How to remove paint from clothes. How to wash paint from clothes: valuable tips

How many housewives know how to remove paint from clothes? Few, some will say, because before painting, everyone tries to put on old things, which, on occasion, are not a pity to throw away. But minor troubles are inevitable, and hard-to-remove marks from an updated bench in the park, splashes after dyeing hair, or watercolor “masterpieces” may appear on jeans or your favorite blouse. children's creativity. Wash or throw away? Let's talk about how to remove paint from clothes at home.

Is it worth it?

Before embarking on torment, you should figure out whether there is common sense in the upcoming waste of time? To understand whether it is worth getting to work or giving up on stains, a few rules will help:

  • Fresh stains are much less resistant to removal than old ones.
  • It is easier to remove a few small spots than to remove one large stain. If your favorite T-shirt is completely soiled, you will have to part with it.
  • Splashes and streaks give up faster if they get on a dense fabric - canvas or denim. Light and thin fabrics harder to wipe off.
  • Any dye has a base - water, oil, emulsion, and others. For each base, its own method of removal is preferable: watercolor or gouache is easy to remove with machine wash, and you can wipe off the water emulsion under a flowing cold water. Oil paints are recognized as the most persistent, which also give up with the right approach.

So, you should think about the fight against paint on clothes immediately after the stain is detected. The first thing to do is to determine the type of dye. This is what will determine the way to deal with pollution at home.

Water-based dyes

Paint on water based everyone knows from childhood - this is watercolor and gouache. Getting rid of traces of creativity on clothes is easy:

Cleaning the toilet bowl from the inside: tips and tricks, folk recipes

water emulsion

Water emulsion or latex dye is widely used in repair work. It is an emulsion of pigment and small polymer particles. How to remove water-based paint from clothes? Usually there are no problems with removing such spots:

  • Laundry soap. Soiled clothes should be placed in a soapy solution with the addition of hot water. Leave to soak, then completely remove the stain with a hand or machine wash.
  • Alcohol. Pure technical alcohol is not easy to find, so you can use what is in the house. The fabric is stretched, alcohol is applied to it, and then wiped with a rag.
  • Vinegar solution with ammonia. Two part mix ammonia and vinegar with one part of salt is applied to the stain for a few minutes, and then brushed with a toothbrush.


Acrylic is considered a water-soluble dye, so in theory getting rid of an acrylic stain is easy. But if the pollution had time to dry out within a couple of hours, then ordinary washing will not be enough. How to remove acrylic paint?

Oil dyes

Oil stains are among the most difficult to remove. To remove such contaminants, "heavy artillery" is used. Therefore, before removing oil paint from clothes, you should make sure that the fabric does not suffer. For this experienced housewives It is advised to test a small, inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric with the chosen agent. After making sure that the clothes do not suffer, you can proceed to the following algorithm:

  1. Almost instantly, the oil dye is taken with a crust. To begin with, it is worth scraping off this crust using a knife or a stiff brush.
  2. Next, moisten the stain with turpentine. Gasoline purchased at a special hardware store is also suitable. In particular serious cases you can think of solvent No. 646 or acetone.
  3. Some housewives use a mixture to soften the oil pigment. butter and washing powder. The composition is suitable for delicate fabrics, it is gently rubbed into the stain, then left for a couple of minutes.
  4. When the dye becomes soft, it is removed with a cotton swab. For this purpose, a piece of bandage or gauze is also used.
  5. After the pigment leaves, an oil stain remains on the fabric. It is already easier to cope with fat, for this they use ammonia, glycerin, and finally, dishwashing detergent.
  6. Time to start doing laundry! For machine washing, housewives use ordinary powder paired with a stain remover.

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A similar algorithm is applicable to enamel, which is considered the most resistant. When using aggressive solvents, it is important not to get carried away, since the quality of the fabric and its appearance may be seriously harmed.

Hair dye

Ammonia dyes, which women use to give their hair a new shade, are removed from clothes with great difficulty. Immediately after the dyeing procedure, you should carefully inspect things, and to be sure, immediately wash them in a typewriter with ordinary powder. If the spot was discovered much later, heavy artillery would have to be used. How to get hair dye out of clothes?

How to remove old paint from clothes at home

When time is lost, it becomes almost impossible to get rid of pollution. The coloring composition dries up, takes on a crust and is absorbed into the fabric fibers tightly. Experts say that the easiest way to remove old pollution from watercolors, emulsion, gouache. Acrylic, oil paints, hair dyes are practically unaffected, although it is still worth a try.

How to wipe paint from clothes is a question that interests many mothers and those who constantly make repairs. It turns out that cleaning paint from clothes can sometimes be very simple and does not require dry cleaning services. You can remove stains at home with high quality and without harm to textiles, using the most simple means and methods.

How to remove paint from clothes? There is a generalized algorithm for doing work. The following conditions must first be determined:

  • what material will be cleaned;
  • the prescription of the stain left by the coloring agents;
  • what type of dye left behind contamination.

If you take into account all these factors, then without any problems you will accurately determine how you can wipe the paint off clothes and other types of surfaces that are used to decorate textile items.

Removal of paint stains is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. If the paint stain is fresh, then the clothes should be washed immediately in a concentrated solution of laundry soap or powder.
  2. Dried paint will be much more difficult to remove. To do this, you will have to resort to chemicals. But at the same time, it is important not to smear the stain and not reprint it on the other side. Therefore, in order to remove old paint, paper or cloth is placed under the cleaning site during processing.
  3. Also, before you clean the paint, you need to know exactly the type of fabric. But it's better to be safe. First, from the inside on the lapel of the seam, the effect of cleaning agents is checked.
  4. The dye is rubbed off as follows: from the edges of the stain to its center. Thus, the area of ​​pollution does not increase.
  5. Clean clothes after treatment of contamination: wash the item with your hands, then in washing machine and then dry well outside.

Before removing a stain from clothes, it is necessary to determine what kind of paint the contamination was applied, since not all paints can be cleaned at home. Here are the types of compounds that are easiest to remove:

  • watercolor and gouache;
  • enamel;
  • oil;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • water-based paint.

It is possible to remove, in principle, any contamination that remains from the paint, and for this it is not necessary to use extreme methods. How to remove paint from clothes at home, let's talk in more detail below.

How to remove a paint stain with folk remedies

How to remove paint stains from clothes that have had time to dry? The main condition is the presence of fat-dissolving components. There are several folk methods:

  • It is possible to reduce the substance from the fabric with the help of a product that consists of borax, vinegar and fatty yogurt. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. How to clean properly: apply the mixture on outside, then on the inside, laying the fabric. Let dry, clean the residue with a toothbrush. Final stage- wash. If necessary, dilute a large dose of borax and repeat the procedure.

  • How to remove paint from clothes made from natural fibers (silk, cotton, wool, linen)? You will need turpentine. First clean the dirt from the stain, then apply turpentine on a cotton pad and screech on both sides to treat the stain. The excess is removed using paper napkins: they need to be wetted with turpentine, applied to pollution and pressed down with palms. Completely clean coloring agent does not work right away - you need to carry out the procedure several times.

  • To wipe off oil paint, enamel or wash off water-based paint can only be done with a solution of ammonia and vinegar. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar, ammonia and 1 tablespoon of salt. Apply the mixture to the problem area and hold for 7 minutes. Then we clean the pollution with a toothbrush and you can wash the thing. Thus, it is recommended to remove old paint from clothes.

  • Dried paint from clothes white and beige colour can be removed with chlorine. Removing agents of this kind are effective only in the boiling process. So, you can remove the paint from the pants from the jeans - it will be washed off completely. Dissolve 1 liter of chlorine in 6 liters of water and boil the product for half an hour, stirring constantly. Rinse the solution off the trousers in the washing machine.

  • How to clean paint from colored fabric, and most importantly, how to remove it? The stain is removed with hydrogen peroxide and lemon. You need to get rid of paint from clothes as follows: moisten the place with hydrogen peroxide and cover with crushed lemon. After an hour, remove the citrus pulp and wash the product.

  • How to wash or erase paint from textiles? It is possible to remove oil paint from clothes with tar soap. The tool will remove excess fat component. paint stains from clothes tar soap removed as follows: rub the place with a remedy, leave for two hours, and then wash in the machine.

The most extreme way to remove paint stains from clothes is when vegetable or even butter is used.

Often it is not possible to completely get rid of paint on clothes, so partial masking occurs. The most difficult thing is to get rid of oil paint.

On video: effective means to remove paint stains.

How to remove dirt from other surfaces

How to remove paint on clothes becomes clear, but how to get rid of paint if it is not located on textiles? Here are a few ways, depending on the type of surface:

  • Paint can be removed from plastic with gasoline, kerosene or thinner. How to wipe off paintwork correctly so as not to damage the coating? Plastic surfaces should be rubbed with a small amount of product and rinsed immediately with water.

  • Some people like to dye products without taking off their white sneakers. Naturally, a dye gets on them. Cleaning sneakers is easy, even if they are made of leatherette. In this case, a solvent or kerosene is used. It is necessary to wipe the surface with cotton wool soaked in a combustible agent. If the leather or fabric base, then you will have to work hard.

  • The lacquer is well washed from glass and plastic with white spirit. Remove the remaining paint from the glass with a blade (it will not work to remove the substance from the plastic), then wash the traces with a solvent. The surface must be cleaned of solvent, it is better to rinse under water with detergents.

In order for the paint to be wiped off qualitatively from textiles or other surfaces, you need to do painstaking work. We get rid of stains efficiently and effectively with the help of home remedies that can be found in any kitchen, in any medicine cabinet. In the cleaned version, the place of the previous contamination may appear, but very weakly.

Now you know how to remove paint from clothes. The stores sell special solutions and substances that will help in getting rid of dyes. They are aimed at ensuring that any girl will wipe off the varnish from the surface.

All means and methods (25 photos)

A paint stain on clothes can be very disappointing, especially if the thing is new or beloved, and you can’t buy a second one. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wash a thing in the usual way, but it is very easy to spoil it. The question of how to remove paint from clothes is relevant for many, because the prices of goods are rising almost every month. And throw away the damaged paint good thing- for some, an unaffordable luxury. Then they enter the battle with spots folk methods And professional tools, which we will now discuss.

How to remove paint from clothes at home

When we are talking about paint stains on clothes, it often seems to be a painter's work uniform or old things in which people often make repairs at home. But staining clothes with a persistent dye can and Small child who paints his masterpieces in oils or watercolors. An office worker can stain a suit with stamp paint, a careless lover of relaxing on fresh air can stain clothes with paint by sitting on a freshly painted bench, and a student can stain clothes with a leaking marker. Many examples can be given when our things are in wait for an insidious and persistent dye. Therefore, how you can remove paint from clothes, first of all, depends on the type of dye. A tool that can easily cope with watercolors will be powerless against stains from enamel or acrylic.

But no matter what dye you have stained your thing, there are a few rules. They must be observed so that the stain comes off easily, does not damage the fabric and does not aggravate the situation by sending the suit “to the country”.

  • Easiest to remove fresh spot- so get to work as soon as you know how to get paint out of clothes
  • Before you process a thing, put several layers of cotton fabric under it, and then the clothes will not get dirty
  • Before trying any method in a conspicuous place, test the product in an inconspicuous area.
  • Wipe the stain from the paint in the direction towards the center so that it does not spread further through the fabric
  • If you treat contamination with a cotton pad, change it regularly. Otherwise, you will not remove the stain, but smear it over the surface, driving the dye deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
  • When it was possible to remove the paint from the clothes, wash the item first by hand, then in washing machine by adding a stain remover. It is necessary to rinse the product more than once, and then dry it in the fresh air. To remove paint from clothing, substances with a strong bad smell(acetic acid, thinner, gasoline, kerosene, etc.). Repeated rinsing of things and high-quality drying will get rid of the smell as much as possible.

Be sure to carry out all work with gloves and in a well-ventilated area

In this article, we will look at how to remove paint from clothes if the thing is dirty:

  • Watercolor, gouache, oil and other painting compositions
  • Stamp dyes
  • acrylic or latex
  • Alkyd paint (enamel and oil)

The choice of means and methods for removing stains also depends on the type of fabric and whether the stain is fresh, old or dried.

How to remove paint from a thing for drawing

It is not uncommon for children and artists to get dirty with art supplies. The easiest way to get rid of stains from watercolor and gouache, because they have a water-soluble basis.

How to delete watercolor paint from clothes:

  • Rinse the garment under cold running water until only a faint mark remains.
  • Wash by hand or machine, with plenty of powder
  • Wash at temperatures up to 30 degrees, otherwise the pigment, on the contrary, will penetrate the fabric better

To remove old watercolor paint from clothes, you have to make a little more effort. Use one of these methods:

  • Rub the stain with laundry soap
  • Apply stain remover according to the type of fabric
  • Heat some vinegar and pour it on the stain
  • After applying the product, wait an hour, then wash the product

How to remove oil paint from clothes

  • Rinse the stained area with cold tap water
  • Apply dishwashing liquid to stain
  • After an hour, wash the product by hand
  • If you need to remove dried oil paint from clothing, use suitable fabric stain remover

Can you remove stamp ink from fabric?

Such paint is used to fill ink pads or stamps, so the problem is relevant for office workers. It's also easy to get dirty while refilling the printer and ruin an expensive suit. How to remove paint stains from clothes in this case?

Method for silk and other delicate fabrics:

  • Add water to mustard powder and mix well.
  • Apply the gruel on the stain and leave for a day
  • Now remove the dried composition from the fabric
  • Wash the garment by hand or in the washing machine

For coarser fabrics, you can use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia, mixed in equal proportions. Pour on the stain and wash the item

Remove ink stain from leather clothes can be done as follows:

  • Mix glycerin and denatured alcohol in a ratio of 50/50
  • Heat the composition, then wet a cotton swab with it
  • Gently wipe the stain without going beyond its borders.

How to remove acrylic paint from clothes

If the thing has a small fresh stain from acrylic or latex paint, then you can remove it with the same folk remedy that removes stains from watercolors and gouache. If there are a lot of spots, or the pollution is extensive and old, then the process will have to be somewhat complicated.

  • Rinse the item inside out under a cold tap
  • Squeeze a little
  • Sprinkle laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid on the stain.
  • Gently rub the product into the affected area with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Wash in the washing machine at a temperature appropriate for the type of fabric

If you need to remove a stain from acrylic paint on silk clothes or other delicate fabrics:

  • You need to moisten the thing and rub the stain with ordinary laundry soap
  • Heat denatured alcohol in a water bath, moisten a new sponge for washing dishes with it
  • Treat the stain, directly on top of laundry soap
  • Remove the remaining paint with a piece of cotton wool or a disc
  • Blot the fabric with a towel to dry it.
  • Sprinkle talc on top and wash after an hour

How to remove enamel paint from clothes

Enamel is a type of alkyd paint, the second type is oil based on drying oil. An important feature of such dyes is their moisture resistance, i.e., they do not dissolve in water. This is a big plus for indoor use. high humidity, but a minus for those who got dirty in it and are thinking how to remove old oil paint from clothes.

If the paint has got on clothes made of dense material, then its top layer must be carefully cleaned with a toothpick, coin or other moderately sharp object.

How to remove fresh paint from clothes:

  • Moisten a cotton pad with white spirit or refined gasoline
  • Gently wipe the alkyd stain
  • In a water bath, heat glycerin or ammonia
  • Apply the composition to the site of contamination
  • Rinse the item and then wash

How to remove old paint stains from clothes:

  • Pour clean kerosene over the stain
  • After a minute, wipe with a piece of cotton cloth soaked in ammonia

Second way:

  • Take equal amounts of turpentine, alcohol and gasoline
  • Mix the ingredients and pour directly on the stain
  • After an hour, the paint will soften and it can be removed with the blunt side of the knife.
  • Rinse the thing, and if there is a trace of the stain, wash it with laundry soap

How to remove oil paint stains from clothes? The above methods are effective with the use of household chemicals or combustible substances (gasoline, kerosene, white spirit). And you can try folk methods.

Folk remedies for stains and traces of paint

Butter against oil paint stains:

  • 80 grams of butter soften to room temperature
  • Mix with the same amount of laundry detergent. You should get a uniform consistency.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and rub it with a toothbrush, removing the excess with a tissue.
  • Apply the gruel a second time to the fabric and, without rinsing, cover with cellophane film
  • After half an hour, wash the clothes first with your hands, using laundry soap
  • And then - powder in the washing machine

How to remove water-based paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia:

  • Grind 30 grams of edible salt and combine with 65 ml of vinegar (6 or 9%) and 50 ml of ammonia
  • Do not use iodized salt, it will "eat" the pigment of the thing itself
  • On the wrong side of the thing, place a piece under the stain plastic bag
  • Apply the mixture to the stain
  • Rub the stain after 8 minutes. If the fabric is dense - with a toothbrush, if delicate - with a soft cotton cloth
  • Wash off the remnants of the pigment under running water and wash the item by hand or in a washing machine

A combination of vinegar and ammonia can help remove acrylic paint stains

Paint stains from both colored and white fabrics can be removed with vinegar essence:

  • Dilute 75 ml of essence with three liters of filtered water
  • Pour the solution into a basin and place the clothes with the paint stain there.
  • Soak for an hour and a half, and then wash in the machine

Enterprises often use vinegar essence to make colored items brighter, so in moderation it can be used to remove paint stains from clothes. But if the stains are small and there are few of them, it is better to carry out local treatment of contaminants, rather than soaking the whole thing in the composition.

How to remove paint from white clothes

Removing stains from white or very light shade chlorine bleach will help. Important point- it should be clothes made of cotton or linen, chlorine can ruin more delicate fabrics.

  • Pour 80 milliliters of "Whiteness" into an aluminum bucket
  • Add 6 liters of water there and put the container on fire
  • When the solution boils, lower the thing stained with paint and leave it to “boil” for half an hour
  • If a thing floats, it must be dipped back. Use special tongs or a wooden stick for this.
  • After that, wash the clothes in the machine using bleach for this type of technique.
  • Dry the product in the fresh air, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

How to remove hair dye from clothes

If the stain cosmetic dye fresh, you can try to get rid of it with laundry soap. Pollution should be rubbed with a product and left for half an hour. Then wash the item by hand or in the washing machine. But if the paint is old, only "heavy artillery" can help:

  • Apply 9% vinegar to the stain
  • After half an hour, wash the thing in the machine
  • It may take at least 5 procedures to get rid of caustic contamination.

A similar method exists using hydrogen peroxide:

Wet the paint stain liberally, and after twenty minutes, machine wash. Actual for white things, but it is better not to experiment with colored fabrics.

You can try removing paint from clothes with a solvent, using mineral spirits, acetone, kerosene, or gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab with the product and wipe the stain until it disappears.

Sometimes they try to remove the stain with a chemical hair curler, such as Curl, etc. Moisten a cotton pad with the chemical, wipe the stain and send it to the washing machine.

When trying to remove paint from clothes at home, remember that you are doing it at your own risk. This is especially true for hair dye, since it often contains not just coloring pigments and oils, but clarifiers. There is a chance to spoil the fabric, but never get rid of the stain. It will not work to remove the pollution if you dyed not just hair dye, but a lightening powder or composition.

We advise you to use these methods if the thing is inexpensive and you have only two options: either throw it away immediately, or try to “save” it before that. If the wardrobe item is not cheap, made of expensive fabrics, it is better to use professional dry cleaning.

You can stain things in paint anywhere - accidentally sit on a newly painted bench or touch with a paint brush during repairs in the house. But do not rush to throw out the wardrobe item on which the stain appeared. After all, it will be possible to get rid of it by applying simple means. How to do this, we will understand further.

Starting to remove stains from clothes, you need to have an idea about the type of paint. The choice of means depends on the composition of the dye, and the cleaning method depends on the type of fabric and the age of contamination.

paint for drawing

Gouache and watercolor are substances that dissolve in water, they are very easy to wash off. First of all, we wash the stain under a stream of cold water, and the remaining trace can be washed off manually or in a typewriter - automatic machine, pouring a little powder. Washing should be carried out in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 degrees, so that the dye does not eat into the fibers of the material.

If fresh paint could not be removed immediately, then the dried stain can be removed in one of the following ways:

  • Rub the contaminated area properly with a piece of laundry soap;
  • Apply a little stain remover compatible with this type of material to the problem area;
  • Heat the vinegar and treat the stain ( this method best not to use on delicate fabrics).

After applying the above methods, you must wait 60 minutes, and then wash the product.

stamp paint

With the need to remove stains from stamp ink as a result of careless use or refilling of the stamp and seal, office workers may encounter.

Here are some ways to remove such contaminants:

  • It is necessary to dilute the mustard powder in water to the state of gruel. It is applied to the site of contamination and left for a day. Then the dried composition is scraped off the fabric and the product is sent to the wash. This method can also be used for delicate materials such as silk.
  • Ammonia and turpentine are mixed in equal proportions and poured into the place of contamination. After it disappears, the thing needs to be washed.
  • Glycerin and denatured alcohol are combined together in a ratio of 1 to 1 and the composition is heated. Next, a cotton pad is dipped into it, with which the problem area is treated. The method is very good for leather things.

During use chemicals, do not forget to open the windows in the apartment, and also use gloves.

Acrylic and latex paint

How to get rid of a stain that has arisen from contact with acrylic or latex paint? fresh trail can be eliminated using the method of cleaning watercolor dye or gouache. Large pollution needs more painstaking processing.

Spot cleaning process:

  1. We wash the contaminated area under cool water, substituting the wrong side of the product. We squeeze the thing a little.
  2. Using any brush with soft bristles, rub laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid into the problem area.
  3. We put the wardrobe item in the machine - automatic, setting maximum temperature suitable for this type of fabric.

Old soiling on silk or other items delicate things can be output like this:

  1. Wet the cloth with water and rub the dirt with laundry soap.
  2. We heat the denatured alcohol and use a sponge to process the contamination directly on top of the soap with a sponge.
  3. We remove the remaining dye with a damp cotton sponge.
  4. We impregnate the treated area with a towel and pour talcum powder. The product can be washed after an hour.

Enamel and oil paint

When removing stains from things, keep in mind that these paints are insoluble in water. From products from thick fabric the top layer of dye is best peeled off using a knife, toothpick or coin.

A fresh speck from enamel or oil dye can be removed like this:

  • We dip a cotton sponge in purified gasoline or white spirit and wipe the contaminated area.
  • We apply warm glycerin or ammonia to the stained area, then rinse and wash the thing.
  • We mix gasoline and acetone in the same amount. We dip a cotton sponge into the mixture, treat the problem area, and then wash the product.

Tips for removing old stains:

  • We mix alcohol, turpentine and gasoline in the same proportion and pour it on the area of ​​​​contamination. We leave for an hour. Remove the softened dye with a knife. We rinse and wash the problem area with laundry soap.
  • Wet the pollution with clean kerosene. After a minute, wipe it with a piece of cloth soaked in ammonia.
  • We put turpentine on the spot and wait a while. We dilute soda in high concentration in water and process the mark with a sponge.
  • Oil dye can be removed if applied to the problem area vegetable oil. After that, you need to wait a bit and scrub the paint with a brush.

There are many methods for removing paint. First of all, be guided by the type of paint and the type of material of the soiled item. Exercise caution when working with delicate cloth such as wool, silk, viscose and fine synthetics. For cleansing, it is better to use non-aggressive substances - glycerin, ammonia, laundry soap and liquid detergents.

Dye is a substance that can be deeply absorbed into the fibers of clothing, making it difficult to wash off. Not only oil paint, but even gouache can significantly spoil a thing. Before you begin to eliminate the stain, you need to determine how fresh it is, the type of paint and what material the product is sewn from. You can wipe paint from clothes at home using simple improvised means.

Get rid of dry old paint at home, you can, following a simple instruction:

  1. Before, you need to get rid of the top layer with a razor, knife or stiff brush.
  2. Next, you need to soften the stain with ointment (Vaseline) or vegetable oil.
  3. Use solvents to remove contamination.

When choosing a cleaning method, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric and type of paint. Therefore, before using any remedy, you need to read the recommendations:

  • Powder and oil. To remove paint from colored clothes, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of washing powder and vegetable or butter. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain, and remove after a couple of minutes. Such a tool will help to remove the stain, and the color of the product will remain the same.
  • Vinegar-ammonia mixture. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. The finished solution should be applied with a toothbrush on the stain. After 10-12 minutes, wash the item. Acrylic paint can be washed in this way.
  • Solvents. Dried dirt can be removed with acetone, gasoline and turpentine. The product must be applied to wrong side light products movements from the edge to the center, so as not to rub the paint and prevent it from soaking deeper. You can use a mixture of solvents. It is necessary to mix gasoline, turpentine, alcohol in equal proportions and moisten the stain.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The stain must be soaked with hydrogen peroxide, left for a few minutes, and then washed in the washing machine.

Fresh spot removal

It is much easier to get rid of fresh paint than dried paint:

  • When cleaning a product from black paint, it is not necessary to wash or wash it with powder. It is enough to apply dishwashing detergent to the stain, and, as soon as it gets wet, wash it.
  • Petrol. To remove stains, soak a cotton pad in clean gasoline and blot the stain.
  • Acetone. It is necessary to drop a little substance on the stain and leave for 10 minutes. When working with acetone, be aware that it can discolor colored fabric, as well as dissolve the synthetic fiber.

Dirt on different fabrics

When choosing methods for cleaning a product, it is necessary to take into account not only the type and composition of the paint, but also the type of fabric:

  • Cotton, knitwear. To clean cotton clothes, you need to mix white clay with clean gasoline until a slurry is formed. Apply the mixture on the product for 3 hours. This time will be enough to remove the paint pigments from the fabric. You can also clean knitwear with a solution consisting of 1 liter of water, a bar of soap and 1 tsp. soda. In this solution, the thing must be boiled for 10 minutes.
  • Silk. The stain on silk should be rubbed with soap, and on top of it with cotton pad apply alcohol. After that, rinse the item well in clean water.
  • Synthetics. Solvents should not be used to clean such materials, as they can burn through them. It is enough to saturate the stain with ammonia a little and soak in salt water.
  • Wool. To remove oil paint from woolen items, dissolve in warm alcohol laundry soap and wipe a sweater or coat with this mixture.
  • Leather. It is enough to wipe the contaminated area with olive, castor or vegetable oil.
  • Jeans. You can quickly remove a stain from your trousers with kerosene or gasoline. It is enough to soak it with these means and wash it.

How do you get hair dye out of clothes?

You can remove traces of hair dye from clothes using the following tools:

  • Laundry soap. Soap must be rubbed on the contaminated area so that the substance is well absorbed into the fibers. After that, you need to rinse the thing in cold water. If the first time it was not possible to get rid of the stain, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, only with hot water.
  • Hydrogen peroxide with vinegar. To prepare the solution, you need to mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. Using a cotton pad, rub the product into the stain and leave for an hour. After the time has passed, the item must be washed in the washing machine.
  • Kerosene or acetone. If the first two methods have not been effective, you can use aggressive means. Do not use kerosene or acetone on delicate or silk items. It is necessary to mix kerosene and acetone in equal proportions and apply the substance to the contaminated area with a cotton pad. Once the stain is completely gone, rinse the item under running water and wash with washing powder. Before using this tool, you need to try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.
  • Vegetable oil. Apply this remedy on the stain and leave for a few minutes. Despite the effectiveness of this method, after the oil may remain greasy spots, which will also have to be disposed of.
  • Glycerol. This tool will help to remove things from hair dye. First, apply a soapy solution to the stain, and then use a cotton pad to treat with glycerin. Leave the item for a few minutes and then wash.
  • You can use hairspray, as it contains the necessary solvents. It is enough to apply the product on the stain, wait a few minutes, and then wash it in the washing machine.

After removing paint from clothes at home, the item must be washed in warm water, rinse and air dry. You should not interrupt the smell of gasoline or acetone with perfumes, as there may be unpredictable consequences. When working with aggressive substances, rubber gloves must be worn so as not to harm the skin.