Lucky dates for wedding c. We approach the choice of the date of the wedding with all responsibility. Getting married in April

Before marriage, even skeptics sometimes become very superstitious. The lunar wedding calendar for 2017 will help you choose the most suitable day for marriage. After all, it is very important that the newlyweds get engaged at a favorable time. Then the marriage will be happy, and family life will be calm and prosperous. How to calculate the most favorable wedding days, and which calendar to trust?

Today on the net you can read a lot of comments about getting married in the year of the Rooster. Many users are sure that, since 2017 immediately follows a leap year, you should not get married at this time. There is an opinion that marriage next year will not bring happiness and good luck.

However, professional astrologers do not share this point of view at all. They say that this superstition does not find confirmation in life. In their opinion, these rumors are simply not justified.

According to astrologers, the coming year of the Rooster may be quite favorable for marriage. However, experts make a reservation that marriage will become happy only for those couples who take this step consciously and truly love each other. Marriages of convenience, marriages to please relatives and marriages of unprepared, impulsive teenagers will be unfavorable.

What kind of lord is he

According to the Chinese calendar, the rooster is a representative of adherents of order, rigor, classics and elegance. The wedding this year should be held in the traditional classical style. However, given that the Rooster loves catchy and unusual outfits, it’s quite possible to experiment with the bride’s dress and the groom’s suit, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

The solemn part of the marriage should take place according to all the rules. It is not recommended to celebrate a wedding in non-traditional places in 2017. Everything should be official, solemn and in a classic style.

It can also be noted that the Rooster, being a connoisseur of family values, will patronize couples who will work on their relationship.

According to the symbol of the year, happiness must be built from grains that must be collected throughout life. Impulsive people, prone to quarrels and scandals, intolerant of each other and not compromising, will not find their happiness in marriage in 2017.

lucky dates

In 2017, the best days for marriages fall on May 1.7 and 8, July 7.28 and 30, December 1,22,24,29 and 31. According to astrologers, marriage these days will surely bring happiness and financial stability to the young family.

Also among the favorable dates for a wedding in 2017 are:

  • 01. 2017 – 8,29.
  • 02. 2017 – 5,10.
  • 03. 2017 – 3,10,31.
  • 04. 2017 – 2,10,20,28.
  • 05. 2017 – 1,7,8.
  • 06. 2017 – 4,9,30.
  • 07. 2017 – 7,28,30.
  • 08. 2017 – 25,27.
  • 09. 2017 – 3,4,22.
  • 10. 2017 – 1,29.
  • 11. 2017 – 20,24.
  • 12. 2017 – 1,22,24,29,31.

According to astrologers, a marriage union concluded on any Friday in 2017 will also bring good luck and prosperity to a young family.

You should not marry on the days of the eclipse of the moon, which in 2017 fall on 11.02 and 7.08. A wedding these days does not promise young people a long and happy life.

Wedding in 2017

Orthodox Christians must choose the wedding day not only according to the lunar calendar, but also coordinate it with the church calendar. According to the rules of the Christian faith, ceremonies are not held on the days of fasting and on great church holidays, days of remembrance of the saints and commemoration of the dead.

According to the Orthodox calendar, you cannot get married from 14.08 to 27.08 (except 19.08), from 28.11 to 6.01, from 27.02 to 16.04 (except 7.04) and 4.06.

The most favorable time for a wedding in the church is from January 20 to March 7, May 8, and all days of autumn, with the exception of fasting.

Having decided to get married in a church, young people need to remember that this is a very responsible step. After the ceremony, you become husband and wife before God, and you will no longer have a way back.

The Christian faith does not welcome divorce, and you can annul a marriage only with the permission of the priest and only in a special case.

According to statistics, couples who have gone through a wedding ceremony in a church are much less likely to dissolve their marriage, because going to the ceremony, each of them understands the full responsibility of the decision made. Faith helps such families to keep the family and adequately survive the difficulties that arise. Remember that a wedding is possible only at the behest of the heart and soul. Going down the aisle under the influence of fashion is simply stupid and pointless.

Folk omens

There are a great many folk signs associated with the wedding. Among them there are signs that describe the future family life, depending on the month of marriage. So, for example, getting married in May was not recommended. It was believed that the newlyweds would toil all their lives. July promised the newlyweds a troubled life with quarrels and reconciliations. A wedding in January, March or October foreshadowed a difficult and difficult life for the young. The April wedding promised the newlyweds a life of ups and downs, divorces and reconciliations.

The lucky months for wedding celebrations are June, September, August, December and February. It was believed that the newlyweds, who got married at this time, would live in peace and prosperity.

Today we already know that these folk signs directly hung on the life of the villagers. September and August gave people a harvest, in December and February there was little work. At this time, weddings were held. And on the contrary, spring is a time of planting and hard work, and in October it was necessary to dig potatoes and harvest wheat, and so on. For this reason, there was simply no time to celebrate weddings in these "unfavorable months".

Of course, marriage is always an exciting and crucial moment for both newlyweds. And it is not surprising that young people want everything to go well on this day, and their future life to be filled with happiness and love. However, do not forget that marriage is hard daily work. Only the ability to understand each other and meet your partner halfway will allow you to keep happiness in the house and live with your chosen one until the most advanced years in joy and prosperity.

The wedding day is the most significant date in the life of the newlyweds. Folk wisdom recommends approaching her choice with all seriousness, because the wedding ceremony is shrouded in many beliefs and prejudices. It is believed that the date, month and year in which the marriage was concluded can bring happiness to the couple or, conversely, quarrels and sorrows.

When choosing a favorable wedding day, the advice of astrologers and numerologists, as well as some popular beliefs, are taken into account. It is worth paying attention to the dates of Christian fasts. During this period, as well as on the eve of great holidays, the church does not recommend getting married.

To choose the most favorable days for a wedding in 2019, today's article contains descriptions of all possible favorable and negative dates that affect the future of a newly-made family.

2019 for marriage: what will it be like?

A favorable day for a wedding depends on a number of factors.

The main criterion that even the most inveterate skeptics try to comply with is the choice of the year in which the celebration will be held. It is believed that it should not be a leap year - that is, it should not last 366 days. Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that in a year when February is endowed with an additional 29 day, it is impossible to play a wedding - otherwise the young family will soon fall apart or live life in squabbles and strife. Years that immediately follow a leap year are also considered not the best periods for weddings.

The first of them is called the “year of the widow”, and the second is the “year of the widower”, that is, the wife or husband runs the risk of being left without a soulmate early. Those who do not believe in omens will not be forced to postpone the wedding for three years. Well, for everyone else, we have good news - 2019 is not a leap year, nor is it the year of the widow or widower! The nearest period in which there will be 366 days is 2020, so it’s worth hurrying up and celebrating the creation of a family at a good time.

Now let's find out how the Pig affects the families created in the year of her reign. Due to the peculiarities of the Chinese calendar, the Pig will manage world affairs from February 05, 2019 to January 24, 2020. The Yellow Pig loves openness and easily establishes connections, so the Chinese are sure that in a family created in 2019, any disputes will be resolved through dialogue and compromise. If a couple respects each other and closely monitors the needs of a partner, the union will last for many years.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2019:

What is meant by a beautiful date? Many couples try to choose a number that will look good on their marriage certificate. Perhaps someone remembers how many people wanted to legalize relations on July 7 and August 8 in 2007 and 2008, respectively. In 2019, such dates are not expected, but there are many others that we advise future newlyweds to take note of:

  • Dates where the day and month are the same. In 2019, these will be 1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04, 5.05, 6.06, 7.07, 8.08, 9.09, 10.10, 11.11 and 12.12.
  • Same day and year. For example, 01/19/19, 02/19/19, 03/19/19, etc. Please note that on 08/19/2019 the Orthodox celebrate Apple Spas, you should not play a wedding on this holiday. But 10/19/19, according to many, is one of the most beautiful dates for marriage in 2019.

A beautiful date for marriage in 2019 is rightfully considered 02/19/19. Despite the fact that it falls on Tuesday, when many registry offices do not work, you should not postpone the wedding, because you can order an exit registration.

  • The date on the contrary will look nice in the certificate, namely: 01.10 or 21.12.
  • The version with growing numbers is also original - 9.10.19.

A favorable day for the wedding will help you choose an astrological forecast

Choosing a favorable day for a wedding according to astrological forecasts

There is an opinion that the location of the heavenly bodies affects our well-being and mood. A decision made at a favorable or not very favorable moment can determine the fate of a person. According to astrological forecasts, a ready-made lunar calendar has been prepared, according to which the most favorable days for a wedding in 2019 are considered:

  • in January it is better to choose the 7th, 11th, 15th, 18th or 20th;
  • in February - 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18;
  • in March - 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 or 18;
  • in April - 7, 11, 12, 15, 18 and 19;
  • in May - 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19 or 26;
  • in June - 5, 7, 9, 14, 16 and 17;
  • in July - 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 19 or 26;
  • in August 2019 - 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18 and 23;
  • in September - 1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 29 or 30;
  • in October - 4, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 20;
  • in November - 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 or 28;
  • in December - 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 20, 27, 29, 30 and 31.

Video about auspicious days for a wedding in 2019

Wedding according to the Orthodox calendar

Perhaps the most stringent requirements for marriage dates are determined by the church. Although high technology rules the world, many young couples begin their life together not with a visit to the registry office, but with the sacrament of the wedding. Of course, for believers who already regularly go to church and know all the intricacies of the Orthodox calendar, the information below will not be interesting.

When choosing a date, it is important to avoid major church holidays

However, there are also couples who attend church only on major holidays, and therefore are not too well versed in the nuances. We will talk about the main parameters that the date for the wedding in 2019 should meet. The main reasons for refusing to marry are church fasts and great celebrations. You will not be given a sacrament scheduled for the following days:

  • Tuesday or Thursday - they precede Lenten Wednesdays and Fridays, because of which they become a forbidden time for weddings;
  • Saturday - according to the Orthodox canon, this day comes before "Little Easter" (Sunday);
  • on the day of Christ's Resurrection - 04/28/2019;
  • on the days of the twelfth celebrations. These include the Ascension (06/06/2019), the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (09/27/2019), the Presentation of the Lord (02/15/2019), the Baptism of the Lord (01/19/2019), the Transfiguration of the Lord (08/19/2019), the Ascension of the Lord (06/06/2019) , Christmas (01/07/2019), Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (12/04/2019), Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (04/21/2019), Holy Trinity Day (06/16/2019);
  • during fasting periods. In 2019, you will not be able to get married during Great Lent (03/11/2019-04/27/2019), Petrov Lent (06/24/2019-07/11/2019), Assumption Lent (08/14/2019-08/27/2019), Christmas Lent (11/28/2019) .2018-06.01.2019);
  • on the days before the patronal festivities in the temple that you have chosen for the wedding (you will need to clarify about them on the spot);
  • for Cheese Week (03/04/2019-03/10/2019). In common parlance, it is often referred to as Maslenitsa;
  • on the days of Christmas time (01/07/2019-01/17/2019) and Bright Week (04/28/2019-05/04/2019);
  • before strict one-day fasts (for example, the Beheading of the Forerunner - 09/11/2019).

There are also several days in the Orthodox calendar, which since ancient times were considered the most favorable for creating family unions. The first of them is the Red Hill holiday, which the Orthodox people will celebrate on 05/05/2019 (on Sunday, which will be the first after Easter). No less favorable for wedding celebrations is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - it is celebrated twice a year, 06/21/2019 and 11/04/2019.

Phases, their combination with the days of the week

The penultimate in the hierarchy of importance for determining the auspicious wedding time in 2019 were the Moon phases. Among them, the most positive for marriage are distinguished. These include:

  1. Waxing Crescent. Fullness, the mood for creation, the desire for fullness fills a long and successful union, but for this you need to remember about sincerity, love. Do not even think about the negative at this time.
  2. First quarter. At the renewal stage, the Moon is able to give a considerable charge that will help develop relationships for those who test them with time. But the issue must be approached exclusively with maximum responsibility.
  3. Full moon. It is covered with mystery, mysteries. The atmosphere is the most incredible. According to popular beliefs, this is what you need for a wedding. In 2019, they do not forget about one sign, very important and mysterious. According to her, the union concluded during this period will turn out to be real, solid, like a full bowl.

Lunar day in the wedding calendar for 2019

In the wedding calendar for 2019, created to simplify the choice of an auspicious day, you can also highlight the days that are especially successful for making alliances, which will have a positive impact on family life.

Lunar day (not to be confused with the calendar!) Meaning
3 Although 3 lunar days can provoke scandals between newlyweds, it is still believed that they are great for people who are going to spend their lives in search of adventure and extreme sports.
6 A married couple will be distinguished by wisdom that can keep love for a long time. These days are suitable for making alliances between mature people who want to leave the riot of youth and stick to a calm and quiet harbor.
7 Great time for marriage between people of art. It is recommended to invite creative friends to the holiday - then it will definitely turn out to be unforgettable.
10 The most favorable date in the entire cycle for the ceremony, which will bring any family a close-knit and friendly existence.
13 The lunar day is a good moment for lovers over 30 years old, whose life's work is science. In this case, the union promises to be successful for those who are calm, thorough and phlegmatic.
14 The ideal time for a wedding between people who have already had spouses. This is an opportunity for change and a second chance, which will turn out to be a success if the previous experience has been carefully analyzed and all the necessary conclusions have been drawn.
17 The family idyll will not be overshadowed by any domestic problems. The couple is expecting the birth of desired and gifted children.
22 Lunar days are perfect for lovers, employed in creative and "budgetary" areas. At the festival, it is recommended to pay special attention to the table - it should be rich, generous and offer guests a lot of sweets.
24 Marriage is recommended for those people who have tested their love with enough time. The longer the newlyweds walked hand in hand, the stronger their union will be, and it does not matter whether they are young or have already crossed the line of 40 years.

Folk omens

According to popular belief, the time of year will determine the fate of your marriage.

Our mothers and grandmothers probably know the superstitions regarding the month of marriage and its influence on the future of a young couple. These signs have been known since time immemorial and are still respected. According to popular wisdom, the most favorable periods for a wedding are February, June, August, September and December. If a boy and a girl get married in July, they are destined for a rich life, rich in both joys and troubles.

Difficulties portend a spring wedding. “If you get married in May, you will toil all your life,” says popular belief. It is explained by the fact that this month was one of the most difficult for our peasant ancestors. A difficult fate promises young people a wedding in January, March and October. The alliance, concluded in April, with its instability will resemble a roller coaster. Marriage in November will bring the couple material wealth, but not love.

How to choose the best day for a wedding according to signs

Many believe that a wedding played in a leap year will have a bad effect on the marriage union - it will not be lasting. This is superstition, and the Orthodox Church believes that marriage this year is no different from solemn rites held at other times.

Church canons prohibit weddings only on the eve of special holidays, on Great Lent, on Wednesday, Friday.

Even in the old days, they believed that the leap year patronizes brides. Therefore, the initiative was passed into their hands. Matchmakers were not sent to the girl's house, but on the contrary, the brides came to woo the grooms. Of course, this did not insure against refusal, but girls very rarely received it.

In a leap year, even special ceremonies were performed that had nothing to do with the lunar calendar, but it was believed that this would secure marriage. So that the union turned out to be long and happy, one of the relatives said during the wedding: “I crown with a crown, and not with a leap end,” and also:

  • On the way to church, neither the groom nor the bride should look back.
  • The bride should wear a dress that covers her knees, then family life will be long, and after the wedding, you can’t share your outfit and jewelry with anyone.
  • Marriage in a leap year will be successful if someone in a high position is among the guests.

How to determine the wedding date:

  • Lunar calendars. The most important thing that the bride and groom need to remember is not to schedule a wedding for lunar or solar eclipses. It is believed that during this period the mind of a person is clouded, and therefore important decisions will necessarily lead to trouble and hardship. The days when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus and Aries are also considered unfavorable. The most successful marriages are those that were entered into during the growing moon from the new moon to the full moon.
  • Date of wedding in terms of numerology. Experts in this field calculate the date in the following way - add the month, year and day together until you get a single digit. For example, April 12, 2017 would look like this: 1+2+0+4+2+0+1+7=1+7=8. The number 8 will patronize marriage. The best numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  • In Orthodoxy. We all know that marriages are not performed during Lent. But there are other unfavorable dates that you need to be aware of. These are parental Saturdays, big Orthodox holidays and the fasting period.

It must be admitted that there are a lot of approaches to choosing an auspicious day for a wedding. It is up to you to decide which of them are trustworthy. However, remember: no signs will be able to upset the union of two loving hearts. Even a marriage entered into at an unfavorable time can become strong and happy.

What hairstyle to choose for a wedding?

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The wedding day is one of the most significant dates in the life of any person. Confirmation of love vows, the promise of fidelity to each other at the same time mean the beginning of trials in life together. Many people believe that setting the wedding day on a "lucky" date can lay a solid foundation for marital happiness. And, accordingly, an “unsuccessful” date can greatly complicate its achievement.

The day when it is better to play a wedding in 2017 can be determined using a variety of methods. As for the year, the future is exceptionally favorable for weddings, the main thing is to pay special attention to observing traditions and respect the parents of the newlyweds. Then the Red Rooster will be favorable to the spouses.

5. Beautiful date for a wedding in 2017

It's nice when a beautiful number is on the marriage certificate - and we are not talking about simple external compatibility with each other, like 07/07/2017. It is generally accepted that dates are especially favorable for a wedding, where the second digit is one more than the previous one, like 04/03/2017 or 09/08/2017.

4. Church calendar of weddings

The church calendar rather indicates the dates when you should not get married - on the days of fasting, on the days of commemoration of the dead, on Easter and Trinity. However, there are two especially favorable days for a wedding in 2017, when the newlyweds can try to enlist the support of a couple of saints - Peter and Fevronia of Murom. They have become a symbol of family happiness for the Russian church. Their days are July 8 And Sunday immediately before 19 September. It is also customary to play weddings on the so-called. Krasnaya Gorka - a week starting from the first Sunday after Easter. By the way, the wedding date and the date of registration in the registry office do not have to match.

3. Folk wisdom

From time immemorial, superstitions have been passed down from generation to generation when it is worth and when it is not worth getting married and getting married. They say that if you get married in May, you will have to toil all your life, and April threatens with constant quarrels and conflicts. If you marry in November, then the family will live in abundance, but without special tender feelings (although, given the crisis, this circumstance does not look so frightening). July will not let you get bored, but it can be both good and painful chores. A February, June, August, September and December are considered favorable months for a wedding in 2017.

2. What moves the sun and the luminaries

According to astrology, the position of the heavenly bodies has the most direct impact on the fate and well-being of a person, and the phase of the moon determines whether any business started will go well or not - especially such an important one as a wedding. According to forecasts, the best dates for a wedding in 2017 are as follows:

  • Winter: in December - the 1st, 22nd and 24th; in January - the 1st, 8th and 29th; in February - the 5th and 10th.
  • Spring: in March - the 3rd, 10th and 31st; in April - the 2nd, 10th and 28th; in May - the 1st, 7th and 8th.
  • Summer: in June - the 4th, 9th and 30th; in July - the 7th, 28th and 30th; in August - the 2nd, 25th and 27th.
  • Autumn: in September - the 3rd, 4th and 22nd; in October - the 1st, 2nd and 29th; in November - the 3rd, 20th and 24th.

1. DIY numerical harmony

In order to calculate the best day for a wedding in the upcoming 2017, you need to add up all the numbers of the planned date, and then, through complex calculations, determine how the final number will affect the digital harmony of the bride or groom. And if there is no opportunity or desire to consult a specialist numerologist, you can calculate a favorable month on your own. To do this, add 4, 5, 7, 10 or 11 to the number of the month of birth. For example, the bride was born in January, which means that May, June, August, November or December will be favorable months for her. It will be especially lucky if the months of the bride and groom coincide - it means that this marriage will definitely be made in heaven.

Choosing a wedding date, among other pleasant chores, is an important step in the preparation process. What are the most suitable days in 2019 for marriage? Plan ahead to avoid headaches and panic later.

What you should pay attention to

Pay attention to family dates, look for special milestones and in close surroundings: birthdays, anniversaries, friends' weddings, religious holidays, consider family conflicts. May the wedding day of 2019 be clean with respect to events that have already happened or unpleasant incidents.

Do not cross the celebration with social events: city conferences, state fairs, festivals or marathon races. Of course, if it's not part of your plan.

Saturday is wedding day. There are only 52 weeks, that is, Saturdays fly away with high demand for them. They cost more than any other day. Some event planners offer discounts on Fridays and Sundays, during the off-season and colder months, but when Saturdays are preferred, an immediate reserve is needed.

Season June, August, September and October- a popular time for honeymooners. Spring and autumn are great weather. But don't be fooled. Mother nature is unpredictable all year round, you never know what will come down: snow, heat or rain. For an open event, this would be a risk. Think about your comfort and the guests invited to the celebration, let there be an emergency plan "B" in stock.


Perhaps you are superstitious about believing in "catastrophic" dates. To avoid having an undesirable effect on the future of marital bliss, consider "the unlucky."

In Chinese culture, the number "four" represents "ending" and "death", and many couples avoid this number. "Friday the 13th", although the origin is unknown, the date is considered the "black" day of the year. "Beware of the Ides of March", March 15, 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated. Since then, the date has been on the negative list. The belief of the Romans and Greeks warns to marry in a leap year.

Many people do not believe in prejudice. A wedding is a positive and joyful event. Absolutely all newlyweds are blessed with happiness!

In Ireland, a solemn event on New Year's Eve is respected. Any day in June is a blessing. It is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. A wedding on the Chinese New Year is for the longevity of family life.

Many cultures have their own traditions. For example, the Hindu astrological calendars Pan Changam and Chinese Tung Shing predict auspicious days for love and marriage.

But, follow your heart. Misfortune, like happiness, overtakes a person at any time. Celebrate love with a moment of beauty, be together in difficult and happy times, leave pleasant unforgettable memories of living together!

Moon and Zodiac

The best times for marriage are determined by the lunar zodiac, the sign of the partner, the month, day and hour of birth, certain signs, the ebb and flow of the phases of the moon.

The days that are considered favorable for weddings in 2019 by astrologers:

  • January 2, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 18, 23, 28, 29, 31
  • February 6, 9, 12, 13, 18, 24, 25, 27
  • March 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29
  • April 1, 2, 9, 12, 13, 21, 25
  • May 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 28, 31
  • June 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 23, 25, 26, 27
  • July 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 29
  • August 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29
  • September 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 20, 23, 27, 28, 30
  • October 5, 10, 12, 13, 19, 22, 24, 26
  • November 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 21, 25, 27
  • December 1, 3, 8, 11, 19, 20, 28

Parting words of a prosperous Chinese horoscope for 2019:

Pig Rat Tiger Monkey Rooster The Dragon Dog Horse Bull Rabbit Snake
January 2 6, 18 7, 31 9 15 16, 28 23 29
February 14 12 9 6, 18 13, 25 27
March 15 8, 10 5 24 2, 26 21 7
May 7, 19, 31 9 3 16, 28 11, 23 5, 17 13 20
June 19 11, 23 2, 26 4, 16 10 13, 25 3, 27
July 1 17, 29 17, 26 15 10 4, 16 7 9 24, 29
August 10 11 1, 13 7 8 3, 15 21 17 2 18
September 23 23 28 30 20 6
October 5 1, 13, 22 12, 24 19 26
November 2 3, 6, 27 5 12 13, 25 21
December 28 8, 20 11 1 19 3 5

Orthodox sacrament

Marriage is an Orthodox sacrament in which a man and a woman agree before Christ, the priest and the Church to be together for life. Christ blesses their marriage with a sacramental union. Grace is transferred by ceremony, it helps the couple to live in God's love, mutually perfecting each other on the path of life.

The sacrament of marriage is not performed on fast days, the fast season, the day before and the day after the great feasts of the Lord.

Days when marriage is not allowed:

  • In Great Lent
  • holy week,
  • Assumption Post,
  • on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist,
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • Christmas post,
  • Epiphany
  • Apostolic post
  • and Pentecost.

Exceptions can only be made with the permission of the hierarch. Permissible and auspicious days in 2019 - May 5 (Krasnaya Gorka), from January 20 to March 10, from July 12 to August 13 and the autumn season (except September 11 and 27).

A wedding is stressful, thanks to the combination of high costs and dizzying expectations. To make the festive day great and joyful, implement some tips. Remember that the Feng Shui point creates nutritious energy to support people. Gentle adjustments to wedding décor can make the celebration unforgettable.

The focus of the wedding is the bride's dress. Pure white is a classic that can be replaced with soft ivory or cream. Whether cocoa, dusty rose, pumpkin, olive or honey, these shades are great for bridesmaids.

wedding color combinations

Few people think about their meaning. The most harmonious combination of the wedding color of the Yin and Yang symbol. Black tuxedo for the man, white dress for the woman. Masculine energy harmonizes with a balanced feminine color and vice versa. Feng Shui is a method of creating consonance.

The harmony of colors, details, shapes and numbers complement each other.

Good choice: red - pink; dark blue - light blue; purple lavender - light green. For a Christmas registration, a combination of red and green is suitable. Yellow - Red promotes social position and wealth. Metallic colors (white, silver, grey, gold) perfectly harmonize with yellow. Greens and blues are perfect together. Blues with metallic colors create a beautiful symphony.

What do the colors mean?

Red, gold, yellow, beige - prosperity, good luck and happiness. Black, white - family harmony. Green and purple, lavender and light purple - growth, longevity and wealth. Metallic colors - creativity. Green and blue - growth in all aspects of life. Red - green - good luck and success. Black and green - wealth, growth and health.

According to Feng Shui logic, any date ending in 8 or 9 is especially lucky. 8 symbolizes Infinity, 9 represents the Fulfillment of desires. If 8s and 9s aren't exciting, add any date to 8 and you'll have a lot of lucky days.

Vasilisa Volodina's astrological charts will help you manage your future union and build a perfect relationship. A scientist-astrologer, she will find in your individual data the best energy in the Universe and will offer cosmic keys, called "Long and Happily Ever After".

Before tying the knot, it is desirable for a couple to understand compatibility, to see all levels of the future: spiritual, sexual, financial, emotional, intellectual aspects. Astrological calculation will allow you to get a specific answer to the question: “Is the future union of mutual interest?”

An astrologer, using the displayed energy of a person, will help a couple in choosing a honeymoon, determine good days for conceiving a child of the desired gender, or find the ideal window for adoption.

May the love that you share be inexhaustible. Let the hearts beat in unison and in a symphony! Happy family longevity!

Choose favorable days in 2019 for a wedding, excluding church holidays.
The most convenient day for a wedding is Saturday.
According to Feng Shui, the bride's dress is only white or cream.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation on 11/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the Moon on November 17, 2017

On the date 17.11.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 29 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Scorpio ♏. Light percentage The moon is 1%. Sunrise moon at 06:21 and sunset at 16:28.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 28 lunar day from 05:10 11/16/2017 to 06:21 11/17/2017
  • 29 lunar day from 06:21 11/17/2017 until the next day

The influence of the moon on the wedding November 17, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (±)

Moon in sign Scorpion. A couple who decide to legalize their marriage on a day when the Moon is under the influence of Scorpio will be tested by jealousy.

To avoid difficulties or conflicts associated with this feeling, you need to be sincere and frank with each other from the very beginning, this will lead to a benevolent trusting relationship.

Between such partners there will be a strong psychological connection that will literally be able to replace the phone. A real holiday and a solution to many problems will be the birth of a long-awaited child.

29 lunar day (− )

November 17, 2017 at 12:00 - 29 lunar day. Unions concluded on this day do not bode well. Most likely they will be short-term and filled with problems, they will also leave behind only negative memories and emotions.

Even for divorces, this day is not favorable, as it will lead to a big scandal and even hatred.

Waning Moon (− )

The moon is in phase Waning moon. The last, fourth lunar phase is more suitable for thinking and planning a wedding than for registering it. During this period, it is better to think over everything again and discuss all the nuances of further life together, and if it is possible to postpone the celebration, it is better to do it.

Influence of the day of the week (+ )

Day of the week - FridayVenus governs this day of the week. This planet is favorable to lovers and helps them in every possible way. If you plan to register your union on this day, your family will be strong and happy. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign between spouses.