Manicure for November is auspicious days. Lunar calendar for November: favorable days for hair coloring and manicure. Zodiac signs and manicure days

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2017 indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cutting hair. The haircut lunar calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of when you can cut your hair according to Oracle. The lunar hair cutting calendar for November 2017 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine the favorable and unfavorable days of the month for hair cutting.

The weather is getting more and more severe and cold, it's time to take out warm sweaters and stock up on hot tea and lemons. The body is increasingly giving up slack, which cannot but affect the appearance of hair and skin. But you want to always look fresh and young. Well, proper nutrition, sports and an active lifestyle will help improve your health. And to consolidate the effect of the procedures performed, read the haircut and beauty calendar for November 2017 and be irresistible.

  • Favorable days for a haircut in November 2017- 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 30 November.
  • Auspicious days for hair coloring in November 2017- 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30 November.
  • Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in November 2017- 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30 November.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring and cosmetic procedures for November 2017

  • Haircut - today is categorically contraindicated.
  • Hair coloring is an extremely unfavorable day.
  • Facial care - take care of your eyebrows.
  • Body care is a good day to remove hair from any part of the body.
  • Haircut - today threatens peace of mind.
  • Hair coloring - the lunar calendar does not recommend.
  • Manicure, pedicure - refrain today.
  • Facial care - today use a minimum of cosmetics.
  • Body Care - Body hair removed today will grow back slowly.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a good day.
  • Facial care - anti-aging masks will be very effective.
  • Body care - tanning in the solarium will turn out great.
  • A haircut is a bad day.
  • Hair coloring - the result will disappoint you.
  • Manicure, pedicure - adversely affect the health of the nails.
  • Facial - give your face a rest.
  • Body care - physical activity can negatively affect your health.
  • Haircut - wait a little with a haircut: you risk ruining your eyesight.
  • Hair coloring - today it is optimal to use tinted shampoos and hair gels.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a very good day.
  • Facials are a good day to cleanse your pores.
  • Body care is a very good day for hair removal.
  • A haircut is an auspicious day for creating a new look.
  • Hair coloring is a great day to experiment with hair color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a favorable day for nail care.
  • Facial care - today you can carry out cosmetic surgery.
  • Body care - water procedures are favorable.
  • A haircut - a change in hairstyle today, can lead to a deterioration in overall well-being.
  • Hair coloring - coloring in dark colors can bring profit and improve financial situation.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today it helps to build relationships with loved ones, helps in learning, increases concentration and attention. Also today you can do the treatment of weakened nails.
  • Facial care - the lunar calendar recommends limiting the use of cosmetics.
  • Body care - any type of massage is favorable.
  • Haircut - in no case do not cut your hair on this day, you can not only dry your hair, but everything in your life runs the risk of going wrong.
  • Hair coloring is not recommended.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today is a failure in love, work, study and business.
  • Facial care - take good care of the eyes and the skin around the eyes.
  • Body care - physical activity will benefit.
  • Haircut - if you want to get rid of the accumulated negativity, then cut your hair today or trim the ends of your hair. But remember, after such a haircut, the hair will slow down its growth.
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring with a tint balm or foam will fix financial problems.
  • Manicure, pedicure - will help get rid of surprises and unpleasant situations in the future.
  • Facial care - natural masks.
  • Body care - relax today.
  • Haircut - it’s better not to experiment with hair today, not even change your hairstyle, or what to dye or cut.
  • Facial care - cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Body care - only relaxation and relaxation.
  • Haircut - the unfavorable trends of yesterday persist. Let your hair rest, do not comb it once again.
  • Hair coloring - gold or copper color can bring you profit.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today is the same as cutting off the wings of your guardian angel.
  • Facial care - any procedures are favorable.
  • Body care - classes in the gym will energize you for the entire lunar month.
  • A haircut is a neutral day for cutting and coloring, nothing threatens the hair, but its quality will not improve either.
  • Hair coloring is better to refuse.
  • Manicure, pedicure - serves as a prevention of diseases of the blood and head.
  • Facial care - effectively whitening the skin of the face, lightening freckles.
  • Body care - any water procedures, including going to the pool.
  • A haircut is a very good day for a haircut - it will bring you joy and cheerfulness for the whole day.
  • Hair coloring - only in the hairdresser.
  • Manicure, pedicure - on this day it is advisable to cut your nails. Together with them, you can get rid of all negative emotions.
  • Facial care - give up today from any cosmetics.
  • Body Care – Spend as much time as you can outdoors today.
  • Haircut - get a haircut today to build relationships with loved ones.
  • Hair coloring - only natural dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - choose cold shades of varnish, so you can protect yourself from problems.
  • Facial care - nourishing masks.
  • Body care - have a good rest today.
  • A haircut is a good time to cut your hair. You can safely experiment with any hairstyle: the master will be able to create a spectacular image for you.
  • Hair coloring - this day is successful only for those who dye their hair in dark shades with natural dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - you shouldn't cut your nails today.
  • Facial care is a good day for caring for and cleansing the skin of the face, nourishing masks (including natural ones from yolks, cream, mayonnaise and vegetables, fruits, cereals rich in sugars and starch).
  • Body care - it is better to exclude fatty and heavy foods.
  • Haircut - a new hairstyle will help you create an image of a strong, independent, enterprising woman
  • Hair coloring - it is better to dye your hair with natural dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you become vulnerable to enemies.
  • Facial care - take care of the skin around the eyes.
  • Body care - plastic surgery may not bring the desired effect.
  • Haircut - a haircut on such days makes the hair beautiful, lush and silky.
  • Hair coloring - this position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the image or rhythm of your life.
  • Manicure, pedicure - give up this idea.
  • Facial care - there is an increasing need for the use of tonic alcohol-containing products, creams and masks.
  • Body care - various water procedures, visiting the pool, saunas, baths with sea salt and herbs, contrast showers are useful.
  • Haircut - It is not recommended to cut hair on this day. People say that it is possible to “cut off the mind” this way.
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring is highly undesirable.
  • Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, otherwise luck will turn away from you.
  • Facial care - give your face a rest today.
  • Body care is one of the most unfavorable days of the month, it is better to give up physical activity, surgical operations.
  • Haircut - cutting hair on this day can lead to a quarrel with like-minded people.
  • Hair coloring - if you color your hair today, you may become too vulnerable.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the day is suitable for removing corns and calluses on the legs.
  • Facials - Beneficial skin cleansing treatments with gentle exfoliators, skin moisturizers.
  • Body care - walking, knee bending exercises, relaxing and anti-cellulite massage are useful.
  • Haircut - do not cut your hair on this day if you do not want new diseases.
  • Hair coloring - you can’t dye your hair on this day, so as not to spoil your reputation.
  • Manicure, pedicure - so that your nails do not exfoliate and are healthy, do a manicure and pedicure today.
  • Facial care - give up cosmetics today and give preference to natural masks.
  • Body care - visits to the dentist and surgical operations of the neck and lower jaw are undesirable.
  • Haircut - only classic haircut options.
  • Hair coloring - forget about coloring for today.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure will help you get out of depression today.
  • Facial care - facial massage today will bring a lot of bad luck in your life.
  • Body care - depilation done today will bring a lot of bright notes into your life.
  • Haircut - haircut today to get acquainted with an insidious person of the opposite sex.
  • Hair coloring - on this day it is better to avoid hair coloring, otherwise you can catch a cold.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a neutral day. The moon does not affect you in any way today, so you can do whatever you want with your nails.
  • Facial care - anti-aging treatments will give a good result.
  • Body care is a very good day for treatments. This will help get rid of loneliness, meet your love.
  • Haircut is one of the most auspicious days for cutting hair this month. A visit to the hairdresser today to financial well-being, money and improved family relationships.
  • Hair coloring - if you dye your hair in a natural color, you will attract the right people to you.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will raise your self-esteem, give you self-confidence and help you establish yourself in society, as well as your nails will grow much faster, a healthy shine will appear
  • Facial care is an unfavorable day.
  • Body care - relaxing baths.
  • Haircut - changing the hairstyle on such bad days, although it will not affect the condition of the hair, will not have the most favorable effect on general well-being and mood may worsen.
  • Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today to injuries and bruises.
  • Facials - After today's face masks, you will be more attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Body care - the day is suitable for sports and outdoor activities.
  • Haircut - today it is better not to cut your hair for those who are depressed or prone to melancholy, as negative thoughts will firmly settle in your head.
  • Hair coloring - if you are in a good mood, then you can safely experiment with style.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure or pedicure today will help to build relationships, reconcile old friends, or just clear up all the problems to the end.
  • Body care - depilation is not recommended.
  • Haircut - today it is undesirable to cut your hair.
  • Hair coloring - only light shades.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails on such a day to problems and quarrels with loved ones.
  • Facial care - masks made from natural products.
  • Body care - refrain from massage.
  • Haircut - a haircut on this day retains its shape and length longer
  • Hair coloring - give up this idea.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will bring you good luck and help fill your life with bright colors.
  • Facial - today do a discreet make-up.
  • Body care - you can walk in the fresh air, sunbathe, do breathing exercises.
  • Haircut - if you are in a quarrel with someone, then cut your hair today, and the stars will help you smooth out the conflict and find a common language with this person.
  • Hair coloring is the color that brings you good luck and confidence.
  • Manicure, pedicure - devote a day to the treatment of nails. And if you want to become more attractive to the male sex, then cut your nails after sunset.
  • Facial care - Favorable care for the skin around the eyes.
  • Body care - give yourself a day of rest today.
  • Haircut - do not cut your hair today and maintain normal relationships with loved ones.
  • Hair coloring - you can dye your hair in your natural color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a neutral day.
  • Facial care - beware of allergies when using cosmetics.
  • Body care - active physical activity.
  • Haircut - today haircut is good for health.
  • Hair coloring - the use of natural dyes contributes to career growth. You can't bleach your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - an auspicious day.
  • Facial care - refrain from procedures.
  • Body care - it is favorable to go to a massage parlor.

The end of autumn, November - this means that the cold is already very close. Now is the time to get warm sweaters and stock up on hot tea and lemons. The body is increasingly giving up slack, and this, of course, may not affect the appearance of hair and skin. At this time of the year, self-care requires a special approach. To know which days are best to cut and dye hair, do manicures and other beauty treatments, we recommend that you look at the lunar calendar for November 2017.

In the lunar calendar for November 2017 for haircuts and hair coloring, as well as manicures, pedicures, cosmetic procedures and operations, there are both favorable days and not so, or even when it is better to refuse the listed procedures. The beauty calendar, which is based on the phases of the moon, will help you plan a trip to the hairdresser or manicure and pedicure master, because it has long been proven that many physiological reactions of our body depend on the position of the moon in the sky.


If the main goal is to grow hair, then in November 2017 your hair grew quickly, then you need to cut it during the growing moon (from November 1 to 3 and from November 19 to 30, 2017). If, on the contrary, you want to visit the hairdresser as rarely as possible, then it is better to choose a day when the moon is in its waning phase (from November 5 to November 17, 2017). Please note that this fall, short bob haircuts, sexy garcon and bob bob are in fashion. Favorable days for a haircut in November 2017: 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 30 November.


The end of autumn is for those daredevils who decide to change, regardless of the time of year. Coloring will help emphasize skin color and enhance the shade of hair, the color is made more interesting and playful.

So that the paint does not wash off longer and the hair color does not lose its brightness, it is better to dye your hair when the Moon is in its growth phase (from November 1 to 3 and from November 19 to 30, 2017). Other hair care procedures, in particular nourishing and moisturizing masks, reconstruction and treatment are also best done during the period when the moon is growing.

It is worth noting that all shades of caramel are in fashion this fall - so you can safely dye your hair in a light golden, rich or light chestnut. Also, ombre-style coloring techniques are still very popular now - color transitions from one to another.

In general, in November it is useful to arrange “fasting days” for hair: without styling products, with wraps or nourishing masks. Also drink vitamins, include foods rich in serotonin in your diet. All these procedures are best done when the Moon is in the signs of Capricorn (November 21, 22, 23), Pisces (November 26, 27, 28), Gemini (November 6, 7) and Cancer (November 8, 9). Auspicious days for hair coloring in November 2017: 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30 November.


So that the nails break less, exfoliate, it is also better to cut them on the growing moon. The most favorable time for any manipulation of the nails is when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn (November 21, 22, 23). You can cut your nails and do a manicure these days without fear, as the procedure will be high-quality and painless, and it will additionally strengthen the plate.

It is better not to do a manicure during the period when the Moon is in Gemini (November 6, 7). This time is negative for intervention in the nail plate. If you are worried about cracks, inflammation, and other diseases of the nails or skin of the hands and feet, plan treatment for the days of the Moon in the sign of Virgo (November 12, 13). Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in November 2017: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30 November.

Cosmetic procedures

November is good for facial cleansing, peeling, cleansing and scrubbing. This is best done on the waning moon (from November 5 to November 17).

In anticipation of winter, it is favorable to do procedures for rejuvenation. You can use beauty injections that are aimed at smoothing mimic wrinkles, giving your skin a wonderful tone and even color, and you will have a wonderful mood on the eve of winter. For this, the period of November 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 25 is best suited. Also pay attention to mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy.

Please note that on the days of the new moon (November 18) and full moon (November 4) in November 2017, it is better to refuse both cosmetic procedures and physical activities. During this period, the body becomes sensitive to irritants and prone to allergic and inflammatory reactions.


The final autumn month is also not bad for operations. Winter is on the nose, the New Year is coming soon, so it would not hurt to hurry up so that the diseases remain in the old year.

Surgical interventions are best done in the phase of the waning moon. This will help to avoid blood loss, infection and other complications. As always, there are certain days on which you should not perform operations on certain organs. So, it is better not to touch the stomach and chest on November 7 and 9, the bronchi, arms and shoulders - November 5 and 6, the stomach - November 12 and 13, the kidneys - November 14 and 15. The most unfavorable day for all the operation is November 17th.

Like all other living organisms, a person feels the powerful influence of the Earth's satellite - the Moon. The moon governs the ebb and flow of the seas, the rate of growth and development of all living things. So, it is known that the Waxing Moon accelerates growth (including hair and nails), and the Waning Moon slows it down, as if freezing (and helps to discard all unnecessary, for example, excess weight). Therefore, no matter what self-care procedure you start - whether it be with your nails or nails - you should look into the lunar calendar! Choosing the right day for a particular procedure is as important as choosing a good beauty salon and master.

Lunar manicure calendar for November 2017 - favorable days

Hand care according to the lunar calendar includes favorable days for manicure, favorable days for nail extension, unfavorable days for manicure and neutral. Unfavorable days for a manicure are days that are “responsible” for the skin (in them, any effect on the skin risks ending badly, and manicure, as you know, often threatens with cuts). In addition, the days at the junction of the lunar phases, in particular, the day of the new moon, are unfavorable. The fact is that the lunar energy during these periods is so strong that it often cannot be controlled by a person.

What is the lunar day today?

We have prepared for you information about favorable and unfavorable dates for manicure in November 2017. However, remember that the beginning and end of a lunar day does not always coincide with the beginning and end of a specific date. For more accurate information about the lunar days of this month, take a look at ours.

Favorable days for manicure: November 7, 8, 9, 13, 23, 29
Favorable days for nail extension: November 4, 16
Unfavorable days for manicure: November 6, 10, 17
Neutral days for manicure: 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 November

The lunar calendar for November 2017 will tell you the most favorable time for changing your image and caring for your hands. So that success does not leave you, use the manicure calendar.

Well-groomed appearance and harmonious style are the key to good luck. Lunar energy can be used to your advantage, if you know how it will behave. Auspicious days are reflected in the manicure calendar, on which nail care will help you not only look great, but also feel positive.

Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure

November 1-3: The moon in November continues to grow, and will spend the first three days in the constellation Aries. These days are filled with impulsive energy that will allow ambitious and self-confident people to succeed. Manicure these days is possible, however, site site experts do not recommend choosing bright shades that can provoke aggression. It will be optimal to give shape to overgrown nails and color in delicate pastel shades.

November 4-5: The Full Moon in Taurus on the 4th is an auspicious time for cutting nails. So you can get rid of health problems, as well as accumulated negativity. In a two-day period, you can safely use bright colors, as well as work on strengthening the nail plate. Baths with oils and hand massage will help you with this.

November 6-7: these days will pass under the influence of the waning moon and the zodiac constellation Gemini. The energy of two days will be positive, so ladies should use this period to create a unique image. A new nail design, as well as a change in the shape of the nail plate, will help get rid of shyness and repel ill-wishers and envious people. Also, cutting and trimming nails will save them from brittleness and delamination.

November 8-9: these days, the harmonious energy of the constellation Cancer is suitable for measured and thoughtful activities. A new nail polish color will help keep you positive. The priority will be water shades of green and bluish. These colors will give you the opportunity to feel more confident, and also have a great effect on mood. Also these days you can cover your nails with a layer of useful enamel, which will protect the new manicure and strengthen the nail plates.

November 10-11: the constellation of Leo in alliance with the waning moon will actively influence feelings and emotions, pushing for experiments. So that an overly extravagant nail design does not disappoint you later, astrologers recommend postponing a trip to a nail salon and doing home restoration of the skin of the hands and the nail plate with the help of massage and care products.

November 12-13: The positive influence of the Virgo constellation on this day will help you to prove yourself in the business sphere. To look spectacular and feel a surge of strength, astrologers recommend resorting to a classic discreet manicure. Calm shades of varnish and rounded nail tips will help you find inner harmony and comfort.

November 14-15: luck will be on your side these days. The positive influence of the Moon in the waning phase, which will be in the constellation of Libra, will help to achieve success and material independence. Lacquer of green and gold shades will attract monetary energy to you, and an unusual design will help restore strength and cheer you up.

November 16-18: The Moon in Scorpio is not the best combination for active manipulations with nails. During this period, it is worth giving them a rest and using caring baths. You can visit a manicure salon for restorative procedures, strengthening nails and giving them the necessary shape. But it is undesirable to use varnish, especially on the New Moon on November 18th. It is best to choose a colorless caring base that will heal your nails.

November 19-20: the zodiac Sagittarius and the phase of the growing moon these days will cause a surge of strength. Lovely ladies should take care of their image and pay attention to their nails. A new manicure using delicate shades of varnish will help to show activity, as well as win the attention of the opposite sex.

November 21-23: the constellation of Capricorn during this period will have a positive impact on the well-being and emotions of people. The growth of the moon gives strength, so to maintain a fighting spirit, lovely ladies can safely go to a nail salon to update the color or shape of their nails. These days it is worth paying attention to unusual and bright shades that will favorably affect the mood.

November 24-25: the active constellation of Aquarius these days will help to find a common language both in business and in the personal sphere of life. In order for the meetings to be held at a high level, it is worth paying attention not only to the wardrobe, but also to the condition of the nails. Classic French manicure, which is always in fashion, will win over your interlocutors.

November 26-28: these days, the active energy of the growing Moon in Pisces can lead you to think about the beautiful and take you into the world of illusions. You can not lose your working mood by changing the shade of varnish to a more neutral one. But cutting and filing nails is not recommended - this can attract trouble to you.

November 29-30: The moon returns to the constellation Aries. In the last days of November, his active energy will make it possible to complete business and projects, however, more frequent mood swings can negatively affect performance. Gentle shades of varnish will help to pacify emotions. A trip to a beauty salon will help you relax and gain strength while the master “conjures” your nails.

Dear ladies, do not forget that they depend on many factors. In this regard, it is very important to always be on top. With the help of the lunar calendar, you can choose the best days for changing your manicure and choose the right colors that will help you attract good luck and prosperity. We wish you success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

The last autumn month is preparing us for the cold, and therefore many people want to wrap up warmer and sit at home, in comfort, with a cup of delicious tea or do something else relaxing. The nail clipping lunar calendar for November 2019 will help you choose the right day for this procedure.

One of the options for such a relaxing procedure is nail care, which, according to the lunar calendar, can be strengthened, as well as make yourself more attractive and positively influence your own destiny.

Remember when to cut your nails in November 2019 and on which days you should not pick up scissors.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for November 2019: auspicious days

  • November 2. If you suffer from headaches, be sure to make an appointment with the nail master on this day. In addition, a beautiful, delicate pattern on the nails will delight and cheer you up.
  • the 3rd of November. Cutting the nail plate today, you can prolong your life and improve your health, cheer up. You will also feel a surge of strength, blossom. Procedures such as manicures and pedicures will bring success into your life.
  • November 4th. Headache? So, it's time to take care of your nails, take care of them. After that, it is better to relax - for example, take a walk down the street, but you should not just lie down on the sofa and watch TV.
  • Nail cutting lunar calendar for November 2019 is highly recommended to cut them on the 7th to make them stronger. In addition, the nails will stop peeling, breaking, and the manicure will last long enough.
  • November 8th. Feel free to cut your nails, because thanks to these manipulations, all ill-wishers, enemies, even the bad intentions of other people who were directed at you, should disappear from your life.
  • November 9. If something bothers you, there are some problems in life, it is recommended to do both a manicure and a pedicure. Bad, negative thoughts will leave you alone.
  • 10th of November. Deal with your enemies and problems - just cut your nails. The day is very favorable for this.
  • 11th of November. After a manicure and pedicure, your concentration will improve, you will become a little more serious, which will positively affect your studies or work. Try to decorate your nails beautifully or seek help from a master, as a beautiful manicure will give you more confidence in yourself, in your abilities, in learning a new subject or completing tasks.
  • the 13th of November. A great day to tidy up your nails, improve their growth, make them healthy, strong, beautiful. However, the procedure for building up the nail plate should be canceled - you will be dissatisfied with the end result, and besides, it will not last long.
  • The next day - the 14th - is also suitable for nail care. It is better to paint them in cold shades - this is how you protect yourself from difficulties, troubles, problems in the near future.
  • November 18th. Decided to do your nails today? Great, it will positively affect your health.
  • November 19th. It is not recommended to take on extensions, but a manicure with a pedicure will definitely benefit - you will be able to meet a new interesting person.
  • November 21. Have you been looking for answers to difficult questions for a long time, trying to solve problems that seem unsolvable? Manicure, pedicure will help out, or you can cut the nail plate on this day, and then you will be able to find answers, solutions.
  • November 22. Go to the master, because thanks to his efforts, work, you will achieve success in work, personal life, and even improve your financial condition.
  • If you decide to cut your nails on the 23rd, do it only after sunset in order to add to your attractiveness. A manicure and pedicure will help accelerate the growth of the nail plate, cheer you up. Also, you will feel more confident.
  • November 24th. Great day for a manicure and pedicure. After these procedures, you will find inner harmony, and no yoga is needed. There will be clarity of mind, you will want to work, study.
  • November 25. You will not be able to get anything but pleasure from the procedure.
  • Good luck awaits those girls who get a pedicure or manicure on the 27th, but November 28th is suitable for these procedures if you need the attention of the opposite sex. However, nails should be trimmed after the sun has set.
  • 29th of November. Again a neutral day, in other words, there will be nothing bad from the procedures done. However, you should not expect any life bonuses, something good either.
  • The last day of November is the 30th. It's a good day for nail care, so don't be afraid.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for November 2019: unfavorable days

So, having studied the lunar calendar for cutting nails for November 2019, you now know which days are favorable for cutting nails and which are not.