What do parents need to know about constipation in young children? Consequences of stool retention. Methods for treating constipation in children

Most parents are faced with such a problem as constipation in a child of 4 years old, what to do safely at home, the doctor will tell you, since any self-medication can be dangerous for children of all ages. A 4-year-old child has a fully formed digestive system, so the causes of such a delicate problem may be different. Before you know what to give a child for constipation at four years old, you should determine exactly why there is no bowel movement for several days.

In search of an answer, how to help if a child has constipation, you should first find the source of a delicate problem. There are several variants of the phenomena of the absence of a chair, each of which is caused by its own reasons.

Constipation in a child at 4 years old can be classified into the following groups:
  • Organic. Violation of bowel movements from day to day this case is caused by abnormal bowel problems, which can be either acquired or congenital. Constipation in a child in this case is provoked by the lack of innervation of the small intestine, excessive lengthening of the sigmoid colon, as well as other non-standard organ structures. digestive system. However, these problems are usually found in early age and heal quickly. Often, organic constipation in children under 4 years of age is an abnormal formation of feces. This is due to a certain obstacle in one of the main organs of the digestive system. Usually these are adhesions and even tumors, and therefore, treatment this disease exclusively surgical.
  • Functional constipation. Another variant of constipation in a child of four years is the result of malnutrition. In this case, the child is well helped by adjusting the diet for age, as well as increasing physical activity. Improper nutrition, often practiced by children against the background of the constant use of fast foods and harmful products, leads to petrification of feces, seething in the stomach and fermentation. In addition, too little water can contribute to functional constipation, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora caused by various causes, allergic reactions to certain products nutrition, rickets, helminthic invasion and enzyme deficiency. How to treat constipation in a child in this case depends on the cause.
  • Psychological constipation. The lack of bowel movements in a child can also be purely emotional. Constipation in a 4-year-old child may be due to holding back the urge to go to the toilet too often. Especially often this happens in uncomfortable conditions for the baby. The suppression of the defecation reflex eventually leads to the accumulation of feces and its petrification, which causes pain.

The primary solution to the problem of lack of stool in a child of four years of age is to free the intestines from feces, especially if there has not been a bowel movement for a very long time. However, if the child has constipation on a regular basis, you should look for the cause of constipation.

Despite the fact that a child at the age of four is already allowed to use a wide range of laxatives, doctors do not recommend resorting to them too often. In addition, you can help your child empty their intestines at home with the help of harmless manipulations that do not harm the growing body. First aid consists in administering an enema or using special children's glycerin suppositories, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

An enema should be given to a child using a special syringe, since Esmarch's full-fledged pear is too big for him. As a composition for an enema, you can use ordinary boiled water, to which you can add a couple of tablespoons of glycerin. The water must be room temperature, the use of a very cold enema composition is strictly not recommended.

Installing an enema for a child at home, even if the attending physician decides it is necessary, should be carried out subject to next steps security:
  1. It is impossible to carry out the procedure with a warm composition, since it can be absorbed into the intestinal walls, as a result of which the desired effect will not work.
  2. The pear is preliminarily subject to mandatory disinfection, in addition, its tip must be lubricated with vaseline oil.
  3. Any of the attending physicians will tell you about the need for a minimum amount of liquid for an enema. Too much infusion of a large volume can lead to injury to the intestines.

This event will be sufficient to alleviate the condition once. In no case should you give your child laxatives without the consent of the doctor. If the stagnation of feces is regular, do not get carried away with homemade enemas, as this can lead to addiction.

It is necessary to consult a doctor who will search and eliminate primary cause constipation.

Therapy for frequent constipation in children over the age of four directly depends on the source that causes them. It is difficult to unequivocally suggest the current method of treatment, since in this case the baby is forced to give a very strong medicines, and in the other - cost medical nutrition.

However, a review of the diet is required for any cause of constipation, since the correct diet with a laxative effect is a key link in the entire treatment regimen.

Basic principles diet food with difficult bowel movements in a child are as follows:
  1. Complete rejection of food, which provokes desolation and petrification of feces. It includes different kinds pastries, white cereals, cow's milk, some fruits, and pasta.
  2. Refuse dishes that reduce the peristalsis of one of the main digestive organs. These include cocoa, chocolate, coffee and blueberries.
  3. Products that provoke the formation of gases fall under the ban. These include: white cabbage, tomatoes, all legumes and mushrooms.
  4. The maximum percentage of the diet should consist of food based on coarse dietary fiber. These products include vegetables, cereals, bran. Such food products are engaged in the rapid transportation of feces, provided there are no pathological ailments.
  5. You can supplement the diet with neutral-type foods - lean meat or fish.
  6. Drinking regimen should be established in without fail, and you should drink clean non-carbonated water, preferably boiled.
  7. Sour-milk products are the first helpers, which are a frequent answer to the question of how to help with stool problems. All kinds are allowed here, except for the usual whole milk.

These nutritional nuances will be useful to everyone, however, if a child has strong inflammatory processes in the intestines, which have been confirmed by laboratory tests, it is transferred to a special dietary food.

An important point in the prevention of constipation at home for children is the proper organization of their daily activities. It's no secret that the right regime for a child is the first step to his full health, and this applies not only to nutrition and sleep.

The child must receive the required physical activity. If no other exercises to improve intestinal motility were prescribed by a doctor for a baby, you can limit yourself to ordinary exercises. It is recommended to carry it out immediately after sleep in order to set the child up for a whole day of activity.

The child's nutrition should be carried out at certain hours, it is strictly forbidden to eat at night, because this often leads to improper formation of feces.

You can cope with constipation in a four-year-old baby at home by changing the diet, as well as conducting a cleansing enema. However, regularly emptying the bowels in this way is not the right solution, since it is important to establish the reason for the lack of bowel movements.

Not every parent knows that constipation in a 4-year-old child can be organic and functional. Each of the varieties of constipation has its own characteristics and difficulties that must be taken into account in the treatment. How is constipation treated in a 4-year-old baby, the article will tell further.

What explains the occurrence of constipation in a child of 4 years

First of all, it is necessary to remember that constipation in a child can be congenital and acquired. Speaking of the first variety, doctors mention the influence of dolichosigma, atresia, Hirschsprung's disease and narrowing of the intestine. The connection of constipation with the listed pathologies is rare, since their presence is detected in the first months of a child's life. Acquired processes are neoplasms, scars and polyps.

Constipation in a child can be congenital or acquired.

The impact of functional causes on the body of a child at the age of four is common. This is about:

  • Pathologies gastrointestinal tract leading to a lack of enzymes;
  • Dysbacteriosis, characterized by disruption of the digestive system;
  • Dehydration and lack of clean water. Abuse of soda, artificial juices, coffee drinks can lead to constipation;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and fiber;
  • Influence intestinal infections, worms, helminthiases;
  • A disturbed diet, when the diet is filled only with fatty and protein foods, and the baby eats dry food. These include a shortage of fermented milk products;
  • Food allergies and poisoning;
  • Hypovitaminosis, anemia and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Negative effects of drugs: probiotics, enzymes, sorbents;
  • Psychological fear of going to the toilet in an unknown or new place;
  • Restraining the urge to defecate.

A separate group includes the occurrence of constipation due to regular enema and the use of laxatives. Due to external stimulation, the child's body is not able to carry out independent digestion of food and defecate.

It is important to remember that the use of enemas and laxatives provokes addiction of the body.

What are the signs of constipation in a child?

A child at the age of four years, basically, empty the intestines 1-2 times in a few days. If the act of defecation did not occur for 3-4 days, then it makes sense to think about constipation. Depending on the cause of the problem, the additional symptoms Problems. So, a change in the behavior of the baby testifies to constipation in children - he begins to act up, often complain of pain, get nervous from discomfort in the stomach. Constipation is indicated by the presence of blood impurities in the feces. This is due to damage to the anus by hard feces and further cracking.

If a child's constipation develops into a chronic form or is not treated at all by the parents, then the occurrence of unpleasant consequences and complications is not excluded. The body may suffer from weakness, lethargy, beriberi, reduced immunity. Sometimes the intestines are overstretched, which disrupts blood circulation, causing all sorts of pain and spasms. Disturbed microflora provokes dyspeptic symptoms and lowers immunity.

Methods for treating constipation in children

About how to treat, as well as what to give a child for constipation, it is better to learn directly from the pediatrician. With its help, you can find out the pathogenesis of the problem and begin high-quality treatment. However, in addition to prescribing medications, the baby's parents are given a list of recommendations that must be followed.

  1. It is important to adjust the child's diet and provide him with plenty of pure non-carbonated water or fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Baby needs more fermented milk products. The use of fatty soups, bakery products, pasta, rice, whole milk is completely prohibited;
  2. Children suffering from constipation should observe the daily routine, visiting the toilet at the same time every day;
  3. Gymnastics and physical exercise required to improve intestinal motility;
  4. In the case when constipation is psychological in nature, consultation with the appropriate specialist will be required. In turn, parents are obliged to create a comfortable environment for the child.

To treat the disease, you can resort to the use of products with a laxative effect: prunes, dried apricots, nuts, bananas.

How and how to help a four-year-old child

Medical treatment appropriate only after the recommendation of a pediatrician. Self-selection is prohibited. Often, doctors prescribe Dufalac, Linex, Hilak Forte. The amount of the drug and its dosage is also determined exclusively by a specialist. It is appropriate to use glycerin suppositories, enemas, the use of freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juices. Resorting to enemas and suppositories can be periodic - they regular use prohibited due to the risk of worsening bowel function.

The use of laxatives should not exceed 3-4 days. Enema is carried out exclusively in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist. Any wrong movement can quickly harm the intestinal mucosa, lead to bleeding - especially dangerous state for a small child.

Is it appropriate to use traditional medicine if the child has constipation

Traditional medicine, despite natural origin, and, it would seem, absolute harmlessness, should also be used with caution. The following recipes are especially effective:

  • Decoction on the plantain. It is enough to pour 50 grams of plant 350 liquid and leave on fire for 15 minutes. After straining, the drink can be drunk in the amount allowed by the doctor. The same can be done with a teaspoon of anise;
  • Sorrel infusion. To prepare a drink, about half a liter of boiling water is mixed with 30 grams of sorrel. The infusion is given to the baby before going to bed. The dosage is determined by the pediatrician, based on the age of the child.

The occurrence of complications or side effects should alarm parents: this may be a sign allergic reaction or individual intolerance.

Features of the nutrition of a 4-year-old child

So, when cooking, you should focus on fruits, cereals, foods, fiber. Help withdraw stool maybe prunes, dried apricots, nuts, sea buckthorn oil. The baby should drink plenty of clean water. The intake of spicy, fried, fatty foods, bananas and other products with a bonding property is completely excluded. Soda, jelly, whole milk are also banned. A balanced diet should be supplemented with physical exercises: morning exercises and gymnastics.

As it turned out, constipation in a child at 4 years old can be dangerous and rather uncomfortable. The doctor will tell you what to do at home to eliminate it, because self-medication sometimes brings only additional complications. No matter how simple the solution to the problem may seem, it should not be ignored by parents.

For many parents, there is no worse disease than constipation in a child. This violation gives the baby suffering and pain, about which he constantly complains to his parents with the help of screams and crying.

What should young parents do in this case? How to prevent the problem?

In pediatric practice, constipation in children is common. No stools for days, painful bowel movements, and potty rejection are worrisome for many parents. Constipation is the slow movement of feces through the intestines.

This problem can occur in both infants and preschoolers, and is also the most common gastrointestinal disease. Many parents do not attach importance to this and do not go to doctors, which harms the health of the child.

The main provocateur

Frequent constipation in a child, the phenomenon is not uncommon, the main cause of the violation is considered malnutrition. Use adult food leads to a kind of "blockage" of the intestine.

Parents should think about unacceptable foods in the diet of children, which include salty, smoked, sweet, fatty, sour. It also provokes constipation and the lack of food rich in fiber in the child's diet.

Features of the problem depending on age

The causes of constipation in children depend on the age of the small patient. There are indicators of normal stool frequency in children:

If bowel movements are difficult and the child is pushing hard, there are frequent complaints of abdominal pain, the stool has become small and dry, then the child has constipation. This is an occasion to consult a specialist, otherwise constipation will turn into a chronic form and will be difficult to treat.

Symptoms of the violation

Constipation in children is:

  1. organic(5%) occur in a child from birth and are the result of an anatomical defect in the segments of the intestine. The underdevelopment of the nerve endings of the intestinal walls leads to the fact that its lower sections narrow and the upper ones expand. This slows down the movement of feces. This pathology is rare. More often there is an elongation of one of the sections of the colon, which begins to move uncontrollably and strongly, disrupting the progress of feces to the exit. This disease occurs in children 3-4 years of age. Symptoms of organic constipation in infants is a decrease in the number of bowel movements and their short duration. The child has seething, bloating and pain in the abdomen due to the accumulation of feces in the intestines, when the obstruction described above prevents its exit.
  2. Functional constipation (95%) in children is very common and depends on many factors. On breastfeeding the quality of the stool depends on the nutrition of the mother and the composition of the baby's complementary foods, an important role is played by the lack of water intake. On artificial feeding- from frequent changes in the mixture, diet, lack of fluid. An excess of proteins and fats in the baby's diet disrupts the regularity of the stool. Constipation occurs if the child has such diseases: iron deficiency anemia, rickets, CNS damage during childbirth, intestinal dysbiosis, food allergies. Frequent use of drugs that stimulate digestion leads to disruption of the intestines and constipation. Symptoms of functional constipation are: hard bean-like stools, straining during bowel movements, taking up a quarter of the time of bowel movement, in one case in four there is a feeling of not emptying the intestines, a feeling of obstruction of feces during bowel movements, and stools less than 2-3 times a week.

Children between the ages of 2 and 6 are often embarrassed to go to the toilet and deliberately hold back their bowel movements.

Moving, getting used to the garden or divorce of parents, as well as potty training is a psychological obstacle to bowel movements. Parental support is important here: it is necessary to talk to the child in time and explain how to go to the toilet correctly.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the causes and treatment of constipation in children:

First aid

What can parents do before a doctor's examination to alleviate the suffering of a child who has constipation? In this case, it is necessary to clean the intestines of your child with an enema. For this, boiled water at room temperature is used, to which 1-2 teaspoons of glycerin can be added to enhance the laxative effect.

To help soften the feces, the use of vaseline oil, which is not absorbed by the intestines, can help.

It is important to observe the dosage of water for enemas and the amount of vaseline oil (it increases with the age of the child).

The enema is emergency help with constipation, so it is not recommended to constantly use it, because the intestines should not get used to such a bowel movement. In such cases, it is better to use a candle with glycerin.

An effective way to help a child is a tummy massage. To do this, it is necessary to massage the baby's tummy in a clockwise circular motion starting from the navel and gradually increasing the circle of rotation.

It is enough to massage for two minutes, but several times a day.

Follow-up therapy

When a child is constipated, parents should not ignore visiting a doctor. The pediatrician must prescribe blood, urine, feces tests for helminths, a coprogram, and, based on their results, refer them to the right specialist: an endocrinologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, neurologist and other specialists.

Treatment involves achieving regular bowel movements every day or every other day, at about the same time. The stool should become soft, and defecation should be quick and painless.

Treatment for each baby is individual and long-term. So the psychological problem can be eliminated within two years.

Nutrition Features

The first step in treatment is the appointment of a laxative diet. Changing the diet is punitive in nature, so for the effectiveness of treatment it is recommended to change the eating habits of all family members.

In such cases it is necessary:

It is important to observe the diet and bowel movements - they must always take place at a certain time. Then the body will be ready for defecation physiologically and psychologically - it is best to do this in the morning.

The child should move a lot, play outdoor games, walk, ride a bike, skate. You can do therapeutic exercises, in game form offer various exercises aimed at improving intestinal motility.

Medical treatment

In some cases, the doctor prescribes the use of laxatives. Treatment with such drugs should be no more than 2 weeks, otherwise addiction may occur or side effects may occur in the form of allergies or diarrhea.

Up to 3 years of age, drugs based on lactulose (Duphalac) are recommended. It has no side effects and is safe for little children.

Antispasmodics and prokinetics are used to stabilize bowel function and eliminate spasms. Antispasmodics should be taken if the child has pain and discomfort in the tummy. Papaverine, No-Shpa and suppositories with belladonna extract are prescribed here.

Prokinetics help to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, promote the promotion of feces. One of these drugs is Domperidone, which eliminates pain and gases, normalizes bowel movements.

Herbal choleretic preparations are also shown to children to improve the functioning of the pancreas and gallbladder. To improve the intestinal microflora, Bifidumbacterin, Linex and others are recommended.


From folk recipes most suitable for children are eating wheat bran and seaweed. They must be washed down with plenty of water after consumption. They swell with water in the intestines and thin the feces, which contributes to rapid emptying.

Effective and tincture of senna leaves - 1 tbsp. a spoon in a glass of water - it is capable of relaxing without the appearance of spasms. The child should be given an infusion of one spoon 3 times a day.

For babies with constipation, it is better to give vegetable oil a few drops before feeding, and also drink dill water.

It's better not to know than to treat

The best prevention of childhood constipation is drinking enough fluids, eating foods rich in fiber, maintaining an active lifestyle, constant walks.

Parents should promptly identify and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and cardiovascular systems that cause the violation.

Is it dangerous?

The consequences of untreated constipation in crumbs can be unpleasant and even dangerous. Constipation can lead to dysbacteriosis, fissures rectum, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, intoxication of the body, which is manifested by lethargy, pallor of the skin, headache.

Once in the blood, toxic substances cause pustular diseases, peeling of the skin and yellowness. Frequent constipation can lead to a weakened immune system.

Constipation in babies responds well to treatment if the therapy is competent and timely. To treat the disorder, there are enough effective and safe methods, means and preparations.

It is important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions, according to which you can achieve daily stool in a child without pain and discomfort.

Problems with defecation are not uncommon in childhood. Constipation in a child of 4 and 5 years is manifested by different reasons, and also has its own distinctive features. In preschoolers, in comparison with children up to a year or two, the diet, daily routine and physical activity. It is important to know what to do if a child of 4 and 5 years old does not poop in order to help him in time and prevent bad consequences. Assistance is reduced to the establishment of a diet, the use of pharmacy or home remedies. Treatment of a problem at the age of 4–5 years in children is prescribed only by a doctor, having found out the true cause of the appearance of stool retention.

Causes of constipation in children 4-5 years old

Stool retention at the age of 4-5 years in children may occur for organic or functional reasons.

Organic type of constipation in children of this age category appears due to scars, polyps, tumors and other pathologies. To help the baby in this case, only an operation is performed.

Functional stool problems can be corrected with conservative methods. Constipation in children 4 years old occurs due to such reasons:

  • lack of a meal schedule;
  • habits of eating sandwiches, cookies, nuts, without drinking liquids;
  • abundance fatty foods, as well as products with a large amount of protein content;
  • lack of fermented milk products, food, which includes fiber, vitamins, minerals;
  • lack of sufficient drinking regime;
  • drinking carbonated water, tea and juices in large quantities;
  • therapy with drugs that impede the process of digestion;
  • helminthiasis;
  • development of anemia, rickets, diseases of the digestive system, thyroid gland or nervous system;
  • allergic reactions to foods.

Constipation in children 5 years old is caused by similar factors. At this age, fecal retention can occur due to constant stressful situations.

Causes related to the mental state

At the age of 4 - 5 years, children are able to restrain the urge to defecate on purpose. For example, being in an unfamiliar environment, in a kindergarten. If this cause is not eliminated, constipation becomes chronic. It can have a negative effect on the future life of the child. Most often, psychological constipation occurs in boys.

Fecal retention in children can occur due to personality traits. For example, if the baby itself is slow: it moves slowly and unhurriedly, talks, metabolism and bowel work slowly occur. If parents do not try to understand the psychology of the child, constant critical talk will only exacerbate the current problem with going to the toilet in a big way.

Psychologically, the baby may begin to be afraid of the pain that he once experienced during a bowel movement.

Symptoms of constipation

Constipation in children 4 and 5 years old is manifested by stool retention. At this age, they should go to the toilet in a big way from one to three times a day. If the chair did not appear within three days, then there was a problem that must be solved.

With constipation in children aged 4-5 years, the following symptoms may also be observed:

  • if the stomach hurts, the anus area, the child's behavior changes: he becomes capricious, nervous, complains of pains of a different nature;
  • damaged by hard feces anus, as a result of which cracks form, blood can be seen in the feces;
  • loss of appetite.

It is important to pay attention to indicated symptoms, because if you do not hold timely treatment, constipation can threaten the health of a small patient.

Consequences of stool retention

If a child of four and five ice cannot poop for a long time, this will worsen the intestinal microflora, disrupt work immune system. In addition, fecal retention causes the following consequences:

  1. Intoxication of the body harmful substances. The kid loses his appetite, becomes lethargic and suffers from a bad mood;
  2. Violation of blood circulation in the walls of the intestine. Pain and inflammation occur;
  3. Nutrients, minerals, vitamins are poorly absorbed, resulting in anemia, hypovitaminosis;
  4. Soreness, bleeding during bowel movements cause neurological problems.

In order to avoid the listed consequences that threaten health, it is important to consult a doctor in time to carry out appropriate treatment.

Methods for the treatment of constipation in children 4-5 years old

Parents should know how to act when a child of 4-5 years old does not poop. When fecal retention is recommended:

  1. Do abdominal massage at the slightest manifestation of difficulty defecation;
  2. Establish a diet;
  3. Set up drinking regimen;
  4. Make sure your child gets enough physical activity.

It is also important to ensure that bowel movements occur at the same time every day. When the body tunes in to the well-coordinated work of the intestines, going to the toilet in a big way will pass without pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Psychological constipation should be treated not only by a gastroenterologist, but also by a psychologist. Parents are required to make emotional contact with baby.

Therapy with drugs

As prescribed by a doctor for chronic constipation, treatment is carried out with the help of syrups with lactulose (Duphalac), as well as glycerin suppositories. Suppositories are recommended only in emergency situations. Since their constant use, on the contrary, can provoke a weakening of the work of the rectum and in this case there will be a medical constipation.

If the doctor has prescribed a laxative, it is given to the child strictly according to the instructions and no longer than a few days. Often, fecal retention therapy in children is treated with medications with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli: Linex, Hilak Forte.

Enema with medical preparations it is recommended to do the baby in a hospital setting. Since if the procedure is not carried out correctly, you can damage the intestinal mucosa and provoke bleeding, which is dangerous for the life of the baby.

The use of folk remedies

Constipation in a child at 4 years old: what to do at home? First of all, consult with your doctor. Often at home, the following folk remedies are used to treat feces:

  • Pour 30 grams of psyllium seeds into 250 ml of water and boil for ten minutes. Strain the broth, and let's drink it warm in the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water a teaspoon of anise. Let stand for 20 minutes, strain and divide the infusion into portions. Let's drink to the baby until the stool is adjusted;
  • Pour 30 grams of sorrel roots with 500 milliliters of boiling water and sweat in a water bath for half an hour. Give your child a drink before bed. In the morning he will be able to go to the toilet in a big way. The dosage of the remedy should also be told by the doctor according to the age of the patient.

Feeding a baby with fecal retention

What you can eat:

  1. Prepare dishes from fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, foods rich in fiber;
  2. To loosen the stool, you can feast on prunes, dried apricots, nuts, sea buckthorn oil;
  3. Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids.

What not to eat:

  1. It is forbidden to cook spicy, fried, fatty foods;
  2. It is forbidden to eat bananas and fruits and vegetables that hold the stool together;
  3. The use of carbonated drinks, jelly and whole milk is prohibited.

Important in addition to correct and balanced nutrition do physical exercises. Morning work-out It will improve blood circulation, improve metabolism, and also help eliminate problems with stool.

Constipation in children aged 4 and 5 years must be treated. Since stool retention can harm the health of the child. Therefore, at the first symptoms of constipation, consult a doctor, take the necessary measures to help eliminate the problem with the toilet, as well as avoid undesirable consequences.

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Intestinal problems in young children and preschoolers are not uncommon. Even if the child is worried about the stomach, he can not always complain to his mother. It is important for parents to notice in time if the baby has not had a stool for a long time or if the trip "in a big way" hurts him, and try to help him get rid of constipation.

Constipation is a consequence of the slow transport of feces through the intestines. There are many causes for this condition and it can occur at any age. In children, this is the most common disease of the digestive tract, although many parents do not attach much importance to this problem and do not consider it necessary to take the child to the doctor. Moreover, not all mothers know what frequency of going to the potty is normal for a child of one age or another, and do not pay much attention to the nature of the child's stool.

What is considered constipation in a child?

From the age of one and a half years and older child poops 1 - 2 times a day, and his stool is no longer mushy, but decorated. With a tendency to constipation, the intervals between bowel movements are lengthened, and the act of emptying itself can be difficult. Constipation is also considered to be stool with normal frequency if it is accompanied by soreness and hardened stools.

Parents should pay attention to such "bells", signaling a violation of the function of the intestine in a child:

The systematic appearance of such symptoms should be the reason for contacting children's doctor. The duration of signs of constipation for more than 3 months already speaks of the chronic course of the disease.

Why do children get constipated?

If the causes of stool retention are not identified and eliminated, constipation can become chronic, and then it will not be easy to get rid of them. Many adults suffer from constipation for years, which begins in childhood. Achieving regular bowel movements with enemas and laxatives is pointless if you do not get rid of the factors provoking the disease.

organic constipation

Among the causes leading to constipation in children, organic ones can be attributed to the unlikely ones. In this case, defecation disorders are the result of intestinal anomalies, congenital or acquired. Congenital pathologies, such as lengthening of the sigmoid colon and lack of innervation of the large intestine, are usually detected and cured by the age of 2-3 years, since they manifest themselves acutely and almost from the first days of a child's life.

It is necessary to exclude organic constipation in a preschooler if the absence of independent stools occurs against the background of normal nutrition and lifestyle and is accompanied by symptoms of indigestion. Bloating, bubbling, pain in the abdomen can be caused by the accumulation of feces and gases in the intestines due to the obstruction formed in it. These can be tumors, polyps, adhesions, leading to acute or chronic obstruction. Treatment in this situation is usually surgical.

In most cases, intestinal problems in children are functional and psychological in nature.

Functional constipation

Functional constipation may result from:

  • irrational nutrition of a child for a long time, with a predominance of protein and fatty foods in his diet and a lack of vegetable fiber;
  • chronic fluid deficiency in violation of the drinking regime, when the child drinks little or receives moisture exclusively from the “wrong” drinks (not water, but juices, tea, lemonades, etc.);
  • imbalance of the intestinal microflora, which develops against the background of antibiotic therapy and malnutrition and leads to putrefactive processes and weak peristalsis;
  • food allergies, as a result of which released histamines damage the walls of the intestine;
  • enzyme deficiency when congenital pathologies and diseases of the digestive tract, this or that food is poorly processed in the intestines;
  • helminthiases, in which helminthic infestations disrupt the work of the intestines;
  • rickets, which is accompanied by a reduced tone of muscle tissues, including those located in the intestinal walls;
  • iron deficiency in the body, due to which oxygen starvation of the intestinal muscles develops;
  • hypothyroidism, clinical manifestation which are constipation;
  • violations of the emptying reflex due to lesions of the nervous system;
  • drug abuse that affects digestive tract(enzymes, probiotics, fixatives, antacids);
  • frequent use of laxatives, enemas, which leads to the disappearance of urges and addiction to external stimulation, the loss of their ability to get rid of feces on their own.

These factors lead to a violation of the motor function of the intestine: they reduce its peristalsis, the tone of the walls, and damage the mucosa. As a result, the movement of digestive waste is slowed down and a "congestion" is formed.

Psychological constipation in children

Constipation due to psychological causes are also functional in nature, but stand out in a separate group due to the difference in approaches to treatment.

The urge "in a big way" occurs after the feces, due to intestinal motility, reach its lower sections and irritate the nerve receptors located there. Unlike babies under one year old, in older children the defecation process occurs consciously and is under the control of the central nervous system. But if the child is in uncomfortable conditions, he can hold back the urge for a long time, preferring to be patient than go to the toilet in an unusual place. Suppression of the emptying reflex leads to the accumulation of feces, its compaction, which at the time of defecation results in pain and trauma to the anus.

Such problems often occur in children during the period of getting used to kindergarten, when they get into an unfamiliar place (in a hospital, at a party) and in other situations. Constipation can be accompanied by potty training 2-3-year-olds. Conscious restraint of defecation and prolonged ignoring of urges sooner or later leads to "loosening" of the very mechanism of bowel movements, constipation acquires a chronic course. The child may be afraid to poop even in normal conditions, as reflexively already expects pain.

Transient constipation

Every child can get "one-time" constipation when they eat something fixative, get sick with a fever and signs of dehydration, or overheat outside in the heat. Fecal compaction in this case is associated with errors in nutrition and a temporary deficiency of fluid in the body, the correction of which in itself leads to the restoration of normal consistency and periodicity of the stool. In such a situation, there is no need to radical measures to eliminate constipation, it is enough to establish a “correct” diet and drinking regimen.

Why treat constipation in a child?

Constipation in a child is not only difficulties with going to the toilet. Systematic untimely emptying of the intestine can have a detrimental effect on the digestive tract and the entire body as a whole. chronic constipation to one degree or another can cause the following consequences:

  1. Violation of the process of digestion of food with constipation leads to poor absorption of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, which threatens the development of anemia, weakness, and decreased immunity.
  2. At the same time, the decay products from the accumulated feces through the walls of the intestine are absorbed into the blood and poison the body. Signs of intoxication can be manifested in lethargy, drowsiness, decreased activity, impaired appetite, etc.
  3. Stagnation in the intestines introduces disharmony into the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microflora, which cannot but affect the body's resistance to diseases and the process of digestion.
  4. Fecal masses stretch the intestinal walls, further aggravating constipation, cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, spastic pains, increased gas formation, violation of local blood circulation.
  5. Stubborn constipation leads to rectal fissures, bleeding from the anus, pain. The child is afraid to go to the toilet, he develops neurological problems.

How to help a child with constipation?

If all attempts to poop end in vain, the task of parents is to alleviate the condition of the child, to help him cope with constipation. Although many laxatives are allowed for preschoolers, parents should try not to use them without a doctor's prescription.

Suitable as first aid for a child glycerin suppositories and cleansing enema. Rectal suppositories with glycerin are even given to newborns, they are safe and effective.

In the absence of candles, you can make an enema from a glass of boiled cool water. It is recommended to add 1-2 small spoons of glycerin to the enema water. Sometimes a saline enema is recommended, but it can cause burning and pain.

When administering an enema, safety precautions must be observed.

  1. The pear must be disinfected and the tip lubricated with oil or baby cream.
  2. Water can only be used cold, not warmer than room temperature, otherwise it will be absorbed into the intestines, carrying with it toxic products released by stagnant feces.
  3. You can not pour a lot of liquid into the rectum, as you can injure or stretch it, cause pain and sharp spasms.

These measures should be enough to get a laxative effect at home, after which the child needs to call a doctor or take him to a pediatrician in a clinic. You should not often resort to such remedies, as this is not a treatment, but a temporary elimination of the symptoms of difficult bowel movements.

Seek immediate medical attention without attempting an enema if your child has:

  • severe abdominal pain, gurgling, symptoms of intoxication;
  • blood from the anus;
  • involuntary calomania, when against the background of persistent constipation liquid stool seeps out.

Treatment of childhood constipation

If a child is concerned about constipation, parents should not ignore this fact and try to cope with the problem on their own. This issue should be addressed by a pediatrician who will prescribe tests (blood, urine, coprogram, feces for helminths) and refer the child to the necessary specialists: surgeon, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, etc.

The complex of therapeutic measures should be aimed at achieving regular and natural bowel cleansing of the child (daily or at least every other day), preferably at the same time. The defecation of the baby should take place without tension, with stools of normal density and consistency.

Treatment of constipation in a child is an individual case, which takes into account all available factors: the severity of the disease, its causes, the presence of pain, age and psychological features baby, concomitant diseases. Parents need to be prepared that the treatment will last more than one month. Full recovery It may take up to 2 years for the child to develop bowel function and the associated psychological problems.

Therapeutic diet

As a rule, the first measure for constipation is prescribed a laxative diet. This is one of the most important links, without which the fight against constipation is impossible. However, organize for the child medical nutrition not so easy. Most often, doctors ask parents to change eating habits the whole family - so it will be easier for the child to endure "hardships" and adapt to a new diet.

  1. Avoid foods that cause thick stools. These are pastries, rice porridge, pasta, whole milk, from fruits - bananas and unpeeled apples.
  2. Exclude gas-producing foods: cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, tomatoes.
  3. Do not eat foods that reduce intestinal motility. These are tannin- and caffeine-containing products (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, blueberries), enveloping soups and cereals, kissels.
  4. For rapid transport of fecal matter through the intestines, they must be formed in sufficient quantities. For this, the basis of the menu is dishes containing coarse fibers. These are vegetables, fruits, cereals. It is useful to add bran to food, eat whole grain bread. The amount of fiber recommended for consumption by children over 2 years old is calculated from the age of the child: it is equal to the number of full years of the baby plus 10 grams on top.
  5. The rest of the diet is supplemented with "neutral" foods: lean meat, chicken eggs, oils.
  6. The child should drink a lot, the drinking regime is based on pure unboiled water (filtered, bottled) without gases, without additives.
  7. Be sure to include enough dairy products in your diet. These are yoghurts without additives, kefir, curdled milk, bifidus drinks.
  8. If a child is diagnosed with inflammation in the intestines, he is transferred to a strict diet - table No. 3 or No. 4 for children.

Daily regime

The importance in the treatment of childhood constipation is given to the organization of a stable daily routine. It is necessary that meals, going to the toilet, etc. always happened at a certain time. So the child will develop the habit of emptying the intestines every day at about the same time, preferably in the morning. At the same time, he will be ready for the act of defecation, both psychologically and physiologically.

Also, parents should instill in the baby the habit of starting the morning with one glass of cool water and charging. If, after drinking water, the urge to go to the toilet did not occur, the child needs to warm up, have breakfast and try again to poop again.

Physical activity should also occur throughout the day. Gymnastics contributes to the activation of intestinal motility and the promotion of food residues through the digestive tract. The following exercises are especially helpful:

  • squats;
  • slopes;
  • swings with straight and bent legs;
  • bringing the knees to the stomach;
  • press exercises.

Skating, cycling, running, outdoor games - any movement involves the anterior abdominal wall and makes the intestinal muscles work. Small children can be offered to work out in a playful way: scatter beads on the floor and collect them, fully unbending, lifting each of them, etc.

Recovery of defecation

With problems with constipation, it is necessary to teach the child, no matter how strange it may sound, how to poop correctly.

  1. It is necessary to explain to the baby that the doctor will soon cure his ass, so going to the toilet will not hurt. Even if it's unpleasant now, you should still try to poop at the same time.
  2. The child needs to create comfortable conditions. If he goes potty, then buy a comfortable pot, make sure that it is not cold. Leaving a child alone in the toilet or morally supporting him - every parent knows his child better. The main thing is not to scold him under any circumstances and praise him with success.
  3. The most effective position for emptying is squatting, legs pressed to the stomach. If sitting, then put a bench under your feet. You can massage your belly with your hands. A child can help the process of defecation if he retracts and relaxes the anus at a fast pace or presses his finger on the point between the anus and the coccyx.

Pharmacological help: what to give a child for constipation?

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment with laxatives. Since laxatives can be addictive, as well as side effects in the form of allergies, drug-induced diarrhea and other troubles, their therapy in children should not last more than 2 weeks.

Children under 3 years of age are allowed laxatives based on lactulose, for example, Dufalac and its analogues. It is a safe drug, even for pregnant women, to increase the volume of feces and gently stimulate intestinal motility. The dosage of Duphalac is increased gradually, starting with 5 ml of syrup, and then also gradually reduced.

Eliminate sluggish bowel function and relieve spasms in it medications two groups: prokinetics and antispasmodics. The former significantly activate the digestive tract, starting with the expulsion of food from the stomach and ending with the tone of the entire intestine. One of these drugs - Domperidone, normalizes stool, relieves abdominal pain and eliminates gases. Children are prescribed before meals 0.5 - 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month. Babies are given medicine in the form of a liquid.

In case of intestinal disorders, expressed in spasms (the so-called irritable bowel syndrome), children are prescribed antispasmodics - No-shpu, Papaverine, belladonna in candles for one to one and a half weeks.

Also, children with a tendency to constipation are shown herbal choleretic preparations, such as Hofitol. Their task is to compensate for the deficiency of digestive juices, stimulating the production of bile and pancreatic secretions. This allows the child to better absorb food and quickly remove its unprocessed residues from the body.

Preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are recommended for all children with constipation for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, the restoration of a healthy intestinal flora. These include Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte and others.

Treatment of constipation in children with folk remedies

You can help the child's body cope with constipation and establish a normal bowel movement using folk methods.

  1. Natural laxatives are wheat bran and sea ​​kale. They can be added to food or taken directly from a spoon with plenty of water. In the intestines, they swell with water, increase the volume of feces and dilute them, contributing to the effective removal to the outside. Dosage of bran - 15 - 50 g per day, kelp powder - 1-2 tsp.
  2. Infusion of senna leaves (1 tablespoon per glass of water), brewed in the evening, strain in the morning, give the child 1 spoon up to 3 times a day. It has a laxative effect without causing abdominal cramps.
  3. Rub the rosehip leaves with sugar or squeeze the juice from the flowers into spring water, give the baby several times a day.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of folk recipes for laxatives. But do not forget that not all natural medicines are suitable for children. It is unlikely that a child will agree to drink a bitter, astringent, Fresh Juice onions or potatoes. He may refuse the infusion, which must be taken in glasses.

When choosing a prescription for a child, you need to look for one that works gently, painlessly, and will not be disgusting to take. Universal remedies that all children like are dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots) and decoctions from them (raisin water). Here are a few more recipes that normalize emptying, which are applicable in a situation of constipation in children:

  • grind peas into powder, give the child a teaspoon every day;
  • take oatmeal jelly or a rich decoction of plums 3-4 times a day;
  • children who love salty can be given cabbage pickle;
  • brew tea from dried cherries or apples;
  • Eat a "dessert" from a mixture of honey and aloe juice 3 times a day (leave 100 g of both for at least 3 hours, take 1 spoon before meals for an hour).

All these measures are something that every parent can do. If the child has developed psychogenic constipation who, despite symptomatic treatment, continue to pester the baby, one should not neglect the advice of a psychologist. Perhaps a specialist will be able to identify the true causes of situational constipation and help with solving this problem.

What to do if a child has constipation 4-5 years old?

The age of 4-5 years is a kind of boundary for the child's body, often for the first time persistent problems with bowel function appear.

It is especially necessary to pay attention to the diet, eating habits, lifestyle.

  • What to do if a child has constipation 4-5 years old?
  • Possible causes of stool retention
  • Typical symptoms of the disease
  • Possible consequences
  • Ways to help a child
  • Folk remedies in the fight against the problem
  • How to treat constipation in a child 4 years old: what to do at home?
  • Constipation in a child 4-6 years old: causes
  • How to identify symptoms?
  • What to do and how to help children at home?
  • Massage
  • Enema
  • Candles
  • Folk remedies
  • Prevention
  • ProTrakt.ru
  • How to treat constipation in a child at 4 years old?
  • Signs and causes of constipation
  • Emergency help for constipation
  • Treatment of constipation
  • Constipation in a child 4 years old how to treat
  • Constipation in a 4 year old
  • Causes of constipation in children 4 years old
  • How to improve intestinal motility
  • Constipation in a child 4 years old: causes and prevention | How to treat constipation in children 4 years
  • Causes and prevention of constipation in children 4 years old
  • How to properly treat constipation in children aged 4 years?
  • Constipation in a child, causes, help, home treatment
  • What can be considered constipation?
  • Causes of constipation in a child
  • First aid for constipation at home
  • Treating constipation in children at home
  • Categories
  • Read:
  • What to put in a cough inhaler for a child
  • Thermopsol cough tablets instructions for children
  • Use a nebulizer for a runny nose
  • How to eliminate constipation in a child 4 years old at home
  • Types of constipation
  • Applying an enema
  • About treatment
  • About the daily routine
  • Elimination of constipation (constipation) in children 4–5 years old
  • Causes of constipation in children 4-5 years old
  • Causes related to the mental state
  • Symptoms of constipation
  • Consequences of stool retention
  • Methods for the treatment of constipation in children 4-5 years old
  • Therapy with drugs
  • The use of folk remedies
  • Feeding a baby with fecal retention

Possible causes of stool retention

Constipation in children of this age are organic or functional.

The first type means the presence of some pathologies that are diagnosed quite early, but at the age of 4-5 years, scars, polyps, tumors and some other of them are determined. In this case, without surgical intervention does not cost.

Children 4-5 years old can get an acquired tendency to constipation for a number of reasons:

  • lack of a clear diet;
  • the habit of eating various "snacks" - sandwiches, cookies, nuts - without drinking water;
  • an abundance of fatty foods in the diet, as well as the presence of a large amount of protein foods;
  • lack of dairy products, foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals;
  • lack of sufficient drinking or replacement of water with liquids such as soda, tea, juices;
  • the use of drugs that impede the process of digestion;
  • helminthiasis;
  • some painful conditions(anemia, rickets);
  • diseases of the digestive system with the production of insufficient amounts of enzymes;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • abuse of enemas or rectal suppositories;

The described reasons are serious prerequisites for the occurrence of problems with the work of the child's intestinal tract. Just at the age of 4-5 years, it is best to start prevention so as not to resort to other, more radical measures.

Separately, it is worth noting the detrimental effect of stress on the child - during this period of life, bowel movement in children is regulated precisely by the nervous system.

Often, children aged 4-5 years can restrain the urge to defecate on purpose if they are afraid to go to the toilet in an unfamiliar environment or even in a kindergarten.

As a result, constipation becomes chronic, and this will affect the entire future life of the baby.

Typical symptoms of the disease

The child himself, most likely, will not be able to talk about his problems “go big”. Therefore, you need to monitor the regularity of his stool at home, as well as his well-being.

It is normal if even your child goes to the toilet after three days, but he will not feel any discomfort.

Possible consequences

If you do not start taking therapeutic measures on time, you can "earn" undesirable consequences:

  1. Gradual deterioration of the intestinal microflora, the immune system suffers.
  2. Intoxication of the body with harmful substances, because of which appetite is disturbed, lethargy and bad mood appear.
  3. Violation of blood circulation in the intestinal walls due to constant stagnation of feces, which may also be accompanied by painful sensations and inflammatory processes.
  4. Impossibility of normal digestion nutrients, minerals, vitamins, as a result - anemic conditions, hypovitaminosis.
  5. Neurological problems as a result of pain, bleeding during defecation.

To avoid such extremely unpleasant and even dangerous consequences, you should immediately contact a pediatrician to prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

Ways to help a child

If constipation in a child occurs at 4 years old, it is important to understand what to do in this situation in order to avoid consequences, but if constipation in a child even at 5 years old is a regular problem, this may indicate chronic form diseases, so what you will need to do is the following.

  1. Treatment may not be needed if, at the slightest difficulty, massage the baby's abdomen.
  2. You can do an enema with a decoction of chamomile, but do not resort to this method regularly, otherwise you can earn a "lazy gut syndrome."
  3. Establish a child's diet - regimen and diet. There should be more fruits and vegetables, clean water.
  4. It is worth asking the child to drink at least a teaspoon of vegetable oil on an empty stomach.
  5. The use of yoghurts without additives, prunes, dried apricots will help - two or three berries are enough for a mild laxative effect.
  6. Pay attention to the child moving enough, help him to follow a strict daily routine, as far as going to the toilet is concerned - they should be streamlined as much as possible.

Folk remedies in the fight against the problem

Use folk remedies that are safe for a child 4-5 years old:

  1. Psyllium seeds - take two large spoons of the ingredient, pour it with a glass of water, boil for ten minutes. Next, you need to strain the resulting broth, apply warm one spoon per day, the effect is cumulative.
  2. A teaspoon of anise brewed with a glass of boiling water is also an excellent remedy. It is infused for twenty minutes, filtered, then the resulting volume must be divided into four servings and taken until the result is achieved.
  3. Take sorrel root into service - two tablespoons are poured with two glasses of boiling water, and then the remedy is cooked for another half an hour in a water bath. The remedy is taken at bedtime, the effect is achieved in about ten hours.
  4. An enema is made not only from a decoction of chamomile, but also from lemon balm - three grams of leaves are taken, poured with a glass of boiling water, filtered, cooled.

An enema should only be done if you are experienced with it, as there is a risk of damaging the walls of the rectum.

In order to avoid problems with the work of the intestinal tract in a child, it is important to carefully monitor the diet and daily routine. Try not to take serious measures without consulting a specialist, so as not to harm.

All information is presented for informational purposes only. Consultation of the attending physician is obligatory!

Source: treat constipation in a child 4 years old: what to do at home?

Constipation in children 4-6 years old is as common as in adults, and no less dangerous. The accumulation of feces can lead to inflammation of the intestines, the formation of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

If you see that a preschool child has problems with bowel movements, you need to take urgent action. However, before giving him medicine, you need to determine the causes of constipation and consult with a pediatrician.

Constipation in a child 4-6 years old: causes

What causes such a problem with stool in children 4-6 years old? There may be many. Doctors name several common causes of trouble. This:

  1. Eating disorder. This is the main cause of constipation in children and adults. Monitor your child's diet carefully. Perhaps he eats a lot of flour, sweet. Hardening of stool causes rice, fatty meat, biscuits. If there are few vegetables and fruits in his menu, the main sources of fiber and vitamin, then constipation will not take long.
  2. Lack of water. Parents, taking care of the child's nutrition, sometimes forget to control the amount of liquid he drinks. This is easily determined by the amount of urination and urine concentration.
  3. Taking medication. If the child is undergoing treatment that requires medication, then constipation may become side effect or the result of an overdose.
  4. Psychological problem. Often the cause of constipation is nervous overexcitation, stress. Perhaps this was facilitated by moving, attending a kindergarten or problems in the family.
  5. Congenital or acquired bowel disease. Sometimes the cause of constipation is a malfunction of the intestines. In this case, you can not do without an examination by a specialist and prescribed treatment.

How to identify symptoms?

Determining the presence of constipation in children is very simple.

Pay attention to such factors:

  • hard feces, sometimes in the form of lumps;
  • groaning of the child;
  • sitting on the potty or toilet for a long time;
  • redness of the skin of the face during and after defecation;
  • encopresis - the presence of fecal traces on underwear not associated with incontinence;
  • blood in stool or toilet paper bright scarlet color, indicating the presence of an anal fissure.

What to do and how to help children at home?

There are several ways to solve the problem of constipation. Many of them can be performed by parents at home without the involvement of drugs, for example, with an enema or folk remedies. However, the parent should be aware that in some cases laxative suppositories cannot be dispensed with.

Many children are well helped by massage for constipation, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. To make the intestines work properly, you do not need to complete special massage courses.

Relieve the condition small tummy can be done as follows:

  1. Wash and warm your hands.
  2. Make stroking movements on the stomach from top to bottom.
  3. Draw a few circles clockwise around the belly button.
  4. Attach a warm diaper to your stomach and give your child a glass of kefir.

If you need to get rid of constipation urgently, then a regular enema will help in this case.

It is done as follows:

  1. Step 1. Prepare the "pear" for an enema, rinse it thoroughly from the inside and sterilize its spout with boiling water.
  2. Step 2. Take half a glass of boiled water, add one tablespoon of any vegetable oil to it.
  3. Step 3. Fill the "pear" with water and oil.
  4. Step 4. Put the baby upside down and gently insert the nose of the "pear" into anus pre-lubricated with baby cream.
  5. Step 5. Inject water with oil into the rectum and ask the child to lie down for a minute.

This time will be enough for the enema to work and the child can safely go to the toilet for the most part.

At severe constipation it is better to use laxative candles. This tool will quickly help you solve the problem. What kind of candles to choose? Pediatricians recommend using safe drugs such as glycerin suppositories. This drug has many advantages:

  • Safe, do not have adverse reactions, it can be used even in infants.
  • Quickly act - in half an hour the result will appear.
  • Inexpensive and affordable. It can be bought at every pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Universal - can be used by adults.

Folk remedies

Prolonged constipation can be treated with folk remedies. Of course, children will not drink many decoctions that are useful in this case, however, they will like some remedies:

  1. Kefir with oil. Before going to bed, let your child drink a glass of kefir with the addition of one teaspoon of vegetable oil. You will see the result in a few days.
  2. Delicious pumpkin dessert. Grate pumpkin and mix with honey. Grease the cupcake mold vegetable oil and pour the mixture into it. Bake for 20 minutes. This dessert is only for those children who are not allergic to pumpkin and honey.
  3. Rosehip drink. Rose hips have a laxative effect. Prepare tea and compote from this plant for your child. To do this, grind dry fruits in a coffee grinder, pour one tablespoon of the powder with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and sweeten.


Constipation in children can and should be prevented. To do this, it is necessary first of all to monitor the child's nutrition and observe his drinking regimen.

Add foods that have a laxative effect to the menu. These include:

If constipation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain in the intestines, fever or vomiting, you need to call an ambulance or show the child to the pediatrician. In this case, it is impossible to give him any drugs or carry out procedures without the permission of the doctor. Such self-medication can be hazardous to health.

Source: treat constipation in a child at 4 years old?

Digestive problems are quite common in toddlers, and the most common problem is constipation in a child (4 years old).

In the first years of life, the body develops very actively, the immune system learns all new types of bacteria and viruses and learns to cope with them, the intestines get acquainted with new products, the baby develops habits and its own rhythm of life.

The digestive organs, especially the intestines, are very sensitive to changes in schedule and diet. Constipation in a child at 4 years old can be caused by a number of reasons.

If the problem is one-time, then perhaps the baby just ate something new or fixing, but if constipation torments the child constantly, then this may be a symptom of more serious disorders.

Signs and causes of constipation

Four years is nothing but life experience. If one year old baby can not always explain to his mother what worries him, then at an older age the main indicator is the well-being of the child.

If the baby complains of pain in the abdomen, looks lethargic, sad, says that it hurts to poop - this is sure signs constipation.

At this age, the child's body begins to develop its own rhythm, each baby's metabolism is individual, so it may not be so easy to establish constipation by the frequency of going to the toilet.

The norm in a child of 4 years old is considered to be both daily bowel movements and 1 time in 2-3 days. Do not worry if the child does not go to the potty for a long time, but at the same time feels good.

Even if the baby does not complain of pain, but avoids going "for the most part", pay attention to his stool and behavior.

If it is painful or difficult for a child to poop, then he can rest his heels on the floor, tense up, act up.

The chair at this age should be formed, but not dry. The presence of lumps, clots, peas, etc. is a sign of constipation.

Acute abdominal pain, gurgling, vomiting, blood in the stool are signs of an acute condition. In such cases, it is best to contact the "Ambulance".

Constipation can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. If they disturb the child constantly or are painful, then it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and exclude the presence of anatomical abnormalities.

Congenital pathologies and anomalies of the intestine, as a rule, are detected in the first year of life. But acquired seals, tumors, adhesions, scars in the intestine can also lead to constipation.

Only a doctor can establish such pathologies, and their treatment requires surgical intervention.

Constipation in a child of 5 years old can be caused by the most household reasons: unbalanced diet and daily routine.

Children at this age eat quite a variety of foods, have their own preferences and whims.

If a child refuses to eat vegetables and eats mainly sweets or sweet dairy products (yes, this happens), then problems with the intestines are provided to him.

It is very important to stick to the daily routine, eat, walk and sleep at the same time. Violation of the usual schedule, for example, during a parent's vacation, can upset the baby's natural rhythm and lead to constipation.

The so-called psychological constipation in a child deserves special attention. 4-5 years old is the age at which children begin to be shy, to restrain their natural urges.

The baby may refuse to go to the toilet in an unusual or uncomfortable environment. Often this species constipation appears when the child begins to go to kindergarten or when moving.

A constantly tense atmosphere in the home, whether it be quarrels between parents or overly strict potty training, can result in obstipation.

To cure such constipation, it is important to show understanding and patience, to create a more comfortable environment for the child.

Do not scold your baby or overuse invasive laxatives such as enemas. IN extreme cases You can contact a child psychologist.

Emergency help for constipation

An enema is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of constipation quickly, although not the most pleasant. A cleansing enema is done with plain boiled water at room temperature.

To carry out the procedure, you will need a pre-sterilized pear or Esmarch mug and petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip. Lay the baby on its side and bend its knees.

Gently insert the tip into the anus 4-5 cm and slowly squeeze the bulb.

An enema is a very unpleasant procedure even for an adult, so the baby must be explained what you will do and why, reassure.

In a pharmacy, you can buy a microclyster for a baby or glycerin suppositories.

Both drugs are injected directly into the rectum and produce an almost instantaneous effect, enveloping the intestinal walls and contributing to the gentle removal of stagnant feces.

Glycerin suppositories are even given to newborns; for a baby of four or five years old, they are completely safe.

For oral administration, Duphalac is suitable or Vaseline oil. Both drugs are safe for children even under 4 years old, gently envelop the intestinal walls and relieve constipation.

The effect of the reception will have to wait a little longer, 3 - 5 hours, but they are less traumatic than an enema or candles.

Do not forget that the above procedures are a last resort, not a cure. A laxative can be given to a child to relieve an exacerbation, but after that it is imperative to find out what caused it.

Treatment of constipation

With constipation in a child of 5 years old, what and how to do is best advised by the doctor. Do not neglect the diagnosis, especially if the baby suffers from constipation all the time.

A laxative or enema can quickly relieve exacerbations, but do not eliminate the causes of the problem.

Constipation can be a sign of many pathologies, including worms or iron deficiency, and the disease itself should be treated first of all, and not the symptoms.

If the doctors did not find any pathologies in the baby, then diet and exercise can greatly facilitate the work of the intestines.

The first thing to pay attention to is fluid intake. If the tissues do not have enough fluid, then the body uses reserve reserves and absorbs water from the intestines, causing constipation.

The kid should drink as much natural juices, fruit drinks as possible, be sure to eat soup every day.

Ordinary water copes best with the problem of moisture deficiency in the body.

If the child does not like simple drinking water, then you can sweeten it a little or add a few tablespoons of juice for taste. But still, it is worth gradually accustoming the child to drink clean water without additives.

For the normal functioning of the intestines and the formation of stool, the body needs enough a large number of fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits, especially in berries with a stone.

The daily diet of a child must include carrots, beets, cabbage, green vegetables, apples. Perfectly cope with constipation plums, apricots, figs.

Fiber can be given both raw and cooked. It is strongly not recommended to fry vegetables, it is better to boil or stew. From sweet juicy vegetables you can cook very tasty natural juices or morses.

In the summer, be sure to give your child berries. In winter, when there are not so many fruits on store shelves, they are perfectly replaced by dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins.

During the drying process, they retain not only fiber, but also most of the vitamins.

Dried fruits can be used not only in fresh: they make a wonderful compote, and with the addition of honey you can make sweets.

In general, a diet for constipation in children involves the exclusion of all fried and fatty foods, smoked, pickles.

Replace rice and semolina with buckwheat, corn or bran, sweet drinking yoghurts with kefir, fermented baked milk or any other natural fermented milk product.

Give up white bread and pasta, potatoes, tomatoes - all these foods block the intestines.

An important element correct mode day for a child 4-5 years old is physical activity.

If the baby does not like outdoor games, then you can do it with him simple exercises that stimulate the bowels.

Tilts, pulling the legs to the chest, abdominal exercises, leg swings, squats gently massage the intestines and increase peristalsis.

At this age, the child can already be given to a sports or dance section, taught to ride a bicycle and simply taken with them for long walks.

What causes such a problem with stool in children 4-6 years old? There may be many. Doctors name several common causes of trouble. This:

  1. Eating disorder. This is the main cause of constipation in children and adults. Monitor your child's diet carefully. Perhaps he eats a lot of flour, sweet. Hardening of stool causes rice, fatty meat, biscuits. If there are few vegetables and fruits in his menu, the main sources of fiber and vitamin, then constipation will not take long.
  2. Lack of water. Parents, taking care of the child's nutrition, sometimes forget to control the amount of liquid he drinks. This is easily determined by the amount of urination and urine concentration.
  3. Taking medication. If the child is undergoing treatment that requires medication, then constipation may be a side effect or the result of an overdose.
  4. Psychological problem. Often the cause of constipation is nervous overexcitation, stress. Perhaps this was facilitated by moving, attending a kindergarten or problems in the family.
  5. Congenital or acquired bowel disease. Sometimes the cause of constipation is a malfunction of the intestines. In this case, you can not do without an examination by a specialist and prescribed treatment.

How to identify symptoms?

Determining the presence of constipation in children is very simple.

Pay attention to such factors:

  • hard feces, sometimes in the form of lumps;
  • groaning of the child;
  • sitting on the potty or toilet for a long time;
  • redness of the skin of the face during and after defecation;
  • encopresis - the presence of fecal traces on the underwear, not associated with incontinence;
  • blood in the stool or on the toilet paper is bright scarlet, indicating the presence of an anal fissure.

What to do and how to help children at home?

There are several ways to solve the problem of constipation. Many of them can be performed by parents at home without the involvement of drugs, for example, with an enema or folk remedies. However, the parent should be aware that in some cases laxative suppositories cannot be dispensed with.


Many children are well helped by massage for constipation, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. To make the intestines work properly, you do not need to complete special massage courses.

You can ease the condition of a small tummy as follows:

  1. Wash and warm your hands.
  2. Make stroking movements on the stomach from top to bottom.
  3. Draw a few circles clockwise around the belly button.
  4. Attach a warm diaper to your stomach and give your child a glass of kefir.


If you need to get rid of constipation urgently, then a regular enema will help in this case.

It is done as follows:

  1. Step 1. Prepare a “pear” for an enema, rinse it thoroughly from the inside and sterilize its spout with boiling water.
  2. Step 2 Take half a glass of boiled water, add one tablespoon of any vegetable oil to it.
  3. Step 3 Type in the "pear" water with oil.
  4. Step 4 Put the child upside down and gently insert the nose of the "pear" into the anus, previously lubricated with baby cream.
  5. Step 5 Inject water with oil into the rectum and ask the child to lie down for 10-15 minutes.

This time will be enough for the enema to work and the child can safely go to the toilet for the most part.


With severe constipation, it is better to use laxative suppositories. This tool will quickly help you solve the problem. What kind of candles to choose? Pediatricians recommend the use of safe drugs, such as glycerin suppositories. This drug has many advantages:

  • Safe, do not have adverse reactions, it can be used even for infants.
  • Fast acting- in half an hour the result will appear.
  • Inexpensive and affordable. It can be bought at every pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Universal- can be used by adults.

If constipation in a child of 4-6 years old is accompanied by anal fissures, then in this case it is better to use Sea Buckthorn Suppositories. They have a disinfecting effect, quickly relieve inflammation, heal.

Folk remedies

Prolonged constipation can be treated with folk remedies. Of course, children will not drink many decoctions that are useful in this case, however some of the tools they will like:

  1. Kefir with oil. Before going to bed, let your child drink a glass of kefir with the addition of one teaspoon of vegetable oil. You will see the result in a few days.
  2. Delicious pumpkin dessert. Grate pumpkin and mix with honey. Grease a muffin tin with vegetable oil and pour the mixture into it. Bake for 20 minutes. This dessert is only for those children who are not allergic to pumpkin and honey.
  3. Rosehip drink. Rose hips have a laxative effect. Prepare tea and compote from this plant for your child. To do this, grind dry fruits in a coffee grinder, pour one tablespoon of the powder with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and sweeten.


Constipation in children can and should be prevented. To do this, it is necessary first of all to monitor the child's nutrition and observe his drinking regimen.

Add foods that have a laxative effect to the menu. These include:

  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • plums;
  • apples;
  • pears.

Do not forget that the child needs to drink plenty of water and eat liquid meals for the fluid balance of the body. The menu every day must be present first courses.

If constipation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain in the intestines, fever or vomiting, you need to call an ambulance or show the child to the pediatrician. In this case, it is impossible to give him any drugs or carry out procedures without the permission of the doctor. Such self-medication can be hazardous to health.

Constipation in a four-year-old baby and a five-year-old child has an organic and functional nature. Organic causes are associated with the presence of congenital pathologies of the structure of the digestive tract and acquired diseases.

Congenital anomalies:

  • Hirschsprung's disease;
  • dolichosigma;
  • narrowing of various parts of the intestine;
  • atresia.

Acquired pathological processes include tumors, polyps, scars.

Constipation in a child - functional causes:

  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • fiber deficiency and vitamin deficiency;
  • insufficient water intake;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • the presence of worms in the body;
  • sensitization to food allergens;
  • conditions that reduce intestinal motility - anemia, hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • medication.

Constipation in a 4-year-old child also appears due to the frequent use of laxatives and the use of cleansing enemas. External stimulation leads to the fact that the intestines cannot independently digest food, remove waste from the body.

Constipation in children at 4 and 5.5 years old appears against the background of psychological factors. Little patients feel shy and uncomfortable when they go to the toilet in unfamiliar places, in kindergarten.

Many babies endure "to the house", at this time the feces accumulate, become hard and dense. Difficulty defecation develops as a result of any stress in young children.

Symptoms and consequences

Constipation in children 4 years old is manifested by the absence of stool. For this age, the frequency of the act of defecation is characteristic from 1 time for two days, a maximum of 3, and up to 2 times a day.

If the stool does not appear within three days, this indicates the occurrence of difficult bowel movements.

Additional features constipation in a child at 4 years and five years:

  • behavior - if constipation causes severe discomfort in a child, pain in the abdomen, in the anus during defecation, the child is naughty, complains of pain, is nervous;
  • blood impurities in the feces - solid feces damage the anus, resulting in cracks, there is blood in the feces;
  • lack of appetite.

If constipation treatment is not started on time, constipation can be dangerous to the patient's health.

Consequences of prolonged constipation:

  • intoxication of the body with waste products;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients;
  • stretched intestine, which causes disturbances in blood flow in the walls of the organ;
  • increased dyspeptic symptoms as a result of a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • cracks and bleeding during bowel movements;
  • neurological disorders as a result of severe pain syndrome.


With constipation in a child of 5 years old, what to do - the answer to the question worries many parents. In order to know how to treat constipation, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist. When examining a small patient, the doctor will find out the cause of constipation and prescribe adequate treatment.

If constipation in a baby is observed for 1-2 days, home methods are used to treat it. First of all, the child's diet is corrected - the menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits, bran, cereals and foods high in fiber.

Prunes, dried apricots, nuts, bananas are given as laxative products, sea buckthorn oil is used.

Of particular importance is the drinking regime, ordinary water dilutes feces, activates the work of all organs, including the intestines. It is necessary to ensure constant access of a small patient to clean water.

You should not give your baby to drink coffee, carbonated drinks, kissels and whole milk.

Treatment for constipation in a four-year-old child includes exercise. Charging in morning time and any motor activity improves blood circulation, as a result of which metabolism is accelerated.

For psychological reasons, treatment for constipation for a 5-year-old child includes a consultation with a psychologist. You can not scold the baby for not being able to go to the toilet.

With severe and prolonged constipation, you can give the child a laxative medicine. Young patients are prescribed drugs containing lactulose, the most popular drug from this group is Dufalac. For the treatment of constipation, medicines with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are used - Linex and Hilak Forte. To eliminate constipation, glycerin rectal suppositories or suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are used.

Note! Before use medications a doctor's consultation is necessary. The doctor will select the appropriate medicine and correct dosage.

To eliminate constipation in a patient, parents do abdominal massage, cleansing enemas. Treat constipation with infusion of senna leaves, plum decoction, freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juices.