana: Mutual confidence)

Tatyana: I just forgot how old you are

Tatiana: 26?

Tatyana: And when 25

Tatyana: Do you remember how old I am?

Mark: in July

Mark: 29 I think

Mark: right?

Tatyana: Not anymore

Tatyana: Somehow I’m much older than you(

Tatiana: 30

Mark: ok, 5 years difference

Tatyana: Okay) if so

Tatyana: It's time to sleep

Mark: Sweet dreams

Tatyana: Thank you. And you. Till tomorrow

A simple example of a conversation on VK:

Mark: Oh, hi)

Alena: Hello) why such a surprise?

Mark: somehow our previous conversation was interrupted)

How do you feel?

Alena: I’m in a great mood, the session is over! I'll go home soon

and how are you?

Mark: I’m doing great too, I recently returned from the lake, swam in the dark)

and where to go home?

Alyona: ********* **********

a bit far

Mark: when are you going?

Alena: 5th

Mark: I’m going to Poland tomorrow, I’ll be back in the evening, we could see each other)

Alena: I wouldn’t mind, otherwise it’s so boring in the dorm

Mark: do you live on Pushkinskaya?

Alena: Moscow

dorm near the technical university

Mark: ah, got it

write your number, I’ll call you when I arrive tomorrow

Alena: uhhh.. well, you’re fast))) if you go online, I’ll wait for you here

Where're you from? Tell me about yourself?

Mark: let’s better meet when we meet, it will be more interesting to talk)

Alena: well, tell me something, otherwise I don’t know you at all

Mark: is it scary to date?) I’m a decent young man, I do boxing and love to travel)

Alena: wow, this is already interesting

boxing, travel

How long have you been boxing?

Mark: 6 years

Alena: How long have you been traveling?

Mark: at the end of July I will go to Germany, and from there to Turkey)

Alena: cool)

wait for me tomorrow VK)

Alena: ok, what time approximately?

I just need to pack my things tomorrow

Mark: oh, I don’t know, it’s hard to say, that’s why I asked for the number, so that it would be easier to contact

Alena: well approximately

otherwise I’ll have to stay in contact all day

Mark: I think it should be by 7

Alena: ok

Now you know how to communicate correctly and what you can talk about with a girl on VK. Good luck!