A conspiracy to love a man to read. Conspiracy for longing. A strong conspiracy to quickly catch up with love longing to read on your own. Love magic - ritual with candles

Everyone wants love, to be close to a man, to feel safe and to be the most desirable and important for his boyfriend in the world. But it is not so easy, and sometimes they fall in love with a person who does not reciprocate your feelings, and at times a nasty fate programs you for loneliness or doom yourself to a lack of love. Something inside us blocks these feelings, stops us, does not allow us to open our hearts to other people. But do not despair - you can make a conspiracy to love a guy and white magic will help to attract mercy.

A conspiracy to love a guy will help get rid of loneliness and attract into the life of a girl exactly the person who is constantly present in her thoughts, heart dreams

When and how to make a love spell

Magic is an effective tool for self-realization in all areas of life, including love. Magic and faith can change our lives, because each of us is a magical, mystical and spiritual person and everyone is worthy of love.

Being in a relationship with a guy means creating a psychic connection between two people. Such a connection is much more difficult to break, destroy than physical intimacy. You can part with a certain person, but be constantly mentally connected with him. This leads to the fact that it is impossible to create a strong relationship, leaving the former love in the past, although it has already passed, and the beloved has left. All that remains is disappointment and pain, which paralyzes the heart and the opportunity to go to another person. In such a situation, a cleansing ritual is useful. And only if you leave the bad energy from previous relationships in the past, if you completely destroy the ties that bind you to your former lover and find inner peace, only then can you apply a conspiracy to a guy and a new love.

Only a combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the correct and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of.

Need to know

You must remember that conspiracies and attracting otherworldly forces for help can be dangerous, because love is a great power and using it or manipulating it can be fatal for you. Awakening of the senses can help, but it should not force anyone to love. Every person should be free to choose, and it is immoral to force someone to love you. Even if you manage to do something like this, it will not be true love and will not give proper happiness in life. A person can always get rid of the spell, because the feeling that is not caused by spells, when a guy just fell in love with you, is much more durable.

It may also happen that he and you will not be able to get rid of each other, as they are connected with the help of magic. As a result, you will be doomed to suffering, so you should be very reasonable and approach the possibilities that white magic offers and to make a conspiracy to love a guy.

If the rituals are carried out with the involvement of white magic, they cannot be used to harm another person.

Give a chance to leave

Love magic carries the risk of manipulating the other person's feelings. If someone does not love you and does not want to create a relationship with you, you should let him go. Be especially careful if your love has already found its happiness in the arms of another person. Otherwise, the situation will look as if you are sure that the feelings between you and your loved one have not cooled down, and the reason for the separation is a misunderstanding or a difference in characters. If you want to restore the love of a former partner with the help of conspiracies, believing to completely change his intentions, which is inherently bad, you must think carefully before using magic. It is best to attract new love and find the perfect partner for you.

If you are sure that when you unite again, your feelings will be warm and sincere, and there is also a chance for a happy life together, then you can turn to magic for help.

A strong conspiracy will help bring back a loved one, but before proceeding with its implementation, consider the situation

Efficient and lightweight

  1. The plot is read at home at the first rays of the sun.
  2. Read the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Take any new thing that will always be with you (purse, hair clip, earrings, ring, etc.).
  4. On the new thing, say the following words:

    "God! As people wait, they wait for spring,

    How red the sun is touched,

    So it would be for me, God's servant (name),

    The men, young and old, rejoiced.

    They looked, admired, followed me

    Old men, mature men,

    Young fellows and beardless youths.

    Accepted with honor, respected with honor,

    But my legs all stood up with me,

    In conversations, the word was given,

    They would come to have mercy on me.

    The dream was kept kissing.

    All words are keys.

    All cases - locks.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

  5. After some time, you will meet a guy who will be narrowed and offer you a hand and give his heart, become your support and joy for life.

Conspiracy to attract a guy

If a girl wants to attract the attention of men, there is a strong and effective ritual involving white magic. If you do it right and spend it, love will come to you faster.

  1. Take a ring with a real ruby ​​\u200b\u200band a piece of bright red fabric.
  2. At night, in the phase of the growing moon, light three candles bought in the church.
  3. Install them on the windowsill.
  4. Take the ring in your hands and standing over the candle and looking at the sky, you should read these words:

    “Let them gather, good fellows, for the holiday of light, for the holiday of Christ, let them stretch from all sides to my house. As they look on the Great Feast at the sacred crosses, and at the beautiful domes, and at the bright face of the Virgin, so they will look at the servant of God (name of the performer), they will look, but they will not be able to tear themselves away. I will seem to them more beautiful than the red sun, purer than white silver. May my words be strong, how strong is my will, may they be indestructible forever and ever. I’ll throw the key into the water, no one will find it, the conspiracy will not take it away. Let it be so. Amen".

  5. Immediately wrap the ruby ​​ring in red cloth.
  6. Put it in the secret pocket of your bag. The charmed ring is a strong love talisman. It must not be shown to anyone, otherwise, with someone else's touch, its strength is forever lost.

The ring will serve to attract the attention of men. It will help to make your life richer with positive emotions and events. Add charm and attractiveness.

The red ruby ​​is the most famous stone, the magic of which symbolizes love and passion.

Attract the one and only

The ritual serves to attract the one who has gone and left you with a broken heart. The conspiracy is very strong and works faster if you read it early in the morning, without involving fortune-tellers.

  1. Get up before sunrise.
  2. Together with the first rays, go out into the field and the garden, where there are many flowers. It is better if it is a corner of nature away from the city noise.
  3. Run your hands over the dewy grass and face the sun. You need to read the following words:
  4. Keep the ritual performed secret from everyone, and that desired and only one who left you yesterday will return to you.

For the love of a handsome guy

If you fell in love with a guy, you want him to come to you and become your betrothed, but you are afraid to tell him about it, then you will have to call on magic for help, enlist its support.

At home, independently make a strong conspiracy to love the guy you have chosen. You need to read the following words:

“As the dew from the rising sun evaporates and is destroyed, as the dew from the first rays of the sun begins to dry, so the servant of God (the name of the man) for me, the servant of God (name) will begin to dry. May he no longer know peace, either at night or during the day, may there be no joy in his life, neither in work, nor in walks, nor in rest. May the servant of God (name of the man) always think of me, may he remember me every minute. I conjure you (man's name) by the Lord God, and by all Orthodox saints. I conjure you (man's name) on the day of the creation of the world. On my birthday, I conjure you (man's name). In the afternoon, when I finish my earthly path, I reject the joys and sufferings of the earth, I conjure you (the name of the man). With all the powers of heaven and earth I conjure you (the name of the man), with all the spirits of light and darkness. You be mine. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For affection and true love

A little magic in love guarantees the one who left, a new freshness and will give vitality, strengthen your inner potential. But you must be responsible for what you do and not consider conspiracies as fun. The spell power is huge and effective. You should know that by attracting a loved one who left with the help of white magic, doing everything so that he returns faster and falls in love with you again without memory, several factors are needed:

  1. Believe in the power of magic as in yourself. Without faith, all your efforts will be useless.
  2. Attracted with the help of magic should remember about you.
  3. It is impossible to determine exactly the time for magic to have an effect on a loved one. But the appeal to higher matters and energies is effective and evokes the strongest feelings in a person.

When applying magical rituals, you must remember one more thing: love must be in the heart, not in the eyes. Deep feelings should be open and sincere.

Remember: if a person returns against his will, you should expect some negative consequences.

“Your soul will fly like a bird when you fall asleep. She will fly to me and sit on my pillow. She will peck bread from my palms and drink water from my lips. Your soul, (name of the chosen one), knows me and is not afraid of me. She is handmade for me. So become you, (name), when you wake up, tame and not shy. Lay your head on my shoulder and smile at the happiness that has come. Everything will be like this. Everything will be fulfilled according to my word. Amen".

If the conspiracy is carried out correctly, the whole ritual is completed, the only one who left you will return, he will love hard and strongly.

Amulet for a dream

To achieve your goal, and instead of magic spells and conspiracies read at home, it will be faster to make a strong amulet aimed at fulfilling your dreams. This amulet is designed to attract the perfect partner for you, whom you just meet, and not for a specific guy you know and who suddenly falls in love with a wave of a magic wand. To create such an amulet is simple:

  1. Prepare a few items: three ribbons - red, green and white. A sprig of apple or willow, a piece of red paper.
  2. Take a candle. Candles are one of the most important attributes of magic. They create the right aura to perform conspiracies. Their fire has a cleansing effect.
  3. Write the name of your candidate on the candles and light it. The act of burning a candle is the realization of a spell.
  4. Don't forget that the color of the candle is critical. Love candles - red - attract passion. Pink - symbolize romantic love. You need a pink candle.

The preparation of attributes is the easiest part of the ritual action. Visualization gives it real magical power. You need to relax and imagine your ideal partner - what he looks like, what character, what thoughts he has, where he works. You can’t think about a specific person, only about the general characteristics that you want to see in your chosen one. By imagining your partner, you can go one step further with visualization. You can use a statement - or a property of processing your imagination, as a form of an already existing one.

You can talk to him, imagine and feel his presence next to you. Express your desire and desire to meet in reality. The more and sincerely deeply you believe in it, the faster your wish will come true.

  1. Give your imaginary partner a name, or an affectionate title. Write it on a pink candle. Light it up.
  2. Write your name on a red piece of paper.
  3. Focus on the image of your partner and what your union with him will look like.
  4. Braid colored ribbons and tie them around a red card with your name on it. The weave symbolizes intimacy in love. It is strengthened by wax from a burning candle and supported by a card, glued with wax to a previously prepared branch, tied with ribbons.
  5. When the candle burns out completely, and the wax on the branch hardens, the amulet will be ready.
  6. Hang it on your bed and expect happiness in the form of the person you dreamed about and who will definitely knock on your door.

Another amulet in the form of a bag. All amulets are prepared at home. For them to have a strong effect of attracting love and a guy, you must be at home alone.

The amulet of love is a great helper for those who want to find their soul mate or save a relationship

  1. Sew a small bag of red silk (color required, material of choice). He will always have to be with you.
  2. Create a certain mood.
  3. Light a pink candle. Visualize the object of your love.
  4. Fill the bag with dried apple peel, rose petals and two white feathers. Drip some musk oil.
  5. The finished amulet will help you find your love.

ritual for love

For the same purpose, you can conduct another stronger rite to attract the love of a guy. It should be done at home, alone.

  1. Prepare four pink candles. One large and three small ones, like on a birthday cake.
  2. Imagine an object of love and write an affectionate name invented for him on a piece of paper (bunny, cat, etc.).
  3. Sit comfortably and place the candle in front of you. Your thoughts should be completely cleansed and directed only towards achieving the goal. This is one of the most important rules of white magic. For spells and rituals to be effective, peace, tranquility and harmony must reign in your inner world.
  4. When you are ready, on the largest candle, write down the name of one of the three runes: Gebo (Gebo), Fehu (Fehu) or Teiwaz (Teyvaz). Light it up.

The choice of runes is not accidental. Candles and runes have tremendous power. You have to be very careful with them and use them judiciously. If you are looking for a partner-friend with whom you want to create a strong bond for years, the best rune to choose is Gebo. It will ensure a good relationship, symbolizes the sincerity of both giving and taking.

For more passionate people who want to have fascinating sex and crazy sensations with their partner, the Fehu rune will be more suitable - fiery, passionate, providing wealth and great sex.

In this situation, you can use the Teiwaz rune, or male, which is also responsible for sexuality and is especially useful for those who, after finding love, immediately want to have offspring.

  1. After you decide on the runes and light the big candle, keep imagining your ideal boyfriend, light one small candle and wait for them to burn out completely. Repeat three times.
  2. Light a large candle and in its flame burn a piece of paper with the affectionate name of an imaginary partner.
  3. Leave a large pink candle at home within sight. You will get used to the possibility of love and it will easily find you. Sometimes you do not need to resort to magical rituals or make a conspiracy to love a guy, she will come to you herself.
  4. Jewelry with rose quartz or incense in the apartment will add positive energy to the work of the amulet.

When making conspiracies and making amulets, you must remember that love is unexpected and surprising.. Therefore, you should not try to understand her or force her to come, you should open your heart to another person that will not go unnoticed so that he comes to you.

The most complete description in all details is a conspiracy of white magic to love a guy with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

You can read conspiracies for the love of white magic at home, the conspiracy is strong and acts at a distance from the bewitched person. Attracting love with the help of white magic occurs at any distance from a loved one on whom a love spell was read. The fact that you need to read a love plot at home makes it more convenient than a love spell that requires more serious actions and preparation to attract love from your loved one.

White love spell a man and an unmarried guy need read on photo only on one's own and at home, where the one on whom the love spell is being made should come and whose love you want to attract to yourself. You need a photo of your loved one, if there is no photo, you can secretly take a picture of him on your phone. For a love spell - a conspiracy, you can use a black-and-white photograph of a man you like or an unmarried guy printed on a printer. A white love plot needs to be read over the photo so that your breath warms and penetrates through the distance to your loved one, who at the time of reading the plot is at a distance from you.

The text of the love plot to read:

I am (your name), a servant of God,

I look at the photo of my beloved to me, I will bewitch him,

White conspiracy I read the power over the sweet I get,

After praying and baptizing, I take a photo,

I call him to my house.

Be you a servant of God (name) to me dear, my beloved.

You will yearn without me, you will not know joy in anything.

You feel sad about me very often call me.

Let that longing not pass until the beloved comes to me.

My love and longing will quench,

This strong conspiracy to love will return happiness in his heart.

I fasten the word, I close it with a lock for a century.

As you read the conspiracy over the photo of your loved one three times, love longing and sadness for you will wake up in his heart and soon wait for a call on the phone or at the door - this will be the effect of this strong conspiracy to love white magic that you could read on your own without leaving anywhere at home, that is, at home.

White and black magic makes it possible to read strong love plots for the love of a man, woman, guy or girl that cannot be removed, they act quickly and forever. If you have a need to quickly bewitch a loved one to yourself so that he loves only you and never cheats, you need to read a strong love conspiracy that cannot be removed

You need to read the most powerful conspiracy for the love and longing of a woman that cannot be removed on her photo and the effect of such a love spell comes in 1 day. White magic of love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for a woman's strong love for a man, which you will have to read on your own. For a conspiracy, certain items are needed and a new moon must come.

White love magic will help to bewitch your beloved man, you just need to independently read the conspiracy to love a man while at home. The most powerful conspiracy for love that cannot be removed must be read in the photo and for food as soon as the full moon passes and the new moon comes, treat the man with such a love spell

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What conspiracies of white magic need to be read for a man's love

A strong conspiracy to love a man is in no way inferior to a love spell in its effectiveness. There are also rituals aimed at calling sympathy and easy love. They belong to white magic and can serve as a reliable foundation in building a serious relationship. White love conspiracies can be practiced at home.

Preparation for the ritual

Love conspiracies from the arsenal of light magic have a mild effect, do not suppress the will and consciousness of the object of the ritual, therefore they are considered the safest. Their task is to help the performer achieve sympathy from the desired man. This does not mean that you will receive a guy's love on a silver platter. It will only push the object of your sighing to reciprocal feelings, and the main responsibilities for keeping him close to you and maintaining relationships will lie entirely on your shoulders.

Independent performance of a conspiracy ritual requires the performer to comply with certain conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the ritual and its correct effect. What do you need to know about such love rituals?

  • read the text only during the rise of the moon so that the effect of the ritual intensifies along with the night luminary and the feelings of the desired man for you grow;
  • suitable time of day for a white conspiracy - sunrise or noon;
  • white ritual cannot be done to harm or in retaliation to another person, for this there is black magic;
  • before the ceremony strict fasting recommended(3 days - minimum), the text is read only on an empty stomach;
  • the body must be clean: before the ritual, take a bath, or take a bath or shower; you can not turn to magic during menstruation;
  • hair should be loosened, also remove all jewelry;
  • fix your nails: remove the varnish, long - cut off;
  • cloth in which you will read a conspiracy to love a man, should be clean, as simple as possible, without any fasteners and, preferably, light in color, made from natural fabrics;
  • you can not do the ritual while intoxicated- there should not be a single gram of alcohol in the blood. It is better to take alcohol at least 3 days ago;
  • strictly follow the instructions of the ritual;
  • if the plot involves reading in nature, choose for these purposes quiet and deserted place; the nearest settlement should be located no closer than 100 km from the selected area; after completing the ritual, leave without looking back;
  • about the ceremony don't tell anyone, do not read the plot out of curiosity and a desire to check its effect.

Before you start pronouncing a conspiracy to love a guy, I recommend reading the prayer “Our Father”. Speak the words of the prayer in an undertone, clearly and clearly. It will be good if you learn the text by heart - you can’t stray and get confused. It is useful when reading “Our Father” to look at a photograph of your beloved man.

And one more important condition: turn to any magic only if you really love your chosen one. Your feelings should be sincere and coming from the very heart, and your thoughts should be pure, devoid of selfishness and selfishness. Otherwise, you and your loved one may be seriously harmed.

Simple and effective ways

On the tablecloth and candles

It is best to do the ceremony on the growing moon. cook white tablecloth and 3 church candles. Lay a tablecloth on the table, place candles on it (on saucers or on candlesticks). Light them up and start reading:

“O Lord Almighty, I beg you for a deep request. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, create a prickly fence and lingering mortal anguish. Close it, Lord, slave (name of the chosen one), so that he does not leave me and find another woman for himself. Lock it with a key, and take that key for yourself. Help me, Lord, God's faithful servant (your name) . And until that lock is opened, the slave(name of chosen one) don't fall in love with me. Amen!".

In total, say the conspiracy 3 times, after each time put out one candle. When all 3 candles are extinguished, weave them together and fasten them on a silver platter. Light it up and let it burn out completely. Release the resulting smoke out the window, ventilate the room.

To the dawn

The ritual uses the energy of dawn, the power of nature, so it is considered very effective and quickly leads to the desired result.

Early in the morning, at sunrise, stand facing the luminary (to the east) and say 7 times in a whisper:

“Just as a person does not live without food and water, so the servant of God (name of chosen one) cannot be and live without a servant of God(own name) neither at night nor during the day, without half of my own - me. Amen!"

To improve a chilled relationship

Suitable for cases when you are already in love with a man or married to him, but there is some cooling in your relationship. To perform the ceremony, prepare photograph of the chosen one.

Put the photograph on the floor, stand on it with the heel of your right foot and say:

“As my body presses on you, so your love for me presses. As it is heavy for your body from my heel, so it is heavy for your heart without me.

A simple but powerful conspiracy on the water

A simple conspiracy for love is read into the water, with which the performer must wash herself. Some people add a little salt to the liquid. Say the text 3 times, then wash yourself with the charmed liquid or take a bath with its addition.

“Voditsa-water, drink the blood of the Great Mother. Earth-Earth, fill the water with your blood. Heaven-father, hear the daughter's request, bless the water with your power. Let the beauty arrive, and whoever sees it will become mine and no longer look at others. Let it be so!"

Results appear very quickly (sometimes the next day).

Watch a few more rituals in this video:

Love spell for a man or woman

Love magic is a powerful way to achieve happiness through connection with a loved one. Attracting a guy, girl, man, returning a loved one, attracting good luck in love affairs - there are many rituals (both black and white magic) that can help help a desperate lover.

A love spell is the oldest and most popular type of magical intervention in life and relationships between people. Now this type of spell is mainly used - people have entrusted the protection of the house to security systems and insurance companies, they use fertilizers for a better harvest. Love, however, has not yet been subdued to the required degree.

What should be remembered when casting love spells?

A love spell is a way to completely subjugate a person to your will, so think about whether it is worth doing such violence against a person who does not reciprocate. You always have a choice until you resort to magic and cast strong love spells. After you do this, it doesn't matter if the ritual you choose belongs to black or white magic.

Having firmly decided to conduct a magical ritual, it is necessary to understand that the object of sympathy after the spell will be completely at the mercy of the performer or customer. Therefore, before pronouncing a conspiracy to love, it is worth considering whether it is really worth seeking love in this way and is it necessary to bind someone who does not reciprocate?

The responsibility for love spells can be very heavy, and retribution will inevitably overtake both you and the object of your passion.

The text of the spell for the love of a girl, boyfriend, man, for the return of a loved one should carry a meaning that is understandable and accessible to you, do not read abracadabra that you cannot understand, otherwise you risk “hanging” a lot of karmic muck on yourself as a result. This rule applies to both white and black magic spells. Be attentive and careful.

The main thing when reading a spell is keeping secrets and an unshakable faith in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. Without faith, the conspiracy will never work, and keeping secrecy means that you cannot talk about casting a spell on the love of a guy or girl to any living soul, especially to this guy or girl himself.

It is worth reading the words quickly (patter), but clearly, without chewing or swallowing the endings, with clear pauses in meaning (in the text they are highlighted with punctuation marks). The voice should be even, but quiet - it is best to conjure in a whisper.

White magic in love affairs

White magical influences, according to the assurances of the magicians themselves, are not intended for harmful influences, their goal is good. Like it or not - everyone can decide for himself, but in matters of love there are no equal white magicians. With a spell, you can attract strong love, start a new relationship - for this, go out onto the porch (on the landing, if you live in an apartment) with a red candle and in a white scarf, read the words of the conspiracy quietly, but confidently, without stammering or confusing words.

If you want to resort to white magic to return the love and loyalty of a guy or girl, try a simple white magic conspiracy for strong love and loyalty of a guy / man (or girl).

Place three candles on a white tablecloth: red, yellow and white. After the candles are lit - read the plot to attract a man / guy / girl three times in a row, after each time extinguish one candle - first red, then white, and finally yellow. When all three candles are extinguished, light them in the reverse order (yellow, white, red), and let them burn out to the end.

Depending on whether you are a guy or a girl, the words of the conspiracy will change to attract love or to return a loved one (pronouns will obey your needs).

A popular type of black magic interference in love affairs is the Black Wedding spell. The composition of the attributes, the place and time of the ritual indicate that it is really dangerous.

Two full-length photos (yours and your loved one), three black and three red cubic zirconia candles, chilibukha leaves powdered, half a liter of vaseline oil.

Choose the graves of a person who bore the name of a loved one during his lifetime, lay out a photo on them, arrange candles - red on the left, black on the right. Light the red candles from the match, and the black ones from the first lit red one. Read the spell by heart, pour the leaves in the photo, pour oil on top.

After that, you need to set fire to the photo from both sides - from the red and black candles, and burn it to the ground.

Return the candles to their place, after the photo burns out - read the spell again and leave without looking back, without saying a word, not paying attention to the noise.

Anyone who uses spells to force someone else's will is interested in this question. Men and women, boys and girls - whoever uses magic to return a loved one or attract new love - will pay for it. Violence over the will of a person is a terrible sin, magic is an irreparable evil, using which you deny the God-given freedom of human choice.

The return of negativity is inevitable, plus you are almost guaranteed to be punished for sin.

If the feelings have passed - the return of a loved one will make you and many others unhappy to an extreme and exceptional degree, such a return will become a terrible, irreparable grief. And you will have to pay for a rash decision for a long time and painfully. Perhaps not only to you, but also to your loved ones. Therefore, before running for help to a magician or grabbing a book of conspiracies yourself, think again: are you ready for negative consequences?

How and when is it right to read conspiracies for the love of a man from white magic?

Even in the past, girls and women tried with the help of magic words to fall in love with a young man they liked. In order for love conspiracies to work, it is necessary to carry out exactly according to all the rules, without missing a single detail. Our ancestors have been honing them for decades, choosing the most suitable conditions in order to develop the ideal formula for attracting a man.

A conspiracy to attract love is a special program that allows you to attract the love of a particular person.

Conspiracies for mutual love to read before going to bed

In the state of sleep, a person can materialize his own desires. It is for this reason that many effective love plots are read before going to bed.

A girl who has not yet met her chosen one can speak to love herself before going to bed with the following words:

"Universe! Hear me!

I am open to love

I love and I am loved.

A love spell can be read countless times. This rite should be done at home before going to bed for a full week. Words should be spoken with faith in them. The first line of the plot, like the last, does not need to be repeated. They are only spoken once.

Such a strong love spell is perfect for girls who are interested in attracting a particular guy or man. It has the form of a prayer that can, with the help of magic, awaken strong feelings:

“I call on the power of love, kindle it with the fire of passion. You go, love, in the heart to (name), settle there forever and ever. Kindle feelings (name) with a hot flame for me (your name). Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his heart, with all his soul, desire to unite with me. May it be as I said. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For this ceremony, you will need a photo of a guy. Words are read three times daily for one week. When conspiracies for love sound, the girl should be overwhelmed with only positive emotions, and she herself is recommended to look at the photo. You should imagine the image of the chosen one in order to speed up the fulfillment of desire. After the ritual, nothing more can be said. You need to immediately go to bed, and cross the photo of the man three times and put it under the pillow.

Talking about love is really much better and more effective before going to bed. Such a ceremony does not require special preparations and can be easily performed at home. A well-chosen prayer, read at night before going to bed, will help the girl to attract the attention of a guy, make him fall in love with herself and arrange a long-awaited marriage.

Conspiracies for the love of a man on the full moon

Magic works well on a full moon. Therefore, it is during this period that girls decide to perform rituals that are aimed at attracting a man. To get a positive result and ensure mutual love, it is not necessary to go somewhere at night. Everything can be done on a full moon at home. But not the best option to conduct the ceremony in bad weather. She can prevent magic from fulfilling a wish.

To speak to the love of your chosen one, it is worth exploring several options for prayer. Below are five effective conspiracies that should be repeated on the days of the full moon. It is enough to comfortably sit in a chair and start reading them one after another:

As my love is strong and cordial, so may the feeling (say the name of the man) for me be eternal. Amen.

Just as an apple does not fall far from an apple tree, so let my beloved man always make me happy. Amen.

How sweet is honey and sugar, so let the peasant love me. Amen.

As there are no barriers in love, so let a man be happy with me. Amen.

Let the beloved man not reject me, and not disappear along the path to another. Amen.

Many people know that full moon conspiracies have a special magical meaning. Indeed, all lunar power is invested in such a conspiracy.

Such a conspiracy to love will only work during the full moon. At the time of reading, you should imagine in your head the image of the guy you like. Each prayer has its own energy. Therefore, five conspiracies will definitely have a beneficial effect on attracting a man to a girl. They can be read one after another an unlimited number of times. On a full moon, magic is especially strong. So don't miss out on this time.

It should be borne in mind that magic that can speak for love during the full moon at home will not work if the chosen young man resists the will to be with the girl conducting the ceremony. After all, such a prayer only pushes the guy to decisive action, which he will also be pleased with.

Conspiracies for the love of a man on the new moon

There are rituals aimed at arousing interest in the man you like, not only for the full moon, but also for the new moon. They also guarantee the mutual love that a girl wants to receive in the prime of her youth. A prayer for the rite on the new moon can be read before going to bed. The ritual itself is carried out at home.

Here is a love conspiracy that will help the chosen one awaken feelings for the girl. It’s worth saying right away that you should not try to perform this ritual on a full moon, as it will not give any effect.

“As water swallowed the ring, so the feeling (your names) will mutually swallow us whole, and love (your names) will grow stronger every day. Amen!".

The rite itself is carried out as follows. The girl needs to purchase a gold ring in advance. On one of the nights of the new moon, it is necessary to light a red candle. You will need a clean glass of holy water, where a gold jewelry will be thrown. After that, observe the ring and how the candle flame is played. At this time, you should imagine the image of a man and slowly say a prayer. It is enough to repeat the conspiracy to love on the new moon a couple of times. After the girl puts the ring on the middle finger of her right hand. It is advisable not to remove the decoration so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the plot, which is allowed to be read before going to bed.

The magic of the new moon allows you to strengthen or even renew the feelings of a guy for a girl. This will require a small ceremony. You should take a blank sheet of paper and write on it those desires that the chosen man should have. After that, the sheet should be strongly crumpled and set on fire. While it burns, the girl should say these words:

"As the fire remembers, so be it!"

This love spell promises the fulfillment of a wish, which guarantees the attraction of a loved one. And once again it is worth recalling that the ritual is performed at night, preferably before going to bed, on the new moon.

In the period between Saturday and Sunday of the new moon, you can try another way to attract a guy through magic. Only a clear night will do, when weather forecasters will not promise bad weather. The girl should go to the window and, peering at the stars, utter a conspiracy to love:

“As the stars and the moon in the sky are always together, so (your name) wants to return love (name) and become his bride. Amen. Amen. Amen!".

A love plot of this type should be repeated throughout the entire period of the new moon.

Conspiracies for a successful marriage

Rituals are very popular, which help not only to speak to the love of a young man, but also guarantee the girl a quick marriage. Such conspiracies can be read before and after the new moon and full moon, as they are universal, not tied to specific days.

Here is a great example of a home plot that will speed up a girl's marriage:

“Carnation herbal meadow, reaching for the sun, opening with petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, walk with a wedding ring, meet a sweetheart, and get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my fate comes to me. As a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear me, a red, smart and stately girl (name), will find and marry. Amen".

While the love plot is being read, the girl must do a small ritual. Namely, she should get a bouquet of carnations. Tie each flower to each other with a blue ribbon and put them in running water in this form. Even in ancient times, girls doomed themselves to marriage with this ritual.

The bright thoughts with which you read the marriage conspiracy will bring a positive result.

The following words help to attract a guy and give him the idea to propose marriage to a girl:

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, wind, to the servant of God, my betrothed, mummers, my words. Damn the wind, hell against the wind and my challenge with him. My betrothed, betrothed by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, and bring your soul to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

For the words to work, it is necessary to open a window in the room during the growing moon. And only after that start to pronounce them. It is enough to repeat the plot only once. He will quickly attract a guy to a girl and help create a strong family for a couple.

Absolutely any girl can speak for the love of a young man she likes. During the ritual, you should have a pure mind and an open heart. It is not recommended to make marriage conspiracies with men who are already married. With such games, the girl easily invites the curse of celibacy on herself.

In order for the ritual performed for marriage to really work, you should choose the right period. Some conspiracies are for the new moon, others for the full moon. The rest of the time they are of no use.

You need to read the marriage conspiracy clearly and quickly, pronouncing every word. The girl must understand that a miracle will not happen immediately. Even quick marriage spells take time. Magical forces will receive information and convey it to the chosen one. After that remains the most difficult. The young man must receive this message and respond to it correctly. A girl who really dreams of marriage will definitely wait for her lover, who so far simply did not dare to come to her with a serious marriage proposal.

Conspiracies for guys who already have certain feelings for girls work flawlessly. However, they can backfire on both sides. To avoid problems, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the rituals in advance. It is necessary to follow absolutely all the recommendations for their implementation in order for the magic words to bring an exclusively positive result.

Love magic is considered public, but when choosing a conspiracy or rite that will have to influence the feelings of a loved one, the magician will have to focus on the level of his own abilities. The beloved, in whose name ritual actions will be performed, will be defenseless against the surging sensations, the responsibility for his adaptation to a new state of mind will also fall on the shoulders of the magician. Therefore, before succumbing to the impulse of blind love, you must first understand your own motives and determine the real place of this person in your life.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

6 rules of love magic

In total, 6 basic rules of love magic can be distinguished, the observance of which will bring the result as close as possible to the promised one and reduce negative reverse processes:

  • all actions performed must be kept secret, and ritual paraphernalia that requires long-term storage is hidden in such a way that it will never be found;
  • during the ritual, you need to visualize the result in the desired perspective, imagine future pleasant moments of intimacy with your loved one, as if they were already a memory;
  • it is supposed to be forgotten about the conspiracy made immediately after all the manipulations, and the upcoming union should be taken for granted, without anticipation and obsessive expectation;
  • conspiracies for love are carried out on the new moon and on the growing moon, less often on the full moon;
  • during the ritual, red candles are used, purchased at a church or a store of magical supplies;
  • all ceremonies, even "white ones", require praying in the church, preferably with a 3-5 day fast.

If the ritual did not help or its effect turned out to be different than expected, you should not immediately correct the situation with other conspiracies - you need to wait for the next growing moon.


Love conspiracies will not work or will lead to an undesirable result if lust, a desire for revenge, or ordinary jealousy become the motivation for reading them.

A great departure from the code of magicians is the destruction of the marriage union or action against the spouse (spouse) of the beloved.

For a husband to love

If the husband has lost interest in his wife or began to look at other girls, the wife can turn to the moon, the patroness of the feminine, for help. To do this, she needs to wait for a clear moonlit night, go to the gate of her yard and open it.

Looking at the moon and closing her hands in a “castle”, the woman quietly reads these words:

For the love of a woman

This spell is recommended to be used by men who are desperate to attract the attention of their girlfriend.. A few days after reading the plot, the guy will notice that his beloved is looking at him with favor, which will allow him to hope for a positive response to his next initiative.

The spell is cast at midnight, on any day of the growing moon.

On the blind love of a man ("three candles")

The rite for "blind love" is considered bright, since it contains an appeal to divine powers, however, it is the strongest love spell using church paraphernalia and should not be used without extreme need. For the ritual, a linen or cotton white tablecloth, three white saucers and three church candles are bought in advance.

The ritual algorithm is as follows:

  1. 1. Closer to midnight, a woman covers the table with a new tablecloth, places saucers with sticky candles on it and puts out the light in the room.
  2. 2. All three candles are lit from one match.
  3. 3. Looking at the fire, a woman imagines her lover in pleasant moments for him for 2-3 minutes, then reads the plot three times.
  4. 4. With the word "Amen" at the end of each prayer read, one candle is extinguished.
  5. 5. Once in the dark, the woman collects all the candles by feel, twists them into a bundle and lights them again and sets them on a saucer.

This time, the candles should be allowed to burn out completely until they go out on their own, after which the window opens and the room is well ventilated from the smoke.

Prayer text:

To the call of sympathy

This powerful conspiracy operates on the Higher Power, so the result will depend not on the girl’s perseverance and desire, but on how potential partners fit together. If the relationship is doomed to failure in advance, then no effect will occur, but if there is a strong marriage in the future of the union, the rite will work instantly.

The plot is read on Monday or Tuesday on the growing moon:

Dry for love

The “prisushki” have one serious drawback - they equally affect both partners, so the woman who reads the conspiracy finds herself in the same position as dependent on her companion as he is on her. The girl must understand that such a love spell acts instantly and is practically irreversible.

You should buy some small souvenir made of rowan, birch or apple tree wood in advance and go out into the yard with it on the night of the full moon so that you are completely in the moonlight. You need to stand for a few minutes, thinking about your loved one, and then read the plot six times without pauses:

“Just as Light and Darkness cannot merge together, so the servant of God (his name) and the servant of God (his name) will never disperse. I give him, the servant of God (his name), an alarm, so that he only dries and toils, toils and suffers, does not drink water, does not eat food, but thinks about me all the time, but remembers in dreams. Amen".

The next day, you need to give a souvenir to your beloved and try to make him touch it more often.

For marriage within a year

On any women's day, a broom and a yellow scoop are bought at the market without change and are hidden at home from prying eyes until the new moon. On the appointed day, this broom sweeps the courtyard in front of the house or the landing in front of the front door, and all the rubbish is collected in a new scoop.

The yard should be carefully avenged, not missing the nooks and crannies, and at the same time whispering: “I’m sweeping, I’m gathering good fellows to my doorstep. So that no misers, no eunuchs, no fools, no thieves, no loafers. Come to me, suitors, from all good courts, right houses. My word is true. Amen".

The conspiracy is pronounced 6 to 12 times, then all the garbage collected is poured into a prepared fabric bag and put away in a secluded corner until the next new moon. Every day for a month, the Lord's Prayer is read over the bag. When the plot works, the garbage from the sack is sown on four sides at the crossroads.

Find out if a loved one is a spouse

In the first days of the growing moon, a woman in the moonlight washes her head over the basin, preferably with melt or rain water. The water washed from the hair is taken out into the yard and, holding the basin in their hands, they say the following words:

With the last words, the basin overturns on the ground so that all the water pours out, and the woman goes to sleep. In the early morning of the next day, you need to go out into the street and ask any question that requires a yes or no answer from the first person you meet. If the answer to the question is “yes”, then the woman’s lover is her betrothed, if “no”, then their paths will diverge.

Enchantment in the full moon

Love conspiracies read on the full moon are effective only in clear weather, when the moon is visible in a clear circle. A woman should read the magical texts (there are five of them), one by one, sitting on the threshold of her house or standing in front of the window, in order to fully see the disk of the night star.

Full moon love magic has the ability to respect the personal will of a person and will not work if a man has negative feelings for a girl or is deeply in love with another woman.

Dry for the new moon

On the new moon, the desires of young women who have not been married and childless are well fulfilled. For the ceremony, you will need a golden ring, a red candle and some consecrated water in a glass.

After midnight, the girl, bare-haired and in a nightgown, lights a candle on the table, puts a glass of water in front of her, and throws the ring into the water. It is necessary that the fire of the candle be reflected in the water and play with glare of gold. The girl needs to turn on her fantasy and try to see the image of her lover in the glare. When this succeeds, she casts the spell:

“As the sister-vodita hugged the ring, so the love (boyfriend’s name) will embrace me (her name), will not let go, will not dry out, will grow stronger, but remain fresh. Amen".

The ring is put on the finger in the manner of a wedding ring and is worn like this until the next new moon.

"Bewitched Heart"

The action of the “Bewitched Heart” ritual cannot be removed if the girl herself does not want to let go of her former beloved, but it is very difficult to do this at home - you will have to turn to a specialist for a lapel. If a girl is not sure of her feelings and passion for a young man, you should opt for an easier plot.

How the ceremony is performed:

  1. 1. Between midnight and three in the morning, the girl spreads a new white handkerchief (male) on the table.
  2. 2. A red candle is lit. Holding it in her right hand, the girl traces a symbolic figure of the heart on the scarf with drops of wax.
  3. 3. After the contour of the figure is marked on the scarf, they begin to completely paint over the figure with wax - the thicker the fill layer, the better.
  4. 4. When the wax hardens, the full name of the young man is squeezed out on it with a wooden stick, and then the heart in the middle is pierced with a new sewing needle.
  5. 5. Trying not to break the wax figure and not accidentally pull out the needles, the handkerchief is tied at four corners and hidden in the house away from prying eyes.

The power of the ritual is given by a conspiracy, which should be read several times from the moment the candle is lit until the minute the handkerchief is tied.

For 12 year love

For the ritual on the growing moon, any men's day is chosen. An odd number of dry aspen chips are prepared in advance. After midnight, you need to take turns burning the chips on the plate, releasing smoke through the open window and reading the plot. Repeat the text three times:

For love for 20 years

On the day of your name day, if it falls on the first days of the growing moon, you need to go to the temple and buy two wedding candles. In the evening of the same day (until midnight), a plot is read on non-burning new candles:

In the next two weeks, carrying candles with you, you must go to church every day until you manage to get to the wedding ceremony (necessarily for a young couple). The whole sacred rite must be defended to the end, and when you come home, light the candles side by side, on one plate, and let them burn out to the end. Cinders are wrapped in a scarf and kept at home.

A conspiracy for guys to approach a girl

If a guy tries for a long time and unsuccessfully to please the girl he fell in love with, he should read a special conspiracy for mutual feelings. The text is spoken on one of the women's days of the week, in any quarter of the growing moon.

From any separation from the beloved

A girl who does not want to part with her beloved for a long period needs to go to an open reservoir where fishing nets are placed, or put a cage in the backwater herself. For the ceremony, a live, unwounded fish is taken out of the net or cage and, holding it tightly, they say:

“Just as this fish dies without water, as a person dies without food, so you, the servant of God (his name), cannot eat, sleep, or breathe without me. To go far, the legs did not rise. Be my way. Amen".

For passionate love

The rite is recommended for women who observe the cooling of the spouse's feelings or suspect a soulmate of treason. The plot below is read on a handful of salt for 9 days at the first glimpses of the morning dawn, while the husband and other family members are still sleeping.

On the tenth day, all the food that the husband eats is added with spelled salt, and the remaining crystals are buried in the yard.

Conspiracy text:

For mutual love (read before going to bed)

In order for love to be mutual, a simple rite is used for two photographs. They take two pictures - their own and the person they are in love with, and crop them so that they get portraits of the same size. A little honey is dripped onto the front side of the photograph of the beloved and their photo is also stuck to it with the front side.

They read the plot: “Honey is sweet and viscous, and the servant of God (his name) is sweet with me. As all insects strive to taste honey, so the servant of God (his name) strives for me. As honey is hoppy and spicy for bees, so from me, servants of God (your name), lose your head, have fun with your heart. My word is strong. Amen".

After the ceremony, the glued pictures are wrapped in red cloth and placed under the pillow. You need to go to bed right away. After 7 days, the bundle is taken out from under the pillow and buried in the ground near the dwelling of the bewitched guy.

To find a reliable companion (conspiracy from Stepanova)

In the afternoon, on the eve of Easter, an unmarried girl who wants to find a groom this year needs to boil and paint 9 chicken eggs red. When everything is ready, the girl takes each testicle in turn in her right hand, looks at it lovingly, kisses it and says these words:

At the dawn of the morning

For this ritual, you will have to buy a new mirror in a wooden frame, very simple, without patterns and decorations. The next day after the purchase, you need to get up before sunrise, go with this mirror to the window and, waiting for the first rays of dawn, catch them in the mirror and immediately quickly, without hesitation, cast the spell:

After reading this conspiracy, which belongs to the category of harmless, white magic, you need to hold the mirror in the sunlight for a few more minutes, and then put it in the linen closet. For the next three weeks, every morning the girl needs to take out the mirror, preen herself in front of it, and then hide it again. Soon, for her lover, she will become all sweeter and more desirable.

On an apple

A conspiracy is good when a man needs to wake up past feelings after a divorce or remind him of himself from a distance. The girl needs to buy a big red apple, three red candles and a scarlet ribbon.


  1. 1. After midnight, the fortuneteller lights candles on the table, arranged in the form of a triangle, picks up an apple and cuts it in half.
  2. 2. A seed box is scraped out with a spoon from the halves of an apple.
  3. 3. The processed fruit is placed in the center of the triangle.
  4. 4. On a small piece of paper, the girl writes the name of her lover and her own next to it, then rolls the leaf into a ball and puts it into the recess of one of the halves of the fruit.
  5. 5. The apple is folded in the manner of a whole and tied well with a ribbon so that the halves hold tight.

Holding an apple in the palm of her hand in front of her face, the girl without hesitation pronounces the following text three times: “As the red apple dries in the sun, so let my dear (his name) dry out without me. Only let him think about me, dream, with my name he meets sunrise and sunset.

The next morning, the apple is placed in direct sunlight so that it begins to dry and not rot.

On the dew

At dawn, in July or August, the girl should go outside the yard, stand barefoot in the dewy grass and call her beloved in this way:

On the first snow (female dry)

The guy needs to guess the moment when the first snow will fall at night, and go outside without a hat and heavy clothes. Catching snowflakes with his hands, the young man reads the plot:

At the cemetery

In the church they buy the thinnest, cheapest candle and take some holy water. On the night of the growing moon or the full moon, you need to go to the cemetery, light a candle and, walking between the graves, read the plot. The text is said repeatedly, without stopping, until the candle burns out to a tiny stub.

As soon as the candle goes out, you need to quickly return home without talking to anyone or looking back. For three days it is necessary to avoid meeting with the beloved, and on the ninth and fortieth day, counting from the first reading, consolidate the result by repeating the entire ritual.

The spell cast in the graveyard:

with a well

On the day before the ceremony, you need to find a fresh grave of a young man in the cemetery, whose name will be the same as that of the man being spoken to, and take a handful of earth from the mound. You should also prepare: the blood of a young rooster, the fruit of a wild apple tree, a smooth pebble from the seabed.

At midnight, from Thursday to Friday, while at home, the fortuneteller takes a half-liter jar, pours cemetery soil into it, pours it with any natural water, puts an apple and pebbles on top of the ground. From above, the entire styling is sprayed with cock's blood. Then the sorceress whispers a spell and tightly closes the jar. Before dawn, the laying is buried next to the house of a loved one.

Conspiracy text:

Love spell on straw from seven yards

After going through seven different yards, the girl furtively takes a few straws from each and brings them home. At night, behind his dwelling, the fortune teller piles up all the stocked straw in a hill, throws himself on the ground and frantically rolls around a pile of straw, quietly shouting out the name of his beloved boyfriend and his own.

Then the straw is set on fire from a match, and while it burns, a spell is read:

Love spell on a leash

Noticing that the husband is looking at other girls, the wife goes to the market and buys a leather dog leash. At midnight at home, the leash is spread on the floor. The wife steps over him twice: towards the threshold and back, and then takes him in her hands, bitingly hits the threshold and says:

Conspiracy words for a fishing net

The girl, not spoiled by the attention of suitors, needs to go to the village, where there is a river and fishermen set up nets. At the dawn of the morning, the girl needs to quietly make her way to the nets placed in the backwaters, take one of them with her right hand and say the cherished words three times:

For soap

From Thursday to Friday, the wife takes a new bar of soap and, by the light of a church candle, slanders love words on him. Then the soap is put on the husband so that he bathes with it constantly until the piece turns into a remnant of soap. Even the most frivolous husbands after this conspiracy cease to be interested in strangers.

Spell text:

On the smoke

Closer to midnight, by the light of one candle, the following lines are written on a small sheet of paper:

Then the paper is folded into a tube, a dried wormwood branch is put into it and set on fire from a candle. While the tube is burning, and the smoke from it is drawn out into the window, you need to pronounce the words of the written spell. The ashes are collected in a paper envelope and kept at home until the desired object is confessed to the girl in his sympathy for her.

To the ashes

The text is written on a small piece of paper:

The paper with the written spell is set on fire from a church candle, and the ashes, as they burn, are poured into a plate. When the note is completely burned, the guy, grinding paper dust in his hands, pronounces the spell written earlier. The ashes are cleaned up for the time being, until the conspiracy works.

On the needle

If a girl ignores a guy in love for a long time, he should try to draw her attention to himself with a simple but strong plot on a sewing needle. To do this, a new needle with a wide eye is bought and started talking. If possible, the guy needs to hide this needle in his beloved's room, preferably near her wardrobe or trellis.

The plot is read like this:

On the image of a loved one

This plot should be learned to automatism so that you can devote yourself entirely to visualization. At night, the girl goes to the window and, looking at the moon, bites her tongue to a slight pain. Then, while the pain lasts, you need to quickly pronounce the conspiracy:

For three knots

The rite requires a serious approach and a strong belief in the need for such actions. Attributes are prepared in advance - a thick red woolen thread, a red candle and jasmine essential oil. The action takes place on Friday night.

By the light of a candle, you need to concentrate, imagine the image of a loved one in your head. When the concentration becomes complete, they take a piece of thread in their hands and proceed as follows:

  1. 1. They tie the first knot and at the same time say: “This knot is poured by the power of my intention.”
  2. 2. A drop of essential oil is applied to the knot and allowed to soak in.
  3. 3. They tie a second knot over the first one and accompany it with these words: “The secret union is illuminated with the light of my passionate love.”
  4. 4. A drop of oil is applied again.
  5. 5. The third, largest knot is fixed with the following phrase: "The triple knot is strong, and our love is even stronger."
  6. 6. Now the knot is generously covered with oil.

On the same night, the rope should be taken to the house where the beloved lives, and buried in the ground in a place where his foot is sure to set foot in the coming days.

For chamomile

Reading a chamomile will help to reason with a loved one and revive relationships if people are destined for each other by fate, but if this is not the case, then the rite will not work. The girl needs, waking up early, to pick 5 flowers of small pharmacy chamomile near the house. On the same day, the fortuneteller must sew with her own hands a small bag of unbleached linen and put the torn petals from all five flowers into it.

The bag is tightly tied and, shaking it, read the following text:

The girl puts the charmed bag under her pillow and does not get it out for 10 days. On day 11, the bookmark is removed to a secluded corner and stored until the result appears.

For food

The plot is read on freshly prepared food on any male day of the week, but you need to cook it so tasty that your loved one eats everything to the crumbs. Divination will work if a woman reads the text emotionally, with love, mentally visualizing the desired image.

On a bay leaf

On the eve of the day appointed for the ceremony, they buy a bay broom without change in the market (store packing of a bay leaf is not good) and carry it home. After midnight, on the 26th or 29th lunar day, you need to tear off one whole leaf from the broom, set it on fire from a red candle and, inhaling fragrant smoke, read the plot:

While pronouncing the text, the girl needs to imagine how her lover caresses and kisses her. It is important to feel erotic excitement - such an emotional mood will enhance the magic of the conspiracy many times over.

For a drink

In order to awaken the cooled feelings of a young man or return a broken relationship, you need to invite the guy to your home and make him drink the charmed drink. It can be juice or any non-alcoholic cocktail.

A few minutes before the guest arrives, the girl pours the drink into a glass, spits in it and reads the following text three times:

For a personal item

It is possible to bewitch a man in this way only if he does not feel negative about the fortune-teller and will indeed often wear a charmed piece of clothing. It is better if it is an undershirt or a casual shirt, presented to a loved one on his birthday.

On the eve of the date, the girl lays out the thing on the table, places three lit church candles around it and says:

For hair

On the eve of the full moon or the day of the growing moon, the girl needs to get 3 hairs from the head of her lover (you can get it from the comb) and pull out 5 hairs from her head. At midnight, the girl lights a red church candle on the table, brings a bunch of braided hair (her own and the young man’s) to the fire and says at the same time: “As your hair flares up, so your love (name) will flare up to me (your) name.”

The hair should burn out completely, and the ashes should be blown out the window.

On a birch broom

In the market, they buy a broom made of birch rods and pull out three long vines from it. You need to speak them, put them under the rug at the front door of your house and invite your beloved guy to visit. When he steps on the charmed rods, witchcraft will begin to act.

The words of the conspiracy are: “As the rods dry, squash, so my dear (name) cannot. He dries for me, is killed like three vines, toils. When the guy leaves the house, stepping over the rods in the opposite direction, they are taken out from under the rug, wrapped in a red scarf and hidden from prying eyes.

On the ring

The wedding ring ritual is performed when there is discord in the family and there is a risk that the spouse will file for divorce. If the ring is wedding, the power of the conspiracy increases several times.

In the last quarter of the growing moon at midnight, you need to place seven church red candles on the table in a regular circle and light them. A ring with a white handkerchief threaded through it is placed in the center of the circle and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

Candles should be allowed to burn out, then take a ring with a handkerchief from the circle and hide them under your pillow. In the morning you need to get out of bed with your right foot, get the charmed objects and separate them - put the ring on your finger, and fold the handkerchief and give it to your husband until the evening of the same day. The more often the spouse touches the magic item, the stronger the binding will work.

Those who use "black" conspiracies should be prepared for a magical rollback in the form of illnesses and nervous shocks, therefore experienced magicians do not recommend using energy-heavy rituals on their own. If people are destined to be together, a slight push will be enough for their destinies to intertwine, and if not destined, then inexperienced actions can quickly destroy both your own and someone else's life.

Real love spell

A variety of magical rites are designed to control reality at the energy level. Changed energy flows subsequently affect the material world, helping to achieve the goals. A conspiracy to love a man is one of the most sought-after magical actions aimed at attracting a lover. However, always remember that any interference in the world of energies entails consequences for both the bewitched and the fortune-teller, therefore, it is worth using amorous magic only if other methods have not helped to win the attention of the chosen one, and also only if you are absolutely sure that you need this man.

The words we speak have great power. Not only the meaning of what was said matters, but also the intonation, the feelings with which you pronounce these words. Sound is able to influence the energies of the subtle world, tuning them in such a way that you achieve what you want. Love conspiracies are a kind of prayer with which you ask fate to have mercy on you.

It is strictly forbidden to use a love plot not for a love spell of a lover. Neither personal ambition, nor curiosity, nor revenge should rule you. Only pure love and the desire to spend a lifetime next to the chosen gentleman. You can easily make a man fall in love with you with the help of a conspiracy. The strength of the flared feeling will depend on the strength of the ritual itself, the degree of your faith in the successful outcome of the case, as well as on the choice of the rite: from black or from white magic. It is believed that it is easier to dry a man with “dark” rituals, however, they have many negative consequences. "Light" conspiracies, although they may have side effects, but they will not be so critical.

Types of love spells

A love spell can help you find personal happiness. The main thing is to decide what result you want to achieve. Conspiracies for love can cause sexual desire, increased interest, emotional attachment.

A conspiracy to attract love. If the young lady is lonely and cannot win the heart of a representative of the opposite sex, a ritual is performed that will draw the love energy of gentlemen to her.

A conspiracy to attract a man. If a lady is unrequitedly in love, then such a ceremony will make her chosen one look at her in a new way.

Conspiracies for the return of a departed loved one. When a young man left a girl because his feelings faded, or he got himself a mistress on the side, then rituals designed to return a loved one will help revive his feelings for a bewitching one.

Conspiracies for a serious step. If you have a young man, but he does not dare to propose marriage to you, or is embarrassed to talk about his feelings, a magical ritual will help him gain courage and take the desired step.

Rules for making love spells

In order for the love conspiracy to work for sure, it must be carried out in strict accordance with all the recommendations, the list of which you should remember.

If a love plot is read on a photograph of a loved one, then such a picture must be fresh - no more than one year from the moment of photographing. No one should be present in the frame, except for the chosen one. The look, and in general the face in the photo should be clearly visible.

Light love spells are best done on the days of the growing moon. Dark - on the full moon, or on the 19th or 29th day of the lunar month. The order of the days of the week also matters. Love spells work best when male energy prevails. These are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Magical acts require silence and solitude. They are carried out in strict confidence, no one is told about them. In addition, perform the rituals in a clean room, having previously bathed and washed your hair, as well as removing makeup. You must be barefoot. Choose light, clean clothes, without a belt, for performing a magical action. These guidelines are important for the energy to flow freely through your body.

Rites are performed on an empty stomach and on a sober head.

The texts of conspiracies are memorized and pronounced clearly and distinctly. Mistakes in these phrases or reading from a printed sheet will make the ceremony useless or even turn from a love ritual into damage.

Consequences of love spells

If the ceremony is carried out according to all the rules, then the result will not be long in coming. A man in respect of whom a love plot has been carried out will begin to think about the "sorceress", to desire a meeting with her. Rituals aimed at awakening sexual energy will make your chosen one desire you.

In order for the performed ceremony to work exactly, a woman should often remind herself of herself before and after the conspiracy: the energy must go in the right direction. And when the object of your passion finally falls into your amorous networks, do not miss the chance to build a strong, sincere relationship with him. After all, a love conspiracy is just a way to cause an outbreak of passion. Magic will not help to find a common language, build a joint life, take care of each other.

Avoid dark conspiracies whenever possible. They negatively affect not only the bewitched, but also the "sorceress". The object of your passion can become depressed, get sick, lose interest in life and your favorite work, go on a binge, show aggression. Magic can even ruin your karma in the future.

There is one strictest restriction on love conspiracies and any magical actions in general: they are prohibited during pregnancy, because this can cause fetal harm and even miscarriage. In some cases, the ceremony performed is a curse on the fate of the child.

Conspiracy with three candles

A love plot with three church candles will help dry your betrothed if you have reason to believe that he is not sure of the right choice and is looking for other options. Perform the ceremony, and the man will not leave you anywhere.

For a conspiracy, you will need not only text, but also ritual objects: a white clean tablecloth made of natural matter, three wax candles bought in the church on a Sunday service, a red thread made of natural fiber and ordinary matches. For convenient placement of candles, prepare three separate candlesticks, and to extinguish candles, stock up on a wooden object, for example, a spoon.

Cover a clean table with a tablecloth. Light the candles in turn, each with a separate match. Above each candle, read the plot:

“Creator Almighty, I ask for your help, Arise with a high wall, a deep hole, Deaf gates, impenetrable forests, Heartache, tormenting torment Turn into the heart of the Servant of God (the name of the man whom you want to fall in love with yourself) Lock and lock so that the Servant of God (name ) didn’t leave me, Turn the key seven times and take it with you, So that you don’t open the lock for him, Yes, don’t stop loving me, the Servant of God (name). Let it be so! Amen".

Each time after pronouncing the text, extinguish the candle over which the words were spoken. Tie the charmed candles with a red string and light them together with a single match. They should burn out completely, then just open a window in the room and let the candle smoke out.

A conspiracy for a loved one in the morning dawn

To prepare for the morning sun spell, find a smooth gold ring as well as a small mirror. Get up early, just before dawn. It is necessary to stand at the window to the east or even leave the house. The sky must be clear so that the rising star is not obscured by clouds.

Set up a mirror to reflect the sunrise. Watch the first rays through the ring and read the plot:

“Sun-Sun, Clear, red and beautiful! You dry the trees with dryness, You burn the green leaves with fire. So would you dry the heart of the Servant of God (the name of the man), Yes, it would burn him with a hot fire. So that he can neither live, visit, eat, sleep, chew without me, But only burn and burn. As you warm with warm rays, Yes, you illuminate with a gentle light, So I would warm the Servant of God (name), Yes, with my love I illuminated his path. So that he called me after him, Pressed to his heart, Yes, he did not forget. My word is honest, my word is strong. Amen."

Bow deeply to the luminary three times. In the mirror used in the ceremony, look in the morning for the next forty days.

Divination for smoke

Fire has the power to control the energy of people, so there are many rituals for fire, smoke, ashes. One of them is this:

Take a blank piece of paper and write on it by hand:

“I will get up early, wash my white face, go out of the door and into a clean field and turn my gaze to the east. And there are three furnaces: copper, iron and brick. And just as those furnaces flare up and blaze with heat from heaven to earth, so the heart, soul and body of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) would flare up about me, the servant of God (her name). And my words are strong - stronger than iron, denser than copper and harder than brick.

Roll the paper into a tube and place the dried branch of wormwood into it. Light the paper from one edge with a match, and on the other, whisper the text of the previously written spell on the other. The note with wormwood should burn completely.

Ash conspiracy

A conspiracy to love a man can also be carried out on ashes. Here, too, you need a blank sheet of paper. Write on it by hand the following text:

“I will get up before sunrise, leave the house and go into the dark forests, and into the rotten swamps. And in those swamps there is a black bathhouse, but the grandmother-procuress lives in it. And she has a stone stove, and in that stove there is a copper bowl, and in the bowl everything boils and burns, burns and dries up. So would the servant of God (the name of the beloved) about me with her heart, soul and body boiled, burned, and dried up. My word is strong and firm. Amen".

Light a church candle with a match and set fire to the paper from it. Throw the burning leaf into a clean plate. After burning the note, rub the ashes between your palms, whispering the words that were written on the burnt piece of paper.

Conspiracy on a loved one with a bitten tongue

You can attract the attention of your betrothed like this:

At night, look at the growing moon. Bite your tongue, and then read the plot:

“I bite my own tongue, I attach a slave (the name of a loved one) to myself, bite, fasten. So that the slave (the name of the beloved) is bored, from the anguish of love rest he did not know either a bright day or a black night. All to think only of me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

While performing the ceremony, keep in mind the image of the chosen one.

Read the plot mentally for the second time, looking at the object of desire. The third time - looking him straight in the eyes. In the presence of a young man, you can talk with him about this and that, but most importantly, mentally read the spell.

A strong conspiracy to love using the hair of the betrothed

Using the hair of the chosen one in conspiracies leads to good results. Get only three hairs from the head of the betrothed, for example, by removing them from his comb. Put together these hairs and five hairs from your head. Throw them into the flame and say the text three times:

“Lord, burn our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Conspiracy on three knots

A strong conspiracy to love can also be carried out using a red rope. Perform the ritual on the night of Thursday to Friday. Take a scarlet thread or rope. It is important that it be wool fiber. Also for the ceremony, prepare rose oil, lavender and jasmine.

Light a church candle, looking at its flame - relax, mentally concentrate on the object of your passion. Take a scarlet thread in your hands and tie a simple knot on it. During this, think about the narrowed one and carefully look at the knot tightening point. Say the words:

“This knot will be filled with the power of my desire!”

Dip your fingers in rose oil and saturate the knot with it. Imagine that a small light lit up in place of the knot, which symbolizes your desires.

Tying the second knot over the previous one, say:

“The secret union will be illuminated by the light of my love!”

Imagine that your feelings are compressed into the second knot. Soak the knot with lavender oil.

Tie the third knot on top of the previous two, imagine that these are your hidden dreams. Say:

“How strong these knots are, so our love will be strong!”

Moisten with jasmine oil.

Bury the rope with knots near your house, it is best to dig it in the place where the betrothed usually walks.

A spell on the personal thing of the betrothed

There is an option to conspire to love a man by casting a spell on his personal item. There is only one problem here: you need to quietly take some object, and then just as quietly return it to its place so that the bewitched person does not suspect anything. A button on a constantly worn item, a key chain, a toothbrush or a razor, a comb, a purse, etc. will do.

On the growing moon, take the little thing in your left hand, concentrate your thoughts on its owner and pronounce a conspiracy on your loved one.

Unrequited love often gives a person the most severe pain and takes away all spiritual strength. Quick conspiracies for love will help to achieve reciprocity, find personal happiness and again feel the joy of life.

Conspiracies were used by our ancestors. Of all magical rituals, they are the least simple, but they are very effective. In order to achieve what you want, it is enough to say a few words, concentrating extremely on your goal. A conspiracy to love will help attract the attention of a man and rekindle mutual feelings in him.

Love plot on a string

For a conspiracy, you need a red thread about twenty centimeters long. It has long been believed that the red color accumulates love energy in itself, therefore such a conspiracy is highly effective.

It is necessary to pronounce a love plot immediately after midnight. Apart from the threads, no other attributes are required: just being in silence and solitude is enough. The thread is alternately wound around the index and thumb of the left hand in such a way that visually it becomes like a figure eight - a symbol of infinity. As you tie the thread, say the following words:

I tie the thread - I tie you to me. As two fingers are connected by it, so we will become inseparable. As the thread is strong and red, so your love will be strong and bright. The sun will rise - love for me will flare up in you. Amen.

After that, remove the knotted thread from your hand, but do not unravel it: let it remain in the shape of a figure eight. Put the thread under the pillow and go to bed. Soon the object of love will begin to show signs of attention.

A quick love spell for a candle

A love plot on a candle is read five minutes before midnight. It is best to use a church candle - it has light energy.

Light a candle and stare at the flame, pronouncing the text of the plot:

I lit a candle - I lit your love. The candle does not burn for long, but your love - all your life. The flame shines brightly, and your love will shine even brighter. To be as midnight comes. Amen.

After reading the plot, put out the candle. Try to meet the next day with a man for whom you have feelings. You will immediately notice a change in his attitude towards you.

A conspiracy to love from a photo

A photo for a conspiracy can be taken from social networks. It is not necessary to have a printed version of it: a plot spoken in front of a photograph on the screen will be no less effective. Keep in mind that only the man for whom you are reading the plot should be in the photo. Otherwise, you risk awakening feelings in someone else.

It is necessary to perform the ritual after twelve o'clock at night. Sit in front of the photo so that your face is on the same level with it. Look directly into the eyes of the object of love and say the following text:

I can't take my eyes off you, and you won't take your eyes off me. I am sitting opposite your photo, you will sit opposite me. I give you my love, and you give me yours. As the sun rises, feelings will wake up. Amen.

After that, go to sleep, keeping the image of the person in the photo in your head for some more time. Imagine that a reciprocal feeling has awakened in him, and fall asleep with this thought. After a while, the wish will come true.

They do not require serious skills and abilities, but they have high strength. Before resorting to them, think carefully about whether you need the love of this person, because it will be strong and long. We wish you happiness and reciprocity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

07.10.2015 01:00

If a tragedy happened in your life and a loved one left for another woman, then it is best to seek help from higher ...