Knitting volumetric scarf. Scarf knitting: the most stylish options and knitting instructions. Knitting pattern for a checkerboard pattern with vertical rectangles

With the onset of cold weather, you want to wrap yourself in a warm scarf so that your ears, nose and face do not freeze. Since the scarf is not only warm, but also serves as a fashion accessory, it should look interesting and attractive. A self-knitted scarf with knitting needles will be an individual and the only copy that you will not find in the city. This is what attracts most craftswomen in the independent embodiment of a knitted product.

Advantages of knitwear

You can emphasize your individuality with a small accessory, made with your own hands by using the knitting technique. Having made such a product, you can be sure that no one else has it. A knitted vest, blouse or a beautiful scarf will help you look stylish. The simplest option is to knit scarves - it is their variety that will help diversify your wardrobe without spending large sums on it.

Any woman can knit a scarf, even one who has never picked up knitting needles in her life. For needlework, a minimal set of tools and materials is enough: suitable yarn, a set of knitting needles and a knitting pattern. A fashionable scarf can be knitted by the presence of a photo or product description. Experienced needlewomen like to invent their own models of scarves - they will be exclusive and original in manufacturing, as well as delight the eyes of others and warm the hostess in cold weather.

Types of scarves

A scarf has two functions - it should be comfortable and look beautiful. Until the 19th century, the scarf was an accessory of the men's wardrobe, only then did women begin to wear silk and woolen stoles. At the moment, the choice of the accessory in question is extensive, you can choose a product to your liking for any occasion and any time of the year.

Before you start knitting a scarf with knitting needles, the patterns and descriptions of which can be found on our website, you should decide for whom it will be intended. After all, the knitting pattern and the choice of yarn for a child, teenager, man or woman differ significantly from each other:

  1. For a baby, bright and soft yarn is needed, and it is better to take a embossed pattern, because kids love to feel things, and in this case it will be pleasant for him to do this.
  2. A teenager needs to knit a stylish and fashionable scarf, otherwise he will simply refuse to wear it.
  3. The female model should match her wardrobe with which this accessory will be worn.
  4. Older ladies should not take yarn in flashy tones and make a model that is too extravagant. More discreet options are suitable here.

There are several types of scarves - this will greatly simplify the choice of model:

  1. Classic - it has an average length and width. It cannot be wrapped around the neck several times and the ends should not hang down to the floor. For this model, any kind of yarn is used.
  2. Collar or snood - knitted from thick yarn with large viscous. Very comfortable in cold weather. Worn like a hood or around the neck like a collar.
  3. Tippet - a very wide scarf, you can wrap yourself in it, like in a shawl. Knitted from fine threads or decorative yarn. It is fashionable to decorate them with embroidery or knit with a luxurious pattern.
  4. Arafatka is a small scarf, more like a scarf. Previously, they were made from fabric, but now they can be knitted from fine yarn.

Patterns for scarves are used in a variety of ways, but the most popular are garter stitch, all kinds of elastic bands, embossed patterns, double-sided, a “pigtail” or “knob” pattern, as well as a combination of distinctive options.

How to knit a voluminous scarf

A voluminous scarf with knitting needles should be knitted from thick yarn and large knitting needles with a number of 4-6. Then it will be soft, voluminous and warm. For a beginner needlewoman, a light pattern is suitable - a scarf or an elastic band 1x1. With this knit, you can tie a classic scarf model or collar. Even using a simple pattern, but with different yarn textures, you can make several options for the product - for every day or evening version (yes, this one is also popular).

First you need to knit a sample in order to calculate the number of required loops for the main product - dial 20 loops and knit 10 centimeters with the selected pattern. Measure the length and width of the sample, count the loops and calculate the number of loops for the product. For a classic scarf, the product is knitted to the required length, then all loops are simply closed. For a collar - tie a rectangle and sew the ends of the product with a neat seam. Also, the collar can be knitted with circular knitting needles without a seam.

English gum

An English rib scarf is simple to make but very popular because it is warm, soft and voluminous. For him, you need to take 400 grams of yarn - it should not be thick, since it is the pattern that is intended for the volume, and the knitting needles take at least No. 3.5. According to the indicated measurements, a scarf two meters long should be obtained - this is the size of the classic version of the product. The color and structure of the finished product are selected at the request of the owner.

Knitting classics using English gum occurs in the sequence:

  1. Cast on any but an odd number of stitches.
  2. Knit the initial row as - hem, front, purl - so knit the entire row. The loop in front of the edge should be purl.
  3. The second and all the rest - hem, yarn, remove the front without knitting, purl - thus finish the row.
  4. Knit alternately the first and second row to the full length of the product. Finish the work by closing all the loops.

The result is a product twice as wide as the number of loops cast on. The English elastic is knitted carefully, since it is important to ensure maximum uniformity of the edge loops, because this is the edge of the product.

Scarf with braids

This scarf model must be knitted from fine yarn on knitting needles No. 3 or 3.5. The pattern will add volume to the product, and the selected yarn will complement the desired effect. The description of the operation of this product is as follows:

  1. Dial 102 loops - this is 4 rapports of 24 loops, 2 loops on each side to start the pattern and 2 edge loops.
  2. Knit the first row with an elastic band 2x2: hem, 2 loops with knit, 2 loops of the wrong side - so knit to the end of the row, the last loop is hem. The second row is knitted as knitting looks. In this manner, knit 5 centimeters.
  3. The braid is formed as follows: remove the edge loop, knit 2 front loops, then remove 12 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle and leave them before work. Knit 12 stitches in pattern, then knit 12 stitches from auxiliary stitch, also in pattern.
  4. Knit the next 24 loops, as knitting looks, and in the next rapport, weave in the same way as the first rapport. The remaining loops of the row are simple to knit, without interlacing.
  5. Knit with an elastic band for another 5 centimeters and weave in the second and fourth rapport. The first and third rapports knit according to the pattern, that is, with an elastic band.
  6. Knit the fabric according to the described pattern to the required length, alternating weaves in rapports every 5 cm. If you want to make the pattern more wavy, then weaves are done after 8-10 cm.

Having knitted a scarf of the desired length, all loops are closed in the usual way. The finished scarf should be soaked in warm water and dried on a horizontal surface, then the fabric will become even and dense.

Scarf in chunky knit

A voluminous scarf knitted with a large viscous is necessary in frosty weather. You can wear it over a coat, coming up with different placement techniques around the neck. It will not only warm, but also decorate the appearance of a woman. You will need to purchase 400 grams of yarn containing wool and circular knitting needles No. 4.5, for a more magnificent look of the product, you can use knitting needles No. 6.

The job description is presented in the following order:

  1. Cast on 90 stitches on circular needles. Mark the beginning of work, for which we thread a thread of a different color into the first loop and tie it. After the scarf is ready, it must be removed.
  2. Knit 4 rows in 1x1 rib or garter stitch. When closing the circular row, it is necessary to ensure that the loops are not twisted or inverted.
  3. Then knit 38 centimeters in this pattern: 1 row - facial loops; 2 row - facial loops; 3-6 row - 2 loops with a front pattern, 3 loops - purl and so on until the end of the row. Repeat the pattern starting from the first row.
  4. Knit 4 rows in the same pattern as knitting began. Close all loops.

It is required to steam the finished product with a hot iron. The loops will become more even, and the product will take on a finished and attractive look. A collar scarf will appeal to any fashionista, especially since it is the only copy that no girlfriend has. The knitting itself takes no more than one evening - more experienced craftswomen can use the presented model for implementation in various options, suitable for all combinations of outerwear.

If you don’t want to knit a scarf with knitting needles, then you can make it with your hands, spending no more than half an hour on it. For a snood scarf, you will need 4 skeins of thick but light yarn. Description of knitting is as follows:

  1. Cast on 10 stitches so that the width of the scarf is 30 cm. To do this, stretch the yarn with your left hand, as for a set on knitting needles. They will work with the right hand. Doing the same manipulations, dial 10 loops on the right hand.
  2. Now you need to knit the dialed loops. The edge loop should be removed, for which it is simply moved to the left hand. Then, with your right hand, pass the second loop, grab it and drag it over you. One loop is knitted, knit all other loops with the same actions. At first it will be a little uncomfortable and unusual, but then it will become convenient to work without the use of knitting needles.
  3. The third row can be knitted, as it is convenient for the craftswoman: purl or front. A narrow and loose web is formed. In order for all the loops to be equally elongated, the yarn should be evenly stretched, forming them. All of them should not sag, but be equally stretched.
  4. Having connected the required length of the canvas, it is necessary to close the loops. This is done in the same way as in ordinary knitting: remove the first loop, knit the next one and stretch it through the initial one. And with such manipulations close all the loops.

You can make a collar from this canvas by sewing the ends of the product with a hook. You can wear it right like that, wrapping your neck several times. In a similar way, they like to knit scarves using special voluminous wool yarn. Also, hand knitting is often used to create large products, but in a hurry. For example, an ordinary blanket can be knitted not from bulky yarn, but from a thickened thread folded in half - the main thing is to be careful in forming the same size loops.

Knitting is a fascinating process, exciting and interesting. In addition, a new and unusual product awaits at the end. Scarves, knitted in different ways, will decorate and update the wardrobe, warm and give beauty to the appearance.

Knitted scarves, absolute favorites in the wardrobe, from the smallest to the adult representative of mankind. Their diversity is simply amazing: and dense; voluminous and thin; transformers and snoods; male and female. Popular accessories are knitted: with knitting needles, crochet and just by hand, without the use of knitting tools. In our last article, we told you in detail how to knit or girls, in this article we will tell you how to knit a scarf with knitting needles, with diagrams and descriptions. And also, we will consider in detail the basic models for beginner needlewomen.

A classic accessory that fits quite simply and has the shape of a rectangle. Experienced craftswomen recommend that inexperienced needlewomen begin to hone their skills, namely with knitting simple products, such as a scarf. At the same time, take schemes of simple patterns and only then move on to more complex patterns. In this case, mastering the art of knitting will be interesting and not end at the beginning of the journey, when beginners try to start knitting with very complex patterns and products. As a result, everything is abandoned, with thoughts that this is a very difficult task.

Three simple patterns for a scarf with knitting needles:

Method number 1: Elastic band 2x2

The method is convenient and in demand, the product does not stretch with such knitting, retains its original appearance and is quite warm due to the volume. Suitable for winter accessories.

Gum scheme 2x2

Circuit description:

1 p: ​​chrome, * 2 persons, 2 out * - repeat to the end of the row, finish the row with the front, turn.

2 p: chrome, * 2 out, 2 persons * - repeat to the end of the row, finish the row with the front, turn.

Alternate between 1st and 2nd rows, to the required length of the product or according to the figure.

Method number 2: Embossed pattern

The pattern is different, also called "checkerboard". It holds its shape well, looks beautiful and is quite easy to knit. In this option, the number of loops can be arbitrarily changed, then the shape of the checkerboard will change, respectively, and the pattern will look different.

Scheme of the checkerboard pattern

Circuit description:

Rapport consists of 6 loops, not counting the edge loops.

R: chrome, * 3 persons, 3 out * - to the end of the row, edge (persons), turn.

2 p: chrome, * over persons. 3 out, over out 3 persons * - to the end of the row, chrome (persons), turn.

Method number 3: Embossed pattern number 2

This simple pattern will allow you to quickly cope with knitting and add another fashion accessory to your wardrobe.

Circuit description:

Rapport consists of 6 loops. The pattern consists of front and back loops.

1 p: ​​chrome, * 2 out, 4 persons *, to the end of the row, chrome, turn.

2 p: chrome, * 4 out, 2 persons *, to the end of the row, chrome, turn.

Knit rows 3 and 4 as the first two.

5 r: chrome, * 2 persons, 2 out, 2 persons *, to the end of the row, chrome, turn.

6 p: chrome, * 2 out, 2 persons, 2 out *, to the end of the row, chrome, turn.

Knit rows 7 and 8 as 5 and 6.

9 p: chrome, * 4 out, 2 persons *, to the end of the row, chrome, turn.

10 r: chrome, * 4 persons, 2 out *, to the end of the row, chrome, turn.

11 and 12 rows, like 9 and 10.

Now continue knitting from row 1, and finish pattern 12 next.

Simple scarf with pockets and fringe: scheme, description

Great model for beginner needlewomen. The accessory is knitted in a simple garter stitch, complemented by pockets and fringes. The pockets are made with a “braid” pattern, a diagram with a description of the work is just below. Size of the finished product: width - 30 cm; length (without fringe) - 2 m 10 cm.

Materials used:

  • Yarn (80% wool, 20% acrylic) - 300 gr;
  • Spokes straight No. 4;
  • Additional knitting needle or pin (for braids) - 1 pc.;
  • The needle is big.

Sample of the main canvas: 10x10 cm = 18p / 34r.

Pocket sample: 22p / 28p.

Description of work:

We knit the main fabric, according to the scheme:

The diagram shows that all front and back rows are knitted only with front loops.

On the working knitting needle, dial the required number of loops, in our version = 50 pieces.

Knit with a garter stitch 210 cm. Edge loops are counted separately and are always knitted at the end of each row with a purl loop. At the beginning of the row, the loop is removed on the working knitting needle.

Additional details, knit according to the scheme:


We collect 34 loops and knit according to the "pocket diagram" scheme. We knit up to 48 rows and close the loops. Similarly we knit the second pocket.

Cast on 34 stitches + 2 edge stitches.

1 p: ​​chrome, 3 out, 6 persons, 2 out, 12 persons, 2 out, 6 persons, 3 out, chrome.

2 p: chrome, 3 persons, 6 out, 2 persons, 12 out, 2 persons, 6 out, 3 persons, chrome.

3rd and 4th rows: knit in the same way as the first two.

5 r: chrome, 3 persons, * remove 3 sts as facial ones on an additional knitting needle, knit the next three with facial ones and with additional. knitting needles are also 3 persons *, 2 persons. Remove 6 spokes for extra. knitting needle, knit the next 6 persons, then with auxiliary. knitting needles 6 persons, 2 persons and repeat from * to * again, 3 persons, chrome.

In such a simple way, following the pattern, knit to the desired pocket height.

Knit the second part in the same way as the first.

We sew the pockets to the main fabric at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the product and decorate the edges with a fringe.


Cut the yarn into pieces of 40 cm. Put 4 threads together, fold them in half and crochet the edges into the hole, resulting in a loop. Then put the ends through the loop and tighten. So, at a short distance from each other, decorate the product with tassels from both ends.

Moisten the finished product and dry on a flat surface.

Two-color scarf with knitting needles

A simple way to knit a two-color scarf will allow any mom to make a fashionable person out of her baby. For beginner needlewomen, a great option to fill your hand and learn how to knit even and identical facial loops.

The size of one piece is 15 cm wide and 100 cm long. Product parameters can be changed depending on the age of the child.

Materials used:

  • Yarn of two contrasting colors - 2 skeins of 50 gr;
  • Knitting needles according to the size of the yarn;
  • Decorative buttons - 10 pcs. (5 pieces for each thread color).

Description of work:

The product is knitted in garter stitch, first a strip of one color is made, then another.

Twist the parts in the middle between each other, and connect the ends with buttons, as shown in the figure.

A fashionable accessory is ready to make your beloved baby stylish.

Stylish scarf with loop

It is not difficult to knit an original scarf with knitting needles, for this you need to purchase thick yarn and large knitting needles. The model is interesting in that it has a loop that allows you to wear a scarf in several ways.


  • Yarn thick
  • Knitting needles straight - 6 mm.

The main pattern of the canvas is a 2x2 elastic band (diagram attached).

Size of the finished product: 16 cm - height; 123 cm - length.


Cast on 32 stitches on the needles, two of which are hem stitches. Knit according to the scheme:

Circuit description:

1 p: ​​* 2 persons, 2 out * - to the end of the row.

2 p: * 2 out, 2 persons * - to the end of the row.

When knit 50 rows, remove 4 loops on an additional knitting needle (1 chrome, 2 persons, 1 out) and continue to knit only these four loops, according to the pattern. Knit a strip to the width of the scarf, in our case it is 19 rows. Set the knitted part aside.

We continue to knit the main fabric. Do not knit to the end of the row 4 loops, according to the figure. Having raised the main canvas by 19 rows, we leave. Now you need to knit the second loop of the remaining 4 loops.

We knit the strip to the total height and transfer all loops to one working knitting needle. Knit the required number of rows in length to get the desired length. Close loops.

Fasten the ends of all threads and hide in knitting.

The original scarf with a loop is ready.

Super-voluminous scarf knitted from thick yarn

An extraordinary and shocking image can be created using a voluminous scarf, which almost completely wraps the entire figure. The accessory is extravagant and not everyone dares to try it on their image. But wrapped in a soft and warm cloth, each inside it will feel cozy and comfortable.

The product knits quickly and unpretentiously. It will take a large amount of yarn, but it's worth it, because in the end you will get a unique thing that can warm not only at work, but on long winter evenings at home.

A small detail, the knitting loops must be even and the same, otherwise the product will look sloppy. To test your skill at making perfect stitches, knit a sample and make sure the fabric is uniform and without flaws.

Material used:

  • Thick yarn (97m / 170gr) - 3 kg 400 gr;
  • Knitting needles according to the size of the yarn, 25mm.

Size of the finished product: width - 45 cm; length - 400 cm.

The main fabric is knitted in stockinette stitch.

Fold the yarn into 4 threads (according to the sample in our knitting for 10 cm - 4 loops).


Cast on 18 sts and work the first 4 rows in garter st (all sts are knit). The edge loop is always purl-knitted.

5 and subsequent rows knit according to the scheme:

Circuit description:

The purl rows are knitted with purl loops.

Facial rows with facial loops.

Knit in stocking stitch the entire length of the product and finish with 4 rows of garter stitch. Close loops. Cut the thread.

Openwork scarf-pipe: diagrams, description

Openwork and delicate accessory has the shape of a cone, narrowed at the top. It is this solution that brings additional comfort while wearing it. How to tie such a beautiful work of art, the question will arise with your own hands. Answer: simple and easy if you follow the description of the work and carefully look at the diagrams.


  • Yarn (100% alpaca, 50gr/175m) - 2 skeins;
  • Knitting needles circular 4mm and 4.5mm, 70 cm length of fishing line.

Finished product dimensions:

  • Height - 45 cm; circumference at the top - 60 cm; below - 75 cm.
  • According to the sample, the density of the pattern: 10 cm x 20 loops.

Description of work:

Cast on 153 sts on 4.5 mm needles.

R 1: knit all loops, close knitting in a ring.

R 2: Purl all stitches.

R 3: knit all stitches.

Starting from the 4th row, we move on to the openwork pattern according to the schemes:

We start knitting a pattern from scheme M1.

1 p: ​​* 3 persons, 2 persons together, 4 persons, yarn over, 6 persons, yarn over. K2Tog, K2, YO, K2Tog, K2, YO, K2Tog, YO, K4, YO, K4, K2Tog, K3* – repeat 4 times, end row with st.

Thus, knit according to scheme 4 of the rapport up. There are 137 loops in the work.

Changes the knitting needles to 4 mm and start knitting the M2 pattern. Knit also 4 rapports up.

We pass to the last scheme M3 and we knit 1 rapport up. There are 121 loops on the working needles.

Finish the work with three rows with which knitting began. Close loops. Break the thread.

Master class on knitting snood for beginners

Snood is a kind of scarf that replaces two things in the wardrobe at once - a hat and a scarf. Therefore, having such a fashionable accessory, you can always remain fashionable and stylish. We knit a scarf with knitting needles for beginners, details in our MK.

Option number 1: Snood made on circular knitting needles


  • Yarn to choose from - 100 gr;
  • Knitting needles according to the size of the yarn, the length of the fishing line is 80 cm.

Description of work:

On the knitting needles, dial the required number of loops, which must be calculated according to a pre-tied pattern. The main knitting will be facial loops.

Knit the next row with purl stitches. In circular knitting, garter stitch is knitted in this way. 1 row, knit, 1 row purl.

Knit alternate rows until you reach the desired height.

In the last row, close the loops in any known way. Here is such a snood scarf turned out with the help of circular knitting needles.

Option number 2: Snood knitted on straight knitting needles

The second option fits a little easier than the first. For its manufacture, straight knitting needles are required, since knitting takes place in rotary rows. For the pattern, garter stitch is used. All rows are knitted only with facial loops.

Description of work:

Cast on the required number of stitches on the needles. Knit a row of facial loops. The edging is knitted with a purl loop.

Turn the product and continue to knit facial loops. The original sectional dyeing of the yarn will make the finished product beautiful, without any tricks in knitting.

Knit the product to the desired length. Close the loops of the last row. Now the narrow ends of the product must be connected to each other. This can be done in two ways: with a hook or a needle, whichever is more convenient for you.

Here is such a simple, but very fashionable accessory turned out.

Video: MK knitting snood for beginners

Stunning knitted scarf ideas

The variety of scarves never ceases to amaze. Consider several options for amazing products with diagrams and descriptions.

Snood scarf with interlaced stripes

So this time, the snood scarf with intertwined stripes is amazing. Despite the fact that the design looks intricate, knitting such an accessory is not difficult. According to the description and the laid video lesson, even a not very experienced ma

What you need for work:

  • Thick yarn - 150 gr;
  • Circular knitting needles No. 6, fishing line length 70 cm;
  • Tape measure;
  • markers;
  • Additional knitting needles or pins for knitting.

Knitting density: 30 p x24 cm.

Description of work:

If the yarn is not as thick as the knitting needles, then we knit in two threads.

Cast on 30 stitches on the needle.

1 p: ​​remove the hem and knit a row with completely facial loops, the hem is also facial, turn the product.

2 p: from the inside, it also knits with facial loops.

Rows 3-6: Knit.

Use markers to divide the product into 5 parts. It turns out in each part of 6 loops. Now you need to knit each part separately.

We knit the edge, like the other 5 facial ones, to the first marker, turn the work and knit from the inside with purl loops. Turn. Thus, from the inside, purl loops are knitted from the front side with front loops. The length of the strip should be 20 cm.

Remove the finished strip on a pin or auxiliary knitting needle.

We turn to knitting the second strip.

We attach the thread to the beginning of the second strip and knit 6 loops with facial loops. Knit in stocking stitch for 20 cm.

Knit 5 identical pieces.

Put all the loops on the working knitting needle, and connect the strips together with knots from the cut ends. We continue to knit from the wrong side.

We continue to knit garter stitch 50-60 cm.

Divide the fabric again into 5 parts of 6 loops and repeat the identical knitting of the first 5 strips.

After finishing the manufacture of 20 centimeter strips, carefully remove each strip on a separate pin. Now you need to interlace the strips of the first part with the second in a checkerboard pattern. To do this, the first free strip must be brought under the first strip of the first part, then thrown over the second and brought under the third, thrown over the fourth and left under the heel.

Continue, thus, to intertwine all the strips with each other.

After weaving is completed, the loops that are on the pins must be transferred to the knitting needle. Now connect the strips together with the ends of the threads. And continue to knit the product with a garter stitch for 6 rows. The first row after the join is considered null. We close the loops.

Closing loops:

Two loops are knitted together with the front one, we throw a free one on the working knitting needle, so to the end of the row.

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Video: Detailed MK on knitting snood with knitting needles

Effective and very charming scarf

We continue to amaze with unusual models of scarves that fit very simply, but look incredibly beautiful and unique.


  • Yarn (60% mohair, 40% acrylic in 100g / 500m) - 100g;
  • Spokes No. 4, No. 3;
  • Hook 2.5mm.

Description of work:

Cast on 44 sts on needles. Knit 8 rows in stocking stitch (front row with front loops, purl row with purl loops).

9 row: chrome, knit 3, close 16 loops, knit 5, close 16 loops, knit 3, edge, turn.

10 r: chrome, 3 out, 16 loops we collect on the knitting needle, 5 out, 16 we dial, 3 out, edge turn.

Work 8 rows in stocking st and repeat rows 9 and 10. That is, every 8 rows make cuts into the product.

We continue to knit the fabric to the desired length.

Now you need to braid on one side of the loop in the form of a braid (as shown in the figure), and fasten the latter with a thread.

On the other hand, leave in the form of slots.

The bottom can be decorated with a fringe and a decorative button.

The scarf is ready.

A selection of schemes with a description

Openwork blue scarf

Openwork female snood

Warm scarf with pom-poms

Beige snood knitting needles for beginners

Knitwear always remains in trend, the fashion for them never goes away. Only knitting technologies, patterns, length of products change. The most popular knitted products that almost everyone has are socks, mittens or gloves, hats and scarves, pullovers, sweaters. If knitting skills are required for most products, then a beginner is also able to make a straight scarf with knitting needles.

Knitwear is always in trend.

Knitting men's scarves is the easiest way. As a rule, thick threads are taken for them, which implies a large knitting, and the corresponding thickness of the knitting needle.

Spectrum of male tones:

  • Dark blue;
  • Brown;
  • Grey;
  • Black;
  • White.

Scarf for a mature man

  1. On knitting needles No. 3, 38 loops are typed;
  2. 1 row: edge; 6 facial; 6 purl; 6 facial; 6 purl; 6 facial; 6 purl; edging.
  3. 2-7 rows are knitted in accordance with the pattern.
  4. 8 row: it is necessary to knit the wrong loops instead of the front loops and vice versa.
  5. The next 6 rows are knitted in accordance with the pattern. You should get textured squares. The principle of drawing up a "chessboard" pattern.
  6. After reaching the required length of the product, the last row is closed. The tail of the thread is hidden, it is better to stretch it between the threads of the last row.
  7. As a decoration, you can make a rare fringe, consisting of tassels in 4-6 threads. To do this, a thread 8 cm long is cut, folded in 2-3 pieces, bent in half. At certain intervals, they are tied with a hook to the first and last rows of work.

Attention! The lack of decorations at the ends of the scarf makes the work look unfinished.

Scarf knitting for beginners (video)

Schemes and description for beginners: unisex scarves

Thin long scarves are worn by women, teenagers, stylish young men. Such neck jewelry can be plain and combined, narrow and wide. The choice of product width depends on the choice of yarn and knitting needles, respectively.

  1. For knitting from cotton multilayer yarn, knitting needles are taken No. 1.5-2. Knitting should be tight.
  2. Wool and thick volume suggest large expressive knitting. Here, the choice of knitting needles from No. 3 to No. 6 is influenced by the selected pattern and the thickness of the thread.
  3. Drawings of long scarves are the simplest.

Attention! When planning a combined two-color scarf, you should take yarn of the same brand and thickness. Combinations of three or more colors in thick scarves look bad.

Such neck jewelry can be plain and combined, narrow and wide.

Knitting patterns:

  1. Elastic band 1 to 1 - alternation of front and back loops.
  2. English gum - an odd number of loops are typed. 1 row: edging is removed; 1 front loop; straight yarn; the next loop is removed without knitting. With the exception of the edge loop, the pattern is repeated until the end of the row. 2 row: after the edge, removed loop, a straight yarn immediately follows; the next loop is removed; the loop and yarn over of the previous row are knitted together with the front loop. The pattern is repeated until the end of the row. 3rd row: edge; a loop with a crochet of the previous row is connected with a front loop; they are followed by a straight yarn over, the next loop is removed. The rapport of this knitting consists of two rows - the second and third. They will alternate until the end of the product. The last row is closed in the usual way - two loops are knitted together, the resulting loop is returned to the right knitting needle and closed with the next one. Work continues until the last loop. A “straight” yarn is made by throwing a thread at work onto the knitting needle, moving away from you. A “reverse” yarn is made by moving towards oneself, it is used in knitting openwork.
  3. Garter stitch: 1 row - all facial; 2 row - all facial. So until the end of knitting.

Scarves made according to these schemes are double-sided.

Cute scarf for a boy: step by step instructions

We knit a children's scarf for a boy, as well as for a girl of toddler age, from thin yarn on circular knitting needles with facial loops, alternating light and dark stripes of the same size. At the end of the work, the most time-consuming process of decorating the ends begins. To do this, you need to make a pattern of the muzzle, paws and tail of a cat, raccoon, tiger, dog or other animal. Depending on who the scarf should resemble, the color of the yarn is selected. This will give the impression that a cartoon friend is resting on the child's neck. Paws and tail are more convenient to knit with five knitting needles. The muzzle is easier to crochet, but you can also knit it on knitting needles using the technology of short and full rows.

For school-age children, a two-color scarf is more suitable:

  • 7 first rows - garter stitch. There are 38 stitches in a row.
  • 8 row: edge, then alternation of 6 facial 1 purl loop.
  • Over the next 6 rows, triangles must be formed. To do this, each element from the front loops is reduced on both sides by one, they are knitted on the wrong side, due to this, the counter elements expand.
  • The next 6 rows will decrease the number of purl loops in favor of the facial ones.
  • It is necessary to complete this rapport with yarn of the first tone, knitting 2-3 rows in garter stitch.
  • A pattern of 6 rows forming textured triangles is repeated through dividing lines made in garter stitch.
  • The final piece of knitting consists of 12 rows of forming triangles and 7 rows of another color, made in garter stitch.

For school-age children, a two-color scarf is suitable

Beautiful scarf for woman: new model

A beautiful scarf does not always imply the presence of a pattern, openwork or a combination of several colors of threads. The new model of the "Snood" scarf is a scarf, a hat, a kind of knitted coat, a decorative high collar. Such a variety of uses of one wardrobe item is achieved by the fact that this scarf has no edges. It knits in the round.

  1. After checking the density of the garter stitch on the sample, for the manufacture of a scarf, the loops are typed on the circular knitting needles of the loop at the rate of one and a half meters of the width of the product.
  2. Purl loops (on knitting needles No. 4; 5; 6) are knitted 5 rows.
  3. Followed by 5 facial rows.
  4. In this way, 50-60 cm of the fabric is knitted.
  5. The loops are closed. It is most convenient to carry out this stage with a crochet of the diameter corresponding to the number of knitting needles.

When knitting a snud, you can use smooth knitting or a textured pattern - braids, rhombuses, bumps or other convex elements. From them you can make a variety of patterns. A set of loops is made on ordinary knitting needles. Their number must be calculated for the width of the product so that all types of patterns used fit on the canvas completely. Upon reaching the required knitting length, the loops of the last row are closed on the wrong side. They must be docked with the loops of the first row.

It is not difficult to knit a fashionable snood, it is more important to come up with original options for wearing it, learn how to use it as a collar with a decorative collar. For example, the figure eight is a shape that allows you to use a scarf to protect your throat and head.

Trumpet or snail

This item of women's wardrobe does not differ in the complexity of the pattern, but it looks very impressive. In strong wind, frost or rain, it can be used instead of a headdress. On warm days, it will only protect the neck. You can knit a ruffled scarf-hat without any reductions. This principle is good when choosing fine cotton yarn.

  1. A set of loops is made on knitting needles No. 1.5 or No. 2, connected by knitting, since a thing that does not have a connecting seam looks more spectacular.
  2. The first 10-15 rows are better with a tight elastic band.
  3. Until the end of knitting, alternation will go: 10 front rows; 10 purl.
  4. You can finish the work with a hook. They make it easier to close the loops.
  5. For younger girls, a fringe can be knitted on the top of the pipe.

Attention! So that when wearing a snail as a hat, there is no inconvenience from a large amount of material under the chin, after 10-15 cm of circular knitting, a system of shortened rows should be used. They should not affect the front third of the product.

How to knit an openwork scarf

Knitting an openwork scarf consists in alternating knit, purl and reverse yarns in the rows of the front side of the product, the purl rows are knitted with loops corresponding to the name of the side. This rule works for complex knitting patterns. Simple repeating patterns that do not have a complex pattern, consisting of only holes, are knitted according to the scheme:

  • 1 row: edge; knit, reverse yarn over, knit, yarn over, and so on until the end of the row.
  • 2 row: edge; yarn over and loop are knitted together, and so on until the end. From the third row, the pattern is repeated.

When choosing a more complex scheme, the set of loops must be compared with the required number of loops for each ornament used. Detailed descriptions of complex drawings are not as convenient as diagrams. They give a visual idea of ​​what should happen in the end.

The scarf will turn out beautiful in any case

Knitted scarf-hood

There is nothing difficult in knitting this scarf. The number of loops is typed in accordance with the desire for the depth of the hood minus 5 cm elastic. This is the product width.

There is nothing difficult in knitting this scarf

The pattern is selected one-sided. A variety of braids, ropes, braids, bumps look spectacular. Having connected the canvas, it is necessary to knit 5 cm with an elastic band: one to one. The hood is connected by a textile seam on the inside. You can decorate the scarf with a pom-pom at the top of the hood and long tassels at the ends.

Long scarf hood

A women's scarf is, first of all, an ornament. It is not always possible to successfully choose a pattern for a headset from a hat with a scarf. Therefore, it is better to tie the kit right away. Special skills are not required for this.

  1. It is better to take a thick yarn so that the pattern turns out to be voluminous.
  2. A small elastic band at the ends of the scarf would be appropriate as a picture frame.
  3. Complex drawings are best arranged on a sheet in a detailed description.
  4. The length of the hood is chosen as desired, and its width should be sufficient to completely cover the head.
  5. It is necessary to finish the manufacture of the hood by connecting the back of the head of the cap. To do this, fold the product in half. Laying a knitted seam "needle forward" is more convenient from the top of the work.

Advice! When knitting a hood from thin threads, it is better to avoid double crochet patterns. If you choose openwork for such a scarf-hat, then it should turn out to be double. The inner bar of the product should be made with a simple knit. It is better to knit decorative and simple strips separately. At the final stage of work, they can be connected with a crochet hook with a decorative seam "crawl step".

Snood knitting: knitting for beginners (video)

Scarves can be worn not only in the cold season. Thin cobwebs, openwork floral motifs of the long neck jewelry will be a great addition to strict business suits and evening dresses. On cool autumn evenings, mohair scarves can cover your head and cover your throat. Triangular short scarves with buttons and collars are knitted from thick yarn for the winter (they are also called “Pipe”, “snail”). They make a great hat replacement.

Depending on the season, the density and volume of the scarf is of paramount importance. For autumn scarves, it is better to increase the density so that the model becomes warmer. Large knitting needles are used and the yarn is selected corresponding to the knitting needles with a wool content. Relief patterns are often used in winter snood (for example, braids and plaits). In summer, a scarf is more of a beautiful accessory, women wear it to add style to an image, and not to hide from the weather.

Use smaller needles and then the model will turn out thin and lacy. The effect of "leaky" is achieved by knitting with the application (leaves, rhombuses, stripes). Use thin threads, such as cotton or linen.

There are several types of scarves, what is their difference?

The classic scarf is long and rectangular, wrapped several times around the neck, in every woman's wardrobe. Knitting with an elastic band or garter stitch is easy, even a beginner with no experience can handle it. To make the scarf stand out, add tassels at the ends.

The tippet is also rectangular in shape, but larger in size. They wear both a classic scarf and a cape. Versatile all-weather scarf, worn all year round.

Bactus is a universal triangular scarf in the form of a scarf, worn by both men and women. If you knit with a simple knit, but combine colored yarn, you get a spectacular, memorable scarf. Decoration - pom-poms or lace braid.

Cnood - a novelty of recent years

Snood is not much different from a regular scarf, it is knitted in the round and has no ends. Feature - winding way, ways:

  • in one addition, leaving to fall freely;
  • winding in two or three layers in the cold;
  • draped over the head like a hood, while covering the neck.

For texture, it is better to choose thicker threads, if you take super-thick yarn, snood will get extreme volume (

Knitted women's scarves: description with diagrams

If you know how to knit only with the wrong side and the front surface, then without much difficulty you can knit a scarf with knitting needles for yourself, a child, or a loved one. Patterns for a scarf with knitting needles are very different, but if you are just starting to knit, a regular 2X2 elastic band, knitting needles of the right size and natural yarn are enough.

Knitting a scarf with your own hands from natural yarn is another reason to refuse accessories from a 100% glass acrylic store. To knit an openwork scarf with knitting needles, you will have to master the basics of openwork knitting, and the knitted scarves presented on the Hummingbird website with diagrams and descriptions will help you with this.

A knitted scarf can decorate even the most boring and outstanding look. And it doesn’t matter at all what you wrap around your neck: a classic scarf, an openwork scarf with knitting needles, a scarf with knitting needles, or a lace stole - it will look stylish and modern.

On the Hummingbird website you will find interesting patterns for knitting scarves with knitting needles, as well as detailed descriptions for them. Each knitting pattern for a scarf is accompanied by a description in Russian for your convenience.

The diamond-shaped patterns of the scarf are successfully combined with decorative elements in the form of braids. This model has enough length to serve as the main accessory that will shift attention to itself in any combination of outfits. Delicate light purple color will bring notes of "freshness" and make even seemingly ordinary clothes more festive. Scarf with diamond knitting needles…

A scarf knitted with long needles and an impressive width has a delicate pink color, which brings additional notes of sophistication to the image. Due to its size, this model can play the role of a headdress, a scarf, a small cape, etc. Long fringe threads at the ends of the scarf perform a decorative function. Scarf with honeycomb pattern and…

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