What to do if the baby has constipation? Tips and recommendations of a gastroenterologist. Psychogenic constipation in children. What is the treatment for constipation in children?

Digestive problems occur in virtually every child. Most often, this phenomenon is associated with age-related changes organism or with the introduction of complementary foods. However, there are a number of other factors that can provoke a disorder in the digestive tract. Constipation in children occurs no less often. In some cases, a seemingly harmless problem can lead to really serious health problems. In some cases, constipation may indicate not only intestinal stagnation, but also the presence of a dangerous disease. What are the causes and how to treat constipation in a child?

Constipation is a violation of the bowels. It is accompanied by an increase in the intervals between defecation acts in comparison with the physiological norm, which is considered optimal for a certain age category of a person. Constipation is also called insufficient bowel movement.

Constipation in adults most often appears in connection with the wrong lifestyle and diet. As for children, everything is much more complicated here. Each parent should be especially attentive to what concerns the well-being of the child and his chair. Stool frequency, color, and consistency can provide important information about a child's condition and well-being. You should also pay attention to associated symptoms.

The phenomenon of constipation in children is more specific than in adults. Constipation in an infant or a baby who is over 1.5 years old differs significantly not only in terms of causes of origin, but also in terms of symptoms. Such bowel dysfunction can often signal the presence of chronic diseases.

Constipation in a child should be considered not only long intervals between acts of defecation. Painful and excessively dense stools should also be a warning signal. Parents should be aware of how many times a week their child must go to the toilet.

So, infants are most likely to empty as many times as they are fed. The number of bowel movements may vary, given the presence of breastfeeding or artificial feeding. In children older than 2 years, the stool becomes more formed, acquires a dense structure. The number of bowel movements is rapidly decreasing. Thus, the child should be emptied at least once a day.

When does it make sense to suspect constipation in a child? The first signs can be caught in the following:

  • child complains about frequent pain in the abdomen, his behavior is restless when going to the toilet;
  • the number of bowel movements is minimal (in a child under 3 years old - less than 6 times a week, in a child over 3 years old - less than 3 times a week);
  • stool have too dense and dry structure;
  • defecation takes place with great difficulty, the child strains;
  • defecation is accompanied by pain.

If such a condition does not go away within a day or two, then there is a good reason to seek the advice of a doctor. Delaying the trip to the clinic can lead to the appearance of chronic constipation, which in the future will significantly affect the quality and usefulness of the child's life.

Causes and risk factors

Constipation in a 2-year-old child, like constipation in a 7-year-old child, occurs due to intestinal motility disorders and the work of a coordinated group of pelvic floor muscles. A variety of reasons lead to the occurrence of this condition, among which are the following:

The occurrence of constipation infants considered the most dangerous. The most common cause of this condition is improper feeding, which does not allow nutrients to be properly and evenly absorbed. Also, a sharp lack of vegetable fiber can provoke the development of constipation.

Parents with emotional and impressionable children need to be careful. Constipation in a child of 3 or 4 years old may appear during the period of potty training. Coercion and excessive imposition of the wrong motivation by parents can form a strong psychological belief in the baby that going to the toilet is bad.

Over time, this problem can become more than serious. The child may intentionally delay the act of defecation, which over time will lead to loss of sensation in the rectum, and then to chronic constipation.


Constipation in children is not just the absence of bowel movements for several days. This state presents with a range of symptoms. They are typical for both infants and older children:

Poor appetite with constipation in a child
  • dense and dry feces;
  • stone smearing - characteristic traces remain on the child's underwear;
  • stomach ache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • anxiety.

Frequent constipation indicates. Parents should first of all pay attention to the well-being of the child. If, in addition to constipation, symptoms are present - nausea, vomiting, then the baby needs a qualified specialist.

Types of constipation in children

In medicine, there are several types of constipation in children. They have their own characteristics, as well as an individual approach to treatment.

  • functional - this type of disorder is typical for infants. It appears in connection with the disruption of the colon.
  • organic - occurs with congenital genetic abnormalities large intestine. Dysfunction can be detected almost immediately, since the baby is most often not able to empty the intestines on its own.
  • acute - represents a sudden delay in defecation. It can occur due to a change in the type of food, a change in the climatic zone, and the environment. Also, the problem may appear due to psychological discomfort or after taking certain medications. This type constipation usually goes away on its own, without requiring additional medical attention.
  • false - occurs mainly in infants. The disorder is associated with increased absorption of breast milk, formulas for feeding. Dysfunction resolves on its own after normalization of nutrition.
  • episodic - can be observed as an additional disorder in another disease, which is accompanied, which leads to dehydration and intestinal failure.
  • chronic - characterized by episodic stool retention. Periodically, the child suffers from difficult stools in the form of dry and dehydrated feces.

When choosing treatment for constipation, it is necessary to take into account absolutely all the features of the baby: his age, state of health, as well as the presence or absence of chronic ailments.

How to treat constipation in children

Photo: How to help a child with constipation

Before starting the treatment of the baby, it is necessary to provide him with first aid. This applies to infants. First aid measures for infants are:

  1. If the child is restless and does not defecate for a long time, you should take him in your arms more often and gently massage the abdomen each time.
  2. An emergency measure is suppositories for constipation, intended for the treatment of newborns. If suppositories are still needed, it is better to opt for suppositories with glycerin.
  3. Sometimes the only emergency treatment is an oil enema. It is better to first consult with the doctor about the advisability of its use.
  4. If it is time to wean the baby from the breast, then you should not do this abruptly. This should be done very gradually, and to replace milk, you need to choose mixtures with bifidobacteria and probiotics.

As for the treatment of older children, it is appropriate to use some drugs. Among them:

  • Duphalac;
  • Lactusan;
  • Normase;
  • Prelaks and others.

These drugs are commonly used by pediatricians to treat constipation in children. different ages. This is explained by their safety for the health of babies and a lasting effect. The dose is developed by doctors individually for each child. Also, these drugs are not addictive, so they can be used for a long time if the child suffers from chronic constipation.

What is the danger of constipation

Constipation is dangerous for all children, whether a child is 2 or 6 years old. Regardless of this factor, the child can be severely affected. However, than younger kid, the more dangerous constipation is for him. A child can be affected by a number of negative factors, including:

  • constipation disrupts the motility of the entire digestive tract, which can cause nausea and vomiting, and then dehydration;
  • constipation contributes to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body and their absorption into the blood, which can poison the baby;
  • with prolonged constipation in a child, the feces become very hard, which can lead to cracks and even tears of the rectal mucosa, over time, the child may even develop a fear of defecation.

Assistance to the child must be urgent. If the change of food did not help in a short time, the baby should be taken to the doctor and examined to identify the root cause of the disease.

The effect of constipation on the child

An important aspect of the full health of the baby is the attentiveness of his parents. It is an attentive attitude to all changes in the child's condition that can protect him from such ailments as constipation. Timely assistance provided to the baby can significantly improve his well-being and save him from the complications of constipation, abdominal pain and colic.

The key to the proper functioning of the intestines of a child of any age is the observance of the rules of nutrition, its sufficient activity, as well as the observance of the daily routine. All this should be watched closely by the parents.


When parents do not know what to do with prolonged constipation in babies, it is worth taking care of their nutrition. The diet varies depending on the age of the little patient. So, if constipation torments an infant, whom the mother is breastfeeding, then the mother will have to follow the diet. Mom's diet should include:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Light soups;
  • Kashi;
  • Dairy products;
  • Lean meats and fish.

If constipation occurs in a child from 2 to 7 years old, then the diet should consist of the following dishes and foods:

  • The vinaigrette;
  • Salads;
  • Vegetable dishes;
  • Dairy products;
  • Soups;
  • Fruit juices.

Dairy products for constipation in children

You can give fish and poultry meat, and cottage cheese and other fermented milk fruits can be sweetened with sugar or honey. A particularly good effect can give dairy products taken at bedtime. Usually constipation goes away in the morning.
Among other recommendations, in addition to nutrition, it is worth noting rest, sufficient physical activity, as well as the possibility of using some folk methods therapy.

Speaking about feeding a child, it is worth knowing the list of products that in no case should be given to children suffering from constipation. Among them:

  • White bread;
  • Semolina and rice porridge;
  • Strong coffee, tea, jelly and cocoa;
  • Garlic, onion, radish;
  • Pasta and noodles;
  • Protein and fatty foods.

Lifestyle Adjustment

The child's health also depends on the lifestyle of the child. It seems to many parents that this element does not affect the baby's chair in any way, but this is not at all the case. A sedentary lifestyle that a child supports by watching cartoons or playing computer games adversely affects intestinal motility. You need to start the fight against frequent constipation with the physical activity of a small patient.


Another important element is diet. If the child's body gets used to the intake of food at the same time of day every day, then digestive system the baby will digest foods better, and, therefore, function better. And of course, do not forget that the child's digestive system is more vulnerable. This means that you need to feed him as light and healthy food as possible.

And of course one of the most important points- mode of activity and rest. A child, starting from 3 years old, should already have an established sleep pattern. So, when the child’s body gets used to living according to the regime, digestion will improve, and the baby will defecate like clockwork.

The effectiveness of folk remedies in the fight against constipation in children

When trying to help a child with constipation, it is worth remembering that not all methods are equally good. Quite often, constipation in babies is tried to be alleviated with the help of folk methods. This is explained by their provenness and naturalness. There are also cases when children cannot be helped with medicines - their reception is simply impossible. It is in such situations that doctors recommend some methods of folk therapy.

  • The child should be given more clean water. At the same time, other drinks, whether it be milk, juices or teas, will not be useful at all in the fight against constipation.
  • In the fight against constipation, the baby will help boiled vegetables. You can feed a child with boiled carrots, beetroot.
  • Eating fruit can also help relieve constipation. Especially good in that case is the result of taking prunes.

Children can also be given tea. Only tea leaves should not be traditional. Instead, you can use useful decoction from raspberry and fig leaves. Fermented milk products, such as kefir, drunk before bedtime, will also help perfectly.

Video about the treatment of constipation in a child: how to treat constipation in a child under one year old, what causes constipation in children

Constipation in a child - the absence of independent bowel movements, as well as the appearance of formed solid feces (in the form of "rounds" or "sausages") within 1-2 days. Constipation is also evidenced by such signs as the appearance of blood in the feces and the baby's unsuccessful attempts. Usually constipation is accompanied by accumulation of gases, bloating, often intestinal colic. The kid “knocks” his legs in pain and screams.

The stool of a breastfed baby is not necessarily daily. Its frequency can vary from several times a day (up to 10) to once every few days. Such "swings" are considered acceptable - with the baby feeling well and normal weight gain. With age, the baby will gradually develop its own mode of administration of natural needs. Mother's milk, the most valuable product, is perfectly digested and also well excreted from the body of a baby naturalist. And in a child on artificial nutrition, bowel movements occur less frequently. But if the artificial person is calm, cheerful, gains weight well, eats well, and with the “reverse process” the feces are not hard, then a rare stool should not cause alarm. This frequency indicates just that the food is absorbed completely, without waste.

Constipation can occur for various reasons: as symptoms various diseases, and as an independent violation of the function of the digestive tract.

Symptoms and signs of constipation in a child

That is why it is often difficult to determine whether a child is really constipated. One child may go two or three days without a bowel movement and still feel fine, while another child with relatively frequent bowel movements may have problems with bowel movements. In general, before you begin to suspect that a child is constipated, it is best to monitor the manifestation of the following signs:

  • hard stools in a newborn baby less than once a day;
  • hard and dry stools in children of all ages, which are most often passed with pain;
  • recurrent abdominal pain that disappears after a heavy bowel movement;
  • blood in or on the surface of stools;
  • soiled underwear between bowel movements.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • the child becomes restless, writhes, draws legs;
  • suddenly the child calms down, continues to play;
  • after a while, the restless state returns;
  • possible vomiting.

Even if the attacks become less frequent and completely subside, but there is no stool and gas discharge, then these signs may indicate intestinal obstruction!

Causes of constipation in children

Constipation can be caused by dehydration or insufficient fluid intake: for example, in hot weather or at temperature. When the body intensively loses bone, intestinal juices, becoming thick, do not do their job well, so the peristalsis of the stomach and intestinal tract is disturbed.

Constipation most often occurs due to strong tension of the muscles at the end of the colon, which do not allow bowel movements to pass out. The longer the stools can't come out, the harder and drier they become, and after Chao it's even more difficult for them to come out without causing discomfort. As a result, as the bowel movements become painful, the child may deliberately try to keep them in, which only exacerbates the problem. The tendency to develop constipation is manifested in members of the same family. Constipation may start at early age and persist throughout life however, they will only become stronger if the child does not establish regular bowel movements and stop stool incontinence.

The cause is often stress, a change in environment (such as travel), changes in diet, lack of sleep, or illness. If the child has a healthy intestine, you can eliminate constipation with the help of mild laxatives.

Chronic constipation is often the result of constant stress and an unbalanced diet. They can be treated with herbs, but attention should be paid to the unrest that the child is experiencing (for example, quarrels between parents or difficulties at school) and dietary changes should be made.

Treatment of constipation in children

To get rid of mild or rare cases of constipation, you can use the following recommendations.

If your constipated baby is 6 to 12 months old and has recently started eating cow's milk (which is not recommended until 12 months old), go back to the formula he used before. This may help as infant formula does not cause constipation like whole cow's milk. If you are breastfeeding your baby, then most likely he will not suffer from constipation; however, if your breastfed baby is constipated, it may not be due to dietary habits. Don't replace breast milk milk formula without the recommendations of a pediatrician. (Remember that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for the first 12 months of life.)

If your child eats solid foods and is constipated, you may need to add high fiber foods to his daily diet. This includes prunes, apricots, plums, raisins, high-fiber vegetables (such as peas, beans, broccoli), and whole grain foods. In addition, it can help daily use more water.

If the situation is severe enough, the pediatrician may prescribe a mild laxative or an enema. Follow your pediatrician's instructions exactly. Never give your child a laxative unless it has been prescribed by a doctor.

First of all, in the treatment of constipation, you need to establish nutrition. In a diet - the key to success in the vast majority of cases. And no matter what miracle drugs you give to a child suffering from constipation, if the nature of the diet remains the same, constipation will return sooner or later. And the normalization of the diet is often enough to improve the condition without any drug treatment.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what kind of constipation the child has.

Spasmodic constipation. The child has cramps, severe pain in the abdomen. It's connected with increased contraction intestines. With such constipation, coarse fiber cannot be given, it will only increase the symptoms. In nutrition, you need to use fruits without skin, juices with pulp, mashed potatoes, sour-milk products, boiled meat and fish, honey, jams, jams. Freshly squeezed potato juice helps well (better from pink and red varieties of potatoes). Such a diet is prescribed for 5-7 days, until the spasms stop, and only after that you can proceed to the main diet, indicated for constipation.

Hypotonic constipation (or atonic). It is associated with a decrease in intestinal tone, a "sluggish" intestine, contracting inactively, and not moving food fast enough. With this constipation, the main diet is indicated.

It is important to provide the child with a normal diet, good sleep and follow the visit to the toilet. When we rush our children to breakfast in the morning and then rush them to school, they have a physical reaction that leads to constipation.

Organize the daily routine so that in the mornings the children have enough time. Don't push them, avoid a commanding tone that causes stress. Oatmeal acts as a natural laxative, especially if you add raisins to it. Pancakes with bran and raisins have the same effect. Plus, these meals are nutritious.

Encourage your child to take a few minutes to go to the toilet before leaving for school. He can learn to consciously relax the right muscles. Often it is enough to develop a regular habit of going to the toilet at the same time to solve the problem. This is really very important, because many children, rushing to school, hold back the urge and postpone going to the toilet until returning home, which leads to further constipation, as well as autointoxication (self-poisoning) of the body due to the reabsorption of material that was not on time. removed.

You can put a bench in the toilet so that the child gets up on it with his feet. The squatting position is physiologically more correct, it prevents tension and the development of hemorrhoids.

Belly massage. Massage the baby's belly in a clockwise direction, making a large circle with your hand. Start from the bottom position (above the pubic bone) and work your way up. On the last part of the circle, firmly but not too much pressure on the stomach from top to bottom. Imagine that your palm relieves tension in the baby's stomach. Before starting the massage, you can rub some oil into your palms. Chamomile, lavender, and rose oils work well.

Teach your child to relax the abdominal and pelvic muscles with visualization. At chronic constipation Do visualization 3 times a week before bed. Waking up in the morning, the child can massage the stomach.

Physical exercise. Outdoor exercise contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines. If a child sits in the classroom most of the day, then comes home and watches TV or does his homework, he does not have enough physical activity. Turn off the TV and send the kids outside to play, run, ride a bike or jump rope. Walking after lunch or dinner is a wonderful family tradition. It improves digestion and circulation. When children spend enough time outdoors, they concentrate well on their homework and sleep better.

Children prefer flour and fatty foods - bread, pasta, cookies, cheese, butter. These foods are rich in calories needed for growth and movement, but have a strengthening effect. Use whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits. Children need to drink at least 4 glasses of water a day. A glass of warm water in the morning enhances intestinal motility.

Soaked or stewed dried fruits - figs, prunes, raisins - have a laxative effect.

Constipation can occur with iron deficiency anemia (read the recommendations in the appropriate section). Remember that iron tablets make constipation worse, so it is best to use herbal remedies except in emergencies due to blood loss or other serious conditions.

All of the following products can be included in the child's diet, they are nutritious and have good taste. These plants are soft medicines that stimulate digestion. Well-known herbal laxatives such as senna, rhubarb and others are not included here because they are too strong impact on the body, which is not recommended for children. Use mild laxatives: they do not cause spasmodic and painful phenomena and are not addictive.

Slippery elm bark. Mix 1 teaspoon of elm bark powder (a natural laxative) with 1 cup of warm apple juice. Add a pinch of cinnamon and stir well. Let the child drink as much as he can. This simple remedy is suitable for children of all ages, but especially toddlers.

Flax seed. This remedy can be added to food. Flax seeds can be replaced with psyllium seeds.

Fruit balls. Nutrient-rich fruit balls are a healthy treat for kids of all ages and a mild laxative. Make sure that children brush their teeth after eating because the balls tend to stick to their surface.

  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup thorn plum
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1/4 cup flax seeds
  • 1/4 cup coconut or almonds

Grind all ingredients, except coconut or almonds, using a mixer or food processor. Add some water to make a viscous mass. Make balls with a diameter of about 5 cm and roll them in coconut or almonds. You can come up with your own variations of this delicacy.

Curly sorrel and dandelion syrup. Sorrel and dandelion are reliable remedies for chronic constipation, they are especially useful for children suffering from anemia. These plants enhance peristalsis, stimulate the liver and nourish the blood. The syrup is recommended for children over 3 years of age. Instead of syrup, you can use tinctures, 15-30 drops of each 2 times a day.

  • 2 tablespoons dry curly sorrel
  • 2 tablespoons dandelion root
  • 1/2 liter of boiling water
  • 1/4 cup honey

Mix all herbs in a glass jar. Add boiling water, cover and infuse for 8 hours. Strain into a saucepan and keep uncovered over low heat until 1 cup of liquid remains. Sweeten with honey, refrigerate until room temperature, cover and store in the refrigerator for 2 months. Give 2 teaspoons daily to children under 7 and 2 tablespoons to older children.

Enema. Cleansing enema, hypertonic, siphon are used.

Hypertonic enema. A course of treatment is carried out from 7-10 procedures every other day. Solution for the preparation of a hypertonic enema: 1 tbsp. l. salt to 1 glass of water. Enter, depending on age, 50-250 ml.

Colon therapy. After 12 years, a child can be given a course of colon therapy - washing the intestines with filtered water using a special apparatus. Water enters under pressure and exits back. There is a bowel lavage and release from stagnant feces. The effectiveness of one course of 4-5 procedures is equivalent to 30 cleansing enemas.

One of the causes of constipation in a baby is drinking boiled water, which contains few salts, in particular potassium salts, necessary for normal peristalsis. If there is no clean or filtered water at hand, children older than 4 months can be given decoctions of dried fruits rich in this trace element. It's about about such dried fruits as raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes (which in itself has a laxative effect on the body). If constipation occurs in a natural baby, these fruits should be eaten by mom. In her diet, to prevent baby constipation, there should also be a large proportion of foods rich in fiber.

The main treatment for constipation is dietary modification and drinking regime mom and baby.

In addition, anal suppositories, mild laxatives, enemas, and a vapor tube are used. True, you should not get carried away with enemas and tubes so that the baby’s intestines “have not forgotten how” to work independently.

Abdominal massage helps to relieve pain in the intestines and improve stool. It consists in stroking the baby's tummy around the navel clockwise in the "lying on the back" position, and then bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the tummy. After that, the baby needs to be turned over and gently stroke his back with movements from top to bottom.

Recall that all appointments in the treatment of crumbs are carried out by your doctor! Frequently recurring constipation in a child requires comprehensive examination baby's body.
If you suspect intestinal obstruction, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Recipe for making fruit juices.

Pour a tablespoon of dried fruits cut into small pieces with a glass of water. Boil for about 20 minutes, then let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then strain the broth, cool to a temperature of about 30 ° C and give to the baby. You can also pour a tablespoon of dried fruits with a glass of boiling water and steam them in a thermos (1-2 hours).

Prevention of constipation in children

Over time, parents need to understand how often their child has stools, as well as what size and consistency they have. This will help them determine when the child will become constipated and how severe it is. If your child does not have regular stools every day or every other day, or feels uncomfortable after these days, ask your pediatrician what dietary changes will help normalize his stools.

What is constipation?

Constipation - difficult, insufficient and rare bowel movements.

The rhythm of bowel movements varies significantly in different children. Constipation is considered to be a delay in stool for more than 48 hours, accompanied by a deterioration in the child's well-being. Constipation is characterized not only by rare, but also too dense, scanty stools.

Constipation can be caused by nutritional, neurogenic, inflammatory, toxic causes, or combinations thereof. Reducing the volume of food, deficiency in the diet of dietary fiber, the use of refined, refined foods, insufficient fluid intake can lead to a decrease in the volume of feces and reduce its irritating effect on the rectum. In the formation of constipation in children, hereditary predisposition plays a role. Acute intestinal infections suffered by the child in the first months of life, the presence of food allergies in the child, diseases of the large intestine (hemorrhoids, anal fissures), long-term use of certain drugs (anesthetics, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, anticholinergics, opiates, diuretics, calcium channel blockers) may be important. , a nicotinic acid). Contribute to constipation dysbacteriosis.

What is Colon Dyskinesia?

In most children, constipation is functional in nature and is caused by dyskinesia of the colon - a weakening of its motor function (hypotonic type) or an increase in intestinal tone (hypertonic type).

For the hypotonic type of dyskinesia of the colon, persistent progressive constipation is characteristic. After constipation, the stool passes in large volume and can be liquefied. There is a gradual expansion of the lower parts of the colon, the tone of the anal sphincter may be weakened with the appearance of fecal incontinence in the form of stool smearing. Pain in the abdomen occurs, as a rule, only with a long delay in stool, they are of a constant bursting character, they pass after bowel movement.

In the hypertensive type of dyskinesia, pain is usually localized in the lower and lower lateral parts of the abdomen, has a cramping character, and disappears after bowel movement. With constipation, the stool departs in small portions of the “sheep feces” type, incomplete defecation is possible. Sometimes there is mucus in the stool.

Distinguish acute constipation - the sudden absence of stool for several days. The passage of gases is usually not disturbed. If, along with the absence of stool, gases do not pass, then we can assume the development of acute intestinal obstruction. In most patients, constipation develops gradually and is persistently recurrent.

In addition to stool retention, constipation is manifested in children by lethargy or anxiety, decreased or lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever. Older children with constipation may complain of headache, abdominal pain, feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Available bad smell from the mouth, tongue lining, slight bloating. When stroking the child's abdomen, spasmodic or dilated sections of the intestine can be felt. With prolonged constipation, the child may lag behind in physical development, the appearance of "blue" under the eyes.

When examining children with persistent constipation, to exclude intestinal anomalies in a specialized department (children's gastroenterological or surgical), instrumental diagnostic methods are used: sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, electromyography, irrigography.

Treatment of constipation is carried out taking into account the causative factor and the type of intestinal dyskinesia. In acute constipation, the child is given a cleansing enema. For enema in children over 3 years old, use a rubber balloon No. 5 (180-200 ml) or balloon No. 6 (200-250 ml). The balloon is sterilized by boiling, filled with water at room temperature, and the tip of the balloon is lubricated with petroleum jelly. The child is laid on the right side on an oilcloth covered with a diaper. The tip of the balloon is inserted 4-6 cm into anus and, squeezing the balloon, empty it. After that, the tip is carefully withdrawn, without releasing the balloon, the child's buttocks are squeezed and held for several minutes. The amount of liquid required for a cleansing enema is 300 ml for children 3-4 years old, 400 ml for 5-8 years old, and 500 ml for over 9 years old. To enhance the action of an enema, you can use a weak solution of baby soap, add 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin or 10% sodium chloride solution to the water at the rate of 10 ml / year of a child's life. If the enema does not work, you can repeat it only after a few hours. Sometimes the rectum is so clogged with feces that it is impossible to make an enema. In this case, you have to put on a glove and smear it with petroleum jelly, remove the feces from the child's intestines with your finger, then wash the feces in the intestines with a jet of water from a balloon, and only then do an enema.

All children with recurrent constipation need an active motor regime, walks, elimination of neuropsychic overstrain. It is necessary to give the child daily fresh kefir, coarse-grained cereals (buckwheat, barley), Health bread, baked apples, prunes or dried apricots, vegetable oil (6-10 ml / day). In case of hypotonic dyskinesia, it is additionally recommended to drink half a glass of water or juice from the refrigerator in the morning after sleep, eat at least 200 g of fresh vegetables and fruits daily, eat black Rye bread. If this diet is ineffective, bran is additionally prescribed, adding them to soup or porridge, the dose is selected individually from 5 to 20 g per day.

Laxatives (bisacodyl, powder or tablets of rhubarb root, senade, glaxena, etc.) are given on the recommendation of a doctor only at the beginning of treatment. They do not affect the essence of the process, they can be addictive. Since dysbacteriosis and vitamin deficiency develop with constipation, repeated courses of bacterial preparations (linex, bifiform, lactobacterin, laminolact, etc.), as well as multivitamin complexes (centrum, unicap, multitabs, etc.) are advisable.

What is habitual (psychogenic) constipation in children?

Often, children develop psychogenic constipation. Usually the formation of such constipation is associated with diseases of the rectum (prolapse, cracks, fistulas, proctitis), in which defecation is painful. The disease passes, but the fear of defecation remains. This fear causes the child to hold back the stool. Even more often, the formation of psychogenic constipation is situational in nature, when the child has to go to the toilet in uncomfortable conditions, for example, in the presence of other children or in an unsanitary environment.

Usually the rectal ampulla is empty. The urge to defecate is due to its reflex irritation with feces coming there from the sigmoid colon. If the child repeatedly finds himself in a situation that forces him to suppress this urge, then the rectum is stretched, and this reflex gradually fades away. The regularity of bowel movements is disturbed, the feces are dehydrated and compacted. The child would be happy to empty the intestines, but cannot. This situation often occurs in timid children who begin to attend children's team and embarrassed to ask to use the toilet, or in situations where the child does not know how or does not have the opportunity to use a public toilet. Treatment in this case is aimed at resolving the traumatic situation and, at the discretion of the psychotherapist, may include psychotropic antidepressants.

What common diseases are manifested by constipation?

Constipation is characteristic of some endocrine diseases, such as an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The dominant symptoms in this case will be growth retardation and psychomotor development of the child, dry skin and brittle hair. In such a child, a slow pulse rate and a slightly reduced body temperature can be noted. After an examination by an endocrinologist, the child is prescribed drugs that compensate for the insufficiency of thyroid function (L-thyroxine, thyroidin), as the dose of which is selected, constipation disappears.

Constipation is typical of some metabolic disorders. For example, the cause of constipation can be a decrease in potassium (with uncontrolled intake of diuretics) or an increase in calcium in the blood (with an overdose of vitamin D or with increased function of the parathyroid glands). Constipation can be caused by long-term use of drugs containing bismuth (denol, vikalin, ventrisol, iatrox, etc.), calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, analgesics, etc.

Constipation is typical for children with diseases of the central nervous system (infantile cerebral palsy, organic diseases of the brain) and diseases of the peripheral nervous system (damage to the roots of the spinal cord, pudendal nerve), in which the regulation of the intestinal muscles is disturbed. The picture of the disease in these cases is dominated by neurological disorders, and the treatment of such constipation is based on the treatment of the underlying disease.

What malformations of the colon can cause constipation?

Dolichosigma- elongated sigmoid colon. The disease is manifested by persistent constipation, which is observed already at an early age. During the first years of life, the stool is independent, but later, to empty the intestines, one has to resort to a constant diet, taking laxatives or cleansing enemas. The diagnosis is established on the basis of irrigography data. With persistent constipation and the ineffectiveness of conservative measures, surgical intervention is occasionally resorted to.

Hirschsprung disease- congenital absence of nerve nodes (agangliosis) in any part of the colon. The wave of bowel contraction does not pass through the area devoid of innervation, the contents of the intestine accumulate above this area. Constipation bothers from the first year of life, progressively increasing. An x-ray examination reveals an expansion of the colon located above the zone of agangliosis. In doubtful Cases, a biopsy of the narrowed area of ​​the large intestine is examined. Surgical treatment.

Disorders of the stool in children are common. But as you have seen, very similar digestive disorders can be caused by very different diseases. There is no single template; for each child's illness, an individual approach is needed both for examination and treatment. Disorders of the stool in a child deserve the most close attention, because with untimely or improper treatment, they can serve as the beginning of a long and serious illness.

Consequences of constipation in children

Although constipation is not deadly, it significantly impairs the quality of life, and with a long, chronic course, leads to:

  • Deterioration of well-being. I have pain in my stomach.
  • Delayed physical and mental development.
  • Decreased school performance.
  • Violation of the intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis.
  • Hypovitaminosis (dryness and pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, seizures, changes in the quality of hair and nails).
  • Stagnation of feces in the intestines contributes to increased absorption of toxic substances, causing chronic poisoning, allergic reactions, skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, acne, etc.), decreased immunity.
  • Tears and cracks in the anus.
  • Fecal incontinence (encopresis).

Therefore, if a child has constipation, it is necessary to visit a doctor to clarify the cause that caused them, and the selection of therapy.

Psychogenic constipation in children

There are two types of constipation that have psychological causes. They begin most often between the year and two. If a child at this age experiences pain several times during bowel movements, then from fear of pain, he can subsequently delay stool for weeks and even months. When the stool is held for 1-2 days, it becomes hard and again causes pain. Sometimes parents too diligently accustom the baby to the potty, and he, defending his independence, involuntarily delays the stool, which also leads to constipation. (On the issue of fecal incontinence associated with constipation).

If a child between the ages of 1 and 3 has painful, hard stools, care must be taken immediately to prevent a vicious circle of stool retention and subsequent re-constipation. Your doctor may recommend a number of drugs to soften your stool. Treatment does not continue less than a month, and this allows the child to feel confident that the pain will not return.

Problems with emptying happen to all people. In a child, constipation can cause a lot of trouble and negatively affect his health. How to properly diagnose a toilet problem, and what characteristics exist? What are the reasons for the violation of emptying? What can I do to help empty?

Difficulties with the toilet

Starting from a year and a half, emptying in babies becomes more formalized and no longer looks like a newborn's (mushy). In this case, the frequency of stool occurs much less frequently. On average, a child should go "in a big way" to the toilet 1 time per day. In children (three to five years old), constipation is considered to be the absence of bowel movements for 2-3 days.

Parents should contact their pediatrician if their child has any of the following symptoms:

  • stool frequency has become less than 3 times a week;
  • the consistency of feces is dense (in the form of “sheep feces” or a dense mass of a cylindrical shape);
  • the stomach swells and often hurts;
  • incomplete emptying occurs;
  • during a bowel movement, the baby pushes hard and experiences pain;
  • appear bloody issues after emptying.

Very often, all these signs occur at the age of three, but parents cannot always independently determine the presence of stagnation of feces. Moreover, it also happens when during a bowel movement the baby does not feel any discomfort, but his stool is quite dense and dry, which already indicates stagnation. If the problem is not treated, complications will soon appear. Hemorrhoidal inflammation may begin, accompanied by anal fissures and blood.

If children aged three or more show frequent constipation, there may be signs such as dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, general weakness of the whole body, sleep disturbance. The body begins to be poisoned by toxins, and health is getting worse every day.

Why is this happening

Most often, the causes of delayed fecal masses lie in nutrition. It is important to analyze how much young children consume adult food eg fried, salted, spicy, smoked. At the same time, you need to understand that various fast foods, chips and soda negatively affect digestion, therefore, lead to malfunctions of peristalsis. Reasons for delayed fecal masses may be as follows:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • low fiber content in food;
  • low physical activity;
  • containment of the urge to go to the toilet (often observed at the preschool age of three to five years);
  • increased stress and high loads;
  • taking certain medications;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • reaction to protein foods;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Constipation in children may alternate with disorders (diarrhea). This indicates the presence of irritable bowel syndrome.

Problems with defecation can appear at the age of three due to psychological stress. This can happen while adjusting to kindergarten or other uncomfortable life changes. Therefore, it is important to monitor how children go to the toilet during the day and not miss the moment when such problems begin.


If nothing is done to improve peristalsis, the problem may take longer. serious character and harm health. For example, there is a decrease in immunity against the background of poor absorption of nutrients and vitamins by the body. Fecal masses begin to decompose and poison a person with their toxins, a pathogenic microflora is formed. Soon, if constipation is not treated, inflammation of the mucosa, abdominal pain, and circulatory disorders in the small pelvis occur. Defecation may be bloody and anal fissures.


Before you start treating stool disorders, you need to go to an appointment with a pediatrician, gastroenterologist and proctologist. These doctors will be able to analyze his condition and identify the reasons for the delay in defecation. On examination, the doctor will feel the abdomen, determine the strength of the sphincter, and examine the general condition.

As additional methods of examination, biochemical, general analysis blood and feces for the presence of helminth eggs, dysbacteriosis. Ultrasound of the liver, pancreas and the stomach itself, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, endoscopy, intestinal ultrasonography and X-ray of the entire abdominal cavity are performed.

What to do

If a baby at the age of three begins to suffer from irregular bowel movements, it is important to carry out complex treatment. To do this, you can use special preparations, do enemas (glycerin), review nutrition and adjust the regimen.

You can eliminate the stagnation of feces with a glycerin enema, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Diluted in chilled boiled water 2 teaspoons of glycerin. For babies aged three, four and five years, the amount of liquid should not exceed 300 ml.
  2. The syringe is thoroughly disinfected, and the tip is lubricated with cream or glycerin.
  3. A tip is inserted into the anus and water is slowly introduced into the rectum.
  4. It is important to remember that at the first urge you need to empty.

It is forbidden to do an enema if the stool is thick and bloody, a characteristic gurgling is heard in the stomach, and strong pain, there are signs of intoxication of the body.

Daily routine and nutrition

Childhood constipation can be cured by changing and improving the diet. It is important to understand that there are products that provoke problems with peristalsis. If there are problems with the toilet, they should be excluded from the menu. Such products include:

  • pasta;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • baking;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • bananas;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • broth soups.

To eliminate children's constipation, you need to introduce a sufficient amount of liquid, fiber, and dairy products into the diet. It is recommended to eat soups, buckwheat, corn and wheat porridge every day, chicken eggs, lean meat, butter, yoghurts and kefirs.

When constant problems with digestion and bowel movements begin at the age of three, it is necessary to reconsider not only what foods he consumes, but also his baby’s daily routine. It is recommended to teach to empty at the same time. It is best to do this in the morning. Before this, you can drink a glass of water, then the child will develop a habit, and after this procedure, he will have the urge to visit the toilet. At 7-8 years old, children should already be fully prepared for normal defecation.

Medical assistance

You can treat children's problems with emptying with the help of medications. If a bowel movement has not occurred for more than 2 days, laxatives with lactulose should be used. These drugs include "Duphalac", approved for use even by children under 3 years old. The drug very gently improves the work of peristalsis and increases the volume of feces. You need to start taking it with a small dose of 5 mg.

To improve the work of a sluggish intestine, it is worth taking prokinetics. They help to activate the digestive tract. You can use "Domperidone", which is allowed at the age of three to five years. It is taken half a tablet 3 times a day during the day (preferably before eating). The drug eliminates gases, relieves pain and spasms, normalizes stool.

If a child's constipation is accompanied by painful abdominal cramps, you need to use antispasmodics such as Papaverine, No-shpu, belladonna candles.

To stimulate the production of bile and secrets of the pancreas, children at the age of three can already be given "Hofitol". This choleretic drug helps the rapid assimilation of food and the removal of its residues from the body.

No less important is the intake of funds with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (Dineks, Hilak Forte). Thanks to them, the intestinal microflora improves, and dysbacteriosis passes.

Special gymnastics

It is very important that children are active during the day. This will improve intestinal motility and promote the movement of feces. From 2 years and more, you can do special exercises that activate the digestive tract. For example, you can:

  • squat;
  • lean in different directions;
  • raise legs (swing forward and to the side);
  • bring your knees to your stomach;
  • do an exercise on the press or "riveting".

At 2 years old, the baby is not always ready to do any physical exercise, but it will be interesting for him to participate in active games. For example, you can scatter on the floor small toys and invite him to collect one at a time, each time fully unbending.

From the age of 6, you can already engage in sports such as skating, cycling or other outdoor activities. The best option would be to record it in some section.

Folk ways

Treatment of constipation in children from the first year of life can be carried out using natural laxatives. It improves the functioning of the intestines and eliminates the causes of stagnation of feces, fresh juices of beets, carrots and cabbage. At the same time, it is better to do it yourself, and before use, let it brew so that all the essential oils are gone and do not cause unpleasant reactions.

You can add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to kefir or yogurt and drink it on an empty stomach. It is recommended to make a mixture of dried fruits, for example, dried apricots, prunes, raisins. These products perfectly improve peristalsis and are a universal remedy in the fight against stagnation of feces.

Tea from dried apples and cherries, as well as pickle from sauerkraut, weakens well. You can grind peas into powder and take a teaspoon every day.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization - in coloproctology at the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center of Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Experience in medical practice - 25 years. Author of more than 40 medical articles. A regular participant of conferences and symposia, which highlights the problems of modern medicine.

Provides highly qualified diagnostics and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, successfully diagnoses early stages neoplasms of the perianal region and rectum. He also conducts examinations of children.

One of the most common health problems in childhood- This is a violation of the normal emptying of the intestines. Constipation is equally common in infants, preschoolers and adolescents. But the most severe violation of the stool occurs in newborns and children of the first year of life. Often, the parents of a baby, not knowing how to help the child, use strong laxatives or constantly do an enema without prescribing a pediatrician, not even suspecting that by doing so they only aggravate the situation - they disrupt the normal metabolism and cause the intestines to "get used" to external intervention, because of which he generally ceases to be emptied on his own. Every parent should know what to do if the child has constipation, and what remedies can be used depending on the age of the patient.

What is constipation and should it be treated?

Constipation is a violation of self-emptying of the intestines during certain period time. Moreover, this period depends on the age of the child, nutrition, concomitant diseases and other reasons. Not always a decrease in the frequency of stools can be considered constipation, according to foreign pediatricians, in children of the first year of life who are exclusively breastfed, stools can be 1 time in 10 days and this is not considered a pathology if the baby feels good. Domestic doctors are more categorical - the chair must be at least once every 2-3 days, while not only the child's well-being is important, but also the consistency of the chair. Here are some of the main signs of constipation in children of different ages, with the appearance of which it is necessary to begin treatment:

Stool frequency:

  • in infants on breastfeeding- the chair should be at least 1 time in 2-3 days, bowel movements 1-2 times a day are considered normal. How younger child, the more often the intestines are emptied - in the first months of life - up to 6-10 times a day, in the first half of the year - 3-4 times a day, in the second half of the year - 2-3 times;
  • in children who are bottle-fed, the stool should be more frequent, since any mixtures are digested worse and there should be more “waste” from them. In children under one year of age, who are artificially fed, stools should be 1-2 times a day, and they do not have such a strong dependence on age as the “naturalists” do;
  • in preschoolers - bowel movements 1-2 times a day, constipation is the absence of stool for 2-3 days or more;
  • in children 7-12 years old - most often stool 1 time per day, stool retention for 2-3 days is considered pathological;
  • in adolescents - as well as adults, the intestines are emptied 1 time in 1-2 days, we can talk about stool retention in the absence of defecation for 3-4 days.

Stool consistency– It is especially important to consider this when diagnosing constipation in young children:

  • in infants in the first half of life - normal stool mushy, the appearance of semi-formed "sausages" should already alert parents, and fully formed feces is always a symptom of a violation of normal bowel movement, even if the stool is regular;
  • in children after the introduction of complementary foods, closer to 1 year - the feces become more formed - "soft sausage" or "thick gruel", constipation can be suspected when dense "sausages" or "sheep's" balls appear;
  • after 2 years, the feces are already fully formed, with constipation, the feces are very dense, “dry” and of large diameter.

Child's well-being- Very important feature in diagnosing constipation. Defecation in children of any age should be painless and not cause much concern to the child. Slight straining, "straining", grunting in infants, reddening of the face and straining in children older than one year are acceptable. If the baby is pushing, crying, his stomach is growing, his face is very red or blue, there is anxiety, refusal of food and useless attempts to empty the intestines - the child has constipation, even if the intestines are emptied regularly. Older children with constipation can hide, act up, often ask for a potty or, conversely, avoid it, during defecation they push, cry, and cannot empty their intestines for a long time.

If a child regularly experiences such symptoms, a visit to the doctor and treatment is indispensable. Often the cause of chronic constipation is endocrine or organic pathologies, which only a doctor can diagnose. And if constipation is not treated in time, toxins will regularly enter the child's body, which are formed due to the retention of feces in the colon. There is also a risk of developing dysbacteriosis and other intestinal diseases.

When diagnosing functional constipation in a child of any age, it is important to start treatment with a change in diet and lifestyle. Not following an appropriate diet and maintaining the required level of activity drug treatment will bring only short-term relief, but will not lead to a complete recovery of the child.

Constipation in a child under 1 year old

Constipation in infants is always a huge problem and a lot of worries for his parents. Therefore, the most important thing is to remain calm and not panic. If the baby is on natural feeding First of all, it is necessary to review the diet of a nursing mother. It should have enough liquid, more foods containing fiber - vegetables and fruits.

It is necessary to exclude all fixing products from the diet of a nursing mother: strong tea and coffee, white flour products, sweets, rice and semolina porridge, pomegranate, pear, quince. And also consume fermented milk products daily and supplement the diet with natural laxatives such as diluted beetroot or carrot juice, grapes, prunes and so on - provided there are no allergic reactions in the child.

With artificial feeding it is necessary to carefully follow all the instructions for diluting the mixture, using only adapted and age-appropriate mixtures. In chronic constipation, the usual diet is replaced with sour-milk or special mixtures with the addition of oligosaccharides, prebiotics, lactulose or carob beans.

All babies in their first year of life needed daily gymnastics and massage. Before feeding or 1-2 hours after eating, the child is laid out on the tummy, allowed to move freely, knead the legs and arms. You can find out about a complex of special gymnastics for children of any age from a pediatrician or look on the Internet. Massage for constipation in infants includes light circular stroking of the abdomen clockwise for 1-2 minutes for children under six months of age. Such a massage should be carried out regularly - 3-4 times a day and combined with gymnastic exercises, for example, bend and unbend the child's legs, lifting them to the stomach.

Use for prolonged constipation drug treatment, children under one year old are recommended products containing lactulose - Duphalac, Lactusan, Prelax; suppositories with glycerin, buscopan in suppositories and prebiotics. If necessary emergency assistance the child uses microclysters, gas pipes or a classic enema - a rubber bulb with a small amount of cool water (10-15 ml for a child up to 2 months, 30 ml - up to 6 months, 50-60 ml for a child up to a year).

Treatment of constipation in children 1-3 years old

At this age, in the treatment of constipation, it is very important to adhere to the diet and a sufficient amount of fluid consumed by the child. For chronic constipation, it is recommended to refuse sweets, muffins, any carbonated drinks, cocoa, tea, rice and semolina porridges, mashed soups and mashed potatoes. It is very useful to eat raw and boiled vegetables, fruits, fruit juices and dried fruits. The child's diet should include hot liquid meals, vegetables and fruits daily. After a year, bran can be added to the child's food - a source of coarse fiber, 1 hour or 1 tablespoon of bran per day is enough, along with salad or other food, to normalize digestion. If constipation does not appear regularly or does not cause much concern to the child, do not forget about the proven folk remedies:

  • puree and infusion of prunes;
  • puree of prunes, dried apricots and raisins;
  • a glass of kefir at night;
  • diluted beet or carrot juice.

In more severe cases, the same drugs are used as for children under one year old or agents that soften the feces and contribute to its faster release: Macrogel or Forlax, as well as suppositories.

Treatment of constipation in children older than 3 years

Constipation in preschoolers and schoolchildren often occurs against the background of experiences. So called neurogenic constipation may be associated with the inability to empty the bowels in time kindergarten or school - because of shyness, the wrong attitude of teachers and others in this problem, the lack of doors in the toilet room and a number of other reasons. In such a situation, it is important to understand what exactly causes neurogenic constipation and in no case scolding or ridiculing the child, try to help him solve this problem. For example, raising your baby a little earlier in the morning so that he has time to empty his bowels at home, or teaching an older child to empty his bowels in the evening. This will require a lot of time and effort from the parents, but it is impossible to cope with neurogenic constipation in a different way.

But whatever caused constipation in a child over 3 years old, it should also be treated with normalizing diet and increasing physical activity. Today, constipation in schoolchildren caused by physical inactivity is not uncommon. A diet for constipation in older children should also exclude all fixing foods, be sure to regularly eat at the same time, as well as daily consumption of at least 1-1.5 liters of liquid, and not tea, carbonated drinks or juices, but non-carbonated water or compote. The diet of a preschooler and schoolchild should also include daily fruits and vegetables, one hot liquid dish and fermented milk products, such as a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or snowball at night.

It is not uncommon for the treatment of constipation in children over 6 years of age, parents use the same remedies as for adults, but this cannot be done categorically! Until the age of 12-14, it is better to refrain from using strong laxatives., especially osmotic and irritating, such as senna, buckthorn, bisacodyl, magnesia and so on. Much safer and more efficient application the same means as for the treatment of children under 3 years old, but also at a dose appropriate for age.

Toddlers can very often have problems with the intestines. After all, their body is still being formed. But besides the main problem, there is another one. The baby cannot explain to his parents what worries him. Therefore, one should be extremely careful in order to recognize the symptoms that characterize (2 years) in time. And it is important to know how to help the baby.

Causes of constipation

Violation of bowel movements in babies is most often provoked by an improper diet of crumbs or a nursing mother.

Doctors allocate the following reasons constipation in children 2 years old:

  1. Insufficient fluid intake. This is one of the main sources of pathology.
  2. Intestinal dysbacteriosis. Often this disease is a consequence of diseases transferred during pregnancy. It can develop as a result of toxicosis or the threat of miscarriage.
  3. Decreased intestinal motility. Pathology occurs in children who eat food that does not ensure the active functioning of the digestive tract. Such dishes include liquid cereals, chopped food.
  4. Hypodynamia, hypotension. Inactivity negatively affects all body systems. The digestive tract also suffers from it. As a result of low activity, the walls and muscles of the intestine can atrophy.
  5. Hypotrophy. Weak intestinal walls are unable to push through the accumulated stool.
  6. An abundance of medicines. Often, constipation in a child (2 years old) is provoked by uncontrolled intake of drugs aimed at improving the process of defecation or digestion.
  7. Worm infestations. A common cause of broken stools.
  8. Diseases. Gastritis can lead to constipation diabetes, pathology of the thyroid gland, ulcer. Cracks in the rectum or hemorrhoids can break the stool in a child.
  9. Adverse drug reactions. The use of certain medications can lead to an unpleasant condition. Constipation occurs after taking drugs: antihypertensives, antihistamines, antidepressants, codeine, diuretics, antibiotics.

If observed in a child (2 years old), then it is very important to establish the true cause of this phenomenon. Often, a similar picture is typical for those crumbs whose parents suffer from impaired defecation. Therefore, a hereditary factor cannot be excluded.

Transferring the baby to artificial feeding can provoke a problem. Sometimes occurs 2 years. After all, the baby is very susceptible to the effects of various factors. This condition may be based on weaning, the first visit to the nursery, the rejection of diapers and potty training.

How to identify the problem

A two-year-old child should have a bowel movement daily. However, don't panic if this doesn't happen. Doctors recommend watching the baby. If the child has good mood, he plays, laughs, and when it comes time to eat, he completely empties the plate, is it worth suspecting he has constipation? Having eaten, the baby falls asleep soundly and wakes up in a great mood.

Pediatricians say that in such a situation, even if the baby has not emptied the intestines for the second day, there is no reason to panic. Every baby has its own rhythm. Therefore, initially, you should focus on the well-being of the child.

In pediatrics, the following standard has been adopted. The process of defecation can occur from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. At the same time, the baby does not experience discomfort, and bowel movements are easy. This is a physiological norm.

How to determine constipation in a child of 2 years?

The following symptoms indicate the problem:

  • lack of bowel movements for 1 day (when combined with other signs);
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feces have a dense texture;
  • abdominal pain;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • bloating;
  • a small amount of feces;
  • anxiety, crying;
  • blood-streaked stool;
  • nausea.

What is dangerous pathology?

Parents just need to know if a child (2 years old) is constipated, what to do in this situation. Since such a problem can provoke quite negative consequences.

The accumulation of feces in the body can lead to:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • intestinal fissures and hemorrhoids;
  • lack nutrients, as a result of which immunity decreases, anemia appears;
  • inflammation of the mucosa;
  • increased gas formation;
  • the development of a neurological problem (the baby begins to be afraid of the defecation process);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bowel cancer.

Treatment Methods

So, if you suspect constipation in a child (2 years), what to do in this situation? The best solution is to seek help from a pediatrician. After all, the source of this problem can be the most various pathologies. Without diagnosis, it is extremely difficult to identify diseases.

In addition, individual therapy is selected for the treatment of the child. Only a doctor can adequately take into account all the factors: the causes of the disease, the severity of the condition, age, accompanying illnesses, psychological characteristics of the crumbs.

The main directions of therapy:

  • diet food;
  • drinking regime;
  • gymnastics;
  • medical treatment.

Anxiety symptoms

It should be understood that there are situations when constipation in a child (2 years old or less - not so important) needs emergency assistance physicians.

Symptoms that accompany constipation require immediate medical attention:

  1. Hyperthermia. cannot be ruled out, and common cold. However, an increase in temperature can be triggered by fecal intoxication. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of hyperthermia.
  2. Vomit. This is one of the signs of increasing intoxication. In addition, it is dangerous by rapid dehydration of the body.
  3. Blood streaks. They may indicate hemorrhoids, fissures or other pathologies. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose a pathology.
  4. Pain in the abdomen is accompanied by a characteristic "gurgling".
  5. Seeps liquid stool through constipation.

First aid

If the crumbs fail to empty the intestines, then the parents should help the baby. One of effective methods is the use They are considered completely safe for the baby. In addition, they are allowed to be used even for one-year-old children.

Another excellent method that can quickly help is cleansing (2 years). In case of constipation, it is recommended to add a little glycerin to a glass of boiled cool water.

In order not to hurt the baby and not harm his health, this procedure should be performed correctly.

The following tips will make administering the enema as easy as possible:

  1. The tip must be lubricated with oil or cream.
  2. The pear must be disinfected.
  3. Should not be applied warm water. Such liquid is quickly absorbed into the intestines and pulls toxins along with it. Doctors strongly recommend using cool water. The temperature of the liquid should be slightly below room temperature.
  4. Be sure to control the amount of fluid that is poured into the child's body. A large number of water can cause intestinal distension. This will hurt the little one. Doctors advise infants 1-2 years of age to inject 200-250 ml of water. For children from 2 years to 6, the volume of liquid increases to 300 ml.

However, this method should not be abused. Parents should understand that administering an enema provides a temporary laxative effect. And the treatment of constipation in a child of 2 years old can only be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, after this procedure, the baby must be shown to the pediatrician.

Diet food

one of critical roles plays in the treatment of constipation proper nutrition. It is impossible to eliminate the disturbed stool without dieting. So, what to give a child with constipation for 2 years?

  1. Vegetables are preferred fruit purees. Such foods are rich in acids and fiber. They perfectly improve vegetables, fruits can be given to older children in usual form, or stewed, boiled. Useful: carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, plums.
  2. The child should eat fruits with a peel. After all, it contains a large number of necessary substances.
  3. Salads should be dressed vegetable oil. Absolutely not suitable: sour cream, fatty sauces and mayonnaise. Such products lead to a stop in the work of the intestines.
  4. Favorable effect will provide sour-milk products. With constipation are especially useful: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk.
  5. The child should drink plenty of fluids. Fruit drinks, ordinary water, compotes, juices are introduced into the diet.
  6. Useful for the baby cereals made from whole grains: buckwheat, millet, corn, wheat.
  7. To stimulate intestinal patency, it is recommended to use bran, whole grain bread.
  8. You should not give your baby fried and fatty foods. Banned onions, smoked meats, garlic, White bread, radish. It is advisable to limit the intake of pasta, potatoes, semolina, rice porridge.


If constipation is observed in a child (2 years old), then it is important to provide the baby with physical mobility. In this case, the baby should actively move throughout the day.

Simple exercises can improve intestinal motility:

  • squats;
  • slopes;
  • bending the knees to the tummy;
  • swing legs (straight and bent);
  • press development.

Such gymnastics can be turned into an outdoor game. This is especially liked by kids. For example, instead of the usual squats or bends, you can ask the baby to collect the buttons scattered on the floor. At the same time, set the condition that you should bring one piece at a time.

Massage - effective help

This is a great procedure. However, it can bring a beneficial effect if the pathology is not in a neglected state. Such treatment of constipation in a 2-year-old child makes it easier to move food along digestive tract, activates the work of the intestines.

Medical treatment

Rely on your own drug therapy do not do it. Only a doctor can recommend the drugs necessary for the baby. Parents should know that frequent use laxatives (especially without prior consultation with a doctor) can lead to the development of unpleasant symptoms, such as frustration, allergic reactions. In addition, the child may become addicted to the use of such funds.

Therefore, to ask the question: "How to treat constipation in a child of 2 years?" parents owe only to the attending doctor.

As a rule, doctors prescribe complex therapy:

  1. Laxative medicines. Babies can be prescribed drugs: "Duphalac" (syrup), glycerin
  2. Prokinetics. Often crumbs are recommended medicines "Motilium", "Domperidone".
  3. Enzymes. To improve the digestive process, medications "Mezim", "Panzinorm", "Creon" can be prescribed.
  4. Probiotics. To restore the microflora in the child's body, the doctor will recommend the preparations "Bifidumbacterin", "Acipol", "Hilak Forte", "Linex".

However, it is extremely important not to resort to such therapy without a doctor's appointment.

Folk recipes

Simple, centuries-old methods can help if constipation is observed in children 2 years old. Folk remedies quite effectively and gently affect the child's body. However, when choosing necessary funds bowel tone should be taken into account. Therefore, it is best to discuss the use folk recipes with a doctor.

When accompanied by bloating, chamomile infusion will help perfectly. In case of atony, the doctor will recommend brewing yarrow, nettle. Excellent effect provide berries: cranberries, gooseberries.

The following folk recipes are popular and effective:

  1. Perfectly eliminates constipation introduced into the diet of crumbs prunes. It is used in the form of puree or juice. However, the latter should be given to the baby only in a diluted form (1:1).
  2. Perfectly soften the chair bran. It is recommended to add them to yogurt, cereals.
  3. Beneficial effect will bring carrot juice. It is recommended to drink only freshly squeezed drink. To benefit from it, juice must be consumed before meals.
  4. Cucumber puree will help to cope with an unpleasant condition. It is also recommended to take it before meals.
  5. Allows you to adjust the chair in children one more effective remedy. To make it, you need to take cumin, chamomile flowers and dill seeds in the following ratio: 2: 1: 1. This composition will need 1 tbsp. spoon. It is poured with boiling water - 0.5 liters. The composition must be infused for 2 hours. It is recommended to take this remedy in the amount of 1 teaspoon three times a day, 15 minutes before meals.
  6. Benefit will bring linseed oil. It can be taken on an empty stomach in a small spoonful. Quite effective and another means. It is recommended to mix honey and linseed oil in equal amounts. This mixture should be thoroughly mixed. This medicine is added to natural yogurt. The baby should drink it before bedtime.

Daily regime

It is important to teach the child to the correct routine from childhood. If you do not ignore the daily routine and establish proper nutrition, then the tendency to constipation can be easily eliminated in a two-year-old baby. As a rule, by the age of 3, the defecation process in this case is completely stabilized.

Parents should form the habit of "going" to the toilet in the baby certain time. The best time to empty the bowels is considered to be the morning hours. This allows you to prepare the child both psychologically and physiologically for the daily process of defecation. In addition, it is important to start the day with 1 cup of water.

Do not forget that constipation in a two-year-old baby is not yet a pathology. Such a problem is easily eliminated if all necessary measures are taken in a timely manner.