Ready wedding script with contests. Wedding scenario "happy flight"

Composing scenarios for a modern wedding, newlyweds are increasingly abandoning some traditions, preferring to include more wedding competitions and new entertainment in the holiday program. Sometimes it is quite justified if the wedding is attended mainly by young people who primarily want to have fun. One of such scenarios is offered by our website.

Newlyweds meeting

The host of the wedding, along with parents and guests, meets the newlyweds near the banquet hall. Presenter: “Dear newlyweds! Usually the newlyweds are met by their parents from the registry office, but we decided to meet you with the whole friendly company, since the shared joy only increases. And thanks to all these people, your happiness today will multiply many times over. Take a wedding loaf from the hands of your mothers. Break off a piece and salt well to each other. Let the future life be not salty, not bitter, but only sweet. And today, let it be a little bitter for you! Bitterly!"

In accordance with the scenario of a modern wedding, the newlyweds kiss, then exchange pieces of loaf and feed each other.

Leading: “So we saw which of you will be the best breadwinner in the family. And now let's make way for the most important couple of our holiday. Come into the hall, let only joy meet you there, and let the wedding feast delight your guests. Everyone is invited to the wedding table!”

The newlyweds pass along the living corridor, the guests shower them with rose petals. Everyone takes their places at the table.

wedding feast

Host: Dear newlyweds! Today you entered into a legal marriage. This is the happiest day of your life. Today you have lit a beacon for your love, which will shine for you all your life. On this beautiful day you put on the rings of fidelity, now everything in this life will be new to you, as you begin to live as a single whole.

In the scenarios of a modern wedding, the host usually makes the first toast: “Starting this holiday, I want to wish you eternal love, strong family ties. May your hearts always be wide open for tender and quivering feelings. Dear guests, let's congratulate our young people standing up and say "Bitter" three times, so that the life of the young is sweet as honey.

The guests chant and empty their glasses. Leading: “So that everything at our holiday is legal, we will read out and officially vote with glasses for the act of receiving the newlyweds.”

The act of receiving the bride.

Bride ______ (name of the bride) in the amount of 1 piece was transferred for eternal storage to _____ (name of the groom), who is now her legal spouse. It is completed as follows: body - 1 piece (do not turn over), head - 1 piece (shaggy), eyes - 2 pieces (brown, cunning), ears - 2 pieces (pierced, with earrings), mouth - 1 piece (small, but talkative), hands - 2 pieces (golden and affectionate), legs - 2 pieces (slender).

The scenario of the modern wedding continues with the following text. The “Bride” set is supplied with: a new all-season coat - 1 piece, a dress - 2 pieces (one is put on the bride herself at the time of delivery), a bag without a handle - 1 piece, a cup for tea - 1 piece.

The act of receiving the groom.

The groom ______ (name of the groom) in the amount of 1 piece was transferred for perpetual use to _____ (name of the bride), who is now considered his legal wife. The groom is completed as follows: torso - 1 piece (sports), head - 1 piece (smart), eyes - 2 pieces (faithful), ears - 2 pieces (whole, but can deteriorate from frequent grumbling), nose - 1 piece (Greek ), arms and legs - only 4 pieces (in place).

Attached to the set "Groom": tattered sheepskin coat - 1 piece, shirt - 1 piece (and that one on him), comb - 1 piece (without half of the teeth), shoes - 5 pieces (4 from the bottom are right, and 1 is left ).

The host, according to the scenario of a modern wedding, also reads recommendations for use: “Feed, love, pity, protect from the evil eye and other people's wives.”

Host: “As you can see, the newlyweds are not fully staffed. Therefore, you should do their enrichment. Dear guests, let's give the young prepared gifts.

Guests congratulate the newlyweds, express their wishes, put money in a specially decorated jar, and gifts - on a table next to the newlyweds.

Games, contests

For the competitive program, it is necessary to prepare outdoor games and competitions, it is imperative to involve the perpetrators of identity in them. Ideas for them can be found in a special section of the site Svadbagolik.Ru. So that the bride and groom do not get bored, start the entertainment program with them.

Host: “To you, dear newlyweds, walk through life together, help and protect each other in every possible way. Let's check how ready you are for such a serious life test. The bride and groom, according to the conditions of the competition for our scenario of a modern wedding, must dance on the same newspaper. Periodically, it must be folded in half. At some point, the groom will have to take the bride in his arms, since 4 legs on the newspaper will no longer fit.

Host: “Our newlyweds are great at working together. They rightly deserve to be called husband and wife. We give them the relevant documents confirming this right. A diploma, which confirms the legal acquisition of the status of a spouse, is awarded to ____ (groom's name). This diploma, which is awarded to _____ (bride's name), confirms the bride's right to be called her lawful wife from now on.

Host: “The time has come to test the talents of our witnesses. To begin with, I suggest you play Tic-Tac-Toe. Answering the questions that I will ask, the witness should put a zero, and the witness should put a cross.

According to this scenario of a modern wedding, the witnesses go to the playing field of 9 cells. Leading: “Put an end to a carefree life (puts a cross on the groom), zero is left of your carefree days (the witness puts a zero).” Witnesses continue the game, they are supported by guests. The one who lost must stand in the center, surrounded by guests, unwind with his eyes closed and blindly kiss one of the guests. After that, the host announces the game of spin the bottle.

At the end of the wedding evening, the newlyweds come to the place where a large beautiful candle is fixed in advance, they hold small lighted candles in their hands. The host's task is to warn the guests in advance to light their candles at the moment when the newlyweds do it. The scenario of a modern wedding provides for a beautiful wedding ceremony - the lighting of a guiding "star". That is what young people do with the help of small candles. Then the young dance, say goodbye to the guests and leave. The bride throws a bouquet to the unmarried girls in farewell.

The task of a professional toastmaster is to please all participants of the wedding celebration. Each time Tamada updates the wedding scenario with modern fun games and funny contests with the obligatory presence of humor in every entertainment, taking into account the wishes of the young spouses and focusing on their guests (contingent and number of those present at the holiday). The host program proposed below is suitable for both a small company and a wedding on a grand scale.
A beautiful and unusual beginning of the celebration will be the meeting of the guests of the young couple after registering at the registry office in front of the entrance to the restaurant, sprinkling the newlyweds with rice, many rose petals, as well as coins - with wishes of well-being in the family union.

According to an old tradition, the bride and groom bite off the loaf offered to them by their parents. At the same time, a piece is dipped in salt, treating each other.At this moment, the toastmaster conducts a solemn speech about the primacy and support in the family, after which he invites everyone to proceed to the celebration hall.

Guests are seated at tables with pre-named cards. Newlyweds in the banquet hall break a plate for happiness. The toastmaster seats the guests at the table and, under glasses of champagne, reads poems about a newly created young family to romantic music in the hall.

And now it's time to move on to the moving part of the celebration, with games and competitions.
First competition. Since not everyone knows each other at the wedding, the toastmaster calls anyone present. This person introduces himself, explains from which side the relative is, and talks a little about his hobby (if any). A new participant is invited in the same way. Thus, an acquaintance train is formed, which moves around the hall to cheerful music.
Second competition. Married couples participate in the competition, they will have to reflect the culture or life of the country from improvised means. Tamada starts listing countries: Asia, Russia, Africa, Malaysia, etc.
It is imperative to take a break so that relatives from all sides express their congratulations.

Third competition.Couples participate in dances to various styles, from waltz to lezginka. Couples take turns on the dance floor with a person collecting money for their performance. The couple dances five pieces of different music. The couple with the most money wins.
Fourth competition for young couples. The couple must harmoniously and efficiently build a chair from the prepared materials, the guests watch their joint work, cheering with applause.
It is worth not forgetting the break to raise champagne with best wishes to the couple.
Fifth competitionfor son-in-law and mother-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Children receive questions from the toastmaster. Simple questions about their second mothers - what is the profession, when is the birthday, what is your favorite dish, etc. The winner dances with the "second" mother.
Sixth competition.Only men participate to determine the most active participant. The hero can express himself in singing or dancing, or in telling funny stories. The winner is the one who gets more audience sympathy, expressed in applause.
A 15-minute break for a snack, a quiet rest in the hall or in the fresh air.
Seventh competition. Guests are served a container with short pieces of paper, in which various words are written separately. Each participant, taking out a note with a certain word, must tell the appropriate anecdote or funny story that happened in his life.
Eighth competition. Several women participate in the creation of an outfit for her husband under the guidance of his wife. As a material, all wedding attributes are used.
Ninth competition. It is attended by men and the spouse himself. The task is to portray the animal said by the toastmaster. For example: tiger, lion, swan, etc. The one who is more realistic wins.
Tenth competitionfor the bride and groom. A funny lottery is held with the distribution of further responsibilities in the family house.

So it's time to sit down for a tea party with a cake.
Young people approach the cutting of the cake, the first cut is made together - first, the pieces of the cake are transferred to the closest relatives, then distributed to all guests.
You should not forget about the bride's bouquet, which she throws into the crowd of all the women present. But the groom throws the garter towards the men.
After the young couple thanks their parents and other participants in the wedding, and the toastmaster invites everyone to watch the fireworks arranged on the occasion of the celebration.

The end of any wedding event should be an unforgettable event. At the end of the holiday, harmony and romantic atmosphere reign. For the final stage of the wedding, the newlyweds can use other traditions from the original customs of wedding celebrations.

Love is a complete fusion of minds, thoughts, souls, interests, and not just bodies. Love is a huge, great feeling, powerful as the world, and not at all wallowing in bed.
A. I. Kuprin

Traditionally, a wedding is held in a cafe or restaurant, however, modern newlyweds today increasingly prefer unusual places for celebrating a solemn event. For example, if the wedding is in the summer, then you can celebrate a beautiful, romantic wedding in nature under tents. The main thing is that a friendly and joyful atmosphere reigned at the holiday. All it takes is a small stroke of a professional brush in the form of fun contests, mind-blowing riddles, wonderful games, jokes and jokes. And then funny wedding script might look like this:

So summer, heat, July... tent.

Dear guests, an amazingly and incredibly beautiful couple is approaching our tent - this is the bride and groom, so let's redeem them with a storm of applause! Good afternoon the name of the bride and groom you have embarked on the path of love, prosperity and family happiness, so your holiday begins from this very moment. We congratulate you on the birth of your family, which will bear the proud name - family Surname!

The path to happiness is different for everyone.
And everyone is allowed to go through it.
But that's the only way to succeed
Who see the light of hope ahead.
So let the family road
Leads you straight to happiness
And the young - we ask loudly
Step forward on it.
And what will she bring you?
Depends only on you.
And it's time for us to congratulate you,
Friendly newlyweds: Guests Hooray!

Host Having taken the first step on the path to happiness, you have come to the most beloved and dear people - your parents! Your mothers hold in their hands your first family bread, your wedding loaf, which turned out to be ruddy and lush, which means that there will always be prosperity and prosperity in your home. Attention, a question for the guests... What do you think should be done with the loaf now? Some guests may say to eat, then we answer - it’s immediately clear who is the hungriest! The loaf needs to be broken first. Take hold of the loaf and break off a large piece from the base. Attention, a question for the witnesses... Tell me, what will we think about, looking at these broken pieces? - Right! Who in the family likes to eat the most, or who will be the head of the family! Well, now you have a unique chance to annoy each other for the last time - salt your bread! Yes, salt more ... Look at each other with tenderness, exchange pieces and feed each other! Ladies and gentlemen, look what a caring couple we have! They won't leave each other hungry!

Host I have some ability to predict the future ... I feel that soon we will hear the clink of glasses! With these words, they bring out a tray with two glasses for the bride and groom.

Host Now make a wish. Guessed? - We drain the glasses and throw them over the left shoulder - so that they love each other passionately! And we, dear guests, will now determine who will be born to them first. If the fragments are large - a boy, if small - a girl.

Presenter And now, everything is according to the law - the marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing! It's time to go into the hall, the newlyweds once again, all together - Hurrah! Guests go to the banquet hall and take their seats in the places that are written on the tables, if this is provided for by the wedding script.

Presenter Do not be shy, dear guests, get ready to raise wedding toasts to the most beautiful couple, eat and have fun. Indeed, according to our today's scenario - the gentlemen look after the ladies, and the ladies make sure that no one is forgotten and that everyone's glasses and plates are not empty.

Host Dear newlyweds, how nice to see you here surrounded by friends, colleagues and relatives. They say that the greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved. You, dear newlyweds, have such happiness! This will be the first toast!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We're being serious right now...
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie on the path of life
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire of great love
Burning without fading!
Life is easier with love
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!
And now ... Bitter!

Host Dear guests, enjoy your meal and have a fun evening. I think that today you will all help to make this holiday unforgettable not only for the newlyweds, but also for yourself! In the meantime, everyone is having a snack, I want to get to know you a little, find out who is sitting here, with what thoughts, what the guests want to give our young people. And for this we have a magic microphone. As soon as we offer it, it will tell the thoughts of each person. Well, let's get acquainted. The host approaches the guests, stands behind with a microphone, and the DJ, after the host’s question, turns on the composition, for example, questions and compositions can be as follows.

  • Guy - What does he think of himself? (Arkady Laikin (Potap) - Why am I so sexy?)
  • Girl - Let's meet a girl. (Tootsie - And I'm unmarried, someone really needs it).
  • Man - How did this man prepare for the wedding? (Murzilki International - Today, in the morning, I drank cognac).
  • Bride - What does the bride think of her husband? (Natalie - Oh my God what a man, I want from you).
  • Man - What does this man want to give to young people? (Serega - Boomer).
  • Girl - And then this girl will give young people? (ABBA - Money Money Money).
  • A man of large complexion - And another gift from a man. (Winnie the Pooh - The best gift, of course, is honey).
  • We approach the place where several girls are sitting - What do all the girls in the hall dream of? (Gone with the wind - Let's pour).
  • The same where the cluster of men - What do all men want? (Sergey Babkin - You need to drink more, you need to drink more).
  • We approach the witness - Let's find out what the witness thinks about and if it will be in our power to fulfill her dream. (Laurita - I want to dance until the morning).
Leading Well, I think we won’t succeed until the morning, but the dance break ... Please ... Everyone dances ... The guests are dancing. The host is preparing to continue the wedding evening. According to the scenario, the congratulations of the guests and the presentation of gifts are next according to the plan; props are used for this - a small bucket decorated with ribbons and colorful inscriptions, such as: advice and love; our bank is the best in the world; who did not put it, they will put it (a joke, but there is some truth in every joke) and other cool inscriptions.

As they say, when you meet a person
With a bucket filled to the brim
Good luck awaits, and until the end of the century
You will be rich, happy and healthy.
And we are for you, all dear guests,
They saved a bucket for the wedding,
We will fill it so that the young
All my life we ​​have only kept pace with happiness.
Together we will fill the bucket with good luck.
Envelopes, gifts - all here.
Everything that is not a pity, give them in addition.
We're coming to you with a bucket, gentlemen!
Guests congratulate the young, give gifts. If there are a lot of guests, every 20 congratulations, it is necessary to hold cool contests, quizzes, and fun games.

Host So, dear newlyweds! A counting commission consisting of two mothers - now mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law - is sent to find out how much luck this wedding bucket has brought you. They'll be here in five minutes while we warm up. 10 applicants needed... Let those who wish to stand in a circle, place chairs in the center - one object less than the participants. To the music, everyone will start moving in a circle, and at the moment the musical accompaniment stops, all participants must take a chair. A late guest enters his signature into the wedding contract, which is announced by the host. After the loser is eliminated, the game continues, but one chair from the center is removed. And the columns of the wedding contract can be as follows:

  • I undertake in a month, having visited the young, to carry out a general cleaning of their homes.
  • Two months after the wedding, I undertake to visit the newlyweds and cook dinner for them.
  • In three months I will organize a field trip for them with a shovel and a whisk.
  • In four months I will present financial assistance in the amount of 1,000 rubles.
  • In five months I will send the newlyweds a bouquet of flowers with a note from (a relative, even if it is not him).
  • After six months of living together, the young will come with a gift in the amount of 3,000 rubles.
  • In eight months I undertake to buy room slippers for the bride and groom.
  • In ten months I will cook shish kebabs, heat a bathhouse, invite the young people to take a steam bath and drink to their health.
And so on, you can come up with and add your columns to the contract, and when you get together at the first wedding anniversary, you need to check the implementation of this contract.

Presenter Everyone participates in the next contest, I have prepared a surprise for you. I ask everyone to stand in a circle. Participants stand in a circle. The music turns on, the guests pass each other a bag. When the host turns off the music, the participant who happened to have a bag, without looking, takes out the first item of clothing or accessory that comes across. You can put various items in the bag - from baby caps and nipples to huge panties and bras of size 60. You got some surprises. It lies in the fact that you must put all this on and wear it until I tell you to take it off. Half an hour of wearing such a surprise is enough.

Host In the meantime, for the next competition, strong men and beautiful women are invited. A certain number of volunteers are invited, to whom pre-prepared sheets with the written names of any institutions or places are attached to their backs. Only the guests see the signs, and the participants themselves do not know about the content. For example, you can mention a nude beach, a refrigerator, a job, a brewery, a fast food restaurant, etc. It is desirable to distribute the tablets randomly so that unexpected combinations are obtained. When everything is ready, the facilitator in turn asks all the participants questions about their places. The options may be:

  • Do your loved ones know about this?
  • Do you often go there?;
  • How do you get there;
  • What are you doing there?;
  • Do you have photos from there?
  • Does someone close go there with you?;
While the guests are watching the competition, young people are invited to write 5 animals on a piece of paper. Then the toastmaster enters them into the prepared form and reads them out.

Host All the guests would like to know more about the bride and groom, and they agreed to help us with this. So, here is what the bride thinks of her husband:
Affectionate, like (the first name of the animal)
Acts like a (second) in bed
Handsome like (third)
Caring as (fourth)
Kind as (the fifth name of the animal).
The same is read out about the bride, but with the husband's answers.

Presenter So, I propose to raise glasses for a beautiful, caring girl and a reliable, strong man, who today before your eyes have become a strong and happy family!

Lead Friends! I propose to smoothly move on to the competitive and dance part of our event.

Most often, the presenter invents words on the go, thereby doing even more wedding script funny and cool. In fact, there are many options for the competitive program, be guided, first of all, by the preferences and desires of the newlyweds, because the choice of the theme of the wedding celebration is entirely their prerogative. To make the holiday unforgettable, the newlyweds come up with unusual original scenarios, choose unexpected topics, and determine the style of the holiday. There are many different ideas that can become the basis for compiling a holiday program.

As a rule, all this happens in a playful way. This is not surprising, because a successful ransom is a unique sight. He is usually remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and their guests. The ransom of the bride should not last too long. The most suitable option is 15 minutes for all the main actions. Competitions must be chosen, starting from the ability of the groom to freely cope with the proposed tasks.

It will help create the right atmosphere for the celebration. A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Contests and various plot twists are important precisely because they keep guests from getting bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other in the process of various games and competitions. There is a relationship between two families and one common family called love is formed.

Wedding scenario.

A new family has arrived
And they are not happier today.
I invite them to the hall to the guests,
We welcome young people.

Young people come in.

Dear newlyweds! A rainbow on a wedding day has always been a harbinger of happiness, kindness, prosperity.
We salute the bride and groom,
We wish you good luck on your journey!
Under the rainbow of family happiness, we ask
You young people go through!
May it encourage and give you hope
Each color will protect from evil.
And let every color become your favorite,
Good brings you a hundred years.

RED. Let love intoxicate you with red wine,
The tenderness of scarlet roses.
And tirelessly warms the blood
Even in bitter cold.

PINK. So that you do not get tired of life,
So that the sparkle does not fade in the eyes,
Take a minute and take a peek
In your pink dreams.

GREEN. May the freshness of spring not leave you,
Let the nightingale sing to you.
Let in your hearts, scattering with flowers,
Spring lives forever.

YELLOW. Yellow will warm you with a sunny color,
Hastens to give you warmth.
And you will only be left with a little
It's warm to keep.

BLUE. peace over head
Gives you blue
So that your children grow up carefree,
Peacefully under the roof of the native.

VIOLET. The color purple is an eternal mystery,
It beckons with its mystery.
You are a constant secret to each other
And a permanent magnet.

WHITE. The color of nobility, purity of relationships,
White is today's color.
May you be able to keep it
For many decades.

Throw up the champagne
For the happiness of the young
Fill them with radiance
Sparkling, golden!


Expensive _________________________________________.
I ask you to drink this glass alone for two as a sign that from now on you will share all sorrows and joys in half.


So be it, let no evil dare,
Enter your home and stand at the head.
May happiness bring to your house
The bread that is baked with love.

We always meet the young with a baked loaf,
You try his piece of your happiness.
For joy and happiness for many years, accept the blessing of your parents.
Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt. You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more!
Now swap pieces.
And now the way for the couple -
May only happiness await in life!
Come on, hurry up!
The wedding feast is calling you!
The guests are seated
Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long process. Choose a more cheerful neighbor, but a prettier neighbor. Men - closer to a snack, women - to a drink.
Attention! 3 times. At the wedding, every fifth commander. Count in numerical order!
Well done! Get up! You are the commanders of festive feasts, your duties include: pour, pour, do not forget your neighbors and do not dress yourself.
Dear guests! We have all gathered here today, at this festive table, the most honored, most beloved holiday in Rus'. His name is wedding! So let's start our wedding.
Let the warmest, most cordial words be addressed to the bride and groom.
Let the wedding "Bitter" sound louder than a thousand fireworks!
It's time for us to drink
To the newlyweds, a friendly "Hurray"!
And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear the explosive anniversary fireworks!
Well, the guests stood up together,
The glasses were cheerfully raised,
Let's wish them much happiness
Let's say "Congratulations" three times!
Our first toast, friends, for our couple,
For the happiness and love of these eyes!
And we will drink only then,
When the mouths merge together.


So that they were full of happiness,
Drain the glasses to the bottom!


Dear guests! Dear fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles!
Friends and girlfriends and other friends!
Greetings to everyone who came, flew in and just got there,
And he found his place at the table!
Today at the table are the most devoted and dear people of the young family, therefore, let me address you - “Dear friends!”

From ancient times, from forgotten legends
The wedding ceremony comes to us -
On the hands, as a sign of boundless love
Wedding rings are on fire.

And teardrops shine on the eyelashes
Mothers crying with happiness
Pride in the faces of fathers
For the fate of their big children.

And wish happiness to the newlyweds
Old and new friends
And we are sure that the marriage is successful,
Far and near relatives.

So raise your drunken cup
For the union of two loving hearts,
For their pure, holy love,
For the radiance of golden rings.

Now, bon appetit everyone!
By the way, ladies! If you are afraid to break the diet, drink another 50 grams, they are sure to dull the feeling of fear.


BE READY! (for guests)
Dear guests, are you ready for the wedding?

We, friends, are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
To the groom, his bride... Be ready!..

We congratulate the young
We have fun again and again.
Let's dance, let's play. Be ready!..

And part with gifts
Sparing no wallets
And walk up to the glory, Be ready ...

Get ready to sing songs loudly
Spare no voices
And shout more often "Bitterly" !,
Be ready!..
And I recall some features of the wedding evening!

1. Friends are known in food! Ate by myself, feed a neighbor!

2. A quickly drunk glass is not considered poured. Drink less, but more!

3. Grabbed by the chest - say something! Each of you can congratulate the newlyweds in person, cash and non-cash!

4. A large glass of mouth rejoices! As people say - the soul is the measure, if only there was a peaceful atmosphere!

5. Only steal a bride once! For the second - a fine of 25 thousand rubles!

6. The chairs of the newlyweds today have a special magic! Whoever sits on them will not fall into crisis. But remember! Magic is a great thing, but not free! Sat on a chair - pay money! Dachshund - 500 rubles!

7. Dear guests! Be nails! The highlight of our wedding program!
Sing, dance, play, get prizes as a keepsake!
In a word, easy in fun, hard in a hangover!
All good mood and sweet alcohol intoxication!
wedding report

KALEIDOSCOPE. (acquaintance game)

Dear friends! let me introduce myself
Those who are in charge of the wedding.
I'll start with myself, my name is Natalia.
I will lead the entire wedding program.
And my partner is known to all Gubakha.
_____________________ is our best DJ!

We give ovations to the first ladies,
What is the bride and groom - mothers!
Let the young dads get up
we applaud for them.

In a kaleidoscope family motley
Newlywed sisters fit in!

And you have to give it your due
Who are the bride and groom brothers!

Not for fame, for honor
Newlyweds stand uncle!

And we don't mind welcoming
If the newlyweds will rise aunts!

Let's play together ok
We are beloved grandmother!

Let them stand up to be seen
Established family witnesses!

Do we have godparents?
We applaud them now.

We would like to see more
Nephews of the newlyweds!

I'll just say, without further ado:
Applause - for friends!

And there are among you, please answer,
Heroes of celebration neighbors?

Let's clap our hands
For all the guests, good for you!


And I want to check whose half of the table is the loudest, the most friendly.
GAME "For this you need to drink"
- The wedding is already in full swing,
Let's start the fun.
- Today we have a holiday,
We all know about it.
- Praises addressed to you,
We compose in chorus.
- With love to the young,
We give gifts.
- Happy days, patience,
We wish you more.
- Come to the golden
We wish you a wedding.
And now I propose to find out who came to the wedding for what purpose.
Dear guests, guess any odd number from 1 to 9. Guessed?
1 - these are the guests who came to show themselves.
3 - these guests came to give gifts
5 - find a new sexual partner
7 - came to drink and eat
9 - and it was just boring to sit at home.


Dear our guests!
I suggest you slightly open the veil of the future. Let's try to find out what awaits each of us on this anniversary, and tomorrow we will check your forecast.
1. Most of all will sing
2. Dance
3. Drink
4. Give number 5 shoes
6. Will gladly give number 7
8. The most beautiful
9. The most smiling
10. The hungriest
11. The loudest will shout "Congratulations"
12. Eats everything that is left
13. Shake hands with everyone present
14. At 22.00 he will fall asleep
15. Will wake up at 22.30
16. Now kiss the neighbor on the left
17. Kiss the neighbor on the right
18. Kiss a neighbor on both the left and right
19. Shake hands with everyone present after 2 hours
20. Will lend without return
21. Tomorrow will invite everyone to improve their health
22. Will come to him with a case of beer
23. Now he will drink to the health of all those present
24. Kiss the hero of the day
25. The most incendiary
26. After the feast they will carry home
27. After 3 hours, he will say that he is cool
28. After 2.5 hours, he will say that he sneezed at everyone
29. After 3 hours, he won’t say anything
30. Give everyone a belly dance
31. Today most of all will smoke
32. Not one will go home
33. Will be a super star today.
Us plus minus 32.
Is everyone ready for the toast?
There is no reason for concern.
All men agree.
Well, women in response
Do you have vodka in your glasses?
Everyone is ready for the toast
The guests are there.
Bitterly! Groom and bride!


If there is a veil on her, she called the guests.
He sits in a place of honor
So, her name is BRIDE

If the boy is at the parade,
In your best holiday attire.
But has a timid look
But he doesn't look at girls
Only one got quiet
So, to call him ... GROOM!

Take a look, guests, at the red place!
Look where the bride and groom are!

She is smart, and a prankster, and just a beautiful girl,
The whole meat processing plant is very proud of her.

And he's a guy, young and smart.
He's in perfect order.
And the whole Metastroy is pleased with them,
He deserves our beauty.
Both are young guys
The lips of our children are dear.
And today they have united, united in one family.
And fate brought them together for a reason.
Lena and Andrey are the best couple!
And young people at the wedding can’t really eat or drink!
And now a mini-exam is announced for them!


Husband questions:
1. How will you peel the potatoes?
But in vain. Better than an electric razor. The thin cut and pre-massage give it an irreplaceable taste.
2. Do you drink coffee in the morning?
Right! The one who drinks coffee in the morning does not get tired all day ... help his wife with the housework.
3. Will there be a division of labor in your family or will you do everything together?
Right! Take on the honorable mission of earning money, and leave the less noble, but necessary one - to spend it - to your wife.
4. Can you: compare your wife to a musical instrument?
Yes, the wife is not a harp, after playing - you can’t hang it on your back.

For wife:
1. What do you like more: bread or cake?
Strive for your husband to be bread, not cake. The cake is delicious but gets boring quickly. However, remember that man is not fed with bread alone.
2. Will you always tell your husband the truth?
Right! Be moderately truthful and do not demand more from your husband, as they say - the truth is good, but happiness is better.
3. Will you always tell your husband the price of the things you bought?
Right! The husband does not need to know the true price. This will save his nervous system from shocks.
4. Will you always obey your husband?
Right! Cross the street where your husband wants, but take him where you want.

She was a bride, she became a wife,
And took possession of such an eagle,
Ringed, confused,
Well, serve him right, serve him right
And he noticed a swan,
Did not miss her, predator, beast,
I know the husband will be friendly with his wife,
What is left for him now.
Live together, newlyweds,
Improve your nest
Bring forth princesses and champions,
And we all drink together for you!


Traffic jam - a big booze awaits at the holiday
Candy - there will be an unusually tasty treat
Chewing gum - the holiday will be very long
Matches - the holiday will be full of bright moments and incendiary entertainment
Condom - the guest will be sexually preoccupied
Now let's greet each other.
Let's cheer up.
We raised our hands together
Waved with the right hand.

Well, the left hand goes down while
On the knee. Not yours, but your neighbor's.

Right hand hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

Swayed left, right.
You're doing great, bravo!

Pulled up all the stomach,
We move our hands forward.

Low - low everyone bent down,
Unbent, stretched.

Everyone stroked their belly
Smiled all over.

We will push the neighbor
And lightly pinch.
Have you lifted your spirits?
We played great.

Now good people
Clap your hands together!

Let's shout "Congratulations" to the newlyweds!
And we raise our glasses again!
And again applause to our young people!
In love and wonderful! And the most expensive!

We wish you a happy life
So be happy friends!
Now let's check the capacity of the hall
Shout to the young "Hurrah!"

Let the wine sparkle in the glass
Let the blood play in your veins.
Let us be bitter, let us be sweet,
You - advice, but love!
We wish the newlyweds happiness
And shout "Congratulations" three times!

So that the wine does not make the guests bitter,
It needs to be sweetened.
And the newlyweds kiss so much
As long as they ask for it!

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Well, the newlyweds are kissing, and everyone else is sitting and licking their lips!
Let's fix this mess! After all, today is the universal day of love!


Let's fill our glasses again
And together let's drink to LOVE!


But here our wedding noise subsides,
It's time to get up from the tables
After all, the sounds of beautiful music
We are invited to dance.
But the first dance will be theirs,
Lovers, dear ones.


Guests, we can’t sit indefinitely,


Today you can not be sad and gloomy!
Today should be light and bright.
And if Andrei married Lena,
So he's the luckiest of all.

In a life where there are many and doubts,
Only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without wealth and money,
But without love it is impossible to live.

Today you can not be sadly jealous!
To hell with separation, betrayal and evil.
And if Elena goes for Andrey,
So she's the luckiest of all!


Today is a special day for young people
From now on, they will go the same way.
Go about the first wedding without regret
And on the way meeting anniversaries.
I would like to wish young people
More than once they celebrate a wedding together,
But know wedding anniversaries
They have their names.

Let's tell these two lovers
What is the wedding day today? GREEN
And in a year? calico
And in five? WOODEN
And after ten? PINK
What about 25? SILVER
Every wedding has its time
Who will be honored here
To be generals at these weddings?
To find out I ask you all
Do not be lazy, in their places
Find treasured hearts.
Take a closer look at the chairs
Found hearts, come out!

Here are the generals before you,
And who what you look.
And I want to ask you:
"Ready to have a wedding?"
Entertain guests with toasts
Sing and of course dance
Are you ready to pass the test?
I have a task for you.
Sing a song for us
Let's see who is the best among you.
There is nothing better in the world
Than to walk now at this wedding!
How beautiful the bride and groom are!
We wish them a happy life!

Your guests are cheerful, not drunk,
Guys are remote giants,
Russian beauties girls,
So let's sing and have fun.
May your life be as full of joy as this glass! So let's drink it to the bottom!


A wonderful event happened today - on our good blue planet
a new family was born!
Two more hearts joined together!
Two more people found each other!
Let's wish: Elena and Andrey in this happiest for
their day - endless love, tenderness for each other, mutual understanding!
And let the sun shine brighter today. May this October day
will be the beginning of creating a strong and friendly family!
We are happy to congratulate the young!
There is no better couple in the world!
Live happily and richly
Not 100, but 200 years!
Let in the many years of noise of life
All louder - the voices of children!
May the door always be open
For both family and friends!
Meet difficulties you steadfastly
And win them always!
Let them shout to you today<Горько!>
Like no one ever!
Bow to the guests of the glorious bride!

So that our beautiful bride
You were able to enjoy.
And now you only need

Everyone whom the groom greeted,
Please get up from your seats
Groom to the best
You were able to enjoy.
And now you only need
Shout "Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Who wishes the couple happiness
Please get up from your seats
To the bride and groom
You could admire.
And now we only ask
Shout "Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Well, guests, do not be stingy!
Share your generosity!
Our royal wedding sparkles brightly!
It's time for you to give gifts!

Treasures are allowed to open!
There are so many treasures that it is not counted!
Treasures - heartfelt words,
Their head is spinning!

For you, newlyweds, everything for you!
Raise the glass higher
Yes, wish young people happiness!
We start the show
Wedding gifts!
Presentation of gifts
A new house is being created
The house is big from small.
It's built brick by brick
Yes, stronger, isn't it?
How will construction go?
Never seen
It all depends very much on
Builders skills.
Here you go, friends
The path unbeaten,
Hello new family
New story!
Here's a new album for you
Imprint in it
And look later
Everything you can.
It's fun to walk together
bright spaces,
Start creating
New history.


Dear Andrey and Elena! You will hear a lot of good words addressed to you today, but I suggest you find out who and for what purpose actually came to your wedding.

1. I did not want to cook dinner at home.
2. They wept and begged me for it.
3. I simply had no other choice.
4. For me, they are the dearest and most beloved people on Earth.
5. Tomorrow I want to borrow money from them.
6. I have long dreamed of having a brotherhood drink with them.
7. I promised them that I would never reveal this secret.
8. I have long dreamed of talking to them in an informal setting.
9. Today I have nowhere to sleep.
10. They have so many tasty things here!
11. Without me, this holiday would not have taken place.
12. It is impossible to resist the charm of the groom.
13. They promised me an unforgettable evening.
14. I really want to invite all their relatives to my birthday.
15. I promised them that after the guests left, I would wash all the dishes for them.
16. Today I decoded.
17. Hiding from the police.
18. I need an alibi for my wife.
19. I secretly love the bride.
20. The groom is a magnificent man.
21. I want to find a new sexual partner.
22. They are the most reliable friends.
23. They always have fun.
24. I want to find new friends.
25. I really wanted to drink vodka.
26. I'm tired of being alone.
27. I have long wanted to show my new outfit.
28. The groom is the wisest man in Gubakha.
29. I want to kiss a beautiful bride.
30. I haven't sung drinking songs for a long time.


Comic test "You are like a beast".

Affectionate like...
Strong like...
Protective like...
Authoritative as...
Independent as...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Loving like...
Bold as...
Handsome as...
In transportation, like...
With relatives...
With work colleagues...
In a shop like...
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant…
With the boss...
In friendly company...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office...

Let life be like the blue sky
Will pour light into the house,
What are you beautiful -
Bride with groom.

We will drink to the bottom -
Was, oh, was not -
For the white swan
For the glorious eagle!

For your happiness with splashes,
For joy over the edge
For devotion, for sincerity,
For your family paradise.

For a little third
We will drink with a dream
So that we all meet together
Golden wedding!

She is an unseen beauty
He is dashing like a hussar ...
Oh how we envy you.
Bride and groom!

"Kiss the bridegroom"
Oh what a wedding
brought us together!

At the huge table
There was room for everyone
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bridegroom!

You won't find a better couple!
We'll tell you without flattery.

So live well
Friendly, honor by four!

Joys and hardships
You meet together.

And so to old age,
About two hundred years...
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bridegroom!

- Dear guests! There is such an aphorism: “Gold is tested with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman!” Let's try to verify the truth of this statement.
1. Zolotko, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?
2. Honey, can you ever believe that “wife on the couch is gold in your pocket?”
3. Darling, would you like to become a gold digger in the future?
4. When buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first person you meet?
1. I secretly dream about it.
2. You can't figure it out without a bottle.
3. It can only happen.
4. Easy! But then blame yourself...
- Thank you! God forbid that your family always had answers to all questions, and gold was not a stumbling block.
Poems are good
And the music is better
Isn't it time for us to dance and sing,
Show yourself, look at others.
dance break
If two people love
They already went to the registry office,
This couple, friends, is called FAMILY.
If after the wedding immediately
She is in tears, he threw a vase,
It's, well, who guessed it?
It's called SCANDAL.
Though you are mutually loved,
And forever you are one
Your union, one way or another
They call it MARRIAGE.
If suddenly a dream came true:
Next to the tie and veil,
If guests are waiting at the estate,
So this is your WEDDING.
If you don't get through the house,
There is always someone on the way
You don't have to guess, come on
GUESTS are waiting for you today at home.
Dear guests!
I hope that in any difficult moment you will come to the aid of this couple, because family life is not only happy serenity, but also a piercing wind of misunderstanding, bitterness and tears.
So that our young people do not have to deal with it alone, I suggest that the whole world pile on. Each sip and our young will get less bitterness and tears.
I propose to raise glasses to the young,
For their parents and relatives,
For relatives and friends
Let's have a quick drink.
But before drinking wine,
We need to sweeten it up.
Do not do it ourselves -
Let's leave it to the young!


Well, the newlyweds are kissing, and everyone else is sitting and licking their lips. Let's fix this mess. After all, today is the universal day of love.
If you think that our kissing games are over, then you are wrong.
Who got married in the summer, get up and do not indulge,

Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the fall, get up and do not indulge,
And publicly wifey, kiss hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who married winter, get up and do not indulge!
And publicly wife, you kiss hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the spring, get up and do not indulge!
And publicly wifey, kiss hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!
Attention! Auction!
The only lot is running today.
Exclusive prize from the young!
Who wants to buy?
The starting price is 50 rubles.
A congratulatory card has come to our young people.
Did you drink for the young?
Did you drink for your parents?
To become closer and closer to everyone, let's drink for the guests!
"Vodka, beer, cognac"
"Music track"
Guests, we can’t sit indefinitely,
It's time to stretch your limbs!
dance break
Choral game "It's Me!"

Which one of you is ready now
Howling a glass to the brim?

Which one of you has a cheerful song
Enchant us all together?

Which one of you, brothers,
Will you undress for the dance?

Which of you is in a new suit
So much like Casanova?
Which one of you, open-mouthed,
Tell a joke here?

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Will it lie under the table?

Who is behind a smart conversation
Drink a glass from a neighbor?

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Will you get a hangover tomorrow?

When you wake up at early dawn,
Already alone, already together
And remember the cries of "Bitter"!
At this wedding table.
When in embarrassment alley
The sun peeks through the window
You will become clear clearer
That both of you are already one.
May the joy of this moment
Will go through your whole life
So that happiness is not exchangeable
On copper random little things.
So that no parting
Didn't stop you from saving
All the freshness of the first date,
All the tenderness of your first meetings.



The men lead the ball with their feet, serpentine between the ladies. Passing by a lady, she must be kissed. Who is faster.
"Newspaper passions"
Couples. Newspaper sheets are sandwiched between the bellies in an unfolded form. Task: with the help of body movements, crumple paper for a certain. time. Whose lump will be the smallest, he won.

The groom in front of the registry office, everyone knows
He gives flowers to his bride.
And our bride has
A bouquet that does not look away!
But in order to become a wife forever,
It is necessary to part with the bouquet,
Yes, it would be interesting to know
Who will be the next bride.
Now we know the answer
Who will get the bouquet?
So go out, girlfriends,
But only those who are unmarried!

So, the girlish system is ready,
Throw the bouquet, bride, yours!
The bride throws a bouquet
Guests! We have a reason
Reach out to men:
Middle-aged or young
Come out who's single.

And we know at the same moment
Who will be the next groom.
It remains to wait quite a bit.
Take the bandage off your pretty leg.

And here comes the denouement.
Who will get the garter?
Quit, groom, but don't be cunning
And wait for the command: one, two, three.
The groom throws the garter
wedding parable
Happiness decided to leave one house. But first, it decided to fulfill one wish of each family member. The hostess wanted a mink coat, her daughter to marry an overseas prince. And already on the threshold of happiness saw the owner and asked about his desire. I want the light of the family hearth to never go out in the house. And happiness remains to live in this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns.
From our grandfathers a custom came to us
Bring fire to the house of the newlyweds,
To ignite a welcoming and familiar
The hearth of the family is a guarantee of great love.
And so that his fire gave warmth
And the light of love and work together in life,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy, interesting.

Requisites: ribbons, two dolls, two boxes of clothes for dolls, diplomas, several medals, an artificial or live flower, a hat, question and answer cards, two trays, felt-tip pens, two drawing paper, a coin, a bowl of chopped cabbage, balloons.

After painting and a walking photo session, the young people go to a cafe, where their parents are already waiting for them. According to custom, the newlyweds are met with a loaf and salt on a beautiful, embroidered towel.

Our dear children,
We wish you to live in happiness,
Joy, divide troubles in half,
We want you to be a friendly family.
But now you need a role
In your family to determine
And for this you need
Break off a piece!

(Parents are the first to congratulate the children and honor them with a loaf. The newlyweds, according to the rules, break off a piece of holiday bread - whose more is to be the head of the family. Other guests stand with their parents at the entrance, who, in front of the entrance to the cafe, shower the young with millet, sweets, coins for happiness and prosperity.)

Our dear guests,
You are welcome to the tables,
Take your places
It's a no-brainer here today.
After all, once upon a time there were two
Just him, and separately she,
And now, now and forever,
For two, one family.
And today is such an important day
We will congratulate them
Let's be happy and healthy
We wish you together!
And yet, there is no more beautiful
Our young people with you
I think it's time for us
A wonderful holiday to start!

(date) - I recommend that everyone remember this number, because it symbolizes the beginning of a new, beautiful family. Today (the names of the newlyweds) not only legalized their relationship, but also agreed to spend eternity with each other. I believe that all of you should unanimously support their such an important decision with your sincere emotions, wishes, good advice and meaningful toasts. I think that on this day everyone should have fun from the heart, so that the newlyweds will remember the day of the formation of their family for life. Of course, they will still have many happy, amazing moments, and I know for sure that each of them will be special, but the wedding day will be one of the brightest and warmest memories. So let's go, dear friends, let's fill our glasses and drink for our young ones (tamada pronounces the first toast):

Our dear newlyweds,
Today is your special day
You shine with happiness
Don't take your eyes off each other.
Today there will be a lot of toasts,
And everyone will wish you all the best,
I wish you a strong union,
And never know problems and troubles.
From all the guests, I want to wish you
I am bright days, success, happiness,
You protect and understand each other,
And so that the house is not touched by bad weather.
So that you keep tenderness, warmth,
To carry love through the years
I raise a toast to your new family
I wish you to live together for centuries!

(After the guests have drunk and ate, congratulations from the guests follow. Next, the toastmaster offers to raise glasses for the parents).

As you know, each of us owes a lot to our parents. First of all, we all owe our lives to them. And believe me, if it were not for the parents of this magnificent couple, all this beautiful, sensual celebration simply would not have happened. For them, this is not an easy holiday. This is the day when their children have become quite adults and are ready to go on their independent journey called family life. I invite our young people to hug their parents and express my feelings to them, to say the words of gratitude that they deserve.

(young people say. You can always find them on the Congratulations website).

Everything said was wonderful. Very soulful and insightful. Everything sounded so right and sincere. Returning to our young people, I would very much like, like all the guests who came, to hear their words of sincerity addressed to each other. I'm talking about their wedding vows. But, I suggest that they discard their preparations and give free rein to improvisation and imagination.

And so dear bride and groom,
I tell you difficult lines,
Your job is to complete them.
Words kind and meaningful.
(Words are missing in the rhymes that young people need to insert, it is important that the words do not break the rhyme).

Oath for husband:
I swear to be a great family man
I promise I will help in everything
I will regularly wash (word),
I will also endure (the word).
I swear that I will not argue with my wife,
I will love her, (word) and respect,
I'll buy her new ones (word)
And I will fulfill all the whims.
I swear, my dear, to you today,
That I will bring home the entire salary,
What will I buy you (word),
What (word), I will be only you alone!

Oath for the wife:
I swear to love you all my life,
I swear that I will (word), kiss,
I swear to give birth to you children,
And on (word), calmly let go.
I swear to cook delicious food for you
I swear (word), I will give,
I swear that I will be irreplaceable
I swear that I will (word), appreciate.
I swear clean shirts
There will always be (word) in the closet
What will I indulge in sweet,
I swear I'm in the bathroom for a long time (word).

Congratulations, now, in addition to the stamp in your passport, you are also bound by an oath. Remember, it must not be violated, because it is sacred. Dear guests, I suggest you raise your glasses for the authenticity of what was said.

Now, I invite parents to try themselves as choir performers. It will not be easy for them to sing, but above all, to be a single whole, a sing-along team, consonance.

(Parents choose a song and begin to sing it in chorus. At the toastmaster’s command “quiet”, everyone is silent, but at the same time they continue to sing the song to themselves. After a couple of seconds, the leader gives the command “loudly”, and the song continues aloud, without changing the tempo. At the end competition, parents can be given special diplomas or certificates).

Parents sing beautifully, and they made a magnificent quartet, which surprised us with its beauty. And now, grandparents, who lived a huge number of years together, want to give parting words to their grandchildren.

(Grandparents come out to read a poem)

Advice to the newlyweds:
Our dear grandchildren,
In the world you always live
For trifles, not sports,
You adore each other.
Share sorrow and happiness
Let harmony reign in the family
Give birth to a bunch of kids
And so that there is no trouble in the house.

Grandmothers granddaughter:
You are amazing, beautiful and beautiful
Today you became a wife, so be faithful,
Love your spouse sincerely
And don't forget to give care.
Remember, now, from now on,
You are the keeper of the hearth, family,
You are all spiritual power
And you shout less at your spouse.
In everything you be his support,
Support, understanding you be
Remember, dear, the basis of your union,
Share and joy together, even sadness.

Grandfathers to grandson:
Today you became the husband of the lady of the heart,
So dear you are ours, you take care of her,
She is beautiful and wonderful
You protect her from all adversity.
You give her a magical life
Fulfill all her dreams
From now on, you are the protector of the family,
Take care of your wife's peace.
Listen to her advice
Help her in all matters
Then your marriage will be strong,
You avoid scandals with her.

What wonderful words! I propose to raise glasses for them in order to consolidate what has been said!

Now, I propose to see how our newlyweds are ready to become parents. They need to dress their child. But to really test their skill, I'll resort to a trick.

(Tamada ties the hands of each spouse with a ribbon. They are given two naked dolls, and two boxes with things. Young people need to dress a “baby”. Whoever copes faster will win. You can be given a medal or a diploma as a reward)

Dear guests, I have a small task for you too. I give you this flower, and your task is to compliment our young people. You can’t repeat it, because there will be a fine that will go to the budget of the new family.

Now, I invite our dear witnesses to build a "road of happiness" for our young people. Here you have to try, because your friends will have to go through it all their lives.

(The witness and the witness gather two teams. The task is to make the longest road. At the signal of the toastmaster, you need to start lining up people. It is imperative that neighboring players keep a thing between them (lace, belt, tie, etc.). The winner receives a symbolic prize. The time for building the road of happiness is 2 minutes).

The young people exchanged oaths and stamps in the passport, but as for the first dance, here they slowed down a bit. Need to fix this!

(Tamada announces the first dance of the young, which opens the dance evening).

My friends, I ask everyone to the dance floor,
Incendiary rhythms are waiting for everyone,
I know everyone wants to dance
I will fulfill my wish, of course.
But before you go to the dance,
I'll test the girls' dexterity a bit.

(The girls need to choose a pair for the dance. During the dance, the toastmaster puts on one of the men's hat. The task of the girls is to take off the hat from the owner and put on their own. All this happens without the help of hands. The winners are those who had the hat longer Total).

As you know, for every dad, his daughter will forever remain his little princess, whom he will protect from troubles throughout his life. Today, the father of our dear bride is the most difficult, because his baby, with whom he once straightened bows, today leaves his father's house. Now, on this beautiful dance floor, I invite (name of the father of the bride) and (name of the bride) for their dance.

Do you know, dear guests, that our bride wanted to ask a few questions for a long time, to which, by the way, he has already prepared answers. But here's the thing, it's all messed up. Now we will try to figure everything out.

(On two trays, pre-prepared cards. On some of the bride's questions, on others the groom's answers, the toastmaster involuntarily pulls cards from the trays. It turns out quite funny).

Dear guests, I suggest that you now play the role of artists for a while. Little is required of you. You need to portray the life of our young people after 10 years of their family life.

(Guests are divided into two teams. Each of which is given several felt-tip pens and whatman paper. In 2 minutes, they need to draw a picture).

Now, in my opinion, is the best time to find out who will be born to our young. And it depends on them, since this task is based solely on luck.

(A basin with chopped cabbage is placed in front of the young people in which a coin is hidden. The task is to find the coin as quickly as possible. If the bride gets the first coin, there will be a girl, if the groom is a son)

Our guests sat up for something,
It's time for me to move them a little,
I'll check their flexibility,
Well, get in pairs!

(The guests are divided into pairs. A ribbon must be pulled between two chairs. A balloon is given out in pairs. The ball must be clamped together, but you can’t touch it with your hands. The task is to go under the ribbon without dropping the balloon. The winners receive a prize)

While everyone was busy with balloons, the bride disappeared! Thank God I know where to find her, but for my clue, the witness will have to pay a ransom! I suggest that he dance an interesting dance that will help him earn money in order to make a deal with me! And remember, the larger the amount, the more details.

(The witness must dance while collecting money from the guests. 2 minutes are given to complete the task)

Well, we have returned the bride,
But dear people, what miracles
Some unknown ballerinas
Come to our banquet hall!

(Disguised friends of the groom present their interesting surprise to the young, in the form of the dance "Little Ducklings").

Something our bride wears her bouquet for too long, without letting go. It's time to hand it over to one of your unmarried girlfriends. Girls, you are our charming, stand behind the bride, and get ready to catch your fate.

(The bride throws the bouquet)

Men, I ask you to the dance floor, you will catch the bride's garter! She will determine which of you will be the lucky one, who will go to the registry office next.

(The groom throws the pendant)

Dear visiting guests. The night is already descending on the city, which means that the end of this magical evening is nearing. I suggest you say the last toasts to the young.

So many wonderful things have been said. But the main thing has not yet happened, the veil has not yet been removed from the bride.

(Everyone goes to perform the ceremony)

Your day was special, bright and colorful,
I wish your life was the same
Today I say goodbye to all of you
May happiness and joy await you ahead.
I wish your family peace, sincerity,
To make the toasts sounded here come true,
Do not forget about a smile and tenderness,
You have a whole eternity for your love!