How to make a hairstyle for May 9. Hairstyles and weaving for long hair. Decoration of individual school premises

Festive decoration for May 9 is not just a procedure for preparing a building for a traditional event. This is our history, pride and memory. Therefore, in addition to the classic symbols of Victory Day, which today can be purchased in many stores or ordered in combination with a service for decorating a hall or building, it is imperative that children be given the opportunity to do something with their own hands.

Children will be able to join the great holiday not only as spectators-extras, but also as its direct organizers. And this is already responsibility, pride in their work and an “adult” attitude to the task assigned. So the best option is to order professional design, in which children's work will also be used.

What can be ordered from professionals

Each of the companies specializing in decorating premises, outdoor stages and other venues for various events has its own zest and typical developments used by absolutely everyone. The decoration of assembly halls by May 9, 2017 will be typical in terms of paraphernalia and colors: state colors, the red banner of the Great Patriotic War, the colors of military tunics and, of course, St. George's ribbons.

The classic attributes of the decoration of the hall are:

  • garlands of balls (including wicker);
  • panel of balls;
  • columns of balls;
  • all kinds of crafts from balls - shoulder straps, a star, a tank, an anti-aircraft gun, etc .;
  • compositions from helium balloons;
  • bright banners and posters.

If the range of classic means for decorating the stage, decorating the hall, other rooms and the building itself is so limited, then how do the services of the firms differ? Not only cost, but also the quality of design, the material itself, the harmony of combinations of various elements.

Facade decoration and interior decoration, decoration of window openings and festive stands - all these works have their own specifics, and therefore only good specialists can create a beautiful, truly festive look of the building.

How can you decorate

In the range of services of special companies - professional design of premises or buildings of any size. Therefore, the assembly hall or classroom, the windows of the kindergarten or the facade of the school will look not only festive and beautiful, but also taking into account the age of the children:

  • For preschoolers, intricate balloon crafts depicting military symbols - weapons, stars, shoulder straps - will be interesting. The size of the decorations will be harmonious with the size of the room for which they are intended.
  • For high school students, the design of the school in a more “adult” manner is suitable: strict columns from balls of the colors of the St. George ribbon, colorful banners, stands or pillars with various images - from the traditional inscriptions “May 9” to images of photographs of the Immortal Regiment.

If your children's or educational institution has ready-made works of children dedicated to Victory Day, you must definitely include them in the overall design:

  • So, ordinary children's drawings on A-4 paper can be designed in the style of front-line letters-triangles, placed on a stand that will certainly attract the attention of guests.
  • Volumetric crafts of children (sculpting, papier-mâché, other techniques) on a military theme can be divided into composite fragments and decorated with balls, which will make them part of the overall decoration of the room.

Kindergarten by May 9

With the hands of professional designers and the kids themselves, you can prepare a unique holiday in honor of Victory Day, which will remain in the memory of kids, teachers and guests for a long time.

  1. Little children love to play. Why not take this feature into account in kindergarten and build, for example, an arch of balls through which every child can pass? And the colors of the St. George ribbon on the balls of the arch will forever capture this day in the memory of the kids as one of the most interesting and joyful holidays.
  2. When choosing a design for a kindergarten, you need to remember that the kids all love to try for strength, so structures that are better not to be touched by hands should be immediately raised to a height inaccessible to kids.
  3. What you should pay attention to when decorating a garden for Victory Day:
    • entrance group (columns and garlands of balls);
    • windows (poster or applications);
    • assembly hall (festive banner, garlands, pavement signs);
    • hall (garlands and columns of balls, stands with children's crafts);
    • training and play rooms (garlands, wall posters with photographs of the Great Patriotic War or photographs of veterans).

If you want to make the design of the garden original and memorable, order a complex decoration of the entire building - a unique holiday atmosphere will be created.

School by May 9

The decoration of the school for the Victory Day should carry not only a festive mood, but also an informational and patriotic load. After all, to educate in the younger generation pride in their great ancestors who defeated fascism is the main task of adults.

Therefore, in addition to bright balloons and colorful banners, when decorating a school by May 9, you need to pay attention to stands, thematic panels, and pillars. So that they not only bear festive symbols, but also have portraits of warriors-defenders of the Motherland.

The architecture of schools always provides for a large number of windows. They can and should be used to decorate the building for the holiday. Posters can be placed on the glass of window blocks. On the facade of the building, between the windows, festive garlands of balloons, flags and army banners of Soviet military units of the Great Patriotic War can be hung out.

Decoration of individual school premises:

  • in the lobby it is advisable to place large banners, large posters or stands of a general festive theme, massive balloon structures;
  • in school corridors and classrooms - small garlands, stands and pavement signs with photographs of the wartime and portraits of veterans, drawings of the schoolchildren themselves;
  • the design of the stage and the assembly hall at the school should correspond to the solemnity of the holiday: a beautiful patriotic banner, military and state symbols, black and white photographs of the liberators in large format.

At school history lessons, children probably prepared more than a dozen essays on the topic of the Great Patriotic War. The best of the works can be used to create a festive interior: make a special stand for them, decorating it with yellow-black ribbons and dummies of military flasks, grenades, copies of front-line letters.

Paper decorations that can complement the interior by May 9:

  • doves of peace - they can be located both under the ceiling itself and on the walls;
  • voluminous five-pointed stars will look great on the walls of school corridors;
  • a photographic film from newsreels of the war years can show documentary footage.

Window decoration for Victory Day

Until recently, only New Year's snowflakes were allowed on window panes, but today it is customary to decorate them for any holiday. May 9th is a special day in this regard. It has long turned from the anniversary of the Great Victory into a national holiday of the triumph of justice, the heroism of the people and their army. Therefore, the main symbolism of window decoration is military. And - peaceful, because May 9 became a milestone in the countdown of peacetime.

  • What will look best on the windows in kindergarten? Portraits of soldiers-liberators, stars and Eternal Flame. And also - contrasting symbolism, which is perfectly perceived by the child's psyche: flowers next to the tank, the sun and birds soaring in the sky next to the plane.
  • For school windows, classic poster symbols are more suitable: the St. George ribbon, the faces of victorious warriors.
  • When designing windows, you need to take into account the play of light reflected from the glass. In this case, the white color is “lost”, but the rich, traditional colors for May 9 - red, yellow, black, green (“protective” color of tunics) - will look beautiful through glass.
  • One of the classic options for applications on windows for May 9 is a scattering of festive fireworks. Moreover, the “window” salute can be performed not only in the form of an application or a drawing on a poster, but also applied with paints.

Decoration of facades by May 9

Not every institution can afford street art today, and therefore the festive decoration of facades can be done in a more familiar manner: the state flag, the banners of the Soviet armies of the Great Patriotic War, St. George ribbons, garlands of balloons, holiday banners, streamers.

Decor elements for decorating facades also include:

  • grid printing;
  • illumination (holiday illumination).

Many of the works for the decoration of facades by May 9 require special qualifications, since they are carried out at a height. Depending on the number of storeys of the building, various means can be used to decorate it, from one banner for a small building to full-fledged illumination and a set of stretch marks for a high-rise building.

May 9 is a holiday for everyone and the whole country!

Real patriots are not brought up. They are raised by the older generation by their own example of attitude towards their country, its history and present.

Victory Day is traditionally celebrated in our country in such a way that every young generation can understand and feel the significance of this day in the history of our people, and veterans are once again convinced that the feat of them and those who gave their lives for the Victory will never be forgotten by descendants . And this is precisely the main goal of the festive decoration of streets, houses and educational institutions.

Hairstyles for the last call for girls should be as emphasize the youth of their owners. The hairstyle should be restrained, cute, youthful and of course fit the face.

Below are a few hairstyles for the last call, which you can easily do with your own hands, following the photo and video instructions.


Cute bow from spikelet

A spikelet bow hairstyle is great for the last call, especially if you decorate your creation with a bow. This hairstyle slightly adds volume at the crown, suits any type of face and is performed on medium and long hair.

How to make a cute bow hairstyle?

  1. Comb your hair, and collect a strand from the temporal and frontal parts of the hair at the top of your head.
  2. Divide the strand into three parts, grabbing the strands at the temples and behind the ears.
  3. Weave a spikelet to the middle of the head and collect with an elastic band, like.
  4. Take a ribbon or bow and collect the hair by threading the ribbon around the neck under the hair.
  5. Tie a bow in the place where the malvina is fixed.

In this video you can see how to braid a spikelet for a bow hairstyle with a spikelet:

Side fishtail braid for long hair

High bun with spikelet for medium hair

A high bun with a spikelet is a variation of the popular one with the help of a donut. This hairstyle will add height to little girls and slightly stretch a round face.

How to make a high bun hairstyle with a spikelet?

  1. Bend down and flip your hair, as in photo 1.
  2. Comb your hair and highlight a strand of hair at the back of your head.
  3. Divide this strand into three parts and start a regular braid.
  4. Weave a spikelet, grabbing the side strands, as in photo 2.
  5. Finish the spikelet at the crown, collect a ponytail from the hair and secure with an elastic band.
  6. Stand up straight and put a bagel on the tail for a bunch.
  7. Spread the hair evenly over the donut and tie with an elastic band, as in photo 5.
  8. Wrap the remaining strands around the base of the bundle and secure with stealth.

You can decorate your hair with a bow by attaching it at the back, as in the photo, or at the front.

In this video you can see how to make a hairstyle for the last call with a spikelet and a high bun:

Malvina with a rose of hair

How to make a malvina hairstyle with a rose?

  1. Comb your hair and select two strands from the area behind the ears.
  2. Fill the front strands and the middle between the selected hair, as in photo 1.
  3. Gather these two strands together and tie with an elastic band.
  4. From the collected ponytail, start weaving a regular pigtail to the very ends of the hair.
  5. Secure the pigtail with an elastic band and twist, as in photo 4.
  6. You get a cute rose, which you need to properly fix with stealth and fix with varnish.

In this video, you can see another version of the hairstyle for the last call with a hair rosette decoration.

A stylish hairstyle is an important part of the image of every woman. You can make such a hairstyle both with the help of professional hairdressers and on your own. Today, hair on May 9 Street can be done in numerous beauty salons. Professionals will not only help you with styling, but also recommend what is right for you.

The simplicity of the daily hairstyle depends on the length of the curls. A girl with a short bob just needs to wash her hair with shampoo and dry with a hairdryer. Longer curls are much more demanding on the choice of styling, however, there are plenty of easy-to-create hairstyles for long hair. The favorite and simplest type of styling is hair collected in a knot and a bun. They can be assembled into various intricate knots and stabbed with hairpins. This styling always looks very original.

A great hairstyle option for a young girl is braids. One or several - there can be a very different number, it depends on the flight of fancy. Lovers of loose strands will be helped by various professional tools. Hair can be straightened with an iron or curled with tongs. Curls are easy enough to lay with a gel - and you look good regardless of your daily routine and its dynamics.

The peak of fashion in the 30s of the XIX century - short hair styled in waves. In the 40s, they were abandoned, because during the difficult war years, many hairdressers closed, and it was difficult for women to make these waves on their own.

Therefore, fashionistas began to urgently grow their hair. Moreover, it is easier to lay long and without outside help. So there were curls, rollers, rings above the forehead and a bunch at the back. Sometimes hidden under a mesh.

Surprisingly, the style formed in those years is still fashionable and relevant, so it will not be superfluous to learn how to do the hairstyles of the war years on your own. Moreover, men like it when a woman has long and

vintage look

We will teach you how that conquered the whole country in the 40s. But to look harmonious, you need the same style in clothes and makeup. Therefore, look for a simple cut dress, buy bright red lipstick, line your eyes with black pencil, and you will be visible from afar. Retro today is incredibly fashionable and stylish.

And now attention - on a head. For a hairstyle of the war years (from long hair), two rollers are needed. One is larger than the other.

The procedure is as follows: twist the hair outward so that it looks up. Make a hole. Curl the ends of the hair with tongs.

Comb one strand lightly along the entire length. Then it must be carefully wound around the finger.

Next: attach the roller to the crown so that you get a ring. Hairpins on both sides hold it and are not visible.

Now we are doing a similar roller on the other side. He is like the first. That is, you twisted the first strand to the left, then the second should be to the right.

Finally, fixing the hairstyles of the war years. If the rollers are stable and firmly seated on the head, then go through the hair with varnish.

Everything, you are ready to go out.

Victorian curls

The iconic women's hairstyles of the war years are still Victorian curls. They are elegant, light, beautiful. And they will distinguish you from the crowd at any evening, even in a large hall. These are the most war years. 40 years also proved that this option is practical. The wind, in any case, is not terrible for curls.

We offer instructions for creating beautiful free curls. But first, get thermal curlers (you can use a hair dryer), clothespins and invisible, combs for bouffant. You also need a high-quality varnish and a brush (from pig bristles). She smoothes her hair well, removes "roosters". Invisible hair clips are also needed.

Step by step

Hair dryer give the hair the necessary volume. We fix the strands with clothespins, which we then remove.

We divide the hair into four parts. We fix each strand. At the bangs, we select a piece in the center of the crown. On the left side we take one part of the hair. We do the same with the right side. The rest of the hair is at the back of the head.

Separate each strand in small vertical layers no thicker than two centimeters, comb. Loosely twist them into a curl. Hold the curl firmly with your finger. If it turned out beautiful, we pin it and fix it with varnish.

Carefully comb the bangs. We smooth the curls at the base of the hair with a brush so that there are no irregularities. And we also wrap this strand in a curl.

Now you need to wind the bangs on three fingers (without using the thumb and little finger). Please note: the size of this curl should be equal to the largest of the curls. We fix it. When the second one continues it, they will become one big roller.

We make a pile on the back of the head. Smooth out unevenness with a brush.

With the help of hairpins, we lay the curls in a row along the back of the head. We leave two centimeters between it and other hair. Hairpins should be positioned so that one is higher than the other.

The row is ready and fixed. We divide the loose hair into two side parts and one central part. We comb each one lightly. Wrap strand by strand around the hand. It turns out the shape of a curl. We fix it in the right place.

These curls should be the same size. And then, putting everything together, we will see a wide, large curl. He will repeat the hairline at the back of the head.

Now we spray everything with varnish. Victorian curls are ready.

There is also another kind. It is only necessary to curl the hair at the back on large curlers and dissolve freely.

vintage mid length

And here are other hairstyles of the war years. How to make them, now we will tell. They are more suitable for those who have hair that is not long and not short.

First we make a hole. Straight (without bangs) or oblique (with bangs). Slightly curl the ends of the hair.

Separate the front strand. We comb it along the entire length. We twist on the finger. The resulting tube, lifting up, is fixed with hairpins.

On the other side, we symmetrically make a similar roller. We fasten with hairpins. It remains to use a fixing varnish.

Such wartime hairstyles not only look great all evening, but can also last until the morning.

A dress of a simple cut (and preferably with a round collar), bright eyes highlighted in bold pencil - and you are simply charming!

new trend

See how girls and women style their hair today. Differently. But there are a lot of braids. Well, a new trend has established itself in world fashion - hairstyles of the war years. Braids in them are the main decoration.

If you look at the photos of previous years, you can see that Soviet women did not get tired of conjuring over their appearance even in the most difficult times. It turned out beautiful, feminine and cute. An example is two pigtails thrown over the chest. Or one thick, luxurious, going down the back.

And how many types of "donuts", "baskets" were there, when the tip of one pigtail was hooked onto the base of another!

Striking hairstyles of the war years. How to make such a miracle when there was a war? The men are at the front. The women themselves worked for days in the rear. But they weren't discouraged. They were creative and cheerful!

The return of the old trend

If earlier all these rings above the ears, chains around the girl’s head were made in order to appear neatly at school, institute, in the workshop at the factory, now braids are worn on the fashion catwalk and even at the most elite evening parties.

Today, stylists combine different variations of braids in one hairstyle. It turns out the whole work.

Are you in a hurry? Very good

Having returned to fashion today, the hairstyles of the war years forced hairdressers, and fashionistas, too, to be as creative as possible. So, now the trend is deliberate carelessness of styling, asymmetry, protruding “roosters”, which were simply unacceptable before! And also the volume that goes straight from the roots of the hair, the connection of several different braids, each with complex weaves.

At the same time, the braid should look like you braided it in a big hurry. Or they fell into bed at night, and in the morning they didn’t even go to the mirror.

There are many hairstyle options. This is a braid coming from the tail, and a tourniquet, and a “spikelet”, and a “fish tail”, and much, much more that your imagination is only capable of.

Good example

Years (1941-1945) today surprise with their chic, sophistication, originality. What is worth styling with a light wave, which the people called "victorious curls"! Many made it on the anniversary of the Victory.

Whatever the times - hard or calm, happy or not, a woman should always remain beautiful and seductive. In this sense, the hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) are an excellent example for us.

The fourth phase of the waning moon is the time of energy decline to the lowest value. At this time, we are most vulnerable to negative influences and subject to unstable psychological states.

A haircut during this period is worth doing if there is a desire to reduce the rate of hair growth. At this time, their growth is very slow, so you can cut your bangs.

Changing the hairstyle is not prohibited - it still won’t last long, the curl will develop quickly, the styling form will fall apart even when using special means for fixing.

Not recommended in the last days of the lunar cycle and coloring. Any change in color or shade will give an unstable result, quickly washed off. This time may be suitable only in the case of experiments with new tones or the desire to try unusual types of staining.

Hair on the waning moon is poorly susceptible to influences on them, so there is not much point in masks and body wraps, lamination and keratinization procedures. The compositions will not be absorbed into the curls, and the slow metabolism now will not allow the resulting components to have a full effect.

A haircut and a change in image on the last days of the waning moon can adversely affect the general condition and mood. At this time, a person is very weakened, so exposure to hair reduces the body's defenses both from diseases and from the negative effects of others, attracting trouble and causing a depressed state.

The positive impact of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • now you can cut your bangs and do the usual haircuts that you want to keep for a long time;
  • on the last days of the lunar cycle, you can plan experiments with the image - the result will still not last long.

The negative impact of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • hair cut during the fourth phase grows back very slowly;
  • a new hairstyle, curled or styled with the help of special tools, will quickly wash off and lose its shape;
  • staining during this period is possible only for the sake of the experiment, since the result will not last long;
  • not the right time for hair care - they are now too weak;
  • visiting a hairdresser on a waning moon can negatively affect your health and business.

Moon in Aries

A hot fiery sign brings during the period when the Moon passes through it, increased activity and a thirst for activity. At this time, there is a desire to change something radically or somehow diversify your life.

However, when the Moon is in Aries, these changes should not be carried out in a hairdressing salon. The time for haircuts and hairstyles is the most unfavorable. Although the hair will quickly grow back from these manipulations, their appearance will be poor. Trimming even split ends will negatively affect the appearance and health of the hair.

A hairstyle made during the passage of the Moon in this sign will very quickly lose its shape, as well as coloring or curling.

Those wishing to improve not only the attractiveness of their appearance, but also their common affairs, should categorically refrain from visiting a hairdresser. Any actions with hair during the influence of this sign will greatly weaken both karmic protective functions and immune ones. The general condition will noticeably worsen and there will be a high probability of illness.

The influence of the lunar day

24 lunar day

The 24th lunar day is perfect for active business and solving serious issues. However, it is better not to plan a visit to the hairdresser today, since the time to change the hairstyle is dangerous with a decrease in health and sudden illnesses. A haircut during this lunar period will worsen the hair structure and ruin your mood for a long time.

Changing hair styles and hairstyles is not recommended on this day of the lunar calendar, as experiments will weaken the hair, it will look dull and lifeless. This will significantly affect the whole appearance, so today it is better to leave your hair loose.

Hair coloring is not contraindicated on the current lunar day, so choosing a shade to change the color of your strands, stop your attention on a dark palette, because these options are ideal for coloring at a specific time of the lunar calendar. And by combining coloring with restorative masks, you are guaranteed to get a shiny and healthy hair.

The general energy of the day is too strong for significant changes in hair, so it is better to refrain from changing the length of the hair and styling it, as this will cause a strong weakening of the body's defenses.

Positive influence of the day:

  • during this period, you can dye your hair in dark colors and heal your hair.

Negative impact of the day:

  • a haircut is not desirable now, as there is a possibility of attracting diseases;
  • you should not change your hairstyle or styling today - there is a high probability of an unsuccessful new option.

Influence of the day of the week

The day in the middle of the working week passes under the sign of the planet Mercury. Those born on this day will be lucky in matters that require activity and sociability.

A visit to the hairdresser on Wednesday will be a great solution if you want to increase your friendliness and activity in communicating with others. Haircuts on this day give peace of mind, help to establish contacts with new and old acquaintances, it’s also not bad to contact a hairdresser for those who are undergoing training - a visit will help increase learning and help you better learn the course of knowledge.

Procedures on the hair will not bring much effect, but they will not cause harm either. The hairstyle will be successful and improve the appearance, but will soon lose its shape and you will need to contact the master again.

If you were born on a Thursday or simply do not want excessive activity in relation to friends, you are bored with travel and want to relax in a calm atmosphere alone, then the right decision would be to postpone your visit to the salon for another day.