How to raise a successful, rich child - the main secrets. How to raise a child so that he becomes successful in the future

Sooner or later, but parents are wondering how to raise a successful person from their baby? How to help him realize himself in the future? And it is better if parents are interested in this issue as early as possible. In their dreams, parents see their child as a famous musician, writer, inventor, or athlete. The main thing is not who you want to see him, the most important thing is that the child himself, ultimately, finds his calling in life and realizes his talents.

First, the child must feel that you love him.

The key to a successful person is normal self-esteem. Show your child that you love him for who he is. Tell him about it more often, hug him, he must know that his parents love him no matter what. Respect everything your child does. For children, play is very important, about the same as work is important for you. If, for example, you need to go to bed, and the child has played and does not want to listen to you, then help him finish the game, complete the garage or put the doll to sleep. You should not criticize the child himself, but only his actions. Do not forget to praise the baby, show your approval. Praise him more often for good deeds so that he realizes that it is great to behave well.

Secondly, you need to provide the right to choose

Even the most banal, for example, in what to go for a walk, even in this the child must express his opinion. So he will learn to have his own opinion, because it is very important to understand what and why he wants. Communicate with him as often as possible, discuss the cartoons you watched, the book you read, or the situation that happened, in the future all this will contribute to the upbringing successful child. Try to choose even large purchases for a child together with him, for example, when choosing furniture for a nursery, go together to the website of the World of Furniture online store to search for a new one.

Thirdly, the ability to negotiate with people

This is very useful skill especially for success. Help your child learn to express their thoughts and feelings about different situations. Develop your kid's eloquence.

Fourth, help your child find a cause to which he can dedicate his life.

Everyone has their own abilities and talents. Look closely at your child, observe what he likes to do for a long time, and start developing it in this direction. The sooner you get started in the right direction, the better. But be prepared for the fact that in the future, he may switch to something else. Without a doubt, the experience gained will only benefit.

Fifth, learn to notice your child's creative skills and develop them

WITH early childhood should be done with the baby creative activity: draw, compose poetry, dance or music. A person's success largely depends on how he looks at the problems that have arisen. After all, the more solutions he finds in the current situation, the easier it will overcome various difficulties. Encourage curiosity and curiosity in your child.

Sixth, teach him responsibility. Explain that one should always be responsible for words and actions.

Teach your child to take responsibility for what they have done. But do not scold him for mistakes, because experience is gained just when mistakes are made. Better help him come up with a way out of this situation. Show by example what you need to keep given word. Be sure to keep promises, but if you are not sure that you can keep them, it is better not to promise.

Seventh, teach your child about optimism

Help him learn to see in any bad situation. positive sides This will help in raising a successful child. Explain that in life, victories are followed by defeats, and that this is normal. After all, the experience gained is very valuable, it helps to achieve future goals. And it’s better to show by your own example how useful and great it is to be an optimist, to see the good, even in the most difficult situation.

Eighth, one of the qualities of a successful person is to value time

Teach your child to be constantly busy with something. There are moments when the child himself does not know what to do, then you can help and suggest, find interesting activity for him. Over time, being constantly busy will become a habit.

Ninth, teach self-reliance

At the age of two, the child begins to show independence. Give him the opportunity to do something himself, do not rush to do it for him. Just show a little patience, help or point in the right direction, but let him do it himself, for example, wipe up spilled tea.

All parents who wondered how to raise a successful child thought that the child, like a sponge, absorbs the behavior of his parents. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the education and self-improvement of oneself. For the sake of children, I want to achieve some success, change for the better, in order to become a worthy role model for my baby. Raising a successful child requires a lot of effort and patience, but the result will be worth it.

How to raise a child for his further success in life? Many people want the best for their children. Moreover, most understand that a child needs more opportunities than parents have. But opportunities are determined by the education system, the basics of which are passed on in the family from generation to generation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, families do not have a system of education, but a practical transfer of life experience. The proverb is not accidental: "The apple does not fall far from the tree."

Then it turns out that with all the desire, children who grew up in families with a not very successful fate are not able to be successful? No and no again. There are many examples of success achieved by children from families in which parents did not excel in something special.. So what is the secret of this success then? And in that These parents did the best they could for their children.. And it's not about bribes or other similar methods. Parents who want success for their children show life goals and help them achieve them through education. Only in this case, the correct perception of the world is formed in the brain of children.

The natural question is what to do?

How to raise a child. Goals of education

You can talk a lot about education systems, about necessary actions, but if you do not know the goal to strive for, then all your actions will be chaotic, and desired result you will never achieve. Of course, your child will not “fall out” on the sidelines of life (you will try!). He (or she) will become ordinary person. This is neither good nor bad. But you want your child to be grateful to you for the fact that it was you who led him to a life that he will like, in which he will have prosperity. So right?

This requires your understanding of perspectives. It is your understanding, because the sooner you start parenting, the higher the likelihood of success. You can start at two, three or four years. It would be your desire, because at this early age the baby is not yet able to make a decision on his own. And you will guide him.

Before you begin to act, you need to carefully look at your baby. Of course, with absolute probability at the age of 2 - 3 years you will not be able to determine the available inclinations. This may become clearer later in the process of growing up. But your mindfulness can help you start working on grinding abilities as early as possible.

Here's what the kindergarten teacher says .
My pupil Dima (let's call him that) already at about four years old was found to have good feeling tact. Accidentally. In music lessons. My advice to parents to pay attention to this was heard. Dima was brought to classes dance group , which was just gaining “small boogers”. He liked this.

Yes, there have been attempts to stop dancing. It happened around the second grade of the school, when it turned out that there were only two boys in the team. But through the efforts of his parents, Dima was convinced to stay. And now for 10 years Dima has been dancing in a semi-professional group. They go to competitions and win first prizes. The team for Dima is now very important and the future is roughly defined .

Having determined at least roughly the inclinations of your child, you should pay attention to them Special attention. To engage in the development of ONLY the chosen direction is fundamentally wrong. Raise your child to be a versatile person. Only in this case everything will be easier for him.

Don't insist on your. If it seems to you that your child, for example, should play the violin, and the child wants to assemble a car from the designer, you should not harass the child with a violin. Your persistence can only hurt.

If you do not see any inclinations in a child, take a closer look at his abilities in six months or a year. Let him show his inclinations. When you see something, consult either with the kindergarten teacher or with the teacher at school. Many children have passed through their hands, and they will tell you everything about your child. Just take their words right. Their criticism is mostly constructive.

Once you've determined your baby's orientation, read the developmental information around him and make up individual plan work with the definition of the goal, such as it was - it became. In this case, all your actions will be meaningful, and you will educate your beloved child in the right direction.

Psychological principles

Because the little man still does not have logical thinking, it is very important to understand that in the first years of life, psychological principles come to the fore in education. These principles are not formulated in empty place. This is the life experience of many generations, which should be trusted. Just trust them. Try to implement them as correctly as possible. It is clear that this is not always convenient, but it is important for your baby.

How to raise a child without respect?

Many will think: how can I respect a booger who is nothing of himself? It's a delusion. In fact, from the very early age your child can show his character. Yes, he cannot express something in words, but he is quite capable of deeds. It is at the moment of growing up that the character traits of the future full-fledged person are laid.

A friend told how her son at the age of 2-3 years showed his character. During a walk, he suddenly turned 180 degrees and walked in the opposite direction. This was especially annoying for the mother when she had to go somewhere at the right time, and there was no way to drag her son on her. The exit was found in simple version. The child was placed facing in the opposite direction, he turned around and walked in the right direction. But the parents respected the opinion of their baby.

Experience shows that if you listen to the opinion of your baby, respect his wishes (of course, within reason), then in the future your grown-up child will not have complexes.

If your child feels that his opinion is listened to, that others respect his wishes (but without fanaticism, of course), then he will behave the same way in the future. Usually those who were practically not noticed in childhood become egoists. As you know, children copy their parents in everything. If you do not want your child to give up on you in old age, start respecting him today.
Respect is often confused with consent. This is where the problem of misunderstanding lies. Merely agreeing will not reflect your respect. For the sake of respect, you will not allow your baby to do EVERYTHING that he wants.

Respect reflects your understanding that you recognize the right of your baby to his way of thinking and his actions. Naturally, they should not go against the rules of behavior in society.

Tell your child that you love him

It makes me want to say to many parents: “Tell your baby at least once a month that you love him”. Children, especially in young age so lacking words of love! But these words are real magic power capable of doing miracles. And who else, besides mom and dad, can a baby lean against in a big and inhospitable world?

Parental love will help develop self-confidence. Praise your baby for some good deed - he will repeat it hundreds of times. This is the way to success in life - the repetition of the right deeds.

Please note that words of love must be accompanied by emotions. Parents must submit emotional condition love, joy for the baby, for his success. If your emotions are sincere, the child will believe the words.

Make time for your child

Many circles, school, sport sections- This, of course, has a great effect on comprehensive development child, but it takes up almost all of his time, and after work, parents usually only dream of emptying the refrigerator and going to bed. As a result, there is practically no time left for communication, and then the parents, coming to their senses, are surprised at how far their children have become from them.

It's not at all about transitional age : if you do not give time to the child, he will suffer from a lack of attention, he may develop complexes, but most often the child simply switches - finds new interests or closer people .

If you want to teach your child to build adequate relationships with people, do it by example. Try to use every free minute to talk with your son or daughter. You are sure to find interesting exciting topics for conversation!

Give your child freedom

All parents are afraid for the safety of their children, while many take care of their offspring so passionately that as a result, their already 45-year-old "kids" live in their father's house without own family, normal work and purpose in life .

If the child is not given enough room to maneuver and explore, he can become a lack of initiative, fearful person who is not characterized by ambition. Many mothers, with their excessive guardianship, not only endow their sons and daughters with all sorts of shortcomings, but also break their own family nest, completely forgetting that their husband also needs attention.

Try to give the child freedom of choice and action, while discreetly insuring him. When he learns to walk, stand by and be ready to pick him up, but do not hold his hand until 2 years old! Nature has created such a law: people learn from their mistakes. If you exclude the opportunity to learn from your experience in your baby's life, then he will never be ready for independent living.

Stick to the chosen line

You can’t forbid a child to do something today, and suddenly forbid it tomorrow, because your mood just changed. This will have a detrimental effect on his attitude towards you: seeing that you easily change your mind, the little man will try to manipulate you in the future, trying to get his way.

If you are consistent in your prohibitions, you will minimize conflicts in the family. In addition, the child will take an example from you: he will be a reasonable, principled person who always sticks to his own words and promises.

Raising a child is a very long, complex and multifaceted process that has no breaks or holidays. Be prepared for the fact that it will be very difficult. The main motivator in this difficult task is the idea that all your efforts today will be justified in the future in the person of your child.
Only thanks to your work, your child will be able to turn into a responsible, sincere, thinking, kind, purposeful person who loves and respects his parents and appreciates the upbringing they gave him.

Three areas to work on for success

Probably, every parent would like his child to become successful and rich in the future. But for this it is necessary that he possess certain qualities of character and skills that need to be developed from childhood. And who, no matter how parents, can help him in this. However, it often happens that it is the parents who are to blame for the fact that the child's life did not turn out the way he wanted and therefore he does the work that he does not like. This happens when parents impose their choice for the child to follow in their footsteps or when they want him to realize their unfulfilled dreams for them. This main mistake most dads and moms.

Probably one of the main tasks of the wise and loving parents is not to impose your options on him, but give him the whole list of options, i.e. make it so that he can choose any road and follow it.

But how to give him the opportunity, for example, to enter any university? The answer is quite logical and simple. It is necessary that the child studied at school perfectly, i.e. not only had excellent grades, but he knew the subjects. And secondly, that he was in excellent health. Of course, there is also a third factor, the essence of which lies in the size of the parents' wallet, in the event that the offspring suddenly wants to study at a prestigious educational institution, for example, abroad.

In any case, it is worth starting to embody these three goals in life already in childhood, when the child just went to school. And if you achieve all these three goals, then at the end of school, a graduate who studied excellently and has good athletic performance, as well as, if necessary, your financial savings, will be able to choose any higher educational institution.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that, in order for the graduate to have big choice place of study, he must achieve excellent results in three areas: in studies, sports and health. You should strive for these results from childhood, and here are some recommendations for parents on what to do and what not to do.

Need to: Instill in your child a love of reading from an early age. In order for him to love books, the baby's parents should read fairy tales to him before going to bed. As they say experienced teachers and psychologists, referring to their long-term observations, those children who were not read fairy tales in childhood, could not fall in love with reading.

No need: establish strict control and constantly put him to study, thereby depriving him of his childhood. Everything should be in moderation and according to the principle: “I did homework- take a walk, rested - read!

Need to: constantly monitor the progress of your son or daughter. And do not rush to scold the child if he began to receive bad marks and find out the cause of their occurrence.

If a picky and harmful teacher is to blame, then you need to find with him mutual language, and if there really is a gap in knowledge, then try to eliminate it and explain to the student an incomprehensible topic.

No need: get nervous and swear when your baby does not understand the topic that you are trying to explain to him. Perhaps you are simply explaining it incorrectly, and therefore it is worth doing it again more intelligibly and calmly, or entrusting it to a tutor until the child’s desire for this subject is completely repulsed.

Need to: develop the horizons of the baby in your own words and tell him in an accessible form, for example: “What is the Sun?” or “Why is it day and night?” Since it is believed that children absorb information best visually, you can try to find pictures or videos on the topic of interest on the Internet and show it to him.

Any successful person must have their own talents and skills. So what else needs to be taught to a child so that he becomes smart, healthy and successful in the future?

In addition to the above, you should take care of his health and sports development. It is necessary to accustom him to regular morning runs, and it is best if the parent acts as good example. It is probably not worth talking about the usefulness of such activities, because this is already clear to everyone.

Also, exercises on the horizontal bar can be no less useful. And even if you don’t have it in your yard, then it can be installed in any apartment along with swedish wall or separately. And it’s okay if the baby can’t pull up yet. In this case, let him just hang on the horizontal bar for some time. This will help him form the correct posture, prevent the development of curvature of the spine, and achieve high growth.

Swimming has the same effect on the body. Even if the kid will not professionally engage in this sport, then one way or another he must be able to swim so as not to be afraid of water and feel more confident in the future.

And another important skill that can be very useful to him in the future is the ability to play chess. Perhaps, the best workout for the brain than the game of chess is not found. And if you teach this to your child, he will acquire a very developed logical thinking and be able to make important decisions clearly and quickly.

Every parent dreams of their child becoming successful. But what is success? Speaking of success, we are talking about genuine achievements in some serious kind of activity. A successful person is one who lives interestingly, with meaning, benefiting others and feels happy.

Raising children is a very responsible and hard work for more than one year. Often adults and seemingly responsible people treat their children worse than they treat dogs. Such a statement may surprise or even outrage. In response, there will be arguments about love and toys. Neither the first nor the second has anything to do with the moment of upbringing. It must be understood that if a puppy is brought into the house from the first day of its appearance, they begin to plan its future fate. When he grows up, what will your dog be like? A bodyguard, an excellent watchman, or just a family member and friend? Such issues are often resolved by responsible people even before purchasing a puppy.

Then, if people do not have the skills of a cynologist, they turn to a specialist ... they pay good money and the puppy is trained. Even just a friend and future family member, learns the skills necessary for a comfortable family life. For example: to a paddock, a command of the prohibition (fu), of course, a leash and a collar. These examples show how responsible people treat their dog. These things are not abnormal and rather the norm than the exception.

Now let's talk about our children. When a baby is brought from the maternity hospital to his native land ... Parents do not plan his fate. There are no thoughts who the little man will be, a doctor, an athlete, an economist or a policeman. Most often it all comes down to an irresponsible phrase that the child, they say, will grow up and make his own choice. A wonderful and "responsible" solution. Why not do the same with orientation? Suppose in Europe it is fashionable not to give explanations to which gender the child belongs, and when he grows up he will decide. Although any experienced psychologist with all responsibility he will say that this does not happen. There is no free choice of orientation, let alone profession. Many factors influence the choice.

First of all, social environment, in which the baby grew up, his company. For those who do not believe... Imagine marginal areas where not the most prosperous people live. Would a young man from such social group go to work for the police? The answer seems obvious. Yes, and in science, it is doubtful that there will be a choice of path. After all, being a nasty "nerd" and "bespectacled" is bad.

The example given, of course, is not about your favorite child. Without any doubt, he (the child) will receive the best and in no case lives in a marginal area. But the example of such living is given for a reason. In order to explain how upbringing and company influence the choice of life path and ideals. The teachers, the company, the school, and even where you live affects your child.

Let's be frank - career growth happens in two planes: vertical and horizontal. Let's explain the idea. Vertical takeoff means taking big steps up the career ladder and reaching new positions and appointments. Quite pleasant, but not an easy road. A horizontal career is also not an easy thing, but people don't know much about it. When the level of proficiency in one's own specialty is growing, but the person in the position is not growing.

Imagine a car mechanic ... a virtuoso of his specialty. Will it be more popular than the "handshop"? Any chance of getting extra tips from happy customers? Rhetorical questions... Although others will say, but that's a car mechanic... Let's imagine a person with a higher education. If you personally have to undergo an operation, would you prefer a young surgeon or an experienced one with an excellent reputation? The question was again rhetorical. And so on in many specialties. Even the guard. You can guard a supermarket, but a bank vault is also possible.

Now that it has become clear that moving in two planes along the career ladder, vertical and horizontal, is more profitable than just one ... Let's think about how best to achieve this? The answer is again simple. A person should love his job, the way of earning should be a favorite hobby. Is it real? Quite.

If the child was brought from the maternity hospital and decided to make a police officer. So from early childhood playing bandits and policemen. Then when the kid is a little older to read detective stories, good exciting ones. Movies ... can also be picked up with the goodies of the police profession. Further hobbies, textbooks, education ... You don’t always have to go to the young detective section, but you can accompany it. For example, fighting, shooting (such skills will be useful to a young operative). As a result, at the end of school, the child will prefer to enter the Faculty of Law and go to the police. Self-education and self-development by profession will be a pleasure. Moving up the horizontal career ladder, and then vertically. your child in adult life will happy man. After all, the way to earn money is a favorite hobby.

In order to succeed, a person must have such qualities as self-confidence, perseverance, perseverance, purposefulness. It is necessary to cultivate these qualities from an early age, but do it delicately, without harming the child's psyche.

What do adults really need to do in order for your child to become a successful, self-confident person in the future?

  • It is important that the baby grows up in an atmosphere of love, friendship and mutual understanding. Caress him, often say how much you love him and he is very important to you. This gives him confidence in himself and charges him with positive energy.

  • Give the child as much freedom as possible, but, of course, within reasonable limits. Let him decide for himself: what to wear, what to do, what to read, what to strive for, with whom to be friends. The choice of the type of activity (art, sports, music, etc.) he must also make himself. You can only offer him options. And be sure to reward for the results achieved.

  • Praise your child as often as possible for good deeds. Even if he didn’t manage to do something, find something positive and say, for example: “I like how you did it here, but here you need to fix it.”

  • Support your child in all endeavors that are interesting and useful for him.

  • In the form of a game, while captivating, set tasks for the child that he must solve on his own. Adults can only help. When he independently copes with the task, he achieves positive result, he feels a sense of pride, becomes more independent, more self-confident. In order to experience these feelings again, he wants to do something else and succeed. With the help of the game, you can teach something useful, broaden your horizons, enrich your speech.

What can prevent a child from growing up successful?

  1. Excessive guardianship, lack of freedom and simple joys of a child's life. By scheduling the baby's time every minute, engaging only in developmental activities, protecting him from "meaningless" games with peers, many parents deprive him of the opportunity to play, take the initiative, make choices, and fantasize. The child gets tired and starts to get bored. And boredom, as you know, kills any desire to succeed.

  2. Rigidity, exactingness in education. Confident that the manifestation of love and affection can spoil, some parents show their coldness, severity, thinking that in this way they are preparing for an independent life. This causes great harm to the child's psyche. The child's self-esteem decreases, because he is not at all the way his parents would like him to be. He can even shut himself up.

  3. Impatience. Children do everything much more slowly, because they have nowhere to rush. Adults sometimes cannot stand it and begin to push, or even worse, to do the work they have chosen for the child. The main thing here is to stop and give as much time as your baby needs so that he can finish the work he has begun. For example, to calculate the time so that he himself could slowly lace up his shoes before leaving the house and feel like a winner. Believe me, the feeling of victory is worth a lot.

  4. Constant criticism, so for prevention, so that the nose does not turn up, is just as harmful as excessive praise.

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Every person, if not yet, then at least dreams of success, a happy, eventful life. But any parent wants success for their own children even more. How to raise a successful child? All parents ask themselves this question, as they are the first to lay the foundation for the program. life scenario for a future successful person.

Programs of the type: "We did not live well, so let at least the children ..." in this case does not work. It is hardly possible to raise a successful person in a family where parents have low self-esteem, where a consumerist, passive attitude to life dominates. Children repeat the actions of their parents, watching them, and follow little instructions that are not supported by a good example.

Like Jim Rogers, investor and traveler, can you write a book called Make Your Children Successful that gives advice to your children? Probably, many could do this, because with age, everyone develops their own views on life, experience appears, wisdom is acquired. However, there is one important condition- all advice should be supported by examples from your own life, your own results. This will probably be more difficult.

The child who came into this world with your help has no idea about himself and what surrounds him. He will know it with your help, no matter how ready you are for it. this moment. But good news is that self-development is a continuous and ongoing process. With each child, parents gain new experience, skills, developing themselves, more consciously approach the upbringing of their successful child.

If you want to change your life for the better, improve yourself and develop the qualities of a successful person in your child. Everything will work out for you if your relationship with your child is based on unconditional love. You can never blackmail with love. The fear of losing your love will create insecurity in the child, and the task of the parent is to help the child develop high self-esteem. In this case, the child will be independent of the opinions of other people, learn to respect himself and other people.

If you don’t want your child to remain only a spectator at a big performance called “Life”, then teach him to see positive points even in the most dead-end, unfavorable situation. Life belongs to optimists.

The more various activities the child tries, the more likely he will find with, a matter that will correspond to his desires. Successful man does not go to work, but does what he loves, from which he receives satisfaction.

There are many moments in life that require an important decision to be made. There are many people around who are happy to give advice. At the same time, they will be guided by their experience, their beliefs, social accepted ideas about how to behave in a given situation, where to invest money, what to study, what to eat. Among all these recommendations, there will be many wise ones, and even more absolutely useless ones. Teach your child not to blindly agree with what they are told or read somewhere. This is his life and only he should be able to decide what is right for him and what is not.

It can be difficult to agree with this, especially when it comes to our advice and our children, because we always know better what our children need. But in the ability to hear the desire of the child, and will be parental wisdom, respect for your child. If everything is questioned and hard adjusted, then you will never be able to teach him to have his own opinion.

Independence must also be in action. And if you don’t have the patience to teach a child to do the most elementary things on their own, such as cleaning up toys after themselves, until the age of three, then you can’t wait for this from him.

“A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, and imagination is limitless” (A. Einstein).

If you want to raise a successful child who can cope with any difficulties and come out of them even stronger, then develop in him Creative skills.

What is the child doing at the moment? Remember that he is busy with something useful, in any case, for him, he must be constantly. He should not have an empty pastime, the value of such a resource as time should be learned in early childhood.

Do you keep all your promises, can you keep your word? Answer these questions for yourself to understand how responsible and growing next to you.

From the very early years It is necessary to teach the child to be aware of his desires. Talk to him about your goals. Although they may be small goals, they will provide an opportunity to feel the taste of victory after the actions have been taken to achieve them.

This is how, step by step, walking along the road of life with your child, you bring up a successful person with your daily actions.

Good luck in such an important matter as raising a successful child. Let your children delight you with their victories and life successes. Read topics.

Happy Children's Day!

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How to raise a successful child: 71 comments

  1. Shamratova Elena

    I don't think I can raise successful children. No, if I had been involved in the upbringing, it might still have happened. And so they are brought up by kindergarten and school. There’s a key inculcated quality – obedience, not success 😉

    Love :
    June 7th, 2014 at 02:18 pm

    Elena, I can't agree with you. We all went to school and almost all went to kindergarten. But no one canceled the family.

  2. Lily

    I liked the phrase: "Life belongs to the optimists." Indeed, how to raise a successful and cheerful child, if you yourself look at the world in black and white. To raise a child, you need to change yourself in a positive way.

  3. Lara

    Interesting article and more useful tips. To instill independence and develop creative abilities from an early age has a greater role in his later life.

    May 30th, 2014 at 13:23

    Lara! The child receives all basic skills up to five years, then he only improves them.

    May 31st, 2014 at 04:34

    Looking for what! Prepare to eat, for example. until the age of five, the child will not learn, the makings - yes. It was the same with my daughter, too independent! and inquisitive, in addition! all by herself and all she wants to know!

    May 31st, 2014 at 04:39 pm

    Lara! By the age of five, children still have not learned a lot, but the inclinations are clearly manifested. I have three granddaughters, in the same family, and they are all different. The older one can do something on her own for hours, and the younger ones cannot do without attention for a long time and there is not enough perseverance, but they take on household chores even where they are not yet strong enough.

    June 1st, 2014 at 04:29 AM

    It’s hard to argue here - in one family the children are different, but here, all the same, the families are different, although all your granddaughters ... But the fact that household chores are taken in such young age, in general, a rarity! More often at this age. think more about toys...

  4. Natalia

    I always believed that it is useless to raise children without raising yourself. And sometimes you even learn something from children.

  5. Larisa

    It is always necessary to give the child enough time, communicate and instill good habits, such as reading books, accustoming to order and independence. And of course go to different kind mugs, so that in the future he could easily decide who he wants to become.

    May 30th, 2014 at 13:20

    Larisa! Obviously, the child should not be brought up, but lived with him life. But according to experts, and in practice, you can find confirmation, and this is not enough.

    Larisa :
    May 31st, 2014 at 04:32

    Well, well, if the above, that is, as you say. "live life with him" and personal example show you how to succeed? I think much more...

    May 31st, 2014 at 04:44 pm

    Larisa, how else? Why in all teachings there are gurus, mentors who do not treat with lectures, but by their life example show the way in life, to achieve any goal. Parents, ideally, should be such mentors. Well, if and school teachers would be at least in a small fraction of such mentors.

    Larisa :
    June 1st, 2014 at 04:32

    Yes, exactly! In any case, in my example and youngest daughter! You are right, Zoya. and there is nothing to argue! because it's wonderful when you are a role model for your children, the truth and responsibility are added at times!

  6. Hope

    Great advice for many parents. How to raise a successful child is a whole science.

  7. Elena

    I agree that the child should, if possible, try his hand everywhere in order to find his destiny. After all, without trying, he will never know about it

  8. Olga Suvorova

    I think many of the qualities that you describe really need parents to learn on their own first. Children always do what their parents do, not what they tell them to do. And in this case, the principle does not work: "The teacher explained the problem for so long that, finally, he himself understood it." For children, you already need to be an authority, a handyman of all trades, you won’t be able to deceive, they can smell craftiness a mile away

    May 31st, 2014 at 17:05

    Olga! You can't teach what you don't know yourself.

  9. Natalia

    I think success does not exclude many other qualities, such as obedience, diligence, diligence, etc.

  10. Alevtina

    By my example of attitude to life, conversations, small goals - I think that you can raise a successful person. Good, interesting article. Tweet!

  11. Khutornaya Elena

    Yes, I completely agree with all the advice and recommendations - there is nothing more important than your own example and the desire to teach a child to take responsibility and find his own way. This is the only way to find yourself. Although, of course, many adults should also learn this - another incentive to again engage in their self-improvement)))

    May 31st, 2014 at 04:58 pm

    Elena! And what can an adult teach, who himself has stopped in his development, constantly looking for someone to blame?

  12. Natalia

    Zoya, how I agree with your arguments that there are a lot of people around who want to give advice (especially not needed) ... And your successful experience will be simply irreplaceable.
    You are right that from childhood it is necessary to help the child to use time correctly. Sometimes they say that there will be no childhood ... but it's not true. Who from childhood is accustomed to only doing this and doing it (sorry for the tautology), he spends his whole life in childhood.

    May 31st, 2014 at 04:57 pm

    Natalia! Correct use time of the child is not in labor service, but in the game, feasible activities and duties. To acquire skills, find yours strengths, he should draw, jump, run, look at pictures, play with toys, and not sit idle on the couch and watch another 33 cartoon.

  13. Galina

    A very relevant article for me. I’m just thinking about it .. I came to the realization that no matter how you raise a child, he will still look like you. This is right. Therefore, it is only necessary to instill values ​​in him by his own example, behavior, direct him in the direction of goodness and success. To be positive and be able to overcome difficulties, of which there are a lot in life. Thank you!

  14. Edward

    Very interesting and useful article touching on the vital important issue. thanks for valuable advice. Tweet.

  15. Tatiana

    Yes, now I’ll have to work with my grandchildren like that :) But that’s okay, the generation also needs to be educated :)

  16. Olga Chernysh

    They didn't try to raise me to be successful. They wanted to see me smart and correct. It turned out smart because I wanted to. And it didn’t work out right, because I can’t stand the rules. Well, my success is average. Sometimes it's good luck.

  17. Leonid

    You need to deal with children from childhood and give them to try as many different directions as possible.

How to raise a successful child: advice from psychologists If you remember some simple tips psychologists, then all adults will have a chance to raise a balanced and self-confident baby, from which good specialist, decent, successful and just a happy person. So: Almost up to adulthood, a child is a copy of his parents. What is their mood and attitude to the world around them, the same is formed in him. Sometimes it even manifests itself in a much more pronounced degree and in an aggravated version. Even if something doesn’t work out for a child, you don’t have to call him stupid or lament the fact that “so big, but can’t do anything.” He doesn't get anything specific, does he? Why generalize? And it’s better to formulate requests or questions in such a way that you want to answer in the affirmative. To the request "Won't you collect the toys?" I want to answer “NO!” And here again the kid is scolded that he is naughty and sloppy ... But it’s so easy to say “Collect the toys, please, but for now I’ll cook us a meal.” Conflict is easy to avoid. It is better not to remind the child of failures and insults. Moreover, do not blame. There is nothing so fateful that a little man can destroy, but he knows how to experience worse than an adult. Better support and encouragement. Everything will work out! Raising a child does not consist of prohibitions and dictation of his duties. It is not necessary to draw the attention of the child to issues that are forbidden - it will only tease him. It is better to think about what will please him and distract him. Children readily lend themselves to visualization. This can be used for their own benefit - to give them the opportunity to strive for their dreams and goals. And they will materialize, as if by magic! In fact, there is a major chapter in psychology that pays great attention to the programming of human self-consciousness. So the child must be taught from childhood to develop optimism and self-confidence, and then he will be able to independently believe in success. Together with the child, you can arrange five minutes of positive, on which the best affirmations will be invented: “I am the most beautiful!”, “I can draw / sing / dance / swim well!”, “I will finish the year with five!” Affirmations should be affirmative and positive. Thus, you can not only tune in to good mood but also to know the goals and desires of the child, which is very important. At such moments, children's eyes begin to shine, they think dreamily, and then they begin to dream aloud and make plans. It is perfectly. In parallel, you can carefully discard his feelings about failure in school. In this case, it is important to find the good side: for example, to say that there is nothing wrong with not being able to run the fastest, but what beautiful applications turned out! Children need to feel support from their parents, faith. And support should not consist in solving problems in algebra, but be manifested in the belief that the child himself can solve them. It gives strength. If a child has a desire to do something, it must be supported. Some undertakings may seem worthless to parents, even strange, but the child must be given the opportunity to develop and express himself. You can calm a naughty child not with shouts and slaps, but with explanations: why it is not good to do this and how others suffer from it. The child should feel that he is being treated like an adult, and not pushed into a corner, so that he sits quietly and does not interfere with the fact that he is still small and has fun. It's so easy and at the same time very difficult to raise successful children. And the root of their success lies in their parents. If parents manage to avoid a lot of mistakes, then children will be able to take care of themselves and their children in the future. There is nothing worse when children have to feel lonely or insecure because of the stupid complexes that developed in childhood ...