How to learn to kiss without a partner for the first time - effective ways. How to kiss on the lips with different types of kisses: French, Italian, without a tongue, passionately? How to kiss well

Even if right now you have absolutely no one to kiss, you should not close this topic for yourself. It’s like in sports: even if you don’t participate in competitions today, training is still important. They will allow you to be on top at the right time.

Practice on your arm

  1. Make an OK gesture with your left hand. Make sure that the thumb rests on top of the index nail.
  2. Insert the thumb of your right hand into the resulting letter "O". Squeeze your "O" so that it tightly wraps around your thumb.
  3. Remove your right thumb. Now your "O" looks like a pair of lips parted in anticipation of a kiss. You can proceed to the main phase of training.
  4. Touch your lips to "O". Start lightly kissing fingers closed in a circle, experimenting with force, pressure and light biting.
  5. Track exactly what your fingers feel. It will feel about the same when you finally move on to real kisses. Do your fingers hurt? Are you kissing not too wet? Control the sensations and, depending on them, change the tactics of kissing.
  6. Experiment with your tongue by running it inside the "O" and caressing your fingers with it.
  7. Practice kissing more softly and more firmly. Such workouts will make you more confident when it comes to kissing a real partner.

And on fruits and vegetables

  1. Take a soft fruit with a delicate skin - a peach, a large apricot, a mango ... Some recommend a tomato - also an option. Choose to your taste - the main thing is that such kisses are pleasant.
  2. Bite off a small piece so that the bite is about the size of someone's mouth. It will be your trainer.
  3. Begin to gently kiss the juicy "lips", experimenting with pressure and rhythm.
  4. Grab your lips first at the top of the "mouth", then the bottom. Make grabbing movements with your lips to bring them to the level of automatism.
  5. Remember to work your tongue, running it inside the fetus.

How to kiss your partner the right way

First of all, consider: kissing is an extremely intimate and subjective matter. So be sure to track his (her) reaction!

Someone likes deep kisses, someone does not tolerate someone else's tongue in their mouth, someone can be annoyed by excessive moisture. As a rule, people are embarrassed to talk about discomfort. But next time they will try to avoid the "wrong" kisses. Try to make your kisses meet the expectations of a particular person.

Act confidently, but from afar

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Don't ask permission. If this is your first kiss and you're not completely sure of the reaction, start with a kiss on the forehead. Or at the tip of your nose. If the partner does not mind, then pull him to you - and gently kiss on the lips.

Marissa Nelson, popular American sex therapist

Sexologist Claudia Six recommends How to French Kiss: 9 Sex Therapist-Approved Tips start with a significant setting and only after that move on to kissing from afar.

Learn to relax your lips

Initially, the pressure is inappropriate. Let your lips be as relaxed as possible - then the partner will feel a gentle and soft touch. This will cause him anticipation and excitement. Only then can you tighten your mouth: the contrast between the former softness and strength will make the one you kiss understand that he arouses passion in you.

It may not be the best way to kiss overall, but one of the best is to start the passionate phase. Just grab one of your partner's lips (it doesn't matter, upper or lower) with your own and start making gentle sucking movements.

There are legends about the French kiss (the same one, deep, with the tongue). However, this is a rather controversial type. Not everyone likes such a deep penetration. So remember the algorithm:

  1. Without removing your lips from your partner's lips, open your mouth wider. The partner will feel emptiness and freedom of action and, perhaps, will be the first to decide to penetrate deeper with the tongue.
  2. Press your partner's lips with your own, so that they are between yours. Then gently run the tip of your tongue along the inside of the bottom lip of the person you are kissing. Make one smooth and quick movement. If your counterpart likes this type of kiss, he will respond.
  3. Get ready to back off. If, despite the fact that you carefully followed the steps from the previous paragraphs, you did not receive an answer, do not insist. Save the French kiss for another time and focus on the previous techniques.

use your hands

Kissing is a complex physiological process that is not limited to the mouth area. Gently touching your partner's shoulders, arms, torso with your hands, you will increase his degree. Start touching the hips, and then slowly raise your hands along the back to the neck and shoulders. Then, if you do not meet resistance, you can grab your partner's face with your palms. This will make your kisses even more intimate and passionate.

If you have never had to kiss for real, namely with the tongue, then this does not mean anything. It's absolutely easy to learn! After reading our step-by-step recommendations, you will learn:

  • how to learn to kiss passionately correctly;
  • how to achieve the most unforgettable kiss;
  • what mistakes should be avoided when french kissing.

How to behave when kissing passionately

Do not eat heavy food (meat, fish dishes) and do not smoke before a kiss, because a specific one is unlikely to be pleasant to your partner. Brush your teeth or use breath fresheners. Do not get carried away with perfume either, in other words, do not get carried away with perfume! After all, a pungent smell can shorten the duration of a kiss or even discourage you from kissing.

Relax and don't think about anything. Excess thoughts and worries about how everything will go can only get in the way. Imagine a blue sky, and thoughts are clouds that you disperse with your hands. Then just focus on the kiss itself and enjoy it.

Breathe through your nose as you kiss. Not only will this make your kiss last longer, but it will also make it more enjoyable for your partner. If you are used to breathing through your mouth, then urgently get rid of this habit. Practice ahead of time so you don't feel uncomfortable later.

Find a use for your hands. They should not hang like whips. During the kiss, you can hug your partner by the neck and caress her with your fingertips. Remember to change the position of your hands, move them to the guy's back or face and gently stroke him.

Trust your partner, don't withdraw into yourself. Just surrender to the perfect moment.

How to start a kiss

First, lick your lips with your tongue and look the guy straight in the eyes. He will take it as a call to action. Kiss passionately, like any better to start with a light touch of your slightly open lips to the partner's lips. This is a kind of light, gentle kiss (photo on the right). However, after that, you do not move away from your partner, but continue to press against his lips, thereby showing that you expect him to continue. In order to "stimulate" the guy to further action even more, you can also run the tip of your tongue over his lips.

Most often, after such preparation, the young man himself pushes his lips, but if this does not happen, then you can slightly stick the tip of your tongue between them. And take your time, the slower you start, the more exciting and enjoyable your further love game will be. In the photo we see how to learn to kiss passionately.

What do we do with language? How to learn to kiss passionately

You can caress the lips of a young man with your tongue, penetrate into his mouth and even arrange some kind of competition using his tongue. Most importantly, do not stop, strive to explore the entire mouth of your partner. However, in the classic version, a kiss with a suction does without a tongue and is limited only to gentle biting and, as it were, swallowing the lips of a young man. While suction involves its use, which adds spice to the kiss and brings a lot of pleasure to both partners.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process of using the tongue in a French kiss.

After your kiss has already begun, run your tongue along the inside of your partner's lips. You can also lightly lick them. Then touch your tongue to his tongue. Next, swipe it across the sky, which has many nerve endings and is one of the erogenous zones. If you touch it only with the tip of your tongue, slowly moving it back and forth, then you will excite it pretty quickly. However, remember the golden rule: everything should be in moderation. If you overdo it, then by your actions you will cause tickling.

After using one method, change it to another, for example, try "windmill". This technique consists in rotating your tongue around the partner's mouth. It is also worth playing with his tongue, either clasping his lips, or slightly sucking. The last technique is liked by most men, it has an exciting effect on them. This method is successfully combined with the method of pulling the partner's tongue into your mouth. This is done as follows: with suction movements, draw in his tongue, then loosen his grip or release for a while and capture him again.

My advice on how to learn how to kiss passionately: while kissing, imagine that your tongues are making love. If you have not yet had a personal sexual experience, then remember the frames from the movies, the stories of acquaintances or frank scenes from the books you read. The movements of the tongues should be harmonious, not erratic. Follow the beat that your partner sets, repeat his movements. If he is passive, then set your tone. Catch the general rhythm, and then everything will be fine with you.

The main thing to remember is that whatever method you use, you should always be gentle and attentive to the reactions of your loved one.

TOak rightoh finishkiss passionately?

There is no difficulty in this, except that you should not end the kiss too abruptly. To make the process natural, you must first slow down the pace of the tongue, and then remove it from the partner's mouth. It is better to finish with a short, in other words, “smacking”.

Common mistakes made when kissing with the tongue

1 .Don't push your tongue deep into the oral cavity of your young man. At a minimum, this will lead to discomfort and possible easy removal. And as a maximum, touching the throat with the tongue causes tickling and a nauseating reflex in most people. If you do not want to prematurely end the kiss, then it is better to moderate your ardor.

2. Active and chaotic tongue movements"back and forth." This is similar to the work of "wipers" on the windshield of a car. Sweeping, uncontrolled movements of your tongue are unlikely to be received with a bang by your partner. Relax it and extremely gently caress.

3. Strong suction or intense biting partner language. Imitation of a vacuum cleaner is good, but in moderation, without prolonged retraction. Biting the tongue should be short, playful and gentle. Press lightly with your teeth, without effort. Excessive manipulations can cause serious pain to a young person, because the tongue has many nerve endings.

4. Don't forget to swallow your saliva. Few people like very wet lips or squelching of the tongue in the partner's saliva mass.

5. Lack of body and hand movements while kissing. Don't stand tall. Move, press tighter with your whole body, and then move back a little. Gently or, on the contrary, passionately (at your discretion) caress the back of the head, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks of your partner with your hands. This is very exciting and gives brightness to the impressions of the kiss.

Finally. How can you achieve an unforgettable kiss?

So, if we figured out the question of how to learn to kiss passionately, then the task of achieving an unforgettable kiss is still relevant. You can talk for a long time about how we kiss, at the expense of the ideal option, but never come to a consensus. The fact is that there is no panacea for all occasions. After re-reading and studying thoroughly all the kissing techniques, you will not find a universal option.

The whole "trick" of an unforgettable kiss is in his personality! Remember: in all ages, the best seducer was considered the one who could find a special approach to a man. The stronger sex appreciates what he did not receive from other women. That is why a real lady never repeats herself.

This also applies to kissing. What one person likes may be completely different. For example, one likes stroking with his tongue, the other - his gentle sucking, the third prefers biting. That is why try to listen to your partner during the kiss, tune in to his wave and follow his desires.

Unforgettable kiss is made only by the feelings that you have for a person. Try to convey to the man all the passion, love, tenderness that you feel for him. Let this moment be a reflection of your soul. If you put strong feelings into it, then a kiss for your chosen one will become truly unforgettable and infinitely desirable.

Before the first kiss

Usually, failures during the first kiss happen due to the fact that people constantly think about it, they are afraid to leave an unpleasant impression or seem incompetent, or, conversely, they show themselves too actively, trying to show themselves to be all capable and experienced. So don't get hung up on it.

During the kiss, try to relax and enjoy. Forget about memorized movements, rely only on your sensations and feelings.

However, it is worth remembering that your partner also wants to be kissed. At the same time, it is very important that your jaws move in sync, try to get in time with the movements of your loved one, do not immediately seize the initiative, a little later you yourself will be able to set the rhythm.

When kissing, do not be afraid to touch your partner, you can stroke his hair, face, shoulders, etc.

All your actions should be gentle and relaxed.

Try not to rush and not drag out the first kiss too much, it is better if it is short-lived.

Not everyone manages to enjoy a kiss for the first time. This is due to the fact that most of the attention is paid to assessing the situation, as well as one's own actions. But as soon as you manage to get rid of these thoughts, relax and completely surrender to the process, you will understand how pleasant it is to kiss.

Kiss on the lips

There is nothing incomprehensible and complicated in the art of kissing, everyone can learn how to do it right. First of all, you need to make sure that you are ready for the kiss. No unpleasant odors should come from your mouth, as they can repel even the most passionate lover. You should also keep your teeth and tongue clean. To achieve this, in addition to toothpaste, use special fresheners and rinses for the oral cavity.

Now you can consider in detail the kissing process itself:

Waiting for the right moment, you can start the kiss. To do this, slowly begin to tilt your head towards your partner until the lips touch. At the same time, pull your lips slightly forward so that they remain relaxed. After contact, close your eyes and focus on the sensations.

Without haste, gently kiss one of your partner's lips with your two lips, ideally it should be between your lips. At the same time, slightly compress your lips. To determine the strength of compression and practice, you can squeeze your index finger with your lips. Such a kiss should last approximately 2-4 seconds.

After that, lean back about 4 centimeters, open your eyes and look at your loved one. This point should be given special attention, as it will help you determine whether to continue or better to stop. Follow the reaction of the partner, if it is positive, you can move on.

Start kissing one of the lips of your loved one again, then move to the other and back. At the same time, you can lightly suck on it or drive it with your tongue. You can also use your teeth and start to lightly bite your lip, but here you should be very careful not to hurt your loved one. When kissing, be sure to follow the reaction of the partner and give him the opportunity to kiss you too.

French Kiss

This is a very intimate kind of kiss, in which one partner touches the lips, mouth and tongue of the other partner with their tongue. Usually it becomes a continuation of a kiss on the lips, but it can also occur separately. If you and your lover have never kissed in this way, you don’t need to immediately stick your tongue into his mouth, try to act gradually and tactfully, taking into account the situation and the partner’s reaction.

Where to begin:

So, first you need to know the reaction of your partner. Therefore, start with a simple kiss, then open your mouth and run the tip of your tongue over the lips of your beloved and wait until he answers you. In this case, the guy himself can go to action. If he does not dare, then open your lips a little wider and very slowly part his lips with your tongue. Then slightly move your tongue back and wait for his reaction. Repeat this action until your tongues touch.

French kiss technique

Try to behave naturally, relax, discard shyness and excitement.

You can make any movements with your tongue: suck easily, move from side to side, touch a little audibly, etc., the main thing is that your loved one likes it. Explore, add new movements, and you can easily determine his tastes. Just remember that when kissing, all manipulations of the tongue must be done smoothly and with moderate force, so as not to cause discomfort to the partner.

To begin with, you can run your tongue along the inside of the lips, men really like it, because one of the erogenous zones is located there.

Sucking tongue. While kissing, you can lightly suck your partner's tongue. It may be difficult for you to catch him right away, but soon you will learn how to do it quickly. Suck the guy's tongue like a cocktail tube. At the same time, you may need to snuggle closer to your partner so that he does not recoil in surprise. But as soon as the guy relaxes, you can start sucking on his tongue with pulsating movements. Such caress usually gives the partner great pleasure.

Tongue rotation. It is possible to make rotational movements with the tongue during a kiss, this gives great pleasure to many. To do this, touch your partner's tongue with yours and begin to make rotational movements around him in a clockwise direction.

Simultaneous movements of the tongue. Usually one of the partners becomes the initiator of the kiss, so at first he acts independently. But there are also situations when a couple begins to kiss with the help of the tongue at the same time. At the same time, a kind of game takes place, when the partners seem to catch up with each other with tongues.

Pressing on the tongue. You can press on the tongue with such force that would be pleasant for you. In this case, the partner may, as it were, resist in response, pressing on your tongue.

The force of pressure on the lips. Lips can be affected with different strengths. It is recommended to start with a soft, gentle touch, and after a while you can add intensity. Change the force of pressure on the lips and the pace of the kiss: either weakly, then quickly, then slowly. Constant change and variety are the foundation of any kiss.

Kiss duration. The duration of a kiss can be completely different, the optimal time is from 0.5 to 5 minutes. But this figure is very individual, one minute is enough for some, and half an hour is not enough for others. The fact that the kiss was successful is evidenced by slight excitement and slight shortness of breath.

What is better not to do with a French kiss:

When kissing, you do not need to bite your tongue, because even the most gentle and light biting can give your partner discomfort.

Also, do not stick your tongue too deep, as this can also cause discomfort.
Don't focus on just one language, make the process varied, alternate between different types of kisses.

Don't grab your partner's lips and tongue too hard or too often.

Don't "drool". Watch your salivation, if yours is too strong, alternate different types of kisses.

Do not lick the entire face and mouth of your partner - why be like a dog.
Whatever your experience in kissing, never be afraid to experiment, because only through trial and error will you be able to bring your technique to perfection. Kiss your loved one the way your heart tells you, and then you will remember these wonderful moments for a lifetime.

What not to do while kissing

1) Do not try to consider your partner. Just close your eyes and enjoy the kiss. If during the kiss your partner opens his eyes and notices that you are carefully examining him, this may confuse him.

2) Do not try to talk or interject during the kiss. A kiss, an absorbing process, if your partner is drowning in a kiss, he simply may not hear what you are saying, or vice versa, he will move away from your lips in order to better understand what you are saying.

3) Do not try to passionately pull your partner's hair while kissing, as you may have seen in some erotic scenes in movies. If you just want to replicate what you saw in the movies, it can be done in a ridiculous way.

4) Do not open your mouth wide. A kiss is primarily an interaction of the lips and tongue of partners, do not try to eat your boyfriend.

5) Do not try to lick your partner's face with your tongue, the kiss zone is your partner's lips and tongue. Everything that goes beyond this zone can already be considered foreplay before the start of intimacy.

You have a first meeting with a guy or a girl, you start to get nervous about the fact that you suddenly have to kiss on the first date and you don't know how. IN first kiss there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to remember simple rules.

Breathing while kissing. It must be fresh. The person himself is unlikely to ever feel his breath and it seems to him that everything is in order, but in fact it is not. If you don’t brush your teeth in the morning, it’s unlikely that after the first kiss your partner will want to kiss you later. Remember to brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings, and if possible, even brushing your teeth without toothpaste after meals will save you from bad breath. Also, when brushing your teeth, do not forget about cleaning your tongue with a toothbrush, because a large number of bacteria accumulate on the tongue, which betray an unpleasant smell from the mouth. Before you have your first kiss, it is advisable to chew a mint chewing gum for a few minutes, it will definitely give your kiss a fresh breath, and you will not have to think about whether your breath smells bad.

Drooling while kissing. To reduce saliva before the first kiss, you can drink some cold water, but in general, saliva does not interfere with the kiss itself, in principle it is not noticeable. For all my time, and I have already had quite a lot of kisses, I never remember a problem with saliva. So you don't have to worry about this.

Kissing face position. Everything is simple here, the head is slightly to one side, the noses in this position will not interfere with you.

caresses when kissing. For the first, unforgettable kiss, do not forget about caresses with your hand. Do not stand like a soldier on duty, do not be afraid to put your partner, or touch your face (head) with your hand. Run your hand through his (her) hair, you can leave your hand there and gently comb through his (her) hair.

Kissing sounds. Sounds, i.e. smack if you have them, then this is completely normal, you are real people, not mannequins.

Opening mouth when kissing. This is probably an important moment when a partner opens his mouth for the first time at the first kiss so that he wants to swallow an orange. The mouth does not need to be opened very wide. If you don’t know how to open your mouth correctly at the first kiss, then open it a little slightly, and then everything will go by itself.

Kissing teeth. This also applies to the previous point, the wider the mouth is opened, the more likely you are to hurt your partner with your teeth, and believe me, this is unpleasant.

Kissing tongue. In addition to touching your lips, don't be afraid to kiss with your tongue. This will give you a new and unforgettable experience. When kissing, you do not need to climb into all places in your mouth with your tongue, as if you are on an excursion, it is enough to gently touch his tongue with your tongue, and then your feelings will tell you how to do it better.

Kiss without a partner. Here you can try it for yourself. Yes, on your own, you heard right. If you do this on tomatoes, as shown in some films, then you will not feel what your partner feels. It's very simple, bring your hand up to your mouth and try kissing it between your palm and elbow (or some other comfortable place) as you would like to kiss your partner. This is how you can feel everything, how wide to open your mouth, no matter what you touch with your teeth, how to work with your tongue correctly, what your partner will approximately feel, etc.

When romantic feelings arise between people, they want to be as close as possible to each other spiritually and physically. Lovers show their state with the help of touches, hugs, kisses. The latter are important in a relationship, because after a kiss you can understand how deep the feelings for a person are, and whether they exist at all. How to kiss a guy and a girl on the lips, if they did not have such experience? There are many different techniques that deserve attention.

How can you kiss

Kiss - touching lips to something or someone. The process differs depending on the person's intentions. The second half is kissed for a long time, passionately, mother - gently, meekly, on the body of the long-awaited child there is no place where the mother’s lips would not touch. Residents of different countries have different attitudes to the phenomenon. The most kissing nations are Spaniards, Germans, Dutch. Even when meeting with an unfamiliar person, they touch their lips to his cheeks. A loving couple kiss passionately - with the tongue. The Australians touch each other with their foreheads, and the Chinese draw in their partner's breath with their lips and nostrils.

The best kisses

There are many varieties of this phenomenon. The most common kisses in our culture are:

  • Welcome. At a meeting, people smack each other on the cheek, often quickly touching their lips. The phenomenon is not intimate.
  • Romantic. It happens to people between whom feelings arise. May first affect the earlobes, cheeks, neck, slowly move to the lips. It starts with timid, uncertain movements, then gains momentum and develops into a kiss with the tongue.
  • Passionate. This category is represented by biting lips, French kissing, "dancing" with tongues. This includes kissing on the teeth.
  • Body kisses. A loving person carefully “explores” with his lips especially sensitive areas of the body - the neck, the curves of the arms, legs, stomach, chest.


The classic understanding of platonic love is sublime romantic feelings, based on spiritual attraction and not involving physical relationships. Kisses with such love are short, tender, romantic, without smacking and other sounds. Chaste actions are characteristic of adolescents who are not going to move on to intimate relationships, but are already experiencing feelings. Another understanding of this phenomenon is a friendly, kindred kiss. It expresses joy, gratitude to parents, brother, sister, friend or girlfriend. It is also given at a meeting, farewell.

Kiss with tongue

This type of expression of feelings is extremely rare on a first date, although there are exceptions to the rule among adults. Boys and girls should wait with the transition to such a serious stage, so as not to be disappointed. You need to think about how to kiss with the tongue correctly when you are sure of your feelings, their reciprocity. This action allows you to feel the taste of a loved one, to know him better, to awaken sensuality and desires.

Kisses on the lips

They won’t tell you how to kiss properly, because each person has their own preferences. However, there are some tricks in this process. A little theoretical preparation will inflame the imagination and give a wide field of activity. A kiss on the lips is different:

  • Smooth - light sucking, biting lips.
  • Smooth - the movements are gentle and slow, they do not bypass a single millimeter of the partner's lips.
  • “Enjoyment of a bud” (a view described by the Kama Sutra) - a man gently squeezes the lips of a woman with his fingers and kisses them.

How to start kissing

In this case, the environment, feelings for an individual of the opposite sex, mood are important. A young man should invite his soulmate on a romantic date. If it goes well, the girl will have "butterflies in her stomach" and you can kiss her, seeing her home. By the behavior of the partner, you will understand whether he is ready for this stage of the relationship. Burning eyes, reciprocal movements when hugging, stroking - all this suggests that you can act.

Before kissing on the lips, you should think about oral hygiene. In order for the smell to be normal, it is worth brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, properly removing plaque from the tongue. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth, use a cleansing thread. Keep an eye on the health of your teeth, because caries, holes in the enamel, its darkening or yellowness kill self-confidence.

How to kiss a girl

Previously, women rarely showed such initiative. Today, girls are increasingly taking matters into their own hands and winning. How to learn to kiss first? Three cases in which a kiss is appropriate:

  1. The young man is older than you. He is afraid of harm, so you yourself let him know when you are ready for the next stage. A girl can give her partner a light kiss or immediately move on to decisive action.
  2. The guy has no relationship experience. Your gentle movements will help to liberate and teach the young man how to kiss correctly.
  3. You are in a playful mood. You know for sure that the guy likes you, but he is in no hurry. During parting, you can approach your partner, clearly making it clear that you are not against something more. Lightly touch the lips of a loved one and linger close, waiting for a response.

How to kiss a guy

Love intentions should not be voiced in the question. This will create a tense environment. How to kiss a guy right? A girl should be loved and loving, then all the embarrassments themselves will go away. The guy needs to relax, be gentle, decisive, not skimp on pleasant words (tell her how cool, beautiful, the best she is). It is not necessary to practice kissing on tomatoes or the tip of a pillow, act intuitively and avoid common mistakes. If a girl closes her teeth or holds her tongue against the palate, then she does not want to continue.

Kissing technique on the lips

It's never too late to learn, even if you know how to kiss properly. The condition of the lips should be taken care of in advance - make a sugar peeling, apply a softening balm. Be open psychologically - keep your eyes straight, do not cross your arms over your chest, smile, do not cover your face with your palms. Further training will not cause you difficulties and will lead to complete euphoria in practice.