Do people get married on a leap year? Leap year wedding. So what to do? Postpone the wedding for a whole year

If you are planning to get married this year, then you have probably already heard a million times from friends and family that, yes, 2016 is a leap year, which means that a marriage entered into this year will be unsuccessful. Whether this is true or not, let's try to figure it out...

A leap year is a year in which, according to the Julian calendar, there are not 365 days, but one more - 366. In fact, a leap year is our own human invention, necessary for accurately calculating astronomical dates. That is, by and large, there is nothing mystical in it. However, over the years, we have associated many different, but always frightening signs and superstitions with the leap year. Thus, it is believed that a leap year is unfavorable for solving housing issues, having children and, of course, weddings.

It is believed that a marriage entered into this year is doomed to be unhappy, but what should those lovers do who cannot wait another whole year? It's simple, change your attitude towards superstitions! And history will help us do this. It is known that in the old days, leap year was called the “Year of the Bride.” And all because this year the matchmakers did not visit the houses of the girls, as was customary, but the houses of the grooms. Moreover, what is interesting is that the young man could not refuse the matchmakers, and, therefore, was forced to marry the girl who chose him, regardless of whether he liked her or not. This is probably why it has become common sense that a wedding on a leap year is a direct path to an unhappy marriage. As you can see, there is no mysticism here either. It’s all just a matter of our psychology, because forced marriages are rarely truly happy.

If after this you are still afraid to get married in a leap year, we will give two more arguments.

  • The first argument is statistics, which is by no means easy to argue with. And statistics tell us that a leap year is no different from any other, either in the number of divorces, or in the number of deaths and illnesses, or in any other sad indicators that we could associate with the mystical forces that dominate us this year .
  • The second argument is related to the church, which means that if you are a true believer, you can breathe easy, because the church does not have any special relationship with weddings on a leap year. It is not considered in any sense unsuitable for marriages, with the exception perhaps of days of fasting or days before church holidays, which is relevant for Christian believers in any year.

All possible signs of a wedding in a leap year

Signs of a wedding in a leap year, promising us unhappiness in marriage, are a truly frightening thing for many. And no amount of exhortation will help here. What to do? Wait another whole year? No, because for those who are unable to cope with fears through reason, there are other ways. So, for example, during a wedding ceremony, the bride and groom, or one of their relatives, must say “I crown with a crown, not a leap end!” It is believed that this will make the marriage lasting and happy. In addition, when a wedding takes place in a leap year, the bride and groom should not look back on the way to the wedding.

There are also signs regarding wedding attire. In a leap year, the bride's dress should be below the knees, then the marriage will be long. After the wedding, you cannot sell the veil or dress, or lend it to friends or relatives. In addition, it is believed that a marriage concluded in a leap year will be successful if three conditions are met: invite some important person to the wedding, play only positive music during the banquet, and, finally, arrange the celebration in some unusual way. It will be good if one of your friends or relatives composes poetry on this occasion, paints a picture, or puts on a small performance - a wedding on a leap year should be held under the sign of creativity.

So, now you may not be afraid of a wedding on the leap year 2016, because even if you have not lost faith in your fears, you now know how to protect yourself and your marriage from any misfortunes. But remember, the main thing is not signs, but that you really love each other and want to always be together!

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Surprisingly, we still skillfully combine ancient traditions and prejudices with our modern life. Leap year wedding: should there be a celebration or should we wait? This question still haunts the minds of young couples who are at least a little superstitious. What to do in this case? The wedding portal will tell you about this and try to dissuade you.

Let's go back to history...

In Rus', the leap year also has another name - Kasyanov year. According to legend, Kasyan is a formidable old guard of the gates of hell, whose gaze is feared by both dead and living people. He leaves his place only 4 times a year, namely on February 29. Therefore, it was believed that it was undesirable to celebrate a wedding in a leap year, since the marriage would be unhappy. However, in accordance with other signs, superstitious brides and grooms, on the contrary, tried to celebrate the celebration in a leap year, since it is followed by the year of the widow, and then the year of the widower. As you can see, you can end up without a wedding at all! Although, according to historians, such beliefs began after numerous and destructive wars.

Moreover, there are many positive signs associated with this issue that will even make you happy. For example, there is written evidence that every fourth year was called the year of brides. The girls themselves went to matchmaking, and according to custom, men could not refuse them. And the church does not at all support all superstitions and signs. So you should definitely think about it!

There are no differences

If each of you gets interested and decides to check the divorce statistics, it turns out that no matter what years young couples get married, there are no differences. Of course, there are some stories that may seem true to you. After all, they don’t write anything on the forums: they got divorced only because they got married on a leap year, that it was a huge mistake on their part, and so on. Although the problems of parting should be looked for not in wedding signs, but only in yourself.

What to do if you are still tormented by doubts?

  • Firstly, ask yourself a series of questions. Can superstitions really interfere with your love? Do you really believe this and are you willing to sacrifice your happiness?
  • Secondly, if you have already been proposed for marriage, remember that after the leap year there are two more periods, not the most pleasant by name, according to which you should not get married. Does this mean that you are ready to wait?
  • Third, believe in the good omens that are associated with a leap year, and then your doubts will immediately disappear.
  • Fourth, just go around and ask your loved ones how leap year affected their lives. The portal is sure that they will not tell you any special scary stories.

Positive aspects of organizing a wedding in a leap year

Some planners, wedding photographers and videographers even offer discounts for young couples who decide to get married on a leap year. In this way they encourage non-superstitious brides and grooms. Try to look at a wedding in a leap year from the other side: You are an original, brave couple who is 100% confident in their feelings and does not believe that any superstitions can destroy their happiness. Therefore, we advise you not to postpone the wedding and not to believe in such signs, but simply enjoy your feeling and the upcoming changes in your life.

Trust and love each other! And then no leap year will become an obstacle for you!

Should you get married on a leap year? Why are superstitions associated with leap year so widespread and where did they come into our lives?

My friends are very afraid of leap years (2008 is a leap year!). They say that in such a year you cannot get married and you should expect many illnesses and deaths. Tell me, please, is this superstition or is it really true? Elena

Hello, Elena!

Let's first figure out how a leap year differs from all the others. Just one day - February 29th. Where did this one day come from? Let's try to figure it out.

It is known that there is Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Julian calendar was introduced into circulation by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar in 46 BC. Julius Caesar reformed the old Roman calendar, which by that time was very chaotic and complex. The new calendar was solar and distributed the solar year into calendar days and months. But since the solar year is not divided into an even number of days, the leap year system was adopted, which “caught up” with the length of the solar year.

The Julian year is 365 days and 6 hours long. But this value is 11 minutes and 14 seconds greater than the solar value. Therefore, for every 128 years, a whole day was accumulated. The Julian calendar was easy to use, but was not astronomically accurate. This led to a shift in some astronomical dates. One of them is the day of the spring equinox. It is this day that plays an important role in calculating the day of Easter celebration.

At the First Ecumenical Council of 325, it was decided to celebrate Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, by all local Churches on the same day. The vernal equinox then fell on March 21. But since every 128 years an error of one day accumulated, the real equinox began to occur earlier. In the 5th century, the moment of the equinox occurred on March 20, then on the 19th, 18th, etc. By the second half of the 16th century, the error was already ten days. In this regard, Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 undertook a calendar reform. According to his instructions, the day after Thursday, October 4, was prescribed to be counted not as October 5, but as October 15. Thus, the day of the vernal equinox returned to March 21, where it was during the First Ecumenical (Nicene) Council.

But even for the Gregorian calendar, additional measures were needed to calculate exact dates, because and it could not be absolutely accurate, since in principle it is impossible to accurately divide the solar year into the number of days.

For this purpose, not only leap years were introduced, but also, a kind of non-leap centuries. It was decided that those centuries that are not divisible by 4 without a remainder will be simple, and not leap years, as is the case in the Julian calendar. Those. centuries 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100 and so on are simple, that is, in these years there is no insertion of an additional day in February. And therefore, in these centuries, the Julian calendar goes one more day ahead. It so happened that by our time a difference of 13 days has accumulated between the two calendars, which will increase by another day in 2100. By the way, it is this difference that is the reason that in the Russian Orthodox Church the main holidays are celebrated 13 days later than in the Western Church and in some Orthodox Churches.

As you can see, Leap year is a completely human invention, necessary for calculating exact astronomical dates. And there is absolutely no mysticism here. But, unfortunately, many prejudices and superstitions constantly complicate the lives of many people. What terrible superstitions surround the New Year celebration. Every now and then there is propaganda about the patron animals of the coming year. Either a monkey, or a rat, or a pig are called upon to patronize people in the coming year. And how sad it is to see figurines of these animals in the homes of Orthodox Christians on the eve of the holiday! People who believe in the Crucified and Risen Christ essentially become pagans, worshiping the illusory dream of “animal” happiness. Even the tongue would not dare to call the year of God’s goodness the year of the rat or the pig! Well, what kind of monkey will help a person if the Lord leaves him. An Orthodox Christian must trust only in the Lord and His mercy.

Also there are many superstitions associated with leap year. One of them says that you cannot have a wedding or get married in a leap year. There are no favorable or unfavorable days or years for marriage. Marriages are not celebrated on the eve of Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, major holidays or during multi-day fasts. On all other days of the year, marriage can take place without any obstacles. If a leap year were somehow unfavorable for the church from the point of view of performing the Sacrament of Marriage, then this would certainly be reflected in the church canons. But, as you understand, such a rule does not exist. This means that this superstition has nothing to do with the true state of affairs. There is another superstition associated with leap year. It says that more people die in a leap year than in other years. This can only be assumed if a large number of people die on February 29th. This reasoning has no justification. If we touch upon statistical data, approximately the same number of people die in leap years as in others, and the mortality rate depends on completely different factors.

Thus, I can advise your friends to think about who they are more - Orthodox Christians or people who follow “folk” superstitions. If the first, then you should not look for unfavorable days for a wedding, count the dead in a leap year and frantically ask for protection from animals in the coming year. Favorable for the bride and groom will be their joint fasting and prayer feat, as well as confession before the wedding. Deceased relatives and loved ones need only prayer and good memory. A worthy way to celebrate the New Year would be to participate in New Year's prayers held in churches on these days. If a person does not fast, does not go to Church, if this means nothing to him, and signs like “those who get married in May suffer all their lives” are important, then this person can decide for himself what criteria he will be guided in life. In a word, the choice is yours!

With respect, priest. Dionisy Svechnikov

Every serious event in people's lives causes fears and worries. Everyone strives to control their destiny at least a little, to influence it. This is why the “correct” dates of engagement, wedding, etc. are so important to many. There are different beliefs and opinions about each stage in a person’s life, and around the wedding (after all, on this day a new family is born), conversations never stop.

Many people believe that getting married during a leap year is strictly prohibited. Such a marriage will not last long and will bring the lovers continuous scandals, quarrels and disappointments. It's 2016, and it's a leap year. What should lovers who want to officially commit themselves to vows of fidelity do? Can they apply to the registry office without negative consequences for the marriage?

Why can't you get married on a leap year?

A leap year differs from others only in the number of days. It contains February 29th. Yes, and this difference was invented by people, because the “extra day” appeared due to the “rounding” of the standard year to 365 full days. In fact, it takes the Earth another six hours each year to complete its orbit around the Sun. So the occurrence of a leap year is a mathematical, not a mystical thing.

But superstitions always arise around unique and unusual things. People who did not understand the calendar immediately decided that the “special year” was different from the others. It was associated with crop failures and epidemics, as well as unsuccessful marriages. Is this approach justified?


Modern lovers pay great attention to the choice of the date of registration of the union. They consult astrologers. But what do the stars say about a wedding in a leap year? Astrologers claim that there can be no talk of any ban on marriage. Leap year no way does not affect the fate of the newlyweds. But the wrong day can ruin even the strongest feeling. Experts recommend stopping at Friday. This day of the week is associated with Venus, which takes care of family and home. If you have the opportunity to register on Sunday, don't miss it. Usually registry offices are closed on this day, but it is ideal for a wedding. A marriage contracted on Saturday will also be happy. But to do this, one of the spouses (or both) will have to sacrifice an important part of their life.

You shouldn't have a wedding on Tuesday. Mars, the patron saint of this day, will certainly quarrel the lovers and lead this marriage to complete collapse. Relationships will also be difficult for those who entrust their future to the Moon and get married on Monday.

If there is a clear leader in the family, then you can safely go to the registry office on Thursday. Otherwise, the spouses will constantly fight for first place. But lovers who united their hearts on Wednesday can very quickly lose interest in each other.

Folk signs

Superstitious people, of course, will not get married on a leap year. Folk omens promise a quick divorce. But this outcome is far from the worst: the imminent death of one of the spouses is quite possible. But it’s worth thinking about your “soul mate” - does the future husband or wife share the beliefs of your loved one? If not, then it is quite possible that marriage will not come next year.

If you want to take a risk and still have a wedding, then try to get rid of all the negative consequences with the help of folk signs. For example, The bride's dress must be long, and best of all with a train. The length of the hem symbolizes a long and strong marriage. The dress, veil and jewelry worn by the bride on her wedding day cannot be sold or lent to anyone. They might even take the groom away.

Many people believe that in a leap year you can't get married. However, priests debunk this myth. You cannot perform the ritual during Lent; there are no warnings about the year itself. If it were not possible to enter into alliances during a leap year, then the wedding ceremony would not be held.

Leap year traditions in history

Few people know that leap year was previously called " year of the bride" Traditionally, matchmakers would come to a young girl's house to inform her family of a young man's attentions. But in this “exceptional” year, future brides had the opportunity to express their feelings and preferences. Girls could send matchmakers to the house of a man they were interested in and wait for his response.

And in Scotland, a law was even passed that obliged men to marry ladies who proposed marriage to them on February 29. The fine for refusal was supposed to quickly console a broken heart - the law obliged the man to give the girl a dress or other valuable accessory.

2016 is a leap year for a wedding: favorable days and dates

Astrologers say that only a marriage concluded on a suitable day for the union can be happy. At the same time, for accurate calculations, the dates of birth of the lovers themselves are necessary. Otherwise, the forecast may not be accurate enough.

However, everyone agrees that marriage is necessary to the waxing moon. Full moons, days of lunar eclipse and days of the outgoing moon are unfavorable periods for weddings.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2016

This year there are not many universal dates that suit all couples, regardless of their personal data. In January there are no such days at all, but in February you can get married on Valentine's Day- 14th. Less symbolic ones are also suitable 18 , 20 And 25th.

© Depositphotos

Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that a leap year is very different from others. This year the harvest is worse, and there is less luck in new business, and it’s generally a bad idea. So do such beliefs have any basis, or should we simply ignore them and be happy?


Why you can’t get married on a leap year: the opinion of the church and superstition

Bride © shutterstock

According to popular belief, most marriages entered into during a leap year are doomed to failure. Although, in all the years of existence of this belief, there has never been any confirmation of it. In fact, a leap year differs from others by just one day.

Few people also know that in Rus' a leap year was considered a year. It was at this time that the girl could choose who to marry. And most often the groom did not refuse the lady.

Don’t want to take the risk and make your own choice in leap year 2016? A wedding on your initiative is simply doomed to success! In any case, you yourself can become the architect of your own happiness.


As for the church, its opinion about such prejudices is quite clear: nothing can interfere with a truly pure feeling. Therefore, there can be no restrictions on holding ceremonies for creating a new family. The only exception is the period of Lent.

Leap year wedding - Signs for a happy family life

Wedding © shutterstock

  • To make your family life happy, you should not wear a short wedding dress with a skirt that goes above your knees;
  • You should also not put a ring on your glove - this is a sure sign of a frivolous attitude towards each other;
  • Put a coin in your shoes for good luck;
  • Don't let anyone try on your wedding dress;
  • After your wedding for three years in a row, on your anniversary, cover the table with a wedding tablecloth, and also save the spoon the groom used to eat at the wedding, and give it to him on the 3rd, 7th and 40th day after the wedding.
  • In addition, there is a tradition of sprinkling wheat or rice on the bride and groom leaving home as a wish for prosperity and a new addition to the family. This tradition extends not only to leap years, but also to other weddings.


Signs of a leap year wedding for those who believe in superstitions

It is generally accepted that it is not good to marry in the leap year of 2016, as well as in the year of the widower and the year of the widow that immediately follows it. So it turns out that you can only get married in one year out of four. At the same time, there are no statistics confirming that your marriage will be long and happy if you enter into it in this fourth year. So think for yourself whether unfounded superstitions are worth delaying your happiness for three whole years.


In addition, superstition says that a leap marriage will be difficult for the spouses. But, forgive me, where did you see an easy family life?

On the other hand, if the conviction has firmly settled in your head that your leap year marriage will be unsuccessful, then most likely it will be so. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, and the power of thought is a great force.


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