What to give dad for the New Year, what gifts are best suited? What can I give dad for the new year, interesting ideas What is the best gift for the new year for dad

New Year is a time for congratulations to the closest people, which, of course, includes dad. He wants to give something special that will please him and allow him to express all respect and love. At the same time, such a gift does not have to be expensive at all, because the main thing is to show attention and care.

Of course, this does not mean at all that you can approach the selection of a presentation “slipshod” and buy the first thing that seems appropriate. Our parents deserve only the best, so finding a gift is worth making some effort. We, in turn, are ready to make this task easier for you, and we offer several ideas on the topic, what to give dad for the new year 2017.

Hobby Gifts

All ingenious ideas are outrageously simple, which also applies to this gift option. Sometimes we want to give something unusual so much that it doesn’t immediately occur to us to get something that will correspond to dad’s hobbies and interests. For example, if your parent loves fishing, then you can buy him:

  • new telescopic spinning;
  • a set of baits;
  • electric reel for spinning;
  • folding chair and table for fishing;
  • inflatable boat;
  • quality fishing rubber boots;
  • spinner for winter fishing.

In turn, an avid hunter will be delighted with good binoculars, a quality knife, semolina, a GPS navigator, and camping utensils. If your dad goes in for sports, then you can give him a heart rate monitor, a subscription to the gym or swimming pool, and possibly a home exercise machine.

In a word - think about how your father likes to spend his free time, and build on this.


As a rule, our fathers always have a standard set of tools. However, perhaps something already needs to be replaced, or maybe dad needs a new screwdriver or, for example, a grinder to complete the repair or another project. If so, then you know what to do.

In addition, remember, perhaps your dad has long dreamed of doing wood carving, artistic welding or engraving, but still could not get together, and there were no suitable tools. New Year is the best time to remind the father of his plans and give the opportunity to bring them to life.

Gifts for a motorist

If your father is the owner, then for the New Year you can give him something for his car. As a rule, older men anxiously look after their "swallows", so if your dad belongs to this category of motorists, then he can be purchased:

  • massage pad on the driver's seat;
  • mini sink;
  • mini vacuum cleaner for cars;
  • video recorder;
  • navigator;
  • compressor;
  • a set of car mats;
  • cushion under the neck;
  • anti-reflective visor;
  • holder for coffee cup, glasses or phone.

All these things will help make the car more comfortable and dad will definitely like it. At the same time, you should refuse to buy expensive flavors in the car, since the father may not like the smell and the gift will not bring the desired benefit.

Inexpensive gifts

As we have said, a gift for dad does not have to cost a lot of money. Even if your budget for buying a present is limited, you can still please your father with a worthy present. So, for the New Year you can give:

  • personalized mug, it is possible with a congratulatory inscription or photo;
  • warm mittens or gloves with a scarf;
  • thermos with thermo mug;
  • a beautiful beer glass, possibly engraved;
  • backlight for the keyboard;
  • flash drive.

As practice shows, inexpensive gifts from children bring as much joy as more expensive ones, because the main thing in them is attention and love.

Modern Gadgets

If your father keeps up with the times, then it is quite possible to give him some modern original gadget. For example, there will be an electronic book that will help you carry all the world's literature with you in your bag. If you have a large enough budget, dad can buy a good tablet or smartphone.

If the father insists that he does not need modern gadgets, then you can purchase a compact player for him to listen to his favorite tunes. It is unlikely that anyone will oppose this.

Universal option

If you don’t know at all what to give your father, then give preference to universal gifts that are always relevant. These presentations are:

  • purse;
  • watch;
  • leather belt;
  • elite alcohol in a gift box;
  • a set of cigars, a pipe or a cigarette case (if dad, of course, smokes);
  • a good cologne (if you know very well what fragrances your father likes).

Another good option for a universal gift for dad will be a gift certificate to a fishing, hunting, sports, construction or any other goods store. If you don’t know what to put under the Christmas tree for your father, then give him a choice - let him go to the store himself and pick up what he likes.

What to give dad for the New Year is interesting for everyone to know on the eve of the holiday, because you always want to please a loved one with something necessary and special. Unfortunately, often in search of a worthwhile present there are many difficulties, the main of which is the choice of the desired gift. What to give your father for the New Year, so as not to disappoint him, will be discussed further.

Before choosing this or that present, you should analyze the closest person, or rather, his hobbies, and think about what he might like or come in handy in business.

A gift for dad for the New Year should be, first of all, practical, so that later it does not gather dust on a shelf with unnecessary souvenirs. You should first consult with other family members who can throw a good idea.

What gifts can be presented to dad for the New Year:

  • Fishing equipment. If a man is fond of catching fish, then you don’t have to rack your brains. It is possible to purchase an expensive fishing rod or a fishing kit, which may include the most necessary accessories: lures, spinners, tackle, floats. Alternatively, you can consider an inflatable boat.
  • Shotgun. You can donate weapons for hunting enthusiasts. However, this expensive present is best done by all family members in order to minimize costs. For a real hunting lover, this will be the best gift.
  • Dear cognac. If the fantasy is exhausted, then a bottle of good cognac can become a universal gift, but only when this present is appropriate. In addition, you can buy a set of chocolate, without which not a single New Year's holiday passes.

  • Gold chain or bracelet. You can buy a good piece of jewelry that will please a man. For example, a gold chain or a branded bracelet. If it is not possible to buy a quality product, then it is recommended not to exchange for cheap jewelry and consider silver options.
  • Watch. An excellent gift from a daughter can be a watch. Of course, it is better to find out first whether the father will wear them. And it is advisable to ask about an exemplary model that a man would like. To do this, you can consult with other family members.

  • Travel to a warm country. You can give your parents a little summer in the middle of a cold winter on the occasion of the holiday. But for this, of course, you need to be sure for sure that such an expensive present will come in handy.

Budget Gifts

Your joint photo with dad, inserted into a frame, is a gift that any father will appreciate.

Of course, you always want to prepare a special gift for dad to please a loved one on New Year's Eve, and a good mood has been preserved for a long time. If you have accumulated small savings for gifts to the family, then you can consider the following options:

  • Smoking accessories. It can be cigarettes, electronic counterparts. It all depends on the preferences of the man. There is an opportunity to give a hookah, but such a gift is not for everyone. Alternatively, you can consider expensive cigars. Of course, such presentations are relevant only for smokers.
  • Necessary attributes of motorists. It is recommended to start by finding out what the father needs. For example, high-quality seat covers, a new player or a steering wheel cover.
  • Means for men's hygiene. To do this, you can choose any suitable set or create it yourself by buying accessories separately. Such a gift to the father may include: shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam, machine, scented soap. Such a set can be beautifully wrapped in a festive package and presented on New Year's Eve. However, if a man is not a particular fan of such personal care products, it is better to consider other options.
  • Electric razor or trimmer. The choice of the appropriate option depends on whether the father has a beard, or whether he shaves clean. In the first case, an electric trimmer is suitable. With it, you can trim the beard, which will make life easier for a man and save his time. An electric razor is suitable for lovers of smooth skin. You should choose options from the network, and not on batteries. They last longer, and the power does not decrease even with prolonged use.

DIY gift

As you know, the best gift for dad will be your own creation. It all depends on your talents and your imagination. Perhaps you are fond of dancing, and you can dedicate your own dance to your parents, or maybe you like to sing, then you can sing a New Year's song.

  • As for a material gift made on your own, a set table with New Year's dishes is perfect.
  • If you are at a very young age, then dad will definitely be delighted with your creation, for example, in the form of a cake decorated in the New Year's style. There are many recipes on the Internet, you can also find examples of the original design for cakes. Mom will definitely help you!
  • A knitted scarf or socks will be a great surprise. You can also buy a scarf or handkerchief in the store and embroider it with New Year's patterns - such a gift will definitely remind dad of you.
  • If you like to draw, your framed artwork is the way to go!

As an addition to the main present, you can purchase a postcard, which should be signed on your behalf and filled with pleasant wishes and compliments. Such a gift will never go unnoticed.

When a gift is chosen, you should not forget about its packaging. New Year's holiday is a time of miracles, and such joys are not alien to men either. That is why the design of the presentation should also be approached with imagination. You can wrap a gift with your own hands or turn to professionals for help.

What can be gifts for dad for the New Year 2018? Necessary, useful, beautiful? Choosing the right gifts always makes us think. Especially when it comes to the closest, most dear and dear to our hearts people - family members. To make the task easier, many begin to prepare for the holiday in advance, collecting gift ideas for dad for the New Year 2018 for several months.

Thinking about what to give dad for the New Year 2018, first of all, the ideas of traditional “male” gifts come to mind - those that can be successfully presented to any member of the stronger sex.

Alcohol. A bottle of whiskey in a gift tube, vintage cognac or good aged wine - alcoholic drinks rightfully occupy the first place in the hit parade of safe men's gifts for the New Year.

Makeup kit. Most often it is foam or shaving gel + aftershave, sometimes one of the components is replaced with shower gel or deodorant. Mass-market manufacturers prepare new sets for each new year, but good sets can be found in the higher segment.

Perfume. Eau de toilette or cologne - most men prefer not a specific brand, but the aroma prevailing in the perfume composition, therefore, when buying such a gift, it is important to know the personal tastes of the donee.

Office. A good diary in a leather cover, a branded pen, a table set made of ornamental stone - such gifts are suitable for a leader or businessman, but say little about the personality of the giver.

Soul Gifts

A gift for dad for the New Year 2018 can be a demonstration of concern for the closest person and a clear manifestation of those warm feelings that you have for your father.

Plaid. Warm, soft, maybe even fur - the blanket will give a feeling of comfort on a winter day and warm on a cool spring evening in the country. In the kit, a pillow-dumka can be attached to it, which can be placed under the lower back.

Rocking chair. Isn't it great to read a newspaper or a book while gently rocking in a rocking chair? And if this chair is not just wicker rattan, but soft, with a special built-in "swinging" mechanism? Your dad will be very happy with such an unusual gift!

Orthopedic pillow. Any, even the strongest health with age begins to gradually take over. And the neck and shoulders are the first to suffer. An orthopedic pillow made of natural latex that remembers the shape of the body will come to the rescue. Most importantly, explain to your father that you should not be afraid of her somewhat unusual appearance.

Gifts for collectors

It always seems to the uninitiated that it is easiest to please a person who has a hobby. What is easier, we argue - we give stamps to a philatelist, a coin to a numismatist, an old book to a second-hand book dealer. And we forget that the value of any collection in the eyes of the collector is in its fullness and completeness. Are you sure this is the stamp/coin/book your father needs? What exactly is this item missing from his collection? No? Then it's better to give something from related materials.

Albums, stockbooks, containers. Anything that fits the definition of "storage container" is in demand by any collector.

Brushes, tweezers, clips, magnifiers. Similarly, the tools that are used to shift and process collectibles are always needed. And often the same tools are used in a variety of hobbies. For example, a magnifying glass is needed by a numismatist, a philatelist, and a collector of collectible figurines, and tweezers are useful for both a second-hand book dealer and someone who is fond of assembling miniature models.

Light source. The most important item on any collector's gift list is lighting, and if your father doesn't already have a special lamp with a non-cutting but bright light, give him one.


All kinds of electronic devices have firmly and tightly entered our lives. We don’t even notice how many useful and necessary gadgets are around us - we don’t notice until they fail.

Tablet. Read a book, find out the latest news, watch the latest season of your favorite series, chat with your grandchildren via Skype or a social network - the capabilities of the tablet provide all this and much more. Teach your father how to use the latest technology - or, conversely, learn how to use gadgets from him.

Universal remote. TV, sound system, home theater, air conditioning, TV tuner… how many remotes do your parents have on their coffee table? Replace them with a single device - and it's easier, and it won't get lost.

Fitness bracelet. Another manifestation of concern for the health of the pope, because any doctor will tell you how important it is for older people to walk and control their pulse rate. The fitness bracelet will calculate the distance traveled, remind you of your daily walk, receive a phone call or SMS, and besides, it will wake you up at the most favorable moment.

Creative gifts

The list of unusual gifts is very extensive. We will focus on a few points to give a boost to your imagination.

Poker set. Did you know that poker not only allows you to have fun, but also has a positive effect on mental abilities? The game develops memory, stimulates thinking and makes both hemispheres work faster - and these are scientifically proven facts. The only contraindication for a poker suitcase as a useful creative gift for dad is excessive excitement.

A set for connoisseurs of drinks. A wine set usually includes a corkscrew, a special cork-aerator, a foil cutter and some other items. All this is packed in a box or suitcase with locks, so that such a gift looks truly luxurious. In addition to wine, there are similar sets for connoisseurs of good cognac, whiskey, sparkling drinks.

Brazier, barbecue, koktalnitsa, smokehouse. A man should be able to cook meat - this statement is familiar to everyone. But to cook well, you need an excellent barbecue or barbecue oven. And in addition - or as an alternative, if you already have a brazier - you can give a special set for cooking on an open fire. Believe me, in such a case there are no useless items, and sooner or later everything will come in handy - and special tongs, and a spatula, and a scraper, and a fan for inflating coals, not to mention the poker and skewers.

Drive. New Year is the time for fulfillment of desires. Why not give the opportunity to fulfill the secret of the father? Does your dad dream of going fishing on Lake Baikal or seeing the lotus bloom in the Volga Delta? A ticket to one of the recreation centers - in Siberia or near Astrakhan - will be a great gift. Or maybe his secret desire is to learn how to bake cakes? Then give him a ticket to a cooking class. Want to learn how to ride a horse? We give a certificate for the hippodrome. Go down the river on a raft? Rafting is also a great gift. Skiing for the first time in your life? Rent a house at least for a day at a country recreation center. Learn to make a "police U-turn" and drive confidently on ice? The logical choice is extreme driving courses. There are a lot of options here, and almost all of them are feasible without much effort on your part.

Choosing gifts for dad for the New Year 2020? New Year's souvenirs that will remind you of you will help express warm feelings towards a loved one.

You can present your father with a photo album with pictures of all members of your family. Photos can be accompanied by aphorisms, lines from songs, wishes, as well as drawings and ornaments in the form of snowflakes, fir branches, funny snowmen, etc.

Another gift option is a picture of your family members in a beautiful frame that your father can put on his desktop.

What is better to give dad for 2020 New Year from his daughter? You can give him a jar of good tea or coffee in a beautiful package, a beautiful cup with a photo of your father or your family members and a congratulatory inscription, a terry towel.

More Gift Ideas for Dad for 2020 New Year

Winter leather gloves or warm mittens will be a wonderful gift for your father for this holiday.

If we talk about what you can give dad from his son for New Year 2020, then a good option would be things that will help make his home desk or workplace in the office more convenient and functional - a wall clock, an original stand for office supplies, a rug for a computer mouse, bookshelf, etc.

List other gift ideas for dad for 2020 New Year. A business person will need a diary, a notebook in a beautiful cover, a business card holder, an organizer, a branded fountain pen, a leather briefcase or a folder for papers.

If we continue to discuss what is better to give dad from his daughter for the New Year 2020, then this could be a book or collected works of his favorite author, some kind of encyclopedic publication, an art album or a subscription to a magazine.

And you can make a gift with your own hands, for example, knit a hat with a scarf for your father, bake a delicious cake or cookies for the New Year's table.

What can you give dad for New Year 2020 from his son? Surprise your beloved father with a gift that will be related to his hobby.

A car enthusiast will appreciate such a present as seat covers, a DVR or a useful accessory for a car.

A fisherman and a hunter will need a backpack, a thermos or a thermal mug, a pocket flask, a folding multifunctional knife, a solar battery charger, picnic dishes, etc.

Hello everyone! December 31 is coming soon, which means it's time to think about congratulations. You do not want to run around the shops in a panic at the last moment, anyhow buying something? And for a long time to stand in queues surrounded by the same confused? Exactly. Therefore, today there will be one less question, let's talk about what to give dad for the new year 2018.

In general, for some it is very difficult to choose a gift for mom (in the last article I showered you with ideas for such a present), but for dad it is much easier. It probably depends on the dad. Or maybe they are not so pretentious and will definitely be happy with any practical thing?

You know better. In any case, today I will bring ideas so that you can find something special for your loved one. By the way, who is he? Hard worker or fun? Academician or musician? Fisherman or businessman? From this just initially it is possible to make a start.

Before you puzzle over what you can give your father for the upcoming New Year, remember, maybe he mentioned something desirable for himself in a conversation? Or ask your mom if he talked to her about it. Then the issue will be resolved very quickly, and your gift will be the most relevant and cool for him.

Even so, read what I suggest to you. After all, there are things that we love, but it is inconvenient to ask for them or specifically talk about it. Or maybe, reading them, you just remember that it was one of them that he wanted.

And by the way, do not forget about the packaging. Even the most serious man will be pleased to receive something that is carefully and appropriately packaged.

How to please a sports dad

If your father leads an active lifestyle, likes to play sports, then it is best to please him with the appropriate things, for example:

  1. Subscription for individual training with a trainer
  2. Subscription to the fitness center
  3. Subscription to the pool
  4. heart rate monitor
  5. Pedometer
  6. Running shoes or other comfortable shoes
  7. Sportswear that is comfortable to train in
  8. Nordic walking poles
  9. Equipment for his sport
  10. Football or other ball
  11. Boxing gloves or punching bag
  12. Exercise machine for home use
  13. Tennis racket, etc.

There are many options to choose from, depending on what sports your father likes or would like to try.


Dad can be pleased with an unusual gift that will bring him many vivid impressions and will be remembered for a long time. The scope depends on your financial situation, but if you try, you can come up with something interesting and inexpensive options. It can be:

  1. Travel to another city or country
  2. Rest in a boarding house or a country cottage
  3. A trip to the city of his childhood
  4. Swimming with dolphins
  5. Aircraft piloting
  6. Helicopter flight
  7. Master class of extreme driving
  8. Skydiving
  9. Flying in a wind tunnel
  10. Diving
  11. Karting
  12. Quad biking
  13. Snowmobile safari
  14. Dog sled ride
  15. paintball game
  16. Aquapark
  17. Shooting from a firearm in a shooting range
  18. Concert tickets for your favorite band
  19. horse ride
  20. Hunting under the guidance of a mentor
  21. Paragliding
  22. Sports match ticket
  23. Going to the bath with a male company
  24. A rooftop tour if the city has something to show, for example in St. Petersburg
  25. Recording your song in a sound studio
  26. Boat trip
  27. Rope park trip
  28. Wine degustation

As you can see, many of them are extreme. Therefore, if your father is a "core", then do not drag him to skydive or fly in a wind tunnel. Choose according to your health and wellness.

Educational Gifts

Training presentations include all master classes, courses, seminars and consultations. For some men, regardless of age, such a gift will be especially interesting, and in addition to giving a feeling of fullness of life and the joy of learning something new. It can be:

  • Extreme driving lessons
  • Master classes in blacksmithing
  • Any creative lessons (working with wood, glass, drawing pictures, as well as dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, etc.)
  • Education (for example, photography or videography course)
  • Cooking master classes (if a man is interested)
  • Any advice (for example, a coach, business coach or other necessary specialist)
  • Improving skills in your favorite business, existing hobby

For a dad with hobbies

If your father is obsessed with something in a good way, then feel free to give presents suitable for your hobby:

  1. Fishing tackle set
  2. tourist tent
  3. Big thermos
  4. Folding furniture set (table, chair)
  5. Sleeping bag
  6. Backpack
  7. Hiking radio
  8. Construction kits for assembly - sailboats, airplanes, etc.
  9. A set of quality chess or backgammon
  10. fishing rods
  11. Quality thermal underwear
  12. Boots (for fishing, hunting)
  13. Warm clothes (outer or regular)
  14. Hat, scarf, mittens
  15. Thermoware
  16. Boat
  17. Car trunk
  18. Smokehouse, barbecue or barbecue
  19. Cooler bag
  20. Set of tools
  21. Electric drill
  22. Set of hooks and lures
  23. waterproof flashlight
  24. good compass
  25. Multitool (multifunctional knife)
  26. Carpentry machine
  27. Electric jigsaw, screwdriver, grinder
  28. Garden tools
  29. Certificate to a specialized store (for hunters, fishermen, construction, etc.)
  30. Bath accessories set
  31. The missing item for the collection
  32. rare book
  33. Collection of favorite movies on DVD

Gifts for dad motorist

For a New Year's gift, you can pick up something from automotive products, especially if dad is very kind to the iron horse. It can be:

  1. New tire kit
  2. Covers for heated seats (if the car does not have such a function).
  3. small jack
  4. car service certificate
  5. Quality auto cosmetics
  6. DVR
  7. Navigator
  8. Phone headset
  9. Thermal mug or thermo glass
  10. TV for car

Tech gifts for dad

Some men love modern gadgets and accessories for them, and age is not important, whether 50 or 70. Here for 2018 you can give:

  • Tablet
  • Mobile phone
  • E-book
  • Webcam
  • New keyboard, mouse, pad
  • New display
  • Licensed PC programs (antivirus, etc.)
  • Flash drive
  • Portable charger
  • Removable disk to store important information
  • player
  • Dictaphone
  • Multiple Charger
  • Wireless headphones
  • Wireless speakers
  • SD card for phone

Some give their fathers something from household appliances. But still it is rare when men dream of such a gift. An exception may be situations when they are single and live separately. In this case, you can buy something that will make life easier, for example, a microwave or a slow cooker. Just remember to teach how to use it.

Sometimes men still want something special from this category of gifts. For example, an electric grill or an electric grill, a coffee machine, a toaster or a juicer, etc.

Edible gifts

It will be nice for some of the dads to receive a basket of various delicious foods or drinks. It may include:

  • fruits
  • quality chocolate
  • good varieties of cheese
  • a bottle of cognac or wine
  • fish or meat delicacies
  • interesting varieties of coffee or tea
  • jar of caviar
  • nuts, etc.

Gifts for business dad

  • Leather briefcase
  • Comfortable computer chair
  • Branded pen or diary (for example, parker for the first item and maleskin for the second)
  • cufflinks
  • Tie
  • Wrist watch
  • Pillow massager for stress relief after a hard day
  • Antistress souvenirs for the desktop (pendulums, etc.)
  • Leather card holder

What else can you give dad for the New Year holidays

I have already offered you a lot of different ideas for New Year's gifts for dad. But that's not all! Now I will present you another list. Get ready for a cascade of different options:

  • Bathrobe
  • electric shaver
  • Shower and Shaving Accessories
  • Table lamp for PC work or reading
  • Family portrait painting
  • Book with your family tree
  • Scarf, arafatka, scarf
  • Gloves
  • shirt
  • globe bar
  • Trimmer
  • An electric toothbrush
  • Sheepskin vest
  • Warming belt
  • Electronic key fob
  • Purse
  • Belt
  • Certificate to the hardware store
  • Massage or sessions with an osteopath
  • home brewery
  • Orthopedic massage
  • flask
  • Items with personal engraving (mugs, etc.)
  • Bar stool
  • Annual subscription to your favorite magazine
  • Warm blanket or blanket
  • Orthopedic mattress or pillow
  • Case for phone
  • Headdress
  • Digital weather station, etc.

I really hope that from all of today's lists, you have already chosen the right options for yourself, which means you have decided the question of what to give dad for the new year. And it is not so important whether you can give an expensive or inexpensive gift, remember that the main thing is to do it with love, care and respect for your father! Happy Holidays!

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets