Simoron rituals to attract money are very effective. Simoron rituals for money

Want to say goodbye forever financial difficulties? Then try to spend effective ritual for money using the simoron technique. With the help of a money ritual, you will be able to improve your financial situation in a week.

Before moving on to actions, you need to know that simoron is a special technique for fulfilling desires, which is not based on magic, but on the correct setting of your own subconscious. It is important to note that Simoron rituals can often seem absurd and even ridiculous, but this is precisely their strength. Money loves positive, so let's attract them with a smile!

Money ritual for money "Green socks"

The ritual is best done on the growing moon, since it is during this period of time money energy the most active.

For this Simoron ritual, you will need new green socks. Green color attracts money and gives energy for financial growth.

Put a five-ruble coin in each sock and hang them on the window at night. In the morning, take out your nickels, put on your socks and go about your business. In the evening, be sure to remove them and put the same coins in them again. This must be done throughout the week. In seven days, your green socks will lead your feet to new ones. financial opportunities and profits.

Simoronsky ritual "Charging the wallet"

This money ritual will allow you to constantly attract money into your wallet. How often do you charge your mobile phone? How many times have you recharged your wallet? Most likely never in my life. But in vain, because he also needs energy replenishment!

Imagine that your wallet is powered by electricity, and if it is not regularly charged, then money will not flow into it. Make it a habit every night, when you go to bed, to plug in the charger from your mobile phone, and stick the end of the wire into any hole in your wallet. By morning, he will be charged and ready to attract money. You yourself will not notice how this Simoron ritual will turn your wallet into a money magnet.

Ritual for money "Reproduction of banknotes"

Want to double your income? Then try breeding them! To do this, arrange romantic date for your money. Wait for the evening, take the two largest bills that you have, and put them on the window. Light two candles, turn on romantic music, pour two glasses of red wine and put them on the window. Imagine it romantic evening for your money will end with a night of love, after which your couple will begin to be fruitful and multiply.

These rituals for money using the simoron technique will allow you to short time improve your financial position. The only condition by which you will achieve desired result, lies in the fact that you need to show full seriousness in the actions taken. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.04.2014 13:26

The simoron technique is perhaps the most effective of all possible practices. Its main strength lies in the fact that everything conceived is achieved ...

Simoron is simple and fun way make life better and happier. At the heart of the Simoronsky ...

Traditional ways to achieve wealth are best accompanied by Simoron rituals for money. They are easy to perform, often do not require a long time, but are considered one of the truly effective rites to attract wealth.

Choose an overcast day: rain, wind, snow, hail. Go outside and collect raindrops, snowflakes, gusts of wind in your palms. Put it all in your pockets. You can say it in different ways, for example:

“Everything that fell into my hands, everything immediately became money. Rain and snow, and strong wind, thoughts make omnipotent. Let it rain from heaven, it brings money into my pocket.

The stronger the bad weather, the more powerful the desire for income and profit from the soul of a person should go. Then soon there will be an opportunity to earn, to receive some kind of financial supplement.

Wallet charging

Put as many different bills and coins in your wallet as possible. On the night of the new moon, put your wallet on charge, like a regular mobile phone. To do this, connect the charger to a power outlet, and insert the output for the phone into the wallet. Keep the wallet closed so that the energy does not come out of it, but only comes in. Leave the wallet on charge until the morning. Money should recharge and begin to multiply, that is, additional income will appear.

wad of money

For this ritual, money is bought for pranks. A pack of fake money should be put on the desktop. They must always be in sight. Simoron ritual for money lies in the desire to mentally turn a comic pack into a real one.. It is necessary to believe in the materiality of thoughts, and then everything will come true.


The inscription is written on a sheet of paper:

"How much is taken from the wallet will be returned three times."

Every time money is taken out of the wallet, the phrase is spoken to oneself. Money should get used to this spell and return in abundance.

Tea ceremony

Take a transparent glass. Black tea is brewed in it, honey is added. A sheet of green paper, the color of money, is laid out under the glass. With a new pencil, preferably red, tea is mixed. Mentally, you need to pronounce the required amount of money, knowing exactly what and how much you need. Then the phrase is written on the sheet on one side:

"Tea, give me money!"

On the other hand, the hidden amount. The sheet is folded and put into the wallet. The paper cannot be thrown away until the hidden amount appears. It should be in the wallet very quickly.

luring money

Semolina is taken and poured into a small red bag. Manku first needs to speak:

“Manka, money money. Manka, take care of the money.

The bag is put in a wallet, it will be a magnet for money.

Money calculator

Such a Simoron ritual for money totals the required amounts, and they suddenly appear in the wallet. A code is written on paper - from letters and numbers. You need to guess gradually: your name (first letter) - a number; last name - a number, patronymic - a number, the thing you dream about - a number. As a result, you will get the amount of funds to which you should strive.

Money box

A pot is taken, preferably clay. It is dyed in green color. If a person knows how to draw, you can decorate with green flowers. Then they begin to put coins, banknotes into the pot, money is covered with semolina. The pot is placed on the windowsill. The sun should warm the money mixture in the pot. When the fortuneteller approaches the pot, he pronounces the words from the famous fairy tale:

"Pot, boil!".

Money must appear, increase. You just need to constantly add a coin or bill to the pot. How to care for a pot of money.

bank assistance

On a new moon, go to a bank that works around the clock. Exchange money in a bank, or withdraw a banknote from a card through an ATM. Go home and hold the money in your hand so that they receive the energy of the moon. Night lunar exercises and banking energy together will create a powerful attraction. Money will be drawn into the wallet.

Portrait of a millionaire

Write a new biography on a beautiful piece of paper. In it, imagine yourself as a successful businessman, director or representative of the desired profession. The description should be detailed, beautiful, without crime. A simple description of good luck. Be sure to paint wealth, wealth, luxurious image life. The biography is framed like an expensive award or photograph and hung on the wall. It will materialize under the gaze of a person, dreams will gradually come true. You can’t throw out a biography picture, get angry if there is a slow fulfillment of a desire. Read it more often and believe, then what is written on the sheet will be more achievable and closer.

Rituals for money a large number of, all of them are effective, if you believe very strongly. Wealth comes to those who strive to succeed.

Before we approach such a topic as Simoron rituals and comprehend what Simoron is, let's take a walk through the labyrinths of the human psyche.

Why is a person unhappy?

How does a person understand that he is unhappy? There comes a time when nothing pleases. Relations with friends, parents, family strained. There is only enough money "to spare", and so you want to go to the sea, new clothes or just something more delicious. The attitude towards work is negative, or maybe this is not the kind of work that is needed ...

In order to put your life on the shelves, there are such people - psychotherapists who will sort out all the problems in a few years and for your money. It turns out that the main reasons why you are unlucky in life:

  1. You don't understand life enough.
  2. You are psychologically illiterate.
  3. Your biggest enemy is laziness.
  4. You are unspiritual, internally immature.
  5. Your weak.
  6. You don't have the capacity for paradoxical thinking.
  7. You are cowardly and unsure of yourself.
  8. You are in poor health.
  9. You love everything for free.
  10. You have no motivation.
  11. Your intuition is underdeveloped.

That is, to become happy, you need to dig out all your fears and rebuild your whole life. Boredom is terrible!

There are many different techniques for positive thinking. No, of course, everything is correct, but it is so difficult! There is a much better way!


What is simoron, no one knows for sure (or does not confess), even those who invented it. More correctly, it sounds like this: the school of wizards "Simoron". Do you feel a little confused? Adults - and suddenly wizards. Kindergarten some!

Exactly! Relax, become young, blooming, hooligan, funny. Simoron does not demand to fight, he demands to create. First of all, come up with a new name for yourself - the more absurd the better. For example, a “corps de ballet star”, “running on the waves”, or even just a set of some funny sounds.

Like any self-respecting magician, you must have magical rituals and rites. Where do we start? Let's try rituals and rituals for money.

Magic rituals to attract money

The Simoron ritual for money is a purely personal matter. Someone needs the money to come to pay off the loan. For some, it is more important that things go well and that money goes with them. And for the third, the main thing is that the money just be. Here are magical rituals to attract money to get you started:


Strong rituals for money are often performed with semolina, it is this cereal that is symbolized with them:

  1. Get a pot of porridge. Choose the most beautiful pot, put money on the bottom (seed for income), cover with semolina on top. Every morning, rub the magic pot with the words: "Cook, cook porridge." Remember: money goes to money!
  2. Now a very important Simoron ritual for money - “Feed the bank”. Such a ritual is far from new, you must have heard it in childhood in fairy tales. So, take a handful of semolina and step into the right bank. On the way back, quietly pour the cereal onto the road - the bank must find its way to your house.
  3. The simplest ritual with semolina is to pour it into a wallet. Let it work - it attracts money!

So! So! So!

Almost forgot about the main word "So!". It's like putting an end to it, pronouncing a sentence, now everything must be executed without delay, and there is no turning back. For example, you decided that you were undeservedly forgotten, not appreciated. How can you, because you are a magician? Let's fix everything now! We take and draw stamped paper and compose an order: “Immediately hand over such and such such and such an amount, assign a salary, raise the position.” Everything must be honest - order number, number, seal, signature. And at the end - Yes! So! So!".

Speak these words at any ritual - “I command! So! So! So!". This already sounds magical and royal.

New moon

Most famous ritual to raise money - from a fairy tale, when Pinocchio, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio buried money in a field of miracles so that money would grow overnight. There is malicious intent, deceit and deceit. But maybe there is a grain of truth here. Money can be imbued with the power of the moon and grow with it. The main thing is to conduct rituals for money on the new moon. Even Simoron rituals do not joke with the moon. It is important not to confuse that money needs to be grown, and problems need to be reduced. These are different phases of the moon.

On this day, you need to prepare, as for a meeting the highest level. Tidy up, cook whole beautiful, and better new things. If money, then new ones are better. Chat with the moon like a queen with a queen, ask for help, spread money on the windowsill. You can start a new notepad beautiful pen and write your desires there.

What does it take to make dreams come true?

Do you know who dreams come true? In children. Because they have a special helping fulfillment of desires. For adults, it has been called the "floating state". It consists of:

  1. Happy mood, joyful mood.
  2. No doubts or worries.
  3. The main thing is to believe and not wait for momentary results. It's also called "letting go". The dream itself will come true, and she herself knows when.

In addition, it is noticed that positive people more healthy, physically strong, stress-resistant. Knowing that you will be helped makes life secure, like when you were a child with your mother. The state of soaring gives a feeling of freedom, eternal youth.

And finally...

The last advice for beginner wizards: do not repeat and memorize well-known rites, create new Simoron rituals, your own and for yourself! And let there be endless magic, unbridled fun, boundless fantasy and uninterrupted flight in your life!

Simoron is a special magic of humor. It improves mood and has a positive effect on a person. This, in turn, attracts prosperity, luck and love to him. Simoron rituals for money are usually funny and frivolous. However, this is precisely what sets a person to get a result.

There are many rituals with which you can attract profit yourself at home. They help those people who sincerely want to become successful and bring wealth and prosperity to their lives and the lives of their families. But many are afraid or afraid to perform rituals related to money, since their paraphernalia sometimes seems creepy and mystical, and the words spoken during the ritual often refer to the dead and dark spirits.

For those very who want to get money more enjoyable and in a positive way, there are Simoron rituals for money. Simoron is a special magic of humor that uplifts the mood and raises the positive vibrations of a person, which, in turn, attracts prosperity, luck and love to him. Simoron rituals for money are usually funny and frivolous, but this is what sets you up for a result. So, if you want to feel like a fun wizard, then simoron is what you need. Here are some of the rituals you can use to improve your financial situation:

Own biography

The first and main Simoron method that will help you become rich is writing your own biography. Grab a pen and paper and start writing about your childhood and adolescence, about how hard it was for you to earn money and how you tried to overcome it. When you get to your current age, start describing how suddenly in a week (day, month, year) you had money or a brilliant idea came to your mind, thanks to which you were able to open your own thriving business and the like.

Describe in detail how much money you earned and what exactly you bought with it - turn on your imagination! When the "memoirs" are completed, put them in a conspicuous place, or better, hang them on the wall in a beautiful frame. The lines written by your hand will concentrate positive energy, and you will start to have money and "money" ideas.

money tea

We worked hard with a biography - it's time to drink tea. The next ritual is called "Money Tea". Brew your favorite tea, add whatever your heart desires - sugar, honey, lemon, whatever, there are no restrictions. Place a small piece of paper under the cup of tea. Now stir the tea clockwise with a pencil, imagining that you already have a lot of money. After that, with the same pencil, write on a piece of paper “Tea will be money” and immediately put it in your wallet, preferably in a separate section, and not in the one where the money already lies.

"Cooking" money

Some Simoron rituals for money seem ridiculous and ridiculous. Here is one of those, funny and, at first glance, ridiculous ritual, which nevertheless works. Take two green bills. Their denomination is not important, the main thing is that it be a valid currency. Now put these two bills into the steamer. If you do not have such a device, then it is easy to make it yourself from a saucepan and a colander. When the money is there, cover it with a cloth or napkin and say:

"Be fruitful and multiply!"

Now the most important thing begins - create a real “intimacy” for money. Turn on the music, light the candles. This whole performance should last 27 seconds, and the money should remain in the steamer for 27 hours. After that, they need to be put in a wallet or in a box in which you keep money.

There is no bad weather

If on the street bad weather, then in no case be upset, this is another way to increase your cash flows. In rain or snow, go outside and catch a falling drop or snowflake with your palm. Then rub the pocket with this palm with the words:

"Manna from heaven - to the money!".

Repeat this procedure with both hands as many times as you like. Checked - the money will not keep you waiting. Of course, do not rely on millions, but a small bonus or an increase in salary will definitely find you.

And the last simoron removes the invisible obstacle between you and money. Take any household appliance, be it a mixer, a bread maker or a vacuum cleaner, and clean it thoroughly. When cleaning the appliance, constantly think:

“As I free the vacuum cleaner from dirt, the barrier between me and money will also go away, and they will come to me easily and quickly.”

holiday rituals

It may happen that the magic of Simoron will seem childish and frivolous to you, and you will not believe in it at all. Without faith in success, not a single ritual will work, so in this case, you better turn to more serious and traditional methods. It can be, for example, rituals to attract money for Christmas.

Rituals for Christmas

These rituals are performed on January 7th or around Christmas - on January 6th in the evening. If things are going badly and the money does not come into the house, then you can perform such a ritual, for example:

Wait for the first star on the eve of Christmas, light a candle on each window of your house, stand near the window that faces east, and read the text of the prayer from the sheet:

Then burn the sheet with the text of the prayer, and rub three small coins with its ashes, which you then put in your wallet and try not to spend.

Rituals for Baptism

Christmas is followed by the Feast of Epiphany, which is also a very good date to raise money. On Epiphany night, fill a jug or can of water from a spring or last resort straight from the tap. Fix a small cross made of coniferous wood (pine, fir, juniper) on its edge, and throw three coins of different metals into the water. If three could not be found, then two can be dispensed with, it is only important that the metals are different. Say the text of the prayer over the water:

Simoron New Year's rituals

In addition to Epiphany and Christmas, there are also Simoron rituals for money in new year holidays. They need to be carried out if the house in Lately got bad with money. Here is one of them:

Take the first change received in the new year and put it in a small clay pot. This must be done on the first new moon of the new year. Every day, take out the pot and put the coins that you received during the day there, while saying:

“Just as a month grows and arrives in the sky, so my money grows and arrives.”

Do this until the full moon, and on the full moon, hide the pot in a secluded place so that no one can find it and take a coin from there. If you did everything right, then for the next year there will be wealth and prosperity in your house. This ritual should be done every year, as its effect fades over time.

The full moon ritual for money will be no less effective. It can be performed every full moon.

Take a few bills, it is better, of course, large ones, but small ones will do. Go outside and show the money to the moon by holding it under its light for a couple of minutes. It is important that the moon is clearly visible so that it is not obscured by clouds or trees. Return the money to the wallet and wait for the profit. Money charged with moonlight does not have to be kept in a wallet, it can be spent along with other banknotes.

By the way, at full moon you can also perform another ritual from the category of simorons. To do this, with a full and growing moon, go outside and, as if “in full view” of the moon, begin to shift bills in your wallet from one compartment to another. Repeat this three times, look at the moon and say quietly:

“I ask, Universe, for luck, love and good mood for me always. I pledge to spend money exclusively on good deeds.”

Be sure that the Universe does not spare money for good deeds, so soon a small, if not rather big, profit awaits you. You should spend it exclusively on useful and good deeds in order to continue asking for help from the Universe.

There is never too much money - everyone will agree with this. Money gives us the opportunity to satisfy our physical and spiritual needs: to live, eat, dress, study, support a family. It often happens that we are sorely lacking this specific subject, denoting the universal equivalent of the cost of all goods and services presented for consumption.

Beautifully decorate a small box of any material. Paste it with colored paper or cloth, apply different patterns. Can be painted on the box Chinese character well-being or rune. The main condition of the ritual is your pleasure in creating and decorating the box. Write on a piece of paper: "Favorite work" and glue it to the box. Put your photo in it. Thus, you get a job and create comfortable conditions for your future position.

Tape a piece of paper that says "Work" to your small soft pillow. Ask someone in your family to hide the pillow somewhere in the house. You have to find your "cushion job" and get it. Lie down on the sofa, make yourself comfortable, put a pillow under your head and sit on it.

Quick lottery win

If you buy online, then before buying it, light green candles on the table. Their number should be equal to the number of numbers that you have to guess. Look into the flame of each candle and try to see the number in it. Fill out a lottery ticket and blow out the candles. Do not touch them until the time of the game of your draw.

In order for the lottery ticket you bought on Wednesday from 12:00 to 15:00 to be a winning one, you need to go to buy it, having in your pocket a piece of paper with a magic formula: “litittoras 915 725 lomaki selet”.

Write the word "Win" on a blank piece of paper and put it in your wallet. Before buying a ticket, take out a piece of paper from your wallet and mentally read the word.

When you go out to buy a ticket, do not wear anything bright yellow or red. They symbolize wealth and prosperity. It's better to use dark tones green or blue.

Never use your last money to buy a ticket. In this case, you will not win.

Conspiracies for good luck

Brew a pack of regular cocoa in boiled water. Fill your bath warm water, pour the brewed cocoa into it. Take a wonderful chocolate bath and feel your life begin to change for the better. From this day on, you will be “bathing in chocolate”.

Buy the most beautiful violet in the flower shop, bring it home, put it where you can always see it. Water the violet from a pipette 27 drops daily for 27 days, saying: "I water the flower of Luck." After the expiration date, the violet can be watered in the usual way.

Waking up, every morning say: "Today I expect 3 miracles." Clicking your fingers twice, say: “I allow. I remove all obstacles. Good luck will accompany you from morning to evening.