How to touch a girl in a club. The easiest way. Fun clubs vs pretentious

We continue the theme of dating girls in a variety of places. The topic of this article is "How to meet a girl in a nightclub." Although it always seemed to me that a nightclub is a place where dating between guys and girls is very simple and there is no need to describe it. But still, some guys have such a question. Then read on and take advantage!

I'll start right away with the good news: a nightclub is one of those places where ladies of all ages come to meet a guy or a man. There is, however, a small percentage of girls who come there solely to simply relax and take a break from their affairs and worries. They will not rudely reject your attempts to get to know them (everyone in the club is friendly to each other), but it is better not to count on any continuation.
The atmosphere of the nightclub is conducive to easy communication, so dating here is easy and simple. But still, it’s worth following some simple rules so that the acquaintance takes place and has a pleasant continuation (you weren’t going to get acquainted with girls just to chat in the club, did you dream of further prospects?)

How to meet a girl in a nightclub (preparation)

As in any business, first decide on your goal. You go to a club to meet a girl, that's understandable. But which one and why? Your goal is to find a young lady for a serious relationship? Do you want to "pick up" the beauty in order to show it to your friends? Or are you just interested in an easy and short relationship with sex? Or maybe just intimate for a couple of hours? The last option, by the way, is the simplest and easiest to do - in any nightclub, no matter how youthful or "party" it is, there are ALWAYS 1-2 middle-aged ladies who come to the club in order to get acquainted with a young (or not so) person for carnal pleasures for a couple of evenings.

They usually sit alone at the bar. Come, get acquainted and ... well, finish the sentence yourself. I have already mentioned such young ladies in.

The second point of preparation is your appearance. Yes, in the semi-darkness, the girls will not be able (and will not) look closely at what you are wearing. But in any case, everything you wear should be clean, ironed, preferably new and not washed. Do not forget that many clubs have face control, so it would not be superfluous to find out in advance what requirements are imposed on visitors to such establishments.

Tip: dress in something light, and wear as many white or pastel-colored items as possible. Then you will definitely stand out in the general mass of guys dressed in dark clothes. Do you want girls to notice you? Well, become visually more noticeable than the rest!

How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Let's get her attention.

The surest option for 100% acquaintance with a young lady is to single out among the visitors the one who liked you! If you notice a girl who often looks at you herself, feel free to start dating!
If you don't have one yet, choose another one. Not another, namely “others”, you don’t need to get hung up on one person, then the chances that you will leave the institution in the morning, not in splendid isolation, increase dramatically.

Girls who want to get acquainted with a guy try to attract attention in several ways. They laugh merrily with their friends, try to catch the glances of the guys around, they smile broadly, respond with pleasure to their appeal, flirt - in general, they show with their whole appearance that they came here not just to have fun with their friends and relax, but to get acquainted with new guy.
If a girl came alone, she tries to settle down in a place where it is easy to approach her - at the bar, for example, or next to the aisle. It is unlikely that a young lady dreaming of new acquaintances will hide in the farthest and darkest corner of the establishment.

A big plus in this case is the presence of a small (sometimes large!) dose of alcohol in the body of a young lady, which facilitates the process of communication.

Your task after you have chosen a girl is to get into her field of vision. Start catching her eye. Once your eyes meet, smile at her. If she answered you with a smile, that's it! Feel free to get acquainted! If you didn’t answer, don’t be discouraged and try again, maybe she just thought or she was distracted by a call ... If even she didn’t respond to your second smile, then switch to another young lady - there are so many of them around!

How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Start of communication

There is no need to look for reasons. You smiled at her, she answered you, at the “subtle level” you have already met, it remains just to fix it. If she is sitting at a table or bar, you just need to come up to her, say "Hello!"

If the exchange of glances and smiles takes place on the dance floor, then approach her after the dance with the same “Hello!” and add, “You dance very well! My name is Yuri! Come on, I'll buy you a cocktail!"
It's simple, agree.
But do not forget that very loud music is always playing in the club and this makes any communication very difficult. Therefore, long abstruse phrases are not needed here. You need to learn how to communicate in short phrases, accompanying them with expressive gestures. I recommend that you first practice this so as not to randomly wave your hands in front of her nose.

Dating at the entrance to the club

You stand in line at the club and see the girl you like. Great! Don't wait until you're inside, meet right at the entrance! Gallantly open the door in front of her and skip ahead. And inside, help take off your outerwear in the wardrobe.

If you are still standing in line at the entrance, ask her about something. For example: “Do you often come here? It's my first time! How do you like this club in general? or something neutral, like: “Well, today something has piled on the people immeasurably! Don't push!"

Behind the bar

In this place, it is generally easy to make acquaintances!
After making sure that she is alone (and not waiting for a departed companion), just treat her with a cocktail. You can ask the bartender what she drinks and order her the same one. What can I say? Yes, everything is the same as elsewhere in the club. Phrases, by and large, do not matter, the very fact of acquaintance is important.

How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Recommendations

I have already mentioned above that you do not need to give all your attention to only one girl. Get to know several people you like at once and already in the process of communicating with them gradually concentrate on the one that pays more attention to you.

I do not advise you to visit the club if your mood is “not very good”. And don't go there after a hard day's work. You need to go well rested, slept well and in a good mood, because in such an institution the main thing is your emotions!

And remember, girls appreciate confident men. (Not to be confused with arrogance!)
This rule applies everywhere and always, not only in the club. Behave calmly and confidently, do not doubt success and then everything will definitely work out!

That's all. As you can see, there are no special secrets, so take it into service and use it to your health!
A little humor at the end:

» I am sitting in a nightclub drinking a cocktail. A guy comes up and says: “Girl, let me pay for you?” Well, I was not at a loss - I took out all the receipts for the rent, for electricity, for the phone from my purse ... "

We girls are constantly waiting for our handsome prince. It seems that they are about to knock on the door, and He will be on the threshold! He will look with blue eyes in love, throw aside a naughty blond curl and call him to a distant kingdom far away. It is a pity that in real life not everything is so simple, you have to take the initiative into your own hands and go out to meet the simple female happiness.

With the advent of the Internet, finding a soul mate has become a little easier. A few clicks - and you are already registered on a popular dating site and after a couple of minutes you start receiving letters from potential gentlemen. However, soulless e-mail exchange will never replace live communication, no matter how many emoticons you attach to the text.

People began to leave the house less often, dating on the street turned into an atavism. There are only a few places left where you can relax and meet your one and only. Boys and girls visit nightclubs for a variety of purposes. Some want to break away to the fullest after a hard week of work, while others seek to communicate in an informal setting with the opposite sex. But is it really possible to find true love against the background of alcoholic fumes and loud music?

Types of guys in nightclubs

As you know, the psychological characteristics of various social groups dictate a certain behavioral framework. That is why, before answering the burning female question, it is necessary to deal with the most typical representatives of the club party. I present ten subjects that can be found in almost every disco in any city in the country.

1. Majors

Rich boys, who have just escaped from under the wing of their parents, behave extremely defiantly and consider themselves the center of the universe. I emphasize, I do not take into account adequate wealthy visitors. The majors are disrespectful to the serving staff, seek to humiliate the waiters, thus trying to point out their superiority. Absolutely all life moments are reduced to money. If you find yourself unworthy of such a gift as he is and do not look at him with reverence, then the relationship will fall apart in a matter of minutes.

2. Sticky fish

It all starts with an innocent question “girl, can I get to know you”, but it can’t end like that. In case of refusal, the pursuer will demand an explanation why you neglected his company, you will literally have to blow your feet or ask for protection from the guards. God forbid, at the first stages you will show interest. In this case, the consequences will be much more deplorable. An annoying fan will follow you on your heels, accompany you almost to the toilet. Unreasonable outbursts of jealousy are very annoying, because you have only known each other for half an hour.

3. Clear guys

Found in inexpensive nightclubs. A distinctive feature is inappropriate clothing, such as a sports windbreaker and dark white-rimmed sunglasses. The guys came to continue the fun, they are in order "under the fly." They practically do not leave the bar, they drink the cheapest beer or vodka. They dance reluctantly, move awkwardly, mentally calculating how much alcohol they could buy instead of going to the club.

4 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Imagine you and your friends are dancing peacefully at a bachelorette party, how suddenly you feel someone's sweaty palms on your waist. The guy is completely unfamiliar to you, but already dissolves his hands. Agree, familiar situation. Unfortunately, face control at the entrance does not require a certificate from a psychiatrist, and decent people are not always allowed into the club. There is a high degree of probability that an amateur surreptitiously rub against a girl's thighs will penetrate through the turnstile.

5. Bored

Two options should be considered here: a) the guy was forced to come by his girlfriend; b) he is in the club for work. As statistics show, in the course of a stable relationship, most men become domesticated. They do not need to once again lift their ass off the couch and head to the club in search of a partner. The bored, who came with their soul mates, patiently wait for their beloved to throw out energy on the dance floor, sip a cocktail measuredly and look at the clock. It is clear that getting to know them is not the most brilliant idea. The working contingent includes photographers, marketers of the club, security, journalists and so on. In this case, everything depends on you.

6. Party people

Neon light is the habitat of a real party-goer. He is on friendly terms with all the staff, from security and bartender to cleaner Aunt Glasha. The regular knows every place in the city and flits from one party to another. A special category - lovers of substances that expand consciousness. It is important for them to use and enjoy the trip to the accompaniment of sounds from the speakers. Ask yourself if you need a guy who disappears at night and absorbs dope.

7. Star of the evening

Have you ever paid attention to contests in nightclubs? The MC pulls the most tipsy visitors out of the crowd and invites them to disgrace themselves for a symbolic prize. So, there are individuals who do not feed bread, let them participate in entertainment events. They themselves rush to the stage and are ready for madness for the sake of their own pride (or the immeasurable amount of alcohol seething in their veins). The star type is not interested in relationships in principle, he has enough fun without them. The main thing is that the next morning you should not be ashamed.

8. Foreigners

I am fine with visitors, but sometimes guests from abroad behave too provocatively. “Hey girl, what legs”, “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” and other obscene phrases only cause disgust. As a rule, foreigners are not looking for a serious relationship, but act on the principle of "put it in, put it out, ran away." I would especially like to note the guests from Muslim countries. The problem is cultural dissonance. Eastern women dress much more modestly than our compatriots, so many, but not all, Muslims perceive Slavs as very accessible girls. If you are satisfied with sex for one night, then feel free to meet a foreigner in a club. Please note that a citizen of another country is not liable under our legislation (he will be deported at most), so be extremely vigilant and do not contact suspicious individuals.

9. Generous soul

This subject has two subspecies. The first is a “drinking comrade”, littering with money only during a state of deep alcoholic intoxication. It is easy to recognize him: an uneven gait, cries of “I treat, I can afford it”, there are a lot of hangers-on around him who want to drink for free. Naturally, this is not the person with whom you want to wake up in the morning. The second subspecies is the “purposeful hunter”. The guy circles around the bar all evening in search of the perfect victim. He periodically sits down with bored girls, treats them to cocktails, and then offers to go to visit him. I don't need to explain to you that there is no smell of love and bright feelings here.

10. Normal guys

An almost endangered species, the number of which is only 10% of the total number of visitors. They are unremarkable, they are calm about refusals, and if they wish, they can simply treat the girl they like (without any ulterior motive). An evening with a normal guy ends with an exchange of numbers and subsequent dates outside the club.

As they say, whoever seeks will always find. My best friend met her husband in a nightclub, but before that she came across 9 types that were completely unsuitable for the role of a true chosen one. The main thing is not to get upset and continue to strive into the arms of true, sincere love. Good luck to you!

Any place, situation and environment for meeting two people has its pros and cons. Dating in a nightclub is no exception.


  • informal, relaxing environment;
  • music, alcohol, good mood;
  • no need to look for a special occasion;
  • it's easy to find a common theme or just treat a girl.
  • perhaps acquaintance in dance, without words.


  • a large crowd of people;
  • loud noise;
  • distrust of many girls in the seriousness of dating in the club;
  • dangerous acquaintances.

Where to start dating?

How to meet a girl in a nightclub (at a disco)? to "pick up" a girl? Firstly, worth a look around. If among all the girls dancing, sitting at the tables and the bar counter, there is one you like, you can approach her. Before that, you should watch the girl a little to make sure that she came alone.

If a companion is with her, it is better not to provoke a conflict situation and get to know another girl. If, nevertheless, the chosen one is one, you can start dating.

How to attract attention?

To make it easier for yourself when meeting a girl, it's better to draw attention to yourself. It can be done:

  • in dance. On the dance floor it is worth being next to her, you can dance together so that she remembers the mysterious stranger;
  • at the bar. You can order a girl a drink and ask the bartender to tell her that it is from you;
  • depending on the situation. While observing the girl, perhaps there will be a situation in which she will need help. Here you can offer it and thereby be remembered, maybe even start a conversation. The same applies to .

Not every girl wants to meet in a nightclub. Some people come there just to dance, to see their friends, to celebrate a birthday, etc. Signs that a girl is ready to meet:

  • she sits at the bar, sipping a cocktail for a long time;
  • she looks around, pays attention to young people;
  • laughs merrily and loudly, attracts attention;
  • discusses with girlfriends the guys who are in the club;
  • she is brightly and beautifully dressed, she has bright makeup;
  • girl in stilettos or high heels;
  • the girl willingly communicates with people, smiles, flirts.


The process of dating in a nightclub can be completely different, as well as the situation. Consider the most popular options.

At the entrance, face control

At the entrance to the club, there may be a queue, delay or problems with entry. If for some reason the girl you like does not pass the control, you can help her with the entrance. This is an ideal dating option, but it will only work if there are familiar club employees.

Other dating options at the input:

  • skip the girl forward, open the door in front of her, etc .;
  • help take off your coat, hand over things to the wardrobe.

In a word, somehow identify yourself, show attention. After that, there will be another whole night ahead to get to know each other better.

On the dance floor

There are practically no slow dances in clubs, there is constant movement. It is unlikely that you will be able to invite a girl to a classic "slow dance", but it's not scary.

You can dance close to her, come closer and try to interact in the dance. If a girl responds to such flirting, the first step is taken. Then, when she gets tired of dancing, go and talk to her:

  • praise her dancing skills;
  • compliment your appearance
  • start a conversation about her, find out the phone number;
  • continue communication.

If a girl on the dance floor does not show interest in communication, for sure, do not continue to hint at acquaintance. Most likely, she is in a relationship, and she is not interested in dating in a club.

At the table or bar

If you liked girl sitting at the bar:

  • you can sit down next to her and ask a question about her (Why is she sitting alone? Why is she sad in the club? Why is such a beautiful girl not having fun?);
  • Depending on the answer, decide whether to continue the conversation or not:
    • if she answers that she is waiting for a guy / waiting for a guy to pick her up, etc., it is better to politely move away from this communication, since it is meaningless;
    • if the girl laughs it off, says that she is waiting for a friend, etc., you can continue the conversation.
  • ask what she likes or wants to drink and treat;
  • defuse the conversation with a joke, ask the girl about her;
  • take a phone number.

If a girl with company girlfriends sitting at a table in a club:

  • send a company of girls from yourself champagne / wine, etc. Thus, you can win over not only the chosen one, but also her friends. This is very important, because girls like to advise, discuss guys;
  • after a while, approach the ladies and ask if they liked the present;
  • start a conversation with all the girls, trying to stay closer to the one you like;
  • in the course of the conversation, unobtrusively find out if she has a young man;
  • if not, continue the conversation, ask for a phone number.

At the karaoke club

Many clubs have karaoke. If the girl is there, the original way of dating is choose a beautiful song and sing for it. This method is suitable for those guys who sing well. If there is no confidence in the vocal data, it is better not to take risks so as not to look stupid.

Fundamental Truths

In any case, during the acquaintance, you will have to act according to the situation. Talk and make decisions too. However, there are rules that you need to know and follow in order to get to know a girl perfectly.


Uncertainty at the very entrance to the club will destroy all plans for a successful acquaintance. All the girls who are in the club at the time of your appearance are watching all the people entering it.

If an insecure, stumbling, stammering guy shows up, no one will pay attention to him.


She important not only at the first appearance, but always. When talking with people, a girl you like, there should be confidence in movements, manners. Not to be confused with arrogance. Insecure people do not attract attention, do not arouse interest.


At the first stage, you should not concentrate all your attention on one girl. Even if she really liked it.

The fact is that women are interested in popular, attractive men. The best communication option would be a strategy "closer-further".

It means either increased attention to the chosen one, or complete distance and communication with other ladies. So it will seem that you are very in demand and popular. The main thing is not to allow yourself too much, so as not to look too frivolous.

Less words

The club has loud music, beats, and talking is not always convenient. Don't get too carried away with talking. There are many non-verbal ways to communicate: looks, gestures, dance, etc. You have to speak if necessary. In the club you can easy to get to know without words, it is worth practicing this method.

Take action!

The main rule for everyone. Club - scene and not conversations. If someone sits alone and aloof in a nightclub, he looks like a recluse and a loser. You can’t “guard the place”, you need to move, move, maintain the overall dynamics. Otherwise, it is easy to get out of the big picture and stay on the outskirts of the celebration of life.

The best option

All the qualities that are beneficial for a successful acquaintance in a nightclub fit into one situation. A good example of meeting a girl in a club:

  • she liked;
  • you need to quickly, with a firm step to approach (confidence);
  • take her hand (fewer words);
  • lead you to the dance floor (act);
  • dance with her, hugging her waist, moving together, etc.;
  • after the dance, take her by the hand, drag her to the bar;
  • treat, find out the phone.


What to do if the girl refused, does not show interest. Such situations often arise in nightclubs, since a girl is not always ready for an instant acquaintance. Here important to understand with what expression and for what purpose she does it.

Sometimes women refuse so that men ask again. You will immediately feel it. In this case, you should approach a little later in a different situation and try to make an acquaintance again.

If the girl refused seriously, it is worth retreating. Nothing good shines with this girl, you should not waste time and run into rudeness.


Do not neglect your safety during club dating. It is better to be vigilant and attentive. When meeting a girl, you can easily provoke a conflict or even a fight. This is not worth doing.

To avoid any incidents need to make sure the girl is free. The sudden appearance of her young man can end in a very stormy showdown. If the conflict is still brewing, you need to try to extinguish it in the bud. People go to a nightclub to relax, not to fight.

Thus, dating in a nightclub is different from dating in all other places, it has both pluses and minuses.

Basic postulates of dating in a club with a girl:

  • be self-confident, but not arrogant;
  • be sociable but not intrusive;
  • be in the center of events, but not scattered;
  • be dynamic and mobile;
  • do not provoke conflicts;
  • find an original way to meet a girl;
  • act according to the situation, make decisions quickly;
  • do not get hung up on one girl at once;
  • don't talk too much.

The main thing is to be yourself and then everything will work out.

You don't have to pretend to be the person you are not. Any acquaintance is a step that can completely change your life. That is why you need to do this as often and as much as possible, suddenly a new girl you know is happiness for the rest of your life, who knows ...

Nightclubs are one of the most common places for dating. Of course, having met at a party, you can’t always immediately determine what kind of relationship is possible with this or that girl: for the evening or for life. In any case, this is an opportunity to have a good time. Many girls in nightclubs are friendly and open to communication. You don't have to walk around for hours to get to know each other. The girl herself is also free to come up and get to know the man. And this does not mean at all that she decided to get him as her life partner. It is likely that she also wants love and affection for one night.

Going to look for night acquaintances, try to choose a club according to the level of noise. If the music is too loud in the institution, you will be hard to hear, which means that the conversation will not work. However, the noise is also not a hindrance, but a great opportunity to get as close as possible to the girl you like, saying something in her ear. At a party, you should always have a big smile and a good mood. If you seduce a woman, remember that you have never had and in principle cannot have any problems in your life.

The disco is a complex dynamic system, and you are part of it. If you are an inactive part of it - that is, you prop up the walls, then there is no need to wait for favors from fate.

It is especially important to smile when you first enter the club. A lot of girls keep the door under close scrutiny, looking out for incoming guys. Remember, when you enter, your social status is a blank slate, and you need to fill it with the first good impression of yourself. As soon as you walk in, strike up a conversation with the first suitable group of girls or girls with guys who seem sociable. Do not look for single girls, they are not here anyway. This will immediately give the impression that you have friends here. No matter how good or bad the conversation is, most women will notice that you're interacting with other women and immediately give you social value - because they don't know you've just met this fun bunch. Remember, girls judge social status by the people you hang out with. So as soon as they see that you are talking to other girls, they will notice it immediately and will be more open to talking with you themselves. This is not a conscious process - they do it automatically, without thinking.

The conversation doesn't have to go smoothly, all you do is increase your social worth. If the first group is not happy with you, just turn to the other group. They will most likely talk to you because they have already seen you talking to others. You can just join the party by saying, “Ladies, my friends were just talking about this. What do you think about it?". Move from group to group. Forty minutes later, such conversations, everyone in your immediate vicinity will know that you are a status person. They will consider you interesting, attractive and just handsome. If, in this way, you create a high social value for yourself, then you can already approach the most beautiful girl in the club and say “give me your number”, she will.

What should not be done at the disco? First, don't stare at the dance floor like a martyr. Contemplating the dance floor only generates negative social attitudes. Secondly, don't walk in circles around the club. You look like just an ordinary lonely guy doing this. Also, if you have already created a positive status in one corner, then moving to another corner will only destroy it. Thirdly, avoid the noisiest places in the club. Find the quietest area in the club where it's easiest to talk and settle there. You don't want to tear your voice over the deafening noise.

How, for example, to react to the fact that the girl with whom you danced and whom you had your eye on is dancing with others? Everyone wants to achieve a goal - this is reasonable. Dancing with a new guy, she initiates a new connection, if she does not do this, she may be left with nothing. By the way, you can behave this way too, it's normal.

Is it possible to continue pickup after that? Naturally, if you need it. The task here is to increase the level of her connection with you, since, apparently, your desire is already obvious. That is, we must continue. To become the best, necessary, interesting, not paying attention to those with whom she has already danced.

Is it possible to dance with several, and then get acquainted with some one? This approach is optimal and consistent with an effective disco strategy. Do not forget that a disco is a very changeable system, it is not immediately clear who you will go out with, so you need to increase the number of connections, then there will be more opportunities for making a decision.

[Reading in front of the monitor about the ways of dating in a nightclub, it is easy to feel confident and successful in your possible actions. But the closer the moment of acquaintance in reality comes, the less this virtual confidence remains ... If you want not to dream, but to really get to know each other and take home the beauties from the dance floor, then at the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy you are in real conditions under the control of special equipment learn how to professionally meet and seduce girls.]

How should you behave if a stranger girl does not want to dance? Correct behavior at the moment when you are refused is very important both for you and for the environment in which you are. Your reactions will determine your status. The correct reaction can even give a hundred points more than the situation when your invitation was accepted. Like everything in a pickup truck, communication begins from the moment when you are just approaching a girl on the dance floor in a club where you are going to have fun all night. There are two styles: blunt and confident. The common point is that in both cases you are by no means asking for permission.

  • Dumb style. You come up and, just grabbing it, you start dancing. If it starts to break out, you hold it (as guests from the mountains do), while trying to break its patterns. She will most likely start to object: “let go”, “I don’t want to dance.” Your task is to overcome her resistance. You can cheer up, you can use non-standard actions to make her recognize your desire to dance with her. At this time, 90% of the work is already going on for the public, which sees that you are a man and you are not afraid. And most importantly, you got attention. And be sure that among the remaining girls there are a few who will think: “God, what a man! How I would like to be just as rudely, without asking, grabbed and led to dance ”... If the resistance is broken, the first stage of communication is over. If the girl continues to break out, but by non-verbal signs you are sure that she likes it, you keep it. If evil or frightened continues to break out - let go and laugh at her, winking at friends or those who are looking at you. All! You are a winner. Because the judgment of the environment will be directed at her, and not at you.
  • Confident style. You approach the girl, take her hand tightly enough so that you don’t vomit right away, gently begin to pull her towards you and offer: “Let's dance!” If she refuses, continuing to hold her hand with one hand, lightly hug her shoulder with the other, and start light chatting with her, while adjusting. Some time later, when she realized that you are a normal guy, Already talking, you pull her towards you and you start dancing. If he still resists, you continue the conversation, trying to cause laughter / smile / interest / trance, and when this succeeds, you leave / turn away. All! You are old acquaintances. Subsequently, it will be possible to base it again.

With a girl, others say the worst. I'm telling you that this is a great place where you can "pick up" a girl not only for a date, but also for sex without any obligations.

Do you think that clubs are visited by easily accessible girls who have already come in the mood for sex? Or does it seem to you that this is a gathering place for proud and impregnable glamorous ladies? Get out of your head all these stereotypes, forget about the rumbling music and just act! How to meet a girl in a nightclub who will justify any hopes. And what needs to be done, I'll tell you now.

Fundamentals of a successful "hunt"

The main task is to be relaxed when communicating with girls! Move to the beat of the music, smile at the girls (the main thing is sincerely) and behave naturally.

Your explosive energy

If you're heading to the club for a date, you need to stock up on great energy, which will have to be distributed left and right. Do not go there if you are simply not in the mood, because you must catch, fascinate, conquer. Be cheerful, energetic and light. You can drink for this (actually, everyone does this), only strongly.

Be the brightest guy in the club

A rather famous pick-up artist once gave good advice about clothing - wear light-colored things. This makes sense, since you first need to stand out among the mass of other guys. In the light of spotlights, white clothes stand out best - they just glow, making you noticeable and recognizable.

Read also:

Start seduction with gestures and facial expressions

Since the music is almost always loud in the club, you need to act with the help of non-verbal contact. That is, try to smile, wink, look and give other signs of attention to the girl you like. You can raise your glass up like you're clinking with her. To meet at a disco, your posture should express confidence: you can hold a glass with one hand, and put your other thumb in your pocket.

Dose your communication

You don’t need to find one victim upon arrival at the club and follow her around all night. You can walk up to her, lay down your contact base, and then just walk away. So you will kindle more desire, will not be very intrusive and will be joyfully received when you return. Just step away from her and sit down at your table with your friends. And you can even prepare the ground for communication with another girl.

Loud music is your assistant!

In fact, from the moment you enter the club, you have the right to touch. You can't hear anything, but you need to talk. At this moment, you can afford to hug the girl around the waist from behind and say your first words in your ear.

Introduction to dance

Do not ask any more question: how to meet a girl in a club, just move - you can safely frame girls on the dance floor. Just make eye contact with someone special, establish non-verbal contact with her: smile, look away from her, then look again. When you realize that she is also interested in you, you can come closer and just frankly dance right next to her. Here pay attention to her reaction: if she is also actively dancing with you, you can proceed further. If the girl moves away or expresses dissatisfaction - just switch to another.

What to whisper in her ear

In fact, in the club it is not so important. There are many openers that work with the same efficiency as the most standard phrases. Tell her something like this: "You're moving great," "Hi. Today is a great DJ, right?”, “I would never have thought that in such a club you can meet such a beautiful girl” etc. Most often, even these phrases, with a pre-established contact, are enough to start communication.

dance floor superhero

If you're already brave enough to hook up with other guys and be the protector, you can use the superhero method. If you see that a guy is clinging to a girl, act, but not with your fists. Just come and say "Hi dear. Sorry I'm late". At the same time, reach out your hand to your opponent and say hello to him. Invite the girl to your table. She is immensely grateful to you and then it’s up to the small thing - to treat her with something and continue the conversation.

And of course, do not forget about slow dancing. This method worked with our fathers and works just as well with us. Ask girls to dance without being shy. In the end, they also came here to get acquainted - you can dance at home in front of a mirror.

Key Rules for Success

  1. Try to always catch signs of attention to yourself. Girls look at you the same way you look at them. Therefore, notice the smiles, glances, facial expressions. And approach absolutely boldly, if the girl gives at least some hope.
  2. Do not become a stubborn man yourself, from whom the lady will have to be saved. Perseverance is our male trump card, but know the measure.
  3. Do not try to be a super dancer, because most likely you will seem just ridiculous.
  4. And yes, if you know that you are not a very good dancer and you want to turn it into a joke, you better not, because you will just seem like a clown.

Dating at the bar

Near the bar, it is easy to determine the mood of the girl (this is already an occasion to start communication), with which company she came, or was left alone and she is bored. All that is needed is to act according to the situation and not miss the chance to approach the lady who was left alone at the bar. Here are some ways:

Again a chip with a rescuer

This is exactly the method of dating that we have all always dreamed of. Do you want to save her from the villain? Then you'll have to involve your friend. Perfectly this method is shown in the film "How to be a man." In general, your friend approaches the girls and starts brazenly pestering them. At that moment, you appear and save them from this stubborn man. Then you just give them a cocktail, rage about the situation, and tell them the ladies are safe with you.

"I am here for the first time"

You can just unobtrusively sit down with the girl at the bar and casually say: “Yeah, that club I used to go to sucks. There were always all sorts of troubles.”. Most likely, the girl will be interested in what happened there and you will be able to continue your story. Then just get off topic and move on to another conversation.

Make her part of your party

When you come to the club, just be sure that with the right approach you will find a girl. They can dance at home in front of a mirror, and today their goal is to hunt for you, a real attractive man. So how do you meet a girl in a club? Just sit down next to her at the bar and tell her your favorite football team won today. You can think of another reason to celebrate. And invite her to keep company: “Imagine, today (such and such a holiday), and friends have all left. Can I treat you to something in connection with this wonderful event?

Just give the girl something

If today you are going to spend money on girls, then the easiest way is for you. Find a group of beautiful girls (of 2-3 people), ask the bartender how long they have been sitting and what they drink. Then order them the same drinks and ask the waiter to bring them to them without saying who they are from. Now you just wait for the right moment: you behave at ease, from time to time you can go somewhere. The girls will definitely either guess who the drinks are from, or ask the bartender and most likely come up to thank you. This is where you join their company.

  1. It is very convenient to get acquainted using the 2x2 method: you and your friend approach two girls. In the presence of your friends, it will be easier for you to liberate yourself in front of each other.
  2. Starting a conversation, do not start asking the whole biography of the girl! It is important to be interested in her, but not manically.
  3. It’s better to speak according to the situation: if you don’t like the club, say so: “Hmmm...I expected more from this club. How do you like it here?" and so on. So both of you can agree on a common opinion (after all, the statement is true) and continue to get to know each other.
  4. If possible, invite the girl to a slow dance.
  5. I could write "be witty" but I understand that you are either naturally witty or you are not. Therefore, do not try to joke if you are not very good at it. Just be cheerful and easy to communicate - that's enough.