For children to study well. Prayer for children to study well

All children are different and it's hard to argue with that. Someone grows an excellent student, and someone study is very difficult. What do parents need to do to ensure their child does well in school?

First of all, you need to understand that all students are conditionally divided into three groups:

    The first group includes children who like to study. They don't need much effort to remember. educational material. Everything comes easy. Schoolchildren belonging to the first group do not think about the need to complete homework. Most often, these children are lazy, but they study for five.

    The second group includes children who systematically memorize the material, because without this condition they will not study well. Such children try to make every effort to study well, and each, even a minor defeat, is very painful. The diaries usually contain fives along with fours.

    The third group includes children who do not have a craving for new knowledge. Most of these students do not study well, but there are also good students.

It doesn't matter which of the three groups your child is in. It is important for any student to know the opinion of others. There are children who do not care what mark they get in the lesson, but there are only a few of them. Every child wants to be better than others and tries to strive for this.

What can you do to make your child learn well?

Lack of discipline is the main reason for failure in school. Probably you have noticed more than once that a child who attends circles and goes to extracurricular activities manages to do a lot more. And the same student who has a lot of free time does not have time to do anything. Why is that? There is only one reason - inconsistency. After the end of the lessons baby goes home with the knowledge that he has a lot of free time ahead of him and he will certainly have time. Accordingly, the day is wasted and the lessons are done late in the evening or in the morning. Good study does not like laziness. In order to do everything, you need to plan your day.

There are several rules that contribute to a good study at school:

1. It is necessary to forget about laziness, at least for a school week. If you really want to be lazy, then it's better to do it on the weekends. Or let the child be lazy after doing homework, do homework for 1 hour, lazy for 1 hour, then petty help around the house and you can take a walk with friends in the yard.

2. Planning the day. It is easier for children to live according to a schedule when it is clear what follows next. However, the day must be planned so that there are several hours left for rest, communication with friends.

3. Doing the lessons. The material covered must be repeated. The topic of the lesson must be clear, otherwise the knowledge gained cannot be applied in practice. Rules should not just be read or learned, but understood. It happens that the next school day was not assigned anything, but this still does not allow you to sit back. It will take half an hour to repeat the training material, but the new one will be much easier.

4. Homework must be done in order, from difficult to simple. fresh head cope with complex tasks more easily.

5. Visiting a circle. Let the child choose what he wants to do. It can be chess, martial arts, dancing, modeling, drawing, etc. It is extremely important to devote time to your hobby, self-development. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, forcing him to do what you think is right or forbidding him to go where the child wants.

6. Don't sit still. The perfect study companion is exercise stress. At recess or at home, when doing homework, you need to devote time to physical activity. It can be simple exercises such as squats or breathing exercises.

7. Search alternative methods supply of material. Look on the Internet for video tutorials on your topic, you can search for a tutor on Skype, who will quickly and in an intelligible form explain the material and interest the child.

It is necessary to look for an approach, motivation, alternatives, and then it will be more interesting for the child to study.

I wonder if there will be at least a thousand people on the planet who love the learning process? For most, tedious duties evoke boredom.

I want to throw everything into the far corner, no matter how the mind insists on new workouts. Reading books is boring when there are more interesting things to do. Magic comes to the rescue here too. And both the students themselves and their caring parents.

It turns out that there are spells for a good study. Most often, they are used by those who want to get a result. The formulas for close students are somewhat more complicated. After all, they contain a certain element of enslavement, turning off the will of the individual.

It is clear that this is almost black magic. Therefore, they are not recommended for use. If the parents of the students are so worried, then. Don't practice spells.

They will force you to study, but in life they will create many additional difficulties for you. young man. Do parents want this?

Good study spell

Any textbook should be taken early on Monday morning. Lay it on the floor. Stand with bare feet on top. So say:

“What is under me, then carries up! Push off from him, I'll get to the stars! The mind perceives, the will confirms, laziness runs away! I remember, I understand everything, I can speak, I answer boldly! Every wise guy is dumber than me, and my mother's teacher is kinder. Amen!"

Leave the book on the floor next day. And then be sure to carry it with you to class every day. It happens that the first time the effect is difficult to achieve. This is the evil eye. It should be removed and the ritual repeated on another Monday.

A spell to do well in school

Students are encouraged to learn (albeit laziness), no, not lessons, but a short spell. It should be read on the way to school. If you do not forget, then in a month the situation will change dramatically. You yourself will feel that gaining knowledge is a joy, and not a cruel test for the mind and will.

Here are the words:

"Jesus Christ! I strive according to Your will. Running or walking, to the sciences and magicians. I develop talent, I sing of you. I go smoothly and smoothly, the results are in order. I understand everything, I answer notably. I will overcome difficulties, by Your will! As You saved people, so I will fulfill Your order. Amen"

Spell to study well

You know, the previous formula contributes to the creation of such conditions under which a person receives exactly what he Higher powers supposed to.

That is, if talents do not allow winning Olympiads in subjects, “excellent” in every lesson, then there will be nothing like that. What is given from birth will develop. It's just that a person will have a different attitude to the process itself. Learn to enjoy it.

There is a different formula. It opens the way to the rapid development of talent. Under its influence, abilities are strengthened, memory is strengthened, working capacity is growing. But, there are some limitations here.

The spell, of course, will affect anyone, however, temporarily. It does not change the laws of the universe. If it is not destiny for a person to become a scientist, his task is something else, then the sciences will “get out” of his head just as quickly as they began to strengthen there. Don't defy the will of the universe.

It is supposed to study mediocrely, look for yourself in a different matter. For every nation it is written in bright, fiery signs.

But those who from birth should bring intellectual gifts to people, they will definitely become an excellent student and a medalist. Such a selective action has a spell. His words are:

“Three bridges, seven ways, the wise youths walked. Gold bags were not carried. Everyone had a knapsack, but they managed them deftly. Whatever happened on the road, everything about experience and mind was broken. Bring the boys to me knapsacks. Let them settle in a violent little head, and spread knowledge along the roads. In order for the tasks to be solved, the answers themselves fell from the lips. Let them set me as an example, and praise me for my success! Amen!"

These words should be read by the student himself. The ceremony is held only on the thirteenth day on the growing moon. Conjure something. For example, a talisman, decoration or. Then you should carry it with you at all times and make sure that it is not lost.

No one should give the charmed thing. Don't even let me touch it. Otherwise, luck will leave you forever.

Spell for good grades in school

Do you know that before negligent youths were flogged with rods? Do you think, as a punishment, that the thought of the upcoming pain, in which case, would add zeal to them?

And this, of course, cannot be denied either. But there is a magical meaning in that ritual. Do you want the grades in the diary to be only excellent and good? Check it yourself.

By the way, this ritual can be performed by one of the parents. This does not apply to black magic; it does not deprive the child of his will.

You need to go to the forest and cut rods from living willows and willows there. Just do not take dry branches in any case. Bring the rods home. Remove leaves and hang in a conspicuous place.

On Saturday, before going to bed, the student should be whipped (symbolically, of course). In the process, you need to say the following words:

“I beat the slave (name) not out of boredom, but so that science climbs. I hit on the body to argue the case. I beat on the hands, I will teach science, I beat on the legs, so that the ignoramuses do not know the shame. So that everyone around is not praised in vain, so that the answers are always simple and clear. To have enough strength for learning. So that there were few bad marks! Amen!"

Symbolic execution is carried out for at least fifteen minutes. If the student himself becomes involved in the ritual, then it is imperative to touch every piece of skin, on the back too. And yet, many people forget about the heels. Then they complain about deuces. Sit down and pass the rods on the feet, beat on the heels. The whole body must be covered.

spell for good luck in studies

Sometimes a person knows a lot, and learns and does everything, but something prevents a good result from showing. Luck turned away from him, they say in such cases. The following spell will help fix the matter. It is read under the full moon, on the street. The words are:

“The face of the moon appeared above me. Give me back my luck! Give joy without crying. Let the strict teacher, the tormentor of the students, not praise me. Let the flow of fives fall into my report card! Amen"

The spell is cast seven times in a row. If the clouds do not close the moon during this time, then all the troubles will go away. Your studies will improve and the results will be excellent. And the moon will hide from sight, to know there are envious people in your team. Before from them, therefore read the spell for good luck.

Every parent wants their child to achieve something in life, so the prayer is that the children study well. You can read it every day before sending the child to school or to another educational institution.

What will help your child achieve academic success?

  • To educational activity child developed successfully, you need to provide him with a calm and friendly environment at home. The child should not be reprimanded for bad marks and call me stupid and lazy. Psychologists have long noted that as a parent calls a child all the time, that he is and will be. If the mother calls her son a lazy person, then he will grow up like that.
  • And if she often praises him and says that he is her pride, then this invigorates the child, and he tries to study well.

What prayer will help you study better?

What prayer can be read so that children study well?

  • In difficult times, when the child does not study well at school, and the mother does not know what to do with him, you can read This Saint helps all those who need help with their studies.
  • The prayer is this: "Oh, the Great Sergius of Radonezh, help my child study better. Reward him with a good memory, developed intelligence and quickness of thought. I do not want him to suffer in the future from the fact that he is now receiving bad grades. Give him strength and give him desires, to comprehend the sciences. Amen."
  • Remember that the prayer should be read by you more than once. Read it for 3 months and you will notice that the child has become better at learning.
  • During prayer, look at the icon depicting Sergius of Radonezh. And this icon is better in the child's room. You can buy a small icon with the image of this Saint to give to your child to school during a difficult time for him.

Now you know the prayer so that the children study well and you can influence the academic performance of your children.

In this article:

Your child is not always ready or able to learn as well as you want. But, not the main thing is your desire. Much more important is his future. Help your child learn well with simple conspiracy. It will help the schoolboy or student. While a person is studying, your plot will work. Only parents can do them, because only they have a special energy connection with a son or daughter. Learning well is easier than learning badly. Show this to your child, and he will definitely thank you later for your support and efforts.

It's hard for kids too

Parents often scold their children for not studying well. Everyone went through this. It can be hard to please your parents, but studying well is even harder. What to do? Parents should take this issue seriously. Perhaps your child does not want to study because some subjects are not clear to him. This often happens at school. Our education system offers all children the same workload, but this is not entirely correct.

If your child is a pure humanist, he is going to enter the Faculty of History, Literature, Art, but why does he need deep knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry? It would be better to facilitate programs according to the inclinations of the child, especially in last years study. Focus on those subjects that will be required for the university.

So the incentive to study well disappears, because he thinks:

  • these items will never come in handy, why try;
  • very complex knowledge, formulas that you don’t want to waste time on;
  • the subject is not interesting;
  • he himself is not good enough, according to you, especially if parents overreact to bad grades.

Here, parents need to determine how to help their son or daughter, to make sure that he studies with pleasure. Eat good spells proven over the years. They will open up great opportunities for the child to study:

  • easier to concentrate;
  • there is a keen interest in the subject being studied;
  • conspiracy helps to concentrate and not be distracted;
  • there is a desire to learn, to learn new things.

You will not recognize your child after the ritual. Many change their lives, focus on areas of interest, and then go on to great careers.

These conspiracies can only be pronounced by parents

Such conspiracies are only suitable for parents to pronounce them. The disciple himself should not perform such rituals. For the result to be, only the closest relative: mom, dad, grandma or grandpa can read the plot.

The fact is that parents are endowed with a special energy that they can use to help their children. This is the one unconditional love. She works wonders, is able to help your child, to direct him on the true path. Those parents who are sympathetic to problems are always happy to help in any way. And those who only scold for mistakes lose touch with the child. Conspiracies will not hurt, but only help. They will not make your child a straight A student, but they will help to pull up the “tails” and get ready quickly.

The most effective rituals to help you study

Some of them are held in the presence of a child, while others are based on a photo or personal item. This will help if the child does not want to participate in the ritual, interferes with you in every possible way. Parents should try to help in any way. All rituals are simple, but conditions must be observed. If it says that you need to use a photo, but it is necessary. Do not be afraid, do not harm the child, but only help him.

Conspiracy for a good study

Made for candles. You will need 3 red candles. They are sold in esoteric stores, they are cheap. On each candle you need to write full name child. Candles are twisted into a spiral, three are lit at once so that they burn together.

You can buy candles, or you can make your own

Put them on the child's desktop and where he is engaged. Say three times:

"Burn, flame, flare up! Squirm from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

The candles should burn out, and hide the cinder among the child’s things so that they don’t find it.

In order for the effect to last for a long time, you need to carry out a ritual and a conspiracy every 6 months. So your student will constantly feel interested in learning, stop complaining. There will be no problems. Helps for pupils and students.

Conspiracy for candles

Here you will need church candles. This ritual must be performed in the presence of a child. Ask him to sit quietly in a chair while you perform the ritual. Learn the plot by heart.
3 candles are lit, one is held together. Stand in front of the child and read the text 3 times:

“Thoughts are quick, deeds are quick, memory is strong! Mix wisdom and cunning in the water, Come together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, strikes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

Cross the child, have him cross himself.

Conspiracy for every day

This conspiracy is spoken by the mother every day when she escorts the child to an educational institution. When the child crosses the threshold of the house, say:

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, and prevent troubles. Blood from my blood, flesh from my flesh, you are not related to me. Amen".

Such conspiracies are read every day, soon become a habit. It's not long, so it won't take you long.

As you speak, imagine how hard your child is studying.

Prayer is a conspiracy

It is pronounced on Thursday over the child's personal belongings. If he wants, he can take part. The plot is read by the mother or father. If a child wants to read the plot together on their own, then they must memorize it.
It is done in the evening when the moon comes out. Stand where your son is engaged, take his personal item in your hand. Tell:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descended in the form of fiery tongues, and opened their mouths, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Holy Spirit on this child (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Your most pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Helpful for those who different reasons can not concentrate on the lesson qualitatively, is distracted. It is very useful to read it before important tests and exams. Start a month in advance, repeat several times.

Christian egregore helps students very well

Ritual to increase the mind

Conspiracies that add intelligence should traditionally be read by the father. The mother can also, but the effect will be weaker. The father takes a candle in one hand, and puts the other (right) on the head of the child. If he categorically does not want to take part in the ritual - do not force him. This way of coercion will not achieve anything, only anger the child. If you don’t believe in him, resort to prayers, magic, then he is absolutely worthless - your child may think so. Don't let this turn of events happen.

If the child does not want to, then let the father put his hand on his pillow. Read once a year:

“O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned Your chosen ones, taught Your Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave Solomon and all those who seek her - open the hearts, minds and lips of Your servants these (names disciples) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives, so that they will be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments, and thus taught, glorify the Most Holy Your name and they will be heirs of Your Kingdom - for You, God, are strong in mercy and good in strength, and all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, is due to You, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

So every night, while he sleeps on the pillow, the plot works to help him.

What else will help your children

Icons will help. If you are a believing family, then put an icon in the child's room, buy a body icon. Several icons will help you. Pray to them that they study well, take their heads and do not skip:

  • Rev. Sergius of Radonezh;
  • Reverend Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Ksenia Petersburgskaya (helps those who pass exams, defends a diploma);
  • Holy Matrona;
  • Martyr Xenia;
  • Icon Addition of Mind.

It will be easier for your children if they feel your support. Do not scold them in vain, because years go by, school and institute pass, and bad relationship with children it is difficult to recover.

School is very important period in the lives of children. Of course, it is also important for parents who are worried about good academic performance, going to college, and getting a meaningful profession. Prayers and conspiracies will help children cope with their tasks much easier.

How to read slander correctly?

For many millennia, the reading of conspiracies has depended on the lunar cycle. If something needs to be removed, they read to the outgoing moon, and if they add (for example, good academic performance), then to the arriving one. Influence should occur under the auspices of the full moon. It is this earthly satellite that is responsible for magical manipulations and otherworldly forces. Since ancient times, there have been rituals that are dedicated to various needs and needs.

The conspiracy to study has roots that go deep into the centuries. Today, the school is available to everyone, but in the past only a few could afford it. Therefore, some parents turned to magic for help.

Rituals are bound by forces beyond the control of reason. Every time we turn, we disturb something that should not be disturbed, therefore, first of all, we should ask for forgiveness. The second thing to do is to thank for all the help that will be provided. But not only magical rituals were present in the lives of people of past centuries. Faith also played an important role.

Conspiracy for a child to study well

A conspiracy to study a child should be read by his parents, mostly by his mother, since it is she who has good astral contact with the baby. The situation with poor academic performance occurs all the time. Successful study is the desire of many parents. Everyone strives to achieve this in their own way: someone is actively engaged, someone prays, and someone turns to rituals.

Strong conspiracies read by mom or dad have a very good influence, only if they believe in them.

A simple ritual in the bath

In the summer in the village, boil the child in the bath, saying:

“I beat all the sickness and nonsense out of you, I make room for reason and health. I'll steam you hard, I'll wash you clean, so that you succeed in your studies! Amen".

Then rinse it with holy water.

Free ritual for good luck in studies

Completely free, at home, you can conspire on some item that your son or daughter will always wear for a good learning process. Before this ritual, be sure to treat the beggars on the porch, give them money.

You will need:

  • bowl of holy water
  • a brown candle that symbolizes the will and desire of a person,
  • something round, such as a bracelet or a ring.

In the sacraments, the circle is given great attention. For example, round dances have roots precisely in magical rituals: to spin, loop, close - means to take under your power.

The slander should be read on the full moon. Wait for the very night when the moon last time"Step" to its increase.

At midnight, put the bowl on the window, so that the light does not get in well, put a bracelet or ring on the bottom. In complete silence, everything should lie for at least an hour, then say these words:

“Moonlight gives power to this subject (name), which will help my son, the servant of God (daughter of my servant of God) not to know troubles in teaching. From the time when he puts on (name what), all his hardships will go away. My words are maternal, strong, and I have paid before heaven! Amen!".

It can also be used on more responsible days, for example, or control ones.

Good luck before the test

Put a new patch under the left heel (5 rubles), the child should stomp five times and say:

“5 on 5, all the time on 5, yes, fives will stick to me at all control work. My words do not bend, do not break, do not rust, do not become cheaper!

A strong conspiracy for good and excellent grades

For the ritual you will need:

  • comb, thin, small, comb type;
  • brown candle;
  • three glasses of water, one sweet, the other salty, the third fresh;

On a good night full moon, put the glasses all on the windowsill, under the light and leave for an hour to recharge with energy.

Then light a candle and lower a comb into each circle with the words:

Let salty water wash away the bad, unnecessary thoughts that clog the head of the servant of God (name).

Sweet water, may it give strength to thoughts (name), so that it can help him in his studies. So that he (name) learns with ease and he always has good luck.

Fresh water, let the student (name) rest from all understanding and knowledge in order to take on them renewed.

Leave the comb in the moonlight until morning. Give the comb to the student, let him always comb it, then good studies secured.

Prayers for the study of children

There are many prayers, but it is these words, combined with rituals, that have especially powerful power.

Ritual for red ink

You will need:

  • ink, red;
  • handkerchief;
  • threads of the same color;
  • needle;
  • pin.

Items will need to be illuminated in the church. Write the following prayer on the fabric in red ink:

“Guardian angel of the servant of God, gather all his memory together, his whole mind together, all his abilities together and teach him how to use them. My words are true and strong. Amen".

Fold the fabric into a square with the inscription inward and around the perimeter. Fasten to the form, like an amulet, remove during washing. Such protection guarantees easy study for your child.

Rite with incense

Buy an amulet in the church with the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, sew it into the pillow on which the child sleeps at night, go to his bed at night and say:

“Nicholas the miracle worker, perform a miracle, help the servant of God (name), make his memory good, unlimited, and his mind sharp. So that he understands his teachers from a half-word, in order to be higher in his mind than he is now. Create a miracle so that he has a love for learning, everything is subject to you, Saint Nicholas. Amen".

In the morning go to church and put a candle to the image of the saint.

Through these prayers excellent study guaranteed. The main thing is that the son or daughter is healthy. Because very often poor academic performance depends directly on healthy physiological state. Enlarged adenoids, dislocation of the cervical vertebrae, hyperactivity of the child - all this has detrimental effect. In this case, you need to pray to the saint for health. Better yet, see a doctor first.

Consequences of conspiracies and prayers

There is absolutely no need to worry about the consequences of asking for good studies. This does no harm to anyone, because the care of parents is completely normal phenomenon. Especially if we are talking about reading a prayer for health and well-being. The main thing is that you follow these simple rules:

  • do no harm to anyone, for example, a teacher or another excellent student;
  • ask only for good forces;
  • always in conspiracies to give thanks for everything;
  • ask for forgiveness and put candles on your health and the child.

If you are still worried, then you can, having made a conspiracy to study, go to church, repent, make a donation.