Coloring page seven dwarfs and queen grace to print. Coloring pages from the cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. A familiar story is the perfect stimulus for creativity

Pictures with these beautiful characters are free to download and start coloring right now!

W. Disney and Snow White: interesting facts.

In the winter of 1937, The Walt Disney Studio cartoon premiered in Los Angeles. Before this work came out on the big screen, the creators had to work hard. And of course, a number of interesting facts are connected with this masterpiece.

  1. Snow White is the youngest of all the Disney princesses, she is only fourteen years old.
  2. To create the image of the heroine, two live models were used, selected from two hundred applicants - the daughter of a dance teacher Belcher and the wife of an animator Kimpebell.
  3. The voice of the charming princess was given by Adriana Caselotti, the daughter of a vocal teacher. She, eavesdropping on a parallel phone conversation between her father and the casting director, immediately demonstrated her vocal abilities and, as a result, was invited to audition.
  4. The first version of the script offered fifty names for the gnomes, of which
  5. To award this cartoon with an Oscar, along with the main award, seven miniature figurines specially made according to the number of gnomes were presented.
  6. The budget of the cartoon in the process of work increased from two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to one and a half million. If not for Bank of America, who believed in this idea, the project would have to be closed.

Coloring Snow White is a great way to immerse yourself in a fairy tale and meet your favorite characters by coloring black and white images in all the colors of the magical kingdom.

Disney's cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" immediately became a cult all over the world and many years later remains a favorite children's fairy tale. A story that has everything: intrigue and romance, love, friendship and mutual assistance, humor and lyrics. There is probably no child who would not see and love this wonderful piece of cartoon art. Parents also love Snow White, remembering their childhood with pleasure.

Coloring pages from the cartoon about Snow White - your favorite fairy tale is always with you

We offer you coloring pages from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" so that your child can rejoice at his favorite characters again, giving the picture brightness and completeness. More than 20 stories from the cartoon, kind and beautiful, will appeal to children of preschool and school age. Print or download all the coloring pages to your computer, and your children will have a useful and exciting activity. It is important that you can draw again and again, improving your skills - on our website you can download and print drawings as much as you like and completely free of charge.

Children's creativity starts with simple things, and coloring pages will be a great tool for developing artistic abilities. By painting over the contours, children learn to work with paints carefully. In the process of work, the hand becomes firm and the eye precise. These qualities will always come in handy in further study and life.

A familiar story is the perfect stimulus for creativity

It is important to choose good brushes and paints so that the development of color perception goes correctly. For our coloring pages, you can also use colored felt-tip pens if the baby does not yet know how to work with paints. When learning a new activity, children like familiar stories more than those they don't know about. And the fairy tale about Snow White will suit perfectly, because this kind, hardworking and faithful girl in friendship is known to children all over the world.

When choosing a topic for the first drawing lessons, many people stop at this coloring book. Several generations since the appearance of this cartoon have rejoiced and experienced the extraordinary adventures of Snow White, sympathized with her and the dwarves and enjoyed the story that ended happily.

Let this immortal fairy tale, created this time by the hands of your child, enter your home and shine with bright colors. Coloring pages from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" will make classes with children at home and in kindergarten pleasant, exciting and useful.

Cute characters of children's fairy tales fascinate kids so much that they are ready to listen and watch stories about their favorite heroes endlessly. The tale of Snow White is one of those stories. The Grimm brothers, having written this story, probably did not even imagine that many years later, new generations of children would still empathize with the heroine who fell into the thicket.

This is a story about a princess who is sent to the forest by an evil queen because her mirror found Snow White more beautiful than her. The hunter who was supposed to kill the princess did not do this and let her go on all four sides. But the princess did not have to get lost and disappear, as good animals led her to the house of the forest gnomes. The seven brothers became Snow White's best friends. The princess stayed with them and helped in every possible way with the housework - washing, cleaning, cooking, etc.

But the intrigues of the evil queen did not end. Upon learning that Snow White is alive, she tricks her into eating a poisoned apple so that she falls asleep forever. Only one way to help wake up the princess is to be kissed by the prince. The prince in love finds the sleeping Snow White, and she wakes up. And the vengeful queen falls into the abyss from the cliff, where the dwarves drive her. As you can see, the fairy tale ends on a good note: evil is defeated, good triumphs.

snow white and the seven dwarfs coloring pages

The popularity of the book story was added by a cartoon filmed in 1937 by Walt Disney Studios. It is these images created by cartoonists that are remembered by kids. In many later editions of the tale, we can find drawings from the film. The images of the beautiful Snow White and the prince are one of the best embodiments of the ideas about these characters.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs coloring page to print or download which you can right now, will always be at hand so that the baby can do what he loves. The quality of the coloring pages meets all the standards of children's products. The drawings are large enough, the lines are clear. The drawing is displayed on a regular sheet of paper. If necessary, you can make several copies if, for example, your baby and his friends who came to visit liked the same image.

Help your child choose colors (pencils, felt-tip pens) for coloring the picture. You can watch the cartoon again before this, and then reproduce the colors on paper. They are well remembered, as Disney cartoons are usually very bright. - one of those that mostly girls like, because the film has a lot of calm narration (girls usually do not really like the excessive dynamism of the plot), and the story itself is very romantic.

Fairy tales with such a plot teach the child kindness and responsiveness, because the story of Snow White is about justice. This story can be developed. Together with your child, try to imagine what adventures could happen to the princess and her friends. This improves the imagination and storytelling skills.

The image of Snow White may well become the basis for a costume for the holiday. Your baby will be happy to try on a princess outfit, and at the same time help to prepare it. After all, a sample in the form of coloring will be in front of your eyes. Your baby will be the most beautiful at the New Year's ball or birthday. One can go even further, since Snow White must be accompanied by seven dwarfs. Invite the parents of those children who go to the same kindergarten group to create costumes of funny gnomes - Sonya, Veselchak, Egghead and others, based on coloring sketches. Such a large company of fairy-tale heroes is unlikely to go unnoticed and, most likely, will collect a collection of the best holiday prizes.