How to break the psychological connection with a person. Energy connection with a person. Breaking Energy Ties

energy binding occurs in communication between a woman and a man. Energy is transferred in any case, when making love, communicating, spending time together, etc.

Many people break off their relationship, but both partners do not always want it, so the energy connection between people, even after the end of the relationship, in many cases remains.

Some people very often cannot come to terms with the idea that their loved one has left them. What to do in such cases and is it dangerous?

The danger of the energy binding of people

You have probably met people who, after parting, are sad, crying and withering right before their eyes for a long time.

Their sexual energy decreases daily. It is voluntarily transferred to another (former) loved one. No need to blame him, because he is not aware of all this!

Frequent experiences and concern for a former partner make a person weaker, he transfers all his energy to him.

The more often and more you think about it, the more energy you lose. In this state, it is impossible to build new relationships, even our body will gradually weaken each time.

The basic principles of energy bindings, what are they based on?

1. For revenge

A strong desire to take revenge on the former partner, worsen his life, hurt him, as he hurt you. This is an indisputable fact.

A person plans every day, thinks through every step in order to fulfill his dream. All this takes most of the accumulated vital energy, and even when revenge comes true, it will be very difficult to return it. Then you will be left only in complete despair, incomprehension and without any guesses what to do next.

2. Guilt

Many people blame themselves for the end of a relationship. They blame themselves for hurting, not being too kind to their partner, reacting wrong or saying too much, not stopping or doing it too late. All this takes a huge amount of energy and strength, especially if children have suffered as a result of a long relationship.

3. Resentment and disappointment

Grievances - these are your unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, desires and dreams.

We blame the former partner that he did not give us the opportunity to realize our plans, that all dreams and desires died long ago.

Resentment makes us weaker, we often complain to others, we blame the past loved one for all the troubles, we think that we are not bad, but the person who once left us.

Why do you think that someone else is to blame for all this? These were your desires and plans. And, most likely, they differed significantly from the desires and plans of the former lover. So, what is his fault? ...

4. Promises

Perhaps a person you loved once promised you a lot of things. He said that you would be his forever, give birth to children for him, he would build a house and your life together would be very long.

The woman believed and waited for this, but at one point he left. A woman cannot fully understand how it all happened, because he promised? She remembers all the words, emotions, feelings and continues to hold on to the past, believes that everything is still changing and this is not the end.

How to remove energy attachments to former partners?

To improve your life, raise the level of vital energy, you need:

  • Find all energy leaks and close them. Break all existing sexual energy attachments to former partners.
  • Develop your Svadhisthana chakra.
  • Manage your life energy. You must be able to turn the energy force on or off when you need it. Point her in the right direction.

Energy Bindings to Former Partners - Video

Hello, friends! Has it ever happened to you when you work on your own energy, lead a healthy lifestyle, work on yourself on a spiritual level, but somehow slowly move forward, and most importantly, you cannot understand what is the reason. I also thought about how I could further strengthen my energy, and at that moment the information came to me that, first of all, it was necessary to patch up the holes through which it flows.

Of course, holes are a figurative expression, in fact, energy leaves through the channels that connect us with other people, and today we will talk about how to break the energy connection with another person.

At the very beginning of the Success Cheat Sheet, we already discussed the topic of energy threads, the so-called energy bindings, that at the energy level you need to move away from a negative event associated with another person (ex-partner, husband, wife, mom, dad, etc.). and this can only be done with sincere forgiveness and love.

Indeed, after going through the program, where she explains in detail how to get rid of such connections, my energy state improved noticeably, and I concluded for myself that with every negative event, the trace that it leaves must be cut off. To be honest, I didn’t really understand whether there really were such connections or not, I simply allowed this possibility and after any negative events I used this tool.

Lately, my life has been gone, and therefore I no longer visualize the "threads of fear" being broken. But, despite the fact that quarrels and scandals disappeared, only small improvements were felt.

Why do you need to do this?

I remembered Christie Marie talking about daily cleansing, but I didn't see the need for it. And so, at first I learned that any “touch” of a person with other people carries a connection, be it positive, be it negative. And the question is, how many such connections remain unknown to us? For example, when we go out into society, we do not know who thought what about us. We talked with a neighbor, it seems to be nothing superfluous, just a conversation, but the forces are gone.

We do not pay attention to this, perhaps other people around us are aware of this no more than we are. Honestly? I don’t know if the energy really goes away just like that when communicating or not, but when I began to do the exercise, which will be described below, people from the past, even from childhood, began to appear before my eyes. Just people that happened in my life. Of course, it’s strange to realize all this, but after two weeks of exercises, my energy state improved noticeably, and after it, though not big, improvements began on the monetary plane.

How to remove the binding

As I said in ticket number 14, ties with other people can be broken in three powerful ways:

  • Forgiveness: imagine a person and mentally say: “Forgive me and I forgive you. I give you what is yours, give me back what is mine,” something like that;
  • Visualization of love sent to man: imagine how we break the energy thread, for example, with a sword of light, and follow the broken thread;
  • blessing: we bless the image of a person that has surfaced in our memory with pure love and light, a pure source of energy and imagine how it is lit up with golden light.

Blessing is closest to me. And if someone is remembered, I immediately mentally pronounce this phrase and visualize the happy face of this person. I don't think you can do better. And you let go of negative thoughts, and you raise your own vibrations, everyone is happy and satisfied.

When to do this exercise

Breaking energy ties is like. It can be done on the way to work, and in transport, unless, of course, you are driving, or when you are busy with household chores. They presented the image of a man - they blessed him and released him.

Well, you need to take as a rule daily cleansing.

That's all for me, I wish you all light energy and well-being.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

I'm not talking about the emotional bonds that come from grief or loss, which we know time and the right amount of chocolate heals. What I'm talking about is an energetic connection between two people. These relationships can be positive or negative.

A positive connection, for example, between close friends, fills you with warmth even at a great distance, like a hug.

Breaking up with your ex is more complicated than just breaking up. You are dealing with an energy that has connected the two of you on a deeper level than words and actions.

Science has now proven that at the quantum level we are all energy and we are all connected to each other. If we were intimate with another person, this connection becomes even closer.

And even after the break, the energy continues to flow through these channels. Therefore, when it comes to finding a new partner, your unbroken connection with a past man becomes a serious obstacle. The same goes for forming a new circle of friends: until you finally cut off the connection with the past, relations with the new ones will be clogged.

Saying goodbye to the former

Rest easy: even if you've started a relationship with a clean slate, there are a few techniques that can help you cut ties with past partners and say goodbye to them forever.

Disconnect Technique

There is an easy way to let go of the connection with your ex-lover. This is where you will use the power of creative visualization.

For example, imagine yourself sitting in a beautiful garden. You are wrapped in threads. Feel the protective energy of the threads that surround you. Now imagine that one of the threads connects you with your ex. Look at how he smiles at you, thank you for all the good things that happened between you, for the lessons that you received. And now it's time to say goodbye. Wave to him and watch him walk away. The space around you has been freed. There was lightness and calmness in my heart.

Cleansing technique

For this technique, you need salt and a warm bath. In a safe, calm environment, take a warm bath of water and add salt to it. Relax and imagine how the threads from your uterus diverge in space. Think in turn of all the men with whom you had an affair. One by one, break the threads between you.

Give this process as much time as you need.

Salt has a wonderful property to absorb all the negative energy.

Here are two simple techniques you can do to cut ties with your ex and make room for a new relationship.

It is important to know how to break the energy connection with a man, because such a connection negatively affects the life and health of a woman. It is believed that the mark that remains after sexual contact exists for seven years. Let's figure out how to eliminate traces of energy binding and get rid of it forever.

It happens that a woman is married for a long time, raises children and is happy. But the echoes of old connections with former lovers are always present in her life: for seven years, there is an attachment with every man with whom she had a sexual relationship.

It is impossible to close from this - even after parting, a man continues to feed on female energy at a subtle level. That is why in any religion special attention is paid to female chastity.

In the modern world, rare girls meet only one man throughout their lives - traces of old relationships continue to exist, former partners draw energy from a woman. That is why it is necessary to apply techniques for getting rid of old connections in order to leave the past in the past and not waste energy in vain.

Cleansing Methods for Breaking Old Ties

Many girls are interested in how to cut off if you cannot forget it yourself. Let's say right away: if feelings and memories of him still live in your heart, technology will not help to remove emotions. But they will bring a sense of relief, cut off the energy channel - thanks to this, the chances of meeting a new love will increase.

If you don’t have feelings for a man, it will be very simple to perform the techniques, and the connection will stop quickly.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down the names of all the men you have had sexual intercourse with in the last seven years. Even if it was casual sex or a relationship that means nothing to you
  • You can also include in the list those men with whom you did not have sexual relations, but for whom you experienced any feelings.
  • It is best to carry out techniques for getting rid of old ties on the 19th lunar day - this period of time is most suitable for parting with everything superfluous and unnecessary
  • After you complete the techniques, clean up the house, take a shower. Purity should be not only in your soul, but also around

Letter of grievances

Use this method in relation to men who offended you. If you have not forgiven, feel anger, resentment or other negative emotions that haunt you, use this method.

Proceed like this:

  1. Get a pen and blank paper ready
  2. First, describe all the negative feelings you have for the man. Do not be shy in expressions, write harshly and clearly about what you are offended, angry about, what actions he caused you pain
  3. When all the negative is on paper, proceed to the next step. Thank the man for all the good times that were between you, list his attractive character traits. Feel Gratitude Sincerely
  4. Ask for forgiveness for your actions, which could be unpleasant for a man
  5. In the end, acknowledge that this person came into your life for a purpose. He brought you experience, taught you something, played an important role in the development of your personality.
  6. Do not spare words - write about your feelings as detailed and sincere as possible. As soon as you feel that you have "written out", mentally release the man and thank him. Burn the letter - immediately after that you will feel tremendous relief.
  7. Then you can take a bath, put on clean clothes, drink water, believers - to pray.

Very often, after such a practice, a man may reappear in your life - call, insist on a meeting. You need to talk to him politely, thank him and let him go without continuing the conversation.

If the letter did not help 100% the first time, repeat the technique a few more times.

Meditation "Burning ties"

Fire energy is incredibly powerful. It is she who is often used in various practices to get rid of old ties.

  1. Pick a time when you can be quiet and alone. Set yourself up in the mindset of goodness, be calm and relaxed
  2. Mentally imagine a man with whom you had a sexual relationship. "Put" his image strictly in front of you
  3. Then imagine that your bodies are connected by multi-colored threads that come out of each chakra (seven in total)
  4. Pick up a lighter or matches, light a fire and start burning through these threads that unite you. Feel completely how you let go of this man - you must be really ready to say goodbye to him.
  5. In the end, take a look at yourself and the man as if from the outside - see that there is not a single connection left between you. On this technique is considered finished.

A similar meditation is worth doing for every man with whom you have had an affair over the past seven years. It is very easy to check which one is still feeding on your energy - in the near future it will appear in your life.

Also, as in the previous case, after meditation, you need to do a general cleaning, throw away all the old rubbish and especially memorabilia reminiscent of former men.

Watch a video about a popular way to get rid of old ties using the Larisa Renard method:

And remember: every person who comes into your life is there for a reason. Everyone taught something, gave experience, helped you open up. Therefore, try to get rid of negative emotions and take any situation as a lesson necessary for the healing of your soul.

After the successful completion of the practices, you will feel how you are filled with energy that ceases to be wasted on former men. It is very important not to renew contacts with those who will begin to appear again in your life.