Trinity notes. What to do on Trinity: folk customs and church rules

Holy Trinity Day is one of the most beloved holidays among Orthodox Christians. Spend this day right so that there is no place for negativity and troubles in your life.

The annual celebration occurs fifty days after Easter, so the dates change. In 2018, Trinity falls on May 27th. The Church on this day remembers one of the key events in the history of the Christian religion - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, disciples of Christ. This event was predicted by Jesus and happened ten days after his ascension to Heaven. The apostles heard a noise, and then the Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of a powerful flame. After that, each apostle was able to understand all the languages ​​of the world, and therefore, to preach Christianity everywhere, attracting people to the true faith and bringing them deliverance from sin.

In Rus', they began to celebrate the Trinity three hundred years after Epiphany. This holiday is still one of the most beloved. It carries a lot of signs and rituals that we inherited from our ancestors. The holiday has many rules and prohibitions - both church and folk. Following these traditions will help you avoid negativity.

What is allowed to do on May 27

Preparation for the holiday begins in advance. Mistresses put the house in order, spend general cleaning and get rid of old trash that prevents entry into the house positive energy. It is customary to pray before cleaning Higher Powers and ask them for blessings to start the business. On the same day, the preparation of festive treats begins, among which baking occupies a key place.

For the holiday, houses are decorated with freshly cut branches of trees: maple, birch, mountain ash.

The green color of the plucked branches is considered a symbol of rebirth and renewal, as every year the trees shed their old foliage to start the growth cycle anew in the spring. In churches, the clergy conduct services in green vestments. It is a symbol of the creative power of the Holy Spirit, which is able to improve the life of everyone. In churches and temples, the floors are traditionally covered with freshly cut grass.

By folk tradition birch branches are brought to the service. During the service, they are consecrated, and then they are taken to the house. It is believed that the branches are able to save households from troubles, protect the home from fires and other disasters.

On a festive day, all healing herbs have power, so it's worth updating their stocks in order to be treated herbal infusions during illness. Stocks should be dried in the shade. So they keep everything beneficial features until next year.

On Trinity Day, be sure to arrange holiday dinner, help themselves to fresh pastries and thank the Lord for the abundance of food on the table. According to tradition, unmarried girls leave a piece of the half-eaten pie, put it in a secluded place until marriage. So they provide themselves with a decent and comfortable family future.

On a holiday, they always pray for people who have passed away without a blessing, not by their own death. Suicides are also commemorated. Priests pray for all souls, helping them to move to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The church does not approve of various rituals and fortune-telling, but folk traditions have not become obsolete. On the day of the holiday, they often guess for a quick marriage, conducting beautiful rituals. For this, girls who dream of ending their free life and becoming wives as soon as possible, weave wreaths of wild flowers, and then throw them into rivers. If the wreath sails back, then with family life will have to be delayed. The lucky ones, whose wreaths were carried away by the current, in the evening tell fortunes in the name of the betrothed and try to see the face of the future spouse in a dream.

What not to do on Trinity

It is strictly forbidden to indulge in despondency, utter swear words, be offended and angry. These conditions are observed not only during Orthodox holidays, but also in Everyday life. Refuse any negative emotions and try to do as many good deeds as possible. Your kindness and sincere support will definitely return to your life, turn into well-being and good luck.

You can not throw away tree branches that are brought into the house during the holiday. A few small branches are left next to the home iconostasis, and the rest are burned seven days after the Trinity.

Prohibited during the holiday and physical labor. It is believed that household chores and work distract from prayers, so put things off for another day, and devote the time of the holiday to loved ones. Visit the church and be sure to visit relatives to strengthen family ties.

On Trinity, swimming in open water is prohibited. According to popular belief, an imprudent person can be dragged to the bottom by a mermaid. Hiking in the forest is also not welcome. The goblin can confuse the tracks, and the person will long time stray on the ground, not being able to get home.

On the day of the holiday, you should not conduct a marriage ceremony if you do not want a hard share for yourself and your spouse. However, the matchmaking on May 27 - good sign. If on this day the parents of the bride and groom agree on the marriage of their children, the life of the lovers will be full of abundance and prosperity.

Folk signs are observed not only in holidays but also in everyday life. Take note of the wisdom of our ancestors to avoid any trouble. Follow the traditions, and then there will be no place for negativity in your life. We wish you a bright holiday and only positive emotions.

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The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve most important holidays in Orthodoxy after Easter, dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. The holiday is dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Trinity, liturgical readings and sermons on this day reveal the Christian doctrine of the trinity of God.

Trinity 2018: when they celebrate

Holy Trinity Day or Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. In 2018, the Orthodox celebrate the Trinity on May 27.

In Ukraine, Holy Trinity Day is considered an important church holiday, so this day is declared a public holiday. Since the holiday falls on Sunday, Monday, May 28, the one following it will also be a day off. That is, at the end of May, Ukrainians will have: May 26, 27 and 28, 2018.

IN Catholic tradition Pentecost and Trinity are separate. The feast of the Trinity is celebrated on the 7th day after Pentecost (57th after Easter). However, in 2018, the Holy Trinity Day coincides with Catholics and Orthodox.

The meaning of the feast of the Trinity

It is believed that the feast in honor of the Holy Trinity was decided by the apostles, who are also called the disciples of Jesus Christ. Thus, they wanted to fix in people's memory the event that occurred on the fiftieth day after the Ascension of the Lord. It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the holy apostles, which symbolizes the trinity of God, that is, the existence of three Persons of one essentially God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in the form of tongues of fire and gave them the ability to speak different languages to carry the teachings of Christ to all nations. The fire is in this case symbolizes the power to burn sins and cleanse, sanctify and warm souls.

Pentecost is also considered the birthday of the Christian church.

Traditions of the Trinity holiday in Ukrin

On Holy Trinity Day in Orthodox churches one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is celebrated. After the liturgy, great vespers are served, at which stichera are sung, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit.

For many centuries, the tradition has been preserved on Trinity to decorate churches and houses with freshly cut greenery, branches and flowers, which symbolize the renewal of the soul. For this reason, the people often call the holiday Green Sunday.

On the occasion of the holiday, it is customary to cook dishes from eggs, milk, fresh herbs, poultry and fish. They bake loaves, pies, pancakes. Close friends and relatives are invited to the festive dinner.

According to folk traditions, leaving the church, people tried to grab the grass from under their feet in order to mix it with hay, boil it with water and drink it as a healing one. From the leaves of the trees that stood in the church, some wreaths were made and used as amulets.

Among the people, the holiday of the Trinity has always been loved by young girls. On this day, it is customary to weave wreaths, lowering them into the river for divination. Then the girls went for a walk in the forest. A loaf baked on the occasion of the holiday was distributed to unmarried girls in the forest. These pieces were dried and stored until the wedding, then kneading crackers into dough for wedding loaf. Believed that they would bring them in new family well-being and love.

The Saturday before Pentecost is considered a memorial day. People in temples light candles for the repose of deceased relatives and clean up cemeteries.

Each Orthodox family observes holiday customs. To do this, it is not necessary to collect special herbs in the field or count the stars. There are quite ordinary things that should be done on Trinity.

For example, on Parents' Day, you need to go to the graves of deceased relatives, put candles in the church for the repose of their souls. You can remember the departed only in a positive context and without sadness.

On the evening before Trinity, parishioners collect large bouquets of birch branches, freshly cut grass and wild flowers, and then go with them to the temple. They are considered endowed healing properties, so they are in the house whole year. From such bouquets it is recommended to make decoctions for illness.

Sunday service is held with a prayer to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit to the dead.

Monday after the holiday is a symbol of victory over evil. After the service, believers leave the church and treat the needy with sweets, distribute money to them. It is believed that this helps to protect against misfortunes in the future.

There are special signs associated with the Trinity. For example, the harvest and temperature next winter depend on the weather on the holiday. Our ancestors thought that on this day the Earth reveals its secrets to people, so they were looking for treasures.

Here are some more popular ones:

  • if on holiday it's raining, there will be a fruitful mushroom season;
  • plants collected at Pentecost will help cure any disease;
  • No frost since Monday next days will be warm

Villagers on the eve of the Trinity weave bath wreaths. To do this, the side shoots are carefully plucked from the trees, but in no case the upper branches.

Festive table

Bread and other pastries are prepared immediately before the celebration. According to folk omens, only the closest ones gather at the Trinity table. You can not invite unwanted guests, the atmosphere should be clean and joyful.

By tradition, the table is covered with a festive green tablecloth. Our ancestors kept it to attract the betrothed. It was believed that the more different pastries on the table, the more joy is expected in the future.

The newlyweds should pay special attention to the feast. Baking bread and loaves on Saturday before the holiday is a wonderful family tradition.

An indispensable attribute of the table for the Trinity - chicken eggs. Also, there should be fish, meat, vegetables and fruits, sweets.

What can not be done on the Trinity and what time?

Some things are strictly forbidden to do during the holiday. By old belief, the souls of the dead that wander among the living can become angry. On this day, any work is prohibited, including needlework and housework. Also, you can not dig a garden, plant vegetables and fruits.

Swimming is strictly prohibited on this day. There is a belief about a mermaid who personifies the soul of a little girl who died before baptism. According to him, unmarried girl, having bathed in the river, can stay there forever.

It is forbidden to ignore a trip to the cemetery to relatives. It is believed that they can get angry and take one of the living people to their place.

In no case should you show anger and aggression, commit sins.

What can you do on Trinity?

On the eve of the identity, the housewives tidy up the house to clean it of unnecessary items and dirt.

It is customary to decorate the house with twigs of mountain ash and birch, which symbolize new life. Believers on this day line the floor with cut grass.

The most common custom is to take with you a few branches from the church, which will be a good protection for your home from evil forces.

On Trinity, you can pray for suicides and those who are missing. The clergy hold a divine service for the repose of the souls of all the dead.

According to religious canons, fortune-telling is a prohibited action, but this law has not been enforced for centuries, since the girls always guessed at the suitors on this holiday.

Signs for unmarried and unmarried

Children are introduced to Orthodox traditions With early years. They observe the rituals of adults and eventually begin to participate in them themselves.

Young girls weave wreaths, throw them on the water and see what happens:

  1. Float - life will be happy.
  2. Will wash ashore - a lover will appear.
  3. Not moving - this year there will be no changes.
  4. Drown - expect trouble.

It is believed that the tablecloth with which older women cover festive table, helps to attract suitors.

Long before the advent of Christianity Slavic peoples celebrated Green Week. It marked the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Some pagan rites and divination, which are held on the feast of the Trinity, have survived to this day. The customs of ancient times are based on the renewal of life - this is the time when the first leaves appear on the trees, flowers bloom. And for the feast of the Trinity of the church, the houses were decorated with greenery - a symbol of the growth and renewal of the Christian faith.

Trinity or Pentecost?

The feast of the Trinity is one of the most beautiful holidays in Orthodoxy. It always falls at a time when the first leaves on the trees begin to bloom. Therefore, people decorate houses and churches on this holiday with green branches of birch, maple, mountain ash.

Trinity does not have a fixed date for celebration. It is appointed on the fiftieth day after Easter. The Bible says that it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. The disciples were given the ability to preach the word of Christ. Therefore, this holiday is otherwise called Pentecost or the Descent of the Holy Spirit.

Only in the XIV century did they begin to celebrate the feast of the Trinity in Rus'. Customs and traditions on this day have been observed since ancient times. The founder of the holiday was St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Old Testament holiday

Pentecost is a Jewish holiday, which is celebrated on the 50th day after. According to legend, on this day the people of Israel found the Sinai law. Traditionally, in honor of the celebration, entertainment for the people, mass celebrations, and sacrifices are organized.

He gave his people the Law of God. This happened on the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Since then, Pentecost (or Shavuot) has been celebrated every year. In Israel, on the same day, the feast of the first harvest and fruits is celebrated.

When did the Trinity appear in Christianity? The customs and traditions of the celebration originate from the Old Testament Pentecost.

Orthodox holiday

The apostles retired to celebrate the Jewish Pentecost. The Savior, before his martyrdom, promised them a miracle - the coming of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, every day they gathered in one of the Zion upper rooms.

On the 50th day after the Resurrection, they heard a noise that filled the small space of the house. Flames appeared, and the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. He showed them three hypostases - God the Father (Divine Mind), God the Son (Divine Word), God the Spirit (Holy Spirit). This trinity is the basis of Christianity, on which the Christian faith stands firmly.

People who were not far from the upper room heard a strange noise - the apostles spoke different languages. The disciples of Jesus received amazing abilities - to heal, prophesy and preach in different dialects, which allowed them to carry the word of God to all corners of the world. The apostles visited the Middle East, India, Asia Minor. We visited the Crimea and Kyiv. All the disciples, except for John, were martyred - they were executed by opponents of Christianity.

The only God is the customs of the church holiday began in the morning. The whole family went to church for worship. After that, people returned home. They arranged a gala dinner, went to visit, congratulated friends on bright holiday gave gifts.

Slavic holiday

In our country, the feast of the Trinity began to be celebrated only 300 years after the baptism of Rus'. Prior to this, the Slavs were pagans. But even today there are rituals, signs that originated in those days.

Before Trinity, this day was considered the border between spring and summer. Its name is Semik (Green Week), or Triglav. According to pagan religion, three deities ruled over all mankind - Perun, Svarog, Svyatovit. The latter is the keeper of light and human energy. Perun is the defender of truth and warriors. Svarog is the creator of the universe.

In Semik, people arranged merry festivities, danced round dances. The houses were decorated with the first greenery, from which medicinal tinctures and decoctions were then prepared.

So out of pagan triumph arose religious holiday- Trinity. Customs, signs of those ancient times are still relevant among the people. For example, the greenery with which the church was decorated on Pentecost was taken home and dried. It was sewn up in canvas bags. Such a sachet served as a talisman at home.

Celebration traditions

How is the feast of the Trinity? The customs of most holidays begin with cleaning the house. Only after the room sparkled with cleanliness, women decorated the rooms with green branches and flowers. They are a symbol of fertility, wealth.

The hostesses prepared a festive table - they cooked pies and gingerbread, cooked jelly. There is no fasting on this day, so any food is allowed for the Orthodox. In the churches on the Trinity, the Divine Liturgy is performed, and immediately after it - the evening. During it, kneeling prayers are read. The clergy ask for the bestowal of grace on all those present, for the sending down of wisdom and reason to believers.

After the service, people sit down at the festive table, invite guests, give gifts and congratulate each other. According to tradition, it was customary to marry on this day. It was believed that if the matchmaking took place on the Trinity, and the wedding on the Pokrov, a happy life awaited the young family.

How is Trinity celebrated elsewhere in the world? Traditions, customs, rituals of different countries are united by festive worship. And in England, religious processions are even held on this day. In Italy, rose petals are scattered from under the ceiling of the temple. In France, during worship, trumpets are blown, which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Folk customs on Trinity

According to popular legend, mermaids wake up on Pentecost. In this regard, the villagers have several customs.

  • In the villages they made a stuffed mermaid, danced round dances around him during the festivities. Then it was torn into small pieces and scattered across the field.
  • Before going to bed, women ran through the village with a broom to protect themselves from mermaids.
  • One girl was dressed as a mermaid, taken out into the field and thrown into a rye. Then everyone fled to their homes.

What other folk practices is the Trinity famous for? Traditions, customs, rituals were to drive away evil spirits from the gates of the house. According to legend, on this day the water man woke up, and the villagers burned fires along the coast to ward off evil spirits.

Much attention was paid to the decoration of the house. Only branches of maple, birch, mountain ash, oak could protect people, give them strength and health.

Another custom was to irrigate with your tears the branches and flowers that were in the temple. Girls and women tried harder to cry so that drops of tears fell on the greenery. This method helped the ancestors to get rid of the summer drought and autumn crop failure.

First day

All festive events divided into 3 days. The first was called Green Sunday. On this day, the icons were decorated with birch branches, a special prayer was said for the Trinity.

Folk festivals were held in forests and fields. People danced, played, sang songs. The girls wove wreaths and lowered them down the river. Such fortune-telling helped to find out what fate awaits in the coming year.

People commemorated deceased relatives. At the cemetery, crosses and monuments were swept with a birch broom - to ward off evil spirits. They left treats for the dead on the graves. That night, according to folk tales, prophetic dreams were dreamed.

Second day

Klechalny Monday is the second day of the celebration of Pentecost. People have been rushing to church since morning. After the service, the priests walked through the fields with blessings. This was done in order to protect the crop from drought, rain and hail.

The third day

Bogodukhov day is celebrated most of all by girls. They arrange festivities, games, fortune-telling. According to folk tradition, fun is held - "Drive the Poplar". most beautiful girl dressed up, decorated with greenery and wreaths - she played the role of Poplar. Then the youth took Topolya home, and each owner presented her with a delicious treat or a gift.

Holiday symbol

Until now, there is a rite of curling birch. During the process, the girls thought good health to his mother and other relatives. Or, during the curling of the birches, they thought about the young man they fell in love with - thus tying his thoughts and thoughts to themselves.

During the festivities, a small birch was decorated with ribbons, flowers flew into it. After round dance chants, they cut it down and began a triumphal procession through the village. An elegant birch was carried around the whole village, attracting good luck to its inhabitants.

In the evening, ribbons were removed from the tree and a traditional sacrifice was held. The branches were "buried" in the field, and the birch itself was drowned in a pond. So people asked for a plentiful harvest and protection from the spirits.

Early dew was collected on Trinity - it was considered strong medicine against sickness and disease. Such rituals existed among our ancestors. Some of them can be found even today. What can not be done on Trinity?

What is forbidden to do on Pentecost

On this holiday, it was strictly forbidden to work in the garden or around the house. That's why diligent housewives carried out general cleaning before the Trinity. And on the holiday itself, they only decorated the house and prepared a plentiful treat.

What other restrictions exist? What can not be done on Trinity? All repairs around the house are best left for another day. Can't sew. Do not wash, cut or dye your head.

On this day, you can not think about the bad or talk about someone in a negative way. It is forbidden to swim - otherwise, in the near future, the disobedient will die (according to one of the versions, mermaids will tickle him). And the one who remained alive after swimming on the Trinity was declared a sorcerer.

Do not be offended, swear on this day - the Trinity is a bright holiday. Signs and customs (what can not be done and what can be done) - it all comes down to prayer and kind words. Trinity is a celebration of the renewal of life, so only positive should surround yourself on this day.

parent saturday

The day before the Trinity began People went to the cemetery, commemorated the deceased relatives.

From ancient times in parent Saturday a memorial dinner was being prepared - for the deceased they set cutlery. The deceased was invited to a meal.

On this day, the bath was heated. And after the whole family had washed, they left water and a broom for the deceased.

On Trinity parental Saturday, suicides are commemorated, they ask for repose for their souls. It is read on the Trinity. But the Holy Church claims that this is a delusion - suicides will not be able to find rest after death. Therefore, only in home prayer can you ask for them.

Signs for Pentecost

The Trinity is rich in beliefs and signs. The customs and traditions of the holiday carry many omens that have been proven over the centuries.

  1. Rain on Pentecost - to an abundance of mushrooms and close warmth.
  2. If the birch is fresh on the third day after the holiday - to a wet hayfield.
  3. They marry the Trinity, they marry Pokrov - to love and harmony in the family.
  4. To attract wealth to the house, you need to cover a few
  5. Heat on Trinity - to a dry summer.

The entire week of celebration was called Mermaid Week. Thursday was considered especially important - on this day the mermaids tried to lure people into the water. Therefore, in the evenings, people tried not to leave the house. It was forbidden to swim all week. And you should definitely carry wormwood with you - this grass scared away evil spirits.

Today, in nature, with songs and fun, the Trinity holiday is celebrated. Customs, signs of ancient times become irrelevant and gradually disappear. But until now, people decorate their homes with greenery so that peace, tranquility, happiness, health and prosperity reign in it. And the girls carry the wreaths to the reservoirs and, holding their breath, let them into the water: where the wreath floats, from there they will wait for the betrothed, and if it comes to the shore, it’s not destiny to get married this year ...

Trinity is celebrated 50 days after . Hence the second name of the holiday - .

For the feast of the Trinity, you need to prepare ahead of time. This applies to both the preparation for the celebration and the prohibitions associated with this day.

What to do on Trinity

A day or two before Trinity, they arrange a general cleaning, not only in the house, but also in the yard, in the garden. Unused things are thrown away, especially those associated with unpleasant events.

By the Trinity, houses and temples are decorated with branches of various trees, grass, and flowers. These young plants symbolize prosperity, wealth and the continuation of life.

On Trinity itself, the whole family needs to go to church for a service. At the same time, on this day, you can’t ask the Holy Spirit for anything, but only thank him for being the savior and faithful protector of human souls.

After visiting the temple, a festive dinner is arranged at home. The Trinity does not fall on fasting, so the table is served hearty and rich.

On the Trinity, it is customary to visit and give gifts.

On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to distribute all the little things to the poor in order to protect themselves from adversity and illness.

Trinity: signs

It is believed that if on the eve of the holiday weeds are pulled out with roots and stuck with their tops in the ground, then they will no longer clog the site.

Matchmaking is considered a good omen for the Trinity itself - in the old days they said that if they get married to the Trinity, and they get married to the Pokrov, then the spouses will live happily ever after, in love and harmony.

The flowers and herbs collected on the Trinity are considered healing and can cure any ailment. Even dew on this day has a special power that can heal and give strength, our ancestors believed.

They say that rain on Trinity is for harvest, warm weather and mushrooms. And here hot weather counts bad omen This means that the summer will be dry.

Trinity: what not to do

All green week on the eve of the Trinity, it is not customary to leave the house without pectoral cross: it is believed that this is the time of revelry evil spirits, and a cross consecrated in the church will protect from trouble. It is especially important to put a cross on a child.

Marry the Trinity - good omen, but to play a wedding - no: they say, trouble awaits such a family.

On the Trinity it is forbidden:

  • sew, cook, clean, work in the garden. It is believed that those who do not rest on this holiday are in for trouble;
  • quarrel, get angry or envy;
  • to walk alone in the forest or in the field: it is believed that mavkas and mermaids rage on Trinity;
  • swim - otherwise the mermaids will drag you away;
  • go to the cemetery: relatives and friends were commemorated the day before.

At the same time, you can prepare a festive table and take care of pets (the latter is simply necessary).

Spirits Day-2018

The next day after Trinity - May 28 - is called Spirits Day. The date of the holiday is rolling, but it always falls on a Monday.

It is dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Spirit.

On Spirits Day it is forbidden to work on the ground. But on this day it is customary to look for treasures.