Arina Evdokimova: “If you have long wanted to start a new life, it's time to do it. Talismans a - What can you tell about parallel worlds and UFOs

Arina Evdokimova

Participant of the 1st "Battle of psychics"

I wish you always have:

Earth to live.

Water to drink.

Air, to breathe.

Fire to keep warm.

Date of Birth: I am Gemini and Tiger by zodiac sign.

Hometown: I was born in Baku, because my father is a sailor, but they registered me in Astrakhan, my grandmother lived there.

Favorite dish: fried potatoes.

What brings you good luck: Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, a gift from my mother.

Favorite season and why: I love summer very much, I am a southerner, and for me summer is my favorite season.

How many hours do you sleep: 5 to 8, whatever.

Favorite animal: dogs. I really love big dogs. I love St. Bernards.

How do you like to spend your free time, if you have it: I just like to do nothing, to be silent with my husband, anything, just to be with my family.

The city that I remember the most and why: Prague, I was shocked by some special aristocratic beauty, it feels like you are in the 17th-18th centuries, the energy of the city is strong.

How to contact you: my mail - [email protected], my official website is

I don’t sit in “Contact” and “Odnoklassniki”, I don’t have time for this. I come home quite late, I find from 100 to 300 letters in my mailbox, I choose every 13th letter, I answer it. The next day, the 13th again, and so on, to whom the turn comes.

June 15, 2010 I met Arina Evdokimova. Her kind big eyes looked at me with warmth, it seemed that we had known each other for a long time, but this was our first meeting. I did not know where to start, what to talk about, I wanted to write an interesting book about the life of people who have the gift, clairvoyant abilities. I came to Arina in order to interview. She didn't have much time. I had 15-20 minutes to ask a few questions. We started talking, and I did not notice how time flew by ... We agreed that we would see each other in the near future, but we could not determine the exact date, since Arina's schedule is very busy.

I called every week for a month, Arina was busy and still could not see me, I thought that perhaps our meeting would not take place anymore, hope was melting every day. Two months passed, and one day the phone rang, I looked at the display, Arina called:

- Good afternoon, Michael. Do you still need me for the book?

“Of course,” I said. - When will we be able to meet?

- Let's go tomorrow.

At the appointed time, I was waiting for Arina.

With her permission, I will tell you the story of her life.

Arina Evdokimova’s grandmother, Ekaterina, was a strong and very believing healer (she didn’t miss a single Sunday service). By origin, she was a noblewoman, from the Vorontsov-Mikhailov family. When the revolution took place, it was not 25 years old. At that time, she was married, but Arina's great-grandfather arranged a divorce on purpose to avoid repression. Then he passed her off as a person from an unsecured family and sent her to the Astrakhan region, to her husband's homeland. When Arina was born, her grandmother was about 80 years old, and she died when the girl was barely 15. Her grandmother was very disciplined and did not spoil her granddaughter. From an early age, Arina was taught to work and read books.

“I remember that there were always a lot of people on the estate where we lived. Many came: some for health, some for happiness, some just for a warm word. Now I understand how much my grandmother did for people.”

Grandmother talked a lot about her youth, that the noble breed is hardworking and self-possessed. The morning for the girl began at 6 o'clock, the corresponding procedures, then - a prayer, then - Arina read the newspaper aloud to her grandmother (from the age of 6, her grandmother taught her granddaughter to read), then breakfast followed. Very often together they went for a walk in the fields, collected herbs, dug up some roots and brought them home. Parents spoiled the girl, bought a lot of toys, Arina gave everything away, and her grandmother was indignant. She said that generosity breeds excessive trust. Grandmother never allowed her granddaughter to even take cards in her hands and never played herself.

“I learned to distinguish cards by suit at the age of 30.”

Arina's parents always smiled when they were at home and sang a lot, especially her mother, she had a beautiful voice. Grandmother Ekaterina was remembered by the girl for her endurance and diligence. She also taught her granddaughter to order.

“I had my own flower bed, clean shoes were a must, my towel was a must, a pot, a shirt, all of this was a must. I stomped to the music, not having time to come from school and eat. Falling asleep, I spanked after my grandmother with this daddy to play the piano. I studied German, because English was not taught nearby, I learned it from the age of 8 or 9.

Arina's grandmother believed that girls should be educated and hardworking. From childhood, she taught her granddaughter prayers, conspiracies, talked about God, heaven, about how she helps people. Sometimes she sat down and talked about someone, as if the girl did not exist. And then suddenly she said:

“Did you hear? You don't have to do this, you have to think. Wisdom and faith lead to the goal, but the rejection of God leads to the abyss.

Once her grandmother and her eldest daughter went to Vanga. After they returned, there was no longer a single person in the house, apparently Vanga said something, and the grandmother no longer received people, the whole family moved to Astrakhan, and the grandmother devoted herself entirely to her granddaughter: lessons, books, library . They lived in the village of a military unit, then 5 books were given from the library for a week, she took 5 for her granddaughter, 5 for her granddaughter in her name: 10 books for a week, every Sunday the grandmother checked whether the girl had read these books. Alexandra Dumas Arina read already in the 4th grade. Grandmother sewed very well and taught the girl to always look elegant and beautiful.

“One day, on New Year's Eve, she suddenly fell ill and quickly left, without straining anyone, just as worthily as she lived. We never saw her sick, she fell ill on New Year's Eve, December 30, and died on January 2, God rest her soul.

Before her death, she called me, took off the ring and handed it to me with the words:

“I took care of you, but the Lord knows better.

Your gift is strong, Vanga told me that I’m not even close to your equal, and your help will be strong, only the trials will be big. Take care of your gift, granddaughter. With these words, she handed me the jewelry that she had never taken off before.”

After these words, everyone was waiting for something, and then everything was forgotten, and somehow Arina did not think about this gift, she entered the pedagogical institute and was far from not only extrasensory perception, but generally from psychology. The girl entered the medical school because her grandmother wanted it that way, but it was difficult to enter the medical institute at that time, and since Arina graduated from school with a silver medal, she easily entered the pedagogical institute for the literary faculty, and then graduated from the psychological faculty of Moscow State University.

After graduation, the girl worked at school for some time, got married and lived, like many at that time in the USSR.

Arina is a leader, in her youth this greatly interfered with her career growth. Only over the years did she realize that she had been a seer from birth and was simply trying to do what she saw as the best result.

“From childhood, for example, I remember some moments. Grandmother forced us to sell milk, carrying it around the village, and I came back with two cans (I didn’t reach the house to whom the milk was intended) and said:

- There are no such and such houses at home.

– Where are they?

- They left for the district center, bah.

- Well. You are deceiving.

- No, bah, they are all closed.

Grandmother was not lazy, she took this milk, walked, returned and said:

- True, they left for the regional center, but how is it? You haven't been to them, I know for sure! Is Babkin's gift waking up?!"

Grandmother often told her granddaughter about some kind of grandmother, about some gifts. Until the age of 10, Arina was always saying something, and her grandmother was surprised: “Well, is Babkin’s gift really waking up? Do you have something?"

Arina was not going to do what she was doing at all. She had a personal drama, problems, those very difficult trials that Vanga once told her grandmother about.

“I fought as hard as I could, those were back-breaking years.”

Once Arina met a woman who introduced herself as a fortune teller and said:

- You know everything about yourself, you have a gift, you approached it, if you do not accept the Power of the Lord, it will be bad. You need to help people, and the Lord will help you.

Arina learned a lot from this woman, they became friends. At that time, she had already graduated from Moscow State University, worked as a psychologist, but the girl did not think about extrasensory perception. And when this woman, Vera, told her that she herself knew how and knew everything, then Arina tried to accept people, but she was very shy and, when she saw the film “The Island”, she realized how the elder reminded her of herself.

“Do you remember the episode when people come to the elder, and he speaks on behalf of two persons, leaving for another room. And in those distant times, when people came to me, I listened, then picked up the phone and said:

- I'll call the teacher and ask everything.

I pretended to ask a question into the phone, and immediately answered, saying: “Here, he is telling me something, commenting on it.”

I was so uncomfortable when later people started calling, coming and saying: “Arina, thank you, everything is for sure.” I was very surprised, I didn’t understand what was happening, but I just touched everything with my hand, and the person was healed. I didn't know it would happen."

Some time later, when the difficulties had not yet been overcome, one day in February, Arina met a woman on the street, outwardly she looked like an Indian woman and was very lightly dressed. Arina asked why she looked like that. The woman began to cry, explaining that she was an Egyptian, that her brother's Russian wife had put him in jail, and that her documents and money had been stolen from her in the subway. So she settled in Arina's tiny apartment.

“God, how she was clairvoyant. She spoke all the answers in verse, and I wrote into the recorder. Laker (that was the name of my new friend) told about her family, she knew how to do a lot. She looked at a person in a special way, by numbers, by special prayers. She taught me the same.

The Lord has no accidents. We solved her problems, and mine remained with me, and I had to go through the difficulties that she described to me in verse. All the more valuable were her positive predictions. We broke up, but she remained in my memory and heart.

In 2004, Arina came to Mexico (she had a dream to see Teotiukan and climb this peak), people stood in line for the bus, a boy came up and asked Arina for money. The woman gave him $100, which turned out to be a lot under the circumstances. The boy returned and said that his teacher was waiting for her. So the woman received a teacher - a special spirit. As time went on, she perfected her gift. Remaining Orthodox, she thought a lot about how to live with her abilities, how not to harm herself, children, and other people. Thus was born the desire to get to the elders. Her friend Nelly helped her in this, she was more church-going.

The women went to the old man. First they came to Pitirim Volokalamsky, who asked Arina to diagnose the nun. He thought for a long time, then he said: “Go, I will pray for you, you speak with the Holy Spirit, pray yourself too and do not refuse people.” He ordered to go to Father Naum in a year. Apparently, he knew that in a year he would move to another world. At the right time, Arina and Nelli went to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to see Father Naum.

“He did not rebuke me, but, on the contrary, blessed me with a word through the Holy Spirit. Many now say that the Church denies prophetic gifts. Yes, he does not deny, but is afraid of confusion in human souls. The stronger the gift, the greater the temptation. The more charm. Even the elders could not always distinguish between spirits. If at least one of the elders said: “Don’t do this,” then I think I would find the strength to stop, but each of them said that it was necessary and that I should do it.

Elder Elijah Optinsky once, in a conversation with my question about payment, said: “Yes, your gift is from God, a smart person will pay, but you don’t even need to take it from a fool. People do not understand that not only a gift from the Lord, but also trials from the Lord, but they can’t stand it, they go, they carry their dirty linen, and why should they wash for free? No, the back can fall off like that. People need to be explained that you are talking about the providence of God, but keep your spiritual judgment yourself, no matter how you tempt. Not everyone can be helped, and not everyone.

Arina did not understand for a long time where this gift comes from, what it is and how much it is needed, and if necessary, what can be said, what cannot. Now the woman has calmed down, she already knows what to say and what not to say. Today, Arina can tell how to help a person, but only if the person wants it and is ready to participate in the construction and creation of his life path. Many people sometimes seek not even a miracle and salvation, but rather witchcraft. But this can be understood when despair overwhelms, it is very difficult to get together, the right path is not always visible through tears. Arina herself made many mistakes in her life and went through many trials. Every day a woman thanks the Lord and asks for forgiveness from everyone whom she voluntarily or involuntarily offended.

- Tell me, how do visions come to you? A person arrives and...

- The fact is that the film "SUPERHUMANS-2" was filmed. A number of scientists hung me with the appropriate equipment, I started the diagnostics, and the equipment fixed it. So, it was recorded that during clairvoyance my brain gives out a state similar to an epileptic seizure, and then a state of deep fainting, although at this time I tell the actor and the doctor the facts and reasons for the events he experienced, outwardly being in an absolutely normal state. The second device during a telephone conversation with Philip Kirkorov showed that when I told him something, my brain turned off, the line on the monitor was even, as if I was falling into a coma, and I felt great. There is likely to be some sort of transition going on here. I can’t say where I learn something from, I just know that information is different for all people. I just know and can't help but see. I see the future the way you recall the past, easily replaying events. What I want most of all is the ability to "not look." It's easy to look, but I don't know how to learn not to see.

- Does it bother you a lot in life?

- No, you can’t say about a gift that it hinders or helps, it is there, like a heart, an arm and a leg, it just is. Of course, it takes a lot of physical strength, but the joy is sometimes great, and then this is what allows you to live, work, earn. There are talented artists, doctors, but I have such a gift. I can say frankly that if the Lord gave me some kind of material base (due to which I would not have to earn money with psychology and such opportunities), if he ordered, then I would be very happy to be engaged in writing and volunteering. I think I would work as a hospice volunteer, I really love children. I love to help people and, probably, I would use the gift just like that, it is there, and that’s it, it’s not a pity to give it away. But for now, I can’t afford it, because we live in a society where everything is worth something, this is life, as God decreed. The Lord has everyone in their place.

- Are abilities given to a person from above or can he develop them in himself?

- As for intuition, phenomenal or non-phenomenal, telepathic abilities, some opportunities to see something, everyone has it, since we are still the children of wise ancestors, genetically intuition is inherent in us. But a civilization that has stepped far ahead makes people lazy and turn off many brain functions. Civilization breeds laziness of the mind. So, intuition, everyone has it, but behind the presence of a huge amount of information, professional activity, internal and external fuss - it all becomes dull. But the gift of prophecy and healing, I think, they are given to the elect after the test. You first loaded the car with coal, lit the furnace, and only then the train started. And I think that this gift is not given as a punishment, no, and not even as a test. It is given to the elect, whom the Lord loves very much. I'm talking about the gift of prophecy and healing.

- You participated in the first "Battle of psychics", it is always difficult to start. Why did you decide to go to the “Battle” and what did you take away for yourself? What was the first thing you wanted to prove to yourself?

“I wasn’t going to this “Battle” at all. When I was invited, I was so skeptical about it, well, project and project. I didn’t even understand what it was, they explained that it was an analogy of some British program. I did not keep up with the time, I had a client then (he is still there - the president of one of the republics, he had elections, and I worked with him as a psychologist). I work with many politicians as a computer scientist, as an analyst, and he needed me at that time. So, I was invited to this “Battle”, I had to refuse, because I was flying away. When I arrived, they called me and said that they were waiting for me. I went, I was just curious. It's really hard to be the first, we arrived at 9 o'clock in the morning, cars were our test, we had to find a person in the trunk. We were there from 9 am to 6 pm. Now I would leave. At the same time, it seemed awkward to me, we stayed until the evening, the second or third aunt came out, she hung on me, said that everything was bad in general, and I myself became ill from fatigue and hunger.

I have never filmed for television at all, it was difficult and almost impossible for me, and when I came to the “Battle”, I was already quite well-known in narrow circles, there was no need for clients. I didn't come for fame, that's for sure.

When I entered the hall with cars, saw the light, I just decided for myself that I didn’t want anything. I went in and I don’t even remember what I said, but I didn’t see anything. I felt tired and no information, complete indifference. I firmly decided that I would not go to the second stage, but the organizers caught me on ambitions. It was explained to me that they would show the whole country that they had no abilities, that they had not found a person. I was angry, but I came.

And when there was a second stage of testing with Nikas Safronov, an artist, then they put on a mask on us and we went up somewhere. When I took off the mask, I realized that there were a lot of people around, and you get up with a feeling of darkness, you don’t hear, you don’t understand that there are a lot of people, you are wearing a mask and nothing interferes. I immediately clearly told who was in front of me, how old he was, where he was from, there were no problems. After that, I passed, then there was the house of Mikhail Krug, a test that was ridiculously difficult, because we were imprisoned on Pushkinskaya at half past seven in the morning, and we arrived in Tver at 4 pm. We were driven in circles, the windows were curtained. Everyone began to resent, we didn’t have the strength, we wanted to eat, we wanted to go to the toilet ... and then we didn’t want anything at all. The structure of a clairvoyant is still a certain peace. When we arrived, we were settled in some house, as it turned out later, on the next street with the house of Mikhail Krug, they gave us a rest. Then, when I came out at Krug's house, I said the following thing: “Everything is filled with death here, someone is shouting: “Misha, Misha!” - people are howling here, there was a funeral procession. One of the leaders of the film crew was standing nearby, when she heard my words, she said: “Can you imagine if this crazy woman says this in front of everyone. Look, this can't be allowed, let's send her home." My ambitions jumped up, and I said: “You will go home yourself.” But the information was covered up, although in the house of the Circle I gave the name and that the house belongs to a famous actor, composer, journalist. In fact, a lot depends on the installation. Neither the project leaders, nor even us, understood how to behave, what they wanted from us, what kind of adventure we were in. And the next one was easier. If I got to the second or third "Battle", I think I would become the winner easily. I would not have received the stress that was on the first "Battle". Yes, I would have won this one if I had stayed. But it happened the way it should have happened ... And what did the "Battle" teach? That it is necessary to defend ourselves not from human problems, but from envious people. We must be able to defend ourselves, because the world is now difficult and cruel. I learned not only to organize other people's holidays, but also to participate in my own. Anyway, whenever possible, I try to be open and accessible for communication.

Any “Battle” ends sooner or later, sometimes even bringing losses to the winners.

What problems do people come with?

Now it seems to me that we have begun to fulfill the role of psychiatrists, psychologists, magicians, confessors, healers and comforters at the same time. Some diseases have become somewhat different. Some new energies have come into the world, people cannot digest and live by some old paradigms, old attitudes.

There is no social protection, medicine has not weakened, it's just expensive, and people are starting to leave not for civilization, but are looking for something in the experience of past years. And so they are looking for fortune-tellers, sorcerers, psychics. Not even always out of a desire to shift responsibility, but most often despair guides a person. People come different, but the troubles are the same and centuries old. It seems that all the problems are obvious: someone is sick, someone cannot get married, someone has been left by a loved one, someone has mental attacks, etc. But one thing is at the core: everyone wants to find and save himself , that is, health, love, happiness, prosperity, family, children, their place in life. But not everyone can determine their own path and the measure of their own responsibility. Therefore, I always ask everyone who wishes to receive information to try to realize their own participation in their own destiny. Much in a person's life depends on the date of birth. Studying astrology and Orthodox education courses, I realized that it is not enough to remove the magical effect, it is very important to fix the result in the mind of the person himself, in other words, to patch up the “energy breakdown” so that events do not repeat. That is why I constantly insist that the participation of the person himself in the process of his healing from various ailments is very important.

I began to face the fact that people who come to the reception are increasingly beginning to feel the influence of other people. People have become more receptive to new energy changes, the question arose: do all people really feel how they are conjured? Is the person the patient is talking about really casting spells on him?

In my practice, there is such an example: a girl came, her name is Elena, she had a friend. Elena recently quit a firm where the manager was her lover. After she quit, she began to experience difficulties of a different nature. The apartment was robbed, personal life did not work out. In a word, everything is bad. When she came, I began to look and saw the reason (sometimes I have key phrases, or names, or something like that, and I start from this). I said: "The reason is in a woman named Elena and in some kind of ticket, in some kind of vacation." She confirmed that she had a friend - the chief accountant of this company, her name is also Elena. In their company, a trip to Turkey was raffled off, and Lena (who was at my reception) won this trip. That Elena said that, in fact, the management promised her this ticket without a draw, that, they say, you received it undeservedly, because you have a boss in your lovers. He can give you this ticket anyway, but I don’t have anything, girlfriends don’t do that. My client did not pay attention to this, she went to rest. She arrived, something happened in the company, she quit, and as a result, everything went awry for her, they quarreled with her friend Elena. I told her that the reason is that Elena, but not because she conjures, but because the deep resentment of this lady forms events from her thoughts that are negative for my client.

At the heart of all human actions and deeds is a thought, it first forms astral and mental events, and circumstances with obstacles for this Elena are already formed on the earthly factor. My client was not too lazy, went to that Elena, told her everything, and the two of them came to the reception. And that Elena, the accountant, said that after they quarreled, there was not a single day that she not only wished her harm, but simply thought: “Lord, please, put her in the same conditions so that she I realized how bad it was for her to call me and say: “Lenka, I’m to blame for you, I feel very bad, come,” I would have come, I would have felt sorry for her, we would have solved all her problems and started to be friends again, and well, her, this ticket, but our life would have gone differently, and she is fine, and I am fine.

In this situation: one Elena has an unconscious feeling of guilt towards her friend because she took a ticket, against which an energy portal was formed to receive self-punishment. The other, offended and thinking that the ex-girlfriend lives wonderfully, formed the punishment itself, which mentally entered this portal. These energies earlier, when the society was more protected, did not break through our astral and mental fields. And now they hit it. And any little understanding fortuneteller would say: “A friend walks and conjures, brings damage to you, she takes revenge on you, you need to take it all off.” But in fact the problem was parapsychological. This very often happens now due to a number of reasons, such as: rejection of God within oneself, rejection of spiritual principles and embitterment due to social insecurity.

There are many examples of various kinds, sometimes impossibly mystical. One event happened many years ago.

The phone rang, I picked up the phone, my friend called: “Arina, something terrible happened to my friend, her husband was on the train, there was an old woman with him in the compartment. The man talked to her for a while. In the morning she had to go out, she looked at him and said: “You are going for death, son.” What to do? Can I give you your number?" Two minutes later, the same excited man called, who did not know how to react to these words. I asked to call later, prayed, and when he called again, I recommended the following, from the practice of my grandmother: you need to read a prayer and, taking something valuable, throw it away at the crossroads.

The man turned out to be a test pilot, group commander, and explained that he was on a business trip, in a hotel, and he had lifting money for the crew from the valuable.

“Then you need to wrap this money and take it to the church.

"Good," he said doubtfully. - But there is money from other crew members, should they tell?

- And you take it for everyone, but just warn that you spent the lifting. And don't get up in the air. God forbid, and the trouble will go away! I answered.

I didn’t know what kind of trouble they were talking about, I just said what was coming from above, I wanted to warn about something.

His wife convinced him to do as I said. The man took the money, wrapped it up, and as he walked along the road he changed his mind about giving it all away. He threw part of it into the donation box near the temple, and kept part of it for himself and skipped out of desperation in the casino. The story is painfully banal, he woke up in a sobering-up station. It was 6 o'clock in the morning, he began to ask the policemen to let him go, saying at the same time:

- I'm a military man, I have to lift the helicopter into the air in two hours, let me go.

- It smells like a fumes from you, where are you going ?!

- I need it very urgently.

They let him go, he returned to the hotel, the crew left, he got into a taxi, a few minutes later a truck flew out towards him and rammed the passenger car at full speed. The pilot who was there ended up in the hospital with all kinds of fractures, bruises, dislocations, concussion. When he opened his eyes, his wife and the commander of the military unit were standing in front of him, who said that the helicopter had crashed in the air. This tester later said that at my request he asked all three of them not to fly that day. But fate had its own way.

Yesterday we met with my friend, she is many years old, she no longer practices, we recalled all sorts of events, as it was before, 10 years ago, and as now. When I came to study with her (she sees very well), she said: “I will teach you techniques, but you don’t really need to study anything, you have everything. I'll just teach you how to manage it." And she asked me:

- What did you want as a child?

I said:

- You know, Elena Dmitrievna, I remember from my childhood (somewhere in 1970), when I was 6-8 years old, my dad brought a lot of Otto magazines from the voyages, where he got them from, I don’t know. I was born in a wealthy family: in terms of food and clothing, I did not know the need, but the magazines were glossy and very bright. I opened and examined (there is also fashion), and I imagined how I would dress in these outfits, what kind of car I would have, that's all I imagined. And when I was asked as a child:

- Who do you want to be?

I told:

– I want to dress nicely and have a lot of people come to me.

Imagine, as a child, I completely unconsciously formed this dream. Indeed, I have a huge number of things in my wardrobe that I give away, that they give me. And around me, thank God, a huge number of people. This dream has come true. When I came to Elena Dmitrievna, she asked:

- What do you want?

- I want to be famous.

Some time has passed, and at the moment, when some difficulties arise, she always tells me:

- And you open your diary of the 90s. What is written there? "I want to be famous" and you didn't ask for anything else.

“You have to ask God, concretizing, setting clearly your goals and objectives every morning! Yes, he knows about your needs, but he needs you to ask out loud. The universe cannot convey thoughts, it can convey words.”

James Borg.

I agree with this and always repeat to my students: if you want to get what you did not have, you will have to do what you have not done before.

Now the same love magic is relevant: the husband leaves his wife, the wife leaves her husband. Love magic works very well today. You can not magically bewitch and enchant. Some kind of thought, evil energy is working. Too many suffer from divorces, rivals and rivals. People have become tougher and more immoral. I worked for a long time on this problem, I thought, how can I help? Cutting roosters or something like that does not work.

The power of thought works, only very high. Sometimes only a highly spiritual master can conduct a dialogue between the astral counterparts of a given pair on the energy planes. But the work of the person himself is very important, and, most importantly, his prayer is a prayer. The true cause of the moment experienced by the client is very important, otherwise the whole work is dead.

Mostly people come who have something wrong, who have visited one, the second, then they come to you, after you they can go to someone else. There are psychological moments when a person has a problem, not only magical, but also psychological. He must “depart” it, work it out, we do not have the mentality of psychology. The Lord loves a person so much that he leads him from grade 1 to grade 10: first, a person gets to a weak psychic, then to a stronger one, then even more, and with the latter he solves his problem without noticing it. This is his way.

Have you ever turned someone down and for what reason?

- You often have to give up. It is impossible to deny the presence of God in our world, otherwise, where did we come from. And every disease, every problem is a kind of test. I often had to refuse for this reason: I saw that if a person solves his problem, if it is eliminated, then he will be given the worst, which he will not raise. There is no cross that a person could not bear, and for the good of a person, he must be refused. You can’t take on all people, not because you can pull it over, but because a person can die, and this will be counted as a minus for you. People perceive rejection differently.

I never refuse for lack of money, I can advise on the phone. I can refuse due to the fact that a person has not gone through some of his life paths, but in this case I give recommendations in which direction to move.

Then, there is a list of diseases for which I do not work: drug addiction, alcoholism, I also do not search, because it takes a lot of effort.

- Were there moments when they came to you and said that you would damage someone, remove a competitor?

“Now they don’t come, because they know I don’t work with this. Even if people turn, I simply explain that when you dig a hole for another, someone at that moment digs a hole for you ... You can’t take revenge.

- Did many people deal with spoilage during your practice?

- Of course, out of a hundred visitors, more than half have something pointed. But what is the root cause, this is what you have to figure out in order to help a person. It cannot be denied that there is voodoo magic, there is Kabbalah, it cannot but work, but it is not enough to remove what is pointed at a person. The reason is very important, that hole, that hook for which this damage was hooked. For example, a person blocks the feeling of guilt in himself, he becomes proud, he has many ambitions, skepticism, excessive demands on others and an overestimation of his own capabilities. Now, if this is not formed, then the damage has nothing to cling to. She will just slide. And in another case, she got hooked on something, or some kind of generic events, or a children's problem, or some human mistakes, got hooked on something in order to take root in a person. It's like a disease. The disease, too, clings to something. This is the very reason for the trials by which the Lord saves man.

I like Buddha: there is suffering, there is a reason, there is a suppression of the reason, there is a path given by God. Every suffering must have a cause. And in order to stop suffering, it must be found. Moreover, now there are so many false specialists that a person can be misled, and he will not even notice how a spell or spell was made on his behalf, and the sin is on him ...

- How can an ordinary person protect himself from the evil eye and damage?

– We must not forget about God inside each of us, about that divine essence that fills our heart. Ivan of Kronstadt said: “Remember: the devil can confuse the soul, but God lives in your heart.”

Really new times have come. The subtlest energies have come into our world, which are pouring more and more strongly onto our planet.

Many people begin to wake up, begin to feel changes within themselves, hence the dissatisfaction with their routine life. Look, the line between people is becoming clearer, some are looking for themselves in spiritual development, others are immersed in the world of material values, losing all the grains laid in them by the Creator.

We begin to understand that a person is not only physical flesh made of bones, muscles, blood, but something more, something subtle, sometimes inexplicable in words. No one denies the existence of the information field of a person, as well as the fact that the cause of many ailments is both genetic and informational in nature. What is thought and emotion? Feeling of desire?

They cannot be touched, but they are there, and everyone is different. And the Soul, how to see or touch it? Nevertheless, we must understand that just as the nervous system is responsible for the emotional perception of the world as a whole and forms physical problems, so the subtle bodies of our energy field react to the manifestation of the nervous system and form information.

Thought sometimes becomes a formidable reason.

Based on this, I would like to recommend smiling to yourself in the mirror more often. The body reacts positively, and many bad things go away. It is imperative to read prayers in the mornings and evenings, even one, albeit in your own words, but from your heart upward to the Universe, to God.

Confession and communion for Christians is the very factor that removes psychological blocks and facilitates the solution of the moment being experienced.

There is such a technique as self-confession. To do this, it is enough to take a few sheets of paper, focusing, remember your life from childhood and on a piece of paper with the words “Lord, forgive me for ...” write out the names of the people with whom the words are associated: resentment, envy, guilt. Reproduce events in memory, and write names on paper. At the end, write: “Forgive me all and let go, and I forgive you and let go.” Then take three deep breaths - exhale, tear the sheets, and then burn. This allows you to remove the accumulated emotions, free up the memory server for new ideas and solutions, cleanse yourself of someone else's envy and evil eye. The technique is simple, and you free yourself from a number of energy bindings, sometimes even with departed people. After this technique, a person becomes calmer and sleeps better. In my practice, I use a lot of knowledge, but the power of prayer and a burning candle cannot be ruled out. The fire of a fireplace, stove and candle flame always have a calming effect on the human body. Please do not forget about it and do not neglect it when you have time to use it. “Fire and prayer and strength will return, and troubles will be burned,” my grandmother used to say, working with people.

Much attention should be paid to protection. Many psychics teach what is called "raising barriers." In other words, these are techniques for setting up a mental mirror, wrapping in a cocoon of golden light, a capsule, etc. Very realistic techniques, but it is not enough to believe that you are protected by these techniques. It is more important to know that you are protected. The enemy of any technique is fear, whatever technique you take on, do not allow yourself to be afraid, fence yourself off with the words: “I know that I am protected because I believe,” because faith alone can be refuted.

You can defend yourself by imagining that a luminous cross flares up inside you in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus and reaches the level of your body, going to the head, into the earth through the spine.

Respectively in the right and left hands. All these techniques are described in a number of books and by various authors. Therefore, I propose a strengthening technique, the so-called "energetic immunity".

Sit comfortably and relax. Imagine that your feet are sinking into the ground as deep as possible. Mentally immerse your feet until you feel comfortable. Turn to the elements of the earth with a request to fill you with strength. Feel how the energy of force begins to flow upward from the ground through your legs. Feel the effect of energy perception by your body. The energy should rise from the bottom up through the legs to the very head, then through the head and crown the energy goes up. Feel how you straighten up, how you are pulled up, higher to a certain point in the Universe. Imagine that there is a source of white light high in space, you are reaching for this source. Notice how you feel this light, how the Earth connects with the Universe through you. Now imagine how the energy coming from the Earth connects with the energy coming from the Universe at the level of your heart, in the chest area. Imagine that the energies, having united, expand, filling your body with a special light. Let the light go to the tips of your toes and hands, let it fill every cell of your body. You say to yourself: “The universe, the great cosmos, please help me to love myself completely the way you love me, please fill me with the light of strength, joy and health.”

Now spread this energy beyond the boundaries of your physical field. The light should be behind you, in front of you, above and below. Now imagine that the energy slowly begins to rotate clockwise, first around you, and then inside. First, it vibrates, gaining momentum, then stronger, while mentally compressing the boundaries of the energy flow. Here it is inside you, becoming smaller, smaller, evenly shrinking from all sides, becoming an energy sunbeam at the level of the heart chakra. Feel yourself physically strengthened, how your legs stand firmly in place and are not elongated, how the energy, having filled you, cleared the space around, how light it is in your head. Thank heaven, earth, the universe, God and all living things with your palms gathered for prayer at chest level. It is a technique of strength and protection at the same time. But I also want to remind you about minerals. After all, a stone is the only natural particle of the Universe, whose energy vibrations coincide with the vibrations of a person.

There are many minerals that can provide you with protection. So, for example, black tourmaline creates protection around a person if it is worn on the chest or in a pocket, periodically touching it. Rose quartz will increase your energy strength, and carnelian in your workplace will attract new useful connections. Amber in the pendant will reduce adrenaline in the blood and give a charge of vivacity. And obsidian, black agate will be saved from the evil eye if they are worn by everyone except those who were born in winter. If you feel a bad influence on yourself, put on a pearl necklace, and then put it under bright sunlight. Corals remove the evil eye from a child if you put them on the baby’s neck for a few minutes or stick them to the navel area, and then rinse them under running water.

What can you tell about dreams? There is an opinion that a person lives a double life - one in a dream, the other in reality.

- As the Toltecs (people of knowledge) say, we live in a dream, in a state of dreaming, and when we fall asleep, we see the true picture of events. It turns out that when we fall asleep, the brain calms down, the heart calms down, the blood calms down, but the Spirit, the soul is awake. God has a way to bring His message to us when our mind is asleep, in the form of picture dreams. We interpret them based on the experience of our ancestors and borrowed knowledge. But often we intuitively understand what God wants to convey to us within us. Psychologists say that the subconscious gives us the reasons for the picture of a dream, because often in dreams one after another there are recent events, the brain, as if destroying the previously worked out information. It is very important to distinguish: the reason is given to us or just the tiredness of the mind goes to sleep.

- Can you tell me more about prophetic dreams?

- A real prophetic dream is always different from ordinary ones. From the words "message", "news" this expression was born. As a rule, the news is of a warning nature, so a prophetic dream always leaves a feeling of anxiety. As a rule, in prophetic dreams a person sees deceased relatives or people significant to him. In another case, these may be plots of a religious nature or a person sees himself. A prophetic dream is repeated several times, it can be interpreted in different ways, but the meaning will be the same.

It can be repeated in one night, it can be repeated several times in a week. Then you should pay attention to this and still analyze the information received. After all, we know that everyone has a guardian angel who guards our sleep and warns us. This should not be treated irresponsibly and inattentively.

– What can you tell about parallel worlds and UFOs?

I personally did not encounter a UFO - that's for sure, but my client did, I was a witness to this.

Before going to bed, the driver closed it in a two-room apartment without a balcony (the French balcony was exactly on the flowerbed), in the morning, calling for him, he saw the following: 5 o'clock in the morning, the apartment opens, the boss is absent. When I arrived, there was no one in the apartment, there was a driver, an administrator, a security general, the owner himself was nowhere to be found. I saw in my mind that he went out onto the balcony, but physically I understood that there was no balcony. And then the owner of the apartment appeared in the room, he entered from the balcony. He did not tell anything for about a year, and then he told us that that night, having fallen asleep, he saw a tall man in a light spacesuit, who beckoned him to follow him. He went out onto the balcony and fell into a stream of light going towards the ship, and then ended up on a spaceship, where he spent some time asking mentally questions to people in spacesuits and also getting answers. Some time later, he said, he stepped off the ship and into the room.

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Arina Evdokimova: “Imagine a glass ball in your mind” Arina Evdokimova is a professional parapsychologist, psychic, astrologer and clairvoyant. She owes her abilities, first of all, to hereditary gift, which is passed down from generation to generation, in

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Raven - a participant in the "Battle of Psychics" To continue the topic, let's say that another animal - a raven - took part in this television show, demonstrating considerable psychic abilities. The owner of the bird, 19-year-old Sergey Khorkov, says that he has been

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Trials and difficulties of the "Battle of Psychics" I think the most touching situation at the "Battle of Psychics" and at the same time the most difficult - when a young teenage girl Sveta (Lapushka) died after falling from the roof of the building. Her mother wanted to know if she had been pushed, and if so, then

I turned to Arina for help, as my daughter was very ill! I watched a video on the Internet and realized that Arina was helping. But, after I came to her appointment, I realized how they lie about her! She doesn’t understand anything at all about what she’s doing and she’s no fortune teller, but she ripped off 30,000 rubles from me! We are gathering an initiative group and want to bring Arina to justice for the deceit! E-mail me: [email protected]

Anatoly 04/22/2019 at 15:04

He also turned to Arina for help with business problems! As a result, her boorish security guard pushed me out of her office by force! 30 tr. wasted, took the money, but did nothing! It's just a jerk! I appeal to people who were also deceived by this fortune-teller, let's unite and write a statement to the prosecutor's office against her, write: [email protected]

  • Roberta 05/20/2018 at 21:12

    Listen .. the most beautiful, simply wonderful young lady! A very positive impression. Transmission in YouTube Clairvoyant with its vibration, wave, irradiation .. directly pushes you to purity, kindness, awareness .. thank you!

  • Elena 09.10.2017 at 11:13

    I didn’t want to write a review, but I read that it was written here before and I didn’t understand something - you wrote about someone there. Certainly not about Arina Evdokimova. In short, her reception costs 30 thousand. She does not do any love spells. Moreover, he tells everyone that it is very dangerous and in no case should any love spells be done. My friend recommended her to me. I went to her because I was losing the court. And in general, the whole was on the nerves. Arina Evdokimova turned out to be an intelligent adult bright woman. I didn’t have to explain anything to her “on the fingers”, they spoke the same language with her. She laid everything out very clearly for me: who is playing against whom. After talking with Arina, everything became very clear, I began to act more confidently. I don’t know from this, or she helped somehow energetically, but the situation has clearly changed for the better. I can’t say that a miracle happened directly, but my losses were minimal, and in general, I would say that I practically got out of the water dry. I don't know about family and love. But for business, this is a very good contact. It is sometimes worth coming to Arina Evdokimova. Adds awareness.

  • Inessa 08.12.2016 at 23:30

    So I also bought into advertising and promises. A real black streak and a series of failures have passed in my life. A broken car, a fire in the house, problems at work - I wanted to finally stop all this. To remove the negative, she turned to Arina Evdokimova for help. Of course, a real magician should help. It wasn't there. Not only did they wait for the right time for the session for several weeks, but during my visit this psychic, so to speak, was constantly absent somewhere. As a result, I paid for the consultation and bought various talismans for another 10 thousand. A week later, I was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. I immediately threw out the talismans and erased all the contacts of this assistant. Now, thank God, everything is fine, but there is no merit of Arina in this!

  • Snezhana 08.12.2016 at 15:15

    A girl in love is ready for anything and it's really true. That is why I turned to Arina Evdokimova for help. I read on her website that she is a powerful parapsychologist, and love spells are one of her main specializations. I contacted the administrator, agreed on the most suitable time, indicated my details and waited. I imagined the meeting with Arina in a slightly different way. In practice, it turned out to be banal communication and nothing supernatural. At the same time, they immediately fed me with promises and said that everything in my personal life would definitely work out. Everything really got better, but only 2 years after the visit to Arina and not with the person on whom the love spell was made. Conclusion - 10 thousand rubles spent in vain. With this review I want to warn other people who may be planning to use the services of Arina Evdokimova.

    The famous clairvoyant made an astrological forecast for 2014 for WomanHit.

    Arina Evdokimova.

    press materials.

    2014 is the turning point of the century. In previous years, we were either full of optimism, expecting quick changes for the better, or did not know how to deal with disappointments. And now it's time to decide. will put everything in its place and make almost everyone reconsider their views on life. Get rid of not only old things, but also radically shake up your life, throwing out of it everything that is outdated and covered with a thick layer of dust without pity. And this applies not only to things - an old closet or a favorite jacket - but also worldview, relationships, place of work, and so on.

    Such changes will require from everyone hard work and fine calculation in everything - whether it is the decision to have a child, a change of job or repair in an apartment. But in January-February, we are unlikely to be able to rebuild, and we will live by the inertia of last year.

    In order to live the coming year with dignity, it is necessary to constantly think over your plans, decisions, actions regarding the upcoming changes. The Horse will not allow the old methods of solution in the new year.

    2014 is a transit between 2013 and 2015. In order to catch the train to the future in 2014, you need to get off the train that took you before and find the right platform from which 2015 starts. Big changes await you - you'll have to hurry. Listen to your intuition - if you understand in time what the fast and obstinate Horse wants from you, you will have excellent chances to close loans, open your own business, shake up personal thoughts, business, work, family, partners, friends, real estate and finances; abandon the consumer attitude to nature, and to life in general. Everyone needs to make an internal revolution. Only in this way will it be possible to solve the tasks that we face and achieve positive results. Do not waste time on conflicts with others - the more condescending we are to each other, to nature and animals, the stronger our health will be.

    February and March will upset us with a number of natural disasters. Spring will be changeable, and the health of the townspeople, especially the nervous system, will crack at the seams. Fate will demand revolutionary changes from people, but they will by inertia avoid drastic steps. Against the backdrop of indecision, growing career ambitions will begin to provoke conflicts.

    In April-July, everyone will have a chance to determine the ways of concrete implementation of their ideas. The ability to soberly assess emerging opportunities, clearly see and calculate prospects, and make realistic plans is increasing. Spending and investments will be reasonable and balanced. Advice and help from a person who is older in age and experience will be useful, perhaps this person will be in the public service. The emphasis on frugality, common sense, prudence and responsibility will allow not only to overcome a difficult period, but also to achieve real fruits of our deliberate activities.

    The second half of the year will be more difficult. The main motto of this time: "Who did not have time, he was late." September - the first two decades of October 2014. Jupiter trine Uranus. There is a fiery need for change, for expanding the boundaries of one's life. Indefatigability, immoderation, inability to restrain one's impulses, fiery impulsiveness will take precedence over sanity and caution. In the second half of the year, we will be ruled by the emotions of lies, the desire to cover selfish interests with lofty goals. Unfavorable for legal affairs, legal processes. To avoid unpleasant situations, one must actively and passionately direct one's forces to one's own development and growth; to a sharp expansion of the framework of personal destiny, so that social, cultural, humanistic streams of life burst into your inner circle. To pay tribute to the rebel - Mars, direct your efforts to charitable work, take an interesting course of study, go on an educational journey, organize a movement, a party, a society.

    The Year of the Horse is a good time for creative projects, promotion in the field of art. You can successfully resolve issues of collective finance, common property, inheritance, insurance, alimony; deal with banks, deposits.

    Be careful February 7-28, June 7 - July 1, October 4-25, 2014 (these are periods of Mercury retrograde). At this time, you should not force your activities, start something, plan startups. It is advisable to go back, consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, look for mistakes, work out unmastered techniques and ways.

    Children who are lucky enough to come to our world under the auspices of the Blue Horse are very lucky! They will differ from other representatives of the "artiodactyls" in a more benevolent, soft and open character. In their disposition, the stubbornness and selfishness characteristic of Horses will not be present, which makes many representatives of this sign difficult to communicate and love. These children will be endowed with a harmless sense of humor and a good character, for which they will be appreciated and loved by the people around them.

    A distinctive feature of children born in the year of the Blue Horse is a very lively and rich imagination. In the future, a non-standard, creative approach and vision of things will help them make a brilliant career in the field of art, theater, advertising, PR. And if you add courtesy in behavior to these unique traits, you get a wonderful presenter, fashion designer or artist.

    If you are thinking about replenishing the family, 2014 is the perfect time to conceive a baby. Children born during this period will not only be popular with their peers, but also loved by adults for their cheerful, inquisitive and witty nature. In addition, the highly intellectual abilities of your baby and his tenacious mind will cause sparkling admiration among others. These children grasp everything in no time - you just think about something, and the kid has already voiced your thought.

    Arina Evdokimova - famous parapsychologist, paraastrologer, psychic. Was a participant in the first season of the project "The fight of extrasensories " in 2007. The clairvoyant left the battle of her own free will, but she was remembered for a long time not only by viewers, but also by skeptics of the project.

    Biography of Arina Evdokimova

    Arina Evdokimova was born on May 24 in Azerbaijan, or rather in its capital Baku, in the family of a military sailor. She inherited her gift from her grandmother, who belonged to the old noble family of the Vorontsovs, who was engaged in quackery. Little Arina was very fond of visiting her grandmother, but at first she was strictly forbidden to attend healing sessions. Once Arina's grandmother visited Vanga. It is not known what the famous clairvoyant told her, but after that, life in the family Arina Evdokimova has changed. Grandmother stopped practicing healing and devoted more and more time to traveling to holy places and teaching her granddaughter. The grandmother died already at an advanced age, then she was 93 years old, and Arina was 16. For many years, the gift hidden in the girl did not manifest itself in any way, and only after going through difficult life tests Arina was able to see what is hidden from others.

    Survived a terrible shock, captivity and betrayal. The gift of clairvoyance came in the monastery, where she herself healed spiritual wounds. Currently Arina Evdokimova works with people at the Life Line Center. To help, she goes through all the events with the patient, completely immersed in his life.

    Among her patients are many well-known politicians, businessmen and others. Received three higher educations: she graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, the Faculty of Psychoanalysis of the Moscow International Institute of Justice, the Institute of Spiritual Culture.

    In 2014, the series was launched on television " Clairvoyant" where she took part Arina Evdokimova. "Clairvoyant" - These are short stories based on real events. Heroes - people of different ages, social status, material wealth. But one thing unites them - the difficult life situation in which they found themselves. And the psychic Arina helps to get out of everyone.

    The famous clairvoyant, astrologer and numerologist, the strongest participant in the Battle of psychics Arina Evdokimova.

    In Russia, she is called the Star Fortune Teller, because the most famous people turn to her for predictions. It was she who in 2005 predicted the birth of children to Philip Kirkorov (it came true in 2011), in 2007 she assured Lera Kudryavtseva that after three novels with young men, she would marry, and her husband would also be much younger than her (it came true in 2013). In 2012, she predicted to Nikolai Baskov the proximity of a serious operation (it came true after 3 months). Arina Evdokimova is striking in that in her predictions she accurately names names and dates, describing in detail and clearly episodes of the future and past of people. On New Year's Eve, we decided to find out from Arina Evdokimova what awaits us in 2015.


    2015 will bring Aries positive changes in life: they will truly be able to reveal their inner potential, fulfill their wildest dreams, and realize themselves in the profession.
    Love. Aries women will plunge headlong into the rainbow world of feelings. They will have a chance to find a soul mate and find happiness, at least until the end of the summer.
    Money. It is worth showing special responsibility in financial matters and being more careful with loans. Some Aries will have to change jobs, others will have to find parallel income, but these changes will not occur until the beginning of autumn.
    Health. At the beginning of the year, support the immune system. And take care of your nerves!


    Taurus will actively take care of their home: perhaps they will acquire new housing or a summer house, make a good repair in the apartment. In the summer they will have a meeting that will change their worldview. Consequently, the life of the calves will change in many ways: for good or for bad, it depends on them.
    Love. Many representatives of this sign, who go on a long journey in the spring or late autumn, will spend a romantic vacation and meet their love.
    Money. Conflicts can arise at work, so in the first half of the year you should not enter into open disputes, let alone take sides.
    Health. Health will not let you down, there will be enough strength for the most daring plans and dreams.


    In the first half of the coming year, Gemini will have to promote their ideas, establish and develop social relations. So you can't relax during this period. There will also be business trips and business trips that will give a good result. The second half of the year will be less dynamic. In late summer - early autumn, it is possible to purchase real estate.
    Love. Those who are single will be unexpectedly lucky in love, they will find a worthy life partner, most likely on the road or travel. Those who have a family will sort things out in order to finally dot the “and” and make important decisions.
    Money. In the business sphere, a tense period awaits: you will have to rebuild relationships in the team or make personnel changes.
    Health. The main rule of maintaining health will be the observance of the daily routine. Particularly acute will be the issue of organizing proper nutrition at home and at work.


    Cancers will devote a lot of time to business and personal communication, mostly remote. For many representatives of this sign, the year will become crucial: they will not only radically change their lives, but also answer internal questions, cope with their complexes and fears.
    Love. Cancers have very real opportunities until mid-summer to meet their soul mate or get married. Therefore, most of all they will be concerned about personal relationships, family issues and domestic problems. Whoever had a discord in their families, the crisis will become more tangible, but will soon be resolved.
    Money. Cancer women love family, but that shouldn't stop them from seeing the many opportunities to improve their financial situation. In the first half of the year, promising and profitable business projects may appear on the horizon. It is only necessary not to miss the bird of luck. But relations in the team will be tested for strength from mid-September.
    Health. In the middle of the year, pay attention to the prevention of chronic diseases, undergo an examination.

    a lion

    Until the end of the summer, Leos will develop creatively, intellectually, spiritually. They will show leadership abilities. We can say that they will flourish in everything, which will undoubtedly bring happiness and good luck. In addition, the Lions will go on an exciting journey that they have long dreamed of.
    Love. Spring will bring some problems into family life, the solution of which depends only on the Lions themselves. It is better to devote the summer of 2015 to communication with loved ones, children, relatives, because they will need your support. Single representatives of this zodiac sign will want to flirt, rather than show a willingness to marry.
    Money. In the second half of the year, a profitable offer or a new job is possible that can satisfy all financial requests. Leos need to pay their bills more responsibly, as well as carefully monitor the use of joint family savings.
    Health. Since the middle of summer, nervous overload is possible, so relax more in nature.


    The life of this firmly standing sign will obey spiritual laws. They will be interested in the spiritual life: not the external side of the events, but the root cause and meaning of what is happening around. They will be able to listen to their intuition and engage in introspection. At the end of summer, Virgos will want to make everything that lives in their heart and soul a reality. There will be every opportunity for this. some will want to get a second higher education, others - to improve their qualifications.
    Love. Until the middle of the year, you need to learn to understand loved ones and find compromises. At the same time, Virgos will want more freedom, which will be a test for partners.
    Money. The financial situation will not be stable, but Virgo will unexpectedly receive an inheritance, outside support or dividends. Then the situation will change for the better. Some Virgos will want to get a second higher education, which will be the key to strengthening their financial situation.
    Health. Many Virgos will begin to follow a strict diet, because in summer and autumn there will be more gastronomic temptations than ever.


    In 2015, the representatives of this Libra sign are waiting for a lot of changes, mostly pleasant ones. Many of them will be associated with a change in the environment: someone will leave it, but new interesting people will come. Some scales will have to change their place of residence, city or even country. The main motto of this year is to believe in yourself and not be lazy, then everything will work out.
    Love. Family Libra will suddenly want to have more freedom, which will cause surprise and protest from a partner. Despite the tendency to think about all situations in detail, representatives of this sign can get married hastily. But, fortunately, they will never regret it.
    Money. The first half of the year will allow not only expanding ties and gaining authority, but also making profitable contacts or starting new promising projects. However, care must be taken when interacting with credit institutions and not to take on additional financial obligations.
    Health. A cold winter can provoke constant colds, so you need to reconsider your winter wardrobe and work on hardening your body.
    Talisman: pendant with the symbol of scales.


    The universe does not tolerate emptiness. So it is in the life of Scorpios. In 2015, if something leaves, it will definitely arrive. Some representatives of this sign will want to change their appearance. Everything will go well if you have time until mid-autumn and do not allow the slightest frivolity in such serious matters.
    Love. Personal life will be stable and will not bring any special surprises. Scorpios who are married will face problems, but will try to keep the family together. Single representatives of this sign will not seek to get married, but they will not refuse love. Spring 2015 will present a chance to find a suitable partner.
    Money. The year will be quite positive for the career. Scorpio women will feel the patronage of the stars: their authority will be strengthened, they will be promoted through the ranks and their financial situation will improve significantly.
    Health. In late April and mid-October, it is advisable to take preventive measures to avoid health problems and overwork.


    Until the middle of 2015, the representatives of this sign will be absorbed in relationships not only with family and friends, but also with colleagues, which will bear fruit. The life of Sagittarius in the autumn period is devoted to education, gaining new knowledge, searching for spiritual truths. Traveling and meeting foreigners will change their perceptions of the world and make them think about their lives. Many of them will engage in introspection.
    Love. In love, relationships will not be even, rather they will remind you of the struggle for primacy, which is fraught with the loss of truly close and beloved people. But it will still be possible to reach a compromise.
    Money. Onerous debt obligations will have to be paid before the middle of the year. Then the situation will change, and it will become easier for Sagittarius financially. They can afford not to save. In addition, at the beginning of the year it is possible to change jobs. This will contribute to the development of new talents and, consequently, the emergence of ideas for earning.
    Health. The feeling and mood will really please. But don't give up on yoga.


    Representatives of this sign will become more sensitive to feelings and moods - both their own and strangers. This will interfere with teamwork. The circle of communication of Capricorns will change dramatically: unfortunately, some friends will not show their best side. In the second half of the year, Capricorns will want to relax and go on a trip, which will bring a lot of joy.
    Love. Lonely representatives of the sign will be, more than ever, romantic and charming. Until mid-summer, they will have the opportunity to get married. However, the career will come to the fore.
    Money. From the beginning of the year, Capricorns will have to strengthen their financial position. However, everything will not happen not as fast as we would like, but it will be stable. Until the end of the summer, you can take loans on favorable terms. From its middle - to conclude new profitable contracts.
    Health. Two vacations a year is not a fairy tale, but a necessity and the wise advice of doctors.


    2015 will allow Aquarians to expand their horizons and change their lives. They will learn a lot and meet people who will open up opportunities for them to realize their own potential. In addition, this year will indicate to Aquarius their shortcomings and miscalculations of recent years, which must be taken into account in order to be happy.
    Love. Some representatives of the sign will meet their prince, others will be able to get married. The main thing is not to complicate simple things. In the second half of the summer, family Aquarians will have to pass tests: they will see in their partners something that they did not notice before. Either they will be able to come to terms with it, or they will provoke a conflict.
    Money. For a long time, Aquarians devoted themselves only to their careers. 2015 will reward them with career advancement. It is worth paying attention to all the details of new projects and being careful when signing contracts.
    Health. A balanced diet, exercise and fresh air are all you need for a good mood and vigor.


    In the coming year, Pisces needs to learn flexibility and patience in dealing with people, as well as stop hovering in the clouds and fantasizing. You need to believe that the real world is not so bad and there are a lot of interesting things in it. Do not make so many claims to life, enjoy what you have.
    Love. In 2015, it is unlikely that many representatives of this sign will go to the registry office. The exception is those who have been living in a civil marriage for a long time or are going to get married a second time. However, in the fall, the personal life of all Pisces will be filled with romance and pleasant surprises.
    Money. Pisces' main focus will be on their careers and promoting their own projects. Making money in 2015 will not be easy, but Pisces will get a chance to find a new job. Therefore, the second half of the year will please with more tangible earnings.
    Health. Next year the question will arise: where is it better to spend your vacation - in a sanatorium or an expensive hotel on the seashore? Your well-being will depend on this choice, which is important for the implementation of all plans.