Conspiracy to obedience to children. Practical magic so that children are obedient and do not offend their parents

It is natural for a person to show his character, whether he is calm or aggressive. Not everyone from his entourage will like such communication, and then comes to the rescue strong conspiracy to obedience. The variety of rituals allows them to be used both for the obedience of adults and children.

Obedience rituals are especially useful for families with children.

Obedience slander

calm down restless child or an adult will help the following simple ceremony. When a person bathes, stand near the bathroom and start reading the words of a strong obedience conspiracy. best time the growing moon is considered to be the ceremony. The words of the prayer are as follows:

“You, servant of God (name), hear the words of this strong prayer. I want you to become more calm and submit to my will. I dream that you will do everything the way I want. No one is able to break the connection between us and cause disgust from me, servants of God (name). Your obedience is all I need now. Let the higher powers descend to the sinful earth and help me accomplish my plan. Only with their help can I achieve my goal and call for my native person to obedience. Amen".

Ritual for a sleeping person

There is a simple rite that is performed when a person is sleeping. The order of its conduct:

  • wait for the night when the moon will be growing in the sky, and the person will go to bed;
  • pick up a church candle;
  • come closer to the victim of the rite and start reading the words:

“I want to scold a loved one who stopped listening to me. I want him to change his mind about life and become more responsible. I want my strength to help me persuade a person to obedience, and he did everything as I want. I dream of him agreeing and accepting my position. I was him long years wife (mother), and supported in all endeavors, but his behavior today has radically changed my attitude, after which I will never do everything according to his charter. May the servant of God (name) change into better side. In the name of the Son of the Lord. Amen".

Extinguish the candle and go to bed. By morning the situation will improve. If you perform this ceremony for 3 days, your wish will come true, and the result will last for many years.

Hex on the obedience of children

Children often have bouts of disobedience. They are more connected with their environment and bad friends, but magic always helps to cope even with the most difficult life situations. This simple text is read at the moment when the child begins to eat. Sit opposite and start reading a strong conspiracy to obedience to a child:

“I want to raise my children to listen to me unquestioningly. I, the servant of God (name), give them food every day so that they perceive me as a person who needs to be equal. I do not want to swear with them, so I ask for help from higher powers. Until they begin to listen to me, I will not let them out for a walk. Let them know that their mother will not allow them to disobey her. Amen".

Perform this ritual for 7 days. At the end of the week, you will notice positive changes in the character of your children.

If the son does not obey

Sons in the period of maturity often try to argue with their parents in order to show their friends the strength of their character. At such moments, parents are not too happy with this situation and try to find ways to correct the situation. If you begin to notice that your son has problematic friends, and he has ceased to obey, perform a simple but effective ritual.

  1. Take the child's clothes and put them on the table.
  2. Light a church candle nearby, hold a photo of the child above it.
  3. After that, start reading strong words of prayer.

“Let my son, the servant of God (name), have no thoughts of arguing with me, his mother. I want his friends to stop having power over his mind, and he began to behave the way he used to. IN Lately I became too nervous, my son does not even try to find with me mutual language. I hope that the powers of heaven will help me so that I become balanced. Amen".

The next day, your child should wear these clothes outside. When he returns home in the evening, his behavior will noticeably improve.

A teenager should wear charmed clothes on the street

If the daughter does not obey

If you stop listening adult daughter, swipe a simple magical rite. As soon as she is about to go for a walk, read the following conspiracy after:

“I want my daughter to become obedient and not contradict me anymore. If nothing changes, I'll go crazy soon. I hope that the powers of heaven will guide her to the right way, and she will become the former, obedient daughter, whom I have always been proud of. I hope that her behavior is not connected with something serious. If needed, I will always come to the rescue. Amen".

A slander on the obedience of a husband

This ceremony is performed during the growth of the moon. Prepare a photo of your spouse and at midnight read a conspiracy to submissive your husband on him:

“I want my husband to submit to me, his wife. Let him come home today calm and not start arguing with me. I want him to do whatever I ask him to. I need him to obey me, his wife, and not others and colleagues. If this continues, then my nerves will not stand it, and I will file for divorce. I am his beloved woman and only I am allowed to direct his actions. Let it be so in the future. Amen".

Put the photo under the bed. After a night spent on this bed, a man will forever submit to his woman.

For a husband to agree with his wife

Often a woman decides to buy something or go on vacation, but the man is not ready for such changes and interferes with the implementation of his wife's plans. The following strong conspiracy to obedience to her husband will help correct the situation and make him do as you say:

“This effective slander will help get my husband to do what I want. I need him to obey me and not contradict me. Amen".

For my husband's peace of mind

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to always be calm, so women use magic to calm their husband and help him cope with stress. The following words are read on a white church candle:

“My dream is for my husband to become calm. I don’t need his stress at all, because his psychological condition. I need him to be as calm as a boa constrictor. I will not be able to cope with this situation on my own, so I will forgive the help of higher powers and hope for their positive response. Amen".

While the man is sleeping, you need to christen him with a candle. After that, go to bed and say the following words:

“Come back, my calm husband, and make me the happiest. Amen".


Magic rituals that allow you to achieve obedience from certain person are particularly popular. With their help, you can make anyone do whatever you want.

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  • White Magic, rituals and signs for conceiving a healthy child
  • White Magic, conspiracies and love spells for the birth of a joint child
  • How to conceive and give birth to a child with the help of Magic
  • Magic, conspiracies and rituals for the birth of a common healthy child
  • Practical magic to protect children, magic to save children
  • Rites, witchcraft and spells to protect children from evil and bad people
  • Magic and spells so that the father helps the children and pays alimony
  • Protection of children from someone else's witchcraft, protection from the evil eye, remove the evil eye from the child
  • Magic and sorcery for a common child to save the family

And so that the child is calm and obedient, early in the morning, at dawn, bring or bring her to the window, lick her forehead and say:

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
Your child cries, wants to drink, eat.
My child does not cry, laughs and laughs.
And you, father-sleep, bring peace to my child.
I was able to carry my child
I was able to give birth to my child.
I will be able to speak both crybabies and screams.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to obedience to a child.

To make the child obedient, give him something to eat from your hand, while mentally saying:

“How do you eat and drink from my hand,
So you give me your will,
All days, forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

So that the children do not quarrel among themselves

They slander the milk that boiled for the first time, and then they say the second time, when foam appeared on the milk; they say the third time, when the milk has cooled. Then, dividing the milk among the children, they give it to them to drink.

"How this milk boiled and how it cooled, so that
and (list all the names of the children) cooled down in a quarrel.

So that the children do not fight among themselves.
This ritual is performed for children under 13 years old. If the children in the house are fighting among themselves, take and swap the shoes of all the children in the family three times a night, and put them in one pile in the morning and say:
"As these shoes stand in one place, so do children in
agree to be!"

So that the child does not run away.
It happens that a child leaves home, from a kindergarten, and parents and teachers spend many anxious minutes in search of a fugitive. So that the child does not run away anywhere, and nothing happens to him in the yard, sending him for a walk on the street or taking him to kindergarten, bring him to the mirror and, looking carefully into the eyes of your son or daughter, quickly say the following conspiracy:

Walk, child, walk
don't lose yourself
The Lord will save you
will return to me. Amen.

For children to obey their parents.
If your child understands well that his parents are too soft in character and love him very much. And here is the result: he is a real despot, a dictator in the house. Requires from them either a computer, or water skiing, and whatever he wants. He'll take it, but he'll get it. He does not eat, does not do his homework, threatens that he will not go to school until they do as he wants.

Hard boil an egg overnight. While hot, rotate it with a top on the table, but so that it does not fall and break. You need to cook at three in the morning. While the egg is spinning, read the plot: feed the naughty child in the morning.
On the holy field
in holy space
there is an iron mountain,
an iron hole in the mountain,
iron straw in the hole.
I'll call who is at home.
The chicken came out of the hole
blinded by the light of God.
Give her an iron ring
in exchange for an iron egg.
Like there is no chicken without an egg,
as there is no child without mother and father,
this will not be the case with a slave (child's name)
I will close my conspiracy tightly
on an iron bar.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For children to respect their parents
This plot is carried out in the spring, when it is already warm enough and the earth has frozen. You need to buy a seedling on the market without haggling. The seedling should be planted under the windows of the room in which the child lives. Carefully look after the plant, and after a week, if you see that it has taken root, take a handful of earth next to the seedling. They talk to him. The conspiracy is this:
I, the servant of God (my name), will leave the house with gates,
I will go through the fields and forests,
I will find grass-vine-tree,
The tree is not simple, but purpose,
To slander his branches,
Speak and whisper
May all that is whispered come true.
I'll take that grass-vine-tree,
I will return home by the gate,
I will return home by the doors,
I will put a servant of God (name of the child) under the window of the lamp,
So that he, the servant of God (name of the child), me,
Servant of God (his name), his mother, revered,
And he revered his father, a servant of God (father's name),
And he revered his grandfathers, servants of God (names of grandfathers),
And I honored my grandmothers, a servant of God (names of grandmothers),
And my aunts and uncles,
And all relatives and non-natives, near and far,
honored the sick and the healthy,
Didn't say a word.
As leaves appear on the grass-vine-tree,
so be it my way!
Grass-vine-tree does not dry out,
And to the younger elders to read!
Ever-Virgin Mary, help,
Servant of God (child's name) enlighten and protect.
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, wrap the spoken land in a clean rag and shove it away under your child's bed. Do not forget to take care of your seedling, water it, loosen the ground. On any of its leaves, you can say what you want for yourself and for your child. Everything will be fulfilled.

The conspiracy is being made elder sister, mother or grandmother in a very windy, but not cloudy weather. You need to come to the willow, bow at the waist, hug the trunk and say:

"Just as my willow branches lean in the direction the wind needs, so let my sisters / brothers / children / grandchildren, God's servants (names), do everything according to my word and advice. Like my willow leaves fall in the direction needed by the branches so let my sisters / brothers / children / grandchildren, God's servants (names), do everything according to my word and advice. And may my word be strong, strong! Amen."

Rite an egg on the night from Friday to Saturday from a black chicken. Talk, and in the morning feed the child.

The chicken came out

Squint at the sun.

Give her an iron ring

In exchange for an iron egg.

Like there is no chicken without an egg,


I will close my conspiracy tightly

On the iron bar.

This ritual or conspiracy was taught to me by my grandmother. If you want your child to obey you, then give him a candy to take it from your hands, while saying the words to yourself:

You take water and food from my hands

So you give me your will.

And it will always be so. Amen.


Often I am asked to tell about the conspiracy so that the children obey, but so that the conspiracy is easy from the field of white magic. I bring it here.

Boil an egg on the night from Friday to Saturday from a black chicken. Talk, and in the morning feed the child.

The chicken came out

Squint at the sun.

Give her an iron ring

In exchange for an iron egg.

Like there is no chicken without an egg,

So there is no child without mother and father,

So the slave (name of the child) will not have


I will close my conspiracy tightly

On the iron bar.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A fairly common case when parents take care of the child, pay him a lot of attention, but the child is still naughty. Rudeness, tantrums and scandals become commonplace in this family. In such cases, it is customary to use a conspiracy to obedience to the child, because every parent wants to have a good, well-behaved child to be proud of. I want to make all other families envious of their family well-being.

If it is not possible to do this with psychological and educational methods, then magic comes to the rescue, because the parents have tried everything. possible methods but it didn't bring any results. Fathers and mothers turn to magic for help in cases where ordinary traditional methods were not successful. Some parents bring the baby to see a psychologist to help solve the problem. But often, even the most experienced specialists in the field of psychology cannot determine the reason for this behavior of the baby.

If the whims of the child do not pass

If a child is overcome by restless sleep, whims and crying, then the mother cannot calmly observe all this. Our ancestors found a way to solve this problem. While swimming, you need to read the following plot:

“Mother of God, help me. Make it so that the whims of the child are gone, like water flows off a goose. Amen".

If this version of the ceremony does not suit you, then there is another way. While you put your baby to bed, read the following slander:

“Let sleep envelop the baby, and whims disappear from him. I ask that the child can sleep normally, and do not interfere with his parents. Amen".

If the child stopped listening to parents

Since ancient times, prayers have been used to improve the obedience of children. There are a huge number of such conspiracies. The most common way is that while feeding the baby, you need to read the following prayer:

“I feed the baby from my hands. Thus, I want to take away his will. All my life I will now surround my child, the servant of God (name), from adversity and curses. I will become the child's most faithful protector and friend. I ask him to seek help from me, and not from strangers. Amen".

If a child is overcome by nightmares, then the following rite should be performed:

  • draw water from a reservoir, it can be both a river and a well - most importantly, you should not use tap water;
  • go into the child's room when he is sleeping;
  • cross the child in the air, and read the plot: “I gave birth to a baby, and gave him happiness in life. I wish my child never get sick and sleep well at night. Let the baby sleep at night, and let me work during the day. Amen".

If the son stops listening to his parents

In principle, for a teenager, a change in behavior is a normal thing. If the son is adolescence contacted bad company, and began to be rude to parents, then it is worth holding a special ceremony that will allow you to quickly and effectively solve the current situation. The ceremony should take place at the moment when the son is in the house. Take the thing that belongs to your child, and he himself must give you this thing. Don't hesitate to take it on your own. You should be overwhelmed with a sense of care.

In order for the child to be obedient, the following slander must be read on the thing:

“I want my child to listen to me again. Don't seek help from strangers. Please help me so that my son can study well. The feeling of hatred that is in his soul, let it go away forever. Let the servant of God (the name of the son) honor his ancestors so that they do not waste their strength. I ask you to endow our house with harmony, so that peace will overwhelm it. Let the conscience that disappeared from the son return again. To honor his parents, and never argue again. My son is very worried. Amen".

It is important to remember that the words must be read correctly. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correct pronunciation, write the words on a piece of paper. Keep it with you all the time so that at a certain moment you can quickly read the necessary words. The item must be returned to the child for further use.

“Lord, I ask you to send my daughter, the servant of God (name), home. Don't let her path take you anywhere. Mom needs to be constantly listened to. I don't wish bad things on my daughter. Let her understand how much I love her. I ask you to make her return her attitude towards me. I will become her faithful friend, the most devoted sister. I will replace everyone with her, just to improve our relationship. I wish my child only happiness. Holy Angel, let her take care of her. Amen".

Do not worry, on the future fate of your daughter this conspiracy will not be reflected. She will be happy and have a good boyfriend. You need to read the plot while the daughter is sleeping. Remember, a child needs to be trusted.

Good conspiracies to the obedience of their children

Obedient children are happiness for parents of youth and joy in old age. But such offspring are only in fantasies and literary works. Much more often, children do what they want, and those who “understand nothing” deal with their problems. their parents. Moreover, the age of the "kids" does not matter. That at the age of two they told him: “Do not go into boiling water - you will burn yourself! Do not stick nails into the socket - you will burn! ”; that at twenty-two. They did not obey in childhood and do not gather in youth. The topic of notations changes, the problem of disobedience remains.

mother conspiracy

And if a two-year-old baby can be taken away from trouble by the hand, then an older offspring, especially a teenager, is so easy to save - even from real danger- will not work. For centuries, people have preferred to learn from their mistakes rather than parental advice. It's just not easy for mothers. They have to pay for the mistakes of their children gray hair and heart pains. And mothers are ready for anything, if only everything was in order with their little blood. And exactly maternal heart having suffered, the obedience conspiracy will be the most effective. Even the simplest, when it is enough to treat a child, giving him food directly from his hand, and saying to himself:

How do you eat and drink from my hand,
So you give me your will,
All days, forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Even such a conspiracy helps if there is strong desire backed by parental love.

Getting rid of the influence of strangers

A conspiracy to obedience to children can not only make a child listen to parental opinion, follow the advice of elders, but also get rid of the influence of others, especially bad people. This will save the child from dependence on a bad company, different friends, girlfriends-vertihvostok.

Wait until your little blood falls asleep soundly. Stand at the head of the children's bed and recite the obedience plot:

Go, child, to the house, Do not reproach anyone else. Hold advice with the father, Hold advice with the uterus. Bow to the icon, submit to your parents. So you would all rush home, like a baby chasing a tit. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

I twist an egg, I want obedience!

A hard-boiled egg at three o'clock in the morning can make a child obey his father and mother. This is how one of the most powerful conspiracies to obedience.

Hard-boil the egg - remove from the pan and put on the table. You can't chill. Now twist the egg clockwise. While it is spinning, you need to speak a conspiracy of obedience:

On the holy field
in holy space
there is an iron mountain,
an iron hole in the mountain,
iron straw in the hole.
I'll call who is at home.
The chicken came out of the hole
blinded by the light of God.
Give her an iron ring
in exchange for an iron egg.
Like there is no chicken without an egg,
as there is no child without mother and father,
so the slave (name of the child) will not have disobedience.
I will close my conspiracy tightly
on an iron bar.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Make sure that the egg does not fall, does not break. Treat them to your fidget in the morning. Let him eat this egg for breakfast.

The pacification of an adult

On the waning moon, you can create an obedience conspiracy, intended both for your grown-up offspring and for someone close to you (your own parents, spouses). Magic will simply reduce arrogance and stubbornness, without causing any harm, but by making a person more obedient.

For three evenings in a row, when the one who should become more obedient goes to bed, you need to stand in his head and break a willow rod right above his face with the words of the conspiracy:

Willow bends, bends, but gives in to me. So you (name) do not play the fool, do my will. My word is stucco and strong.

And the stubborn will become more tolerant and receptive to your requests, to your instructions.

The easiest way to do this conspiracy is when the child is 2-3 years old. This will protect you in the future from the manifestation of the so-called hyperactivity on the part of the child and total absence perseverance. After the conspiracy, the children grow up obedient and calm. But in principle, you can make a conspiracy later, when you are faced with the problem of disobedience (this problem most often appears at 6-8 years old or at 11-13 years of age).

The conspiracy is absolutely white, there will definitely be nothing bad from it either for you or your child. The conspiracy is partly pagan, partly - involves Orthodox forces, like many others ancient conspiracies from our people. For the first time in written sources, the conspiracy is used in the 15th century.

To conduct a conspiracy, you need to take your child's pants. Pants are spoken, and after that the child must put them on and walk in them (the longer the better) before washing. You also need three candles that you bought in the church (you need to buy candles specifically for this conspiracy).

The conspiracy should only be carried out if your child has already been baptized. The conspiracy can be done at any time of the day, at any phase of the moon and on any day of the week, except Friday and Sunday. The effect of the conspiracy, as a rule, appears within three weeks.

Conducting a conspiracy to obedience to a child

Set the candles in a triangle, and put the child's pants between them (so that nothing gets on the pants from the candles). Light the candles clockwise, and then say the words of the conspiracy learned by heart three times:

"From candle to candle, the holy light shines, but between the candles it illuminates everything. And as the holy light shines on the thing of the servant of God (name of the child), so he will become obedient, calm and polite, as a child should remain at his age. And under the wind, but in the air, understanding will come to him, may the Lord vouchsafe him for good deeds.The sun will cheer up the servant of God (name of the child), may he the best child, kind and reasonable, polite and honoring parents. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

And after that, the charmed pants must be given to the child, so that he looks like them, he must definitely go out into the street in them.
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