How to entertain guests for the day. Wedding entertainment for guests. What to do with guests on the anniversary

The guests have already reviewed all your photos from childhood, youth and travels to warm countries in puffy albums, searched the computer for video and music news, played with the cat, after which she ran under the sofa and decided not to get out until “those crazy” left and now they are bored.

Even if you are not planning a grand event, but just want to spend time in good company, you need to approach the preparation of the holiday with imagination. Come up with interesting entertainment for guests, and they will remember this meeting with delight for a long time to come.

Preparation for the holiday. It is important to think over the general plan for the evening, leaving the possibility of changing it in accordance with the mood of the guests.

First, decide on the occasion of the event, the number of guests and the menu, then proceed to decorate the house. Show your imagination, for example, with the help of flowers and balloons you can turn an ordinary room into a smart living room.

And, finally, the most important thing is to make an approximate scenario or course of the holiday. Choose entertainment (games, quizzes, lotteries, contests, fortune-telling) depending on the theme of the celebration, the age and status of the guests. Stock up on awards for the winners. You can buy small souvenirs, or you can make something with your own hands, for example, personal certificates, ribbons or prize medals.

When guests are gathering. It is important to create the right atmosphere at the very beginning of the holiday. Many, coming to visit, feel constrained. In addition, someone comes half an hour earlier than the agreed time, while the hostess is still running around in curlers or a bathrobe, others, on the contrary, consider it their duty to linger for an hour and come at a time when the party is already in full swing. While all the invitees are gathering, you need to take those who have already come. Just do not entertain them by looking at photographs, otherwise the party will look like a meeting of old philatelists.

There are better ways to “stir up” guests. For example, offer them an aperitif. This is a good way to introduce people, help them strike up an interesting conversation and increase their appetite before eating. Preparing an aperitif is simple - mix vermouth with juice or sparkling water, add ice, garnish with orange and lemon slices and bright paper umbrellas.

Another interesting entertainment is to hang a map of your city, world or starry sky in the room. Rest assured, there will be no end to those who want to find their home, Greenland or the constellation Sagittarius. When everyone is assembled, invite guests to the table.

Holiday in full swing. And now a lot has been drunk and eaten, the middle of the evening comes, when no one wants to dance yet, and topics for conversation dry up, and boredom begins to overcome the guests. This is the best time to invite everyone to take part in interesting games. Choose the right entertainment depending on the mood and age of the company. Just know that “to warm up” it is better to choose outdoor games, after them - logical and intellectual ones, and finally save too unusual and frank ones.

Warm-up games for bored guests

funny questions
Everyone takes turns approaching the bags of notes and pulling what came to hand. In the first - questions, in the second - "answers". The more fun both of them are, the more fun the competition will be. A combination, for example, of questions such as: “Do you like to visit?”, “Do you like to interfere in other people's affairs?”, “Do you hide your age?” and such answers as: “I can’t imagine my life without it”, “Only in despair”, “This is the main goal of my life”, gives rise to “discoveries” that cause unbridled laughter from other participants.

Sasha with dryers
Hold a tongue twister contest. But you need to pronounce them, not just reading from a piece of paper, but after filling your mouth with nuts. The game gradually moves from the category of "say a tongue twister" to "guess what the other participant lisped."

We draw sayings
Players are divided into 2 teams. In each, a daredevil is chosen. He is given a piece of paper, a marker and a note with a saying or a set expression, for example, "how many wolves do not feed ..." or "do not have a hundred friends ..". The task of the player is to depict what is written, the task of each team is to guess faster than the other what the “artist” is trying to draw, while he cannot speak and use letters.

Popular games

The good old game is still popular. Participants write on pieces of paper any desires, for example, “Depict a bear”, “Dance the dance of little ducklings”, or “Go to the store in flippers”. "Fantas" are folded into a bag and drawn out in random order. You can put the notes in a bottle and spin it - whoever shows the neck, he pulls the next piece of paper with the task.

The more people who agree to participate, the better. Prepare in advance plates with inscriptions of professions. Each player is attached to the back of a piece of paper with the assigned role. Thus, everyone knows about his position, except for himself. Then the city "begins to live" a normal life. Players approach each other, read what is written on a piece of paper and begin to communicate accordingly. For example, "doctors" are asked to feel the pulse, prescribe medications; The “seller” is asked about prices, his product, etc. Moreover, you need to act as in ordinary life, i.e. treat the “deputy” with respect, etc. The characters must guess who they are by observing the actions of other players. People can ask questions about their role, but questions that can be answered yes or no. The main task is to react as brightly as possible to other characters. For example, begging a “traffic cop” for leniency, begging for a discount from a seller, etc. Most often, this game is held in a limited period of time, about half an hour. The winner is the one who guessed his role the fastest.

Difficult water
This game will require observers and guests who usually drink vodka. The facilitator distributes to the participants a glass in which about 100 grams of clear liquid is poured and announces that vodka is poured into one of them. The task of the players is to drink the contents through the straw without revealing what he is drinking. Observers have to guess who had the alcohol in the glass. Then the participants drink everything with deadpan faces, and the rest express their assumptions, place bets, etc. The host should add "fuel to the fire", say: "It seems to me that Vasya especially frowned, etc." And at the end, he announces that there was water in all the glasses and gives a prize to the one who made the most interesting suggestions.

Games for a young cheerful company

Teams consisting of a girl and a young man are given a chicken egg each. The host says they are raw. The task of the partners for speed is to skip the egg between the legs of the men, after they change, the men roll the egg between the sleeves of the girls. Naturally, the players do everything very carefully, and at the end the host announces that the eggs are boiled and gives them to the winning team.

The leader divides the participants into pairs and asks the “second halves” to leave the room. At this time, simple clothespins cling to the clothes of the remaining players. The host calls those who left and invites them to remove the clothespins from their partner as quickly as possible. You can modify this game a little: say that you need to find 5 clothespins, while there are only 4 of them. Guests who are “in the know” will laugh heartily.

All players stand in a circle. If possible, it is better to alternate "man-woman". Each player takes a toothpick or a match in his mouth, the first to put a ring on it. The task of the participants is to pass the jewelry along the chain (from toothpick to toothpick) without the help of hands.

Well, the guests are cheerful and cheerful, everyone is considering the prizes received and discussing who and how coped with the tasks, recalling the funniest moments. You can continue the feast or move on to dancing.
Happy holiday to you!

Birthday is one of those holidays that a person in most cases celebrates in a noisy company of friends or relatives. Of course, the number of guests depends only on the desire of the birthday person, as well as the menu, decor, venue and other nuances. One of the points to pay attention to is how to entertain

One cannot argue with the fact that often the celebration of a birthday consists in the arrival of guests, their placement at the festive table, conversations, and drinking. Sometimes it happens that everything is limited to a feast, and, having had a hearty dinner and discussing all the important guests, they go home or go to bed right on the spot. Is it interesting? What will guests remember about the holiday? We offer a few tips that will tell you how to entertain guests at the table and turn the holiday from an ordinary booze into a truly memorable event. Everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance!

How to entertain guests at a birthday party if they are all adults with their own tastes and preferences? When inviting guests to a birthday party, remember that they most likely have different views on the same things. It is important to think over everything so that it is interesting to absolutely everyone.

Despite differences in age and status, all people remain children at heart, so the question of how to entertain guests at a birthday party has a very simple but understandable answer - by playing!

word guessing

Today, among representatives of all ages, the so-called board games are popular, the essence of which, for example, is to guess words from an explanation. You can prepare cards in advance with different words that someone will need to explain, and someone - to guess in a certain time. Believe me, the atmosphere of fun, a little booze, a rush and a good mood will do the trick! It's sure to be a lot of fun. There are a lot of variations on this theme: you can show words, draw them, show and explain at the same time. The more complicated the rules, the more interesting the game will turn out! If there is no time to think over the rules, you can do with the usual game of pantomime.

Who am I?

The game is also very famous, when each of the guests “turns” into a famous person or a hero with a piece of paper on his forehead, and tries to guess who he is through questions. The name of the player is given by his neighbor on the table, and the game continues until one unguessed character remains.

costume party

A win-win option is to have a themed party. It can be a 20s-style party, a beach-style evening or get-togethers where everyone plays a certain role. Guests can change gender, dress up as animals or people older or younger than their age. Whatever you choose, it will be fun, because it will be very great to entertain guests at a birthday party!

Other games

You can remember the different games from childhood - those that you played with friends when you were ten, but remake the entertainment in an adult way. It can be, for example, a game of forfeits, a broken phone, a quiz with jokes and funny questions, a karaoke contest or funny dances. You can play "Guess the melody" or a game called "What will fit in a three-liter jar?" In fact, there are plenty to choose from. It is important not to forget about gifts, because motivation plays a very important role even in entertainment.

So, is it your birthday? How to entertain guests? Easily! It is necessary to give free rein to fantasy and fun, to make sure that no one gets bored at the festive table. Agree that vivid memories of games, laughter and fun are better than

A holiday is a time for fun and relaxation from everyday hustle and bustle. However, you can gather friends without a reason to just sit at the table. But what if the guests are bored? Only eating and drinking at a festive dinner is not interesting. But to find entertainment at the table for everyone - both adults and children - this is already a task worthy of attention. And even if you are making a holiday for the elderly, then having properly organized the fun, neither you nor they will definitely be bored.

"IN plate"

For the game "In the plate" you do not even need to break away from the dish. Guests must name something on the table, the name of which begins with the letter chosen by the leader. The one who does it first wins. He proposes a new letter.


For a large and small company, women's and men's, the traditional folk feast fun is to sing songs. Funny, lyrical, folk, and even funny hooligan. This can diversify both New Year's corporate parties and family gatherings.

Even if your vocal experience is very small, and you picked up the microphone for the first time a couple of minutes ago, you should not be shy, because there are hardly representatives of a strict jury at the table.

"Guess the melody"

To diversify simple singing, play Guess the Melody. It is good if a musical instrument is at hand. But if it is not found, then it does not matter. Choose a presenter who will hum a tune, it can even be more fun.


In the game "Memories" songs can be used in another way: phrases from popular hits are written on the leaves, according to which you need to guess and sing the intended hit.


The game "Orchestra" is dedicated to all connoisseurs of high classics. Participants “play” on handed out tools, only kitchen tools are handed out: for men - rolling pins or ladles, and for women - lids from pots. Pairs of men and women must play a hidden melody on the instruments received.

They were and remain a win-win option.

Do not postpone the preparation for the feast, be sure in advance:

  • write a script;
  • choose the right contests;
  • prepare props;
  • think and buy prizes.

A good option for the holiday is to change the rules of board games. "New Year's mafia", for example, takes place with the "purchase" of Christmas trees, lots of beards from Lapland, the fantasy is not limited. It will be very fresh and interesting.


In the game "Likeness" cards with images of animals, movie characters or even plants are being prepared. On another batch of cards it is written “In the morning I look like ...”, the same thing - “At work”, “When I drink”. Participants first draw cards with quotes, then with images. A fun evening is guaranteed.


Participants must unravel the hidden words, depicting them with gestures, postures and facial expressions.


Even a simple New Year's masquerade can be turned into a celebration by putting masks and costume elements into a box. It is passed around in a circle to the music, the participant who has it left, as soon as the music is turned off, must randomly pull out and put on the item from the box. Laughter at the party is guaranteed.


Make a collective compliment to everyone and everyone, play an intellectual game, for example, “What? Where? When? ”, choosing questions on the topic of the holiday.


Another interesting game is called "Colleagues". In it, you need to show the employee with gestures and facial expressions, randomly pulling out a piece of paper with his name. Others must guess the identity.

"Photo pest"

Poets can compete to find rhymes, and photo lovers can play the Photo Pest game. According to its rules, the players try to portray photo models, while others try to spoil the photo by getting into the frame.

Fanta for table

Play the old board game Fanta. Put notes with phantoms in a rubber ball, fix it on the wall, and let everyone throw darts, “knocking out” their ball with the task. You can also hide notes in glasses of wine or in a cake. Eliminate undesirable tasks, such as eating lemons, because someone may be allergic to citrus or have stomach problems.

Ideas for fans:

  • write a congratulation on the prepared drawing paper, holding a felt-tip pen with your teeth or blindfolded;
  • blindfold and guess other guests;
  • right during the holiday to change clothes with a neighbor;
  • bite through balloons.

Fun at the birthday table

Birthday is a special holiday, and fun should be bright for both adults and children. Funny jokes and humorous games at the festive table are an invariable attribute of any holiday.

"A come on put it in"

A great game for an adult company, "Come on, put it in": in it you need to insert a pencil into an empty bottle. The difficulty is that it hangs on a thread on a man's belt. And the girl is holding the bottle with her feet. If there is alcohol at the table, then the entertainment will take place with a bang.


In Adjectives, the first player thinks of a noun by saying what kind of word it is. Then the other two name any adjectives, after which all the words are called in the resulting sentence. For example, 1 - "suit", 2 - "watermelon", 3 - "shovel", as a result, a rather funny phrase comes out.

A huge "range" of entertainment for guests at the table includes jokes, quizzes, contests.

When the whole company has eaten and tasted the wines (and not only), you can conduct a comic testing of the company. Particularly interesting are such games at corporate parties.

Test for sobriety

This game takes place like in a joke with a husband who says that he did not drink:

Say Gibraltar!

Gib...gibbbb. Drank...

Write in capital letters so that all guests can see. For example:

  • popcorn bag;
  • there is no ring near the well;
  • do not smoke, Turk, pipe; do not peck, trigger, grits;
  • a nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople;
  • Pankrat Kondratievich forgot the jack, and without a jack you can’t lift a tractor on the highway.

Invite guests to voice these tongue twisters without making a mistake. If there is a lot of alcohol at the party, this contest promises to be the funniest.

You can arrange a real quiz with serious riddles. This will add variety to the party. You can compose questions yourself or find them on game sites like "Own Game", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire".

Anniversary entertainment at the table

Entertainment at an anniversary or at a corporate party at the table should also not resemble a meeting of aristocrats! They can give odds to any gatherings of young people. An anniversary is not a reason to rest decorously on sofas. Show your artistry and dexterity at the "Knight's Tournament". Pairs of "knight - Dulcinea" fight like in real tournaments: ladies sit on the shoulders of horse knights, and rivals try to knock them out of the saddle.

At any holiday, you can use the "wedding set of competitions", for example, the traditional entertainment "Sleight of Hand". A raw egg rolls across the table. You can’t push it, but you need to roll it, covering it with your palm. You can complicate the task - roll the egg with a massive knife, or choose gentlemen's knees instead of the table.

Separately, it is worth mentioning entertainment for special holidays, for example, at Easter or Christmas, when the choice of leisure should be approached carefully. You can make themed quizzes, songs dedicated to the holiday will do. If there are children in the company, arrange contests and costumed scenes.

Gone are the days when guests were received at home. But how wonderful it is to meet friends and treat them to their own culinary masterpieces. Restaurant cuisine and an entertainment program led by a professional toastmaster can get boring. Why not add some variety and come up with the perfect night out, with only your closest, kindred spirits in attendance and entertainment that your company members prefer. And you can come up with something new, because the master is the master!

Where to begin

Depending on what event the upcoming dinner party will be dedicated to, you should carefully consider the list of guests invited to it. If these are colleagues, you should not get carried away with too frank conversations and games, especially if your immediate boss or other management will be present at the evening.

For a company consisting of colleagues, themed entertainment with a professional bias is suitable. Such a scenario will be close to everyone and will cheer you up.

If the company will consist only of close friends, then you can completely relax and come up with a variety of games, even with a sexual bias.

In those cases when a company is going to, consisting of people of different ages, it is necessary to take into account the interests of everyone and draw up a program that will unite. The organization will be successful if, having thought over the scenario of the holiday and competitions, prepare everything in advance. Then the evening will be a success and will be remembered for a long time by all guests.

You can turn to the most active and creative individuals for help in organizing a holiday. Writing a script alone is not only a very difficult task, it is possible to miss important details during this process.

If you give the task to come up with a competition for all guests, you can sum up at the end of the evening, whose competition is the most interesting.

If colleagues are invited

In cases where work colleagues gather at the table to organize a holiday, the following facts should be taken into account:

  1. The number of women and men in the team. If the team is same-sex, then it will not be possible to arrange pair competitions.
  2. How close are the team relationships? Usually, many know about each other only the name and position, completely unaware of marital status and even age. In this case, you need to choose business games that do not affect the personal qualities of colleagues.
  3. Colleague age. If everyone is about the same age, you can come up with more frank contests. When a company consists of colleagues aged 25-50, the task is more difficult.

The main rule for organizing an evening among colleagues is the absence of flat jokes and overly frank conversations. Also, do not organize such contests in which someone will feel at a disadvantage.

Pair competitions
Pair competitions are very popular. Among colleagues, everyone is divided into 2 camps: men and women, between which competitions are held.

Who is more beautiful
Women choose a man for themselves and begin to quickly tie bows in his hair. The more bows tied on a man's head during the competition, the better. The winner is the pair that not only copes with the task quickly, but also gains an advantage in the number of bows in comparison with others.

Embracing with one hand, the second man and woman hold a balloon, which should be inflated in turn. Whoever copes with this task faster, he wins.

Stickers are placed on women's clothes in different places. The man is blindfolded. He must remove all stickers from her. The one who completes the task the fastest wins.

If a company of close friends, consisting of single men and women, is going to, you can come up with an evening where everyone will find their soul mate.

Make beautiful hearts and cut them in half with zigzags. Distribute these halves to all single people. To prevent the halves of one heart from falling into the hands of two men or two women, you can paint them in different colors. For example, a heart on one side will be pink, on the other - purple, therefore, the female half will be pink.

on the newspaper
Friends love to dance and do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate their talent? So this competition is for them. Spread old newspapers on the floor. Each pair should stand as close to each other as they can fit on one newspaper.

Not only that, they must stand, they must dance on the newspaper, so that it does not burst! As the players are eliminated, the task becomes more difficult: the newspaper is folded in half and you need to stand on this small piece. This continues until there is only one pair left. The smartest one wins!

Rapid disappearance of lettuce
This game is usually played by men, as women do not want to demonstrate their ability to quickly eat salad. Men choose their favorite salad and place it on plates, after which they are blindfolded. Until the command to start is given, they change plates, putting broth in front of them. When the command to start the competition sounds, the men, without suspecting anything, grab the forks and try to grab something from the plate, but nothing comes out of them!

Haute couture
For this competition you will need old clothes. Guests are divided into pairs. The woman must dress the man in women's clothes, then they change, and the man dresses the woman in men's clothes. The game is more fun than meaningful. Friendship wins this competition.

Family celebration

Not always a feast is accompanied by unbridled fun, sexual games and jokes. Sometimes relatives gather at the table, as a rule, people of different generations. We must pay tribute to them and invite them to our festival. Usually the family gathers for someone's birthday or for a traditional family dinner.

Such meetings are accompanied by pleasant memories that happened in the life of the older generation. Sometimes the relaxed atmosphere can be replaced by a tough debate about politics and politicians. In this case, the owner will need to defuse the situation and entertain guests with games, drinking songs and contests.

Do not be surprised, older people are very fond of entertainment of this nature, they are not boring old people, as you considered them until recently, but very cheerful and cheerful people. This will help you make sure:

  • Board games;
  • Card tricks;
  • Song contests;
  • Memories of famous films;
  • Word games or cities.

The intelligence and speed of decision-making of the older generation will surprise you. Everyone will get a good impression from the meeting and get even closer.

Beautiful words
The game is as follows: one of the names of those present is chosen, and everyone must characterize it with such words that begin with letters from this name. For example: Maria: sweet, adventurous, frisky, playful, bright.

If there are many guests, and the chosen name is too short, you can add letters from the middle name and last name. At the same time, it is not always necessary to pronounce an adjective, and you can come up with something original.

Let's sing?
In the family circle, when several generations gather at once, they rarely do without songs. Most have their own, family songs, which are customary to sing during all meetings. Why not have a singing competition? Ideas for the song contest:

  • Recall songs in which plants are present (“apple and pear trees bloomed”, “oh, viburnum blooms”);
  • Colors ("green-eyed taxi");
  • Names, etc.

Movie memories

For this competition, you need to write famous phrases from your favorite films on paper, roll them up into a tube and put them in a bag, from which everyone will pull them out in turn, and remember the film.

Family dinner will be remembered for a long time. Having laughed heartily, both young people and elderly relatives will remember this evening for a long time.

Any meeting can be organized in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time, and it is not necessary to invite a professional toastmaster. By organizing such an evening on your own, you will demonstrate your care and attention to loved ones, friends or colleagues. And this is much more important than professionally organized meetings.

Video: how to entertain guests

To begin with, you should be commended for asking this question. Only a few think about how to entertain guests at the table, for everyone else, only satiety and the degree of intoxication of the participants in the feast are important. You intend to take care not only of the mortal body, but also of the emotions of the guests.

So, let's move on to a detailed description, since entertaining guests is not easy, especially at the table.

Popular types of table entertainment for guests

Let's immediately decide that there will be no vulgar and alcoholic entertainment in this article. So everyone who is interested in spicy and dubious games with hints and alcohol is unlikely to find what they were looking for in this article.

If you do not intend to go beyond the bounds of decency, to ruin your health with an exorbitant amount of alcohol, and you want to leave various dubious "bullying" outside of your celebration - you are welcome.

amateur performance

Great entertainment for your guests of any age will be a guitar, piano, pipe or some other musical instrument. Of course, all this is provided that one of the guests knows how to play these instruments. Maybe you'll have a whole orchestra.

Funny songs, live music and non-standard atmosphere will please guests no less than exciting conversation and delicious food.

Game "Crocodile"

This game involves two teams and a leader (you can do without it). The essence of the game is to guess the word guessed by the opponents (or the leader) by facial expressions, gestures and movements.

In general, the rules of the Crocodile game are simple, but still worth learning. In addition, before the game, it is necessary to discuss the rules of the game, as several versions of "Crocodile" are known. To avoid unpleasant incidents, you need to clearly establish your rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Crocodile"

  • The player is forbidden to make any sounds (not letters and words, but sounds). Otherwise, unraveling the "Crocodile" will be very simple.
  • You can't write in the air, on a blackboard or anything else.
  • Silent pronunciation of words and sounds is prohibited.
  • It is undesirable to point a finger at objects that indirectly or explicitly point to the hidden "crocodile word".
The most important condition of the "Crocodile" is that the hidden word must be named as close as possible to the initial version (it is not necessary to guess all the prefixes and suffixes). This means that if the word "behemoth" is guessed, then to win it is enough to name the word "behemoth" (although the most experienced players and strict intellectuals may demand to name the word in the hidden form).

There are the following variations of the game "Crocodile"

1 . Each of the teams is asked a few words (papers with words can be in a bag, a hat, or just lie on the table). Then the members of the first team, in turn, take out a "character" for themselves, go on stage and demonstrate the hidden word. You can skip words, but then you will not be able to return to them. You need to guess the "crocodiles" for a while - for each task, for example, five minutes are allotted. The less time given, the easier and more interesting. Otherwise, you may have controversial points (someone can cope earlier, guessing fewer words).

2 . The rules of this option are similar to the rules of the previous option, but there is one condition - all hidden words must begin with the same letter.

Another option is to play for the sake of playing, but not for the sake of winning. One person goes on stage, makes a word for himself, and those sitting at the table must guess it. Whoever guesses, goes on stage himself and receives a task from the past "actor". So the game goes around.

In fact, "Crocodile" can be quite enough to keep your guests busy at a small celebration for 5 - 6 hours. However, if you have a longer holiday planned, for example, the New Year, you need to understand that this one game for the whole night will not be enough for you. So let's look at another game that is popular with many people.

Game "Mafia"

This game is quite common in many countries. In addition, people manage to play it not only live, but also on the Internet. It is not known how all this happens, but the fact remains. That is why knowledge of the rules of the "Mafia" in the modern world is almost as necessary as having a driver's license.

And this, despite the fact that the principle of this game is the ruthless destruction of the townspeople, most of whom are civilians. Constant nervousness and paranoia - this is the basis of the game "Mafia". If you think that you are able to cope with this intensity of passions, you are welcome.

General rules of "Mafia"

The desired number of players is from 8 to 16 (if it is less, it will not be so interesting, and if it is more, it will be too noisy).

The characters of the game are mafiosi, honest residents, the sheriff and the presenter.


To distribute roles in the game, you need to take as many cards from the deck as there will be players (excluding the leader). These cards should include a majority of red cards and a few black cards, as well as one red ace. Black suits should be 4 times less than red ones. The cards are then randomly distributed among the participants. Having received the card, the player must quietly look at his role, and then put the card in front of him "shirt" up. The meaning of the cards: red suit - an honest citizen, black suit - mafia, red ace - sheriff.

The gameplay of the game "Mafia"

The entire gameplay takes place in the mode of alternating day and night. At night, mafiosi kill honest residents, the sheriff checks the townspeople for honesty, and during the day, civilians lynch the alleged mafia.

Each action occurs only at the command of the host. For example - "Night has come - everyone fell asleep" or "Mafia woke up", "Mafia falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up" and so on.

On the first night, the mafiosi must get to know each other (silently, of course), the host must get to know everyone, including the sheriff. Often this is done like this: everyone falls asleep, the mafia wakes up, looks at each other and falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up, falls asleep. Then the day comes and everyone wakes up.

During the day, residents (including the mafia and the sheriff) try to figure out who is who with the help of reasoning, tricks and accusations. Then a vote is taken for the alleged mafiosi. The person with the most votes "dies" (or goes to jail). After that, his card is revealed, and everyone can see whether the mafioso was correctly identified.

By the way, if the votes are divided equally, but no one wants to give in, you can ask the one who was just "killed" but not killed to vote (if he turned out to be honest, and not a sheriff or a mafia). At other times, the "killed" are silent and cannot take part in discussions and voting.

Then the night comes. The host allows the mafiosi to wake up, who then silently select the victim and deal with her. It is important that the victim is chosen unanimously.

The mafia is back to sleep. Then the sheriff wakes up and, with the help of the host, silently checks on any citizen. Thus, the discussion becomes more conscious and concrete. The sheriff can also be killed.

In the morning the name of the victim is called. So the cycle repeats again and again, until one of the teams wins by killing all opponents.

It should be noted that there are many variants of the Mafia rules. In different variations, some characters are able to change their role, may disappear, others may appear. It is up to you to decide which rules to choose, since there is perhaps no single correct option. Although, if your guests hear about the game for the first time, there will be nothing to discuss - just choose your version of the rules. You can learn more about the rules of the game by watching the video at the end of the article.

So, we have considered 2 of the most interesting and popular options for entertaining guests at the table. But that is not all.

How else can you entertain guests at the table?

When preparing a holiday, you can also cut out several leaves, snowflakes or stars from paper and write on one of them the word "Prize", "Gift" or something like that. After that, all the leaves need to be pasted around the house.

When guests arrive, even before the feast, you need to invite them to find a piece of paper with the cherished word. Then, of course, the finder needs to be given the promised prize at your discretion.

Another game for guests can be organized like this:

Take a fruit, put it in a small box, wrap the box in paper, stick a riddle on top. Then wrap it all again in paper and attach another puzzle to the layer. So you can wrap the box until the puzzles run out.

The essence of the game is simple - you need to solve all the riddles and reach the fruit. Whoever guesses the most wins the prize.

The last game on our list is a well-known game that provides an excellent opportunity to entertain guests at the table, at the table.

Its essence is as follows:

It is necessary to take from the kitchen various cutlery that is at least hypothetically suitable for food (from a spoon to a ladle). Put these items in a box and randomly distribute to guests (how exactly to distribute, decide for yourself). Then each participant should put a small portion of mashed potatoes or salad on a saucer. After that, at the command "Start", everyone gets to eat, and the fastest participant receives a surprise.

Now all your celebrations will be cheerful and active, because you know how to entertain guests at the table without vulgarity and alcohol. The proposed games will be quite enough to keep guests busy for the evening.

If you have any doubts, know that the main thing is to show enthusiasm and be ready for everything new. Even if you fail, trying to organize such a celebration will be better than the standard discussions of health problems, politics, gossip and money.