A rendezvous for two at home: dinner, creating an atmosphere, music for a romantic evening. Practical advice for use. How to create an unforgettable evening for your girlfriend

The constant routine life is already so tired that you just want to get distracted at least once a week! And what could be better than spending time with your loved one and preparing something nice for him? A romantic evening for your beloved is one of the ways to improve relationships between lovers, and one of the options for diversifying relationships.

How to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one

Wherever you plan a romantic evening - the main thing is that it should be a surprise for her. You can call a taxi that will bring your girlfriend home. At the same time, ask the driver to give her flowers with a note. In it, hint about today's surprise. It will be tempting and very romantic.

If you already know each other well, then you can organize a romantic evening in a slightly new way. If you don't know, you need to know everything. Information about her interests and hobbies can be obtained from her friends when communicating with her.

Restaurant. You can visit it if you have a solemn event on this day. Lovely setting, candles, delicious food and your favorite evening dress. Your girlfriend will never forget this evening.

After all this, you can act. So that the second half can remember this evening for a long time, you can arrange it like this: a parachute jump and at the same time you will confess your love to her, give flowers and, if it allows, drink a glass of wine.

You can also make a more mundane version. The evening that you will spend in the cabin of the bus or tram, which is the last to leave for the park. Of course, this needs to be agreed with the employees in advance.

You can also have dinner in the ancient castle. And dress up as a knight, and she will be a princess. Thus, you can also sing songs to her under the window.

Park and embankment. The city always comes alive in the evening. Discussing a book that has just gone out of print is something you will enjoy. Moreover, various concerts and events are often held on the embankment;

Cafe. Interesting music, hookah (if you wish), sushi or just sweet tea, cocktails and alcohol - everything is provided here. All your tastes were taken into account, with the ability to satisfy any desire;

The theater is a great place to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved. Exquisite productions, full of beautiful costumes and props. This is just the place where many words are not needed. Everything will be said clearly and according to the text - ballet, staging, opera, operetta, everything for you;

Cinema. The film industry indulges us with a huge number of new films. You will certainly not remain indifferent from the movie you have watched and will definitely want to come back here;

Sushi bar. Japan has overwhelmed us all with its wave. Love for fish with rice, wasabi and ginger came quite recently, but in our area it has found its admirer. If you are one of them, why not spend your romantic evening tasting all the best of Japanese cuisine?

Concert. If a famous band or singer comes to your city today, then this is a good opportunity to spend the most unforgettable evening. However, your man must definitely love this group, otherwise there is no point in buying tickets.

Try to be together in different places. At first, you will be in all the most different places, but after some time, you will be able to highlight the most interesting ones.

If you have different interests, do not be sad. There are many more places in the city that you have not been to yet. Take turns everywhere. Look for a place where you will be happy together.

To arrange an unforgettable romantic evening for your beloved, listen to the opinions of friends and acquaintances. Listen to all the recommendations and dissatisfaction about visiting certain institutions. Go online, read reviews.

A very memorable moment will be a fireworks order ordered in advance, in which there will be all kinds of figures hinting at your love. Dinner in a hot air balloon - it will be unforgettable for a long time.

Whatever you say, there is no limit to human imagination. And everything will depend only on you. The main thing is that your fantasies should not be vulgar and uninteresting. The main thing is to think about everything in advance and organize it correctly. Then this evening will be remembered for a long time by your loved one. Have a nice romantic evening!

Romantic evening ideas for your loved one

Everything needs to be well thought out and start preparing for this evening. It doesn't matter what it is for. Or maybe it will be just a normal day, without holidays? Start the entire cooking process 3-4 days before;

Decide where you will arrange it, in a restaurant or at home. It also happens that some arrange a romantic evening in unexpected places.

This is due to the fact that many are repelled by the interests and hobbies of the girl. If you want to have an evening in a restaurant, then it's easier here. You agree on everything with the administrator, and invite your beloved girl;

However, if you want to make a romantic evening for your beloved at home, then you need to do so. Correctly and beautifully decorate the table setting.

Place a vase with a bouquet of flowers in the center, glasses, of course, should be just for wine. Place candles around the edges. Do not overload the table with different types of dishes. Enough two salads, something hot and dessert. It is best to let it be from fruits;

Pick up the musical repertoire for the evening. Music should be light and romantic;

Definitely take care of your appearance. You should be clean and tidy, do not overdo it with toilet water. Remember the rules of etiquette.

How to romantically celebrate the New Year with your beloved

“As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it,” says folk wisdom. Therefore, this holiday is valued by us much more than other holidays. On this solemn day, it is necessary to make a gift to your beloved, and this is a very responsible mission. Since the celebration of the New Year begins after six o'clock in the evening, then we will consider the evening options.

How to make a romantic evening your favorite for the New Year:

Restaurant. Very banal, but it is always a relevant option. In any case, for any occasion, you can go to a restaurant with a girl. But keep in mind that for the New Year, prices are two to three times higher, and you need to reserve a table a few months before the celebration;

House. A great occasion to show your apartment to a girl. At home, you can relax and not worry about what is happening around, because you will be alone. You can open a bottle of wine and take your time enjoying the conversation with each other;

Resort. A great way to get out of the ordinary. The Carpathians or Bukovel in winter have a stunning view. If you are in a serviced hotel, then the New Year will be the best. No worries and worries about the festive table;

Another country. If you like the hot sun and warm sand, a good option is to go to warm countries. It will be both a memorable trip and a well-received New Year. The main thing is to guess the temperature. Any girl will be happy with such a holiday.

Details for a romantic evening:

Don't forget to give your loved one a gift. If you decide to go to the resort, then you can make this trip your gift. I think your girlfriend will appreciate the efforts and efforts that you gave to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature;

Be considerate to your girlfriend. Wherever you spend a romantic evening on New Year's Eve, you need to pay attention and care to your girlfriend. This is what your day should not go without. Then she will go to the ends of the world and will be where you ask;

Approach the organization of the evening responsibly. Buy candles in advance, reserve a table, buy flowers and a gift for your loved one. Be prepared for all surprises. You can create a backup plan that you can put into practice if something goes wrong;

Subject. To make it more interesting for you to spend the New Year, make a theme party. If you are at home, you can arrange karaoke. Dancing to romantic music will be your calling card.

In the daily hustle and bustle, often the feelings between lovers begin to fade. More recently, you were the most in love and happy couple, kissing on every corner, and now your relationship has become more like a habit.

Previously, you walked in pairs, went to restaurants, movies, and now your trips are limited to the local supermarket. Any couple dreams of bringing back the old feelings. Currently, it is mostly men who arrange romantic evenings for their halves. But many girls would also like to know how to create an evening for their man, which he will not forget for a very long time.

A properly organized romantic evening is a great way to bring back the former strength of a fading passion.

I think we need to start with the differences in the understanding of a romantic dinner by a man and a woman. For girls, the opportunity to show off in their formal attire is of great importance, while men, on the contrary, are not always happy when they are forced to wear strict tailcoats and tuxedos. They prefer cozy home clothes. The girl dreams of cooking and tasting more exotic dishes with intriguing names at dinner, but for the guy, it’s enough to eat hearty and delicious. You like to dance to light pleasant music, while the majority of the male population just wants to relax after dinner, get away from everyday worries while watching TV with a bottle of beer.

It is important that your efforts match his expectations.

Girls, pronouncing "romantic evening", mean by these words pleasant conversations over a glass of wine, champagne or other light drink, slow dancing and light flirting. For a guy, this concept means more hope for a stormy night than heart-to-heart talk and exotic food.

Here are some tips on how to arrange a romantic dinner for a guy, and not for yourself.

First, you should not wear a dress that reaches straight to the heels. You can wear beautiful underwear that will hint to the guy on a stormy continuation of the evening. Your relaxed look will help the guy feel more confident and not look ridiculous in home clothes, instead of a classic tuxedo.

Beautiful underwear on you will allow him to relax faster than an expensive evening dress.

Secondly, the food on the table should be hearty and tasty, and most importantly, familiar to your loved one. Even if your boyfriend's choice is something as heavy as hamburgers, french fries, fried chicken, or Olivier salad. By the way, meat must be present on the menu, unless, of course, you and your young man are not vegetarians.

Remember, food on the table should not be in excess. Excessive saturation can relax your man too much, and he will simply fall asleep on the couch. And that's not really what you're after, is it?

Choose the food he likes. Leave the frills for another occasion.

Thirdly, you need to choose the right alcoholic beverages, but always with acceptable quantities. Red wine is more suitable for meat dishes, and fish products are more combined with white. You should give up beer so as not to spoil a romantic evening.

Fourthly, if you and your boyfriend do not yet live together, and you do not have a free apartment for your dinner, then you can rent a room or apartment.

If you follow the tips described above, then your man will forgive you even candles, flowers and romantic music, but still you should not count on dancing. After dinner, you can move on to watching romantic movies together.

The final part of the evening takes you from the dining area to the bedroom. There you can take with you not only passion, but also small snacks and drinks, suddenly come in handy. For "dessert" girls are encouraged to dance an erotic dance for their man. Seductive movements in subdued light your loved one will remember for a long time. Oriental dances are more suitable for such a case. In it you will demonstrate all your flexibility, plasticity and ability to transform.

Remember that the external environment is more likely to excite you. For him, the essence of the event is important.

A romantic evening is best scheduled for days after which none of you will need to get up for work or school. Fridays and Saturdays are the most suitable for this. The next morning, after a wonderful dinner, you can relax a little in bed, without hurrying anywhere and without jumping up. And let him open his eyes and find out in which you write a tender declaration of love. And it doesn’t matter if you are at that moment sweetly napping nearby or already conjuring over breakfast. Your care will certainly cause a surge of positive emotions in him. In general, go for it, dear ladies!

The most common misconceptions are that romance is only important for women, that it disappears immediately after marriage and is not important in family relationships. In fact, all this is far from reality, as well as the fact that the only guarantee of family happiness is financial well-being. Smart women understand this very well. Therefore, gentle and caring wives want to please their husbands, but they often don’t even know how.

When thinking about how to arrange romance for your husband at home, show originality

How to arrange romance for a husband at home: where to start?

For women, this is not just a topical issue, but literally vital. But where to start? First of all, you need to draw up a detailed plan for the upcoming event, but it should be noted that this should take into account the personal preferences of the husband, but not the organizer herself.

Otherwise, it turns out that she arranges romance for herself, and no matter what efforts she makes, no one will understand and appreciate this, except from the negative side.

It is important that the hero of the occasion does not know anything about it and does not even guess: a successful surprise is a good half of the battle

How to arrange romance for your husband: choosing a place

Of course, you can arrange it anywhere: in a restaurant, in nature, in some unusual or iconic places. It may seem like it doesn't matter, but it doesn't. Place and environment are very important, and it is best if everything takes place at home. The very concept of "family happiness" for most men is inextricably linked with home comfort, and above all, this aspect must be taken into account.

When it comes to surprises, time is just as important.

The ideal option would be Friday evening, when he comes home from work - once; his inner desire to rest and relax after a working week - two; the opportunity to sleep longer on Saturday morning - three.

How to arrange romance for a husband at home: possible options

In this part, of course, an individual approach is needed.

But there are three main options that you should definitely consider:

  • A romantic evening with all the accompanying elements, including his favorite dishes, wine, candles, etc., arranged on the balcony if it is an apartment, or on the veranda if it is a private household. Firstly, fresh air intoxicates in itself and makes thoughts clear. Secondly, the effect of a closed space is created in which two loving hearts live and beat to the beat. And thirdly, what could be more romantic than the enchanting colors of sunset, instilling a sense of peace and tranquility?
  • The actual place for this can serve as a bedroom. Dinner, including light snacks, a little alcohol, a mysterious twilight, a hint hovering in the space of the room ... Anyone can appreciate this option. And the situation that is being created is in itself thoroughly saturated with romanticism and has a lot to offer.
  • A romantic evening in the bathroom may not be the most ideal option, but the most unusual one is without a doubt. There is no doubt that, seeing a served table, aromatic candles placed around the perimeter, warm water with flower petals floating in it, any man will be amazed and literally unsettled.

How little it takes to maintain passion and interest in a relationship. If you want to please your loved one, you can surprise him with a romantic dinner prepared by yourself. Both the male representatives and the beautiful half of the world's population will like this gesture of attention.

Step 1. Choosing what to cook for a romantic dinner for a loved one

The process of preparing for this exciting evening requires a lot of time and knowledge of the preferences of your soul mate. If your relationship is just in its infancy, then hint at your loved one's dishes, or at least the cuisine that he likes. You can ask him directly or go shopping with him, do an online review of the city's restaurants, and so on. Carefully plan the menu for a romantic dinner for your loved one. If you are expecting an intimate continuation of your evening, then put fewer heavy and hearty dishes on the table. Choose good wine or champagne, strong alcohol is not appropriate in such an atmosphere and can ruin both of you evening.

It is better for women to cook meat for a romantic dinner at home, baked in a new, previously unfamiliar way for a man. It can be a rabbit stewed in a creamy sauce or julienne with porcini mushrooms and chicken.

It is important to ask this one directly and get an equally direct answer so that your dinner is not overshadowed by an ambulance ride to the hospital. If your significant other eats a vegetarian diet, you can make cheese and mushroom pie, ratatouille or vegetable pasta. Approach the choice of dishes for a romantic dinner for your loved one with responsibility and imagination. For dessert, something tender and airy is suitable. Familiar desserts such as pies, casseroles, cakes and cookies, save for everyday tea parties. To maintain the magical atmosphere of the evening, some kind of creamy mousse, ice cream, panacotta, tiramisu, meringue and other light dishes are suitable.

If you are a man and want to cook a romantic dinner for your beloved at home, but doubt your culinary talent, start with simple dishes. If a girl knows that you rarely and clumsily try on the role of a cook, then she will also be delighted with a beautifully chopped salad with ice cream, decorated with chocolate, cream and fruits. Do not forget the fact that a girl can watch her figure and not eat after six. In this case, reschedule the event to an earlier time and serve a healthy and light meal on the table.
You can, of course, order food from a restaurant or ask someone to cook it for you, but then all the importance of such an intimate gesture as preparing a dish for the chosen one is lost.

Step 2. We select music to create an atmosphere

The songs that your companion is used to listening to are not here
fit. He, like you, can enjoy his playlist in his free time. You must create a relaxed, seductive and dreamy environment. It will be out of place if you dine to the latest Scorpions album or Russian rapper's singles. Let the music for a romantic evening consist of alternating compositions in the styles of jazz, blues, lounge and other slow melodies. Biologists say that calm music helps food to digest better. Male representatives, in order to be guaranteed to conquer their chosen one, instead of the usual music for a romantic evening by candlelight, they can invite a professional guitarist or violinist to the house. If you are not deprived of the talent of a musician, then you can perform a lyrical melody for your woman.

Step 3. Create an atmosphere

There are many ideas for a romantic evening for your beloved home. You can take tricks from movies, use the secrets of acquaintances, or come up with your own. If you have a small child, then ask relatives or friends to stay with him for a while. There will be no problems with a teenage child - he himself will gladly run away to one of his friends. For a few hours, forget about the existence of modern technology - your phones, computers and TVs should “break” for the evening. Tidy up your apartment, create the atmosphere of a small home restaurant. You can make a “photo-drying” zone at the entrance. On thin ropes with crocodiles or clothespins, fasten your joint
photographs, photos of your man in childhood, caricatures, paper hearts, postcards - in general, everything you see fit. In many cultures around the world, it is customary to eat in a place other than where food is prepared. Yes, and you must admit that romance disappears when there is a sink behind you, a refrigerator hums on the side, and jars of pickles are under your feet. Move the table and chairs from the kitchen to the living room, light candles around and light oriental incense sticks. Close the window tightly with curtains so that the light and bustle on the street do not prevent the embodiment of your romantic ideas for your loved one. Decorate the table with candlesticks, an openwork tablecloth or a bouquet. Approach the table setting with interest: put the best dishes and cutlery, you can make some kind of figurine or flower bud out of napkins. An important part in creating the right atmosphere is the preparation of your soul mate. Warn that at home you have prepared a pleasant surprise so that your man does not stay late at work or he takes time off from her early. If for some reason he had a busy day that is not suitable for relaxation, then without scandals, transfer your idea to the weekend. If you are planning a romantic dinner for your loved one, then meet her from work with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. One thought of a woman about the upcoming surprise will relieve her of fatigue and stress. In this case, upon returning home, it is better to give the woman a little time to put herself in order.

Step 4. Cooking

Plan the start of the cooking process so that the dishes are ready and do not have time to cool by the arrival of the object of your sighs. Prepare food in a good mood, without distractions, with thoughts about your loved one. Concentrate on the process and strictly follow the recipe so as not to spoil the products and not to start all over again. If you are an experienced cook, you can experiment by adding new spices to your food or replacing one product with another. A good idea for a romantic evening at home would be a special dish "for two". It can be a dessert that you put on a large plate and take turns feeding each other. Treat the serving of the dish with trepidation. Serve it elegantly and neatly, decorating with green leaves or confectionery figurines.

Try to prepare the dish so that it looks aesthetically pleasing, smells good, and tastes appetizing. After completing the process of creating a culinary masterpiece, clean the kitchen and make sure that the dishes do not get cold. To do this, the dish that has not yet been served, without removing it from the dish in which it was cooked, wrap it with foil and leave it in a tightly closed oven or microwave that is not turned on. If your man didn’t have time to prepare the dish for his return home, offer him to take a bath or shower for now. Bring romantic ideas to life for your loved one to make both them and you happy.

Step 5. "Preparing" ourselves

You should look like you're going to a social event. Before having a romantic evening, girls can sign up for a beauty salon or spend all
cosmetic procedures on their own. Epilation of all areas of the body is required, even if the evening does not involve an intimate continuation. Hands should be decorated with a neat manicure, because the attention of a man for almost the entire evening will be involuntarily riveted to your hands. Put on your best dress and jewelry, put on elegant shoes on your feet. Light evening makeup should fit the overall look and not be vulgar. A light trail of pleasant perfume should come from you, but not be very sharp.
The man's face should not be framed by stubble, and an unobtrusive scent of cologne should come from the neck. The shirt and trousers should be ironed, and shoes polished to a shine should be worn on the feet. If the floor is covered with carpets, then clean them yourself. Even the most gallant suitor "from the needle" will look ridiculous in a suit and socks. Remember that in the evening the apartment will turn into a terrace of a cozy cafe.

Step 6. Dinner itself

Finally, leaving behind five points, you can proceed to the dinner itself. Both women and men should keep within the limits of etiquette during dinner. If you are a gentleman, then take care of your woman, periodically asking if she should add more dishes and add wine. It would be a very gallant gesture if you offer to raise a glass and say a special and beautiful toast, noting in it feelings for your companion. If you see that your soul mate is feeling sleepy, then you can invite her to a slow dance to cheer up a little. The ladies at the table need to constantly monitor their makeup and not “throw
to eat" for food, losing their tender image. Do not actively gesticulate, slurp and laugh out loud.
Even if you are very close, you do not need to start a conversation at dinner about a loan for a summer cottage, political news, or problems at work. Immerse yourself in the evening in the world of memories and dreams. Perhaps you have some interesting story from your childhood in the depths of your memory? You can recite a passage from your favorite poem or recall happy moments from previous dates. Postpone all domestic and everyday issues until the next day and enjoy your solitude.

Step 7: Finishing Dinner

All the plates are already empty, the wine is drunk, and the clothes are casually removed. Most likely, you are now lying with your loved one in an embrace in bed. You can leave your "romantic corner" uncleaned until the morning, so as not to ruin the magic of the evening. Let the last memory of the passing day for your half be dinner, a slow dance and a bed, and not dragging a table and washing dishes. But you must get up first so that he wakes up clean and comfortable.


If you do not have a personal living space or the opportunity to stay alone with a girl at home, then think about where to spend a romantic evening in Moscow. For girls, this rule does not apply, because muting on dates in a restaurant remains a male privilege. The process of preparing for a date remains the same - find out your taste preferences, put yourself in order and set your companion up for a relaxed wave of communication. You can choose cozy restaurants on the embankments, such as Sky Lounge, The Garden, Dorian Grey, Seiji and others. If you are a girl and still want to arrange a romantic date for two in Moscow on your own, you can bring ideas to life without serious financial costs that can offend a man. Arrange an interesting quest in Maiden's Field Square or Muzeon. If you still want to treat your boyfriend with homemade dishes, you can invite him to a picnic in the Catherine Park. Picnic, by the way, may just be the final point of the quest. If you want to arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one in nature, you can peep ideas in women's magazines or melodramas. Choose a warm season and a day off for this event. Place the food neatly in a picnic basket, take two blankets with you - one to sit on it, and the other in case it gets cool in the evening.
If you know the places where the roofs are open in the city, then a conversation under the open sky can be a romantic idea for a joint evening. What can be l
better than meeting the sunset at a great height with a bottle of wine and light desserts in the company of a loved one. A light adrenaline rush and an unusual atmosphere will help you turn into two teenagers in love who sincerely and passionately want to surprise each other.

Remember that the main purpose of a romantic evening is to refresh and strengthen your mutual love. For one day, put all your affairs and questions away and enjoy the company of your soulmate.

Everyone knows about the history of such a holiday as Valentine's Day. But the question of what to give to a loved one is puzzled by every loving representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Of course, valentines, kisses and beautiful lingerie are good, but as you know: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, the best gift for your loved one will be a romantic dinner at home by candlelight. In this article we will tell and give recipes on how to cook delicious light beautiful dishes. We will also reveal the secrets of how to present them creatively at home. After all, to make a romantic dinner for your loved one, you need original ideas. Let's talk about how to surprise your man and give him an unforgettable holiday on February 14th.

Beautiful romantic dinner - basic rules

To arrange a worthy holiday, it is important to take into account not only a delicious menu, but also all the details and little things. The atmosphere of love, romance, passion must be saturated with air. It is very important here, such to itself, "highlights" that can arrange a man in the right way. It is they who will help him relax and plunge into the fairy tale you created "with his head." Let's talk about little things like this. beautiful romantic dinner more details.

Important little things for a beautiful romantic dinner

Romantic dinner for a loved one - Ideas how to surprise?

Any man subconsciously wants to be surprised, especially on a holiday like February 14th. If you try and surprise him today, then tomorrow you will wake up from the smell of aromatic coffee brought to bed.

Surprise your loved one: some ideas for a romantic dinner

Romantic dinner for a loved one, ideas, which every woman in love should take note of:

  1. original idea for a romantic dinner with your loved one there will be an option - a tablecloth strewn with rose petals.
  2. From the door to the festive table set, lay out a trail of candles, when your loved one rings the doorbell, turn off the lights and let him in. Candles can also be placed on the windowsill, shelves, bedside tables.
  3. As an option - meet a loved one in a peignoir. Of course, such a dinner will not last long, but the surprise of a man who comes home from work will be guaranteed.

Recipes for a romantic dinner at home

Romance, romance but pro romantic dinner recipes at home also needs to be thought about. Since red borscht, by candlelight in an evening dress, will not look good. Therefore, let's answer the question that worries all women, what to cook for a romantic dinner? Three courses will be enough: main, appetizer, sweet.

The original recipe for the main dish for a romantic dinner at home with step by step photos

To the selection of main dishes and their romantic dinner recipes at home should be approached carefully, because in addition to taste, their appearance is very important. We offer an original idea for preparing the main dish for February 14th.

Recipe "Bear for a loved one".

Such a bear is something between a pizza and a pie. The dish is hearty and beautiful. It will certainly make your loved one smile.
For cooking you will need:

  • puff pastry - 1 pack per 0.5 kg;
  • one chicken egg;
  • minced meat - 300 gr., you can take any (pork, chicken);
  • potato starch - 0.5 tsp;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 150 ml, you can use 50 g of tomato paste;
  • spices to taste;
  • for decoration: hard cheese (100 gr.), Mustard (1 tsp.), One fresh tomato, olives.

Preparing "Bear for a Beloved" as follows:

An original recipe for an appetizer for a romantic dinner at home with a step-by-step photo

An appetizer, another dish that no holiday can do without, whether it's a romantic dinner for two or a feast for all relatives. We suggest you surprise your loved one by applying the recipe below for a romantic dinner.

Roll "My heart".

You will have to spend 30 minutes on a snack, but the expected delight in the eyes of a loved one is worth it. For cooking, you need the following products:

  • one sheet of pita bread;
  • fillet of slightly salted red fish - 200 g, smoked fish can be used;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • curd cheese - 180–200 g.

Prepare the dish as follows:

A romantic dinner at home with such an appetizer will appeal to any man, regardless of taste preferences.

An original sweet recipe for a romantic dinner at home with a step by step photo

How can a romantic dinner for a loved one go without sweets? Of course not! We offer to cook in an original way the most romantic berry of all lovers - strawberries.

Chocolate covered strawberries recipe.

By itself, strawberries suggest an intimate and romantic mood. And if you also embellish it, then a romantic dinner will go off with a bang. For chocolate covered strawberries you will need:

  • dark chocolate bar;
  • white chocolate bar;
  • refined vegetable oil - 2 tsp;
  • strawberries, about a kilogram.

Prepare as follows:

Now you know how to make a romantic dinner for your man.

What to cook for a romantic dinner at home by candlelight?

There are quite a few options for what to cook for a romantic dinner. Dishes whose ingredients contain aphrodisiacs that have stimulating properties are perfect. Yes, myself romantic dinner at home by candlelight, disposes to an increased intensity of passions. So if you're planning on finishing romantic candlelight dinner at home, namely in your bedroom, then give preference to such products: mushrooms, olives, oysters, shrimps, mussels, caviar, eggs, avocados, mangoes, greens. Watch the video on how to cook dishes from these products, and how to serve them beautifully.

Delicious romantic dinner for two

What could be better than an evening spent together? First think about strong drinks. For an event like a romantic dinner, perfect:

  • champagne;
  • liquor;
  • cocktail;
  • white or red wine;
  • Martini.

From something "stronger", it is better to refuse, because until the most interesting moment of a delicious romantic dinner, you can "not live". Now about snacks, they should be outstanding, original and, of course, tasty. Since you are planning to feed a man, you should not forget about the satiety and calorie content of the dish.

Recipe for a hearty meal for a delicious romantic dinner

As you know, men love meat, so it’s impossible to feed a “man” with chocolate alone. Cooking delicious romantic dinner for two, take note of the following recipe.

"Stuffed Champignons".

This hearty restaurant dish will appeal to both women and men. It can be served both cold and hot. The taste will not deteriorate at all. To prepare a snack you need:

  • medium champignons - 500-600 gr.;
  • one bulb;
  • hard cheese (ideally Dorblu) - 100 gr.;
  • cream 20% fat - 100 g;
  • ham - 50–60 gr.;
  • spices to taste.

Stuffed mushrooms are prepared as follows:

For delicious romantic dinner one such hearty dish served with fresh vegetables will suffice.

Light romantic dinner

If you do not want to spend a lot of time "standing" near the stove, then there is a quick option to do light romantic dinner. The fondue will come to the rescue. With its help, you can cook both ordinary cheese fondue and sweet with chocolate. In addition to delicious food, you will get the opportunity to feed each other.

Video how to make two types of fondue for a light romantic dinner

Two glasses of wine and one fondue pot will make romantic dinner easy even slightly intimate. Watch and learn.

Valentine's Day happens only once a year, so think over the recipes and prepare a romantic dinner carefully. The idea of ​​a dinner together at home by candlelight will surely please your loved one. Beautiful, light food, the right atmosphere, intrigue and unexpected surprises will leave memories of a good time together for years to come. Love each other, pamper your loved ones not only with delicious food at home, but also with the way it is presented.