How to tell your parents about a bad grade in your diary. Recent requests for help

In addition to shelter, food, upbringing, parents give us the most valuable thing in this life - love, care. We have no people closer than they are. But sometimes, in the daily bustle, we forget to tell these people how dear they are to us, and thank them for everything they have done for us. But it's never too late to express your warm feelings. This article will help you not to forget the main thing.

Here are eight things you should definitely tell your parents.

1. "I think about you every day." It is important for parents to know that even when you are buried in a mass of work, you think about them, do not forget. Try to stay in touch so that they can call you and just ask how you are doing, how are you. And be sure to tell your parents that they are always in your heart and thoughts.

2. "I know that you sacrificed a lot for me." For a person to have a child means constantly putting his needs above his own, worrying about him, worrying about how everything happens in his life. This is a very big responsibility and work. And this is not as easy as it seems. Tell your parents that you remember the sacrifice they made to improve your life and never forget it.

3. "I miss you a lot." Parents find it hard to let their child go adult life even if it has already grown. They miss you incredibly, and we have no doubt that you miss your parents too. So feel free to tell them about it, express your feelings. Tell them you miss them, but also thank them for supporting you in your pursuit of your dreams.

4. "Sometimes I have nightmares in which you are not with me." Parents, alas, will not be with us forever, and it is worth telling them that you understand this. Let them know that you are strong enough to cope with their departure, but after that you will never be the same, life will be different. And while your parents are with you, learn to truly appreciate them and cherish what they have done for you.

5. "I love you incredibly much." Try to say it more often. Tell your parents that you are happy to feel their support on your life path, and you are glad that they taught you to overcome any difficulties.

6. "I thank you for everything you have done for me." Parents do a lot for you, and do not stop trying for you from the very first moment you come into this world. And these are the people who do it selflessly. They deserve a lot, and the least you can give your parents is gratitude. Let them know that all their efforts are not in vain, and you appreciate all that they do for you. Tell your parents that you know how much they love you and thank them for that too.

7. “I became so good thanks to you, parents.” You are confident, strong-willed, kind, sympathetic. And they definitely became such thanks to good upbringing given to you by your parents. These are people who taught you to believe in your own strength, to fight, to love, and you always remember who discovered in you good qualities. Tell mom and dad that for you they are not only a model of parents, but also a model of what a person should be, and you are equal to them all your life.

8. “I always say to you only “see you”. Even when your parents are gone, they will be with you, in your heart. You know it, pass it on to them too. Say that you will always remember the good that your parents do for you.

Children are a great miracle given to us from above. The birth of a child is a sacrament that, alas, not everyone is given to know. Therefore, if you still have the happiness of motherhood, take this news with joy!

But sometimes the decision regarding the birth of a child is largely influenced by external factors on which the girl depends to one degree or another: parents, society, age, work and study. For young girls, often for schoolgirls of one of important issues is the question of how to tell parents about pregnancy?

The whole complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the outcome of the upcoming conversation will directly affect the subsequent relationship between the daughter and the parents, and the fate of the child himself directly depends on this. A girl at this age cannot provide for a child herself if she is not married, so she is completely dependent on those who raised her and is currently responsible for her.

Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance and very thoroughly about how to inform parents about pregnancy. As a rule, initially you need to assess the degree of complexity of the situation. If the child is desired, you and your young man or husband agree to give birth and raise him in love and tenderness, possessing certain material benefits, then there should be no problems with future grandparents.

A completely different situation may arise when a girl and a child will be raised alone. How to tell parents about pregnancy when the situation of being a single mother initially sets you up for a negative perception? Of course, if the parents are against the birth of a baby, you can insist on your own, give birth to a child and, against their will, try to raise him. But here it is important to understand whether you can educate him, provide proper care and everything he needs. After all young age mothers assumes a lack of education and prospects for finding a normal job, provided that there will be someone to look after the baby at this time.

Remember that resolving the issue with your parents largely depends on what kind of relationship you have with them and between them. If mutual respect and love reign in the family, then the problem of adding will not be acute. If there is some internal discord in the family, some difficulties may arise. The main thing is not to be afraid! Trust them, then they will trust you!

For some girls, it is much easier to tell about the pregnancy to one of the parents, to the one with whom there are more trusting relationship. About how to tell her mother about pregnancy, if she is such a person, the girl is usually not very worried. If mom is a friend in every sense, then who better than her understand and support? But it is the mother who knows all the features of motherhood, all the nuances of bearing a child, giving birth and caring for him, and can bring many pros and cons as arguments. early pregnancy.

As a rule, psychologists are asked about how to tell parents about, hoping to get full and actionable recommendations. However, no one can dates you one hundred percent positive advice. Only you know your parents, and only you know how to find the right approach to them.

It is important to remember that you never need to be afraid of them, they are your comrades and those native people who love and understand best of all. If not them, then who will understand and support you, who will find optimal solution? You need to talk to them without concealing or hiding anything. It is frankness that will help them understand the situation as they need to. Don't be afraid to tell everything, even if you feel ashamed or uncomfortable. The people who gave birth to and raised you will never judge you and will always understand you. Show your mother and father that you respect them and their opinions by asking questions if you can't talk all the time. Only mutual respect will lead to mutual understanding! You should think for yourself how to tell your parents about pregnancy, what words to choose, but remember: speaking is much better than being silent! At least in this situation.

Maybe you're a teenage girl who has her first boyfriend, or maybe you're a little older but still find it hard to share news about your relationship with your loved ones. In any case, having to let your parents know that you have a boyfriend can be quite intimidating, but if you approach this issue in the right way, it is likely that they will react normally to such news. If everything goes well, they may even be happy for you. In this article, you will find some tips to help you let your parents know that you have a boyfriend. Applying these tips will help you avoid negative reactions from your loved ones.


Tell your parents the news carefully

    Decide who to tell about it first. Perhaps you have a closer and more trusting relationship with one of your parents, or one of them is more loyal to you. Very often, breaking the news to a parent with whom it is easier for you to communicate will make it easier to talk to someone with whom you think it is much more difficult to talk.

    • For example, if you are "daddy's girl" and you can easily find mutual language with him, you can talk to dad first. On the other hand, if your dad is very strict, tell your mom about everything first, finding an ally in her face.
    • This approach can be especially helpful if you're a teenage girl who has her first boyfriend.
    • On the other hand, if you're sure your parents will take the news equally well (or badly), just let both parents know at the same time.
  1. Select right time. Do not share the news with your parents when they are busy with something or bad mood. You can ask your parents when it would be convenient for them to talk to you. Choose the right time when the house is calm, your parents are not busy with anything, and are in a good mood.

    • However, don't delay the conversation by constantly making excuses that now is not the right time. In any case, you will have to tell your parents about it.
  2. Prepare well, rehearse and record your speech. If you're feeling fear, chances are you'll be worried, so write down what you're about to say. Then rehearse your speech in front of a mirror. Thanks to this, you can safely inform your parents that you have a boyfriend.

    Analyze your feelings. Think about why you are not in a hurry to tell your parents about your feelings. Do you think your parents will be beside themselves with rage because you started dating a young man? Perhaps you think that your parents will not like this young man. On the other hand, you may not want to let anyone into your personal life. By analyzing your feelings, you can properly build a conversation with your parents.

    • For example, if your parents think you're not ready for a relationship yet, you can say, "Mom and Dad, I need to talk to you about something. I was hesitant about whether you should tell me that I have a boyfriend, so How do I know that you think that I'm not ready for a relationship yet."
  3. Put a point. After you sit down to break the news to your parents, do it as soon as possible to dot the i's. Don't beat around the bush. However, you can defuse the situation. For example, you could say, “I love you very much and I don't want you to be upset with me. Besides, I don't want to hide anything from you. I want to tell you about the boy I started dating."

    Tell your parents that you are ready to date a guy. Of course, you will need to provide arguments in favor of your assertion. For example, maybe you are a high school student and all of your classmates are already dating boys. Be reasonable and don't get angry if your parents don't agree with you.

    • It probably won't be the best argument for your parents if you say, "All my classmates are already dating!" However, you can bring to the attention of parents statistics from the Internet, which shows average age young people when they start dating. Also, mention a time when you showed maturity recently.
  4. Be prepared to negotiate. If the parents still stand their ground, be prepared to compromise. Perhaps you can suggest to your parents that you will only meet your young man at school, or that you will not be alone with him, communicating only in the presence of other people. Your parents want to protect you, so you must be willing to sacrifice your freedom.

    Tell me about your boyfriend. Tell your parents about young man which you like. Also talk about his family and what you like about him. Focus on it positive qualities to get parental approval. Also, you can show a photo of the boy you like.

    • Your parents may have many questions. Answer all questions honestly full information regarding your relationship. If you try to hide something or lie, it can cause unnecessary suspicion and irritation.
    • If your boyfriend a good relationship with his family, mention this in a conversation with parents. This is an absolute plus for many parents, because it allows them to understand that this young man knows how to appreciate other people and honors family ties.
  5. Don't try to withhold information. It is very important that you tell your parents honestly about your relationship. If they find out about your relationship from someone, they may think that you are hiding the truth from them and withholding what they need to know from them.

    Be aware that your parents may be upset. If you go against the views of your parents, then your words and actions can upset them. Be prepared for anger and tears, this may be the first reaction of your parents.

    Be prepared for it to take time. Your parents will need time to realize and accept what happened. If your parents got upset and said you don't even have to think about a relationship, they might change their mind later when the emotions subside. In any case, you need to maintain a good relationship with your parents. You shouldn't ruin your relationship with your parents just because they told you no.

If you need to report being gay

    Choose the right time. Is waiting for you heavy conversation especially if you don't know what your parents think about it. You should feel comfortable enough to discuss this issue. Your parents may start to convince you that your views are wrong. Listen to them, they may be right.

    Talk to the person who homosexual. Before talking to your parents about being gay, talk to someone who can understand your feelings. This will make it easier for you to talk to your parents. This person can give you some advice. Most importantly, you must trust this person.

    Give parents the facts. If you want to convince your parents, give them the facts about homosexuality. You can find a lot of information about this on the Internet.

    Give them time. Many parents need time to get used to this fact. This is due to the fact that parents want their child to be like everyone else. It is unpleasant for them to realize that you have an unconventional orientation. Therefore, it takes time to come to terms with this fact.

    • You could say, "I know this is great news for you, and I understand that you need time to accept this fact. But I know what I'm doing."
  1. Be prepared for the most unpleasant consequences. If you are sure that your parents will react badly to your news due to personal beliefs, you may want to think before telling your parents about it. The consequences can be dire, parents can show force or kick you out of the house. Not everyone approves of this behavior.

Many women who have recently learned about their "interesting" situation find it difficult to tell this news even to their closest people. How to tell parents about pregnancy, because their reaction to such a statement may not always be unambiguously enthusiastic. In most cases, pregnancy is a joyful moment in the life of expectant mothers and fathers, and for other relatives it also becomes pleasant surprise. And how future grandparents are waiting for their grandchildren! But not everyone and not always everything goes well. Therefore, the reaction of the older generation to such a statement on the part of a daughter or son can be the most unpredictable. You can report that in the near future you expect replenishment in the family in different ways, the main thing is to know the character traits of your parents and anticipate their reaction, and you also need to take into account those life circumstances that preceded conception.

Traditional ways

The easiest way is when pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, and you are sure that the news about it will incredibly please all relatives and friends. In this case, you should not be shy, worry, but you need to say this directly, without any hints.

You choose the place and time yourself. Can this be done at home in a narrow family circle. And you can call all your relatives and friends to a dinner party, and then, in the course of the conversation, solemnly declare to everyone that a little one will soon appear in your family. And, of course, offer to celebrate such a significant event together.

Traditional methods always work. If you don't like to be ordinary in your actions - it's time to show your imagination! It is the effectively presented news that will certainly make an incredible impression on future grandparents.

Treat your parents to sweets designed with meaning

original ways

Themed dinner party

Prepare a delicious lunch for your family and friends. Invite your guests ahead of time so everyone can attend. You can hint at the imminent birth of a baby with the help of baking in the form baby envelope, and it is possible through the dishes themselves and the ways they are served - various vegetable and fruit purees, children's cutlery, children's bright and colorful table setting. Pay attention to how the guests reacted and whether they understood the hint.

Small souvenirs will not leave anyone indifferent - boxes with baby accessories, key rings with rattles, etc. And when one of the guests offers you a drink, culturally refuse, arguing that alcohol is contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Give your dinner party souvenirs suggestive of pregnancy


If you have already been to ultrasound diagnostics and you have pictures on hand, you can arrange them beautifully and place them in a frame, and write next to them: “We will soon have replenishment.” Present this collage by unexpectedly dropping by your parents for a cup of tea, or for holiday dinner when it comes to its logical conclusion.

You can also announce your news at another family event, the main thing is that everyone is assembled. Invite family members to family photo. And when you take pictures, instead of saying, as is customary, "Cheese!", Say "I'm pregnant!" (you can choose another phrase). The most curious thing is that in the photo you can capture the emotions of your loved ones, and this is priceless.

Make interesting collages about pregnancy

T-shirts with slogans

You can order customized T-shirts online. Order them for yourself and your spouse. You can, for example, make a drawing of a toddler on them with the caption “I will be a mother soon” or “This is what it looks like future dad". Come to a meeting with your family in these T-shirts - such a hint is unlikely to go unnoticed.

Come visit your parents in a t-shirt with a design hinting at your pregnancy

At a family holiday

If the stars are so aligned that your mom or dad will have a birthday soon, you can hint at pregnancy with the help of congratulations. For example, donate beautiful postcard, which will say “Congratulations to the future grandfather”, “In nine months, wait for your gift”, etc.

Give Mom (Dad) an appropriate card for her birthday

letter by mail

Make a copy of the ultrasound image, put it in a beautiful envelope. It is advisable to pre-wrap the picture in a piece soft tissue reminiscent of a baby diaper. Or you can write a message from the unborn child.

Send a telegram on behalf of the future grandson (granddaughter)

Video: parents' reaction to the news of their daughter's pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy is not always good news for everyone. It also happens that she does not fit into the plans of the future mother or the family as a whole. How to proceed in such a case?

There are no specific methods or patterns here. But psychologists give a number of recommendations that should be taken into account. With their help, you can present your news calmly and without causing a storm of emotions from your opponent.

Pregnancy is not a life drama of universal proportions, but the most important event in the life of every woman. Even if the conception did not happen as planned, do not rush to cut from the shoulder and abandon the child, because life passes quickly, and the most dear and closest person will always be with you.

Notifying your parents about this event is not so scary, it is important that they feel your sincerity. Don't be afraid to trust them. Their advice and support is incredibly important to you right now.

  • First of all, you need to be sure that you really want to have a baby, only then will the parents believe it;
  • Choose the right time to talk. Such news is not delivered in haste;
  • No need to hide something from your dad and mom - be frank;
  • It is necessary to prepare for the conversation in advance, think through all possible details and circumstances;
  • There is no need to be afraid of anything, tune in to positive emotions;
  • Parents are the closest people, so you can and should consult with them;
  • You must make decisions under such circumstances in an adult way, your parents must see in them the position of an independent person who is aware of his actions;
  • Under no circumstances should you show negative emotions- burst into tears, scream, throw tantrums, and even more so reproach your loved ones for something. This will only make the situation worse. The conversation should be calm, the speech should be confident;
  • You can call on a reputable lawyer to help you. Let your chosen one play his role, or his mom-dad, or your other relative (grandmother, aunt, sister), who can smooth sharp corners and at the right time to direct the conversation in the right direction.


It is very difficult to tell parents about your pregnancy to a future mother, who herself has not yet become an adult. We're talking about teenage girls. But even here, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance.

Naturally, the relationship between you and your parents will play the most important role in this. You should not be of the opinion that the "ancestors" will immediately begin to scold you, they will not understand your position. It is impossible to hide pregnancy, and even more so from them.

Remember indisputable truth: Your parents love you very much. This is what should be dealt with in the first place.

If you get along better with your dad than with your mom, let him know, and vice versa. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest people to you, so they will always be with you, under any circumstances, and will certainly help in the fight against life's difficulties.

Serious conversation with parents

Peace, only peace! No need to give in to emotions, be as restrained as possible, because with all your appearance you must show that you are an adult independent person who is responsible for his actions and is ready to accept any reaction of his loved ones. After you announce the pregnancy, give them some time to recover from the shock. All parents want to be grandparents. Yours just needs to get used to the idea that they will have grandchildren so soon.

Ask a sister or brother for help

If your relationship with your brother or sister is very warm and trusting, you should tell them this news. You can ask them for moral support when talking with your parents.


If you do not have the courage to have a serious conversation with your parents, try subtly hinting to them that you are having some difficulties. Spend a lot of time in your room, all behavior should speak of what you are experiencing. And when they notice strange behavior, then there will be the most opportune moment to inform them that your baby will be born soon.

A note

When it is difficult to decide on a conversation, you can notify relatives about pregnancy in writing. The main idea that should be reflected in the note is your experiences and a further plan of action. When the parents read the note, it will take some time before the dialogue takes place between you, but it will be calmer.

Call your young man for a conversation

If your young man fully supports your position to keep the pregnancy and is ready to help in the future, it would be a completely rational step to invite him to talk with his parents. With him you will feel much more confident, because you will feel his support. It is in your interaction that the success of passing through all the difficulties associated with pregnancy in adolescence lies.

Video: how to inform parents about pregnancy if the expectant mother is a teenager

Regardless of whether you are married or single, regardless of your age - mature or teenage, all parents and always overwhelmed with joy when their children tell them that their family will soon be replenished. But not all parents have this reaction immediately - some need time. So give them that time. And do not worry yourself, in your position it is strictly contraindicated for you to do this. Everything will work out for you and everything will work out, no matter how you inform your relatives about your new status. Most importantly, love little man living there, inside, and your loved ones will love him just as they love you ....

And so, you suddenly discovered that you got pregnant, or maybe you are just planning to get pregnant, but at the same time you are already thinking about how to tell your parents about your pregnancy? After all, many pull and do not say that they have become pregnant until the belly grows and the parents notice everything themselves. This is not the right move, you need to tell your parents about the pregnancy as soon as you find out about it and decide that you are leaving the child.


There are several options for how you can tell your parents that you are pregnant and each option is selected in certain cases.

ADULT GIRL: If you are already an adult and you are practically independent of your parents, while living with your young man and your parents know about it, then talking about pregnancy is very simple. After all, your pregnancy in most cases will be a joy for your parents, because almost all parents want to have grandchildren and granddaughters. As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, think and discuss with your young man how to live on, and as soon as you decide that you are leaving the child and will give birth, immediately inform your parents about it. How to inform parents about pregnancy in this case? Yes, everything is simple, it is better if you say that you are pregnant at a personal meeting, but if your parents live far away and there is no way to visit them, then say it by phone or other means of communication. We recommend that you read

TEEN GIRL: If you are a teenage girl who is not yet living independent living and which is too early to get pregnant, then in this case, many girls are afraid to tell their parents about their interesting position. After all, they think that this case parents can strongly scold, maybe even punish or even kick them out of the house, which greatly affects the emotional mood of a pregnant teenage girl. In fact, everything is much simpler, of course, parents will not be delighted that you became pregnant, for example, at the age of 15, but no matter how scary it was, you need to tell. Only parents will tell you the right and true path, how you should proceed, give birth or have an abortion. How to tell parents about pregnancy if I am a teenage girl and I am still very young? First of all, remember that the sooner you say, the better, because if you and your parents decide to have an abortion, then the earlier the abortion is performed, the less consequences. If you decide to leave your child, then remember that regardless of the decision of the parents, only you have the right to decide whether you give birth or not, and also do not forget that no matter how parents are against childbirth, when a child is born, they will love him and all resentment will fade into the background.

Several ways to tell your parents about your interesting situation (pregnancy):

- First of all, make sure that you are really pregnant, because you may have decided about your pregnancy due to a delay in the cycle, and in fact there is no pregnancy. Check with a pregnancy test or confirm your pregnancy with a doctor and once you're 100% pregnant tell your parents. We recommend that you familiarize yourself

If you are not afraid that your parents will swear, then announce your pregnancy in person with your boyfriend. You can even make it a little festive by buying a cake and setting a small table.

If you are afraid to tell your parents about your pregnancy, then you can not talk, they will see it for themselves when your tummy starts to grow and increase. But in this case, remember that it may be too late for an abortion.

If you think that your parents will be against your pregnancy or are simply afraid of their reaction, then you still need to report, because they are your closest people. But in this case, it is necessary to inform parents about pregnancy at a time when there is no tension in home communication, but at the same time it is not worth dragging it out for a long time.

If you do not want to tell both parents at once, then first tell one parent whom you trust the most and can rely on. We recommend that you read

Before informing your parents about your pregnancy, think for yourself how you plan to live further, whether you are ready to give birth and raise a child, or whether you want to have an abortion. Chat with the guy who is the culprit of your pregnancy and discuss how you will live on, and then decisions inform your parents about the pregnancy and say what you want.