How nervous breakdowns affect pregnancy. Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous During Pregnancy. Top posts on this topic


Constant stress and anxiety have already become the norm for most city dwellers. Endless traffic jams, problems at work and in the family - there are a lot of reasons for excitement. Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous During Pregnancy: Causes, Consequences and Recommendations. How can pregnant women survive in such conditions, who, as you know, should not be nervous and worried?

Causes of Nervousness

Anxiety and stress are constant companions of pregnancy. In the body of the expectant mother there is a real hormonal war, which causes a strong emotional "response" to any minor trifle. If before pregnancy a woman could look at the situation with a condescending smile, then during the bearing of a child, the same case causes a storm of emotions and causes depression.

Why is it “not possible” and what could be the consequences

The bond between mother and unborn child is very strong. The future development of the crumbs depends on the lifestyle of the mother, his physical and mental health. The child in the womb feels the slightest emotional shock of his mother, reacts to it.

Frequent stress, frustration, bad mood are transmitted to the baby. Moreover, those children who were constantly “under pressure” of the mother’s bad mood in the womb after birth may lag behind their peers in development, they have nervousness, increased muscle tone, nervous excitability, sensitivity to noise, light, smells.

Mood swings, nervous experiences are contraindicated for expectant mothers, and they pose a real danger both in early and late pregnancy.

  1. Strong nervous shocks and experiences at the beginning of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage.
  2. Stress can cause serious complications in a child after birth.
  3. Excessive worries and worries of the expectant mother can affect the quality of the baby’s sleep, which in the future will become an occasion for even stronger feelings, turning into depression.
  4. Under severe stress, a huge amount of adrenaline is released in the body. It constricts blood vessels, as a result, the child receives much less oxygen and nutrients.
  5. Constant nervous tension leads to an increase in the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, which provokes the development of heart defects and the baby's cardiovascular system. Cortisol raises blood sugar levels, causing oxygen starvation.
  6. The result of mom's stress during pregnancy can be a violation of the symmetry of the child. Most often, the fingers, elbows, ears and legs of the baby are affected.
  7. Nervous experiences of the mother can also affect the mental development of the child. Various pathologies of development are possible up to a serious lag and mental retardation.
  8. A low level of self-control, excessive worries, constant anxieties of the child are a consequence of the mother's frequent stress during pregnancy.
  9. In the second and third trimester, strong nervous shocks provoke premature birth, after which the baby will need a long nursing.
  10. A mother's high level of anxiety can cause changes in her body that make it difficult for her to give birth.

Scientists have established a certain pattern of influence of mother's stress on children of different sexes. Thus, strong emotional experiences in mothers of girls during pregnancy led to rapid delivery and the absence of a characteristic cry of a baby after birth, in mothers of boys - a premature onset of the birth process and the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Foreign scientists about the problem

The problem of nervous strain during pregnancy has been actively studied by Western scientists.

Scientists from America have come to the conclusion that mothers who are nervous and worried a lot are at risk of giving birth to a small child. In addition, constant stress can provoke premature birth.

A group of Canadian scientists who investigated the problem came to a disappointing conclusion. It turned out that the constant stress of the expectant mother significantly (by 25%) increases the risk of developing asthma in the child in the future.

Being nervous during pregnancy is harmful, it immediately affects the condition of the baby and can lead to undesirable consequences in the future. What should expectant mothers do? There are several common ways to relieve nervous tension:

  • long walks. Walking will not bring any harm to the baby and mother. Among other things, walking is an excellent prevention of anemia in pregnant women, hypoxia;
  • communication with relatives, friends;
  • watching your favorite movies, listening to music. Good classical music will have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of mother and baby;
  • massage "anti-stress point". This active zone is located in the center of the chin. Circular massage of this zone helps to calm down (9 times in one direction, 9 in the other);
  • even and deep breathing;
  • essential oils. Coniferous, citrus aromas give a good calming effect;
  • with a sufficient level of physical fitness, you can meditate in the lotus position;
  • tea with mint, lemon balm has a calming effect.

Sometimes frequent disorders and nervous breakdowns of pregnant women are caused by vitamin B deficiency in the body, which can be replenished by drinking milk, cheese, legumes, sprouted grains, pumpkin, fish, eggs, melon.

Stress, worries, anxieties during pregnancy will not bring anything good to either mother or child. Learn to relax and enjoy your pregnancy.

Know why! As always, during pregnancy, the hormonal background is to blame for everything, or rather, its hurricane changes, which literally take the soul out of the expectant mother. These hitherto unfamiliar radical mood swings make her experience not only positive emotions.

By the way, for many women, the signal of the onset of pregnancy is just:

  • unexpected tearfulness,
  • sudden onset of anxiety
  • a sudden feeling of childish helplessness (which also does not add calmness).

It is believed that it is in the first trimester that expectant mothers experience the strongest nervousness, because the female body has just begun to adapt to the recently begun, but already very rapid changes, and reacts to them, including with emotional swings.

There is nothing strange or unhealthy in this: we say “hormones” - we mean “emotions”, we say “emotions” - we mean “hormones” (may Vladimir Mayakovsky forgive me).

Which pregnant women are more prone to mood swings than others?

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers who:

  1. Unnecessarily nervous in life or had neurological diseases before pregnancy.
  2. They suffer from hypochondria: they are used to worrying about their own person, and now the health of the unborn child is an inexhaustible source of anxiety.
  3. They got pregnant unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the pregnancy was not planned.
  4. They do not receive moral support from close people during pregnancy: husband, relatives, friends.
  5. Even before pregnancy, they had disorders of the endocrine system or acquired complications along this line with its onset.

Possible consequences of nervous breakdowns and tantrums during the period of bearing a child

The question of why pregnant women should not be nervous, in my opinion, makes expectant mothers even more nervous. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman has a hormonal storm in her body, and she is constantly reminded: “You can’t be nervous and cry, remember, this will harm the child, forget about your feelings, step on your throat with your emotions!”

In my opinion, such advice triggers a mechanism similar to an anecdotal one: to know the truth, drink a specially prepared potion and DO NOT THINK ABOUT A WHITE MONKEY IN ANY EVENT! It's the same with pregnancy: don't be nervous, don't be nervous, don't be nervous!

The expectant mother gets nervous involuntarily if she is constantly reminded of this. In addition, even non-pregnant people cannot keep calm all the time, except that 100% phlegmatic people succeed. Sometimes even “calm as elephants” people become furious, let alone pregnant women experiencing crazy hormonal changes. Everything is just good in moderation.

Dear pregnant future mothers! If you want to cry - cry a little, if you want to be annoyed - release your anger. Just do it consciously. Don't go to extremes. In other words, don't get hysterical, because it's really dangerous.

Yes, you have an excuse: along with all the other hormones, the release of the stress hormone cortisol also increases. But please, be aware that it is in your power to cope with negative emotions, and refrain from tantrums and nervous breakdowns.

Risk of miscarriage

In the early stages, nervous breakdowns can lead to miscarriage. A sharp release of cortisol tones the uterus and causes it to contract. This is dangerous throughout pregnancy, because at the beginning it can provoke a miscarriage, and towards the end - premature birth.

This, in fact, is the main danger of tantrums and nervous breakdowns during the bearing of a child - here lies a direct threat to the life of both the unborn baby and the expectant mother.

In addition to "incompatibility with life", there are a number of negative consequences of emotional incontinence during pregnancy.

Negative impact on the psyche and development of the unborn child

Firstly, a nervous mother makes the fetus nervous, which has a detrimental effect on the formation of the child's nervous system and psyche. Correlations have already been found between maternal stress during pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia or autism in the infant.

Especially strong maternal nervousness affects the psyche of boys. Perhaps the desire to avoid such a prospect for your baby is a good antidote to the need to be nervous during pregnancy.

The threat of developing stress in the crumbs before and after birth

Secondly, even if serious mental illness in the unborn child is excluded, maternal stress during childbearing can lead to prolonged stress for the baby before and after birth.

While the baby lives in the mother's womb, he receives hormones through the general circulatory system and through the placenta of the pregnant woman. Cortisol changes the chemical composition of the blood and tissues of the placenta, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the fetus to breathe, plunges it into hypoxia and slows down development.

When the baby is born, all this hormonal cocktail received from the nervous mother continues to prevent him from living peacefully: the baby cries a lot, sleeps poorly, feeds with difficulty.

A vicious circle of stress closes: the mother was nervous during pregnancy - the fetus received unwanted hormones. As a result, a nervous child was born, he sleeps and eats poorly, which means that he does not let his parents sleep. His unstable development upsets the mother - as a result, the woman does not get out of stress.

The threat of weakened immunity in the unborn baby

Thirdly, an even more distant prospect for the deterioration of the health of future sons or daughters due to the nervousness of the mother is a weakened immune system and hyperactivity, which means a painful childhood and reduced learning ability.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormones

We have already described the main factor: it is an unstable hormonal background. It is hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for mood, and not only in pregnant women, but all this affects future mothers more strongly.

And here it remains only to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, which means that emotions can change, because the endocrine system is being rebuilt, and all this happens inside me as a pregnant woman. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change a woman's mood from the outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but in them it is somehow more noticeable).

weather sensitivity

It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal and completely hormone-dependent factor, but it is provoked by changes in the weather: when it rains, you want to cry, the wind increases anxiety, temperature drops - headache and melancholy, the sun - quiet happiness.

Or vice versa, anger: I, the unfortunate pot-bellied one, am suffering here, and this “yellow muzzle” has crawled out again!

Lunar cycle

Since ancient times, it has been known that the menstrual cycle is connected with the moon, because blood is a liquid, and all the tides on earth are controlled by the moon. In pregnant women, of course, menstruation stops, but, firstly, the body still “remembers” about these cycles for about the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the womb of a pregnant woman is filled with all sorts of additional water like amniotic fluid, plus the volumes of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid increase, so that the moon has something to control in the pregnant body. And when there are ebb and flow inside, the mood will inevitably begin to change, if only because of changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around a pregnant woman

Well, here we are talking about well-known things such as support for the father of the child, the parents of the pregnant woman, her various relatives and friends, girlfriends ... When all this is there, the pregnant woman feels that she and the baby are loved, there is somehow more peace in the soul.

Although here, too, the medal has two sides: I have repeatedly heard complaints from young mothers that after the birth of a child, everything has changed, the husband and other relatives concentrate on the offspring, and she, the poor thing, no longer gets as much care as she did during pregnancy. So too good is also bad.

unexpected pregnancy

I really don’t want to mention such a reason for the hysteria of the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desired. Awareness of the "unplanned" position, coupled with an unstable hormonal background, increases the nervousness of a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

It's pretty easy to do this.

  1. If possible, do what the pregnant body wants: eat, drink, sleep, walk. If the body only wants to lie down and eat, turn on the brain and take yourself for a walk.
  2. Seeing the right doctor, listening to him and following the recommendations: among other things, it is calming. In addition, the doctor knows well that one should not be nervous during pregnancy, and will decide what to do in a pinch: he will prescribe a sedative.
  3. Attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming, a bath (unless, of course, all this is not contraindicated due to the characteristics of your pregnancy). Confident care for yourself and your unborn child also gives peace of mind.
  4. Take care not only about the body, but also about the soul: read interesting books, specialized publications for future parents, study your pregnancy. If you are a working pregnant woman and love your job, work for your health, this is an excellent prevention of intellectual stagnation.
  5. And finally, one more piece of advice. It is harsh, but often works, so this simple method is actively used in sports. If you can’t calm down in any way, and you are literally sausage, think about the child and say to yourself: “Come on, pull yourself together, rag!”

A storm of emotions lies in a woman during pregnancy, it is very, very difficult to figure out what she finally wants. She may get angry, cry after a few minutes, and then smile. How can a pregnant woman learn to remain calm again?

The reason for the storm of emotions in pregnant women.

The mood of pregnant women is changeable, while various little things can irritate them. It should be noted that the woman did not even pay attention to these trifles before. The reason for this behavior is the production of a large amount of female hormones necessary for the normal bearing of a child. Gonadotropin should be attributed to the main hormones of pregnancy: in the early stages of pregnancy, a high level of the hormone, the maximum concentration at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy, an increased concentration causes nausea, and this causes increased irritability; progesterone: a hormone that affects the process of bearing a child, the level of the hormone is high, it is the cause of a woman's rapid fatigue; Estriol: A natural antioxidant produced throughout pregnancy.

The most changed hormonal background affects the emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester. Pay special attention to yourself when:

· you were predisposed to mood swings before pregnancy;

· you lost a baby during a previous pregnancy. During a new pregnancy, a woman will listen to her body and look for signs of danger, and this increases irritability and serves as a reason to lose her temper. Keep in mind that negative emotions can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy, we get a vicious circle.

· pregnancy came under the persuasion of her husband or relatives, then you may not understand why you are pregnant, as a result, the pregnant woman begins to take out her anger at her loved ones, who made her decide to have a baby.

· you are used to commanding to be obeyed, you are used to keeping everything and everyone in submission, but closer to childbirth, your performance decreases, often those around you start to help you out of good intentions, but such care seems to be a signal to a strong woman - I have become weak, and this is the basis of nervous stress .

How nervous breakdowns affect pregnancy.

Hormones change throughout pregnancy, so there will be mood swings throughout pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that severe stress can provoke the risk of a threatened abortion (uterine hypertonicity), cause problems with sleep, appetite, exacerbation of chronic diseases, skin problems, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can determine that you are having a nervous breakdown if:

· rapid fatigue sets in, frequent errors in work appear;

· cannot concentrate;

· suffering from insomnia, nightmares;

· tormented by irresistible anxiety;

· there is an increased heartbeat, pain in the neck, headache, pain in the neck, back.

You have a nervous breakdown - what to do?

It is difficult to cope with emotions on your own, you should seek help from a specialist. First, inform the gynecologist about your nerves and he will prescribe you: valerian, motherwort infusion, Glycine, Person, Magne B6. Only a specialist will prescribe the necessary dosage for you, tell you how long you should take them. If the measures taken are not enough, the doctor will refer you to a psychologist, psychotherapist.

How to cope with nervous stress during pregnancy.

1. Throw out emotions - anger, anger overtook you at work, you can go to the toilet and wash yourself with cold water, open the faucet to the full and hit the jet of water with the edge of your palm;

2. Train yourself to relax

3. Sleep is the best medicine. If you have a lack of sleep, then this is a direct path to stress. You need to try to sleep for 8 hours a day, and if possible, you can take a nap for a couple of hours during the day. Give yourself a SIESTA!

4. Talk about problems. You were rude at work, pushed in public transport, etc. It is worth saying the situation, if there is a problem, then it will be easier for you to understand the reason and solve it.

5. Seek support from your husband. Do not take out your anger on your husband, this will only aggravate the situation. It is worth explaining to him that you are having a difficult period and you need help. Ask him to help you, even pull his mustache or beard (if it makes you feel better). Believe me, your husband, just like you, wants you to be calm and cheerful.

During pregnancy, a woman is often more impressionable and emotional, prone to extraordinary actions. Attention becomes less concentrated, and the expectant mother seems to be constantly in a state of "flight". All these changes in the nervous system are provided by nature for the normal intrauterine development of the baby. To maintain calm and peace of mind at this time, various soothing techniques, walks in the fresh air, aromatherapy and other methods of distraction are useful. Why should you not be nervous during pregnancy, how can this affect the health of the unborn child?

Read in this article

How nerves affect the baby

Calmness of a pregnant woman is the key to successful bearing. After all, it is not in vain that there is an opinion that all diseases are caused by nervous strain. Including stresses and experiences affect the formation of the unborn child.

Practitioners of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) in fetal development look for all the problems of a person in the future as a person. And, for example, they believe that desired children and those whose appearance was sudden have clear differences in the processes of adaptation to the outside world and society. And the worldview and happiness of each person depends on this.

Even young and inexperienced mothers can notice how their baby reacts to stress or anxiety. He then begins to move violently and roll over (by the way, you can contribute to the incorrect presentation of the fetus in this way later), then he calms down, as if there is no one there.

During the prenatal period, the connection between the crumbs and the mother is maximum, he reacts even to trifles, not to mention fluctuations in the woman's mood.

There are not so few reasons why you should not be nervous in early pregnancy, and how nervous strain affects the development of the embryo.

Disorders in the formation of the chorion

One of the criteria for a successful pregnancy is the correct and calm development of the chorion in the early stages. The structures of the uterine wall and the fetal bladder participate in its formation. In the future, a full-fledged placenta is formed from the chorion - a child's place.

During stress and experiences in the body of a woman, a huge amount of biologically active substances is released. One of the groups - vasopressors - are responsible for changes in the vascular wall. At the time of strong emotional upheavals, a huge amount of adrenaline and noradrenaline of the human adrenal gland is formed. All this contributes to the reduction of the vascular wall of arteries, veins and capillaries. And their well-coordinated work is extremely important for the proper formation of the chorion. As a result of spasm of small vessels, the embryo cannot fully "penetrate and gain a foothold" in the wall of the uterus. All this can lead to pregnancy fading, delayed embryo development or other pathology.

If a woman, for some reason, gets nervous in the second or third trimesters, this can also lead to spasm of even normal placental vessels. And through them the child receives nutrients and oxygen. With their deficiency, hypoxia occurs, the normal development of cells, tissues and organs of the baby is disturbed.

Changes in the formation of the nervous system in a child

It is known that already from the second or third week, the embryo can imprint in its memory a negative attitude on the part of the mother (for example, if the issue of abortion is being discussed) or her strong feelings. Of course, in a conscious life, then no one will be able to remember these moments in a normal state. But under hypnosis or using other practices, it sometimes turns out that this is the whole root of a person’s problems.

In the later stages, the reaction of the crumbs to stressful stress in the mother can be felt - the baby at this moment begins to actively kick, roll over, etc.

Consequences of taking various sedative drugs

Often, in a fit of tears, resentment or anger, a woman may, out of habit, take some medicines that are undesirable during pregnancy. It is especially dangerous if this happens systematically. They may not have an unequivocal teratogenic effect, but, most likely, they will affect the development of the embryo as a whole. And this can manifest itself in the child's predisposition to diseases, adaptation disorders, etc. in the future.

Consequences for the course of pregnancy

But how not to be nervous during early pregnancy or at any other period, if there are so many problems around or something has happened in the family? Of course, not every woman can look through her fingers at the situation. Experiences, emotional breakdowns and the like can provoke various complications of pregnancy at any time. Most often you have to deal with the following:

  • Adrenaline and other substances released during stress affect the contractility of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus. As a result, this can provoke a threat of abortion or even in the first trimester, and after 20 weeks cause premature birth.
  • Spasm (narrowing) of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord can lead to acute or even chronic fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen. As a result, the baby can slow down its growth: it develops, and in combination with other adverse factors, this can cause intrauterine death of the crumbs.
  • The constant psycho-emotional experiences of the mother can become inductors for the development of diabetes in the child, a predisposition to arterial hypertension, overweight, allergic diseases and problems with the respiratory system.
  • Many researchers associate the development of autism and various phobias with the course of pregnancy and the conditions in which the woman was then.
  • Constant stress can contribute to the development of preeclampsia at the end of the gestation period with and disruption of the kidneys. This poses a threat to both mother and baby.

Due to the fact that all tests and studies on pregnant women and children are prohibited, there is no reliable data and no connection between stress and the pathology of the baby. But here the results of observations of animals prove that during gestation it is better to limit oneself from all kinds of experiences.

How to calm down

But sometimes unpleasant situations cannot be avoided. In such cases, you should know how to calm down easily and quickly, thereby reducing the risks for the baby.

Simple tips to help you cope with any situation:

  • It is important how a person relates to events. After all, even the most unpleasant news, perceived calmly and with a "cold head", will not bring negative consequences.
  • It is good if there is a person whom the pregnant woman trusts. Any situation is accepted in a completely different way if you discuss it with a loved one.
  • Walking in the fresh air in any weather is what will help you look at recent unpleasant events in a different way and minimize the negative impact.
  • Even pregnant women benefit from breathing exercises and yoga. But before you go for them, you should consult with your attending gynecologist, who will exclude all contraindications.
  • , a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, protein will also help to cope with stressful situations.
  • You can also find yourself a hobby, such as knitting or embroidery. Unless, of course, it suits the temperament.
  • It is useful to drink relaxing teas: with mint, chamomile, thyme and others.
  • Alcohol tincture of valerian, hawthorn are allowed during pregnancy and will help to calm down.

Expecting a baby is a big step. A woman in this position should avoid stressful situations. It is useful to always have a couple of tricks on hand that, in case of emergency, will help maintain a sound mind and calmness, because the health of a developing baby is at stake.

Every woman, probably, since growing up has heard at least once that it is absolutely not recommended to be nervous during pregnancy. Indeed, during this period of life, you are connected with the baby as closely as never after, his condition depends on your condition, and directly. Many scientists confirm that you shouldn’t be nervous, it’s quite dangerous, you don’t want to harm the child, do you?

What threatens excessive nervousness during pregnancy, how to get rid of it

Any doctor, when he puts you on the register, of course, will repeatedly repeat about the dangers of a nervous state. The development and growth of the baby is directly related to you, therefore, if you are often nervous, such a restless state is also transmitted to the baby. Many doctors agree that mothers who worried and worried a lot have children who are more anxious, mobile and sensitive, they are characterized by frequent and sharp mood swings.

It is especially contraindicated to be nervous in the second half of the pregnancy. By this time, the baby’s nervous system has already been sufficiently formed, so he is very sensitive to the slightest changes in your condition, frequent experiences can provoke the development of hypoxia in the baby, and after birth he will be excitable and restless. Foreign experts are inclined to believe that mothers who are subject to frequent stress have an increased risk of giving birth to premature babies with a lack of weight, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. They also do not exclude the risk of developing asthmatic diseases in a child if his mother was constantly nervous during the period of gestation or in the first years of the baby's life.

How to do so, so as not to be nervous during pregnancy? It takes a lot of effort to do this, but it's worth it. Of course, expectant mothers have heightened reactions to everything around, so you should not attach importance to everything that happens around you. You must clearly realize that the most important thing now is the health of the unborn baby, let everything else fade into the background. Try to walk as often as possible, get out into the fresh air in the park, forest. Such walks will positively affect your health with your child, and will also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Try to limit communication with people who know how to create unpleasant and stressful situations, surround yourself with calmness and positive emotions. Listen to good music, dreaming about good things, read your favorite books, in the end watch old films that bring only positive things, in general, do what brings you only pleasure, and therefore benefit. Do not rush to take sedatives, they are allowed, but not all and not always, only your doctor can prescribe their intake and dosage. If you can’t calm the raging storm of emotions in any way, drink tea from chamomile or a decoction of motherwort, valerian is allowed from time to time. But remember, all your actions must be approved by the doctor, he knows everything about the course of your pregnancy, so he will help you decide what is possible for you and what is not.

Aromatherapy helps to soothe shattered nerves. Ask the doctor's opinion, if he does not mind, find out which of the essential oils are acceptable for you in this position and relax to your health. Again, do not forget that you need to know the measure in everything, so be sure to consult how often you can arrange aromatherapy sessions. And try to leave all worries and worries behind, soon you will meet with the child, expect this miracle in a sunny mood and good mood.

ocean-160 16.10 18:28

In my opinion, you should not be nervous during the entire pregnancy, and not just in its second half. I remember that in the first weeks I had a rather tense state. Apparently, there were changes in the hormonal background, which influenced my mood. My husband, his attention and care helped to calm down and relax. In the second trimester, I became more calm and balanced. Even minor troubles at work no longer hurt as much as they did before pregnancy. Evening walks in the fresh air, a couple of slices of chocolate and mint tea before bed also contributed to this state. In the third trimester, I was so immersed in thoughts about the future baby that even worries about the upcoming birth did not particularly bother me. Even a couple of days before the expected date, I was not nervous. Perhaps that is why my son was born quickly and almost painlessly: at about 21.30 the water broke, and at 00.55 the baby was born. From my experience, I can tell expectant mothers: a positive psychological attitude is very important, so you need to stay calm and peaceful.