Prisushka to solve love problems. What power does the pin hold? The difference between a prisushka and a love spell and a love spell

Drying on an apple is the most common and quite effective magical rite. With it, you can greatly dry your loved one or husband. The apple has always been considered a symbol of temptation, so it will not be difficult to tune in and form the right intention.

The prisushka differs from the love spell in a slightly different spectrum of influence. A person begins to “dry”, but not physically, but in soul. The most effective rites are the rites of the magic of similarity:

“As an apple dries, so will you dry”, “As a branch dries, so will you. . ."

How to dry a husband if his feelings for you have cooled? A magical dry spell on a husband who has stopped paying attention to his wife acts more gently than a love spell. Prison does not suppress the will and does not zombify. This is a soft effect on the senses, a reminder of past love and an attempt to revive it.

Prushka on an apple - a rite

For the ceremony, buy the most beautiful bulk apple on the growing moon.

It is better to buy an apple in the market so as not to give change. All items for magical rites bought with or without change. In the store, making a purchase without change will be problematic. If you buy a kilogram of apples or take an apple from the refrigerator, the rite will not work - magic has its own laws!

So, you bought a bulk apple on a growing moon without change. Prushka for a husband can be done on a men's day (Wednesday, Thursday, Monday), but it is best to choose Friday - the day of Venus.

What needs to be prepared for the ceremony

  • Beautiful pouring apple
  • Knife with wooden handle
  • Red wool thread
  • Two small pieces of paper with a pen
  • Hair of a loved one (you can take a few pieces from a comb)

Conducting the ceremony

  1. Take a shower and tune in to the rite of witchcraft
  2. Prepare the table with a clean tablecloth
  3. Turn off the phone, TV and remove pets from the room
  4. Let your hair down and untie the belt, unfasten the locks, remove the rings - this is necessary for the free flow of witchcraft energy.
  5. If you stand barefoot, even better!
  6. Take an apple and cut it in two
  7. Write on pieces of paper (completely clean, without cells and rulers) your name and his name
  8. Put leaves with names and hair (your own and his) between the halves of the apple

Love spell words

“As this apple will dry, so will my beloved (name) dry for me (name).”

Say these words an odd number of times or by intuition. Speak with passion and confidence. Be sure to add at the end: AMEN!
Now you need to wrap the apple with thread so that both halves are connected.

Important point!

If the time of the year is cold or rainy, then the apple tree will never dry out! Therefore, it is allowed to put it in the most dry place at home or dry in the oven. But only dry, not bake! If you are not sure that you can dry an apple in the oven, then it is better not to experiment.

Second moment.

This apple should not be discovered by the husband! Try to hide it so that no one sees it. This will be the talisman of your love. Keep it like the apple of your eye. And don't throw it in the trash! If you do everything right, then the apple will turn out, and the effect will be amazing. Your husband's attitude will begin to change before your eyes!

And the last.

You will not be able to achieve a result with any rituals if a rival has made a love spell on your husband. Before you make a dryer, make sure that there is no love spell on your husband, and there is no quarrel in your relationship. If someone has had a magical influence on your spouse, you need to remove these influences.

Surely every woman undergoes considerable stress when their beloved is taken away by another. At the same time, most of the girls begin to pour out grief to close friends, while others splash out emotions in art or theatrical activity. Some begin to conduct a chaotic, rampant, incomprehensible to common sense way of life. But if these relationships are so important to a woman, then she tries in every possible way to do so in order to return her beloved. Therefore, some desperate lovely creatures resort to love magic, wondering how to dry a man at home.

Prisushka as a magical rite of obsessive "inculcation" of love feelings at a distance at home.

The life of each person develops differently, so you should not condemn the one who is going to do such a magical ritual as a dryer. For example, the beloved moved to another city in order to continue to receive higher education, or he was invited to work, which is located outside the city. Not every woman will like it, because most of the fair sex is the owner, and the very idea that someone else will appear in her beloved is horrifying.

Some of us live with an innate pride gene from birth, so we are ready to forgive our loved one for everything except betrayal. Is there any point in ruining your whole life? married couple the fact that once having stumbled, perhaps even able alcohol intoxication, you can forever separate the two loving friend friend of people?

Attachment to a man is a magical set of actions that affects the will and subconscious of the subject, making him yearn for a certain person. You can dry a man in several ways, and, most often, this magical rite is performed at home at a distance from a loved one. The main thing is that the attachment to the beloved is carried out independently, without the involvement of outside help. Drying on a man at a distance should be carried out without the knowledge of relatives, relatives and friends, no one needs to know that you are going to make a conspiracy in relation to your lover, calling or fixing mutual feelings towards you. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

Drying types

Prisuha, as a magical act, focuses on a clear concept: with the help of this ritual, deep love feelings can be imposed on the subject, which were inherent in him from the very beginning. When carrying out these magical actions, you can use all kinds of objects, and even food. Both of them play the role of an energy transmitter from an object that conducts this conspiracy, yes the subject of magical actions. Drying on a man is quite easy, so each of you can perform this ceremony on your own at home, without resorting to the help of experienced sorcerers.

A strong dryness can be different both in the way of applying energy and in the power value of the rite, and, therefore, is able to pursue different goals and satisfy the various needs of the person who conducts the magical ritual. Before being interested in how a prisushka can act on a man and how it can be done, you need to know exactly what types of love spells exist. The most common types of sweetheart prisushki include:

  • dry on the photo;
  • conspiracy for food and drink;
  • drying with a rope;
  • a ritual in which a personal thing of a lover is required.

However, most experienced sorcerers argue that it is possible to dry a man who is at a distance from you without using the personal belongings of the subject of the ritual himself.

The most suitable time for drying

It turns out that in order to independently conduct a conspiracy to impose love feelings at home, you need to choose a time when magic becomes the strongest. So, dryness will be as effective as possible if you choose one of these days:

  • summer, sunny, hot day;
  • frosty day of winter, but at the same time it should be clear and sunny;
  • men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday);
  • the day before the full moon.

Prisushka according to the photo

If your significant other studies or works in another city, and you spend your time without him, then considering joint photo- this is probably the only way indulge your senses. Such an exciting activity allows you to remember all the wonderful moments that were while spending time together. This and joyful meetings, trips to the cinema, joint trips to nature - all these emotions are stored in the pictures. It is for this reason that the attachment to a man, which was made from his photograph, has powerful magical connections, which means that with the help of a photo, almost the strongest is obtained. love affection, which, by the way, is very easily done at a distance from the subject of magical actions.

Photo Conspiracy

In order to dry a man with the help of his photograph, you need to take the picture itself and perform the following action: drive index finger right hand along the contour of the beloved's face in a clockwise direction. When conducting this ritual, it is necessary to invest in it all the tenderness and love that you have in your soul. In this case, you must pronounce the following words:

“I wipe you, I wipe you from troubles, from adversity, from enemies and from strangers female eyes. I will save you, hide you from illnesses, from misfortunes and from other people's sweet words. Will you talk about me, will you listen to me, will you see me. And I will be your faithful wife.

This ritual is performed every morning and evening on an empty stomach for 21 days.

Very strong conspiracy with which you can return a man

For a guy to call - A STRONG PLOT

HOW TO BEWELL A GUY. My experience

Such a dryness affects any man, unless, of course, a stronger one is imposed on him. Magic force, which can be a sexual prisushka, love spell, etc.

Drying from a photo at night

We take a photo of our beloved to our bed, put it under the pillow and every evening, before falling asleep, wish him a good night, saying this spell:

"With lips to your ear I whisper to you Good night. Just as I cannot do without you, so you cannot do without me.”

Such a ritual is performed daily, at night. Even if your significant other sleeps with you, it is not recommended to remove the photo. Hide it under the mattress on the side you sleep on. So that the calls of otherworldly forces do not arouse the suspicion of a loved one, say a conspiracy to yourself. The picture can be removed when you no longer need a dried-up man (they fell out of love, because it still happens) or after marriage.

With such a prisushka, you can even tie yourself to yourself married man, but the crowned one will not work, the most powerful Divine power in the Universe is already present here.

Drying on food and drink

The time of day and the words of the conspiracy are very important for the ritual.

The strong and powerful energy of this rite is close in strength to a love spell, but does not have a black component. You can do it without fear for your health or the health of your loved one. What is important - you can only do it on the person you truly love.

The so-called sweet attachment to your loved one. Helps to get his attention sexual desire to you for a few days. It works quite well and is suitable for almost all men.

Rope drying is completely safe and does not promise you any kickbacks. You can do it an unlimited number of times, for as many men as you like. The action is quite long, although not as strong as that of a love spell.

This dryer differs from the rest in that it has a strongly pronounced directional rollback. Joint children always suffer. If in other rituals a rollback can hook one of the spouses or relatives, then in this case- only joint children

This time I'll tell you about easy way bonding to a beloved man. Everything is very simple and accessible, if you do exactly as I wrote, he has practically no chances - you will ring him 100%

Girls, my favorite girls, who decided to become little witches and solve all their problems with the help of magic. Let me tell you, it's not that easy! Magic, like everything else in this world, has two sides. One side is pleasant, you can quickly and easily achieve what you want. Other side

The apple is very often used in rites and rituals involving love magic. Today I will talk about prisushka on an apple. The rite has a swift effect, which occurs literally in a matter of days, and a powerful return flow, which returns just as rapidly. Therefore, I advise you to do this

Anything can happen in life, sometimes a man fools around, clings to another skirt and starts dragging after her, forgetting about family values... What to do with him? Dry! Do it once, but in the future such a problem as cheating in your family

One of my favorite rituals. Exceptionally kind, completely safe and infinitely romantic. It is so soft that there are never any kickbacks after it. It can be done on any man, whether he is your husband or someone else's - it doesn't matter at all. True she has one

Only the wife can do this dry spell and only for her lawful husband. Civil marriage is not considered legal, so if your passport is not stamped, this ritual is not for you. Look in the Prisushki section, I think there are rituals there

To be honest, I thought for a long time what exactly this ritual can be considered, dry or binding? But in the end, despite its name, I still decided to call it dry, since there is practically nothing in it from the binding, well, except, of course, the rope that will be required when carrying out

Drying is rightfully considered the strongest ritual action, which provides the strongest attachment of the dried man. Such affection, by and large, is almost impossible to distinguish from love - the same passion, the same desire, almost to the point of obsession

Perhaps the most serious psychological trauma for loving woman is to find out that her missus has begun to be interested in another woman and is going to leave her forever, forgetting about own family. Some women direct negative energy into creativity.

Someone embarks on a wild lifestyle, and begins to look for a new husband or win someone else's man. However, the most desperate wives resort to love magic. That is why a strong attachment to her husband is of interest to all women who want their husband to return home under the influence of magical rite.

Does drying always help?

Prisukha is a system of actions aimed at influencing the subconscious of a man and “forcing” him to love a certain subject. Among the options for magical influence on the human subconscious, the attachment of a husband to his wife is weak option attracting the attention of a loved one.

And this is true, dryness does not “work” if:

  1. The subject of the magical ritual turns out to be strong-willed, self-aware, cold-blooded, unaccustomed to paying attention to the opinions of other people.
  2. Strong willpower at the object of drying.
  3. The beloved, to whom the dryness is directed, is already experiencing a very deep feeling in another woman.
  4. The man found out that the dryness was directed at him and with all his strong-willed forces he was trying to resist the magic ritual.

A strong crush on a guy, a way to attract love.

Very strong conspiracies to return a husband, a beloved guy

A very strong conspiracy with which you can return a man

Attachment for a loved one

That is why prisushka on her husband will not help in the above situations. Here it is necessary to resort to more strong magic. And only experienced sorcerers who are engaged magical practice, have the power to interfere in the subconscious of a person and can make him fall in love with the desired subject without any side effects. For a simple person, it is not possible to achieve the desired result at home, using all kinds of needles, dolls, etc.. And if you have no idea how and what to do in order to return your loved one, you should not try to carry out all kinds of rituals on your own, with the exception of drying. IN best case nothing will happen, while in the worst case, the person on whom the dry spell is made or the one who does it will pay with health, happiness and other earthly blessings.

As for other cases that are not in the listed list, the dryness can become quite effective tool to achieve deep feelings from a man.

Pryushka will help bring your loved one home

As soon as you notice that your husband has started to go "to the left", then here's what not to do is to arrange quarrels. It is possible to return a spouse to a family nest, because the strength of a woman is in her love. Individuals of the opposite sex often fall for the tricks of other women who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex with all sorts of actions.

In order for family life to become carefree, it was built on mutual understanding and strong love, it is necessary that the drying is done independently, without the involvement of third-party help, because often annoying girlfriends just want to stick their nose in the wrong place. Prisuha will help once and for all to discourage the desire of the spouse to look towards other women with lustful intentions.

Attachment to a husband is very easy to do, and the duration of its action is infinite, unless, of course, stronger magic is involved.

The departure of a man from the family

What can be done if a spouse, lover leaves the family? As a rule, women do not respond to the premises of this unpleasant situation, among which:

  • regular delays at work;
  • loved one refuses to eat at home;
  • someone calls him or writes messages on his mobile phone;
  • the occurrence of unforeseen business trips, meetings and business meetings on weekends.

With the advent of a new criterion, it becomes clear that the husband was carried away by another woman. How to proceed? What to do? How to prevent the departure of a husband from the family?

It is not easy to return a spouse in this case, since he has already decided to change his life. At first, the husband gives in to doubts: a lover who seems to him a young, inspired and deeply emotional woman, or a spouse who has been for long years goes with him through life, supporting him in all endeavors? However, in this case, the feelings have already cooled down and sometimes it seems that love has passed and nothing can be done about it.

For a man who is in a legal relationship with a woman, making a choice is extremely difficult. Often, at the age of 40, a new youth comprehends a man, which pushes him into a new, independent life, where there is no annoying wife, no boring work, no responsibilities.

The choice is easy for those husbands whose wife absolutely does not care about him. A strong-willed, wise spouse tries to change the situation, the circumstances of the family's life, as soon as she sees that her lover is tired of the routine. Yes, it is not so easy to do this, however, as they say, an attempt is not torture. Why not take an extraordinary vacation, visit a rock festival, change your wardrobe. It's better to do it yourself than to let another woman do it instead of you.

Otherwise, it happens when a person succumbs to the action of a love spell or binding at a distance. Conspiracies of this kind can destroy any family, even if before that it was the strongest and happiest. In this case, the will of a man is suppressed once and for all. Doing a love spell at home is not so difficult, so a lovebird can easily achieve the location of a man she likes.

In addition to conspiracies, there are also sexual attachments that are not capable of evoking deep feelings. Attachment of this kind is characterized by a strong, passionate attraction. And even if for a husband his wife was before that the most beautiful and most desirable, then after sexual attachment, a man, as a rule, does not want to have sexual contact with his wife, since she ceases to attract him.

From all this there is one proven remedy. A strong prisushka will help return the spouse to the family, literally making him forget about all the surrounding women. If he was subjected to a love spell, then the drought, unfortunately, is powerless here.

However, experienced sorcerers do not advise resorting to love magic if the spouse stayed at work only a few times, having good reasons for that. Drying is not a joke, so it is necessary to approach this issue with all seriousness.

The most effective methods for returning a loved one to the family

A good prisushka is not able to negatively affect her husband. The magic of love will only remind him of the very feelings that you had some time ago, when the relationship was filled with love, awe and tenderness.

Rope tie

We all know that the rope has solid foundation, which means that the attachment will be strong and durable.

We take a rope with a thickness of at least 7 mm, knit 3 strong knots on it and moisten it with plenty of water. Then we say a dozen times: “No matter how the rope winds, the final knot will be. No matter how you Mitenka (name of the beloved) did not run away from me. My slander will destroy you. Love, soul of the servant of God Matthew (name of the beloved), the Soul of the servant of God Katerina (name of the woman).

Now you need to wrap it in matter and hide it where no one will find it.

Anchor at sunrise

We take a church candle, light it, and when the first sun rays we say once: “I will get up in the morning, blessing, go out into the courtyard, crossing myself, From the door to the window, from the gate to blue sea. There are twelve brothers standing, looking at me. I will go closer to them, I will bow to them below. Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, In the blue sea - an island, on it stands an oak tree, Under the oak tree - a heavy slab, sweeping melancholy. Raise the stove, take away the melancholy, Bring it from the sea-ocean, Lay it on the zealous heart of the slave (the name of the beloved). Let the sadness-grief, sadness-orphan, So that he yearns, grieve, grieve For me, the slave (name) night and day. So that he could not spend a day without me, not a minute to while away. With you, mother-dawn of the morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana. Let any girl seem scary to him, like a bat, like a vicious snake, like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer. And I am for him, a slave (name of a woman), a firebird, a sweet girl "

Removing the dryer

Often the husband has strong affection to his wife without magical intervention. But what to do if a little time has passed after drying, and the wife's feelings have cooled? Prisushka is a very serious magical rite that you need to answer for. Of course, anything can happen, so no one is immune from the fact that love can cool down.

For a person who was put on dry land, this is literally the end of everything, and in other conditions of life, without a loved one, there is no point. Therefore, there is a need to remove the magical attachment.

Removing the dryer, as a rule, is an order of magnitude more difficult than applying it. Often, in order to rid a husband of thoughts about his wife, one has to pray for this sin in church or go to healers. However, in most cases, in order to remove magical attachment, sorcerers are advised to talk to a man and confess to him what he has done.

Therefore, think carefully before resorting to the attachment of a loved one, especially if you have been in a relationship not so long ago. After all, it’s not a fact that some time will pass, and you will get tired of your young man.

We attract the attention of a beloved in “human” ways

Thinking about magical rites, it is worth remembering about worldly ways to win a man's love:

  • wear beautiful, attention-grabbing things (with the exception of vulgar ones);
  • a good hairstyle and makeup will only emphasize your dignity;
  • try to stay in a friendly and cheerful frame of mind.

However, it is highly undesirable to be imposed on a man.

The combination of love magic and effort is always determined by further success.

Take care of yourself and the people close to you. Love and be loved. Good luck!

Let's take a closer look at the love spell I'll do for free - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


You don’t know how to bewitch a guy without severe harm, make a quick and simple drying, but we’ll tell you how to do it now. A sweetie for the love of your beloved boyfriend is done for a candy, which then you need to treat the guy you liked, it can be either a classmate you like or an adult man whom you don’t want to do strong love spell. To successfully complete the magic ritual, you will need to treat your loved one with any candy, while saying to yourself

strong words for love:

how to make prisushka from a distance

Previously If you do not have a photo of a guy, and you do not know how to make a dryer, we will tell you how to make a strong dryer in the wind without a photo of your beloved guy who is at a distance from you.

To make a dryer yourself, learn by heart its words that you need to read on your own. At home, in strong windy weather, open the window and say out loud the memorized text of the prisushka on the guy’s love, once into the wind, turning to face the window, and once against the wind - turning away from the window, looking at your door, which after the action of the prisushka must enter beloved man.

  • Words of a strong acting prisushka for love that you need to read on your own at home:

prisushka on the love of a guy

The attachment to the love of a guy, which is given below, is very strong and has long effect that is why this love spell is equated with love spells. If you decide to dry your loved one so that he “dries for you” and yearns, but rather marry you, use this particular love dryer to the love of a guy and the very next day after the ceremony, the young man will start to get bored. To make a dryer, you need to take a small rope white color and tie as many knots on it as you can make from the very beginning of the rope to its end. Tied up? Now you need to count the number of resulting nodes, an even one gives the go-ahead for reading the dryer. Read on this rope the words of a friend who kindles the love of a guy:

priushka on an apple. how to dry your loved one on an apple

In love magic, there are a wide variety of love spells with an apple, and the easiest of them is to stick to an apple, which you can do yourself. To make a dryer, you need a red apple and an icon of the Virgin.

  • How to independently dry a loved one on an apple:

Take an apple and put it behind the icon Mother of God, then go beyond the threshold of the house or apartment where you live and say three times prisushki words on an apple :

How to make the most powerful love spell on your own?

Today, love magic is in demand among the fairer sex. Many women have already performed their own rite to dry a loved one. In this matter, it is important to be careful, because a strong love spell can harm the performer and the victim of the ritual.

The strength of a love spell is "regulated"

The degree of induction of a love spell

The strength of a love spell is "regulated". Depending on the situation, one should choose the value energy impact. So, if a man clearly likes a woman, but he does not dare to approach her, you will need to perform a small ritual or read a simple conspiracy that will push him to action. If the beloved guy left or found himself another, it will take more strong influence to its energy center. If a man is not familiar with the performer of the love spell and does not have any feelings for the woman who loves him, he will have to resort to a powerful love spell. Such magical effect may have negative consequences.

Features of a strong love spell

Influencing a person through drying is a complex process and a responsible task. It is impossible to say exactly how long the results will be visible. Usually changes in the behavior of the victim can be seen after 6 weeks.

Sometimes drying does not bring any result, the behavior of the victim does not change. The lack of effect from the conspiracy can occur for several reasons:

  • the object of desire too strong energy, which blocks external influence;
  • the ritual was performed incorrectly, the attributes did not fit, the sequence of steps was violated;
  • the energy field of the person who has been bewitched is protected through magic.

Even the strongest love spell does not guarantee a lifetime impact. The energy of a person can be cleansed, the influence on him will decrease, and then you will have to bewitch a person again.

Love spell rules

There are some rules to remember before bewitching a loved one:

  • any magical action carried out on an empty stomach;
  • need to believe in positive result and drying power;
  • strictly observe all these actions and their sequence;
  • no one should be around during the ritual;
  • the best time for a love spell is rainy or cloudy weather;
  • words of a conspiracy to love to speak at dawn;
  • a week before drying, you should not smoke or drink alcohol.

You need to choose the right photo

If a love spell is used with the help of a photograph, you need to choose the right picture. A damaged photo with curves will not work. The photo must be printed. Beloved should be depicted on it alone. You can bewitch a man through a fresh snapshot, it can be a maximum of a year ago. The ideal image for drying would be a portrait where the eyes are clearly visible.

Love spell with a gift

If a beloved man is free, but it is not possible to attract his attention and awaken reciprocal feelings in him, a strong love spell for a gift will come to the rescue. You need to purchase any thing that can be presented to the object of desire for any event. For a gift, you should read the words of the conspiracy:

“I give you a gift, my beloved (the name of the beloved), with this magical object, spoken with words, I convey my great and sincere love. You will take the little thing, enchanted by my power, and in my love, like a worm in the ground, you will get stuck and you will be happy with me forever. Amen".

It is best to present a present the next day.

Love spell by photo

This is a simple but powerful love spell with which you can bewitch your loved one. Write on a piece of paper your desires in relation to the object of the ritual. No need to rush need to articulate ideas. A sheet of text is folded and set on fire from a red candle. While the sheet is burning, it should be held over the photo of a lover. And read these words:

“What passes over your head, it will definitely enter your head. As it lights up behind your back, the heart of the slave (name) will inflame.

The list should burn out completely. The result will not keep you waiting.

To return feelings

Sometimes it happens that the beloved man begins to cool. If you need to return old feelings, a strong love spell will come to the rescue. In the evening, for 7 days, you need to read the following plot:

“As the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) wakes up early in the morning, so the longing for me in his soul will wake up. It will not subside and will not weaken, but will only flare up more strongly. My beloved will soon return to the familiar threshold, as he will remember the way to it. And he will no longer be able to leave me, and in my arms he will find happiness. Amen!".

If in 3 months it was not possible to bewitch a lover, then it will not work to restore the relationship.

Love spell on spouse

Prushka on a beloved husband helps to find family happiness to improve relations between spouses. It is used in the following situations:

  • quarrels and disagreements constantly occur in the family;
  • there is no sexual life in marriage;
  • the husband was carried away by another;
  • the spouse leaves the family;
  • the use of magic by another woman towards her husband.

Even the strongest love spell will not help return a loved one if the woman does not change. You need to learn to find a compromise, work with your character, try to understand each other.

You have to learn to compromise

Love spell for spouse

If the husband is about to leave the family, you can bewitch him through a strong conspiracy with the help of food or drink. Prepare food or drink and read on it:

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (husband's name), does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, the tears do not dry up, Dreams home to the servant of God, (his name), called back. The word is firm, will be forever. Amen".

After that, you need to give your spouse to eat a dish or drink a liquid.

The following love spell is used in case of infidelity of the spouse. It is necessary to read the plot on the sheet. Do it in the bedroom of the spouses. On the growing moon, place seven candles in a semicircle near the bed. They are lit and represent a happy family life, are tuned in the desired way. Then the words are read three times:

“Lord God, my protector and intercessor Go, find my dear and beloved servant of God (name) And bring me to my native threshold. Let him forget all other women, Let him know only my body and my caresses. So that his flesh only wants me as a servant of God (name) Forever, always, endlessly. Yes, it will only be so! Amen!".

You need to pronounce the text from memory. If the husband did not come home, then be sure to use this conspiracy. With the help of this ritual, you can return a man home. The next day, the spouse will sleep on his bed. This rite helps to bewitch a spouse, return past passion and protect against change. If the husband has long since left the family, he will not work.

Consequences of drying

The negative consequences of the rite await the performer and the one who was bewitched in the following cases:

  • a love spell is made through black magic;
  • the ritual was performed incorrectly;
  • used a voodoo doll.

Both people can face depression, apathy, health problems, alcoholism, and even suicide.

Strong love spells using the blood of a lover or drying through a cemetery are rites that are difficult to remove. The consequences of such rituals are very terrible. It may be death that will overtake both parties and their relatives. Therefore, it is advised to choose love spells that are simple in content with the minimum amount negative consequences.


Today, I'm magician Sergey Artgrom will talk about free love spells, and how to use love magic to influence someone you like, how to evoke passionate love, attraction, longing, desire in him intimate relationships. Whatever situation you find yourself in - in a difficult, desperate or even hopeless one, in the collections of black magic there is a rite with which you will be able to change circumstances.

A life situations and indeed they are different. Someone needs a light love spell on a sleeping husband in order to sharpen their feelings, and someone is in a state of magical war, fighting for their beloved man.

Free love spells for a man

For example, if you saw a person once, and know practically nothing about him, but you feel that you need him, that this is your person, you can perform a magical rite to bring roads together, and the Forces will bring him to you. The dark helpers you turn to will give you a chance, and how you use it will depend only on you. The rite to reduce roads can be reinforced, say, with a free (independent) love spell of a beloved guy from a photo. And with personal contact - to act using other methods, everything is in the hands of the magician - the performer.

It is generally accepted that independent love spells at home are made for free, although this is not so if we are talking not about simple dryers (we will talk about this later, and I will give some good working rituals), but about powerful rites love magic. In order to get something from the business, you must first invest in the business. Transferring this to our soil, we still get the same need for financial investments. Will have to buy consumables for self love spell guy, as well as ransoming the Forces. These expenses always fall on the initiator of a magical love spell - on the customer, or on the performer himself, if he conjures for himself.

Free love spell of a man at a distance - a magical ritual for passionate love

The love spell of the guy that I want to introduce you now does not belong to the category of strong magical rituals with the submission of a beloved man. It works for free like a dryer, but it is quite stable, without causing serious resistance in the lover. The witchcraft ritual is multi-day, not demonic, not a cemetery. This is an example of a guy's magic love spell with food, with an appeal to the Forces of nature - the winds. Plus, the salt, which the bewitching magician speaks, personifies the earth, one of the main elements of the world.

work love rituals love spells like this one are mainly on the personal strength of the performer. Read love spell for salt you need to be alone, and, of course, such witchcraft rites cost the performer practically free of charge.

Made with salt.

  • Read the text of the plot on the guy who you like, holding the salt in the salt shaker in right hand, 9 morning dawns in a row.
  • Spell salt on the tenth day to salt the food to your beloved boyfriend or lawful husband.
  • You can repeat this many times until the charmed salt remains in the salt shaker.

The interesting thing is that this is just that free love spell of a guy that cannot be removed due to constant repetition. On the one hand, it would seem that the magic rite for love is simple, insignificant, but on the other hand, it works well and does not give kickbacks. Naturally, this can be done on the person with whom you live together.

Here is the text of a free conspiracy to love a guy:

Who will help to make a love spell and who will advise for free

As rightly noted, there is no such thing as free magic. As a rule, those who seek free magical help end up in the hands of charlatans. And the scammer will not let you go just like that, and your desire to get free help in the matter of a love spell for your husband will turn into big financial losses for you.

Online consultation of a real magician can be free. Many people use the advice of online magicians. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, doubt the usefulness and effectiveness of such techniques. Today we are dealing with an entire magical industry. And, go, know who in the Internet space is really a knowledgeable, seriously practicing sorcerer, and who is engaged in fraud.

There are, of course, features by which one can distinguish a real magician from a charlatan. There are several such traits. And first of all, this is a noisy absurd advertisement on the verge of a foul, such as: I do a strong love spell for free 100% effective. These hooks are designed for those who need it right now and cheaper. I repeat, a true magician will not work for free. But, and tariffs for their work, too, will not appoint. A price list with fixed prices is also distinguishing feature deceiver.

So, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, do not advise looking for a person who will make a love spell for free. It's like walking on thin ice. If you need magical help, contact a trusted magician for recommendations, read reviews. And to real person, not to the virtual wizard.

Easy and completely free love spell on a guy to sleep

A real love spell of a beloved guy can be called a dream for a lover. With the help of this magical rite, you can penetrate the dreams of a lover. Thinking about you in the waking state, seeing your image in his dreams, the young man imperceptibly to himself will become more and more attached to you. And here is a tip on how to make this easy love spell on a man’s sleep.

To do on the growing moon. Starting the witching ritual, open the window. Before going to bed, take a bunch of straw, remove 1 straw from it and put it next to you. On the flame of a candle, set fire to the straw and, while it burns, read free conspiracy love spell on a man for sleep and dreams:

Every night, put the straw that remains under your pillow and, falling asleep, think about the man in whose dream you want to be. This is a very easy love spell on a sleeping loved one, and therefore it must be repeated often. It is interesting that a person usually bewitched in this way tells the performer about his dreams.

Effective love spells at home can be done by any girl, and absolutely free. But, I hope you understand the difference between a light dry spell and a powerful black magic spell.

A simple and completely free love spell on a sleeping guy

To enter the dreams of a beloved guy, and make him yearn for you even in the world of Morpheus, call on demons for help and make a love dryness, a sleepy hassle. At night, lying in bed and feeling like falling asleep.

How to make a strong love spell on a photo yourself?

Since time immemorial, a love spell has been considered the most in an efficient way keep close to you or even return a loved one. A love spell is, perhaps, the most demanded magical service in our time. But is it necessary to turn to a magician or psychic in order to make a love spell? Not at all. For example, it’s not at all difficult to make the strongest love spell on a photograph on your own, and, as reviews say, a person who does not have practical magic no relation.

But if you are going to do just that, you should definitely remember that even the smallest inaccuracies and mistakes during the ritual can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. On the other hand, who will guarantee that, turning to a magician for help, you will not meet an ordinary rogue who will try to trick you into forking out a tidy sum? This is at best, and at worst - with their illiterate actions, a charlatan or amateur can inflict real harm your health. So the choice to do everything yourself and for free, or to seek outside help for this, belongs only to you.

Let's take a closer look at what a spell is.

A love spell is an influence on certain person on a subconscious level. This is a ritual, as a result of which a person who is the object of a love spell, has an attraction to another person on an emotional and physical level.

The spell can be directed to both men and women. The mechanism of action of love spells is the same for both sexes.

There are strong (prisushka) and weak love spells. Strong love spells differ from weak ones in their energy, efficiency and choice of love spell components. A very strong love spell causes the object of influence to have a powerful sexual attraction to the customer of the love spell. Often the influence on the bewitched is so strong that he is physically unable to overcome this attraction. To do strong ritual independently, some preliminary preparation is necessary:

  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the relevant literature and choose the method of conducting the ritual that is most suitable for you;
  • Then you should carefully select all necessary accessories and materials;
  • Also very great importance It has right choice the time and place of the ritual.

The exact fulfillment of all the requirements and conditions of the ritual will allow you to carry out a love spell as efficiently as possible! When conducting a love spell ritual, as a rule, special conspiracies are used, as well as personal belongings or clothing of the desired person. In some cases, materials taken from ritual places (consecrated water, earth, flowers from a cemetery, etc.) may be used. But, despite all these difficulties, making strong love spells at home is absolutely realistic.

What is the power of black love spells?

All the love spells listed above cannot be compared in their effectiveness with black love spells, which should be performed only by very skilled magicians. Black love spell - strong and most reliable magical way arouse attraction right person. However, carrying out black love spells has heightened danger, because it disturbs the world of spirits and the dead, and this can be fraught with the most backfire both for the customer and for the person who directly conducts the ritual.

In the case of black love spells, one should also remember that only the magician who cast it can remove the love spell.

How to independently make a strong love ritual for a girl or a guy?

It is not so difficult to perform a very strong love spell on your own. As a rule, love spells at home are short rhyming expressions. When conducting them, a photograph of a loved one and other necessary items. If, among other things, you are concerned about problems with appearance, then conspiracies for weight loss can help you.

There are certain general rules conducting love spells, namely:

  • All magical actions should be performed exclusively on an empty stomach. Moreover, the longer you did not take food, the greater the effect you can achieve;
  • Learning how to make strong and effective love spell loved by yourself, you need to stock up positive energy and make the most of the ritual. A person who is confident in himself will achieve the desired result faster than a person who has lost faith and dropped his hands;
  • On the eve of the ritual, you need to distract from household chores. Try to communicate more with nature in order to breathe in its vitality;
  • It is necessary to strongly refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking and sexual activity during the week before the ritual;
  • It is required to strictly follow all the instructions for the ritual and be sure to bring them to the end. The incompleteness of actions or any changes in their sequence can lead not only to the uselessness of the ritual, but even to the weakening of your body or illness.

When is the best time to perform the ritual?

  • It is believed that rainy, overcast days are the most favorable time for sexual love spells;
  • Conspiracies are best pronounced in the morning;
  • At night, the person pronouncing the plot should look to the east;
  • Conspiracies pronounced during the day are always directed towards the sun, and those pronounced in the evening - west towards the setting sun.

It does not really matter how exactly to pronounce the text of the conspiracy, loudly or in a whisper. The main thing is that the text must be pronounced with feeling, slowly, clearly, without clumping words and without stammering. An example of this would be old recipe. Take a few branches of fern and rowan leaves. Pour them with church oil and set fire to a match. On top of the vegetation, you need to throw a photo where you are together with your loved one. After that, say the words loudly and clearly:

“The power of the fern and rowan will protect me! The power of the fire will kindle the heart of…so-and-so!”

After everything burns to the ground, you need to collect the ashes. Dip a part of it into a canvas bag and carry it with you all the time, and put a small pinch of ash in the food of your loved one. It can also be done with this spell:

We make strong love spells on a photo at home

It is well known that each photo carries a certain energy. If you seek to conduct such a ceremony, you must understand that its effect is not eternal. It can last a few hours or a lifetime. Ultimately, it all depends on how sincere your feeling is and how great the desire to connect your fate with the fate of your chosen one. In order to successfully carry out such a procedure at home, you need to have the appropriate certain requirements photograph. It should be single, that is, the photo should not capture strangers, except for the one being bewitched (unless other conditions are specified in the ritual). The photograph should clearly show the face of the subject, and the photograph should be as free as possible from various foreign objects that may distract attention.

It should also be remembered that the ritual will be more effective if the photo was taken recently.

Before you start doing everything yourself, it is very important to choose the right ritual. It should be as simple as possible, accessible and understandable to the smallest detail. You also need to know that any magical action takes a lot of strength and energy, so you should be prepared for the fact that after you perform the procedure, you may feel bad, depressed and not completely in control of your emotions.

Arguing about which is the most powerful love spell in the photo is simply pointless, because there are so many of them. The choice of a particular course of action is a purely individual matter. As an example, we can consider such a love spell from a photo, strong in its simplicity and effectiveness. Take a photo of your chosen one. Light a church candle. Turn the photo over to the candle flame face down. Drive a photograph of your loved one around the flame, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

Another option. Put a photo of your loved one in front of you. Exactly at midnight, light a church candle. Holding it in your hand, repeat the words of the conspiracy 12 times:

After reading the plot, you need to singe the photo around the edges with a candle, sprinkle it with holy water and put it at the head of the head.

How are love spells performed?

The result of performing any ritual primarily depends on how much energy is invested in it, on understanding one’s actions and desires, correct assessment of their strengths and capabilities, the absence of selfish motives, which means that, if desired, even the most powerful love spell for the love of a guy or girl can be performed independently.

There is a very easy, but at the same time proven way to make a strong love ritual on your own. This is whispering to the wind. This method does not require any additional items and materials. A love spell is carried out only by the power of your thought. You need to concentrate as much as possible and clearly imagine desired result. However, it must be taken into account that such a love spell requires a large number of energy and not everyone can succeed. The ritual should be carried out in the late afternoon, preferably in windy weather. You need to stand near an open window or window and say 9 times:

Another way is to say a conspiracy after the person who leaves your house. Only after you read the plot after your loved one, you can close the door behind him.

More complex spells

The most powerful love spell can be done using the personal belongings of the bewitched. It doesn’t matter what kind of things these are, the main thing is that they carry his energy and that the bewitched person does not know for what purposes you are going to use these things. It is important that no one can interfere with you during the ritual. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of love spell and the energy that is invested in it.

Conspiracy on the towel. If desirable man the first time he came to your house, you should notice when he washes his hands and wipes them on a fresh towel. After that, the towel must be removed immediately so that others cannot use it. While the towel is still damp, tie it in a knot while saying the following:

Then the towel must be securely hidden and never untied.

Another ritual. At night, on the growing moon, preferably on Friday, you need to cast a spell (to enhance the effect, you can light red or orange candles):

It is obvious that it will not be difficult to perform this ritual on a guy on your own. Naturally, there are similar rituals for a girl. Having decided to make a love spell, you should definitely remember that this should never be done for the sake of a joke or as an entertainment. A love spell can greatly affect your fate and the fate of a person close to you, so this step must be taken very responsibly!