New Year's Eve together with your loved one at home ideas. New Year's holidays together: how to celebrate them in an extraordinary way

Every year the time comes and each of us thinks about when, where and how to celebrate the holiday beloved by millions - the New Year. Some want to spend this magical night with their soulmate, others, remembering their childhood, meet New Year's Eve with family and loved ones, while others - to have a blast fun company friends. Having chosen with whom and where you will go on the night of December 31st, you should not forget to think through small script, in order to surprise and please loved ones, not forgetting to pamper yourself.

So you have decided that you want to spend New Year's Eve with your loved one in a cozy home environment. It's time to start conquering his festive spirit and the right to share with him the “best New Year of your life”!

  1. First you need get in the right mood . Therefore, on the eve of the holiday bustle, grab your loved one and head to the nearest fair. There you can not only drink aromatic mulled wine, taste it with honey and gingerbread, but also look for home decorations and take part in various competitions. Having eaten your fill, you can take a short walk, enjoying the views of the evening city, decorated with thousands of lanterns. It is also worth visiting the ice skating rink: even if one of you does not know how to skate, it will become good reason to learn, because there will be reliable support nearby. After you've had your fill, visit some establishment so you don't have to start decorating your home on an empty stomach. Upon returning home, take a breath, choose the right music (where would we be without your favorite “Jingle Bells” and Frank Sinatra), lay out all your New Year's toys and start creating magic by transforming your home.
  2. Decorate the Christmas tree together . Let it be special this year, just for the two of you. In addition to the usual Christmas tree toys and tinsel, you can hang your joint photographs, favorite sweets, tangerines and other trinkets that are important for the two of you on its fluffy branches. Yes, she won’t look like she’s from the cover of a glossy magazine, but she will be the most best tree in your life.
  3. Decide on the menu for the holiday table. You shouldn’t cook so much that the table breaks. This could be several appetizers, one main dish and fruit. This amount of food is quite enough for two, especially if you are counting on a romantic continuation. The main thing is to agree on the menu with your lover so that everyone is satisfied. If you decide to order food, then take care of it in advance to avoid misunderstandings, because on New Year's Eve, food delivery is simply inundated with orders.
  4. Together doesn't mean boring! Not everyone needs a lot of company to have a great night. Imagine, just the two of you, snow is falling outside the window, the tree is glowing with hundreds of lights, cozy holiday music is playing. The whole house is at your disposal. You shouldn't spend all your time near the TV, looking for a decent TV show. Better come up with something Magic world, where each room in your home will have its own atmosphere. Your kitchen can turn into a chic restaurant at the foot of the lava, if you just replace the lamps with candles and add a little imagination. So the bathroom turned into a jacuzzi, somewhere in the tropics. What's going on on the balcony? Yes, this is Santa's house in Lapland! All you have to do is write down your wishes, put them in an airplane and fly them into the snowy distance, and they will immediately come true. Dream, play, have fun. Feel again the magic that never left you throughout the winter holidays as a child.
  5. A little romance never hurt anyone. When planning your joint holiday, do not forget that your loved one will be next to you. Prepare a surprise for him, which will include: you, your significant other, dim lights, sexy, perhaps even themed, lingerie, candles, some fruit and chocolate, dancing and lots of kisses. The hot night is ready. Happy New Year!
  6. There will be gifts! Agree in advance that you should give each other gifts. Let it be cute socks with snowmen or a candle with the scent of pine needles, but their presence is mandatory. Set up a quest for each other: hide your gifts, write notes with clues and leave them in different places. Hidden clues will help you find the next ones and so on until the gift itself. And regardless of the gift, you two will be incredibly pleased to finally find your treasured treasure.

It doesn’t matter whether there is one person next to you or a whole crowd, the main thing is the role of these people in your life. When spending the New Year, even together, fun can overflow, the main thing is that the person sharing this night with you understands and loves you.

How to have fun celebrating the New Year with your family:

New Year is considered to be a family holiday. After all, no matter how far away your loved ones are, no matter how rarely you communicate, on New Year’s Eve, everyone gathers at one table. The magic of the holiday is felt from the very morning, when children are busy decorating the Christmas tree, mom and grandma are preparing various goodies, and dad and grandpa are cooking festive table and light the fireplace. Everyone helps each other, has fun and waits to please others with gifts. But you can spend the New Year with your family both at home and outside the city or in nature.


Why do many choose to celebrate the New Year at home? Yes, because it is, first of all, comfort. You can cover all the windows with snowflakes, dress up in pajamas, wrap your cat in New Year’s “rain,” steal food from the refrigerator that says, “Don’t touch it! This is for the New Year,” and in general, do whatever you want. At home, you and your family will always have something to do: look at a family photo album, remembering past years, decorate gingerbread cookies together in the form of New Year's attributes, play Crocodile and a lot more.

  • What kind of New Year is it without mom’s signature salad? The holiday at home is wonderful because every year the same dish that is familiar from childhood appears on the table. And it is definitely prepared only on this night, because it is special.
  • Every family has a movie that they watch on December 31st. Even if it has already been watched thoroughly and you know all the dialogues by heart, this day would not be so wonderful without it. So don’t forget to set aside an hour or two for a movie show this year.
  • On holiday everyone wears their own best outfits. But you can ask new trend in your family. Pajama party! Although the beautiful half of your family will repent for a long time, because they chose this dress for so long, but with your persistence, this New Year will be the most comfortable in your family. And what wonderful photographs you will get, it’s not worth mentioning.

In the countryside

Small country cottage with a huge Christmas tree in your backyard, what could be more magical? It’s certainly nice to be at home, but it’s still worth trying at least once to get out somewhere on New Year’s Eve, taking your whole family with you. You can play snowballs, build a snow castle, cook your favorite dishes over an open fire and warm up near the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. And after you celebrate the New Year, dress warmly and go out to explore the surrounding areas. You can bump into your neighbors, make new acquaintances, and even go on holiday to another country (who said that your neighbors can’t be fiery Spaniards or harsh Finns?).

In addition to a separate cottage, you can stay in a country complex. There you will be offered not only a cozy house, but also holiday menu and entertainment program. If you are traveling with children, do not forget to check the availability of an animator. Not only will this help keep the kids engaged, but it will also be great fun for the adults in the family.


New Year is associated with something warm and cozy. But what if your family has a craving for everything extreme and unusual? How then to celebrate this holiday without indulging in all these home gatherings?

  • Take your family and go to nature! To the top of a mountain, into a forest thicket, to the shore of a lake or a snowy beach - whatever you choose, when proper preparation and love for everything unusual, this will be the best New Year of your life.
  • Go for New Year's adventures to ski resorts, or to farms and villages famous by writers. Arm yourself with thermoses of hot tea and celebrate New Year's Eve on the shore of a lake or even the sea. Or the winter berths of Russian beaches are always at your disposal.
  • Wherever your family decides to celebrate New Year's Eve, you will always be comfortable and happy. After all, everyone has family traditions, into which you can introduce some innovations to create a festive mood.

How to celebrate the New Year with company at home

The guest list is already ready, the apartment is decorated, gifts for all friends are already under the Christmas tree, all that remains is to prepare a whole mountain of food and figure out how to entertain everyone. Sounds familiar? This is how the New Year passes for every housewife who is waiting for her friends to visit. But it is possible to radically change everything.

  • Divide areas of responsibility. Don’t carry everything on your fragile shoulders, because the holiday is common, so everyone needs to be involved. One of the guests will be responsible for the entertainment (he will come up with competitions and rewards); another will take sparklers and firecrackers with him; Appoint the third as a bartender, who will monitor the availability of cocktails during the next toast, and let each of the guests take home a signature dish. And it will be easier for you to cook, and each guest will find at least one favorite dish on the table.
  • If, however, you decide to take on the entertainment part, then be sure to take a couple of games with you for the company. Twister, Alias, Jenga are some of the most popular games for the company. Don't forget about the good old Crocodile or the lottery. But it would be better to come up with a game that suits your company: for some, a New Year's quiz will be perfect, for others it will be more interesting to play mafia, and for vocal lovers - karaoke the best option. When choosing contests and games for the New Year's party, take into account the age and characteristics of everyone, so as not to leave anyone without a festive mood.
  • One more great idea will hold themed party. You can choose one of the countries and, observing it new year traditions, immerse your friends in its culture. In India, for example, New Year is considered the festival of lights. Buy some candles New Year's garlands and let the whole house shine with hundreds of lights. Or arrange a real one Brazilian Carnival: with music, half-naked bodies and feathers.

The main thing is not to try to do everything alone. Discuss, plan, prepare costumes - all this will help your whole merry company celebrate the New Year like never before.

Where you can have fun celebrating the New Year together ideas

For those couples in love who decided not to celebrate the New Year at home, we offer several places where you can spend the outgoing year:

  • New Year's themed parties. Many establishments organize events on the night of December 31st various parties, How on New Year theme, and to various others. So you can attend both Agent 007's party and the fairytale domain Snow Queen, and attend a holiday in Hong Kong without leaving the city. Choose the scenario that you two like and have a fun New Year.
  • Celebrate the New Year in an extreme way. Go to a ski resort. There you will completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere winter's tale and you can drink champagne while making a wish on the top of the mountain.
  • Santa in swimming trunks. Select Cote d'Azur, which you like, and get ready to celebrate the New Year in a bikini. Let it be winter holiday, but is it possible to deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the sun with your loved one?
  • Around the world. Book a comfortable cabin on a cruise ship and go ahead and conquer the sea. Festive program, dinner prepared by the best chefs, the ocean, you and your significant other - what could be more magical.

The best restaurant in the city, a magnificent beach in Mallorca or a ship in the Atlantic Ocean - whatever you choose, best gift in any case, already near you. Love each other!

A short script for celebrating the New Year in company at home

  • First of all, distribute responsibilities between the guests. Make a menu for the holiday table, taking into account specialty of the house each of characters on the holiday. When guests arrive, invite them to take a few photos in a specially prepared corner with New Year's decorations. Let everyone have a memory of this day (especially since after the holidays you can compare the photos before and after the feast, and have a good laugh). Start with light snacks and drinks, gradually moving on to something more serious.
  • To maintain a festive mood, play the game Situations with your guests. Divide into teams. The presenter invites you to find a way out of the situation, for example: “You forgot to buy crab sticks for the salad, and the stores are no longer open.” At this time, rivals are asking tricky questions. At the end of the game, the host will decide who was more inventive.
  • Having celebrated the New Year with a glass of champagne and having tried all the dishes, you can safely go outside, light sparklers and set off fireworks. Afterwards, go to the city Christmas tree and share the holiday with a large part of your city.

Family gifts for the New Year ideas with photos

Sometimes choosing gifts for each family member takes too much time and effort. In this case, comprehensive gifts for the whole family come to the rescue, which can be not only practical, but also quite pleasant.

  • A set of dishes for the whole family. This gift will help decorate not only holiday feasts, but also diversify the usual family dinner.

  • Coffee maker. If your family cannot imagine their morning without a cup of aromatic coffee, please them with a convenient and high-quality device.

  • Family portrait. Order a portrait of your entire friendly family. It can be drawn either from a photograph (if you expect to make a surprise) or from life, but this will require a lot of patience and endurance.

  • Theater tickets. Treat your loved ones to a few hours of cultural fun.
  • Basket with sweets. In this case, both adults and children will be happy. There will be enough sweets for everyone!

When choosing a gift, remember your family and friends. The main thing is to put a piece of your love into it and it doesn’t matter whether it will be tea-set or a family trip, your attention is more important to the family.

New Year's games for children and adults

Here are a few more New Year's games, which will appeal to both adults and children.

  1. "Mystery Box" For the competition you will need a holiday box in which you can put anything: from Christmas tree decorations to clothing items and dishes. Participants, asking leading questions to the presenter, must guess what is in the mysterious box. You can also put various souvenirs and sweets in it to give them to those who guess this item.
  2. "Secret Santa" On New Year's Eve, each of the guests takes out the name of the person for whom he will have to make a gift. It could be some kind of trinket, or some kind of action. The main thing is that the person for whom you are a secret Santa does not figure you out. At the end of New Year's Eve, you can discuss who “suspects” whom.
  3. "Guess how much." Prepare a container filled with, say, candy in advance. Place it in a visible place so guests can inspect its contents. The guests' task is to guess how many candies there are. Everyone writes down their guess and places their answer in a special box. At the end of the evening, announce the winner, who will be the one who was closest to the real number. Guessed candies can be a gift.
  4. "Who am I?". Each participant is given a card with their name famous person. The participant cannot read his card, but must stick it on his forehead. Next, everyone asks their neighbor a leading question, which can only be answered Yes or No, in order to find out who he is according to the card. The one who guesses their celebrity the fastest will win.

New Year is truly magical holiday, which touches the souls of not only children, but also adults. You decide for yourself how and with whom to spend it, what to give to your loved ones and what dish to serve on the festive table. The article only presents some options that will help you make this holiday better. Happy New Year and Christmas holidays!

Video: “How to celebrate the New Year?”

The idea of ​​celebrating the New Year together usually comes to those couples who are tired of noisy companies and want to spend new Year's Eve, enjoying the comfort of his family nest. However, many lovers fear that the holiday may turn out to be boring and devoid of romance. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for the most anticipated night of the year in advance, and to ensure that disappointment is avoided, you should take care of creating a suitable atmosphere, gifts and entertainment program.


As you prepare to celebrate the New Year with your significant other, it is important to remember that everything depends only on you. The right mood, joyful emotions and future pleasant memories of a wonderful holiday - the likelihood that all this will come to you spontaneously, although it exists, is very small. So it’s better to start preparing for the New Year no later than a couple of weeks before the cherished date, otherwise hasty chores will prevent you from enjoying the holiday.

To ensure everything goes perfectly, try to prepare for New Year's Eve with your husband. At the same time, it is worth involving your spouse in preparation not at the very last moment, but several weeks before the holiday. Think about where both of you will get the right mood if you are the only one doing all the preparations? Even if your husband is very busy, you can always set aside at least a little time to discuss with him New Year's menu or gifts for friends and relatives.

Decorations. This is exactly one of those areas where you should definitely involve your husband. Take time to shop New Year's decorations and go choose them together. Be sure to free up the evening so that the two of you can decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the apartment, and this is best done on the occasion of your favorite New Year's songs- this way you both can enjoy the wonderful feeling of anticipating the holiday.

Menu. Making a list of dishes for New Year's table, you can discuss the menu with your husband in advance, or make this part of the holiday a surprise by planning the preparation of new and unusual or, conversely, your most favorite dishes, as well as coming up with a beautiful New Year's table setting. If you have little time to cook, buy delicacies that are rarely on your table and limit yourself to 2-3 home-cooked dishes.

Outfits. When celebrating the New Year at home with your husband, under no circumstances should you ignore appearance. If you like classic look, prepare Nice dress, think over your hair and makeup, and if you want to surprise your spouse, the outfit can be made more playful and mischievous - after all, it will be just the two of you.

Gifts and surprises

How to celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way? To get the most joyful impressions from the holiday, it is worth remembering that not only the gifts themselves are important, but also the exciting ritual of giving.

It is best to agree on how you will give each other gifts in advance, unless, of course, you already have an annual tradition for this occasion. You can remember your childhood and write “letters to Santa Claus”, and then you will both know exactly what to give each other, or you can simply schedule a time for presenting gifts - some people like to do this immediately after the chimes, while others are more interested in finding gifts in the morning under the tree.

Some couples refuse this item of the New Year's program in order to save money, but the gift does not have to be expensive. You can give it to your spouse joint photo, inserted into beautiful frame or a video clip with beautiful music, based on your best photos. Good and really an original surprise may become a dance performed by you.


The New Year's entertainment program also needs to be thought out in advance. This is especially important if you have never been alone on a holiday night before and can’t imagine how you can celebrate the New Year cheerfully without a large company of friends and relatives.

You can please yourself and your significant other on New Year's Eve in a variety of ways:

  • Making wishes. This traditional New Year ritual can be carried out in different ways - during the chiming clock, by making a list of general and personal wishes for next year or even by recording video wishes that you can watch next year.
  • Watching your favorite movies. Everyone can choose their favorite films and prepare them in advance for easy viewing.
  • Original games and fortune telling. You can prepare horoscopes for your zodiac signs, read them on New Year’s Eve and make a list of exciting fortune-telling to make your wishes come true.
  • Walk and set off fireworks. Another traditional entertainment, which can be included in the New Year celebration program.
  • Home photo shoot or video shooting. You can take beautiful New Year's pictures in memory of the holiday or record video confessions to each other - imagine how interesting it will be to watch them together on the next New Year's Eve.

A very valuable item in New Year's program may be a summary of the past year. You can discuss how it went, what you were able to achieve together and thank your spouse for another year of living together.

It is advisable to come up with several possible activities at once, since you cannot predict what your mood will be. Maybe you want to enjoy your favorite movies all night long, or maybe you unexpectedly decide to go on a visit, or the weather is wonderful outside, ideal for a long romantic walk.

There is no need to worry that the holiday may not turn out the way you would like and to plunge headlong into endless troubles, trying to organize everything perfectly. It’s better to relax and remember that your loved one will be next to you, which means that New Year’s Eve will be magical and unforgettable in any case.

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New Year - family celebration. There comes a time for each of us when we want to celebrate this celebration not in a noisy company of friends or relatives, but alone with a loved one. It is very important that this desire is mutual - then the holiday promises to be pleasant!

But how to celebrate the New Year without ruining everything at the last moment? How to give joy to yourself and your other half? Celebrating at home has its advantages:

  • Cozy and familiar environment;
  • Everything is subject to your desires;
  • Budget option, tThe level of celebration depends only on you;
  • Together you can afford much more than in a company;
  • No special outfits, hairstyles or makeup are needed.

If all the preparation for the holiday is left to you, then the tips and interesting ideas from our article will help your New Year organization.

You will need:

Create a New Year's mood together

Be sure to prepare for the holiday together! Christmas mood appears in the process of decoration and creation festive atmosphere. If you do everything yourself (decorate the Christmas tree, the apartment, prepare everything without your partner), then your significant other may not have a feeling of involvement in this joyful action. In any case, plan everything so that at this moment you are alone.

Start preparing a week, or maybe a month in advance. Take a stroll through the Christmas markets and choose some friends. Pack it nicely. Let them play their favorite New Year's songs at home. The main thing is that you do everything together!

Exchange gifts

Present - required attribute New Year. We need to figure out how to present it.

  • You can hide the item in the clothes you are wearing and play “hot and cold”. This will add some spice :)
  • You can hide a gift within the apartment and give your loved one a drawn map or message where the location of the “treasure” is encrypted.
  • Hide the gift, but do not give a clear code of where it is. Provide your loved one with tips. You can post them throughout the apartment or indicate in each of them how to find the next one. The goal of the latter will be the gift itself!

Holiday scenario

Have a pajama party

Down with formal suits and tables. Climb into bed with some pre-purchased treats and watch Christmas movies and lights all night!

Romantic setting

Just imagine: the smell of cinnamon, tangerines, muted and flickering candlelight, a bubble bath... You can organize such festive evening. The intimate atmosphere of the celebration will emerge in the imagination of your loved one for a long time with a desire to repeat it.

Party by nationality

Select suitable country. This could be a place where you two would like to go. Decorate the apartment and prepare dishes based on its traditions, find appropriate costumes. This is a great alternative to the usual standard holiday!

You will find more ideas in our article about how you can celebrate New in an interesting way.

Apartment decoration

Fairy lights

They are the ones who create the atmosphere of fabulousness and celebration! Let the garland hang under the ceiling, on the walls, on the windows. The New Year's mood should creep into every corner of your home!

Don't forget the Christmas tree

Let her stand in the center of the room. Place pine branches in a vase to fill the room with the aroma of the forest. Decorate with toys, rain - let everything sparkle and shine! Try to bypass the banal ways of decorating the New Year tree. Better choose one.

Snowflakes on the windows

You can also hang them on the windows! Or paint with special paints New Year's composition on glass. Rejoice and give festive mood people passing by your house. Interesting ideas, you will find it if you follow the link.

Make a miracle orange

Stick dried clove buds into an orange, which will create a pleasant aroma throughout the house.

Don't forget socks for gifts

Hang them around the apartment, arrange New Year's figures, hang rain, decorate the apartment with bright balls.

Play Christmas songs in the background. They will give you the appropriate mood.

Create an original menu

On New Year's Eve, it is enough for two to prepare several “signature” dishes.

An approximate menu that will be enough for two people, while it will look solemn.

  1. The famous Olivier salad. On our website you will find 1001.
  2. If you want something exotic, try making sushi. Instructions are also on the website.
  3. Men, as a rule, are “meat” gourmets. You can make sliced ​​meat.
  4. Some light salad. For example, chicken with pineapples and sire.
  5. Canapkas with red caviar are suitable for appetizers.
  6. Don't forget about sweets on the table, where would you be without them in romantic affairs? Make fruit slices or fruit salad. You can prepare a cottage cheese dessert or make it.
  7. From alcoholic drinks give preference to a bottle of red wine or traditional champagne. You definitely won’t want to sleep from it, but it will create a romantic mood 100%.

And the most important thing. Try to prepare enough food to last only on New Year's Eve. Don’t finish eating last year’s dishes in the New Year :)

Prepare an unusual surprise for your other half

Add passion and fire to the celebration - dance for your man. Prepare yourself for a belly dance or striptease - these very beautiful and sensual dances will remain highlights in mind.

You can also organize a Christmas photo shoot the day before together. Do not open or look at photos until the holiday. On New Year's Eve you can look at them for the first time. Believe me, it will be full pleasant emotions, there will be something to laugh at and something to remember.

Competitions for two

Think in advance about what you will do after the president’s speech and the chimes so that you don’t get confused or bored during the celebration.

  1. Play something. It can be Board games, cards (add an intimate twist for added interest) and “original” prizes or the fulfillment of any wish.
  2. Write on pieces of paper what you expect from the coming year. Let everyone draw down their dreams and hopes. Hide the notes until next New Year. Then you can check if everything came true.
  3. Have a dance marathon! Turn on the music and dance. There are no restrictions on genre or style - it’s just your evening. For fun, you can write the names of the dances on pieces of paper, pull them out one by one and perform the chosen dance.
  4. If there is karaoke, start singing. The main thing is not musical talent, but having fun as a duet.
  5. Having had fun, danced, and exchanged gifts with each other, all that remains is to fall asleep together in an embrace in the morning and wake up in the New Year. Have a nice New Year!

Text: Irena Ponaroshku
Photo: Yuri Koltsov

I hope you haven’t forgotten that the ability to organize a holiday for a loved one is valued by most girls much higher than the ability to discover secrets in the depths? Yes, yes, remember: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. You will be able to “santaclaus” your girlfriend to the fullest - she will walk like silk all year, pray for a photocopier of your passport and run for beer in the snow and rain. But if the holiday doesn’t go well, then you’ll have to deal with the consequences and rehabilitate yourself until at least February 23, and then demand a holiday amnesty. Remember that on this night every girl is waiting for a miracle (it’s better if the miracles are multiple and multi-stage), and by default the organization of magic is your responsibility.

However, this year you will have a hard time... The word “crisis” has set the teeth on edge so much that you want to uproot it from the active vocabulary of men with huge linguistic tongs. And not because it didn’t affect us girls, and not even because for us the words “crisis” and “enuresis” are equally unpleasant. I'm just tired of it! And keep in mind: our plans for New Year's Eve and subsequent holidays cannot be spoiled by any rates or quotes. So it’s a holiday for you anyway!

So, friend, given the poor permeability of your financial gut, I’m ready to whisper a couple of tips to you on how to save money, but at the same time not lose face and forever stake your claim to the title the best Grandfather Frost of your district. I can honestly admit that my passion for poor artists, recent student years and progressive oligarchophobia. In other words, I know first-hand what a low-budget New Year is.

So, so that your friend does not ruin your entire anti-crisis New Year's plan, immediately tell her that you are in control of the situation, are preparing a surprise and wink meaningfully. What kind of surprise awaits her is a secondary matter; The main thing is to take the situation into your own hands and not let her express her preferences regarding the NG meeting. Depending on the chosen holiday scenario, the following props may be useful to you:
█ Viagra.
█ Condoms.
Look for funny ones, with Santa Claus or a deer on the top - it will add some color to the holiday, and it will probably be cool for you to make it into the deer’s head.
█ Alcohol. At least three liters, if both you and your woman are the happy owners of a mysterious Russian soul.

Santa Claus costume. Yes, we know, we know that there is no such thing as Santa Claus! But you also know that there cannot be seven orgasms in seven minutes, but every time you are fooled! Ask your girlfriend in advance when she thinks biological clock does the holiday begin on December 31 in the morning or on December 31 after visiting a beauty salon? Or maybe you are lucky, and for her the holiday begins only after the chimes strike? As soon as her biological walkers start playing Jingle Bells, you must make a speech with something like the following: “Darling, long-awaited, the only one! I believe that all

next year It will pass like this day, and I want to do everything to make you happy! Today you are my Snow Maiden, my fragile snowflake, and I will fulfill all your wishes!” After such a hypocritical approach, you will be forgiven a lot on this day. And on the occasion of the holiday, it’s not a sin to invite your friend to start drinking champagne in the morning, then by midnight your lady will hardly be able to distinguish the face of our president from the Kremlin chimes. Now let's move on to developing a plan. Since we will have to abandon nightclubs, restaurants and country residences as part of the anti-crisis program, it remains to decide whether you want to celebrate the year alone with your chosen one. If you are scared or bored to be alone on such an important night, then check the composition of the company of drinking companions: there should not be more women than men! To make it clearer to you what I’m talking about, I’ll confess: I celebrated one of the most unforgettable New Years in a room in the men’s dormitory at the People’s Friendship University, filled to capacity with representatives of all nationalities, except women. I was the only one of the ladies, and my soul felt light and joyful because of this.

Whole year ! Moreover, if there are a lot of men, then you have a chance not to end up being the drunkest and most ridiculous one - Kolya Bydlo will still surpass you.. For example, I bet that she never had sex with Santa Claus - the whole action can be based on this. You go out of sight for five minutes, change clothes, come back in disguise, always with a beard, a bag and a huge staff (the size of the staff will have a beneficial effect on her subconscious). Next, you take a deep breath and shout: “Ho-ho-ho! Where is my Snow Maiden?!” - and you open your robe. If the Snow Maiden is indignant at the biological minimalism that has revealed itself to her, say that it is very cold in your North and if you warm it up, magic will happen. Be sure to announce the gifts hidden in the bag and say that this New Year they will not be distributed to good girls, but only to very bad girls. Next, use a system of incentives and bonuses: let him read you naked New Year's poems for candy, remember the dance of little ducklings for a bottle of Baileys, warm your ice staff with his breath for a pair of new stockings, etc.

Or this: record a three-minute song for her New Year's greetings against the backdrop of the Kremlin! And while all the other girls in the Russian Federation will look at Mr. Putin’s tie, your odalisque will absorb your honeyed vocabulary with her ears. Promise paradise, rivers of milk, banks of jelly, lie from the heart - the walls of the ancient Kremlin have heard nothing like that.

And finally, let's discuss the most pressing issue - a gift for your beloved. If you are not ready to splurge on diamonds and even perfume this time, then again you will have to dig deeper into the mezzanine of fantasy. The ideal materials at hand are her photographs, scissors and glue. For example, take your school cool photo and stick her face on each of your classmates: they say, now she is your whole life! Or take any society magazine and replace all the photos of socialites, starting with the cover, with the face of your beloved: they say, only you are the only one, my beloved... If your girlfriend is sentimental, then any thing associated with your childhood will do as a gift, - Teddy bear, a milk bottle, chickenpox sores: they say, only with you can I relax and feel like a child (maternal instinct will play into your hands). In a word, improvise and don’t forget to accompany the presentation of the gift with marketing texts. Sample speech: “Right now you become the only woman in the world who owns a foreskin amulet. Shalom!

And most importantly, my dear reader, do not forget that in the depths of every woman sits a little girl. And if you manage to find an approach to this mini-we, then it will become easier for you to please us both in the New Year, and in a crisis, and on weekdays, and on holidays, and in sorrow, and in joy. Take heart, men!

With coming!

From year to year, this holiday does not change for us, and each time it is more and more difficult to evoke a feeling of impatience and anticipation of its arrival. Everything is known in advance: which guests will visit your home, what will be on the table, what program will be on TV, and what time fatigue will send everyone home; most often this happens long before morning. It is very sad when such a rare celebration becomes commonplace. As soon as this happens, you urgently need to wake up and come up with an unusual way to celebrate the New Year. To make the “coming up” process easier, here are a few interesting examples, which you can simply take as a basis and adjust based on your interests.

Video collection of New Year's rituals for fulfillment of desires

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In the distant kingdom... in the thirtieth kingdom

Most gorgeous gift, which you can do for yourself - go to celebrate the New Year in distant countries. This option is very suitable for those who are forced to spend the holiday alone. Firstly, it is much easier to collect the necessary amount to buy a trip for one person than for a whole family. Secondly, there is a great opportunity to meet new people or even find a partner, because the situation is conducive to close communication. Thirdly, the trip itself is already something; in addition to a lot of impressions from unprecedented foreign wonders, you can also get one hundred percent relaxation. There is no need to rush around the shops, buying products from meter lists, there is no need to stand at the stove around the clock three days before the holiday (just in case, what if someone comes over or because it is so customary), there is no need to rack your brains over what... where to go to have fun. Typically, problems with organizing a holiday are solved by a travel agency together with its business partners– owners of cafes, restaurants, hotels and other things. All you have to do is choose the direction of flight.

Here you can give free rein to your desires: go to distant Switzerland to the snow-capped mountains, fly to an island remote from civilization to bask in the sun, or rush across the ocean to Las Vegas and revel in the best casinos in the world. The only thing that can hold you back is your budget. Here you will either have to try to bring your capabilities closer to your desires through long-term saving or lending. Or desires for opportunities by reducing demands.

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Closer to each other: New Year's ideas for lovers

Who said that life together is just a routine? Why do many people think that if every morning you wake up and fall asleep next to one person, then you will certainly have to dilute his company a little so as not to completely get tired of each other? For couples who have only recently started their relationship, and especially for those lovers who have been living together for several years, there will be great option New Year celebrations romantic night.

Banal candles, rose petals and a bottle of wine are just a small part of what can be arranged. Conversing from late evening until sunrise is a little tiring; sometimes no thoughts can enter your head. Therefore, you need to take care of entertainment in advance. Add a little humor to new year celebration, for example, make a list of questions for each other, and write a lot funny wishes for execution on small sheets of paper. Place the leaves with wishes in a wide dish, from which it will be convenient for someone who could not answer the question correctly to take it out: my favorite song, what was the name of my puppy when I was seven years old, etc. The desire can be anything: to quack like a duck, to sing a serenade in Spanish, or to kiss all the toys on the New Year tree.

To these New Year's hearts you can pin pieces of paper on which places for kisses are written. And then quickly shoot them with your lover or beloved. Whoever takes more will get more kisses

Do not forget that this evening should mean something more to you than simple cheerful gatherings. While sitting at the table, take turns giving each other compliments or wishing for something for the next year. The main thing is that it is pleasant and meaningful for you and your other half. Do something that you couldn’t afford yourself until now. Or ask your lover to perform a small feat for you this night.

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Guess who I am: fun games for a friendly company

Gathering with a close circle of your closest friends does not mean just sitting at a large table, which is bursting with a variety of dishes. Even people you know very well can sincerely surprise you. The best way test what they are capable of - arrange a costume party for the New Year. You can ask a specific topic - piracy, the times of Louis XIV, cowboys and sheriffs and many others. But it would still be better for everyone to make an arbitrary choice. It is very interesting to see Napoleon, Elvis Presley, Snow White and perhaps even Shrek in the same room.

Organize a competition for the hottest dance, or for the most active and funniest invitation to visit Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Believe me, even very adult and seemingly serious people can show that deep down in their souls there live ten-year-old hooligans and spoiled people. If the company is supposed to be exclusively adults, then you can invite Santa Claus and his granddaughter to the celebration. Only instead of listening to charming quatrains and handing out kilograms of candy, they will dance a hot dance, during which they will fly into different sides fur coats and felt boots.

Putting on makeup can be fun too. Buy special paints for makeup and start your transformation all together, or even better, apply makeup to each other

To ensure that organizing an entertainment program does not fall solely on the shoulders of the host in whose house the holiday will be celebrated, call all the guests in advance and ask them to come up with some kind of competition and prepare all the necessary attributes for it. Be sure to specify that the competition should not be trivial, otherwise the celebration will be in danger of playing the game “Hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil” ten times.

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It's fun to walk through the open spaces together: holiday festivities

If you have a great desire to celebrate the New Year in a truly unusual way, then you can organize a small party right in your yard. If you live in a private house, then move the celebration to the street on which your house is located. Remove tables and set out snacks and drinks. Just keep in mind that the temperature outside will be below freezing, so the snacks should be such that they can be eaten with appetite even when cold. Buy disposable tableware, since it will be a great pity if half of the porcelain service accidentally breaks. Hang garlands on the trees, take out the speakers and player, now you can connect them to the network without any problems. And now you can start the party.

To keep company members from freezing outside, you can prepare mulled wine. Make two types to choose from: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Keep them in thermoses to keep them warm

Accept everyone into your circle: neighbors who know you well and those who don’t, people passing by and people you meet. On such a day, almost all people are very good-natured and sympathetic, so a small company can very soon turn into a very large one. As still the same entertainment program will fit various competitions, dances and songs.

Since it will be very for a long time be on outdoors, the temperature of which can be much below zero, it is necessary to take care of heating points. Let one of your friends donate their car, which will not be locked and in which the heater will always be on. Put it in the salon warm blanket and several thermoses with hot coffee or tea. So now, even if someone gets cold, they can be warmed up quickly and easily.

Give yourself an unforgettable New Year

As you can see, you can celebrate the New Year in a fun, unusual and pleasant way for one or two lovers, and big company, and even strangers. In such matters, of course, organization and preliminary preparation are important. It is very rare that spontaneous entertainment can be truly interesting and exciting. More often than not, an unorganized gathering turns into a dull eating of delicacies and tedious conversations about nothing. If the evening program is selected for a group or a whole crowd, then divide the responsibilities between several friends. It is very difficult to cope with such a task alone, and if suddenly something goes wrong, it will be very disappointing that all the efforts spent went down the drain. In addition, you may even feel guilty that the holiday was not a success. Try to view as much as possible ahead of time. more options holding a holiday. Choose two or three, and then decide which one is easiest to organize and most interesting for all future participants.