Thought control is the most effective way to get what you want! Positive thinking and positive thought patterns. What is this mind

A person comes into this world to achieve something that he cannot understand, cannot comprehend. However, the whole secret lies in the fact that a person, as a part of God, wants to manifest God, who exists in the Soul of everyone, in order to become a source of Light himself.

Therefore, you need to take control of your thoughts and you need to be able to manage them. To take control of thoughts means to follow the Laws of God and manifest in Love, then thoughts will be bright and blissful. Thus, the tasks of the Soul and its development, and, consequently, of a person, will be fulfilled.

What are human thoughts and the power of thought

Everything that is in a person, in fact, is not only inside him, but is, in fact, inside his Soul. Because it is the Soul that is the basis that created the physical body and personality for its goals and its tasks, its evolution.

The power of thought, or the power of the Spirit, is within the Soul itself, and this power of thought can be limitless.

The soul always manifests itself through a person through thoughts, feelings and emotions. If a person has negative thoughts, then the Soul, or the Power of the Spirit, passing through this experience of negative thoughts, will already bring destruction, will have destructive properties. So people harm each other, themselves and the world around them.

When a person violates the Laws of God, showing negative thoughts and emotions, his body begins to degrade and diseases arise. So a person limits himself in order to bring less destruction to this world.

In fact, thoughts are not the property of a person - they are just information coming to him, and fixing this information, a person begins to consider it his own thought. But already those thoughts that a person has fixed have power, as they begin to turn into thought forms and can create reality.

It seems to a person that he thinks with his brain, that it is there that his thoughts are located, and that it is the brain that creates them, or that the person himself creates thoughts. But this is a mistake - a person does not create thoughts himself, but only receives information and processes it. But already from the information a person creates thoughts and turns into thought forms.

And at this stage, thoughts and thought forms can be both positive and negative. That is why the Laws of God and the Commandments exist so that it is the light, spiritual part of the Soul that manifests itself, and only good experience manifests itself.

How to transform thoughts

It is very important to keep track of your thoughts so that they are clean and bright. If you notice that thoughts are bad, negative - you need to dissolve them, transform them by sending them Light, Love, repent and prevent such thoughts. Because thoughts and words carry both a beneficial effect and a destructive one.

Both a negative thought and a positive one can even change the very life of the person to whom the thought or word is directed. The most necessary thing that should be present in the thoughts, words and deeds of a person is Love. And a necessary condition for the transformation of thoughts into positive ones is following the Laws of God.

How to manage your thoughts

The world of people that exists is a manifestation of the collective thought-form of the people of the Earth. If a person wants his thought to materialize in this world, it is necessary to intend to put his energy into this thought and not have doubts about its implementation.

You need to be careful with your thought forms, because the created thought form will exist in the subtle world and require energy from you for its existence.

Because everything in this world strives to continue its existence. This is the reason for obsessive states, old stereotypes and mental addictions to their egregores.

One should not have negative thoughts or thoughts related to fear of something. Suppose a person is afraid of becoming disabled as a result of an accident and thinks about it - then there is a chance of getting into an accident and becoming disabled.

And therefore, what a person is afraid of in this world and thinks about it can happen in reality, because consciousness is one and there is no division into the “I” that exists in the physical world and the subtle world. Therefore, one must think only this way: “nothing will ever happen to me.”

Anyone who wants to control his world must be able to choose his thought forms, because a person's thoughts form the world around him. In addition, there are an infinite number of higher worlds, more beautiful, where there is immortality and much joy and happiness.

So, if a person clings, for example, to the characteristics of this world, while his thought forms are tuned to this physical world, then he will not be able to move to higher worlds, since he feeds and maintains attachment to this world with his thought forms. Therefore, for example, in Rus', the holy fools were revered, respected and even feared, because they did not follow general principles and patterns.

Man has limited himself in this world by his thought forms and limitations. In this world, there are collective thought forms, such as, for example, that food must be earned by hard work, that natural resources are not enough for everyone.

However, it is precisely because people imagine that resources are limited that resources are not enough, but they are not enough, not because they are limited, but because human thought forms are limited.

There is a well-known expression of Christ that the birds do not sow and do not plow, but they are full, because in the Universe there is everything that one can imagine. Therefore, you need to stop worrying about tomorrow, about what you will eat and where you will sleep.

A person must check his daily thoughts with the Laws of God, the Laws of the Absolute. Because when a person lives on automatism, then there is a lot of fuss and a big waste of energy. Thought always precedes action, and therefore control over thoughts creates a benefit both for the person himself and for the world around him.

In order to master the magic of the elements, you must first be able to listen to yourself and your feelings. After all, it is the feelings that help to merge with nature and become one with it, and, consequently, control it. However, most people live without noticing magic around them out of habit. So, we are all warmed by fire, because it is vital, and water is our component at all. However, in order to understand how to master the magic of each of the elements, one should learn to feel them.

In order to understand how to master the magic of natural phenomena, one must have extremely good intentions. A person who carries a negative charge of energy and wants to tame the elements runs the risk of turning it not only against himself, but also against others, and many times over. Such a person is more likely to be known as a black magician than a white one, and this will not end in anything good. And it will be much faster to tame the elements if you can completely relax and succumb to its influence, and not order it.

How to master the magic of fire yourself?

To get started, you will definitely need an open fire. Best of all, if it is a fire, since the flame of a candle is harder to control. However, in the absence of such an opportunity, a candle will do. So, you need to sit in front of the fire, relax and peer deeply into the depths of its flame. You should look at every hot ember, try to catch every spark with your eyes and at the same time feel how the heat of the fire penetrates your entire body. Become one with the flame, dissolve in it. When this is achieved, you can proceed to the next step.

Try to predict where in the fire the flame will become larger or where the spark will fly out. At first it will be difficult, but in this way your intuition will develop, the fire will become predictable. Next, by the power of thought, you should force the flame to change in the place you need - to become stronger or weaker, or completely go out. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work at first. Everything has its time. You need to constantly train, the result will be obvious. With experience, it will be possible not only to extinguish the flame, but also to kindle it if necessary.

How to master the magic of water on your own?

For the first lesson, you will need access to water. It should be an open body of water (ideally). In extreme cases, you can take a bath at home and plunge into the water up to your neck. So, being in this position, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that water penetrates into every cell of yours, that you dissolve in it. Feel like one with all the oceans and seas of the world. When this goal is achieved, allow the water to "wash" all the negative energy out of you. Thus, the body and soul will be cleansed of adversity, illness and anxiety, and lightness and peace will come to replace it. But in no case should you dive into the water with a bad mood. She, like a sponge, will absorb all the negative energy, the opposite result will turn out.

How to master the magic of the water element, another way will tell you, more complex and requiring considerable experience. These are conspiracies. With their help, you can make "living" and "dead" water. "Alive" is able to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, neutralize the poison in food, and even revive. "Dead" water, despite its name, is able to heal wounds on dead people and animals, in order to later resurrect them with the help of "alive". However, in order to be able to make such conspiracies, you need to read a lot of special literature and, of course, have a gift for this.

But do not despair if you failed to control the elements. To understand how to master the magic of any of them, a person needs to be able not to command water or fire, but to “make friends” with them, tame them. Let the above lessons be the beginning of these achievements for you!

Everything that a person perceives in the reality around him begins in the spiritual world - where his thoughts, beliefs, beliefs are located. In order to take control of your life, you need to learn to control your thinking. Thanks to this, you can find what you want, attract into your life what you want to find.

What is the power of thinking?

The law of attraction, which describes the action of the power of thought, is one of the most powerful in the spiritual world. Everyone has at least once heard the saying that like attracts like. Its meaning just explains what the essence of this law is.

Adherents of this theory argue that a person attracts absolutely everything in his life with the help of thoughts. The action of the law is so strong that it can bring into the reality of a person even those things that he does not want. That is why the sages say: be afraid of your desires, because they tend to come true.

Rules for applying the law of attraction

But if you use the power of thought correctly, then you can safely enjoy the operation of this law in your life. What are the main points of its correct application?

  • Goal setting. In other words, the desire must be realistic. It is necessary to indicate as specifically as possible for yourself what exactly is needed and in what size. For example, the wording “I want an apartment” would be incorrect. The following description of your desire would be much more effective: “I want a three-room apartment not far from the city center in a new house.”
  • positive thoughts. In order for good events to be attracted to life, you need to think accordingly. A positive attitude will not only attract the necessary events to life, but will also improve health - and this is also important.
  • Visualization. You can draw a wish or make a mind map of several dreams. Sometimes just verbal formulation is not enough to achieve the goal. By imagining what we want in detail, we significantly increase the chances that the dream will be realized.
  • Gratitude. Resentment and claims to the universe, other people, one's own destiny - all this only moves a person away from what he wants. Complaining cannot bring you closer to achieving the goal. On the contrary, negative thoughts and experiences attract even more unpleasant events to life. Until we begin to thank life (God, the universe) for everything that we have at the moment, the power of thought cannot operate at full capacity.
  • Set your priorities right. How can you find out what is important in life? To do this, you just need to write down on paper the 10 main values ​​\u200b\u200bin your life. As long as there is no order in a person's mind, positive thoughts and gravity also cannot affect his reality. If every day you express gratitude for what you already have in life, then you will soon notice how more and more good things become.
  • Affirmations. These are positive affirmations to be repeated every day. For example, phrases can be: “I get a little slimmer every day”, “Every day I earn more and more money”, etc. Positive affirmations can be pasted on a refrigerator or mirror, reread them on a computer.
  • Let go of the negative. In order for the power of thought to begin to act in a person’s life, you need to feel good, be in a positive frame of mind. To do this, you may have to reconsider your life, and exclude sources of negativity from it. Maybe stop communicating with unpleasant people, or change jobs that do not bring pleasure.

Atkinson's work

One of the first researchers and writers who was occupied with the question of the power of thought was Atkinson William Walker. He wrote an interesting book. It's called The Law of Attraction and the Power of Thought. In it, Atkinson describes the effect of this pattern, the features of human consciousness, the role of willpower and emotions in the embodiment of the desired, as well as many other issues.

The manifestation of the inner in the outer

Every external result in reality has internal, spiritual causes. This is the basic law by which the law of attraction operates. In other words, the reality in which a person lives is the result of all his previous thoughts, experiences, emotions, and beliefs. This phenomenon is well described by the quote of the writer J. Allen: "Circumstances do not create a personality - they contribute to its manifestation."

Every aspect of life, from financial well-being to health - all this allows you to display the thoughts and beliefs of a person. Most people tend to believe the opposite - that their thoughts and experiences are shaped by their surroundings. However, adherents of the theory of the power of thought argue that in reality it is the mentality of these people that creates these very circumstances. By accepting this truth, a person receives a precious opportunity to create his reality the way he wants to see it. Creating positive life circumstances is an inner, spiritual work.

The limitless power of spirituality

The human mind is a particle of the infinite universal mind. And since the thoughts of people are the result of the work of their mind, it turns out that the force of attraction of thought is also unlimited. After a person really understands that his mind is one with the source of power over his own life, and this power is inside his soul, he will find for himself a source of almost limitless energy, for which there will be nothing impossible or unattainable.

Reality of thought

The most famous sages and scientists who have ever lived in this world have always maintained that all reality around us is energy. Walker Atkinson said that if the mind is energy in a static form, then thought is in a dynamic form. Both of these states represent two phases of the same process. Whenever a person puts a certain thought into his head, he emits a vibration of a certain frequency - low or high.

The basic law of the power of thought says: energy attracts similar energy to itself. A person, like a magnet, attracts into his life those circumstances that are in harmony with his dominant frequency.

What determines the energy of an idea?

At the same time, the power of each individual idea is determined by how often it comes to a person’s head, and what kind of emotions and experiences are associated with it. The more energy force a person puts into this or that thought, the more powerful it becomes, gradually attracting certain circumstances already in real life.

If any idea came to mind once, it will not have the same potential as our habits, beliefs. If you use the tools of positive thinking from time to time, and the rest of the time you are burdened with sad and unwanted ideas, then there will be very little benefit. That is why the question of how to think is critical in the fulfillment of desires. Anything can be attracted by the power of thought. What matters, however, is the quality and frequency of the ideas that enter the mind. If you work hard at this, then even the most incredible desires will become possible.

How to enhance visualization?

With the power of thought, you can transform the existing reality - you just need to correctly formulate your desire. And to help him realize, as already indicated, the visualization technique helps. It can be strengthened if the positive intention has a physical reinforcement, for this you need some kind of object or drawing that is tangible, and which you can look at and feel how the dream becomes a reality.

The desired image brings the realization of the dream closer

This point is especially important if the goal concerns a specific place. For example, a person wants to attract the ability to travel with the power of thought. If this is a vacation on the sea coast, then you need a shell, or a souvenir brought from this place. If the dream is to visit another country, such an object can be a coin or a postcard with a picture of the place of interest.

The subtle world is constantly striving to transfer into reality those ideas that exist on the mental plane. And he is ready to quickly respond to any message that comes from people. Using this technique, you can further accelerate the implementation of the desired.

How to make another person remember about yourself?

With the application of the law of attraction in everyday life, everything is more or less clear, but how to make the right person think about you with the power of thought of the right person? This question is most often asked by girls, but it can be relevant for some men as well. If there is such a goal, you can try several options for its implementation.

If you are in the same room with a person, or if he is at least in sight, you can program him or her to think about you. To do this, you first need to carefully concentrate, and think over the phrase of interest in your thoughts. For example: “You, (name), will constantly think about me!”. These words are pronounced confidently, in an orderly tone. Then a blue ray is mentally drawn from one's own forehead to the forehead or back of the head of this person, through which, as if through a mystical channel, this order will move into consciousness.

Instill memories while falling asleep

The second method, which allows you to force yourself to remember yourself with the power of thought, must be practiced before going to bed. To do this, you need to relax and turn on your imagination. First you need to conjure up an image of the right person. It is worth doing this until the image acquires photographic clarity. You need to remember as much as possible in detail all the details of this person - eye color, facial expression. When this is done, you need to imagine how you slowly move into his body and mind. You need to feel what he feels now, get into his thoughts. Then you need to start instilling in him or her thoughts and memories related to you. You can give this person a clear command like the one described in the previous method. This procedure can be carried out every night for a week or even a month.

What do people say?

Now consider the main reviews about the power of thought and the law of attraction. As a rule, you can find feedback of the following types:

  • Some people say that if a person does not understand something or seeks to deny it, this does not affect the operation of the law in his life. And thus, he still continues to attract good or bad events into his reality.
  • Others argue that in addition to using the law of attraction, it is necessary to act. Limiting oneself to positive thinking, a person may never realize what he wants. If you combine the power of thought and activity, then this will allow you to achieve the goal as soon as possible. At the same time, such people indicate that you need to be able to use the moment. In other words, to see in time what options the universe offers at the current time, and use these chances to the maximum.
  • Still others say that there is no law of attraction, and it is impossible to attract the desired at a distance with the power of thought alone. People who leave such reviews can be safely attributed to staunch materialists.
  • Also, some write that the law of mental attraction works even regardless of human actions. In other words, it is enough just to fulfill all the conditions and mentally begin to attract your dream, as after some time it will be realized.

Whether the law of attraction works or not depends largely on the person himself. Convinced skeptics are unlikely to succeed in attracting the necessary events into their lives. If he believes in mental energy, then this theory will be quite working for him.

Over the past ten years, the world of science has changed tremendously. In the press and scientific literature, more and more signs of a new era can be traced - the era of subconscious thinking. This way of thinking will give you whatever you want. You have a priceless treasure and you must use it.

What is this treasure?

You yourself are this treasure, this wealth and a mystery that you have yet to unravel. Your subconscious mind stores the memory of all previous generations! And therefore, all space information is in your "pocket", you just need to get it from the hidden archives of memory.

Subconsciousness, will and thought can do everything!

The subconscious has all the necessary resources and mechanisms by which all thoughts and intentions are carried out. Thought and will are material. This fact has been proven in scientific laboratories. The exact weight of the thought and its form were determined.

How did you weigh the idea?

A person was placed on ultra-precise electronic scales and weighed in various states of consciousness, while observing the mode of electric wave activity of the brain using an electroencephalogram of the brain. So they proved that with intensive visualization, any bright thought - the weight of a person increases to an insignificant extent and, on the contrary, in a state of trance or thoughtlessness - the weight of the body decreases.

Sensation in the world of photography!

Photolaboratories, in the West and in Russia, have already learned how to take pictures of thoughts, in color mode. They determined that every thought has its own shape and color. Negative thoughts have ugly forms and dark colors, while positively charged thoughts are endowed with an attractive and harmonious form, light, bright tones. This proves the existence of finer matter than what we can see with our own eyes. What is subtle matter woven from?

About virtual photons

From special particles called virtual photons. This is a very interesting and unusual substance that turned the whole scientific concept upside down. The fact is that virtual photons are particles that have a holographic visual appearance, but which in reality do not exist. Some large scientific circles began to "dig" in this direction and instantly found many opponents throughout the world's scientific diaspora.

Why is this so exciting to the scientific community?

Because these studies questioned the entire previous picture of reality and the universe. The one that is still taught in all the world's schools, colleges and universities. Think about it, everything that was believed in for several centuries in a row, that was presented as an indisputable truth, on the basis of which scientific concepts were developed, dissertations and doctoral dissertations were defended, collapsed in an instant! The whole scientific culture of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries is collapsing!

In the world of quantum physics

I will prove to you that the world is not something static and consists of virtual photons, which, in reality, do not exist. This is just some kind of energy potential. Take and open any textbook of quantum physics and you will find that almost every page will deal with exactly this. Quanta and Quarks are the smallest elementary particles that are based on two components. The first component is energy, and the second is a wave. A quantum is both at the same time. Upon learning of this, such a skeptical scientific world was delighted and perplexed.

How is it, quantum and energy and wave at the same time?

It is from such negligible particles as quanta and quarks that atomic nuclei and electrons are composed, which form the entire basis of this material world. In fact, this discovery suggests that the world by its nature is not something stable, the world is virtual. The world is ruled by an intelligence far more superior to that of man, whose power extends over vast distances, surpassing a single universe or even an entire system of infinity.

What is this mind?

This mind is recognized by all cultures and religions of the world. It is called God, the Higher Power or the Cosmic Mind. He has no limits and there is nothing higher or equal to him.

How does the cosmic mind manifest and what does it consist of?

We find the answer in all ancient Eastern teachings and science. The existence of a certain substance called the Absolute is not subject to any doubt if you look at the world through the eyes of a sober-minded person. The world is ruled by strict and harsh laws. If you put your hand in the fire, you will get burned. If you try to drink poison, you will die. We have no power in these laws, they are given to us by a power that clearly surpasses man.

Who or what made these laws?

There can only be one answer. Absolute, Higher mind and Cosmic power. Infinity is such a substance that contains everything and at the same time, it is not everything. Carry out a simple mental exercise, which is given to their students, at the initial stage of preparation, by the Indian Raja Yogis.

Exercise progress

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Relax and loosen tight clothing.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that your body takes up twice as much space.
  • Visualize the body growing and increasing in size.
  • Your body reaches the size of the room you are in.
  • Then the body grows even further and occupies the space of the whole house.
  • Then it continues to grow, reaching the size of a city, country, mainland and planet.
  • There are no limits to this and you are growing, more and more.
  • You become of gigantic cosmic proportions and transcend the solar system.
  • Then outnumber our galaxy.
  • You are all growing and expanding, taking up the size of the vast universe.

But this is not the end!

Move on. Grow beyond the limits of the Universe and so on ad infinitum. The meeting with the feeling of infinity is the basis from which the teaching of real Raja Yoga begins. Awareness of one's unity with infinity is a manifestation of preparation in mystical Yoga.

The larger you can imagine yourself, the more mystical possibilities you acquire. You become a full-fledged owner of the cosmic mind, or, to be more precise, by Himself. The more space in the Universe your energy body occupies, the more superpowers you will acquire. This state - the feeling of infinity - is the basis on which the beautiful building of mystical practice grows.

Mystical abilities lie dormant in everyone!

The brain of an ordinary person is developed by only 3% -5%. Yogis achieve the full disclosure of all the abilities of the brain, by achieving deep trance states and using auto-hypnosis, which gives them such endless possibilities.

Yogis are not afraid of fire, cold, they can not eat, sleep or even breathe. I personally met with such yogis, in the Himalayas and yoga ashrams. All the laws of the material world are in their service and are ready to fulfill any of their orders. My Guru, famous yogi and ascetic. For 12 years he lived in the Himalayas, completely naked, eating fallen fruits and roots.

The history of the tiger

When a tiger came to him to feed on human flesh, the Guru, without delay, cut off a piece of his flesh from the thigh and fed the hungry animal. And this happened twice.

About reincarnation

For a whole eternity, We wander in the cycle of life and death, not being able to know ourselves and become the master of our life and the laws that govern it. It has already been proven that a person lives more than once. There were cases when small children suddenly remembered their previous incarnations and rushed to their previous parents, to other countries.

Lama Rebirth

This interesting fact was also recorded by the adherents of Buddhism. You have probably already heard that the Tibetan Lama, the commander-in-chief of all Buddhism, has been born for not one, but as many as 20 lifetimes, simply by consciously changing his bodies. He retains all the experience of his past incarnations and has been a great sage and scientist since childhood.

How does Lama die?

At the time of death, Lama leaves his disciples a will, which indicates the place and time of birth of his future incarnation on Earth. And so it happens. One Lama leaves, and in his place they put a boy into whom the immortal spirit of Lama has moved.

How do adepts achieve freedom and power over the laws of the universe?

This path is called mystical Yoga. This Yoga includes elements of all Yogas and methods of self-realization. This is the most ancient method of human development and it was practiced long before other teachings and religions arose.

Everything new that the teachers of Western parapsychology and psychotherapy so proudly teach, all the author's methods, about self-development, published by Western experts, are borrowed from Yoga and related teachings, which also arose from Yoga. Yoga is the ancestral teaching, the ancestral knowledge.

History of Yoga

The ancient writings of Yoga say that before our time, a highly developed civilization existed on Earth and people were like gods. Various, supernatural abilities and mystical powers were developed in them: they could fly, saw atoms, knew the past and could see the future. What modern yogis demonstrate is the miserable remnants of the former luxury that yogis of ancient times owned. As described in ancient treatises, they could create entire planets with the power of thought and sound vibration. And enjoyed there for thousands of years, with beautiful maidens gone out of their minds. They had so much energy that they could concentrate it and create matter from their own virtual photons. I have seen yogis wielding the power of materialization.

How do Indian yogis achieve superpowers?

Through great austerity, they subdue their will. According to yogis, there are many methods for developing the iron will. Here the principle is very simple: he who has power over himself, has power over the whole world. How to achieve such power? Here I will give some ancient practices for developing the power of mystical will.


Will is like money, you can buy anything you want with it. She, like a devoted woman, gives you everything. She is the only power in the universe. Only the will governs everything.

Two Ways to Develop the Will

There are two ways of developing the will, and both of them are rather complicated. Not because it is hard work, but because you have to overcome yourself. Conquer some of your desires. Become better and stronger, become higher than yourself. You know, just take it and become more perfect. It's so easy and so difficult at the same time!

How long can you sit in one position without getting up or moving?

Try it, it's not as easy as it seems at first glance. This will require great willpower. When the Master gave me a personal practice, I sat for 4-8 hours a day, in the lotus position and did not get up from my red mat. I wanted to get up, but I worked out the will in myself. For two months I sat in my room and did not communicate with anyone. For two months I ate only milk and fruits. My will at that time reached its peak. I gained some power and it seemed to me that I could fly and do anything. I tested myself and really could inspire my thoughts to anyone. I could mentally imagine something and immediately, I got it. Not at the same moment, but after a short period of time.

Materialization of gold jewelry

One day, I was testing my ability to materialize. I visualized gold jewelry for two days. Exactly two days later, I went to a stop and found a golden ring in the sand, and even with a small diamond. I was surprised, but a week later I decided to double-check myself. I repeated the experiment and every day I imagined gold jewelry in my imagination.

And what would you think?

Everything happened again. Only the circumstances were different. One Indian Master came to our city and gave a lecture. I was the organizer of this seminar. After the lecture, when our girls were cleaning the hall, one of them came up to me and showed me a gold chain that someone had lost. I suggested that she keep it for herself, as there were many strangers in the hall and we would no longer be able to find the owner. She resolutely refused and said that she was giving it to me to cover the cost of holding the seminar.

The power of thought and the subconscious!

This is how the power of thought and the subconscious works. This is a paradox, but all thoughts tend to materialize through circumstances, this is what I call karmic management. Everything is driven by will.

Once I asked the Master if a person can change his destiny?

He answered - only with an iron will!

What is will?

Will is the ability of consciousness to control its body and mind, and direct efforts, in accordance with its intention. The development of the will is a fairly simple matter. You need to start gradually. I will give you one exercise to develop an iron will that can control the whole world.

An exercise in developing the "iron" will...

  • Get up, stay at attention.
  • Lower your arms along your body and relax.
  • Freeze and don't move.
  • Watch yourself, not allowing the slightest movement of the body.
  • Watch yourself.
  • Take your time, start with just one minute a day.
  • Add only one minute each day.

Exercise duration

This exercise should be performed at the same time, on an empty stomach, in the morning or in the evening. After 30 days you will reach the mark of 30 minutes, and after 2 months you will be able to stand for an hour. At the moment of volitional standing, your back and neck should be straight, on the same line.

Just stop - everything will come!

Try it - get a good experience. See what happens! Your life will change dramatically. You will begin to gain power over yourself and, as a result, over everything and everyone.

The effect of practice

This exercise was used by ancient yogis to achieve their goals. This practice strengthens the body, calms the mind, and gives tremendous strength. Practicing strong-willed standing, you acquire a harmoniously built and beautiful body, clear, logical thinking. Having set a task before standing, you can formulate your desire or intention (for which you are standing) and it will certainly come true - by the power of your will.

May the force be with you!

Greetings, my dear readers! Have you ever thought about something and it came true? I have, and more than once. This suggests - can you manage your life with the help of inner messages? To date, there are a large number of directions working in this area. Let's talk about how to manage your thoughts, how to make your life conscious and how to achieve harmony of thought and action.

Truth or fiction?

Surely you know the phrase "thought is material." But is this really true, or is it just a cunning fiction? Here, as in any other issue, there are two sides. Some argue that thoughts cannot control reality. Others, by their own examples, prove that this is quite feasible.

The human brain is still not fully understood by scientists. The possibilities of our mind are vague and incomprehensible. How can you explain such concepts as intuition, deja vu, prophetic dreams? Alena Krasnova and her work will guide you through the labyrinth of the human mind " The power of thought».

Rather than just ranting, I'll give you a few examples. My best friend throughout her youth fell asleep with one thought: at the age of eighteen I will have my own apartment, a car and a wonderful young man. And so on, until you fall asleep, every day.

And what do you think? At the age of eighteen, her mother gave her a certificate for driving courses, and then a brand new Peugeot. After a while, her parents moved out to a separate house and left her a city apartment. And of course, she had a long-term relationship with a wonderful guy. Believe it or not.

I have experienced a similar effect myself. Before a certain task, I set myself up, uttered clearly formulated phrases to myself, and in the end I got the result I expected.

Only by trying it for yourself will you be able to understand whether it works for you or not.

How it works?

What is the essence of such techniques? There are positive affirmations. A list of phrases that you say to yourself at a certain time, setting your subconscious mind to the scenario you need.

There are techniques that exclude all use of negations. It is believed that the cosmos does not perceive the particle "not" and literally understands the phrase. So the message "I don't want to be poor" has the opposite effect: I want to be poor.

To be honest, I always try to use positive phrases in my speech. I avoid the use of negativity and denial. It helps me to better manage my feelings and emotions. Since I say more positive words, I focus more on them.

In fact, all such techniques are aimed at directing your actions in the right direction to achieve a result by the power of thought. Saying certain messages to yourself, you program your subconscious. It, in turn, draws up instructions and a plan according to which you will perform actions unconsciously.

You can find a more detailed and clear description in Vadim Zeland's book " Practical course Transurfing in 78 days". In it, the author gives practical advice and explains many incomprehensible things.

I see here a great similarity with the belief in omens and hypnosis. There are people who are very good at hypnosis and believe in all signs in a row. And there are those who do not believe in any sign and nothing like this ever happens to them.

For example, a black cat lived in my house for a long time. She crossed my path a million times a day. But it did not matter, because I did not believe in this sign.

Reinforce thoughts with actions

Agree, if you just sit on the couch and think "I'm beautiful and rich", then you are unlikely to feel a positive result. The ability to think positively is very useful to you in life. It will help you better cope with your emotions, understand the feelings that you will experience at a particular moment.

But in my opinion, it is not enough to learn to direct thoughts in the right direction. Manage your life in every aspect. Complement with the right things.

If you want a good job, don't just think about it. It is necessary to write a good resume, sensibly assess your capabilities, maybe look like additional courses and go for an interview.

And you will learn how best to show yourself to a potential employer in the article "".

Manage events not only mentally, but also effectively. Do not be afraid to make a choice, take responsibility. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Don't become that person. Use all your possibilities to the maximum. And trust me, your possibilities are endless. You just have to believe in yourself and start working.

You may be interested in the articles "" and "". Just never forget, the more power you have, the greater the responsibility becomes.

Do you believe in the power of thought? Have your dreams and hopes come true? Maybe among your acquaintances there is a person who successfully uses such techniques?