Break the energy connection between a man and a woman. Energy bindings or how to break the energy connection with another person

Many women complain that after breaking up they cannot forget the person and feel a certain attraction. People who work with energies explain this by saying that during intimacy a relationship is formed between the partners naturally may disappear only after seven years. If a couple breaks up, and the energy connection between a man and a woman remains, various problems may appear, both on the spiritual and physical levels. That is why it is important to cut off all existing contacts as soon as possible.

How to break the energy connection with former partners?

There is a certain ritual that will allow you to return the lost energy and break contact. It is best to spend it on 19 lunar day V . Make sure in advance that nothing interferes or distracts. After sunset, sit in a dark room and light a candle. Relax and try to remember everyone sexual partners over the past seven years.

Diagram how to break energy connection:

  1. connect big and forefinger on right hand to make a ring. Lower it down the abdomen to the area where the uterus is located. The thing is that it is this body that is responsible for feminine energy, and there are threads that connect with the past.
  2. To stop the energy connection with the former, imagine a dial in this place, and put the ring at 12 o'clock. In this case, the dial should look down.
  3. Turn your head to the left, which will symbolize the past. Breathing in, remember the man you were with sexual relations. After that, turn your head forward, which symbolizes the present.
  4. In order to break the energy connection between lovers, it is necessary, moving counterclockwise in a spiral towards the center, to collect the thread of the past. Make three such circles.
  5. Then turn your head to right side, that is, into the future, and while exhaling, throw out this energy thread.

The ritual must be repeated for each guy with whom there were intimate

This article gives good practice, which allows you to remove energy dependence on people and other creatures, and free yourself from unwanted influence.

When people have unequal subordinate relationships, when they have room for fear of loss, when one depends on the other, psychological attachment appears. Having psychic abilities, such attachment can be felt on the subtle plane, where it manifests itself as energy bindings (cords). As you know, each chakra is associated with a certain set of feelings and desires, depending on which one can judge where the energy connection can be established. Usually energy bindings between people are formed unconsciously, they can also be between women, for example, in the presence of envy; and they will be sure between lovers, parents and other loved ones.

The same energy bindings can be formed and intentionally, which happens most often in the world of Spirits. For example, through these bindings, people cling to incubi (demon in male form) or succubus (demon in female form), depending on gender and sexual preferences. As a rule, the energy connection with them is established at the level of the genitals - the second chakra. It is possible to determine whether intercourse with such a demon takes place in a dream by the following hallmarks: he always has beautiful body, which is sure to please its victim, but the face is ugly (although the face is rarely seen), and after sexual intercourse, a strong pumping of energy occurs with it; In the morning, the victim of a sexual assault wakes up rumpled and tired.

In the case when a person feels a clear dependence on another, so heavy that it overshadows his life, takes strength and energy, reduces interest in life, it is urgent to get rid of this. To do this, you need to remove the energy bindings.

How to remove attachment?

This practice is aimed at breaking ties with a person or some other being. (If you do not have enough personal strength to do it yourself, then you should contact a specialist.) It is best to do it with two people: one removes the bindings from the other. Most right time(observance of which will help increase personal strength and increase results) for such a ritual is Saturday. God bless this day Saturn, which will help break unwanted ties and get rid of them.

Materials: For the ritual, you will need one candle to create a sacred space (white or wax) and a second candle or bowl of salt to receive negativity. In the second case, it is convenient to use disposable plate, since it is not a pity to throw it away, and the used salt, respectively, will need to be drained into the toilet.

Ritual progress:

(Here I will describe a variant explaining how to remove bindings from another person; by the same principle, they can also be removed from yourself.)

1. Light a candle to create a sacred space with the words:

I call on my spirit helper / guardian angel / patron god [Name](the person being cleaned) help me: establish justice and clean [Name] from all energy attachments that bind her/him to [Name2](with that person or other being from which you need to free yourself).

2. Place a second candle (or a bowl of salt) at the feet of the person you are cleaning. (This extrasensory perception exercise.) Stand at the person's back and raise your hand, palm down, above their head. There will be sensations similar to those of a light breeze, warm/cool, or tingling.

3. Then you need to give an internal command - to feel the energy bindings. Tune in to the sensations of the palm of your hand and slowly lower your hand down (starting from the back of the head). Where you feel heat, figure it out: are there seals, what shape are they? (Usually, energy attachments appear as ropes, threads, cords, hoses.)

4. When you determine the energy bindings, carefully pull them out and throw the second candle into the fire. (As soon as a person loses mental control over the energy connection, it is restored. Therefore, you need to do this practice slowly, with high level concentration.) After that, check how it turned out: is there anything left? If yes, then pull out what's left. If difficulties arise and the attachment reappears, then try to remove it again and mentally ignite it along its entire length with fire - let the flame rush to the one who gave birth to it. There is another option: remove the binding and put a mental silver ring, after throwing it into space - such a binding will not be picked up by anyone.

5. Thus, remove (check) the bindings along the spine from the head to the knees, and then throw them into the fire. Basically, the bindings can be on the chakras, or on some organs or glands (large lymph nodes).

6. When you remove all bindings, go over the places where they were again and restore the human field in this place (fill the voids with energy, smooth out surface irregularities so that there is a uniform surface).

7. When finished, cleanse your hands over the flame of the candle, visualizing the fire absorbing any foreign energies that remain after the cleansing.

8. Let the candles burn out.

In addition to cleaning a person, it would also be good to clean the room (apartment or house) in which he sleeps, especially if the bindings were with entities from parallel world. You can clear the room with fire (see article "Cleansing Ritual" ), you can fumigate it with sage smoke.

Who can do this practice?

This practice can be mastered by almost anyone who understands that he is not only a physical body. In other words, anyone who wants to can learn to feel energy bindings, with the exception of skeptics, who only need to be convinced of their negative opinion.

P.S.: write about your experience in the comments below.

Energy attachments don't stay that easy, people create them themselves, with real obsessive emotions, mental energy, subconscious flows that a person has little control over. In the end, this state is comparable to addiction. A person is dependent on his emotions and thoughts, he cannot feel differently and think differently. In order to get rid of the obsessive connection, a break in the energy binding is necessary. Sometimes it is not so easy to do this, since the communication channel has been cultivated over the years, it has been strengthened and strengthened. Different practitioners use special techniques and know how to break the energy binding.

Energy binding: how to get rid of

Would you like to become free and independent? In order to find out how to get rid of the energy binding, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence and place emphasis. You need to start with, it will help identify the donor and the vampire, as well as a way to break the addiction. The second issue of diagnosis is to identify the causes of vampirism. After these questions are answered by the master with the help of special techniques makes a break in the energy connection, then it is necessary to restore the field of participants in the pathological binding.

Usually the healer does not label, that is, he does not say who is the vampire in this bundle, and who is the donor. This information is only needed by him to do the job. In some cases, it is necessary to psychological work with a person subject to the strongest attachment to another person. Otherwise, due to some factors, taking into account the will of the patient himself, after a while a new energy binding may arise. For stable result, it is necessary that a person himself understands the essence of things and knows how to help himself become healthy.

In the event of a love attachment between a man and a woman, or vice versa, it is caused by unrequited love, desire to possess a person, jealousy, envy or other negative thoughts. If a man or woman does not change their way of thinking, if they do not change their attitude towards the object of adoration, after a while this binding, alas, will be restored. The technique of breaking energy bindings will give a short-term effect, but if the work of a master to restore energy and is added to it, a person will forever get rid of this harmful meaningless connection that devastates him energetically and physically.

How to break the energy binding

If you often feel depressed physical strength, you have no mood and desire to do something, you are often subject to emotional swings from hysterical laughter to tears, you fall asleep badly or wake up hard, then most often the reason for this state lies in the presence of a binding. If you have been diagnosed with an energy binding, removing it, first of all, means getting rid of the senseless loss of strength, energy leakage and being able to direct energy in the right direction.

You can break the energy binding between people in 4 ways:

  • with the help of bioenergy;
  • cosmoenergy method;
  • various magical techniques;
  • working with a psychologist.

It is difficult for a “non-practitioner” to do this, and in the case of the formation of a powerful connection, it will not be possible to get rid of the energy binding. This requires a certain strength and knowledge of the laws of bioenergetics.

Throughout life, we repeatedly try to build relationships, meet, fall in love, sometimes even live together for some time. But not every such experience is successful. Speaking of successful experience, we mean exactly the one that leads to the formation of a stable unit of society, ...

There are many methods and techniques described by various lovers of pampering with energies that allow you to quickly remove the energy binding, but they do not remove or correct the causes. And this means that after a while the bindings will be restored and with another greater strength. As a result, it takes a long time and hard to unravel them. There is no need for amateur performances if you are poorly versed in these matters. For your safety, health and efficiency, please consult a specialist.

If you feel a weak energy connection with this or that person, and you understand that it has not yet taken root and turned into a powerful addiction, try to remove the energy binding yourself. What needs to be done for this?

Instructions: how to independently remove the energy binding

  1. Find a free minute (figuratively, an hour and a half is better), make yourself comfortable, turn off your phone, TV, computer and other equipment. In the background, you can turn on the music and light incense stick. Relax and start working with your mind.
  2. Analyze the situation. Try to understand what makes you constantly think about a person, remember his words, deeds. What touches you in it, what attracts you? All necessary information hidden in the binding itself. Search! With the help of analysis and logic, you will understand how you create it, what drives you along the way. Is it difficult to do this? Try to abstract and rise above the situation. It helps to tell a virtual friend about her. Describe everything that happens, your emotions, feelings. In this case, you have nothing to hide, you cannot hide it from yourself. Look for what you lack. Among the causes identified may be a certain type of energy, one or more, which you lack in order to become happy and perfect according to your understanding or a character trait that you wish to develop. Diagnostics of energy harnesses will help you determine the place of attachment.
  3. Determine the method of psychological and energy adjustment, identified causes of attachments. If we are talking about a lack of energy in some chakra or a defective energy field of one type or another, then it is necessary to look for methods for restoring the work and integrity of the chakras and all layers of the biofield. All this work is done in parallel with the eradication of negative character traits that you have discovered in yourself. An experienced psychologist-energy therapist will help you choose the right technique, write your request in the comments or by e-mail [email protected]
  4. Break the energy binding with the help of visualization. During the diagnostic process, you learned where they are attached. Bindings usually lie behind the largest energy bundles. The technique of breaking energy bindings includes following procedure: "Be alone. Invite your guardian angel and the saints who supervise you in this life (to find out which of the saints next to you will also be helped by a spiritual healer, ask him about this when ordering diagnostics). Ask the angels and saints to help you get rid of the energy attachment. Next, pick up a large golden knife and cut off the tourniquet at a distance of 30-40 cm from the physical body. You can work with this technique only from 1 to 5 chakras. If you have been diagnosed with a tourniquet on the 6th and 7th chakras, then here, in order to remove them, you need a different technique and the help of a specialist, do not climb on your own, you can harm yourself.

P.S. If, after the procedure, the person with whom you broke off the connection called or came to visit, or you just met with him, and he spoke to you, then his intention is to restore the broken connection. Most often, the conversation is unpleasant, you can be accused of something, scolded, brought to emotions. If it's about love binding, then the object of your adoration will definitely pay attention to you, try to somehow renew the connection. In any case, one thing is clear that a deep decoupling is required, it is necessary to correctly break the energy bindings, restore the biofield and remove the psycho-mental causes that cause it to appear.

Restore harmony after painful breakup, as well as return the purity of relationships, emotions, feelings will help break in energy ties. How get rid of past connections Read below for a few ways.

Recently, on the Internet, I came across a speech by a physicist who said that a child would inherit the genetic codes of all men with whom a woman had sexual intercourse. Its connection with the first is especially strong. And everything would be fine - but you want a child from YOUR man. This time. And the bad genetic codes of men who are already strangers to you are inherited, these are two. And plus, it has long been no secret to anyone that a woman continues to be connected by an invisible thread with her exes. And feminine precious energy flows along these threads to the men with whom the woman was associated intimate relationship. As a result, your current man and you yourself receive less energy.

ways get rid of past connections There are a few.

Breaking energy bonds with a salt bath

(Ariel Ford gives this method in The Law of Attraction with reference to teacher Stephen Koh and Dr. Eric B. Roberts)

In order to get rid of past connections in this way, you need to prepare yourself fragrant bath, pour in decently salt - sea or ordinary table salt - about 740 grams.

Light candles, plunge into the bath, taking care in advance that you are not disturbed by your family.

Having plunged into a meditative or at least semi-meditative state, remember all your lovers. Take turns silently or aloud saying the words of forgiveness and gratitude for the gifted experience to everyone.

energy binding occurs in communication between a woman and a man. Energy is transferred in any case, when making love, communicating, spending time together, etc.

Many people break off their relationship, but both partners do not always want it, so the energy connection between people, even after the end of the relationship, in many cases remains.

Some people very often cannot come to terms with the idea that their loved one has left them. What to do in such cases and is it dangerous?

The danger of the energy binding of people

You must have met people who, after parting long time sad, crying and wither right before our eyes.

Their sexual energy decreases daily. It is voluntarily transferred to another (former) loved one. No need to blame him, because he is not aware of all this!

Frequent experiences and concern for a former partner make a person weaker, he transfers all his energy to him.

The more often and more you think about it, the more energy you lose. In this state, it is impossible to build new relationships, even our body will gradually weaken each time.

The basic principles of energy bindings, what are they based on?

1. For revenge

A strong desire to take revenge on the former partner, worsen his life, hurt him, as he hurt you. This is an indisputable fact.

A person plans every day, thinks through every step in order to fulfill his dream. All this takes most of the accumulated vital energy, and even when revenge comes true, it will be very difficult to return it. Then you will be left only in complete despair, incomprehension and without any guesses what to do next.

2. Guilt

Many people blame themselves for the end of a relationship. They blame themselves for hurting, not being too kind to their partner, reacting wrong or saying too much, not stopping or doing it too late. All this takes a huge amount of energy and strength, especially if as a result long term relationship children were hurt.

3. Resentment and disappointment

Grievances - these are your unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, desires and dreams.

We blame the former partner that he did not give us the opportunity to realize our plans, that all dreams and desires died long ago.

Resentment makes us weaker, we often complain to others, we blame the past loved one for all the troubles, we think that we are not bad, but the person who once left us.

Why do you think that someone else is to blame for all this? These were your desires and plans. And, most likely, they differed significantly from the desires and plans. former lover. So, what is his fault? ...

4. Promises

Perhaps the person you loved once promised you a lot of things. He said that you will be his forever, give birth to children for him, he will build a house and your living together will be very long.

The woman believed and waited for this, but at one point he left. A woman cannot fully understand how it all happened, because he promised? She remembers all the words, emotions, feelings and continues to hold on to the past, believes that everything is still changing and this is not the end.

How to remove energy attachments to former partners?

To improve your life, raise the level of vital energy, you need:

  • Find all energy leaks and close them. Break all existing sexual energy attachments to former partners.
  • Develop your Svadhisthana chakra.
  • Manage your life energy. You must be able to turn it on or off energy force when you need it. Point her in the right direction.

Energy Bindings to Former Partners - Video