Bad omens at a wedding. Wedding omens that the bride should know

So, if you want to live until the "golden" wedding and do not want to risk your happiness, the signs are as follows:

1. No one should be allowed to try on wedding rings either before or after the wedding;

2. For material well-being, the groom on the wedding day should put a coin in his right shoe. It must be preserved as a family heirloom;

3. From the evil eye, newlyweds are advised to fix on clothes safety pin head down. For the bride - on the hem of the dress with wrong side, the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

4. On the day of the wedding, the bride should put on something new, something from "someone else's shoulder." Naturally, the veil, gloves and underwear are not taken into account. And on the hem of the dress, you need to make a couple of stitches, preferably with blue threads (from the evil eye).

5. Shoes must be closed.

6. If the bride cries a little before the wedding, the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears are from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some problems.

7. When the bride leaves the house in front of the church or the registry office, the mother must give her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, and the like, as a talisman during the wedding.

8. Until the time of the wedding or marriage registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full dress. It is allowed to look at yourself, for example, without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

9. The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet all day. It is believed that if you release a bouquet and happiness can fly away like a bird. IN last resort you can give the groom or mother to hold the bouquet. On wedding banquet you can put the bouquet on the table in front of you, and in the evening take it to your bedroom.

10. After the bride is taken away from the wedding/registration house, it is necessary to at least symbolically clean the floor to make it easier for the bride to enter the husband's house. It's best if her mother does it.

11. When leaving the house, it is desirable that the bride wears a veil from the evil eye.

12. After the newlyweds get engaged, none of them can take an empty box from under the rings or a plate on which it lay. The box is allowed to be picked up by an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

13. On the day of the wedding, parents should make sure that none of the strangers and guests straighten the clothes on the bride and groom.

14. Newlyweds need to stay together all the time so that no one can pass or stand between them.

15. The bride and groom must blow out the wedding candles at the same time so that living together was long.

16. After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror - for good luck and for a friendly, happy life.

17. When leaving the church / registry office, young people are sprinkled with cereals: rice, millet or wheat grains so that they live in abundance.

18. It is impossible for young people to go to a banquet by a direct road. It is believed to be misleading evil spirit, and to do this, choose a complex, confusing route.

19. When young people drive up to the wedding venue, the car should honk loudly to scare away evil spirits.

20. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. After dancing with their children, parents must definitely connect them by bringing them to each other.

21. Traditional a wedding cake the bride cuts, the groom only supports the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom. Then to the guests. This sign to mutual agreement and help each other.

22. Bridesmaids and other single ladies who want to catch the bride's bouquet, instead of the bouquet presented by the groom, should throw an alternative, or "fake" bouquet ordered in advance, which looks a little like the bride's bouquet.

23. When preparing a bed for the newlyweds for the first wedding night, pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases are in contact - to a friendly life.

A wedding is one of the most special events in the life of every person. On this day, I want absolutely everything to be perfect and nothing interferes with happiness. However, before preparing for a significant celebration, you need to find out what wedding signs exist.

Signs for a wedding - what is possible, what is not?

To make this exciting day a good memory not only for relatives and guests, you need to think through all the details in advance. In this case, both good and bad omens at the wedding must be taken into account. The most famous :

  1. Try on and wear Jewelry allowed exclusively to newlyweds. Everyone else should not have access to them.
  2. Young people need to sew a safety pin on their clothes, which will help protect themselves from the evil eye. It is important that it is fixed head down.
  3. In order for happiness to always reign in a new family, a woman needs to cry a little before the wedding ceremony. It is important that the cause of this disorder was parting words moms and dads, not some problems.
  4. All the time, the newlyweds need to be together, that is, on this day it is impossible for strangers to pass between them.
  5. At the end of the wedding, the newlyweds need to look in the mirror. It is believed that this way life will be harmonious, happy and successful.
  6. Before the spouses leave the registry office, parents must sprinkle them with grain so that their life is prosperous.

Wedding signs for the bride

Every girl is waiting for this day with special trepidation. However, it is important not just to wait, but also to remember the details, to do everything so that happiness lasts, if not forever, then at least as long as possible. Exist :

  1. On this day, the newly-made wife should put on a thing belonging to another person, and on the hem of her dress she needs to make a few stitches with blue threads.
  2. The bride should only buy shoes with closed toes.
  3. Before marriage, a woman is not allowed to look in the mirror in full dress.
  4. If the bride releases bridal bouquet out of hand, happiness will immediately fly away.
  5. If a woman starts sneezing in the morning before the wedding, her marriage will be happy.
  6. For a happy life, a happily married friend must wear earrings.
  7. It is unacceptable for a friend to stand in front of her in front of a mirror.
  8. It is not recommended to buy a wedding dress in green tones.
  9. It is considered a bad sign if the hero of the occasion sees her husband without fully dressing.

Wedding dress color - signs

Modern women are offered a wide variety of models of dresses. different colors. However, it is important here not to chase fashion, but to find out what this or that color of the dress can mean, what wedding signs have:

  1. White symbolizes joy, innocence and purity. For this reason, the girl who got married for the first time wore such an outfit.
  2. The red wedding dress has not very good signs. Such an outfit is interpreted as a harbinger of quarrels and disagreements in the family.
  3. The golden color is the personification of the prosperity and wealth of the family.
  4. Silver color - symbolizes the transience of family happiness. It is generally accepted that such a marriage will soon break up or the family will live unhappily.
  5. Pink shades - to tender and long love couples.
  6. The purple dress is interpreted as a harbinger of divorce and a symbol.
  7. Orange colors - to respect in society.

Wedding veil - signs

Many signs for the bride on the wedding day are associated with a veil:

  1. You can not sell a veil or give it to your friends for their celebration. Otherwise, the marriage may fail.
  2. The veil and boutonniere should be kept in the family as a special heirloom. When a child is born, the baby is covered with a veil during illness. The thing is hung over the baby's bed to.
  3. Without a veil and a wreath, the future wife is not allowed to decorate her hair with flowers.
  4. If the bride is not in a veil, but in a hat, such a marriage often breaks up.
  5. A wedding in a short veil - to sick children, and a ceremony without it - to deception and suffering.

Wedding shoes - signs

Preparing for a celebration is always exciting, and for a girl, these are very pleasant moments when you need to choose an outfit. When buying shoes, it is important to remember about folk signs for a wedding:

  1. If you choose sandals, the couple will live in poverty.
  2. Closed shoes represent stability financial position family and husband's generosity.
  3. Shoes with clasps - to family conflicts, and without them - to fast and easy birth child.
  4. There should be one pair of shoes for the whole day.
  5. Wedding shoes are best bought on Friday.
  6. Shoes should be chosen high heels, and the higher it is, the more significant will be its place in family life.

Wedding bouquet - signs

An important attribute at the celebration is the wedding bouquet of the young wife. It is believed that a woman should carry it with her all day long and not let go of it. Everyone knows that it is very good for unmarried friends. This means that soon the girl will also get married. When choosing flowers for such a special bouquet, you need to know what wedding signs are and what the flowers symbolize:

  1. Roses represent tender affection for a loved one. At the same time, the flowers different color can have various meanings. Red is a symbol of passionate love, and yellow is a sign of friendly sympathy.
  2. Orchids represent excessive affection and fidelity.
  3. Gerberas are a symbol of easy relationships and flirting, friendly sympathy.
  4. Lilies will talk about young man as about a stable and reliable man.

Signs about wedding rings

Before important holiday in life, you need to learn about signs on your wedding day. There are many wedding signs about wedding rings:

  1. Young people need to buy wedding jewelry in one place and at the same time.
  2. It is undesirable that the rings have inscriptions or carvings. If wedding rings have a smooth surface, then the life of the young will be smooth and even.
  3. You can’t lose rings and let someone else try them on.
  4. It is considered a bad sign to try on the rings of divorced or widowed people.

Wedding signs for the groom

Men rarely believe in folk signs, but when it comes to such an important celebration in life, they are sometimes cautious and more attentive to details. There are such wedding signs and superstitions for the groom:

  1. If the future spouse entered a puddle in front of his beloved's house, in family life a man will abuse alcohol.
  2. When the groom parental home picks up the bride, you don't need to turn around.
  3. Before the celebration, the groom is not allowed to look at the bride in her wedding dress.
  4. If on the threshold of the registry office he stumbled - uncertainty about the correctness of the decision.
  5. When during the feast he eats and drinks a lot, the wedding night will not be calm. If he eats a lot of sweets, passionate kisses await the bride.
  6. To have new family there were no problems with money, the newly-made husband must put a coin in his shoe, which later will need to be kept as a family heirloom.

Witnesses at the wedding - signs

Exist interesting signs about the witnesses at the wedding:

  1. If the newlyweds invite people who are married to each other, then the couple will break up.
  2. Assistants to the newlyweds are not allowed to be more than two times. Otherwise, they will never know what it is.
  3. A loving but unmarried couple as witnesses is a great option.
  4. The witness should be a little younger than the hero of the occasion.
  5. If desired, you need to choose baptized believers as assistants.

Wedding weather - signs

On this special day, everything matters, and therefore newlyweds and their relatives often pay attention to signs about the wedding. Among such people's remarks and the weather:

  1. If the weather is sunny and clear, the life of a young family will be easy and happy.
  2. Rain on the holiday also promises happiness in marriage. Water symbolizes purity and purity, therefore it will mean harmonious relationship paired with.
  3. If on the day of the celebration there is a thunderstorm - to difficult relationships in the family, since thunder is a harbinger of difficulties.
  4. Snow and snowstorm represent fidelity and honesty between spouses.
  5. Strong wind - imminent birth children.

Rain for a wedding

Future spouses are very worried that everything is perfect on this day, and they try to take into account signs before the wedding. Often the rain on this day spoils the rainbow picture, but what do folk signs for the wedding say about it:

  1. The first drop falls on the bride - to a happy life in the marriage of a woman, and if on the groom - to a more comfortable position of the spouse.
  2. It is considered a good sign when raindrops fall on a loaf. So higher power bless people for marriage.
  3. Blind rain at the festival - good omen for even the sun rejoices and lights the way for the young.
  4. In winter, rain sometimes turns into snow. It needs to be collected by the parents of the newlyweds and thrown at each other in order to live in peace.

Snow for a wedding - a sign

Not always a special holiday is arranged in summer or spring. Sometimes solemn ceremony happens in winter. Then young people are often interested if it is snowing at the wedding - a sign. It is customary to consider such weather favorable for family life, since snow and a blizzard symbolize fidelity and honesty between spouses. Flying beautiful white snowflakes on this day will mean a long happy life in the family.

A wedding is the happiest and most long-awaited day for lovers, when they become husband and wife to each other. Everyone hopes for a long and happy life together. Wishing to attract good luck and happiness, both guests, and all relatives, and the young themselves prefer to “insure themselves” before the celebration: they follow folk omens relating to absolutely every little thing related to the wedding. What signs exist, what do they mean?

Most popular superstitions associated with the bride. She should be especially attentive when preparing for the celebration, and during registration, and at the wedding banquet.

Many signs are connected with the clothes of the bride. Often in our time, girls tend to move away from stereotypes and appear at the main celebration of their lives in unusual outfit: some choose midi or mini length dresses, the most original brides in an effort to keep up with fashion, they buy elegant women's tuxedos pastel colors. Instead of a veil, they wear hats or do not cover their heads at all. But classic version- long wedding dress complete with veil. Why is this particular outfit traditional?

In Rus', it has always been believed that what long dress bride, the longer the young will live together.

A short dress is for a short marriage. It is also better not to wear a separate suit on this day - to a quick divorce.

The color of the dress plays a big role in the celebration. classic color bride's wedding dress - white. It symbolizes the purity and purity of the girl, as well as God's grace that descended on a young couple. But if you do not like this color, give preference to pink (a symbol of long love) or gold (a symbol of abundant life) attire.

Remember that before the wedding, a dress can be measured only once - at the time of purchase. Showing off in front of a mirror in a wedding dress ahead of time - to an unhappy marriage and its imminent dissolution. On your wedding day, wear a dress only over your head! Do not look in the mirror when you are fully dressed - this is unfortunately and minor annoyances. You can look in the mirror while you are not wearing gloves, a veil or other accessories. If you do this, the whole ceremony and married life will be smooth. Attach a safety pin to the hem of the dress from the wrong side, or make a few small stitches with blue thread.

In order not to part with your spouse all your life, hide your wedding dress from him: until the cherished day, he should not see him.

Wedding Dress- yours family value! In no case do not sell it, do not rent it, do not allow friends and relatives to try it on. To lend someone your dress - give yours too family happiness.

A veil is not just an accessory. Previously, the mother of the bride specially covered her head with a veil made of light transparent material to protect her from the evil eye. Only after wedding ceremony ended, the husband could throw back the veil and kiss the young wife.

It was considered that what longer veil the healthier the children will be. A short veil - to illness and misfortune.

Be careful with your choice of footwear. The people considered it a good omen to get married in used shoes. This custom also has a practical meaning: in order not to wear your feet to calluses at the wedding, start breaking in your shoes a couple of days before the celebration. Choose shoes with a low and stable heel. A broken heel is considered a bad omen - family life will "limp". Opt for closed shoes rather than sandals so that wealth does not "leak" from your family.

Pay attention to the signs regarding your jewelry. Of course, you want to look luxurious and elegant on your wedding day. Don't waste your money on expensive accessories. Replace them with costume jewelry, because good jewelry can look just as expensive. You can choose whatever you want, but in no case do not wear pearls. Wear pearls at a wedding - shed tears for a married woman.

There are a lot of signs that the groom should know. Even men, who are naturally less superstitious, prefer to follow the unspoken rules on their wedding day.

The groom must remember that last night before the wedding, he must necessarily spend separately from his bride.

This sign is dictated by the past: before the wedding, the bride and groom never lived together.

The best option for a suit for the groom is classic black. IN this case black symbolizes the seriousness of the man's intentions. Suitable and gray suit: grey colour symbolizes longevity. The remaining colors one way or another may adversely affect the further married life: quick divorce, poverty, frequent illnesses.

If you want to live long life then wear shoes to the wedding dark shades and no laces.

Give preference to an elegant tie instead of a bow tie: put on a bow tie - or you will cheat on your spouse, or she will cheat on you.

To make life rich in marriage, put a coin in your shoe under your right heel before going out.

Tips for choosing a wedding date

Choosing a wedding day is a big responsibility. This is the start of a new family. It was believed that if you take into account all the signs when choosing the day of the celebration, then the family will be strong.

Don't get married in leap year, tense in every way.

If the celebration falls on the thirteenth, then it is better to transfer it to another number.

It is believed that the month has an impact on the future fate of a young family. Signs say that the most favorable months for marriage are February (live in harmony), June ( Honeymoon will last until old age), August (the spouses will love each other all their lives), September (calm will reign in the house), November (the family will live in abundance) and December (feelings will become stronger year by year). Marriage in January - to an early widowhood, in March - to a long journey, in April - to changeable happiness, in May - to betrayal by spouses, to big problems(toil all my life), in July - to variability in relationships, and in October - to unforeseen difficulties.

The days favorable for marriage are considered the Pokrov Holy Mother of God(October 14) and Krasnaya Gorka ( rolling holiday love, spring and weddings, known to the Slavs since pre-Christian times).

Most lucky days weeks for marriage - Monday (promises wealth), Tuesday (family members will be healthy), Wednesday and Sunday (marriages made on these days are strong).

When choosing your registration time, try to get married in the afternoon.

Witness notes

Usually, the bride and groom choose witnesses from among their best friends and close relatives. But does it always bring happiness?

Never offer your relatives to be witnesses at the wedding! This will bring tragedy to the young family: one of the spouses will either become seriously ill or die ...

It is good if the witnesses at the wedding are unmarried people who have never married. It is believed that this will bring happiness to the bride and groom.

Do not invite spouses as witnesses - this will bring trouble to their marriage, it may even lead to divorce.

It is not necessary to call widowers and widows, as well as divorcees, as witnesses: part of their grief will be passed on to the young.

Signs about wedding bouquets

The groom orders the wedding bouquet for the bride. He should carefully consider the choice of flowers, because each flower symbolizes a certain feeling: white roses are innocence and purity, red ones are passionate love, pink ones are tenderness. But give up tea roses, because this is a symbol of parting. Lilies embody youth, tulips - hope for family happiness, chrysanthemums symbolize fidelity and sincerity of feelings.

The bride should not let the bouquet out of her hands! She can only give it to her mother and husband for a while. Wedding flowers should be kept for life.

The groom should order two identical bouquets: one for the young wife, the other for her to throw him to her unmarried girlfriends. The one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry.

Signs about wedding rings

Wedding rings are the most important attributes of a wedding. There are many signs associated with them. The main thing is not to try on the rings before the wedding! You need to buy them on the same day and in the same place. In order not to be mistaken, find out exactly the size of the fingers of the bride and groom.

Be careful when putting on a ring for the bride (groom): if the ring falls, this is an omen of the imminent breakdown of marriage.

After registering the marriage, the bride must give the ring box to a young unmarried girl from among the guests. Soon she will also get married.

Signs about the wedding banquet

On wedding feast must be invited odd number guests. Warn them not to wear black to the wedding.

Seat the guests according to all the rules: those invited from the groom's side should sit to his right, and those invited from the bride's side should sit to her left. The parents of the newlyweds should be seated at the end of the festive table. Remember: the farther from the young - the older the guests.

On the table, the spouses must have two untouched bottles of champagne tied with one ribbon. Newlyweds should keep them at home. This is for the upcoming addition to the family.

The bride and groom should be inseparable all day long. No one can pass between them. They should only dance with each other (a couple of dances with their parents). For young people to live together, they should not sit on chairs, but on a bench.

Of course, one of the most important actors» at the wedding - a cake. In order for the bride and groom to live long and friendly, and have many children, the cake must be large and tall, richly decorated with various fruits and nuts. Young people should cut the cake only together, and keep the first piece for yourself - for good luck.

A wedding is a noisy and crowded event that requires a large venue. Choosing banqueting hall, keep in mind that there must be room for holiday tables, and for competitions, and for dancing. Someone invites about fifty guests, and someone - two hundred. In any capacity: as for humble wedding, so and .

Signs were created and accumulated by the people for many centuries. Often we follow them in order to calm ourselves. Everyone chooses for himself which signs to believe in, and which not. Remember the main thing: not everything depends on signs alone ...

wedding omens and superstition will allow the marriage ceremony to be performed correctly. On this day, it is important not to make mistakes, for which you may have to pay for your whole life.

In the article:

Wedding signs and superstitions: who to listen to

There are many traditions, so it is very difficult for newlyweds to decide which of them deserve attention and which do not. Difficulties begin already with.

In some sources, it must necessarily contain pink flowers(symbol tender love), in the other - gold (a symbol of wealth).

Modern newlyweds have a wide choice wedding traditions because the customs and superstitions are now known various countries peace. And it's really impossible to do everything.

If you want to make a wedding not just beautiful celebration, but to strictly observe all the traditions, follow some rules:

  • define your nationality - what may be normal for our country will not always be understood by representatives of other nationalities;
  • carefully study the traditions of your people (if it is customary in your family to honor the traditions of your ancestors, you need to perform all the rituals correctly, without borrowing other people's customs);
  • no matter what traditions you decide to follow and how superstitious you are, the wedding is your lucky day, and not always what is for others " Bad sign' will harm you in later life.

The most common signs with rings

  • Newlyweds should not give their rings to anyone. You can only keep them Small child who does not yet have stock negative energy. He also gives to the young.
  • Rings should be chosen in the same color and shape, it is desirable that they be smooth - then life together will be smooth, without problems.
  • Except for unmarried girlfriends and friends of the spouses, no one should touch the pillow on which the rings lay, or the boxes from under them.
  • The newlyweds should not have other jewelry on their hands during the ceremony. This can interfere with energy metabolism.

Bad omens: what not to do at a wedding

Under no circumstances should you drop your wedding ring. If this happens, the newlyweds may soon disperse. To eliminate Negative influence, you need to thread a thread through the fallen attribute, to which all the negative will go.

The used thread must be burned after the marriage ceremony is performed. Burning is carried out only by the culprit of the incident. While the thread is burning, he should say:

Drive away the fire of all my troubles and sorrows.

Lost or suddenly speaks of separation, divorce, breakup.

If, during a wedding, a girl, while standing under the crown, drops handkerchief she will remain a widow.

broken heel bride at the wedding promises trouble in family life.

If the bride will cut or prick his hand - he will live all his life in quarrels with her husband.

Wedding day: the main signs for the young

Of all, there are several main ones. It is important to follow these instructions, as they are present in the traditions of many peoples.

Indispensable attributes of the bride

It doesn't matter what you get married in. The main thing is that people love each other, which means they will be happy.

This is actually a true phrase. Because the very condition of the young during the ceremony is important. If a person is not comfortable in traditional attire, hung with talismans, what kind of happy life can we talk about?

To keep all the rules wedding dress, you need:

  • dress (new, preferably sewn by a familiar seamstress, who is doing well in her personal life);
  • veil (symbol of purity, innocence);
  • a scarf (it is tied on the girl’s head instead of a veil to show that now she is not a bride, but a wife);
  • a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It is desirable that this be an ornament;
  • borrowed item. It is taken only from the happy married couple- so they share with you the joys of family life. By borrowing something from an unfortunate couple, you will take on all their negative energy;
  • garter or jewelry blue color symbolizing purity and tenderness.

How to choose the right time

  • Experts advise not to choose the 13th for marriage, it promises failure.
  • The ceremony should take place before lunch. It is believed that in this case the marriage will last a very long time.
  • There are special signs regarding.
  • It is undesirable to marry in a leap year.

Wedding: signs for an old ritual

Today, a wedding is not a mandatory ritual, but it is better to hold it. After him, the couple will be under the protection of the Lord, and he will already protect the union of lovers.

It is impossible to terminate this union, since it is concluded not in the mortal world, but in heaven. There are, which must be followed during the wedding:

  • under no circumstances should those who hold crowns over the heads of young people lower or change hands;
  • the bride should not change shoes during the ceremony (especially if it is done by an outsider);
  • whose candle of the spouses burns out first, that one will have a shorter life;
  • both candles the newlyweds must blow out together, then they will have a long life together.

Wedding signs and beliefs after the celebration

  • If the young people take out a mirror immediately after the wedding and they look into it, then the union will be strong.
  • Leaving the registry office, the bride must give people coins. This will protect the family from poverty and adversity.
  • An important point is breaking glass. If the fragments turned out to be large, the first child will be male, if small - female.
  • If the young people move into a new home after the wedding, the groom must necessarily carry the girl over the threshold in his arms. This means that respect will reign in the house, and the bride will be carried in her arms all her life.
  • The parents of the bride and groom must stand on the same carpet. This suggests that from now on they are one family.

Folk omens for a happy marriage

In order for happiness in the family to be in abundance, the bride should not let go of the bouquet. This important attribute is placed in front of the girl during the banquet, and then carried away to the bedroom.

If on the day of the wedding - to money and happiness.

A long marriage life can be ensured if the groom carries the bride across the bridge.

There should be a bench at the young table. Young people sit only on it, and not on chairs.

At the exit from the registry office, young people are necessarily sprinkled with sweets and grains.

Coins folded into a glass for the groom are kept in the house of the young away from prying eyes.

Throughout the ritual and celebration, no one should stand between the newlyweds, not even parents.

be unmarried at the time of marriage.

For the first wedding night, new pillows are sure to be prepared. Pillowcases on them should be in contact with each other.

During the banquet, you need to put fur on the bench for the young. This will bring prosperity to the future family.

So that the family never needs anything, a coin is placed in the right shoes of the groom. It will be possible to get it only after the end of the ceremony.

It is forbidden for young people to dance at a wedding with anyone else. The exception is parents. And then, the dance should be short.

Only an odd number of people should be present at the identity.

The ancient wedding signs that the bride should know will certainly be relevant as long as the institution of marriage exists. listening to folk wisdom in preparation for a significant event in the life of every young girl, you can warn yourself against possible troubles.

For the bride, the preparatory period passes in constant worries, worries about the celebration going smoothly and being remembered for a lifetime. While the groom is sleeping peacefully, the betrothed to him is trying to structure in her pretty head a colossal amount of information about important wedding attributes:

  • dress;
  • bouquet;
  • date of;
  • place of celebration;
  • tuple;
  • holiday scenario.

While preparing for the wedding, the beauty fusses and worries - this excitement is transmitted to her parents, who dream that everything will be fine with their grown-up blood. And then there are all kinds of signs that it is desirable to observe so that the marriage develops successfully.

You must have heard about the various , concerning outfits that are designed to warn of upcoming troubles or predict happiness for a newly-made family. Signs before the wedding for the bride will help her make the upcoming family life successful.

  1. Choosing shoes for solemn day, the bride should pay attention only to closed shoes. Since ancient times, it has been believed that money slips through an open heel or toe, and the newly-made family will experience financial difficulties. Perhaps the basis of this superstition is old tradition, according to which the newly-minted spouse must drink from his narrowed shoe, and it is inconvenient to pour into a slipper with a cutout.
  2. There is an opinion that a pearl necklace worn by a bride on her wedding day will attract a lot of suffering and tears into family life. However, in ancient times in Rus', the gift of the sea was a sign of wealth and prosperity, therefore pearl jewelry they tried to decorate not only the neck of the newlywed, but also embroidered the wedding decoration. It was also believed that pearls would protect the girl on that day from the evil eye.
  3. It is impossible in an outfit whose skirt is not sewn with the top. A wedding dress must be solid - this is the key to a strong family. Separate parts of the decoration indicate an imminent divorce.
  4. Another bad omen concerns the color of the wedding dress. To get married in a red dress - to strife and imminent discord in the family. The selection of colors must be approached carefully - this will help.
  5. It is not recommended to choose a belt with flowers or a dress decorated with a floral pattern on the belt, this portends a difficult birth.
  6. Under no pretext, a girl preparing for a wedding should not allow her friends to try on wedding attire - a sign says that this is how a friend takes away happiness from a newlywed.
  7. It turns out that happiness in the honeymoon house will help attract the dress of the witness. To bring harmony to the relationship of the new family, the bridesmaid should be dressed in pink, blue or gold attire.
  8. When going to try on a wedding dress in the salon, remember a simple rule: do not stand in front of a mirror in full dress. The sign says that if the future spouse sees herself in the mirror in in full before the holiday - the wedding does not happen. To neutralize the omen and appreciate your image as much as possible, it is enough just not to wear one of the accessories, whether it be shoes, gloves or jewelry.

Since ancient times, preparation for significant day began with the choice of a date, because not every month promises well-being to the newlyweds - multiple confirm this. There is a popular rumor about the chosen time of year for marriage:

  • winter - to big spending money in family;
  • spring will fill the house with joy, warmth and love;
  • summer marriage will bring happiness and comfort to the house of the young;
  • autumn wedding - the newlyweds will be faithful to each other.

The time of the year and the month were chosen, it remains to take into account the signs and appoint the day of the celebration itself:

  • Monday promises to bring material wealth to family life;
  • Tuesday promises the couple longevity and life in good health;
  • on Wednesday the couple will get married - love will be happy;
  • Friday - a popular day for marriages - in signs it is considered a homeowner, the union is doomed to break;
  • you can’t also get married on your own name day, a sign portends a quick divorce of the young.

The Slavs held certain dates in the first half of the month for marriage, namely: 3 or 5, and 7 and 9 have long been considered lucky numbers. Any of these dates promise young people a happy life together.

How I would like the solemn day to be sunny and warm - to put the dress on display for everyone, and not to wrinkle the beautiful hairstyle! Unfortunately, people have not yet learned to perfectly guess the weather, although if you turn to, you can get some valuable information.

It remains only to accept the change climatic conditions and check with the signs that such a feint of nature predicts: So, rainy weather on the wedding day good sign like any precipitation. They promise the newlyweds happiness. And if it is windy outside, then the life of the newly-made family will be contradictory - sometimes calm, sometimes stormy.

There are signs for a wedding for a bride that a young woman can use for her own good:

  1. In order for married life to be harmonious in all aspects, the girl must secretly feed the black cat in the morning before the wedding.
  2. The bride is recommended to walk in already worn shoes on the wedding day, so start breaking in new shoes ahead of time, walking around the house in them - and you will save your legs from unpleasant calluses on the holiday and bring good luck to the house.
  3. It’s great if someone sneezes in the bride’s house on the wedding morning - the union will be strong and happy.
  4. The bridesmaids cannot measure the wedding dress, but the bride can give the earrings to be vilified before going to the registry office to a close relative or a happily married friend - this way she will secure well-being for her own family.
  5. If the earrings are worn by her married and happy sister or friend, she will give new family piece of well-being.
  6. Tears on the eve of the wedding for the girl - happy life in matrimony.
  7. The bride's heel is broken bad sign, the family life of the newlyweds will be "limping". And if a young woman loses one shoe on the way to the registry office, this is a sure sign of an imminent divorce.
  8. The bride's right hand itched - there will often be guests in the house, the left hand will be a financially secure wife.
  9. In preparation for the role of wife, watch from the window as your missus approaches your house. If he steps into a puddle near the house, he will be a drunkard. Climbing the steps to the registry office, inadvertently follow his gait - the young man's uncertainty in choosing will give out a banal stumbling.

And remember the advice of the ancestors about the attributes important for the newlywed:

When putting on a veil, fasten it well, because if it falls during the ceremony, you will face misfortune. Give only your bouquet to the groom. Throwing unmarried girlfriends is recommended other, pre-prepared flowers.

There is a series, observing which, happy couple will spend the birthday of his family easily and in joy. As popular rumor promises, the young will strengthen their bonds by performing the following simple manipulations.

Choosing the decoration for the celebration, the bride should not show her lover in it. In general, this is a bad sign. In addition, your unusual wedding image, seen by your beloved at the wedding for the first time, will charm him and make his heart worry.

In order to protect yourself from the eyes of ill-wishers on such an important day and not become a victim of the evil eye, on the eve of the wedding, make exactly two stitches on your dress with blue threads so that no one sees this seam.

When preparing for a meeting with a betrothed, put on a dress strictly over your head. Do not show off in front of the mirror - look for your reflection in the eyes of your beloved, wide open with delight.

To attract financial success dressing up for own wedding, a young man must put a coin under his heel, and so pass the whole day with money in his shoe.

So that no one jinxes your couple and you personally, pin a pin on your clothes from the wrong side.

Arm yourself so as not to goof off in the eyes of your mother-in-law and older guests of honor - believe me, mothers and grandmothers will notice everything that you do wrong!

Notes about the wedding itself

  1. An even number of guests gathered for the holiday - family life will be full of happy moments.
  2. The couple will spend the night on the eve of the wedding not separately - the union will soon fall apart.
  3. The couple, who had many babies at the wedding, signs promise a long and happy family life - invite relatives with children, fun is guaranteed!
  4. For a sweet family life, just before the ceremony, the newlyweds must eat a chocolate bar in half.
  5. To increase family capital, parents can put a coin into the glasses of the young, then happy pennies from the holiday should be kept in their house. You can seat the newlyweds on a fur coat to attract new life wealth.
  6. So that there are few quarrels in the family, the newlyweds must break an empty plate for happiness and at the same time step over it.
  7. IN wedding day young spouses should always be nearby, and no one should pass between them, so that the couple does not part in the future.