Making valentines from paper elementary school. Synopsis of the extracurricular activity “Making a valentine using the Pop-ap technique” is a Technology lesson. Do-it-yourself voluminous valentines: ideas, photos

Step 1

Cut colored paper into small pieces of different sizes.

Step 2

- We cut out two hearts of any shape from white paper, but of different sizes.

- Gradually grease a smaller heart with glue and glue multi-colored pieces of paper on it.

Thus, piece by piece, stick until the entire surface of the heart is filled.

Useful idea:With older children in the process of work, you can play a word game. For example, count how many different shades of paper are used in the manufacture of a heart and what they are called. Or pick up words about what our heart will turn out to be (bright, multi-colored, joyful, cheerful, etc.). Or choose what qualities of a person we want to emphasize (kind, neat, cheerful, honest, etc.).

You can play associations and choose what quality of a person a given color is associated with, for example: white - fidelity, pink - tenderness, sunny yellow - kindness, and so on.

This is what we get at the end of this step to make a valentine.

Step 3

- We cut off the excess protruding edges of colored paper from the glued blank. It is better to do this on the wrong side of the heart, turning it over to you with the white side.

- With zigzag scissors, cut off the edges of a large heart and glue a blank with a mosaic surface on it.

And here is what we end up with:

Lesson progress

Today our occupation is unusual. Let's watch a video clip.

The phrase "I LOVE YOU" is pronounced by people in different languages ​​of the world to confess to each other warm feelings, affection, friendship.

- Maybe someone guessed what we will talk about today at the lesson? (We will talk about love).

Tell me, do you have loved ones and people dear to you? (mom, dad, grandma...).

Very good. You can love a lot and many - your mother and your teacher, sister and classmate, father and brother, grandfather and grandmother, an unfamiliar passerby, the sun is clear, the sky is blue and you need to love yourself so as not to walk gloomy and gloomy. You have to love the whole world and then the whole world will love you!

And what holiday do people who love each other celebrate in February?

That's right, it's Valentine's Day.What date is the most romantic and tender holiday celebrated?It is celebrated annually on February 14 in many countries around the world. He came to our country quite recently, but all people with great pleasure congratulate each other on this holiday.

What is the theme of this holiday? (love for loved ones, for loved ones and people around)

And what is customary to give on this holiday? (postcards-valentines).Today you can choose a congratulatory "valentine" for every taste. See what "valentines" you brought to decorate the exhibition.

Why are these cards called "valentines"? (small messages with confessions)

MAYBE: find it difficult to answer? Would you like to know why they are called that?

Is it important for us to know the features of this holiday?

What else would you like to know about this holiday?

group work

Now you have to work in groups. Each group will be looking for information about celebrating Valentine's Day. Let's remember the rules of working in a group (work together, listen to the opinion of each member of the group, come to a common opinion, prove your opinion)

Each group has material that needs to be studied, systematized, analyzed and reported on the work done.

1 group - work with encyclopedias, learn about the history of the holiday (children are offered a question plan)

Group 2 - work with the Internet, find information about the traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries (children are offered a series of unfinished sentences about celebrating in different countries)

Group 3 - get acquainted with the symbols of the holiday.

I suggest you dream up, come up with your own symbol.

Before starting work, let's recharge ourselves with good energy, tune in to success. Stand up, take each other's hands, pass the momentum.

Group progress report

( Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) is the holiday of lovers, which is celebrated on February 14 by many people around the world. This is a Catholic holiday, but now it is primarily secular. Existsbeautiful legend about an English priest named Valentine who lived in the 3rd century AD. According to the harsh English laws, the soldiers of the Middle Ages were not allowed to marry. And Father Valentine secretly married these soldiers with their lovers. Upon learning of this, the authorities severely punished the priest:the ruler ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed. A small miracle happened in prison - Valentine healed the executioner's daughter from blindness and fell in love with her. Unfortunately, this did not save him from execution. Before the execution, he sent the girl a farewell note full of love and tenderness with the signature “Your Valentine”, which later began to mean eternal affection and fidelity).

The death of a young priest, in love and not seeing his happiness, remained in the memory of people.Lovers all over the world have chosen him as their patron.And the Catholic Church canonized Valentine as a Christian martyr who suffered for his faith.

What did you learn about the traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day? in different countries?

It is customary for the French to give jewelry on Valentine's Day.

Italians give each other sweets on this day.

The English send love messages to their animals, especially dogs and horses.

The Germans decorate hospitals with scarlet ribbons.

Finns give each other gifts in the shape of a heart on this day.

In America, 108 million roses, mostly red, are sold on this day, and 692 million dollars are spent on sweets these days.

Unusually celebrate this day in Japan: They gather in the square and organize a competition for the loudest declaration of love. They come out in turn and yell all kinds of confessions with all their might. The winners receive special prizes.

In all countries on this day it was very popular to arrange weddings and get married.In some countries, young men in love on the eve of the holiday, under cover of night, sneak to the house of their chosen ones. They leave their gifts on the steps, ring the doorbell and ... run away headlong so that they do not have time to recognize. Let the beloved puzzle over which of her fans she received a gift from!- In Rus' there was a holiday of lovers. In the role of patrons of love and fidelity, the Russian Orthodox Church venerates Saints Peter and Fevronia. The couple reigned on Murom at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, they lived happily and died on the same day.Now in Russia this holiday is called the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. We celebrate this holiday on July 8th. Daisies are the symbol of this holiday.

What are the symbols of Valentine's Day? (heart, doves, couples of lovers, ring, rose, lace, cupid, valentines).

Those who celebrate this holiday give to their beloved and dear people flowers, sweets, toys,balloons, heartsholiday you can sew, sculpt, draw, knit, bake. The material for making hearts is varied: beads, shells, feathers, dry flowers, pieces of fabric, fur.

February 14, atValentine's DayIt is customary to send or give "valentines" to your loved ones. Now can you explain to me why a card is called a Valentine? (This is a special card with confessions of special feelings on Valentine's Day, they originate from Valentine's letter). Traditionally, they are written in altered handwriting or with the left hand and are not signed. The addressee must guess for himself who exactly sent him a “valentine”.

Have you ever received Valentines?

Did you enjoy it? What feelings did you experience?(she gives joy to those to whom she is given. She carries sincere feelings: love, tenderness, warmth, kindness - and at least for a moment, but she certainly makes a person happy)

Would you like to receive a Valentine's card this holiday?

Let's make our loved ones happy this holiday and make them wonderful Valentines ourselves.

The teacher shows the valentine he made.

Tell me, what materials do we need to make it? (paper, cardboard, glue, scissors, decoration materials Decorations: beads, ribbons, cords, sequins, stars, flowers, hearts…)

Please remember the rules for working with scissors.

They cannot be played. It is necessary to pass the scissors rings forward. You can not put them on the edge of the desk. You can't leave them open. You can't walk around the classroom with them.

Well done. And who remembers the rules of safe work with glue?

Glue should not be taken by mouth. You can not leave it open, especially on the edge of the desk. They can't play. Do not allow glue to get into eyes. Transfer the glue stick only in closed form. After finishing work, close the glue and put it in a safe place.

How do you think, where do we start the work on making a valentine?

The teacher distributes worksheets

1. Take a regular sheet of colored paper. Bend itin half.

2. In the upper right corner, cutrectangle(from two layers of paper).

3.Bendtop valentineat an angle (as in the photo).
4. Unfold the top, cut it to make it
5.Now you need to "hide" the resulting
heart for valentine. To do this, you need to make the folds already existing on it in the opposite direction.

heartshould not protrude beyond the rectangle of the postcard. When opening this partvalentinesyou should get what you see in the photo.

6.Closevalentine, measure its dimensions, cut out a rectangle of the same size from a denser sheet of paper.

7. Glue togetherboth parts of valentine ( heartdo not use glue!).
8. Now comes the most interesting and creative part of making this
handmade valentines: need todecoratethe outer and inner parts of the postcard.

During the decoration, you can turn on a video about the holiday.

Our class time is coming to an end.

You will complete the design of the inside of the "valentine" at home.

Look at your valentines, pick them up, show them to the neighbor on the left, the neighbor on the right.

Did you like it?

Did you learn how to make them? How did we make them?

Why do we make valentines?

Who will you give?

This is another wonderful occasion to please your loved ones, give them the warmth of your feelings, and once again say the cherished words - “I love you!”.

My dears, our lesson is over. I thank you for the excellent work. Thank you.

MAOU secondary school №3

Summary of extracurricular activities

within the circle "Skillful Hands"

You can make a Valentine for February 14 with your own hands. This article offers many interesting options for creativity.

Valentine - obligatory attribute of the holiday of all lovers on February 14. Even if you do not give a gift to anyone on this day, you must give a valentine to your loved one, a friend, a parent, or even a stranger. Not giving a Valentine on Valentine's Day is a bad omen that dooms you to loneliness and misunderstanding throughout the year.

In modern stores, a person can find a wide variety of valentines: large and small, postcards and flyers, in the shape of a heart or a rectangle, decorated and simple valentines. But, all of them are exactly the same, as they are the product of the work of printing publications. What is the best way to give and receive as a gift? handmade valentine.

A handmade valentine is product of incredible beauty, as well as a real, sincere declaration of love. Don't be afraid to make your own postcards, because The activity is fun and creative. You can make any of your fantasies come true. To help beginners and professional needlewomen come famous decor techniques:

  • scrapbooking
  • Craquelure
  • quilling
  • Decoupage
  • Embroidery
  • Application and more.

Before you start your work, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the ideas of creating valentines with your own hands in order to understand and decide for yourself which one you want to see the future postcard. After that it is desirable draw a tentative design on a draft, pick up and get to work.

One of the most popular card decorating techniques is quilling. quilling- this is a kind of three-dimensional application of thin colored paper ribbons twisted into a coil and glued to the surface.

With quilling, you can create patterns and drawings of incredible beauty: monograms, floral motifs, figurines, even writing words. You will need to work quilling set(a thin wooden stick and a set of colored ribbons), as well as glue with which you will attach the pattern (usually hot or rubber glue is used, as well as instant drying glue).

Quilling valentines:

Valentine's card with floral quilling motifs

Openwork valentine in quilling technique

Simple and stylish quilling valentine

Valentine card - a postcard decorated using quilling technique

Unusual valentine in the technique of quilling "seals"

Pattern on a quilling valentine card

Another spectacular and popular idea for creating a festive valentine is voluminous postcard. This method allows you to make a real work of art from a simple sheet of paper or cardboard. All you need is a base for a valentine, scissors and a pattern by which you can cut out the pattern.

In addition to the three-dimensional pattern, the postcard can also be decorated with ribbons, pebbles or beads, sprinkled with sparkles or glued paper appliqué with drawings. They will add special meaning and charm to the postcard congratulatory inscriptions, printed on the printer, cut and glued.

Valentine card with voluminous hearts

Variants of voluminous postcards for February 14

Valentine's card with three-dimensional figures and a pattern

Valentine's card with a three-dimensional inscription

Postcard for February 14 with a valentine inside

One of the most beautiful handicraft techniques scrapbooking. Postcards made with the help of are of incredible beauty, an abundance of decorative ornaments and special elegance. In addition, this technique is not difficult and all it requires is your inspiration and imagination.

In the work you will need a lot of different decorations that you can find in any art store ribbons, beads, lace, beads, gold and silver threads, inscriptions, flowers, pictures, golden dust and sparkles, as well as much more.

Before starting your work, you should get acquainted with ideas and examples of ready-made valentinos and only then proceed to create the design of your product. Sketch a tentative sketch of the finished postcard on the draft, taking into account all the decor you have. All decorations should be attached to the base with “powerful” glue (hot, rubber or instant dry glue).

Scrapbooking valentine ideas:

Valentine's card in the shape of a heart, scrapbooking technique

Beautiful valentine in scrapbooking technique

Easy Scrapbooking: Valentine Ideas

Stylish scrapbooking valentines Postcard decorated using scrapbooking technique for February 14

Do-it-yourself valentines - master class: photo

There are many options and ideas for creating holiday valentines: from simple to complex. Enjoy great popularity hanging valentines, that is, those that can be received as a gift and hang on the wall, as well as any other surface.

You can make a simple, but very effective hanging valentine from a set of simple materials and tools: red cardboard, pink colored paper (or pink quilling ribbons), scissors, glue and a wooden skewer.

Cut out a heart of your preferred shape and size from cardboard (postcard or just a figurine). The quilling ribbon should be cut on one side many times (see photo). Gradually wind the quilling serpentine onto a thin skewer, smearing each turn with PVA glue. The finished flower should be removed from the skewer, crush its base so that it finds a flat bottom.

IMPORTANT: The flower is attached to the postcard with PVA glue. You can attach flowers to the entire area of ​​the cut out heart, you can decorate only the edges, or even “write” a three-dimensional word.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step postcard from paper and cardboard

If you are not good at needlework, but want to make a beautiful and elegant Valentine, drawing will help you! Postcards "in the spirit of minimalism" are very popular lately. The main thing is to make a bright accent that compensates for the “emptiness” of your product.

For work you will need:

  • A sheet of thick cardboard, you can with a pattern. This will be the basis for the postcard.
  • Sheet of paper (any, for the template)
  • Paints for drawing (any)
  • Tassel or heart-shaped signet

Work step by step:

  • From a sheet of cardboard, fold a postcard-book
  • Cut out a heart shape from paper. To do this, you just need to fold the sheet in half and cut out half of the heart. Opening the leaf, you will get a proportional heart pattern.
  • From another sheet of paper or cardboard, cut out a small heart and glue a match to it. This will be a signet - a tool for leaving a drawing.
  • Overlay the cutout heart template on the front of your postcard.
  • In the palette, dilute the paint of red and pink.
  • The resulting print should be dipped in liquid paint and leave a pattern inside the template. If you do not want to make a print, you can draw hearts with a regular brush.
  • Press the template firmly against the card so that the ink from the print does not flow under the paper and leave streaks.
  • After you print a large number of small hearts, remove the template and wait for the paint to dry completely.
  • When the drawing is dry, sign the postcard. Valentine is ready!

Do-it-yourself Valentine card from simple materials

Valentine - heart in hands with your own hands

Valentine's card "heart in hands" is very popular because it is a fairly simple product, but at the same time a spectacular postcard. You can make such a postcard, both from plain paper and from cardboard.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • A sheet of cardboard or paper.
  • Paints or felt-tip pens for coloring Valentine.
  • Scissors for cutting (preferably nail scissors - they will help to cut out each element in detail).
  • Simple pencil drawing pattern.

Step-by-step work on creating a valentine "heart in hands" and a template for cutting:

Description of work Template for cutting

IMPORTANT: The finished product can be decorated to your liking with any decorations and methods. Be sure to sign the valentine inside with your hand.

Finished product: valentine "heart in hands"

Do-it-yourself valentines from paper to school: templates

Together with your child, you can make beautiful and original valentines out of paper for a contest or just to give them to your friends. Such postcards will be much more beautiful than purchased ones and it will be a pleasure for every classmate to receive them.

For example, try making a simple paper card out of a single piece of paper or cardboard. Cut it out according to the template and color it as you wish. Sign with your hand or stick a printed inscription. If desired, you can sew a ribbon-loop to the card so that the Valentine can be hung.

A simple paper valentine for children and adults

Ordinary sewing or knitting threads can also serve as a great idea for creating a festive valentine card. Use a sheet of cardboard as a base. Its front part will be decorated with a heart. For work, choose contrasting colors, for example:

  • White paper - red thread
  • Red paper - white thread

With PVA glue on the front of the postcard, draw a heart. It is convenient to do this with a brush. You should apply a thick layer so that it does not have time to dry. Unwind the thread in advance and gradually, layer by layer, lay the thread on the glue to get a lush and tangled figure. On the other hand, if you use knitting thread, you can carefully lay out each stripe and get a beautiful figure.

Finished product: a valentine with a heart made of threads on paper

With the help of a thread and paper appliqué (colored, craft or even packaging), you can create a huge number of options for congratulatory valentines. Here are some examples:

Paper and thread valentine: heartbeat

Valentine card from two sheets of paper: applique

Postcard-book for February 14 from colored hearts and thread "brushwood"

As a decor for a paper card, you can use any decorations: beads, ribbons, coffee beans, eggshells (craquelure), felt, fabric, lace and much more.

February 17 paper card decorated with coffee beans

If you have the opportunity to buy cardboard or art paper, you can create cards of incredible beauty. As a rule, such paper has a variety of patterns, prints and patterns.

Paper valentines for friends

SECRET: If you do not have such paper, you can print it on a printer. To do this, in the browser search engine, type in “background February 14” and select any picture. Or, use the suggestions in this article.

Background: paper hearts

Background: lettering for Valentine's Day

Ideas for creativity: background for February 14

Background: blue with hearts

Background: white with hearts

Background: painted hearts

Ideas for creativity: a calendar for February 14

Do-it-yourself valentines from pattern fabric

If you want to move away from the stereotypes and patterns of familiar paper cards, ideas for creating fabric valentines will help you. A modern valentine does not have to be in the form of a booklet or a leaflet. Why not sew it from felt or textiles?

Such a souvenir will be able to pleasantly surprise the person to whom you give it. The most common form of a fabric valentine is a heart, because it is a symbol of the holiday and the person in love. This souvenir can be hung anywhere in your home and stored, regardless of the calendar date - it will always please the eye and give pleasant emotions.

Variety of fabric valentines

How a fabric valentine should look like is up to you. The most common are:

  • Keychains in the form of hearts, bears or birds
  • pendants
  • pads
  • Wreaths on the wall
  • Toys

Different types of fabric valentines

Patterns of valentines from fabric:

Valentine cat: pattern Mouse-Valentines: patterns

Heart-Valentine: pattern

DIY fabric heart using decoupage technique Valentine cat: pattern Valentine: pattern

Do-it-yourself valentine for mom: ideas, photos

Children love Valentine's Day very much, not because they are in love with someone, but because on this day you can tell your mother how much they love her. This is done not only with the help of words, but also by means of a beautiful homemade valentine.

There are several bright and original ideas to make a beautiful Valentine. For this, thick paper and some decorative elements (beads, ribbons, lace and much more) are useful.

A simple but very touching postcard is obtained from one sheet of paper and scissors. To do this, use double-sided colored paper. Fold the sheet in half and place your hand on the front of the card. Circle it with a pencil.

IMPORTANT: The circled hand on one side must necessarily touch the fold of the postcard, it does not need to be cut, it will fasten the valentine.

When folded, the card will only look like a hand, but when mom opens it, she will see a heart depicted by two hands and this surprise will please her. In addition, you can write wishes and declarations of love on the inside of the card.

A simple DIY valentine for mom

Another way suggests you to do hanging postcard, which you can decorate the house on a holiday. For this valentine you will need:

  • Three sheets of colored paper (for example, pink, red and white).
  • Glue (preferably dry glue stick)
  • Scissors
  • Small thin ribbon

Choose a color for the base of the card and cut out a big heart. On the other two, you should trace your hand with open fingers as carefully as possible. Both paper hands are cut out and stacked on top of each other to form a heart.

IMPORTANT: Before gluing the heart from the cut out hands to the base, insert a thin ribbon in the form of a loop under them.

Do-it-yourself valentine from children's hands

Other ideas for creating baby valentines:

Paper valentine decorated with buttons

Valentine applique

Valentine card with colorful hearts

Do-it-yourself voluminous valentines: ideas, photos

Volumetric postcards can be divided into two main types:

  • Postcards with three-dimensional decor
  • Surprise cards

In the first case, we are talking about an unusual decoration of the front of the product: flowers, figurines, lace, and so on. The easiest way to make a pattern using the quilling technique is the most affordable and easy-to-use decor.

With the help of paper strips, you can write words, make lace patterns, hearts, flowers and any shapes. The contrasting use of colors will help to make a postcard of incredible beauty.

The most spectacular and not complicated will be a postcard, decorated with simple serpentines made of thin strips of paper. Just draw or cut out a certain shape and seal the space inside it with twisted ruffles.

Volumetric valentine with the inscription "love"

Volumetric valentine with a heart in the form of a serpentine

simple voluminous valentine

Do-it-yourself valentines with children

By creating valentines for children and adults together with your child, you teach him not only that this holiday should be respected and honored with its traditions. But, and instill in him a love of creativity.

Spend enough time to create really beautiful card for February 14. Surprise your child with unusual valentine ideas. Show how diverse and creative creativity can be.

  • Valentine's Topiary
  • Valentine card with envelopes (in which you can place surprises or ordinary compliments on notes).
  • Valentine cards decorated with appliqués, ribbons and decor.
  • Valentine frames on the wall

Valentine ideas:

Valentine's Topiary

Valentine's card with envelopes

Valentine card with decor and applique Valentine card - frame on the wall

Video: "How to make a beautiful valentine for Valentine's Day. - Postcard for February 14"

Larisa Savchuk

On February 14, many people around the world celebrate a holiday, Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. Those who celebrate this holiday give flowers, sweets, toys and special cards to their beloved and dear people (often in the shape of a heart, with poems, love confessions or wishes of love - valentines. Well, we, teachers with our pupils, of course, are also preparing for this holiday - we do with children valentines for the closest: parents, friends, girlfriends.

I bring to your attention some very simple, and therefore affordable valentine ideas for making with preschoolers.

Idea number 1. My favorite way to make postcards is

"Postcard - with a surprise."

Open a valentine

Calm your heart

There I confess my love

And I'm not afraid to admit it! (Natalya Maidanik)

To make it, you will need multi-colored double-sided office paper. We fold a red strip of paper about 4.5-5 cm wide in half, then three more times. We draw a semi-outline of the heart.

Cut out (without cutting from the sides - the sides of the connection of three hearts). It turns out here is such an accordion from the hearts.

We cut out the base of the card in the shape of a heart or a regular postcard.

We smear one side of the heart with glue and glue it slightly obliquely on one half of the card.

Then we spread the other side of the heart and close the card. Thus, the hearts will stick symmetrically.

Idea number 2.

Surprise card (option 2)

The card is similar to the previous one, but the palms are glued inside it and the heart is glued differently.

Valentine fly!

There is no barrier on the way!

You drop into your palm

And turn into a heart! (Natalya Maidanik)

Idea number 3.

Hearts on a stand.

For their manufacture, multi-colored cardboard is needed, you can use album covers.

We cut out hearts of three sizes and different colors from cardboard.

We make a stand in the form of an accordion.

We glue the sides of the accordion in such a way that it does not move apart (I glued it with tape). Then glue the hearts of different sizes.

I am the hearts in the picture

I will give mom and dad.

Let the valentines tell

How much I love them! (Lily Brammer)

Idea number 4.

Ordinary Valentines.

I still have cut out hearts from cardboard and I decided to make the most ordinary and very simple valentines, picking them up different in size and contrast.

And this is what happened.

Knock-knock-knock - the heart beats,

Let it be paper

You listen - you know

Something very important! (Natalya Maidanik)

So far, I have tried all the proposed ideas myself, choosing more suitable, accessible and attractive options for children, but I have already decided that we will make “Surprise Cards” (No. 1) with the children.

I will be very glad if my ideas, my dear colleagues, you like and come in handy!

We offer you a cool selection of crafts, cards, valentines for children and adults. Arm yourself with scissors, paper, glue and a wonderful holiday mood.

Ready postcard valentine

(just print and sign)

The fastest and easiest way to make a valentine with the kids is to print out a ready-made template. So to speak, an option for lazy or busy people. Just print, sign and give to loved ones.

Postcard to Valentine's Day. Folds in half. We sign the card inside.

Craft postcard for February 14

Crafts for Valentine's Day - February 14

Here is such a craft can be done with children or with students at school. Hearts were cut out using a figured hole punch. If you don't have one, you'll have to do everything manually. So, we take cardboard (painted wood in the photo) and glue the hearts. In order to give the craft lightness, a feeling of flight, it is necessary to fold the hearts in half and coat with glue in the center and glue them. Add a basket (it can be of any shape and color) and colored thread.

Sweet surprise valentines

Valentine cards with a sweet surprise - inside m&ms candy

Beautiful hearts with inscriptions, and chocolates inside. Such a gift for Valentine's Day will be universal, because it can be given to children, adults, boys and girls.

The inscriptions on the heart bags can be made in a variety of ways: love, love, for you, heart, for .... You can write with a pen, paints, markers, or you can stick an inscription.

DIY thread valentines with children

Do-it-yourself valentine made with children from paper and thread. Bright and unusual.

To make such a postcard for Valentine's Day, we need bright dense threads, a needle, paper, a heart template, a pencil, and an eraser.

We take landscape sheets and make blanks for a postcard from them. In the center we draw a heart, for this we take a ready-made template, you can circle the heart yourself, but it is better if the children do it. Next, we make holes in the landscape sheet. We erase the contours of the pencil with an eraser.

Next, we thread the needle, roll up the sleeves and get to work. After the work is almost finished, we tie a knot on the reverse side. That's all, the super heart of threads is ready. On the front side of the postcard, if desired, you can sign.

DIY holiday card for Valentine's Day.

Valentine emoticons for Valentine's Day

Valentine emoticons for children and adults for Valentine's Day.

Hearts with funny faces will appeal to children and adults. They are very similar to regular emoticons, but they are shaped like a heart. Crazy, funny, perky and sad. Choose any, according to your mood. You can download templates on the page of the creator of such funny hearts.

Valentine cards Minions for kids

Bright valentines Minions for children with their own hands

Here are more valentines for kids who love Minions. They are made according to the same principle as emoticon hearts.

Valentine's Day watercolor card for children

Valentine card for children from wax crayon and watercolor

Such works are madly in love with children. On a landscape sheet of paper, draw with wax crayons or draw hearts with a wax candle. Then we fill the entire sheet with watercolor. And the places traced with wax crayons will remain untouched. Here is such a beauty! And how much creativity!

Valentine cards made with acrylic paints

Postcard for Valentine's Day made with acrylic paints

If there are no acrylic paints, then gouache or watercolor can be used. We close the blank sheet with a pre-cut heart. The rest of the part is painted over with paints.

Wreath of hearts

A wreath of hearts for Valentine's Day will decorate your interior, and it can also be used as a gift.

Wreath for Valentine's Day from hearts.

This is a wreath for children, i.e. it was made by a child, the help of parents is to prepare the base and tie the ribbon. Everything else the child can do himself.

Photo instructions for making a wreath by February 14.

Here are some more festive heart wreath ideas for Valentine's Day.

DIY heart bookmarks

For book lovers, for creative people and children, for schoolchildren and preschoolers - a bookmark with hearts will become both a Valentine's card and a practical gift.

Bookmarks for books and notebooks with hearts. For beauty and practicality, the bookmark can be stuck on colored cardboard or thick paper.

And here is the template itself, click on it and save it to your computer.

Bookmark template with hearts.

Paper 3D heart

Volumetric paper heart for Valentine's Day. For detailed instructions and templates, see

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