How to arrange a meeting of the groom without a ransom of the bride at the wedding? The original meeting of the Bridegroom instead of the ransom of the Bride! They take the bride from the house without ransom

No matter how much they call the ransom of the bride an old-fashioned tradition and bad taste, however, to this day, most brides prefer to carry out this fun ceremony (of course, with the consent of the groom). The easier and more fun the contests, the better the ransom will be. The bridesmaids must be cheerful, and the groom's friends must be bold, then success is guaranteed.

How to meet the groom without a ransom

A fun ransom action that allows the bride to feel like a princess, for whose hand a knight is fighting, not every knight likes it. Sometimes both the groom and the bride do not want to conduct a ransom due to the lack of friends who agree to this, or simply do not consider it necessary.

In these cases, there are no special requirements for meeting the groom. You can meet at the registry office according to Western custom. The bride and groom come to the registry office separately. The groom arrives earlier and, together with the witness, prepares to meet the bride: he buys champagne, a bouquet in advance, and, if desired, sprinkles the floor with petals. The bride arrives with her father or brother, who brings her to the groom and passes her hand to the future husband.

If there is a desire to still keep some of the traditions, the bride and groom can spend the night before the wedding separately. In the morning, the bride gets ready, dresses, decorates the room and waits for the groom. You need to meet the groom and other guests with a buffet and light snacks, so it would be nice to set the table in advance. The bride can decorate her home with balloons, flowers, candles, and rose petals. From the petals you can make garlands and hang them in the opening of the room like a curtain. Then the moment of the appearance of the groom will look especially solemn.

Even if you are not planning a ransom, think over in advance all the details of how beautiful it is to meet the groom without a ransom. If it is difficult for the groom to speak without preparation, then you need to think about what compliments he will say to the bride, what the bride's parents and guests will say, where the young people will stand and from what angle the photographer will work.

After the future husband has arrived at the house of his beloved, you can uncork a bottle of champagne and drink to the health of the young. Romantic persons can be invited to pronounce pre-prepared oaths. Then all the guests and young people go to the registry office.

Bride ransom: how to meet the groom

The ransom of the bride traditionally begins with the meeting of the groom. This is an exciting moment for both newlyweds.

  • If the meeting of the groom and the entire ransom as a whole will be filmed, the bridesmaids should take care of the presentability of the entrance and entrance. A painted and dirty entrance will not decorate memorable pictures. The abundance of balls, posters, flowers, petals and other paraphernalia will hide the unpresentable appearance of the entrance.
  • It would be good to discuss with the photographer in advance from what angle to shoot the ransom in order to avoid unpleasant little things in the pictures.
  • By, the bridegroom is met by girlfriends at the entrance to the entrance with pre-prepared contests.
  • Girlfriends should not only prepare contests and draw various posters, but also think in advance with what words to meet the groom at the ransom. It is good if the words are memorized.
  • First of all, one of the bridesmaids who starts the ransom (usually) should ask the groom why he came, and the groom replies that he wants to get married. In all ransom scenarios, this part is the same: the future spouse must express his desire to marry and express it with feeling.
  • If desired, you can hire a toastmaster or a leader to conduct a ransom. Then the young will be calm that everything will go smoothly.
  • The meeting of the groom is not always accompanied by contests. Sometimes a small dialogue between the girlfriend and the groom with his friends is enough, during which the task of the future husband is to praise himself beloved. Everyone around should believe that he is the most worthy groom.
  • Jokes and jokes sound good in the presence of rhyme, so quite often bridesmaids wonder how to meet the groom at the ransom in verse. You can find a lot of different ransom options on the Internet and memorize ready-made poems, but the most inventive girlfriends can rhyme the introductory word themselves. This will not take much time and will add a personal touch to the ransom, because the poems were written for a particular groom. In addition, you can do without the traditional "good fellows" and "red maidens", replacing such appeals with more modern associations.
  • The ransom in prose is also not bad, given that the groom will respond in prose, not poetry. The ransom can be thematic, then the appeal must correspond to the topic. For example, if the ransom is called “Princess Liberation,” then the girlfriends greet the guest with the words: “Hello, brave knight! You have come a long way to reach this enchanted castle where the princess lives. Tell us why you came here?" After that, the groom replies that he wants to get married, and the girlfriends ask him to tell about his exploits in honor of the beautiful princess.

The ransom precedes the wedding and sets the mood for the whole day, so it is very important to spend it fun and without misunderstandings. The bride should feel like a beautiful lady, for whose hand and heart the groom is fighting, and not isolated from the general fun. Therefore, it is possible to involve the bride in absentia in the ransom using the Internet, telephone and other technologies.

  • If you have already decided how to meet the groom at the bride price, have prepared tricky contests and funny sayings, remember that the groom must come to the registry office without stains on his suit and twisted ankles. It is better to refuse jumping on the steps, drinking three-liter cans of juice and eating onions.
  • Frankly, at almost every wedding there is an overly cheerful guest who pulls the blanket over himself. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to think right away who will participate in the ransom, and explain to the other guests that only the groom and a few of his close friends are buying, and not all relatives who will push through the entrance. If there will be some grievances from the relatives, then this slightly unpleasant moment is worth it so that the ransom goes smoothly, as planned.
  • Guests, the groom, his friends and girlfriends should be warned that it is not worth drinking for courage before the ransom. Excitement can be calmed by willpower or a light sedative, but appearing at a ransom in a tipsy state is a bad form. This will not look fun at all, as is commonly thought, but will only add awkwardness.
  • The groom, of course, should try with all his might to pass the test, but you should not show excessive greed. It looks ugly and may offend the bride.
  • It is necessary to exclude all vulgar contests from the ransom, and also ask all the groom's friends to avoid indecent jokes during the ransom. There are bachelor parties for such things, and since you have come for the bride, then you need to behave with proper upbringing.
  • If there is a competition with pulling papers on the topic “why are you getting married”, you don’t need to write on them “on a whim”, “because I’m out of my mind”, “I was forced to”. It is quite possible to come up with other funny answers or even remove this contest. If you are planning to make the guests laugh, then you do not need to do this by offending the bride.

If future newlyweds want to organize a wedding, observing established traditions, the classic bride price is the best option, although many consider it banal.

If the organizers approach the matter with a soul, the event turns out to be fun and interesting. For example, a good way to diversify a traditional ritual is to act out the classic prose bride price.

The main thing is not to extract more money from the groom, but to please everyone present with fun contests and an exciting spectacle.

The role of traditions in a wedding

If now the future newlyweds themselves decide how their wedding will go, then before all marriages took place according to the same scenario, which was determined. In each culture, they were formed in their own way, depending on the experience of previous generations and religious beliefs. Many are still observed by newlyweds.

At weddings in ancient times, all customs were performed in order to bring happiness and prosperity to the life of newly-made spouses and protect them from bad influence. People tried to attract the mercy of the gods to the family and ward off the evil entities that strove to harm on the wedding day.

Now traditions no longer play such an important role, these are just touching memorable stages that are customary to observe on. Young people come up with their own customs, which are no longer dictated by religion, but by their own preferences and fashion. In any case, old and modern traditions form the framework of the marriage scenario, on which other stages are then layered.

What does the rite symbolize?

The history of this rite stretches back hundreds and even thousands of years. Since after the wedding the bride left her father's house and could no longer help her parents with the housework, then it was not customary to give a girl in marriage just like that - the groom had to pay a ransom. Its amount was determined by the beauty, good breeding and thrift of a potential wife.

The ransom was agreed in advance during the matchmaking, and if both parties came to an agreement, then the engagement was announced. In addition, on the day of the wedding, the groom had to prove that he was worthy of the hand and heart of his beloved, and for this he had to pass simple tests.

The most popular task, for example, began with the young man's neighbors blocking his way to the bride's house with a fallen tree. The groom was given a saw, and he had to saw through the barrier in order to pass on.

Now the ransom is less grandiose. Since the hero of the occasion must look perfect at the wedding, contests are held not for physical actions, but for ingenuity. In addition, financial compensation to the bride's parents is no longer provided. The groom pays a symbolic amount only for the fact that he cannot pass any competition.


The advantage of such an event, not tied to any creative theme, is that the organization does not take much time. Girlfriends and relatives of the bride, who, as a rule, are preparing tests for the groom, do not need to select special costumes or decorate the place of celebration in a special way.

The organizers of the ransom remain in their usual outfits, which will not change throughout the entire wedding. A sign or poster is hung on the front door to the house of the hero of the occasion with an inscription in the spirit of "The bride lives here." The inside of the entrance is decorated with posters, paper garlands, lanterns and pompoms, balloons, colorful ribbons, etc.

It is so accepted that the ransom of the bride should be prepared, but recently this role has been given to several girls at once. It’s even better, because if the event is hosted by one friend, she will quickly get tired, but several hosts replacing each other will create a more interesting scenario. Most often, the ransom is carried out by 3 people.

Stage one - meeting the groom

The scenario of a classic bride price with phrases like “We have goods, you have a merchant” will be faded. Such remarks have long become boring to everyone. It is better to make dialogues more original - you can even speak in your own words.

For example, when the groom and his retinue arrive at the house of his beloved, the host can meet the guests with a speech.

Leading. Hello, (groom's name). Where are you in such a hurry? Why did you complain?

The groom says that he came for the bride.

Leading. For the bride - it's good. Look how many of us are here - for every taste and color. Blondes, brown-haired brunettes, tall and short, funny and serious, calm and fast. Each of us will go to the registry office even now.

The groom says that he has already chosen a bride for himself, calls her name.

Leading. Ah, so you came for the most enviable bride. Well, the lip is not stupid. Do you know that the parents of your beloved strictly forbade her to give away just like that? You will have to complete tricky tasks, show your strength and ingenuity, and in some places pay off with money, quench our thirst with champagne or sweeten us with sweets. Are you ready for such challenges?

The young man replies that he is ready.

Interesting! To give the beginning of the wedding a "zest", you can come up with or take as a basis a ready-made classic script.

Stage two - competitions

The groom and all the guests stand under the windows of the bride.

Leading. First, show us how much you love your bride. Although she is far away now, she will definitely hear the words of true love. Shout three times how you love (name of the bride), and if she throws her handkerchief out of the window, then we will move on.

After the hero of the occasion throws off a handkerchief smelling of her perfume, the whole procession goes inside the entrance.

On the ground floor, the presenter shows the groom a large flower with individual paper petals, each with a number written on it.

Young woman. If you really love our (name of the bride), then you should know everything about her. Numbers are written on the chamomile petals, you need to guess what they mean. For each miss you will pay a fine.

Numbers can be:

  • foot size;
  • the last three digits of the phone number;
  • clothing size;
  • heel length on wedding shoes;
  • how many children the bride wants, etc.

When the groom answers all the questions or buys them off, then everyone goes up to the next floor. Footprints are glued on the steps and walls leading to the next landing.

Leading. In married life, the wife must be sure that you can rely on you, that you will not deviate from the intended path. Now you need to follow the tracks exactly, without stepping anywhere else, to the next floor.

The groom jumps on the first step himself, and then he must guess that his friends should carry him, applying him to the footprints on the walls or distant steps.

There is a dart board on the next platform, but the usual fields on it are replaced by the following phrases:

  • the demon beguiled;
  • tired of ironing shirts;
  • I want to fall asleep in an already heated bed;
  • ran out of clean socks;
  • mom made
  • by calculation;
  • kicked out of the house;
  • tired of escorting home;
  • for love (in the center).

Leading. Now we will find out why you actually decided to get married. Here's a dart for you, you only have one try. Throw it at the target and by hitting we will know your true intentions. In which case you can buy a few more darts if you don’t hit the right target right away, otherwise we can tell the truth to the bride.

When the groom hits the "bull's eye", then everyone goes up the floor. On each step to the next landing is a paper heart with a letter written on it.

Leading. On the way to the next competition, you need to tell your beloved a compliment on the letter that lies on the step. You can skip some heart if you can pay off.

You can use not only ordinary letters, for example, "l", "d", "p" or "k", for which it is easy to come up with a compliment, but also 2-3 dummy ones, for example, "b", "b" or "s" ".

Interesting! On the letter "b" we can say that the bride has a soft character, on "b" - a firm hand. If the groom guesses such a trick, then the answer is counted.

On the next floor, a drawing paper with 20-30 prints of female lips hangs on the wall (you can also add male ones for comic relief).

Leading. We know for sure that our (name of the bride) kissed you more than once, and if so, then you must unmistakably distinguish her lips from all the others. Look at the prints and say which area your loved one kissed, and for each miss you will pay a fine.

After completing the task, everyone rises further.

Leading. And now let's check how things are with your memory. It is very important for women if you remember memorable dates, so you will train now. I will name the date, and you will answer what it means.

Questions might be:

  • date of your acquaintance;
  • date of marriage proposal;
  • mother-in-law's date of birth;
  • date of the first kiss;
  • wedding date is reversed, etc.

When the groom copes with the task, everyone goes up to the bride's floor.

Leading. Before the last jerk, let's give the groom a rest - now there is a competition for the witness. The groom's friends should know exactly what his beloved looks like. Let the best friend of the hero of the occasion prove that he will cope with such a task.

Childhood photographs of the bride and other girls hang on the wall. The witness will have to recognize the chosen one of his best friend. After that, everyone goes to the bride's apartment. In front of her room, several colored ribbons stretch under the door.

Leading. Here is the last step to your destiny. Guess which ribbon the bride is holding on to and pull her towards you.

In addition to the hero of the occasion, a girl, an aged lady and a man dressed as a woman can sit in the room. The competition continues until the groom finds the bride.

Interesting! For comparison, see . Choose the best option.


Redemption of the bride in a classic style is not necessarily boring and banal. The organizers of the tests for the groom can bring a twist to the contests if they take into account the individuality and characters of the future newlyweds. In order not to delay the event, it is advisable to dilute long tasks with simple ones.

A wedding is a special day in the life of every couple, so you want it to be remembered for a lifetime. The bride and groom plan the wedding day in such a way that it becomes bright and interesting - for this, contests and entertainment events are held. So, to date, a rather old tradition of ransoming the bride by the groom has been preserved. To do this, the bridesmaids line up various obstacles in the way of the young man. However, not all couples want to spend their wedding day in this traditional way. Moreover, there are many ways to meet the groom without a ransom.

Reasons for abandoning the ransom tradition

Rejection can be attributed to the following reasons:

  • given that for many decades weddings followed the same classical scenario, this tradition has exhausted itself;
  • most couples cohabit before marriage, so a ransom seems out of place;
  • any couple wants their wedding to be exclusive and original, therefore they do not want to adhere to generally accepted canons;
  • a simpler option is to meet the future spouse at the bride's house, from where he (with the permission of the parents) takes her to the registry office.

Alternative scenarios for meeting the groom

In addition to the outdated tradition, there are other ways of meeting the young. With a well-planned scenario, it will not be necessary to buy the young one at all. Consider some modern alternative ways of meeting the bride and groom.

  • For lovers of exclusivity, an unusual option would be to meet at a fountain, on the embankment, in a park or other picturesque place. This meeting can be arranged in such a way that young people move towards each other to beautiful music.
  • Also, couples can arrange a meeting at the Wedding Palace. The bride and groom can drive up to the registry office in different cars at the same time.
  • If the couple lived together before the wedding, then you can arrange a joint exit from the hotel room (or your house, apartment). You get pretty cool photos.

Young people can meet at the place of their first acquaintance. It will turn out very romantic. They can also arrange a walk in places where they often spent time together.

  • You can arrange a meeting of future spouses in the form of a quest. The bridesmaids give hints to the groom, following which he must find the bride. The bride, for example, can sit in a cafe nearby. And from there they will be able to go together to the Wedding Palace.
  • At the time of the arrival of the future spouse, there is a meeting with the parents of the future spouse - they give a speech, give a parting word and wish happiness in family life. The bride at this time is in the next room. Then the father takes the daughter out, takes the hands of the young and fastens them, thereby giving the hand and heart of the daughter.
  • Another option for meeting the groom without money is to simply pick up the bride from home. At the time of the arrival of a young man, the girl should be dressed in a wedding dress, the room should be smartly decorated, the table should be set. In a calm atmosphere, young people make vows of eternal love and fidelity to each other. Then everyone drinks a glass of champagne and moves to the registry office.

Also, lovers of fun contests can ask the young man to sing their favorite romantic song under the windows of the bride, to which the bride goes down, the young people dance and get into the car to the applause. Then they go to the Wedding Palace.

  • It is best to meet the young bride's parents. If there is no desire to meet him with a loaf, you can meet him with glasses of champagne or wine.
  • You can organize a meeting of the bride and groom in an unusual way. For example, he can come to meet her on a white horse or in a superhero costume.
  • The groom can appear in front of the bride's house spectacularly - together with friends, he can perform some kind of enchanting number: a dance, a skit, etc.
  • There is an idea for an extreme meeting of the bride and groom. The groom can climb up the fire escape with a bouquet of flowers in his mouth, climb into her window. The bride and her parents will be waiting in the groom's room, as well as a small buffet. If possible, you can order a lift, decorate it with balls, flowers. On the lift, the groom rises to the bride's window, and then they go down to the cars together.
  • An interesting option will be the meeting of the bride and groom according to the traditions of other peoples. For example, you can revive the old traditions of Jewish, Ukrainian, Tatar, Moldavian, Chechen and other weddings. It will be very creative.

To make the wedding memorable for a long time, you need to think through the whole scenario to the smallest detail, and not just the meeting of the bride and groom. Also, it is not at all necessary to completely abandon the ransom - it can be carried out, but remade in a modern or humorous way, or using only individual elements of this tradition. Whatever the ideas of holding a wedding, the main thing is that it will be remembered by young people for many years.

Wedding experts will tell you how to arrange a meeting between the bride and groom without her ransom in the video below.

Despite the fact that most weddings are held according to established rules in strict accordance with existing traditions, modern newlyweds do not always see the point in certain events.

Thinking about how to meet the groom without a ransom, young people find other, in their opinion, more interesting options for organizing a meeting for young people before going to the registry office. To do this, they use the most unexpected places and scenarios, organizing the “first date” of future spouses without the help of wedding coordinators, using the advice of friends and relatives.

Residents of large cities and small villages are increasingly refusing the lengthy, sometimes tedious procedure of communicating with neighbors who demand their ransom, often in the form of alcohol.

To avoid such communication, it is better to meet the groom right in the bride's house. The first contest or riddle that will be prepared for the newlywed bridesmaid, he will have to complete as soon as he steps over the threshold of the apartment.

Its further advancement continues as new tasks are completed. The bridesmaids and parents of the bride can hide the girl not in her room, but in the parents' bedroom. This is necessary in order to confuse the young and make them worry.

A wedding without a ransom will not be a dreary event, because a meeting of the young can be prepared according to a pre-compiled scenario with the participation of guests and relatives.

It is important not to delay the entertainment program and not overdo it with contests and tasks for the groom.

The future spouse will hand a bottle of champagne to the bridesmaids, knock on the door of the room where the young beauty is waiting for him, enter, and they will be left alone. In these few minutes, friends and guests can drink champagne, say a few words about the groom and his bride, and wish their parents all the best.

If there is no desire to meet the groom in the apartment, then the meeting is transferred to the yard. The groom will drive up here with friends, perform a serenade or a modern dance under the window of his beloved. Accompanied by her girlfriends, a girl in a wedding dress will go out into the street, where she will fall into the arms of her future husband.

To the clink of glasses filled with champagne, they will say the words of an oath to each other and head to the car leading the wedding procession.

Where to meet the groom before registering a marriage - 3 ideas

Among the many scenarios, the most popular are those under which the groom first sees the bride in a wedding dress:

  • among flowering trees and bushes on the alleys of the city park;
  • in one of the hotel rooms or in its lobby;
  • immediately before the solemn registration in the registry office.

This moment is the most touching and important.

The reaction of the groom is sometimes so unusual and unexpected that it can lead to bewilderment of everyone around.

Near the registry office

You can organize a meeting of the groom near the registry office according to a pre-prepared scenario:

  1. The bride, accompanied by her bridesmaids and close relatives, arrives at the Wedding Palace a few minutes before the groom and his friends.
  2. After the appearance of the car in which the future spouse is located, the bride is hidden in a crowd of girlfriends. The girls pretend not to know that the groom has arrived alone. They answer all questions that they themselves are waiting and no one told them about where the bride is at the moment.
  3. Of course, the guests are ready to help the groom find his chosen one, but they make him a little nervous and worried.
  4. At the moment when the tension reaches its extreme point, suddenly a young beauty appears behind the groom.

The young man sees his beloved in a wedding dress for the first time, he will not be able to hide his admiration and will present her the first gift - a wedding bouquet.

Now they can say the words of an oath to a friend and, holding hands, proceed to the hall where the solemn registration of marriage will take place.

In a hotel

A wedding without a ransom will not become boring and will not lose its originality. You can meet the groom at the entrance to the rented premises intended for on-site registration.

Where to find a bride? In one of the halls of the restaurant or even in the back room. After the night leading up to the wedding, which the young people spent apart, they will see each other for the first time in wedding attire.

The moment of the meeting is one of the most touching. Now the young man and the girl must be alone for a while, but this exciting moment is preceded by the fulfillment of tasks invented for the groom by the bridesmaids.

It is not easy to find your beloved among the numerous corridors of the hotel, but the groom is ready to go through any trials in order to meet his chosen one.

The young man is offered several keys and is told that he has to find the door behind which the bride is. Going in search, a young man must go through several floors and corridors, where clues await him.

It can be a slightly noticeable arrow painted on the wall, a bouquet of flowers with a bright ribbon near one of the rooms, which does not fit into the overall interior of the hotel. The reward for patience and determination will be a long-awaited meeting with your beloved.

A girl can meet her future husband, standing in the middle of the room, or approach him from the back, making her appearance completely unexpected.

On a date

The choice of a meeting place for the groom depends primarily on the time of year in which the wedding takes place, and on the theme of the holiday. In the summer, one of the best ways to organize such a meeting is for the groom to come to a park or city garden, where his betrothed is waiting for him in one of the secluded corners.

This option gives young people the opportunity to give up searching in cramped rooms, meeting with neighbors on the porch, the need to participate in various competitions and stay for a long time on the threshold of a room or at the door of an apartment, giving coins or fulfilling the wishes of the bridesmaids.

Funny competitions await the groom in nature, and although finding a bride in the park is a little more difficult than in one of the rooms of a comfortable apartment, it is more interesting to take part in such searches. Bridesmaids can meet the future husband at the entrance to the park or on one of the alleys, they will also give hints on which alley you need to go in order to find your beloved as soon as possible.

Usually such a meeting takes place at the place of the first date, and in the hands of the groom should hold a bouquet of flowers that his bride adores. At the moment of this meeting, young people for the first time see each other in formal dresses, sewn especially for the wedding day. The reaction of both is unpredictable, but they will never forget the minute of the meeting.

What to do if the groom does not want to redeem the bride, taking part in funny contests in front of numerous neighbors? Arrange a meeting for the future newlyweds at the place of their acquaintance.

It will be held in an original and unforgettable way in the city center, especially if the lovers met in a noisy park, cafe or on a bench near the fountain in the park:

  1. Friends, under any pretext, bring the groom to the indicated place and leave him alone to wait until, according to one of the comrades, they bring flowers, champagne, balloons.
  2. An unsuspecting young man is waiting for his friends, but sees the bridesmaids in front of him, who offer him to answer a few questions regarding his first meeting with the bride.
  3. Then the young man needs to try to find his beloved, and only after all the tests invented by the girlfriends are over and all the correct answers to numerous questions are received, the bride will appear.

To see joy, surprise, admiration on the face of the groom will help the sudden appearance of a beauty dressed in a wedding dress.

In this video you will hear a lot of useful tips on how to organize the morning of the newlyweds without a ransom:

Even if you refuse the traditional ransom of the bride, during which you will have to scatter banknotes and fulfill the wishes of numerous participants in the auction, you can arrange an original and touching meeting of the groom both in the bride's house and in any other place. How to make this meeting unforgettable? The decision will be made with the help of friends, girlfriends or wedding coordinators. It is better if the young are not privy to the subtleties and nuances of the script. This will help them not to pretend, but to experience the most real sincere feelings at the time of the meeting.

So, the bride is putting the finishing touches on her wedding look, the guests have already gathered in full force, the parents are hastily finishing up. Before meeting the groom, you should prepare champagne, glasses, sweets, fruits for a small buffet. If possible, stock up on rose petals.

Now we start decorating the home, using balloons, ribbons and other festive tinsel. Do you have an apartment in a high-rise building and not quite a “presentable” entrance? In this case, "the meeting place can be changed" by sending the bride to spend the night in a previously rented luxury hotel room. This will allow the newlywed to start preparing for the fateful meeting in the morning, after waking up. In addition, the luxurious and stylish interior of the hotel will allow you to replenish your wedding photo session with excellent photos.

The path of rose petals leading to the bride's room will add mystery and romance to the meeting. Drape the door and entrance to the room with beautiful curtains. In order to find a bride, the groom must gradually move away all the "barriers" in his path. Such a scenario will give the event a special solemnity and romance.

At the meeting, the groom presents his future wife with a bouquet of flowers. This moment is very touching - a bridesmaid's friend or witness can capture a vivid photo frame. Newlyweds can also prepare tender romantic vows of fidelity and love for each other, pronouncing them during a long-awaited meeting. Guests and relatives can raise glasses of champagne to the health of the newlyweds, so a beautifully decorated buffet table will come in handy.

So they did without the traditional ransom - the wedding continues and now it's time to go to the registry office for the solemn marriage ceremony.

Wedding without ransom: ideas

If you decide to "break the stereotypes" and abandon the traditional wedding ransom, then in return you can embody one of the creative and modern ideas. We offer several unusual options for organizing a meeting between the bride and groom.

Under the window

The groom stands under the windows of the bride and loudly calls her by name. As an option, you can sing a beautiful serenade to your future wife, trying on the image of a romantic Romeo or a gallant D'Artagnan. In this case, the groom's friends may be involved, who will play musical instruments. As a sign of goodwill, the bride, like a true Beautiful Lady, throws a scarlet rose to the groom.


The original idea of ​​holding a meeting of newlyweds in a picturesque forest clearing or on the banks of a river. A private house with a large courtyard is the best suited for this purpose. We arrange buffet tables with delicious snacks and drinks, decorate the yard with colorful balloons and posters. Such a meeting of the groom in the fresh air is an original and unusual solution. In addition, against the backdrop of natural landscapes, photos will be especially bright and beautiful.

A game

Quest lovers will be interested in experiencing an unusual adventure to find a bride. To do this, you can pre-compile a wedding script without a ransom - with different tasks that the groom must complete in order to receive the "prize". For example, near the house of his beloved, the groom finds the first clue and solves it. This ensures that the bridesmaids receive further riddles-instructions for action. You can define several key points, at each of which the bridesmaid will be waiting for the groom with another charade. Thus, solving charades, the groom gradually gets to the cherished goal.

As hints, you can use pieces of photographs depicting the location of the next “point”, things “with meaning” (watches, newspaper clippings, tree branches).

Letter from the bride

This romantic way of holding a wedding without a ransom does not lose its relevance. In the morning, the groom receives a surprise from the bride - a mysterious letter with the designation of the meeting place. Upon arrival, the newlyweds discover a beautifully decorated pavilion, a hotel room or a secluded corner of the park. During the meeting, you can make a wedding photo session. The letter is issued in the form of an old scroll with a seal.