Why you can't get married on a leap year. Leap year wedding. Signs and superstitions

Since ancient times, many signs and beliefs have been associated with a leap year. A special place in these signs is given wedding ceremonies and wedding. By definition, it is considered that the marriage union concluded in leap year will fail, and it is not customary to get married in such a year. Let's try to figure out where this information comes from and weigh the pros and cons. wedding ceremony in a leap year.

Initially, a leap year is a year in which instead of 365 there are 366 days. This exclusively human invention was intended to provide a more accurate calculation of astronomical dates. Mystics in this phenomenon, in fact, no - rather, mathematics. However, for many centuries in a row with a leap year, unfavorable forecasts are associated not only with marriages, but also with ordinary undertakings and deeds.

Perhaps this belief about an unhappy marriage arose from the fact that in ancient times the leap year, on the contrary, was considered the "Year of the Bride." In this year, the brides were the first to woo the grooms, and it was believed that the matchmakers could not be refused, that is, the groom was obliged to marry the bride who wooed him. Naturally, such a marriage was far from always happy. Hence the belief that a leap year brings unhappy marriages. And mystics here, as you can see, are also few.

So, let's take a look at the pros of getting married in leap year 2020.

  1. First, there are no auspicious days and, moreover, the church does not suggest years for weddings and marriages. Church canons indicate that the Sacrament is not performed on the eve of Friday and Sunday, as well as during many days of fasting. And not a word about leap years.
  2. Secondly, real love does not tolerate any boundaries. If your feeling is mutual and sincere, then to endure and refrain from marriage and living together just because of someone's superstitions is a little stupid. There are no scientific or statistical data confirming the unfavorableness and transience of marriages in a leap year. So - it's all far-fetched stories and prejudices.
  3. Thirdly, if the bride or groom, contrary to the wishes of the second half, wants to postpone the wedding only because of a leap year, this year may well become unlucky for them if the second half wants to look for a less superstitious life partner. Any wedding is the crown of a relationship and is always an auspicious event, despite the dates and dates.
  4. Fourthly, we should not forget that according to the same superstitions, the leap year is followed by the "year of the widow" and the "year of the widower." Do you agree to wait a few more years for the “opportune moment” and is there a guarantee that your marriage will become stronger from this?
  5. And fifth, a huge plus weddings in leap year 2020 is a great freedom of choice. Choosing a place for painting, a restaurant, a videographer and photographer, a date, after all! Indeed, many couples, due to incomprehensible superstitions, postpone the wedding - and statistics show that weddings this year are 10-15% less. And, therefore, more restaurants and desired wedding entertainment available just for you.

If you are nevertheless very superstitious and get married on a leap year, the belief says that during the wedding, the bride and groom should say in the church: “I am crowning with a crown, not a leap year!”. This is a conspiracy so that the marriage, despite the leap year, does not break up. Thus, you once again “secure” yourself from the adverse effects of signs and beliefs.

wedding omens for a leap year:

  • In order to once again "play it safe" and protect your marriage from adverse influences you should pay attention to signs that are aimed at prolonging the marriage union and promise him wealth and longevity.
  • For example, newlyweds in a leap year should avoid loud parties in the bride's house before the wedding. This should be done in order not to frighten off happiness in the bride's house during preparations for the holiday. In a leap year, this should be especially adhered to - because in this year, according to ancient legends, it was the bride who symbolized marriage taking the initiative in their own hands.
  • Special attention should be paid to accessories and dress. In leap year 2020, the bride is recommended to wear long dress- to long and happy marriage, as well as pick up vintage antique jewelry - symbolizing the eternity of feelings and long love.
  • Also, a special sign of happiness - after a wedding in a leap year, you should save the wedding tablecloth and cover the table with it on the wedding anniversary for the next three years. The marriage will be strong, and the house will be a full bowl.

Among the cons of wedding in a leap year only the superstitions associated with this year should be noted. Many friends and relatives begin to dissuade the couple from marrying this year, or persistently ask why such a rush and whether it is possible to wait. The stigma of “a couple doomed to divorce” sometimes brings newlyweds to tantrums and depression, quarrels and breakups even before the wedding. And it all depends on the newlyweds themselves. If faith in success and love is mutual and strong, everything will surely work out. After all, it is not without reason that they say that only those who believe in the evil eye can be jinxed. If a couple initially openly ignores this sign and in every possible way bypasses delicate conversations and condemnations, they thereby protect themselves from troubles and hardships in the future.

The main argument in favor of marriage and wedding in a leap year should be the church canons, which do not prohibit any rituals at this time. The Church, in contrast, condemns all kinds of superstition and gossip, considering them to be pagan survivals aimed at destroying faith and true feelings.

And, most importantly... Newlyweds, remember - your happiness is in your hands. Do not let any other people's opinions influence your destiny and destroy your happiness. Follow your heart and know that there are no barriers to eternal and mutual love does not exist in the world. What about leap year? This is just another pleasant moment - because this year you will enjoy your tenderness and ardor of feelings for one day more than usual ....

2016 is a leap year for a wedding. Auspicious days and dates

Leap year 2016 for a wedding: auspicious days and dates

Any girl sees herself in her dreams in a chic wedding dress, solemn ceremony, beautiful hall, lots of guests. Creation new family is a very important and responsible step that requires special attention. Here you can not neglect the little things, the young couple must take into account all the nuances in organizing the celebration. Often modern girls and the guys go to the registry office, knowing in advance the exact date their paintings. It is generally accepted that family life begins with a wedding, so it is necessary to think through every detail of this significant event.

To future life was successful, and a strong marriage is to decide on the date, because not every day of the year is favorable for starting a family. Some couples go to their parents for advice, and they, in turn, start from folk signs, while others prefer to trust astrologers and plan a celebration, trusting the horoscope. A lot of people do things the way they're supposed to. church customs following the instructions of the father. But there are also couples who do not believe in any signs, but set a wedding date simply because they like combinations of numbers. In organizing a celebration, the main thing is the mood, then everything will work out.

Leap year wedding 2016

When lovers begin to think about a wedding in a leap year, they will hear from friends more than once that this cannot be done, because such a decision does not bode well. Many are sure that a year consisting of 366 days does not bring happiness, but rather is saturated with negativity and danger. Is it really that bad, and couples looking to start a family should refrain from getting married in 2016, or is it all just talk?

It just so happened that many couples believe in superstition and are completely sure that marriage in 2016 will not bring anything good, and the marriage will be doomed to collapse. But what about people who do not want to wait another year to unite their hearts? If we turn to history, we can trace one amazing fact. Once every four years, fun was not arranged in the bride’s house, but couples in love could still go through the wedding ceremony. Moreover, only girls were supposed to marry. And all because the leap year is the patron saint of brides, it was during this period that the girls themselves could choose their betrothed. And then the newly-made bride could be refused by the matchmakers in the most extreme case.

There are many signs and rituals that help to cope with superstition and understand that a leap year wedding is no different from weddings in other years. During the marriage ceremony, one of the relatives can say “I crown with a crown, and not with a leap end”, and in this case the marriage promises to be successful, long and happy. In addition, if the wedding is played in a leap year, then going to the wedding, the bride and groom should not look back.

There are also signs that relate to the wedding attire. If the bride's dress is below the knees, then the marriage will last a long time. After the wedding, in no case should you share your wedding dresses and accessories. It is believed that marriage in the leap year of 2016 will bring joy and happiness to young people if some important person is invited to the celebration, only positive and incendiary music is included, and they also come up with something extraordinary for the event. A wedding in 2016 should be held under the auspices of creativity, so poems, skits, exciting contests from guests will only be welcome.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2016

Every couple in love, who plans to marry, definitely thinks about the day when the most important and amazing event in their life will happen. Astrologers say that the correct choice of the date of the wedding is as important as, for example, the compatibility of the characters of the future spouses. Leap year 2016 also has dates that you should pay attention to when planning a wedding. So, the days promising good luck in longevity to future marriage are as follows:

There are no favorable days in January, because the whole month will pass under the sign of "bachelor". This period is more inclined to create friendly alliances than love ones. A marriage concluded in January will only be able to resist the collapse if the couple does not infringe on each other's freedom and is not boring.

February provides young couples with several dates, starting from the 14th to the 18th. A wedding these days promises to bring a long and strong family life. A suitable day will also be the 20th and 25th.

March will not be able to please lovers with dates for the wedding, because they are not in it. During this period, partners are not too inclined to give love to each other. A wedding in March will only push people to disputes and rivalry, so it is better to refrain from entering into an alliance.

There are no suitable days in April for a wedding, because in 2016 great post falls throughout the month. The church has a negative attitude towards weddings and other entertainment events during this period.

It is believed that people who get married in May will suffer for the rest of their lives. Despite this, May provided us with many days to connect the two loving hearts in a strong union: from the 15th to the 27th. Of course, those couples who do not want to throw a magnificent banquet or get married pay attention to weekdays. If the plans include a grand event, coupled with a wedding, then it is better to pay attention to the weekend.

In June, you can select the most favorable date for weddings - June 17th. It is also worth highlighting the 25th day - a day for a long and happy marriage.

It is very symbolic to get married on July 6, because this day is considered Kissing Day. official marriage will become strong if it is based on love and trust, and a wonderful date for the conclusion similar marriages in 2016 are 13, 15, 18, 20, 25.

August is not rich in favorable numbers for marriage. Considering all church holidays and fasts that fall in August, August 12 will be the happiest day.

September is also not full of lucky days for marriage, but still, 18 can be distinguished from all the dates. It is on this day that marriage will bring prosperity, good luck and love to the newlyweds.

The same can be said about October - it is better to refuse marriage during this period.

Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016

All astrologers are unanimous in one opinion: it is better to postpone painting on the new moon, full moon and quarter moon changes. To determine the date of these moments will help moon calendar. Also, astrologers advise to refrain from marriage during lunar eclipses. In addition, on the days of fasting, commemoration, large church holidays, Christmas time should be abandoned to hold a wedding event.

In our advanced age of skeptics and pragmatists who work hard, proving to the world that omens and superstitions are only relics of past years and it is illogical and stupid to listen to them, there are indeed fewer and fewer different signs of fate. However, it is worth the leap year, and the one who recently stood up so much for getting rid of prejudice is already splashing a glass of wine out the window to appease a certain Kasyan.

Leap year. Omens and superstitions.

According to one legend not included in the Bible, St. Kasian went over to the side of the devil, thus betraying God. He was severely punished for the crime. He was beaten for 3 years, and on the 4th he was given a rest. Then the punishment came again. For a year of respite, Kasian took out his anger and resentment on humanity, sowing fears, death and misfortune. According to this belief, it turned out that every fourth year is very difficult for people. They tried to appease him by treating Kasyan with the first glass of wine with New Year's table just after midnight.

When Caesar introduced the concept of a "leap" year, to simplify the system of chronology, confusion began. The great emperor himself did not live to see the next leap year, and his priests could not correctly calculate the day on which the full additional days come, and added them every third year, confusing scientists. When order was restored, several decades later, leap years ceased to function at all, until the previously noted day came to naught. In the Gregorian, Roman, Jewish calendars, there were generally other methods for determining the "extra" day. Of course, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the leap year and the year of Kasyan are one and the same. Caesar never said that. These two stories, incomprehensible to ordinary people, simply merged with the people over time and took root, and, here you are, they have come down to our days.

The impact of a leap year on a person

Now, a leap year is perceived not as a mathematical, astronomical term, but as a black cloud hanging over humanity and promising unimaginable disasters. Man by nature is afraid of death. Subconsciously, he understands that he can not get away from this, but he hopes. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. Therefore, from time immemorial, people have come up with amulets, conspiracies, amulets that keep from the evil eye and sincerely believed in these defenders.

All the troubles that happened to the people this year were attributed to the "bad" year and the tricks of Kasian. However, in fairness, statistics do not recognize this. There is no increase in mortality and crop failures every fourth year. It's all idle talk. Since a person is always looking for someone to blame for misfortune, Kasyan is perfect for this. And as long as people are sure of this, every fourth year they will ask themselves whether it is possible to have a wedding in a leap year, when it is necessary to baptize a child in a leap year, whether it is possible to get pregnant in a leap year.

And even if people are far from prejudices and consider themselves above them, among the family, among friends there will certainly be those who will be able to sow the seed of doubt in the soul that, for example, it is impossible to get married on a leap year.

Leap year wedding. Signs.

I want to remember popular expression: "How many times have they told the world ...", but if we believe in something, it is impossible to convince. This also applies to superstitions. When grandparents say that you can’t get married on a leap year, doubts begin to creep into the head of a happy bride and groom. And in vain! There is not a single fad on which it would be impossible to play a wedding in a leap year. This superstition cannot even be called a prejudice or a relic, since even in ancient times it had no underlying reason.

Leap year is a mathematical concept, not a spiritual or religious one. There is no reason to put off a joyful event.


Having plunged into the "traditions of the deep antiquity", you can learn an interesting fact about the tradition of matchmaking. In Rus', before the wedding, it was customary to send matchmakers to the house of the future bride. But once every four years (guess what year), matchmakers were sent to the groom's house. The girl herself wooed the guy, and, as usual, he could not refuse her. It was said that such marriages were not always happy, as they were often forced. But this is not a reason to "slander" a leap year. Then and during men's courtship, the bride often walked down the aisle, washing herself with tears. But this was not given importance. And if a guy marries against his will, then let's compose all sorts of fairy tales about an unlucky year.

Now matchmaking is a thing of the past, the bride can refuse the groom, and the groom the bride, now no one is forcibly thrown into his arms, except for the shadow cast on an innocent leap year.

If it is so important to skip this year, we must remember that it is followed, according to signs, by the “Year of the Widower”, and then the “Year of the Widow”. So it turns out that, according to signs, you can get married every four years. If a couple of young people loving friend friend, ready to wait with the wedding for three years, then you can safely follow the stories and sit down by the stove.

Church opinion

The Church is perplexed about such superstitions and does not recognize or encourage them in any way. If people are afraid of something, then they are not sure about their union either. For a wedding in a leap year, there are as many prohibitions as in any other. Great holidays, Fasting, some days of the week. And the rest of the year, the priests perform the wedding ceremony on people who are ready to unite themselves in the eyes of the Lord.

Wedding signs for a leap year

For those who are afraid of Kasyanova's punishment, but nevertheless decided to get married, there are some signs among the people that can "secure" the newlyweds.

A leap year gives us one more day than usual. Might not be worth looking into hidden threat rather use this time for tenderness and warm words each other.

2016 is just around the corner, and many lovers who dream of legitimizing their relationship are wondering if it is possible to get married on a leap year, and whether it is possible to get married. In this publication, we will look at what the fears of future couples, and also listen to the opinion of astrologers and representatives of the church.

What is associated with this period?

The people noticed that every 4 years various cataclysms are activated on the earth. Natural disasters, wars, destruction, but you never know what other misfortunes do not happen in life! Therefore, since ancient times, people have attributed some signs to the leap year. Looking at one of them, it becomes clear why you can’t get married on a leap year. After all, there is an opinion among the people that any undertakings are contraindicated during this period, whether it is the birth of a family, the beginning of building a house or the development of a new project. Also, people think that at this time you can not invest money or plan purchases. What do astrologers think about this?

Opinion of astrologers: why is it impossible to get married on a leap year?

Astrologers, in principle, do not in the least contradict the historical fear of the people. So why can't you get married on a leap year? The thing is that during this period a new four-year cycle begins. Any undertakings cannot be approached spontaneously and irresponsibly, because otherwise your union is not only doomed to collapse, but will also entail a series of new troubles. Therefore, if young people have some concerns about their future, it is better to postpone the wedding to 2017.

in terms of superstition

As we found out, the people are deeply convinced that once every 4 years it is necessary to avoid new beginnings and changes in principle. Moreover, it is believed that in such a year it is impossible to get a divorce. Superstitious people believe that a marriage entered into during such a period will be unhappy and eventually fall apart. One of the spouses may be credited with imminent widowhood or betrayal of a partner. However, those who got married in a leap year and still live happily can classify themselves as non-superstitious people.

Down with prejudice!

Married in a leap year is by no means an exception to the rule. After all, there will be too many exceptions in this case. And, of course, it is simply impossible to spend the whole year without planning new things and without making any undertakings. Life in this case will stop. However, marriage is a responsible and very serious step, and, as we have already said, should be done only if both partners are completely sure of their feelings.

Let's take a look at the statistics

We have already learned what people think about why you can’t get married on a leap year, and now let’s dig a little into the statistics. Perhaps the stubborn numbers will shed light on superstition. Will there be a reflection of folk signs in statistics? It is amazing, but it turns out that marriages concluded in those very “dangerous” years break up no more often than unions concluded in auspicious time. Well, the fact that quarrels and domestic conflicts happen within a couple, so no one has managed to avoid this yet.

invention of mankind

No one thought that a leap year is just an invention of mankind, which allows you to adjust astronomical and mechanical watches to each other. In fact, an extra day in February (to which superstitious people also attribute many misfortunes) does not change anything. With the same success as calendars used to change and dates shifted, now it is canceled, then reintroduced and new holidays with additional days off are based.

An optimistic excursion into history

It is amazing how much pessimists always look for the bad in everything, so optimists are ardent apologists for the good. So the leap year in Rus' was considered to be the year of brides. Now few people know about it, but it's true. It was during this period that our great-great-grandmothers were allowed to send matchmakers to their loved ones. In addition, the groom did not have the right to refuse the girl, except in exceptional cases. Therefore, if our great-grandmothers were asked, they would certainly laugh and answer in the affirmative.

This tradition is reflected in many cultures. So, for example, in Ireland, a woman can propose to her chosen one on February 29th. Now so original unusual way proposals of the hand and heart are gladly picked up by modern girls.

What does the church think?

We have not yet been interested in the question of why it is impossible to marry in a leap year, from the representatives of the church. Well, let's fill this gap. Let's start with the fact that the clergy are extremely negative about prejudice. After all, according to the priests, folk omens have nothing to do with faith or church canons. Therefore, no prohibitions are imposed on weddings this year, and ceremonies are performed in the usual manner, with the exception of the period of fasting and holy holidays, however, as in any other year.

In this article, we tried to find out why people do not get married on a leap year, and came to the conclusion that this is only popular superstition. But even now some people may believe him. Therefore, if one of your couple is a superstitious person, it is better to postpone the wedding for the next period. Why drag again bad events? Well, if none of you believe in prejudice, but believe in love, then go to the registry office without any doubt.

It is believed that a wedding in a leap year will not bring anything good to the spouses and family life will not work out. And the wedding is completely under the strictest ban. Why so many negative signs and superstitions?

What is a leap year? This is a year that lasts one day more than other years. And it comes once every four years. IN Ancient Rus' they believed that in a leap year the time of the devil comes, and therefore at this time it was impossible to start anything new, neither get married, nor build a house.

The most superstitious dates of our ancestors: on February 29, according to popular belief, the Kasyan's Window opened (Kasyan is the devil). And he came into this world to cause discord between people, to bring grief and misfortune.

Leap year wedding

Is it possible to get married and get married in a leap year? Interesting fact- in Rus' long year matchmakers were given rest, and the girl herself could go to woo the guy she liked. Came to the house young man sat down on a bench and waited. It was impossible to talk or ask for anything. It could take several days. And if the owners of the house turned to her, started a conversation, then this meant that the girl was accepted into the family and gave the go-ahead for marriage, without asking the opinion of her son.

Of course, such marriages, where love is present only on one side, often turned out to be unsuccessful. Hence the belief that weddings cannot be played in a leap year.

Leap year wedding tips

Why it is impossible to play weddings in a leap year, folk signs say. There is a belief that in a long year, couples who marry will definitely part. Or other misfortunes will happen:

  • young people get very sick;
  • there will always be quarrels and fights in the family;
  • one of the couple will be widowed early;
  • one of the couple will change;
  • the family will collapse.

In addition, in a leap year it was impossible not only to marry, but also to give birth to children. If this happened, then they tried to baptize the newborn as soon as possible.

But if you follow all the signs, it turns out that it is impossible to enter into a marriage even in next year after the leap year, it is considered the year of the widow, and after it comes the year of the widower. That is, for three whole years it is impossible to create families and give birth to children. That is, in fact, all these superstitions are only an obstacle to family happiness, the reliability and seriousness of the intentions of young people who want to start a family are being tested.

But if all these superstitions affect the young, and they are wary of marrying in a leap year, then for them there are some signs that must be followed so that a marriage concluded in a long year becomes happy.

For example, before the crown it is necessary to say the words: “I crown with a crown, and not with a leap end.”

For the couple to live long life together, then the next three years after the date of registration for the anniversary, you need to cover the table with the tablecloth with which it was covered on the wedding day.

The bride should never wear wedding ring over a glove, otherwise a divorce cannot be avoided.

Fatu and wedding attire brides cannot be sold, so as not to sell their own family happiness. And young people should put a coin in their shoes before registration.

On the way to the place of registration, the bride and groom should not look back.

Do all these signs and superstitions play any role in family life? Probably only for those who believe in them. In this case, for your own peace of mind and a sense of protection from dark forces, it is worth conducting all these rituals.

Leap year wedding

Do wedding ceremonies take place in leap years? Orthodoxy has never forbidden weddings this year. The idea that you can’t get married on a leap year is completely false. This is superstition, which in no way should affect the consciousness of a sane person. How can the number of days in a year affect the fate of family life? The answer is obvious.

Anyone who is going to get married knows that the couple receives the Blessing of God for the Sacrament of the Wedding, and with him there is no need to be afraid of any dark forces.

The main thing is sincere feeling between future spouses and their desire to conclude their relationship in a union before God. Love must be stronger than superstition, then the relationship will be strong and durable.

Favorable days for a wedding are days that do not fall into fasting or on the days of commemoration of the dead. Whether it's a leap year or not doesn't matter.