The smell of love. Exciting essential oils. Aphrodisiac essential oils can work wonders

Formen andwomen

What are they, the aromas of love - aphrodisiac essential oils?

Bergamot- beckons and relaxes, excites and awakens the fantasy.

Carnation- makes the body sensitive, capable of a bright and prolonged orgasm.

Geranium- predominantly female oil, for an adult and experienced woman who is tired of routine relationships.

Jasmine- a magnificent female oil that allows a woman to feel her attractiveness and experience the pleasure of intimacy.

Ylang Ylang- traditional erotic oil, makes it possible to guess and fulfill the most intimate desires of a partner; increases the potency of a man and the susceptibility of a woman.

Ginger- male oil, which enhances potency, warms, excites, gives determination and self-confidence.

Cedar- gives freshness to relationships, prolongs the time of a love game.

Cypress- tonic oil for older men, gives a feeling of endurance, enhances sensitivity.

Cinnamon- a wonderful erotic oil, many times increases the supply of energy, warms, brings fantasy into relationships, allows you to feel the magic of touch, and also increases potency.

Marjoram- male oil, which helps a man to be tactful and skillful, feeling his partner, enhances the flexibility of the spine and the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Myrrh- female oil that helps a woman get rid of selfishness and be able to bring herself as a gift, which is so appreciated by men.

Muscat- enhances the desires and feelings of people, helps to feel each other better.

Juniper- makes relationships natural, strengthens male power, allows for multiple sexual contacts.

Neroli- passionate oil, enhances potency and sensuality, allows you to experience long-term pleasure.

Patchouli- the oldest erotic oil, enhances potency and sensitivity, makes it possible to enjoy every minute, promotes rejuvenation and disclosure in a love game.

Fir- tones up, helps a woman to feel protection in the hands of a man, and a man to gain confidence in his abilities.

Rose- oil for the young and inexperienced, gives a reverent attitude towards a partner, it can be the oil of the first night, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

Rosemary- tones, enhances susceptibility, attracts and promotes the repetition of erotic contacts.

sandalwood- men's oil that increases potency, from which women go crazy, increases sensitivity, makes a man irresistible, and a woman the most desirable.

Too heavy or sweet smell of erotic oils (ylang-ylang, patchouli, nutmeg, ginger) can be softened with essential oils with a fresher scent - lemon, mandarin, lavender.

Compared to pure essential oils, aroma essences from a mixture of oils have even more pronounced properties that help enhance sensuality and potency, extend the time of love play and body contact, and make sensations unique.

Several recipes for aromatic mixtures that will enhance the sensations, enrich the love game.

The amount of essential oils is given based on 30 ml of base oil (almond, apricot, avocado oil). Apply to the skin in the same places where perfume is usually applied about half an hour before an appointment.

During this time, the aroma of essential oils will open, mix with the skin's own unique smell, and will sound most harmonious.

A mixture that enhances the desire of a man:

  • 6 drops sandalwood
  • 4 drops of cedar,
  • 2 drops ylang ylang
  • 2 drops of patchouli

Mixture that increases the sensitivity of a woman:

  • 4 drops of jasmine
  • 4 drops of rose
  • 2 drops sandalwood
  • 2 drops of bergamot

Aphrodite Blend:

  • 3 drops ylang ylang
  • 3 drops of rose
  • 2 drops sandalwood
  • 2 drops of muscat.

Winner Blend:

  • 3 drops of ginger
  • 3 drops patchouli
  • 3 drops of bergamot
  • 2 drops of cinnamon.

Tonic Blend:

  • 3 drops juniper
  • 2 drops of cedar
  • 2 drops marjoram.

A mixture of tender feelings:

  • 4 drops neroli
  • 3 drops of sandalwood
  • 2 drops of bergamot
  • 2 drops mint.

Methods of application of oils and aromatic essences.

Aromatic components that are part of aphrodisiac essential oils can be introduced into the body in two ways:

through the respiratory system and through the skin, getting into the blood and lymph flow.

Depending on what effect is expected from the use of specific essential oils, the appropriate route is chosen by which essential oils enter our body.

An aroma lamp is used to create an intimate aroma in the room. In addition to the fact that it saturates the room with a light, weightless smell, it also helps visual perception, it looks very romantic. The light of the candle itself creates a magical atmosphere. A good method of aromatization of indoor air is ozonation. Take an ordinary spray bottle, draw water, add 3-5 drops of essential oil, previously diluted in half a teaspoon of alcohol, and spray the room. In addition to adding aroma, it is also very useful, because the air in city apartments with central heating is usually dry, with dust particles - it ages, do not forget!

You can scent bed linen: lay the linen in the cabinets with paper napkins, on which a few drops of pure, undiluted essential oil are dripped. Evaporating, the essential oil will transfer its fragrance to the laundry.

Aroma baths.

It is wonderful, of course, to luxuriate together in a warm, gentle bath, enveloping you with bliss and enchanting aromas. But not all houses have such baths, and squeezing together into a standard creation of plumbing designers is, frankly, an amateur business. Taking turns taking a bath, “charging” with sexual power, is also not the best thing - your partner at this time will be bored and lose his mood. It is better to take a bath half an hour before the date (the fragrance on the skin will remain for a long time), and for the joint use of essential oils, choose a different method.

Aroma massage.

The pinnacle of the art of erotic foreplay.

Aromatic essences have special healing properties. The aroma of erotic essential oils has a very strong psychological effect. Therefore, these oils must be used very carefully, strictly following the rules and ratios given. The aroma should be light, otherwise the psyche may be depressed. Instead of the desired result, you can get the exact opposite, and a single "failure" is not so bad. With an aromatic blow to the centers of perception, it is possible to cause an unconscious fear and even disgust in a partner. A fragrant failure on a first date can lead to the end of the relationship altogether.

In order not to risk, carefully monitor the quality of the oil. In the composition of essential oils that are not related to natural, there are always chemically synthesized components, fragrances, synthetic bases. The smell of such oils is sharper and noticeably different from similar natural flavors. Essential oils are very expensive, and therefore there is always a temptation to dilute them with a chemical analogue. Buy only proven oils. It's one thing to use the wrong oil yourself (it's just a shame), but if you ruin a romantic date with insufficiently good oil?

When applied to the body, you should not use undiluted essential oils, even 3 drops accurately measured according to the recipe. The aroma should be present around, create an aura, and not concentrate, for example, only behind the ears or on the ankles. The strong smell of essential oil can repel rather than charm and bring closer.

When applied to the skin, essential oils and mixtures (aromatization, massage) must be added to the base. Almond, avocado, grape seed, jojoba, wheat germ oils are ideal for erotic purposes. You can also use natural-based creams, if they do not contain mineral oils, which will prevent essential oils from penetrating the skin. By the way, that’s why you shouldn’t use Johnson baby baby oil so beloved by many as a basis for massage!

Precautionary measures

Do not forget that there are some contraindications to the use of essential oils.

Clove oil is not advised to be used for increased nervous excitability, fir and juniper oil for kidney diseases (contact use), lemon oil can lower blood pressure, and therefore for hypotension its use is fraught with headache and weakness, those who suffer from mint oil may respond allergic rhinitis.

In addition, there is a risk of individual intolerance.

If suddenly, contrary to all plans, during a romantic meeting enriched with the aroma of essential oils, such a nuisance happens to your partner, this indicates his intolerance to at least one of the components of the aroma essence.

Symptoms of intolerance:

shortness of breath, suffocation, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, increased heart rate, arrhythmia; allergic skin lesions - rash, itching, burning.

In this case, you need to immediately ventilate the room and go out into the fresh air (if you used an aroma lamp). Take a shower (if essential oils were applied to the skin). If your health does not allow, simply wipe off traces of aromatic oil from the skin with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or tonic.

In general, it’s better not to risk too much, to start mastering aromaerotics with individual oils, and not with complex mixtures, no matter how enticing they may seem.

* The amount of essential oils for massage given in the table is used per 10 ml of base oil.

* The amount of essential oils for the aroma lamp is calculated for a room of 16 sq.m.

If your bedroom is smaller, reduce the amount of drops so you don't create a stuffy heavy atmosphere. In a larger room, the number of drops can be increased, but not necessarily, and do not do this immediately, first try the indicated amount.

Name Massage applied to the skin Oil burner Aroma baths
Bergamot 5 drops 7 drops 5 drops
Carnation 3 drops 3 drops 3 drops
Geranium 3 drops 4 drops 4 drops
Jasmine 3 drops 5 drops 5 drops
Ylang Ylang 5 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Ginger 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
Cedar 4 drops 6 drops 4 drops
Cypress 3 drops 4 drops 3 drops
Cinnamon 1 drop Not applicable 3 drops
Marjoram 3 drops 5 drops 5 drops
Myrrh 5 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Muscat 3 drops Not applicable 5 drops
Juniper 3 drops 3 drops 3 drops
Neroli 4 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Patchouli 5 drops 6 drops 7 drops
Fir 4 drops 5 drops 5 drops
Rose 5 drops 6 drops 5 drops
Rosemary 3 drops 4 drops 4 drops
sandalwood 5 drops 7 drops 5 drops
Lemon, lavender, mandarin + 2 drops + 3 drops + 3 drops

Tatyana Litvinova

In life, there are various situations when I would like to make intimate life brighter. Often, problems at work, with colleagues or superiors, quarrels with friends, failures in their own business, etc. often reduce desire. The impact of a complex of negative factors inhibits sexual activity in the first place, and according to the negative feedback mechanism, dissatisfaction further worsens overall well-being and fighting spirit to fight other failures in life.

Today, to maintain sexual activity at the proper level, there are several types of prescription drugs, as well as various folk remedies that have virtually no side effects and are available without the help of doctors.

First of all, essential oils-aphrodisiacs are referred to such means.

An aphrodisiac is any substance of plant origin that can arouse sexual desire and increase sexual activity. Essential oils-aphrozodiacs are obtained in various ways. Their properties do not depend on whether the plant was pressed or steamed, but on the properties of the esters and their concentration.

Aphrodisiac - a common misprint or mistake in the name of essential oils - APHRODISIAC 🙂

Depending on the method of application, the molecules of aphrodisiac essential oils activate specific receptors on the skin and mucous membranes, after which information about the composition is sent through the nerve endings to the subcortical centers of the brain and the pituitary gland.

The complex effect on these formations provokes the release of a large amount of endorphins and serotonin, substances popularly called hormones of happiness. Their concentration causes a state of euphoria, which enhances sexual desire, relieves psycho-emotional stress and makes it possible to enjoy intimate pleasures.

Aphrodisiac essential oils are obtained from the following plants:


Aphrodisiacs are special substances designed to awaken sensuality, desire, sexual desire in a person and set them in a romantic mood. It is not for nothing that they got their name from the Greek goddess of love, beauty and passion - Aphrodite. Aphrodisiac essential oils are really an effective tool for attracting the opposite sex and gaining self-confidence when it comes to the psycho-emotional sphere.

Aphrodisiacs, through the sense of smell, give a person an unmistakable signal that a representative of the opposite sex with this smell is truly attractive and call for further action for the development of romantic events. To do this, you can use both perfumes enriched with attracting pheromones and aphrodisiac essential oils - the most popular and proven tool for improving personal life for centuries.

How it works

Unlike other oils, aphrodisiacs have a richer bouquet, and when successfully combined with the smell of the human body, they give a unique aroma, the properties of which act on men and women, causing positive emotions, excitement and a desire to continue communication.

Now even medicine officially confirms such properties of aphrodisiacs as:

  • beneficial effect on the psyche through the inhalation of aroma;
  • anti-aging effect (which is especially important for women);
  • antitoxic and antioxidant action;
  • restoration of potency in men;
  • getting rid of frigidity, etc.

But not every aphrodisiac has the same power. Some of them are most effective in helping to heal the body and build or repair relationships.

The most powerful aphrodisiac essential oils

Among the essential oils that have a magical attracting effect on a person, especially strong ones stand out. Their use will give everyone who has lost self-confidence a chance for harmony in his personal life.

  1. Ylang-ylang. This oil is one of the leading aphrodisiac esters. It has been used since ancient times as a means of high efficiency. Ylang-ylang, affects the pituitary gland, increases the strength of sexual arousal and orgasm, helps with PMS, restores erection and relieves women of frigidity.
  2. Juniper. Good for innovations and experiments in sexual relations, especially useful for men who have lost confidence in their abilities. Successfully combined with other oils for a light erotic massage as a prelude.
  3. Neroli. This oil came from the East, where since ancient times they believed in the ability of this aphrodisiac to restore potency. Neroli contributes to the emergence of irresistible excitement. They say that if the aroma of this oil is pleasant to a person, then the hormonal background and sexuality are in perfect order.
  4. . This fragrance is suitable for both women and men of all ages. It is the strongest antidepressant, its fresh, slightly bitter smell improves mood and inspires optimism.
  5. . To a greater extent, the fragrance is suitable for women, giving them an incredible appeal and mystery, magnetism and the ability to please men.
  6. . Aphrodisiac for men, helping to gain confidence and masculinity, increase arousal and restore potency, make women reach out to the owner of this smell. Warm and bitter aroma attracts, attracts and promises intrigue.
  7. Cypress. Its woody aroma arouses interest and desire in women, the desire to establish relationships with a carrier of a light coniferous aroma. A true aphrodisiac for real men.
  8. Jasmine. A kind of "classic of the genre" among aphrodisiacs. The oil can be used both separately and in combination with other esters, enriching its properties. For men, it is useful to increase potency, for women - to enhance intimate arousal.
  9. . It is often used to search for new strong emotions and feelings in intimate relationships. The spicy aroma of nutmeg will be useful for men who want to become more relaxed and less insecure. In women, he awakens sexual fervor and the desire to experiment.
  10. Patchouli. The rich aroma of this ether is capable of much. Patchouli removes from a state of depression, restores sexual arousal and strength, excites and provokes love adventures. This aphrodisiac saves women from frigidity, men from impotence.

The listed effects from aphrodisiacs do take place, but only in natural oils (see the inscription Natural oil), and not in their synthetic-based counterparts (Fragrance).

How to apply

You can use aphrodisiac essential oils as your fantasy tells, or as it will be more convenient and appropriate. But no matter what methods of application are used, the effect will always please. Among them, there are several main options that guarantee an unforgettable romance in a relationship:

  • Use perfumes with aphrodisiac essential oils added to it. The attractive fragrance will accompany its owner everywhere for a long time with its magic trail and its properties will attract the opposite sex.
  • Aroma baths. This method will not only set you in the right mood, give strength and increase desire, but also help improve skin condition. The aroma left on the body after taking such a bath will encourage the opposite sex to act and add romance to the relationship.
  • . The attractive and exciting aroma hovering in the room will not be slow to force the partner to take decisive action, liberate, fill everyone with ardor and ardent desire. The atmosphere created by the switched on aroma lamp is full of romance in itself and calls to spend the evening in the heat of passion.
  • Massage is the most effective stimulant. A light full-body massage done to a partner using essential oils, thanks to its properties, will not only relax and soothe, but also charge you with sexual energy, induce intimacy and give irresistible strength to desire. To achieve a greater effect, the oil must be slightly warmed up to a temperature pleasant to the body.
  • Aromaculon. A small jewelry (mostly used by women) in the form of a pendant with aphrodisiac oil inside guarantees an immediate reaction from the partner when approaching the owner of the accessory. A subtle teasing aroma emanating from the aroma pendant will awaken the senses, make men want to be closer, inspire a romantic mood.

Not all aroma oils can be used undiluted for contact use (massage). Their high concentration, instead of the expected effect, can lead to irritation or burns, after which the evening no longer promises to be languid. To avoid problems, such oils must be diluted with base oils that do not have a pronounced odor (jojoba, olive, grape seed, etc.).

It is equally important to be able to choose the right combination of oils if you want to use a whole bunch of attractive aromas to win a partner. Of course, this is done to your taste, but the prepared "love" remedy should not have an obsessive, repulsively sugary or pungent odor. In general, here you can safely experiment and independently select such aroma oils that seem suitable for creating your own unique aroma. With a successful combination, the properties of aphrodisiacs will restore and retain attractiveness, giving relationships freshness, ardor, colorfulness and unforgettable emotions.

Love and enticing aroma. Do they have something in common? It turns out a lot. Not for nothing that our distant ancestors put equally between these two concepts.

Amazing legends associated with the use of enchanting aromatic perfumes, and famous perfumers of those years, striving to learn the secrets of a love fragrance that kindles violent passions between a man and a woman - all this served as an incentive to create a magical bouquet called aphrodisiac essential oils.

Is it possible to "guess" the only sensual fragrance that your chosen one will like? Wonderful aroma oils for attracting men will certainly have an effect on your lover, however, to identify a particular incense, we suggest that you experiment a little with the addition of different ingredients.

Not so long ago, scientists identified a complex but harmonious relationship between aroma and attraction. For example, aromatic oils from the fragrant flowers of the ylang tree are considered the most universal stimulating love incense today. This pleasant spicy aphrodisiac is used as the best remedy for relaxing baths and sensual massages.

There are fantastic fragrances to attract men, and some to seduce women. Scientists note qualitatively different approaches to the perception of smells in both sexes. So, a woman has a sharper and more sensitive sense of smell: she easily separates pleasant - “tasty” smells from unattractive ones.

For men, this method is less familiar, since the strong half of humanity “sniffs” differently. At the same time, in a state of blissful excitement, they are able to distinguish the attracting pheromones of the beloved woman and easily recognize her by smell.

Aphrodisiac essential oils can enrich your relationships by adding passionate notes of unbridled sensuality and desire to them. Your sincere intentions play an important role in choosing an oil. What do you want to receive? Do you want to buy an aphrodisiac to find a future partner and attract men, or do you dream of adding spice to your relationship with your husband? For each of these cases, there are effective aphrodisiacs. And now you will find out which of them will be the most preferable for your situation.

Interesting: What essential oils are used to attract money?

Aromatic oils for all occasions

You should be aware that the action of refined aphrodisiac aroma oil occurs at a universal subconscious level - memorization. Therefore, if your man once "hears" this delicate smell, and he likes it, then such a fragrance will forever remain in his memory. Feeling it, your beloved will immediately remember you.

We list the most effective aphrodisiac oils:

  • Rose and sandalwood. Even in the ancient times of Rome, wealthy women took the famous fragrant baths with rose petals for several hours. The amazingly relaxing rose oil has acted on men as a powerful stimulant for centuries. Ylang oil esters, lavender and sandalwood aromas, as well as patchouli, have a similar effect. The legendary mixture of these smells, of course, in a certain proportion - is able to plant a seed of all-encompassing passion in a relationship. These natural aphrodisiacs effectively rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging.
  • Ylang. This ether has the most exciting effect on the state of both partners. As an aphrodisiac, ylang ylang oil is considered one of the best frantic and passionate fragrances that can actually drive you crazy. In fact, it can be added to any aroma composition. To give more freshness to the spicy and deep aroma of ylang, citrus aroma oils are often used.
  • Orange. Its scent stimulates the mutual trust of lovers, revealing new horizons of feelings.
  • Ginger. This aphrodisiac will give a more sensual perception of a partner. With its help, your love will be filled with beautiful sounds of tireless passion.
  • Cedar. The most famous aphrodisiac oil for men. Its pleasant refreshing scent has a spicy and "pungent" effect that stimulates male power.
  • Pine. A wonderful coniferous oil that can give a man confidence and increase his self-esteem many times over.
  • Neroli. Aphrodisiac "thick" and soft. It will pleasantly surprise you by giving both partners the opportunity to most vividly and emotionally reveal themselves on the love front.
  • Patchouli. The best aphrodisiac for men. Magnetically attracts, passionately excites and stimulates a lasting effect. Besides, .
  • Rosemary. It brings together with lightning speed, gives strength to a man, and great attractiveness to a woman.
  • Geranium. A languid aphrodisiac suitable for more mature women. Thanks to its aroma, you will feel younger and more relaxed.

Seductive esters at home

Aphrodisiacs are most widely used in the field of perfumery. Companies producing energizing essential oils offer a wide range of various synthetic products: shower gels, all kinds of balms and, of course, perfumes. All of them have in their composition a particle of an effective essential oil, or a high-quality aphrodisiac.

However, these products often use additional dangerous "chemistry" that can harm the health of your skin. This fact is a good incentive to create a natural aroma oil to attract men, more precisely, an effective mixture of delicious essential oils.

In practice, the right aphrodisiacs can change your relationship with your loved one forever. Naturally, in the direction of sensual harmony. With their help, your romantic evening can turn into an unforgettable festive firework of feelings and genuine emotions.

Some secrets to using the ethereal miracle:

  1. Pamper your loved one with a spectacular massage using the aroma of ylang! Dilute 9 drops of this savory remedy with 40 ml of olive oil. Make the mixture with all care and scrupulousness: not a single aroma oil is applied to the skin concentrated, i.e. in undiluted state.
  2. For a romantic meeting, you can use an assistant - an aroma lamp. A candle is placed in the lower section of the lamp, water is poured into the upper part and 4 drops of fragrant sandalwood are added. Intoxicating smells and pleasant relaxation will give the evening an exceptional charm and charm.
  3. Any aphrodisiac can be used during bath procedures. There is one trick here: since aroma oil does not dissolve in liquid, it must first be diluted in bath foam. This is one of the most common methods for attracting men: the persistent aroma of ether will “hold” on your body for a long time.
  4. Aphrodisiacs are often used to flavor bed linen. Just a few of these aroma drops are enough. Ylang, orange or sandalwood is used. This method is exceptionally good, but do not overdo it! It is best to use an aphrodisiac as needed and use some separate set of underwear.
  5. Of course, aphrodisiacs can also be included as an active ingredient in homemade perfumes. It is also one of the most effective ways to attract men! It is best to experiment on your own to create an individual fragrance that is suitable only for you.

Love recipes

Creating an effective means to enhance the desire of men will not take much time. You will need a mixture of:

  • patchouli - 3 kp;
  • ylang - 3 kp;
  • sandalwood - 7kp;
  • cedar - 5 kp.

Aphrodisiacs to increase female sensuality:

  • red rose - 5 kp;
  • ylang - 2 kp;
  • sandalwood - 3 kp;
  • bergamot - 3 kp.

Fabulous bath scents:

Option number 1

  • muscat - 2 kp;
  • rose - 2 kp;
  • neroli - 2 kp;
  • patchouli - 2 kp;
  • vetiver - 2 kp.

Option number 2

  • cinnamon - 2 kp;
  • grapefruit - 2 kp;
  • ylang - 1 kp;
  • ginger - 1 kp;
  • jasmine - 1 kp.

Use these bath mixes 30 minutes before your date. However, remember: an aphrodisiac should not be used often, otherwise you will not avoid problems with concentration.


Aphrodisiac essential oils are the strongest means of stimulating desire and arousal, but this is not their only function! These amazing substances can also rejuvenate our body, favor the development of love functions and enhance pleasure.

Aphrodisiac drops from pharmacies have a good effect on the mental and emotional health of partners, increase sexual desire in women, and provide men with physical capabilities.

Female pathogen

The use of a female pathogen in the form of drops is very convenient - they can be taken by dissolving in any drink, of course, non-alcoholic! If it is inconvenient for you to use drops, you can purchase a powder that is also easy to dissolve in water or juice, their taste will not change.

Taking a female aphrodisiac in drops allows a lady to escape from routine thoughts, emotionally and physiologically tune in to sexual satisfaction. Substances of the pathogen provide a rush of blood to the genitals, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones and make bodily intercourse between partners inevitable.

That's about the benefits, but there are also a few downsides.

Compound. Think for yourself, what natural substances can dissolve without taste and smell? The answer is obvious - the chemical components in the pathogen drops clearly predominate.

Price. The cost of the powders themselves, plus the cheating of pharmacies, turns out to be an impressive amount, from which tiny discounts are offered on the number of units purchased.

Safety. Aphrodisiacs are substances that affect the nervous system. In a woman who has reached the age at which artificial stimuli are needed, the nervous system is often unable to perceive them. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist before use.

Male pathogen

Aphrodisiac drops for men, in addition to improving the emotional and sensual mood, provide a rush of blood to the genitals, increase the duration of sexual activity and the number of erotic pleasures.

If you do not want to bore yourself with a long choice, then we recommend that you stop at lavender - a universal oil for arousing a man. In order not to run into a fake, we recommend that you purchase only in large specialized online stores, for example. This is a direct link to the essential oils section.

However, as in the case of female pathogens, the issue of their safety is relevant. The use of high doses, the intake of pathogens in parallel with alcoholic beverages, too frequent use can cause a hypertensive crisis, interruptions in the work of the heart and the effect opposite to what is expected.

Aroma oils

If you don't want to bother reading, you can watch this video about aphrodisiac oils:

To experience the effect of natural stimulants without any risk, try aroma oils. There is nothing artificial in their composition, and the correct use will give high-quality excitement and pleasure to a man and a woman. The maximum inconvenience that you can experience when using an essential oil is that you will not like the aroma, and it will not have an exciting effect on you. But is it really a problem with such a huge number of fragrances, their mixtures and applications?

What oil to choose to excite a woman?

For young girls, drops of rose oil, bergamot, jasmine are preferred as an aphrodisiac.

The strongest exciting oil for girls and women of all ages is NEROLI! It is very important not to skimp when choosing an oil, otherwise your attempt will turn into dust. Never take Neroli oil in a pharmacy or hypermarket! There will only be budget copies with an inflated price. A good stimulating oil costs 800-2000 rubles. Based on personal experience, we recommend buying essential oils in trusted online stores, you'd better wait 2-3 days for delivery, but be sure of the result. Here is a verified store. Please note that this store sells oil very quickly.

Middle-aged women will be helped to liberate themselves and reveal their sensuality with the oil of bergamot, ylang-ylang, neroli.

Mature women need warming, giving sensual warmth, rich aromas of geranium, cloves, myrrh, cinnamon.

What oil to choose to excite a man?

To make a man more attentive to the desires and feelings of a woman, use the aromas of ylang-ylang, marjoram.

If you want to feel the unbridled passion of a man, use oils of ginger, patchouli, nutmeg, and the most versatile - allspice.

Aromas of cypress, juniper, rosemary, sandalwood help to set up an adult partner for long-term sexual interaction.

How to use aroma oils-aphrodisiacs?

You can use one type of oil:

  • add 7-8 drops to the aroma lamp per 15m 2 of the room;
  • combine with base oil (for example, olive, sunflower) 3-7 drops per 15 ml (3 teaspoons) and make an erotic massage;
  • scent bed linen - apply a drop of stimulating essential oil to the corners of the sheets and pillows.

When you are convinced of the effectiveness of essential oils, you can prepare their mixtures and apply little by little on the body in the same way as perfumes - on the neck, wrists, hair.

A mixture of oils that awakens desire in a man, the number of drops:

  • patchouli - 2;
  • ylang-ylang - 2;
  • cedar - 3;
  • sandal - 6.

The number of drops can be varied, added or subtracted in the amount you like, while maintaining the basic composition.

A mixture of oils that excites women, the number of drops:

  • bergamot - 2;
  • jasmine - 4.

A mixture that excites men is applied by women, a mixture that excites women is applied by men.