Open conspiracies. Lapel conspiracies - a remedy for love binding

In life, sometimes a black streak comes, a loved one leaves, and with it all meaning is lost. Life becomes boring and bleak. The woman begins to look for the reasons for the breakup, delve into herself, go into depression. There seems to be no way out...

Then many turn to love magic, namely to the lapel. There are two types of lapel ritual:

  • Lapel on yourself.
  • The lapel of a rival from a loved one.

A lapel on oneself is done if it is necessary to forget a loved one as soon as possible. Usually such ceremonies are not popular. The lapel from the rival of the husband or boyfriend is done in order to break the connection between the man and the person to whom he leaves. Both of them are aimed at breaking a love connection.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the lapel is a very strong ancient magic, aimed at eliminating a love relationship between two people, which is most often used to restore relationships and harmony in the family. Remember, such rituals are best performed on a waning moon. At this time, the lapels on the opponent are especially successful and effective.

Usually the action love ceremony very long term. With it, you can forever return your loved one to the family. However, then you have to resort to black magic which can sometimes have dire consequences. Therefore, before turning a husband away from his mistress, you should study all possible safety rules for conducting such rituals.

Basic Rules:

When deciding on such actions, it is worth understanding that magical rituals never pass without a trace, because sooner or later you have to pay for everything. Therefore, it is so important to establish magical protection before starting the ritual. And compliance with all the rules will give a very strong effect, and soon the second half will definitely return.

But not only abandoned wives, girls decide on love lapels. Mistresses also resort to rituals when they wish a man to part with his family. It happened that relations with a loved one develop perfectly, the couple makes big plans, and at one moment everything collapses sharply. Possible cause similar situation a lover can become, who herself or with the help of a professional put a love spell on a man. If so, then the symptoms of such actions will be:

  • A strong tendency to drink alcohol.
  • Change of life values.
  • Feelings of fatigue and nervousness.
  • Deterioration of health.
  • Strong and frequent quarrels on empty place with the second half.

When similar symptoms it is worth trying to save love on your own. If all else fails, then you should turn to the lapels. But first, it is worth exploring all the possible consequences of such rituals, which can affect both the victim and the performer.

Possible consequences and feedback from women

The consequences of unsuccessful love spells are far from a myth. And the numerous reviews of victims of witchcraft are vivid confirmation of this. There are many stories on the Internet, based on real events, about terrible things that happened after the event. love lapel. Many love spell performers noted changes in the behavior of their beloved man. He became irritable and aggressive, and all the negativity poured out both on his mistress and on the performer of the conspiracy. In addition, after applying the lapel, men noted a sharp loss of "male strength", as well as the appearance of inclinations to alcohol and drugs.

Once one of my good friends decided to make a guy's lapel. Soon they began to live together, the guy forgot about all the girls. A little later they got married. Everything seemed to be going well, there was only one thing missing - the children. The husband increasingly surrounded courtship and insane jealousy. After a while, a friend finally fell out of love with him and decided to file for divorce. He flatly disagreed. It got to the point that her husband tied her in the house so that she would not leave him anywhere. The friend then filed a complaint with the police. Then she remembered that she had once made a lapel on him. As a result, the lapel could not be removed.

Women experienced deterioration in health and exacerbation of chronic diseases. prolonged depression, panic attacks, as well as hallucinations tormented not only offended wives and girls, but also the mistresses themselves.

In my youth, I made a bunch of lapels for a guy who I really liked at that time. But he never wanted to come back to me. The lapel had no effect on the guy, but it had a significant effect on my health. Health deteriorated, depression began, severe fatigue appeared. I can't love any of the men. Even though I don’t like that guy, I’m still drawn to him, even though we broke up a long time ago.

But these were the smallest consequences of incorrectly made lapels. There were cases when women committed suicide, or damage appeared in the family of the performer, and in some cases a family curse, which was passed down through the female line for a very long time.

One day my best friend decided. I didn't even think about the consequences. The lapel turned out, the man returned to her, but problems began: constant quarrels on trifles, outbursts of rage and aggression. They lived like this for several months, then divorced. After some time, health problems began. When she met another man, she could not even bear a child. Horror.

Anna Maria

Such consequences can become an incorrectly performed independent lapel or a ritual conducted by an inexperienced magician who made any serious mistakes.

Do-it-yourself lapel and professional help

When a woman realizes that she is still ready to resort to the powers of magic, she carefully weighs the pros and cons, the question arises whether to carry out the lapel on her own or turn to the help of a professional. Many girls mistakenly think that making a high-quality rite for an opponent on their own is as easy as shelling pears. But not even every magician can handle it, let alone ordinary people.

However, if a spiritual woman is strong, knows how to concentrate in any situation, can cope with her emotions and desires, then an independent ritual can be performed at home. To do this, you will need to learn magic in order to be able to protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones. After all, errors in such rites can bring a lot of trouble.

If you do everything correctly, then the effect of love magic will not be long in coming.

Opponent's lapel at home

There are many conspiracies, rites and rituals aimed at breaking a love relationship. For carrying out simple lapels, only the name of the opponent is required. For more complex ones, various paraphernalia, for example, the victim’s belongings, photographs, the victim’s hair and nails, candles and much more.

The easy way

For the ceremony you will need: the name of the opponent, a black candle and, preferably, knowledge of the opponent in person. The name must be written on a piece of paper. Then you should burn it and at the same time say the following words:

As this candle burns as wax conceals, so the love of the beloved (name of the man) to (name of the woman) burned out, burned out and completely disappeared. Let it be so.

This love spell is very simple and will not be effective if there is a strong love relationship between a man and a mistress. This conspiracy is suitable in that case if there is still no mutual sympathy between the mistress and the man.

Lapel with a rival thing

For this conspiracy, you need: a rival thing, a needle, the performer's hair, candles.

Candles must be lit. Next, carefully sew the hair into the opponent's little thing - this can be simple t shirt or a T-shirt that the victim wears very often. Then put this attribute on the center of the table and sentence the following words three times:

I conjure you on a thing, I sew my hair. Let the beloved (name of the man) return to me, the lovebird will turn away from you, your love will turn into dust, and ours will bloom and flare up. Let it be so.

Then the little thing must be burned, and the ashes scattered in the wind. This conspiracy is considered very strong, and therefore the consequences of it may be appropriate.

Strong conspiracy for food

Another way effective rite. In order to turn a loved one away from a rival, you should prepare tasty and satisfying meals for a man for a week. When the dish is ready, you should say the following words:

Sisters and red girls, help return your loved one, help save love, so that you will always be there and never leave.

The conspiracy will begin in a few days.

The desire of a woman to save love, to return a loved one to the family, of course, is good. But you always need to be accountable for your actions, about what consequences they can lead to. And also about whether it is necessary at all. Is it worth bringing back a person who has already left once? Can you accept it again? If the answer is definitely “yes”, then you should strive for the result and always remember the possible consequences of love magic.

Attention, only TODAY!

A strong lapel differs from other similar rituals in its power. He can help, even in the most seemingly intractable situations. With it, you can cool the most fiery feelings between two people and destroy even the most strong love built on mutual affection and trust.

Strong lapels were used in ancient times, and with their help many destinies were destroyed. But at the same time, it should be understood that a strong lapel rite can only be carried out energetically strong man. Otherwise, the rite will not be effective, and in some cases it can cause great harm, including to the performer of the ritual.

Lapel rite of husband from wife

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that quarrels and disagreements periodically arise in every family. In most cases loving spouses find compromises to solve any problems, but, unfortunately, not always. Over time, for some couples, constant quarrels heat up the situation so much that love leaves and the spouses have an irresistible desire to leave. Partners are held together only by habit and certain obligations.

In this case, the spouse can use a strong lapel of the husband from his wife. This rite will cause a complete cooling of feelings on the part of the man, and allow you to finally break off the painful relationship for both.

The next strong lapel of the husband from his wife, used by the wife to break the connection, does not carry negativity, since after it two people will feel relief in their souls, and they will be able to build new life. But it should only be remembered that the rite must be performed in sincere confidence in one's rightness and belief in magic.

It should be remembered that a strong lapel from the wife should be carried out without any negative emotions directed at the spouse. It is necessary for the duration of the ritual to forget all the quarrels and quarrels that have become companions of your life together. For a strong energy message, only your desire to be freed from family ties is important.

Cooling feelings in a spouse

A strong lapel of a husband from his wife should be carried out in separate room, in which you need to create such an atmosphere so that nothing distracts from the ongoing magic action. For the ceremony, you will need to take your photo and a picture of your husband. It is desirable that the photographs be fresh, taken no earlier than six months ago before the ceremony. Of no small importance for the strength of the impact is the clarity of the images. Especially expressive in the images should be the eyes.

In a secluded room on one of the nights of the waning moon period, you should cover the table with a clean tablecloth light shade and light a candle. artificial lighting should be turned off. After that, the photos need to be set with images opposite each other, and between them put a note on a metal dish on which the word “Love” is written. Focusing on the desire for parting, you should set fire to a note from the flame of a candle.

“As this flame burns out, so our love with you will finally go out. As this paper turns into ashes, so will your tenderness, the servant of God (name of the spouse) to me, the Servant of God ( given name) will turn to ashes. When the ashes are carried by the wind across the wide world, so let last feelings from your heart will scatter forever.

The burnt leaf should be rubbed with your fingers and dispelled in the wind within a day. This must be done on the street; it is not recommended to scatter the ashes spoken with lapel words from the window.

This strong lapel from the wife should be repeated during the three nights of the waning moon period. Only in this case will he gain the necessary power and be effective. As a rule, the effect of the rite is noticeable immediately. It is manifested by the fact that a man cannot hide his spiritual discomfort in the moments when he is next to his wife. This leads to the fact that within a week he decides to part.

A strong lapel of a husband from his mistress is a very popular rite. loving wives quite often they resort to the help of magic to prevent the destruction of family relationships.

But before you decide on such an impact, you should weigh the pros and cons:

    First, you need to make sure you strong feelings, and answer yourself the question of whether you can accept your husband without any reproaches after his betrayal. Secondly, is love on the side real and sincere.

Only if you are sure that the spouse is simply confused and continues to truly love only you, you can use the husband’s strong lapel from his mistress.

There are many different lapel rites aimed at eliminating their life as a mistress. But one of the most powerful is considered to be a strong lapel from a mistress using her husband's underwear. Pants are the best fit.

With unwashed linen

During the magic ritual, secluded in a separate room, you should fully focus on your love for your husband.

    Take the spouse’s unwashed underpants; Inconspicuously sew all the seams on the product with black thread; Throughout the sewing process, you need to continuously repeat the following magic words:

    “I sew the linen of my husband, the Servant of God (the name of the spouse), I sew up forever the way for him to the Servant of God (the name of the mistress). On the way to it, such obstacles will arise that you, my beloved, will never overcome them. I, the Servant of God (my own name), order by the power and will of my righteous Servant of God (the name of my mistress) to drive you away from me, scold you and keep you away from me. You will soon run away from her and hate with fierce hatred. You will be angry with her, and you will be afraid of her more than inevitable death. And you lie in bed together - discord will happen and nothing will work out. I, the Servant of God (proper name), with my strong word, which no one can change, close your path, my husband, to your mistress, and sew to myself forever. Let it be so. Amen".

The strong lapel of the husband from his mistress ends with the fact that the charmed underpants must be placed on the husband so that he puts them on the next morning. In addition, this strong lapel from a mistress becomes powerful if a man puts on unwashed underpants several times in a row.

Ritual from a rival

When does love triangle, then a strong lapel from a mistress becomes a very popular rite. Moreover, if people are not connected by family ties, then such influences against the background sincere love have practically no negative consequences, since they are interpreted higher powers as a way to protect your own love.

It is absolutely not difficult to carry out a strong lapel from an opponent at home. For example, you can use the following rite.

with chilled water

For the ritual, you need to cool the water in the freezer, but you can’t freeze it. Then you need to take one of the glasses and pour into it cold water from the freezer. Directly above the glass, you need to read the well-known prayer “Our Father”. You need to do this out loud so that your energy penetrates into the water as much as possible. After that, you need to start slowly pouring water into another glass, pronouncing the following words:

“The longing is terrible, fierce and unbearable, drink my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the beloved). Let him only remember me, the Servant of God (his own name) and only think about me. Let him forget my rival, the Servant of God (the name of the rival) forever. I am beautiful and sweet, she is unkind and scary! Let all spring and joy go out of it. I am sweet nectar and honey, she is snow and ice! My beloved will look at her and immediately understand this and come to me. I’ll freeze feelings for her with cold, with my strong word I’ll tie up everything that has been said. I will put barriers between you, and I will scout your paths. Amen".

You need to pour water from glass to glass seven times and at the same time you should repeat the above words again and again. Then the charmed water should be put in a secluded place, it should evaporate there. naturally. Empty glass on last word lapel conspiracy should be broken, and its fragments will be thrown away from their own home. Such strong conspiracy from a mistress at home, it begins to act almost immediately, cooling the feelings of a loved one for a rival.

Powerful lapel forever

The strongest lapel that cannot be removed requires a large energy force, so not everyone can do it. That is why this lapel effect is used very rarely. In addition, many are stopped by the fact that you will have to pay for a strong lapel that cannot be removed, and sometimes very seriously. The strongest lapel always involves the use of additional attributes that are associated with the bioenergy of the victim. Often used:
    Pieces of nails; Hair; Drops of blood or saliva.
In addition, the ceremony should use a photograph of a couple that needs to be separated and an unburned candle taken from one of the graves in the cemetery in which a fresh burial was carried out. A strong lapel that cannot be removed is carried out under open sky in a deserted place during the waning moon. Previously, the place where the ceremony is planned is cleared of grass, stones and debris. On the prepared ground, it is necessary to draw a pentagram and make a hole in its center. It is necessary to place in it the carriers of the biofield of the victim, which they managed to get. From above, they should be lightly powdered with earth and a candle stub brought from the cemetery should be installed. It needs to be lit and in its flame to burn pictures of people who are planned to be separated. While the photos are burning, it is necessary to pronounce arbitrary words, the meaning of which should be that you want to turn one partner away from the other. The words must be sincere and come from the soul. Ashes from burned photographs should also be sprinkled with a small amount of earth, but now in such a way that a small mound forms. After that, the candle must be extinguished and broken in half, folded in the form of a cross on the formed mound. On this, the ritual can be considered completed. But, so that the strongest lapel does not violate the health of all participants in the ceremony, it is necessary to pronounce the following words:

“It was not the pictures that burned out, but the memory. The Servant of God (the name of the man) and the Servant of God (the name of the woman) will not die, but their relationship will die forever. Amen".

The next day, you must definitely go to church and light candles for the health of all participants in the lapel ceremony.

How to make a strong lapel?

It is very important to know how to make a strong lapel. Knowledge of the basic rules of the rite to allow minimizing Negative consequences lapel impact.Very strong lapels always held at night during the waning moon. At other times they will not be effective. It is advisable to perform rituals when the moon is visible in the sky. The best days for rituals are Tuesday or Thursday. It is important to feel self-confident. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better not to start the ritual, because it is very dangerous and can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, for example, even to the death of one of the participants in the ceremony. Fortunately, such an outcome is recorded very rarely, health problems arise much more often, and it will take a lot of time and effort to eliminate them. Very strong lapels are held in the cemetery. Such rituals belong to the means of black magic, therefore, when performing the ritual, it is important to take care of your own protection from a powerful reverse wave of negativity. Such influences are effective if the rites are performed on the grave of a person whose name matches the victim of your lapel. Very often, during the ceremony, magic words are pronounced arbitrarily, but it is very important that the phrases are filled with a lapel meaning, without any digressions. That is, the lapel plot itself should be short and specific. It should be understood that all recommendations of any strong lapel rite must be followed. The slightest deviation will harm not only the victim of the love spell, but also the performer of the rite. And it is very important in this case not to question your actions in the slightest.

Lapel conspiracy - this is very popular magical effect. It is considered a remedy that helps to get rid of violently imposed love. That is, you can use this effect if you are convinced that you or a person close to you has been subjected to an energy attack. In addition, a lapel conspiracy against a rival will remove obstacles to your own love. Particularly in demand are the so-called "preventive rites", which can be carried out at the slightest suspicion that they are trying to take your loved one away from you. It is noteworthy that you can read the lapel plot at a distance. It is absolutely not difficult to carry out a lapel conspiracy at home. But the main thing is to make sure that you need it. That is, you must be sure of your own sincere feelings to a person.

With the use of land

A strong lapel plot is read in a ritual involving the use of land. It cannot be recruited near the road. The land from a plowed field is best suited for the ceremony. Before the ceremony during the day, you need to prepare a mixture with earth and three tablespoons of salt. It needs to be poured into a small bag of natural fabric, tie it and leave it in the room where the ceremony is planned to be held until midnight. At twelve o'clock at night, you should go into the room, light a candle and turn off the artificial lighting. The bag of earth should be untied and the earthen mixture should be spoken in the following words:

“I will get up in the morning, the Servant of God (proper name), I will leave my house not through the door, but I will leave my yard not through the gate, but through the mouse hole. Further into the wide field I will follow the dog's path along the salary log. there in wide field a whirlwind Spirit will run out to meet me and fly out. He rushes to me from field to field, runs, flies from sea to sea. It is in such a hurry that the grasses sway and the waves rise. Let the Servant of God (name of the guy) also hastily throw and reject the Servant of God (name of the girl). So that he does not raise his clear eyes to her, does not hold her to his heart and does not allow him to approach him. There is no reticence to my word, what is said is firm and will not change. Amen".

After that, the bag with the charmed land should be tied up again and, putting it in your pocket, leave the house. Next, you need to take 100 steps in the wind, after which it will stop and cross itself three times, and then read the well-known and saving prayer “Our Father” three times. After that, you can return home. Upon arrival, you need to put a bag of earthen mixture under the bed. Early in the morning, you need to take a bag with a charmed earthen mixture and go to the place where the guy lives. You should become so that he does not notice you when you leave the house. After him, you need to throw the charmed land. After that, cross yourself three times and go home. On the way, you can not talk to anyone, otherwise the lapel effect will not be effective.

Protecting your loved one

You can use normal safety pin to protect his beloved on a rival. For the ceremony, a new and strong pin should be used. It must first be washed in cold running water. In this case, the conspiracy of the lapel on the opponent is as follows:

“The pin is sharp, new and strong, serve me, the Servant of God (proper name) with faith and truth. Always and everywhere be near my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the guy). Protect him from the machinations of enemies and from worldly troubles. Save him from betrayal and save him from the love of my rival, the Servant of God (the name of the rival). As you are securely firmly closed, so let the heart of your beloved be closed to the feelings of a rival forever. As you are prickly and sharp, so when meeting my beloved with my rival, let them exchange barbs, swear and quarrel. Let them go their separate ways and part forever, and eventually forget each other altogether. Let it happen. Amen".

The charmed pin must be attached to the clothes that the beloved most often wears, in an inconspicuous place, so that she would be with him as often as possible. This lapel conspiracy works at the first meeting with a rival. At first, small disagreements begin, which lead to a gradual cooling of feelings, and subsequently the relationship is interrupted in a natural way.

Lapel conspiracies at a distance

There are many conspiracies that can be read from a distance. Performed correctly and in accordance with the recommendations, such rituals are very powerful.

On the street

You can read the plot on the lapel at a distance on the street. To do this, you need to choose one of the windy evenings during the waning moon. For the ritual, you will need to first prepare a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent written on it. Going out into the street, you should tear this sheet into small pieces and scatter the pieces in the wind. While saying the following words:

“The wind is strong and powerful, you walk on the ground and help everyone. Help me, Servant of God (proper name). Take away the feelings of my rival, the Servant of God (the name of the rival) forever from our sweet life. May my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the guy) cool off for her forever, and our strong love with him will be freed from her feelings. Cool the strong wind of her soul and extinguish her passion for my dear. Let her become colder than ice eternal. Let her feelings along with you, the mighty wind, be carried away to distant lands, real happiness asks for our doorstep. Amen".

At home

Another strong conspiracy from a rival that acts at a distance can be read at home. To do this, you need to boil in the kitchen at midnight large saucepan water. As soon as it boils, you need to say these magic words:

“Just as water is boiled in this pan, so will yours, the Servant of God (the name of the rival), the sinful passion in it be digested. You will fall out of love and forget, feelings will be crushed and digested and dissipated with steam through the air. And as soon as you begin to approach my beloved, the Servant of God (guy's name), immediately your soul will be burned with boiling water. A person will become more terrible for you than a dark night, and you will quickly want to part with him. I, the Servant of God (proper name), said the words and sealed them with a seal forever. Don't change them for anyone. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you should turn off the stove and stand for a while near the cooling water in silence, thinking about the future happy and prosperous life with your loved one. After a while, you need to pronounce other words:

"You, hot water, cool down quickly, give back your warmth, and you, the Servant of God (the name of the rival) from my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the guy), quickly fall behind. As the water cools, so will you turn away from my dear.

Cooled water should be sprinkled in the corners of your home with the words:

“Go away the homeowner, the Servant of God (the name of the rival) forever, so that you are not next to us, and you do not disturb our thoughts.”

After this, the lapel rite can be considered completed. When deciding to use the lapel conspiracy, it should be understood that such an impact is considered by higher powers as an interference in the fate of another person. Therefore, such rituals do not belong to harmless actions, which means that they can have backfire, first of all, for the performer of the rite. Therefore, it is recommended to use lapel magic only in situations where the use of lapels can be considered justified.

Women in the pursuit of happiness and the desired standard of living are ready for a lot. Some use natural charm for this, others are helped by magic. But the worst moment comes when the really successful and attractive girls or men there are situations in which unloved person it becomes too much and his presence interferes with living calmly in the same rhythm. Unable to cope with the problem on their own, they turn to magicians and fortune-tellers to plot a lapel. What secrets exist in the implementation of such rituals?

Magicians explain lapel rites as a kind of ancient magical techniques focused on the destruction of any connection and communication between two people in love. Such rituals are distinguished based on the strength and subtype of impact, final outcomes and other criteria.

Thanks to the active development of all spheres of life, it is now possible to carry out the lapel ritual on your own. Before doing this, make sure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Intentions before carrying out lapel conspiracies should be positive and with a good attitude. If there is a desire to harm someone, take revenge, hurt, then the best way out is to forget about the providence of the rite. Such conspiracies and lapel rites are energetically very strong magic which can easily turn bad consequences the person who conducts it and the one to whom the actions are directed.
  2. Necessary clear awareness of actions. Think carefully about what you want to do and what the outcome might be as a result.
  3. It is forbidden to share family happiness husband and wife. Life is like a boomerang, so retribution will surely come, after which a person may remain lonely and unhappy.
  4. The lapel plot should take place in a moderate and calm atmosphere. Prepare for the ritual at home in advance so that external influences did not interfere during the ceremony.
  5. Regarding clothing, experts insist on black attire and are strictly not allowed. bright colors, stylish prints, exquisite accessories. The simpler the outfit, the better.
  6. Having decided on the date for the implementation of the conspiracy, fast for 7 days.

What else should you know? If possible, avoid meetings, calls, conversations with unpleasant people, such as energy vampires or those who always live in a negative mindset.

Remember that the consequences can be completely different and with an incorrect algorithm of actions will not lead to the desired result.

Lapel in the cemetery from a man

When you get rid of a really stubborn and annoying man conventional methods does not work, women use magical rites. Indeed, what else is a happy married girl to do?

To carry out this lapel conspiracy, you need to acquire the following things:

  • a handful of cemetery land;
  • a glass of red dry or sweet wine;
  • a deep bowl made of clay;
  • five church candles;
  • knife.

It is important to accurately identify the name of the individual involved.

The first step is to place the graveyard earth substance in a clay bowl, in which also place a glass of wine. Insert candles into the earth, displaying a 5-pointed star. Next, you need to light the candles, while stirring the wine product with a knife and saying:

“I’ll go out (insert name), beautiful girl, at night from the gate to the door, from the door to the clean field, at night, looking at the sky. I, the girl, will dig a hole, and put the love of the young man there (substitute the name of the admirer). I will bury it for all eternity, I will bury it with earth, and cover it with grass. You lie, love, well done (his name) to the girl (her name), but do not return to God's light. Let it be so" .

After reading the above text message, set aside a glass filled with a wine drink, and after a few hours remove it for effective and likely filling. magic power conspiracy. It is necessary to treat the object of the ritual with a charmed drink over a three-day period, after performing the ceremony. If everything is done correctly, then after 3-5 days there will already be the first positive results.

Lapel using wedding rings

Woman applied lapel conspiracies for savings happy marriage, getting rid of the hassle of unwanted courtship. One of the varieties of rituals at home is a lapel with the help of a wedding ring, with which an already divorced woman walked. In addition to this item, you will need dry red wine, which must be poured through a ring into full moon. It is also required to read and voice the following text:

“I will go out (say the name), beautiful girl, I will leave the house, but beyond the outskirts. I will go out to the red sun, go out, and ask him - as you leave, roll up, so let love (substitute the name of the male representative) disappear for me, fall into tartarara and not return. How not to be together on the banks of the same river, and love (substitute the name certain man) will not happen. What is said will come true."

An alcoholic drink should be drunk by an unwanted and annoying admirer. In the absence of an opportunity, there is another way, which involves pouring wine on the threshold of the man's dwelling.

Love spells of a husband to his wife from his mistress N. Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a well-known healer from Siberia, whose magical activity has saved more than one family. A professional willingly shares his work in in social networks and thematic forums. Among the conspiracies used by her, there is such:

"How dead road He will forget back, How to walk the road This will not happen, So if (insert the name of the husband) (the name of his mistress or rival) would forget, I would not think about her, I would not yearn.

By pronouncing this text, you can save your husband from infidelity. According to Natalia, there was one case and many similar ones, when at the session the wives learned about the direct impact and influence of various forces of the magical world. Then such a conspiracy to turn your men away from a woman will come in handy:

“Do not wear this shirt to the dead, so (name of the man) Oh (name of the mistress) do not yearn. Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

It is necessary to read this text at crossroads for pedestrians on far distance from the dwellings of people, shaking off the clothes of the deceased. The procedure is not very pleasant, but very effective and efficient.

Strong lapel conspiracy using blood and photography

Have you already tried all the usual love spells to return your beloved husband to you? Then you can try to plot a lapel, for which you need the presence of:

  • the blood of a wife who wants her husband back;
  • photo of a mistress;
  • long black thread;
  • sharp thin needle.

Having prepared these items, follow the developed and proven algorithm of actions for removing love from your husband:

  1. The black thread must be cut and placed in a bowl or other container with the wife's blood for a period of about 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then place the bloody thread on the photo of the culprit.
  3. With the remaining piece of thread, wrap the photo of your opponent, which you first roll into a cylinder.
  4. Pierce the resulting tube from the photo right in the center with a sharp needle.
  5. Remove the scroll into a vessel filled with blood fluid.

Say a plot, holding a bundle of photos in your hands:

“My man (name of husband, beloved young man, chosen one) I will not give you. Forget about him forever and never.

After that, it is worth burning the objects involved in the procedure immediately after reading the text. Make sure that the photo burns quickly and without a trace. What to do with a needle? Bury this attribute deep in the ground at a great distance from people's houses, but in your special one. The best place for this will become reservoirs with a powerful flow of water.

Just as love spells are made from photographs, so a strong lapel plot is most effective when using a photo of a man or woman. Such a lapel conspiracy has two spheres of influence at once, the drying of a man from his lover and the return of his former attraction to his wife.

Lapel conspiracy with water

You can remove the charm of a mistress from a chosen one using a lapel plot. Why does it use water? Magicians characterize this natural element as a powerful energy object that has a strong effect on both sexes.

To distract an annoying person from yourself or a personal love object, wait for a full and bright new moon. For the ritual will come in handy:

Following the further algorithm, with charmed vodka, treat the perpetrators of the problem: the chosen one and his adored object. An important note will be the knowledge that it is necessary to carry out the ritual very carefully and diligently for the purity of actions and the absence of suspicion among lovers and their peace of mind. Otherwise, the process will fail.

We remove conspiracies and rituals on the lapel on our own at home

Before proceeding to such extreme measures, diagnose family life over the past six months. It is necessary to remove the plot on the lapel when observing such problems:

  • sexual life has not developed for a long time, and its activity decreases every day;
  • permanent depression, chronic fatigue;
  • love feelings have cooled sharply and have not been the same for a long time as they were before;
  • regular quarrels between husband and wife for a long time, etc.

The most commonly used method of removing a spell involves food represented by salt. In the world of magic, such an item is in demand due to the fact that it helps to quickly and effectively clear a person’s karma. Before the beginning of the implementation of the conspiracy, white pure and consecrated salt should be in the hand. Say the text aloud three times:

“White salt, pure salt, help me purify myself, my husband and our relationship. From different spells, from filthy homeowners. So that the quarrel does not take us, but gossips didn't jinx it. Cleanse and protect us, white salt, pure salt." It is advisable to sprinkle the dishes of both spouses with charmed salt. The mood needs to be diluted only with positive intentions and with a focus on restoring the family, and not on causing something bad to outsiders.

Magicians advise, if possible, not to use love spells, in order to protect yourself from problems in the future. personal life customer and recipient. Try more conciliatory ways by talking heart to heart with your loved one, expressing all your dissatisfaction, and perhaps then the consequences will be pleasant in the form of gaining real happiness.

There are so-called lapel conspiracies (sometimes they are also called dry conspiracies). They should be read when hopes for a joint happy life No. For example, a woman loves married man. And there is no way to be together, there is no prospect of a relationship. Wherein unrequited love literally eats up the unfortunate, deprives her of sleep and rest.

We make a lapel

In this case, you need to pronounce a lapel conspiracy. It is only important to remember responsibility, to understand that this is being done, not for fun, but for the sake of peace, tranquility and a happy life in the future.

When a lapel plot is used

When to use?

Lapel conspiracy can be used in several cases. As already described above, it is effective if a woman unrequitedly loves a man who will definitely never be with her. Or if a man and a woman were together, loved each other, and then parted. It doesn't matter what the reason for the breakup is. It is important that someone has feelings that he wants to get rid of.

But this is not the only reason to use such a conspiracy. So, a lapel conspiracy is effective if a loved one has a rival and they need to be separated. For this, lapel conspiracies are excellent.

Moreover, the effectiveness of such a conspiracy will be higher if there are any personal belongings of people who should be separated. It can be scarves, towels, mirrors, combs, often worn T-shirts - yes, anything. If only the thing was with the person for some time and took his energy.

Lapel conspiracy liability

Responsibility for conspiracy

It should be understood that a lapel conspiracy, as, indeed, absolutely any conspiracy, is a change in the will of a person, this is taking responsibility for another person. Therefore, one should be very careful about lapel conspiracies. What today seems to be a universal tragedy, tomorrow will be a mere trifle. So is it worth it to use magic in this case?

Of course, there are cases when the use of a lapel conspiracy is justified and necessary. But sometimes you have to wait. Because there may not be a way back.

The power of river water for a lapel plot

water power

It is necessary to take a container (for example, a pot) and go to the river in the early morning. Water should be scooped into the pan, over which you need to read such a conspiracy:

“I will get up (pronounce the name), go from the hut to the door, from the gate to the gate, onto the fast river and I will (pronounce the name) wash and rinse three times, three dawns of matins and three dawns of vespers, while saying: the river is fast, I come to you with longing longing, weeping dryness, wash and rinse my white face, so that weeping dryness will fall from my white face, and longing longing from the zeal of my heart. And you, fast river, carry it with your fast stream, and flood it in your deep halls so that it never comes to me, a slave (pronounce the name). And I conclude all these words with a strong lock, and the key - in the water.

After reading the plot, pour half the water back into the river. Whereas the other half must be brought home to spray your things with it.
By the way, you can wash off unrequited and unrequited love from yourself, you just need to buy new soap and speak it.

After that, you should wash yourself daily with this soap, while pronouncing the words of a lapel conspiracy. As soon as the soap runs out, longing and unhappy love will also come down.

Fall out of love by photo

Photo lapel

You can also use a photo of a loved one to forever stop experiencing languid love bliss for him. So, put the photo upside down on the table. After that, before the photo you need to put a slice of black bread.

“Slave (say the name), stand as you stand, bread, lie down as you lie. I will remember you not with love, but with cold blood. As I, the servant of God (pronounce the name), forgot how in childhood I walked the first steps, how my first tooth grew, so from now on and forever I forget this person, the servant of God (pronounce the name). Amen".