Sweet mixtures for newborns. Video about the rating of mixtures. Blend with the best ratio of vitamins

If the baby is not getting enough breast milk or the mother is unable to breastfeed medical indications(this happens, but rarely), the doctor will advise you to supplement the baby with regular or therapeutic formula. What mixture to choose? How modern products for artificial feeding differ from each other? What kind of reaction to expect from the child?

Baby's reaction: minus or plus

First, he may feel worse.

Secondly, in response to the mixture, children sometimes develop skin rashes, abdominal pain, and the nature of the stool also changes (greens, mucus are added, and there are difficulties in the work of the intestines).

Thirdly, the child may begin to spit up, and not immediately, but some time after eating, or give out food in a "fountain".

Fourthly, it happens that health problems that were observed before the introduction of the mixture are intensified or new symptoms are added to them.

What can explain what is happening? Up to 4 months, the adaptive systems of the body of babies are in the maturation stage, which is why any changes in nutrition can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Action plan

On the other hand, the baby's well-being may worsen if he does not "like" any particular mixture. To understand whether this is so, you need to evaluate how the condition of the skin, stool has changed, and whether there are any important changes in the child's behavior.

To do this, before starting to get acquainted with the product, remember or write down what health problems the baby has, and then carefully observe what is happening. If the child's condition worsens, do not immediately refuse the mixture, on the contrary, you need to continue to give it in the same amount. If the deterioration is associated with difficulties in adaptation, the baby's condition will stabilize within 2-3 days. But if during this time the problems do not disappear, then the product is not suitable for the child, and you need to try to give him another one.

What is adaptation? This is the name of the totality of the work of the immune and digestive systems, when the body recognizes and remembers something new. In very young children, the process of getting used to food usually lasts 7-14 days. It is at this time that a reaction to the product may occur. If the adaptation process has passed, the baby eats the same mixture for quite a long time, and suddenly he starts having problems with the skin or tummy, the reason must be sought not in the mixture, but in something else.

The mixture that the child has already taken should not be changed without a serious reason - say, just "for a change." This is especially true for children under 4 months old.

Looking for an alternative

How to choose for your child the right mix? Undoubtedly, there is no better food for newborn babies than mother's milk. That is why the merit of any mixture must be judged by how close it is to this ideal. Absolutely exactly repeat the amazing composition of breast milk is impossible, but modern technologies allow at least to reproduce a set of its most important components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Mixtures that most closely resemble human milk are called adapted; they are better digested and absorbed by the body of the baby. These products include, for example, Frisolak (Friesland), Samper Baby (Semper), Hipp (HiPP), NAN (Nestle), Nutrilon (Nutricia), Humana (Humana) , "Enfamil" (Mead Johnson).

Sometimes on a jar of formula next to the name, mothers can see a number: 1, 2 or 3 (for example, "Samper Baby 1" and "Samper Baby 2", Semper). This is the so-called step - it indicates the age for which the product is intended. The 1st stage formulas are suitable for the smallest - up to 5-6 months, the 2nd stage - for children under 1 year old, and for those who have already celebrated their first birthday, there are 3rd stage mixtures. But products with the designation "pre" (for example, "Hipp Pre", HiPP) are made specifically for babies who were born ahead of time or light weight.

Special requirements for the mixture

Digestive problems are not uncommon in babies up to a year old. For each of these difficult situations, there are special healing mixtures. Thanks to them, the baby will not only be full, but it will also be easier to cope with such troubles as constipation, regurgitation, allergies, lactase deficiency.

"Special" formulas differ in composition from breast milk, and sometimes very significantly, which means that such products have not only pluses, but also minuses. Often along with quick result Medicinal mixtures can also give "side effects". For example, if you feed a small lactose-free mixture for a long time with lactase deficiency, then he may develop severe dysbacteriosis, his enzymes will be produced worse, and as a result, the problem will only worsen.

That is why experts advise to be very careful with such products, and only a doctor should prescribe them, based on the condition of the baby. In any case, when the mother does not have enough milk, and she decides to supplement the baby, you need to start with the usual adapted mixture, even if the crumbs have digestive difficulties.

Milk mixtures are similar in composition to each other. But it happens that some of them cause a "wrong" reaction in the child, while others he tolerates well. Individual intolerance (as doctors call this situation) is another argument why the choice of mixtures must be approached very carefully, taking into account the characteristics of each baby.

Night Formula

Some infant formulas, in addition to nutritional value, have an additional effect: they help the child sleep soundly. Breast milk contains a lot of biologically active substances and hormones. Some of them, such as opioid peptides, have a sedative effect. Formula-fed children do not receive such a "relaxing" cocktail, so nightly mixtures were specially developed for them to make up for this omission ("Frisolak. Night formula", Friesland Campina; "Unstable 2. Happy dreams", Nestle and others ). Of course, this is not a panacea, but if the child has difficulty falling asleep or sleeps anxiously, they are worth a try, because healthy deep sleep very important for the baby.

New generation product

To repeat the unique is such a serious task for manufacturers of infant formula. One of the difficulties is to fill the mixtures with special active ingredients that are found in breast milk and make it so beneficial for the baby.

In order for the composition of infant formulas to be as close as possible to women's milk and to correspond to the characteristics of the metabolism and digestion of the baby, they include special components. They help the child's body develop properly and fight infections, improve the functioning of its organs and systems. What useful substances can be found in modern mixtures?

Prebiotics. Their task is to help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of the baby. To do this, oligosaccharides, a special type of carbohydrates, are introduced into the composition of infant formulas. Thanks to them, the baby's digestive system copes better with its duties. Oligosaccharides are contained, for example, in mixtures such as "Nutrilon 2", "Nutrilon 3" (Nutricia), "Frisolak 1", "Frisolak 2" (Frieslandfoods), "Nestozhen 1", "Nestozhen 2" (Nestle), " Agusha Gold" ("Wimm-Bill-Dann").

For babies prone to intestinal difficulties, doctors especially recommend mixtures where oligosaccharides are represented by a substance such as lactulose. It is included in the products "Samper Bifidus" (Semper) and "Tema 2" (Unimilk).

Probiotics. These are living microorganisms (lacto- and bifidobacteria) that live in the intestines of each of us. They aid digestion intestinal infections and allergies, strengthen the immune system. Mixtures with probiotics are both fresh ("NAN 2" (Nestle); "Nutrilak BIFI" ("Nutritek"); "Hipp 2 with lactobacilli" (HiPP)), and fermented milk ("NAN sour milk" (Nestle); "Agusha 1 fermented milk", "Agusha 2 fermented milk" ("Wimm-Bill-Dann"), "Nutrilak KM" ("Nutritek")).

Nucleotides. These are complex biological substances that play an important role in many body processes: for example, they are involved in metabolism and energy supply for cells, serve as building blocks for DNA and RNA, and affect immunity. It is known that children receiving mixtures with nucleotides develop better and gain weight, they are less likely to have problems with the intestines. Where to look for nucleotides? In mixtures "Enfamil 1", "Enfamil 2" (Mead Johnson); "Nutrilak 0 - 6" (with prebiotics and nucleotides), "Nutrilak 6 - 12" (with prebiotics and nucleotides), ("Nutritek"); "Nutrilon 1," "Nutrilon 2" (Nutricia).

Fatty acid. More precisely, one of their species with the impressive name of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA). Without them, metabolic processes cannot occur correctly, and they can be found in special products: "NAN 1", "NAN 2" (Nestle), "Nutrilon gold" (Nutricia), "Frisolak 1", "Frisolak 2" (Frieslandfoods).

Suitable or not suitable new mixture

If the mother has to introduce the baby to a new milk formula, it is worth remembering that this product (like any other) must be introduced gradually. Otherwise, the child may have a "wrong" reaction - and not to the mixture itself, but to getting to know it too quickly.

Give the baby a new mixture carefully and gradually: on the 1st day, they start with 1 scoop (about 30 g) in each feeding, on the 2nd day - no more than 2 spoons, on the 3rd - no more than 3 spoons, and so on Further. Only in this case, the mother will be able to understand whether the baby tolerates the novelty well.

How to understand that the baby's body does not like the artificial mixture?

  • The child has constipation or diarrhea.
  • There was a rumbling in the stomach, bloating, gases, colic, because of which the baby cries during feeding or immediately after eating.
  • The baby began to spit up a lot.
  • A rash appeared on the baby's skin.

If the reaction appeared in the first days of the child's acquaintance with the new mixture, do not rush to immediately cancel it: continue to give in the same volume for another 2-3 days. Often unpleasant symptoms pass as soon as the baby's body gets used to the product.


Hello, the child is not enough milk for 2 months, what is the most good mix from existing

30.01.2018 17:13:00, Hovhannes

We also chose Nutrilak, but not the usual one, but the premium one, it has more good composition and milk fat instead of palm oil. In general, IV was without options, because I did not have my own milk. And the mixture came up almost immediately (at first there were problems with the tummy, but after 4 days everything went away) and we didn’t have to try others at all. While we eat Nutrilak Premium 1, we will soon move on to the next step. In general, the choice of a mixture is a very individual issue, it is important to take into account the health and tolerance of the components) We were lucky and Nutrilak fit perfectly, and its price is more than affordable

Thanks for the article, everything is very detailed. We eat Materna, we like her very much. The baby fits, she is steadily gaining weight. For a very long time they could not pick it up, there were always some problems, then a rash, then swelling. And after Materna, there were no such problems, we take it to baby1care.

24.10.2016 14:20:15, Tarapulska

Comment on the article "Baby food: what formula to choose?"

How is the mixture chosen? Artificial feeding. A child from birth to one year. I read that the adapted mixture is better. After a year, the elder ate like nano. But about Which mixture to choose? The composition of infant formulas for artificial feeding: probiotics...


Believe me, they only write that the mixture should be chosen with a pediatrician, but in practice, almost everyone chooses it themselves, because now there are such doctors that mothers sometimes know more than they do. Check out the Nestojen mix. She with prebiotics, ie. the baby will not suffer from colic and constipation and there is no palm oil in the composition, this is also a big plus.

Thank you all! I realized that I don’t need to bother too much)

customized mixtures. Artificial feeding. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition All mixtures that are adapted from 0 months. Not adapted ones that are already for grown children, so any one can be used ...

I took it from the Agusha website: Agusha sterilized formula is a fresh adapted infant formula for nutrition healthy child. Agusha fermented milk mixture can be used for mixed and artificial feeding of children, with prolonged...


The doctor prescribed Agusha to us from 2 months, as soon as we switched to full IV. The goal is to add bifido and lactobacilli to the body to normalize digestion and stool. The result is right on the bottle))))) in the sense in the process of sucking))))) My son likes it very much.
I myself got hooked on the next Agusha, No. 2, I have been drinking it for 10 years and I suffer terribly when there are interruptions with it)))) I can’t stand kefir because of the acidity

we all drink.

If the child is very small (does not yet receive complementary foods), then there are not enough substances in the milk for the development of the body and it is not worth switching. And when it’s already on the common table, you can drink milk once or twice a day (and this can be in different ways ...


If the child is very small (does not yet receive complementary foods), then there are not enough substances in the milk for the development of the body and it is not worth switching. And when already on a common table, you can drink milk once or twice a day (and this can be in different ages. Alone and at 7 months everyone already eats old scheme complementary foods and others at this age are just starting to introduce. Here we do not care about age, but precisely the degree of accustoming the child to such food). I generally read that children up to a year or even up to 2 can only sterilized milk, i.e. even pasteurized (which my eldest son drank safely from 9 months, smoothly moving away from HB, they didn’t even indulge in the mixture) and that’s dangerous, because a small amount of bacteria is still preserved, which are even useful for an adult and can be harmful for a child. A friend had a situation - her milk disappeared by 3 months, and even before that it was not enough, her daughter gained very few grams of weight, 200-300 per month. I tried all the mixtures available at the price, the child was crusted over from allergies, or constipation was for a week. perhaps some special one would have come, but she would not have had the financial opportunity to constantly buy it anyway, that is, she did not even try. I began to cook semolina on regular milk draft from a barrel from 3 months, the one on which our generation grew up. Whatever they wrote in smart articles, for her it was the only way out. Pah-pah, the child began to develop normally, where the allergy went and never returned (the girl is now 5 years old). With my youngest, it turned out the other way around - I switched from milk to a mixture. She began to give milk (agush or Kuban cow) at night from 9-10 months, but she didn’t have enough until the morning and asked for another hour at 4-5. For a while I got up, and then it began to strain. We returned to Baby Plus, if I give her at night, she sleeps peacefully until the morning, she can ask for a maximum once a week already before waking up (at 6.30-7), of course, the price is 2-3 times more expensive, but it’s more convenient for me, because if I get up at 4 in the morning, then I can’t fall asleep until the alarm clock rings at 7. Yes, and our doctor said that now it is considered normal to give a mixture up to 3 years, especially if the child does not consume anything dairy anymore. My daughter is now 1.9, while I’m not going to refuse the mixture until 2 years old for sure.

Homemade cow's milk, if given to children, is strongly diluted, in its natural form, very fatty. I gave birth to the eldest in the distant and difficult 93, went to my parents in Kazakhstan. From time to time I had to feed cows, simply because there was nowhere to buy the mixture, there were no online stores with mail delivery then :-) When it was possible, they brought it, but bulk purchases cannot be made for the future. Dairy kitchen did not work, breastfeeding was curtailed at the fifth month due to health reasons.
That's me all to what's in last resort you can feed, but nutritional value not higher than the mixture, my boy did not feed :-)
It is possible that the child will simply be small, the average daughter added 500-600 grams, at almost 9 years old she is taken for a first-grader, although 3600 was born.

Artificial feeding: important points things parents need to know about infant formula. The composition of the adapted milk formula and specialized therapeutic mixtures Section: Nutrition (baby formulas for a 6-month-old child with a lack of body weight).

Breast milk has many useful properties. If for some reason it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, he is artificially fed. Parents need to understand the variety of mixtures offered by manufacturers. Often the baby is allergic to the mixture, so it is important to choose the right one. Breastfeeding largely determines work internal organs in future.

Mixtures differ in their constituent components, consistency and age-appropriateness of the child.

According to the consistency, dry (should be diluted with water before use) and liquid mixtures (already ready for use, just warm up).

Almost all formulas contain milk protein, which is processed in various ways. When buying a product, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of the child.

Adapted mixtures for all components are close to breast milk. They are used for feeding newborns. They contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. It contains the amino acid taurine. The number "0" means that the products are suitable for babies born prematurely or who are underweight. The number "1" means that the mixtures are suitable for babies under 6 months old. When a child has poor protein absorption cow's milk, it will be correct to choose a mixture based on goat's milk.

Partially adapted. It is a casein nutrition (based on cow's milk protein) containing increased amount trace elements, especially iron, zinc, copper. It contains no minerals or fats. This diet is recommended for babies aged 6-12 months. There will be a mark with the number "2" on the package.

Unadapted. These mixtures are made from whole milk powder, to which sucrose and starch are added. They do not contain choline, taurine and other biological additives. The number "3" indicates that the mixture is suitable for children over 12 months old.

There are mixtures that take into account some of the characteristics of the child's health.

Fermented milk mixtures are made on the basis of the starter culture of live bacteria. They improve bowel function and maintain a normal balance of microflora.

Fermented milk mixtures are not prescribed if the child has an allergy. The treatment is aimed only at restoring work digestive tract A.

Fermented milk mixtures are rarely prescribed to children in the first 3 months of life, as they increase regurgitation. For therapeutic or prophylactic purposes fermented milk mixtures should be alternated with ordinary.

How not to make a mistake and not harm the health of the child

After the baby is examined by a specialist, baby food must be chosen correctly.

  • Until the age of six months, it is imperative to select an adapted milk formula.
  • It is necessary to take into account age characteristics.
  • If there are diseases, then you need to choose medical nutrition.
  • It is better to choose food that does not contain palm or coconut oil.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the product.
  • Monitor the condition of the child after the first complementary foods.

Choosing the right mixture is not so easy. Sometimes you have to change several brands. In order not to cause problems with the health of the baby, you should understand in time the symptoms that signal that the food is not suitable for him:

  • An allergy to the mixture develops (rash, skin irritation).
  • The chair is liquefied, white lumps appear.
  • The child becomes capricious, restless, especially after feeding.
  • There is no weight gain.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

It is necessary to make the mixture, strictly following the instructions for breeding. Do not increase or decrease the dose on your own.

The composition of nutrition, especially if it is intended for a newborn, should without fail include the following components:

  • Iodine. Promotes active growth and development of the body, starts metabolic processes.
  • Taurine. It is an amino acid necessary for the formation nervous system, cognitive sphere and vision. The body itself begins to produce this amino acid only by the end of the second month of life.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Necessary for the proper formation of all parts of the brain.
  • Nucleotides. Promote the growth of the body, form immunity, improve the intestinal microflora.

You can not experiment with the nutrition of a child under one year old. For any questions, you need to contact a specialist who will help solve the problem, taking into account the state of health of the baby.

Overview of famous brands of baby food

Often pediatricians recommend this particular brand. The best milk formula, topping the rating of baby food. Strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the digestive system, colonizes the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Contains all the necessary biological substances for healthy development.

The only downside is the presence of palm oil.

Topping the rankings is another top milk formula. For the category of children with an allergic predisposition, manufacturers offer dairy-free and hypoallergenic types of mixtures. Their distinguishing features are components such as fish fat and iodine.

The negative side is the presence of palm oil, which inhibits the absorption of calcium. The mixture does not contain prebiotics.

It contains prebiotics that help to improve the functioning of the intestines, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements necessary for full development growing organism.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the presence of maltodextrin.

The best blend recommended by experts. Suitable for children who have digestive disorders. Does not contain sucrose and starch. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals. You can also find hypoallergenic milk formulas of this brand.


The rating continues with another of the best children's medicinal products, which is prescribed for stool disorders, colic, anemia. There is a milk formula designed for babies born prematurely and prone to allergies. The composition includes fatty acids, nucleotides, prebiotics, a lot of vitamin C.

Good infant formula included in the rating better nutrition for babies. Its composition includes folic acid and iron, so pediatricians recommend Hipp for anemia. The mixture contains a lot of lactobacilli, so nutrition helps to establish intestinal microflora.

The negative point is the content in the mixture potato starch and a small amount of iodine.

Baby dry mixes of this brand are intended for babies from six months. You can choose sour-milk varieties. The mixture is included in the rating of baby food recommended by experts. Contains prebiotics and probiotics, casein, nucleotides, lutein, inositol. Nutrition helps build a healthy immune system.

The mixture contains little protein and iodine, it contains maltodextrin. Quite difficult to dissolve in water.

The best infant formula suitable for babies intolerant to cow's milk protein. It is based on goat milk, vitamins and microelements, nucleotides, marine fish fat. The mixture does not contain glucose and sucrose.

The disadvantage is the low content of taurine and iodine.

The rating of mixtures determines one of the first places for this product. Thanks to Similak, the work of the child's digestive tract is normalized, constipation is eliminated, the absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, is improved. The mixture includes taurine, nucleotides, prebiotics.

Among the shortcomings can be identified the content of coconut oil.

The disadvantages include the content of palm oil and lecithin. The finished liquid tastes sweet, which harms the enamel of the child's teeth.

How to recognize the problem in time

During the transition from breast to artificial feeding You should carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the child. Parents need to know how an allergy to the mixture manifests itself. Every adult can understand that a child has an allergic reaction. Symptoms of its manifestation can be different:

  1. Disorder of the digestive system. The number of spitting up is increasing. Before blaming the mixture, you need to check the pacifier. The hole may be too large and the child is swallowing too much air. When a child is allergic to the mixture, a violation of the stool occurs. The baby may be disturbed by colic and pain in the abdomen.
  2. Respiratory manifestations. Observed severe runny nose and cough.
  3. Skin signs. There is a rash, redness in various parts of the body. They cause discomfort to the baby, as they itch and itch.

If such symptoms are found, nothing should be done on your own. For any manifestations of allergies, you should contact a pediatrician, allergist or gastroenterologist.

Hypoallergenic mixtures are prescribed for allergies to ordinary species baby food, which is manifested by urticaria, tissue edema, atopic dermatitis. Hypoallergenic formulas differ from other types of nutrition in that instead of cow's milk protein, they contain whey protein and casein.

Treatment of allergic manifestations will depend on the severity of the disease and the stage of development.

If the allergic symptoms are not too pronounced, you can try the following steps.

  • Reduce portion. This step should be taken when a rash is observed, frequent regurgitation and the child is prone to overweight. When the portion is reduced, the load on the digestive organs decreases, bloating and colic disappear, and food is quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Change the mixture to a product of a different brand. Treatment can be carried out with fermented milk products.

With severe manifestations of allergies, treatment is based on a special diet. You can try to make mixtures on goat's milk or on the basis of soy protein. A lactose-free and low-lactose diet will help. Sometimes treatment is accompanied by the use of antihistamines.

If the mixture is chosen correctly, the child will have a normal physical and mental development. In case of deviations, you should consult with a specialist who will help identify the causes and choose the right diet.

Every mother, to the best of her ability and ability, strives to give her beloved baby only the best. The choice of infant formula for artificial feeding is not an easy and responsible task, because the health of the child depends on how correctly it is made. It would not be superfluous to seek advice from a pediatrician here, because only he knows about all the features of the development of your child and, using his knowledge, will give a recommendation. But it happens that the doctor recommended the infant formula, and the child stubbornly refuses it, is naughty and there is simply no time to wait for the next appointment with the pediatrician. We have to urgently run to the store and buy another mixture. Therefore, we still try to figure out which mixture for feeding a child is the best.

Types of infant formula

Mixtures, depending on the degree of readiness for use, are divided into dry and liquid.

  1. Dry mixes. These are powders packaged in cardboard boxes or metal cans, which are diluted with warm boiled water before use. They are very diverse and have long term validity.
  2. liquid mixtures. Such mixtures are packaged in tetra packs of various volumes and require only heating immediately before use. Using a liquid mixture, you will never go wrong with the dosage of the powder and you can be sure of the quality of the water in its composition. Their shelf life is short and is only a couple of days.

Depending on the state of health of the child, all mixtures are divided into mixtures for healthy children and specialized mixtures. According to the degree of readiness for use, they can be both dry and liquid.

Important! Dry mixtures have an indisputable advantage over liquid mixtures, as they have a long shelf life and do not require special conditions storage.

Formulas for healthy children

They are produced on the basis of cow, goat milk (or their components) and, depending on the proximity to the composition of female breast milk, are divided into several types.

  1. Adapted. In such mixtures, not whole milk is used, but whey proteins (with a full set of essential and non-essential amino acids) remaining after the removal of casein from milk different ways. The use of whey allows you to reduce the total protein content in the mixture and increase the content of easily digestible proteins. Butterfat in cow's milk is practically absent. Instead, vegetable fats are added (), fish oil preparations that contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids. Carbohydrates are mainly represented by lactose, together with which maltodextrin is introduced into the mixture, which reduces the osmolality (the sum of soluble components per 1 kg of water) of the product. Important components of such mixtures are supplements of vitamins, minerals, nucleotides (responsible for the processes of reproduction, metabolism and growth), prebiotics (stimulate the growth of their own beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli in the intestine), probiotics (beneficial microorganisms), etc. Due to this composition, an adapted milk mixture It is likened to human breast milk and is best suited for feeding babies up to six months of age. There are also adapted
  2. Partially adapted. They are very close in composition to adapted milk mixtures, but there are differences. Such mixtures have a higher protein content. In the carbohydrate composition, along with lactose, sucrose may be present. The content of trace elements, vitamins and other components fully meets the needs of the body of a child of the second half of life, but differs in comparison with mixtures for children of the first half of life in a higher content of calcium, iron, zinc. It should also be noted that partially adapted mixtures are higher in calories compared to adapted mixtures.
  3. Unadapted. These are products made from milk powder with unchanged composition. Additionally, the same components are introduced into them as for adapted and partially adapted mixtures. The casein contained in such mixtures is poorly absorbed by the child's body, therefore mixtures of this composition are not recommended for feeding children under six months of age. It is best to introduce them from the age of eight months.

Important! Adapted and partially adapted mixtures are today the best option for feeding a child in the absence breastfeeding.

Often on a jar of milk formula you can find the inscription: “initial” and “subsequent”. In the first case, we mean a mixture intended for feeding children from birth to six months, and in the second, from six months to a year. The subsequent mixture can be either adapted or partially adapted, and the initial mixture can only be adapted. There are adapted milk formulas, the packaging of which does not indicate whether they are subsequent or initial, since they are intended to feed children from birth to one year. The range of such mixtures is small.

To make it easier to understand the composition of the mixtures, the formula number of the infant formula is put on the packaging:

  • «0» or the prefix “pre” is indicated in the name - the mixture is created for premature or low birth weight newborns;
  • "1"-for children from birth to 6 months;
  • "2"-For infants from 6 months to 1 year;
  • "3"- for babies over one year old.

All mixtures in which milk protein has not been exposed (curdled) to it by special bacteria are classified as insipid. Mixtures in which such a change in the protein was present refer to (“NAN sour-milk” 1 and 2, “Nutrilak sour-milk” and “Nutrilon sour-milk”, as well as liquid adapted mixtures of sour-milk “Agusha 1 and 2”). During lactic acid fermentation, a number of important properties are acquired: the level of lactose decreases, lactic acid and bactericidal substances accumulate, partial decomposition of milk protein occurs, which speeds up the digestion of the product and its absorption, and also slightly reduces the allergenicity of the protein component. Then, after fermentation, probiotics are introduced into the mixture.

Specialty Blends

These are milk mixtures intended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition. They include mixtures for premature babies and mixtures for children with pathologies.

Naturally, it is not advisable to use such mixtures without consulting a pediatrician, since the child must have well-defined indications for their appointment.

What is the best infant formula

All mixtures undergo state registration, a prerequisite for which is compliance in composition and physico-chemical parameters with the requirements of TR CU 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products" and No. 88FZ of 06/12/2008 "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products". Despite this, so far no one has been able to create artificial mixture fully corresponding to breast milk and one can only talk about proximity to it to one degree or another.

In this regard, it is unambiguous to name the most the best mix for a newborn, which would suit everyone without exception, it is very difficult. When choosing a mixture, you must first of all focus on the state of health and well-being of the child. Even when everything seems to be taken into account and the choice is made, any mixture needs to be tested by practice. In the first days of feeding, be sure to monitor the reaction of the baby, because the body of each person is individual and can give an unpredictable reaction.

How to choose a mixture

When choosing the best formula for a baby, mom needs to focus on a few general rules.

  1. Before buying, consult with a pediatrician.
  2. The mix should be age appropriate.
  3. For a newborn, this must be an adapted mixture.
  4. Do not forget to check the expiration date of the mixture indicated on the bank.
  5. Choose a mixture that is always available in a nearby store so that if you need it, you will always have the opportunity to purchase it.
  6. In the first days of formula feeding, observe the reaction of the baby.

Important! Signs that indicate a properly selected mixture are that the child eats the mixture well, he does not have such disorders as loose, poorly digested stools or constipation, vomiting, or manifestations of allergies. Blood tests show normal, and a monthly examination by a pediatrician fixes a positive increase in body weight.

Mixture selection algorithm - consultation of Doctor of Medical Sciences V. A. Skvortsova

Rating of mixtures for a newborn

When compiling the rating of infant formulas for a newborn, the degree of proximity of the composition of the mixture to women's milk was taken into account. For this, nine mixtures were selected, most often found in stores. (NAN-1 Optipro, Baby 1, Nutrilon 1 Premium, Nestogen 1, Baby, 1, Similac Premium 1, Friso Frisolak 1, Humana Expert 1) and one quite often recommended by pediatricians (Celia Expert 1) but not available in the store. Infant formula was evaluated based on the content of the main nutrients(proteins, fats, lactose) and an osmolality index in relation to those in breast milk (reference). These criteria are fundamental in assessing the adaptability of a mixture. Since the quantitative introduction of vitamins and minerals in is dictated not only by their content in human milk, but also takes into account their bioavailability for the body, the composition of minerals and vitamins with the standard was compared only qualitatively. Accordingly, manufacturers who made the product closest to the standard were rated as the best.

1 place

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 130.0 rubles.


  • the content of protein, fat, lactose, the same as in human milk;
  • the ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60/40 (typical for mature;
  • osmolality within the limits characteristic of breast milk;
  • prebiotics;
  • nucleotides;
  • eicosapentaenoic acid (is a precursor of substances responsible for reducing the level of inflammation in the body and having an anti-allergic effect).


  • no probiotics.

2nd place
This included infant formula, which has a slightly higher protein content and the same lactose content as human milk. The ratio of whey proteins to casein 60/40 (typical for mature lactation). Osmolality is within the characteristic limits or even lower.

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 156.9 rubles.


  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • additionally introduced amino acids essential for the child (taurine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan);
  • copper is present in the form of a complex with lysine, which increases its bioavailability;
  • nucleotides;
  • prebiotics.


  • no probiotics.

Celia Expert 1 (Lactalis Group)

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 132.0 rubles.


  • the technology for obtaining whey proteins is different from the traditional one, which makes it possible to avoid denaturation, chemical and enzymatic effects on them, to preserve essential amino acids;
  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • probiotics.


  • no prebiotics.

3rd place

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 112.5 rubles


  • the protein is within the limits characteristic of human milk;
  • the ratio of whey proteins to casein is 70/30, which is as close as possible to the similar ratio in human milk 80/20 by early stages Therefore, from this point of view, the mixture is especially suitable for newborns;
  • no palm oil;
  • withstands optimal ratio linoleic to α-linolenic acid;
  • additionally introduced amino acids essential for the child (taurine, phenylalanine, histidine);
  • nucleotides;
  • probiotics.


  • the lactose content is slightly higher than in human milk, which makes the mixture sweeter;
  • no prebiotics.

4th place

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 125.0 rubles.


  • the content of protein, fat, lactose, the same as in human milk;
  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • additionally introduced amino acids essential for the child (taurine and tryptophan);
  • lutein;
  • nucleotides;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics.


  • Despite the many benefits of this powdered infant formula, it is not well suited for newborns due to a 50/50 whey protein to casein ratio far from that found in human breast milk.

5th place

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 87.5 rubles.


  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • the ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid is close to optimal;
  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • prebiotics.


  • the osmolality of the mixture is higher than in breast milk, which can give an excessive load on the kidneys;
  • no probiotics.

6th place

This included infant formula, which has a slightly higher protein content and a lower lactose content than human milk. The ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60/40 (typical for mature lactation). Osmolality is within the characteristic limits or even lower.

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 83.0 rubles.


  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • additionally introduced amino acids essential for the child (taurine and tryptophan);
  • prebiotics;
  • nucleotides.


  • the ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid at the lower limit allowed by the technical regulations;
  • a lot of maltodextrin;
  • no probiotics.

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 85.7 rubles.


  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • lutein (protects the retina from damaging blue light and free radicals);
  • prebiotics.


  • a lot of maltodextrin;
  • no probiotics.

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 91.4 rubles.


  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • the ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid is close to optimal;
  • no palm oil;
  • prebiotics and probiotics.


  • does not contain arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid;
  • a lot of maltodextrin;
  • no nucleotides.

7th place

The price for 100 g of the mixture is 65.7 rubles.


  • all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • additionally introduced amino acids essential for the child (taurine and tryptophan).


  • the ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid at the lower limit allowed by the technical regulations;
  • a lot of maltodextrin;
  • no probiotics;
  • no prebiotics;
  • no nucleotides.

In contact with

There is no better food for newborn babies than mother's milk. It is also much easier for a mother to live when there is no need to go shopping, the child does not need to cook or warm up anything, or wash the dishes after feeding. Unfortunately, not all nursing mothers have enough milk to feed their baby for up to a year. It also sometimes happens that a mother becomes ill with a disease incompatible with breastfeeding, and feeding has to be stopped, or she is forced to take potent drugs that penetrate milk. IN similar situations the question arises of wholly or partially artificial nutrition, and the best alternative mother's milk for infants is an adapted mixture of dairy products.

Adapted formula is so far the best breast milk substitute for babies

What is the composition of infant formula?

Infant formulas are called adapted, as their composition is very similar to the composition of human breast milk. They contain the optimal content of whey proteins, which are easily processed by the digestive organs of the baby. Made especially for digestive system infant formulas are rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium in correct proportion. They are essential for the body baby for normal growth and development of the skeleton and teeth.

In cow's milk, the content of carbohydrates and vitamins is lower, and minerals and proteins are higher than in human milk. Manufacturers of all adapted milk formulas try to create a food product with a composition that is as similar as possible to human breast milk.

Special substances - nucleotides, which are included in many modern adapted mixtures, are necessary for newborn babies from the first days of life. With their help, fully developed the immune system crumbs. They are in dire need of all developing organs and tissues: blood cells, skin, intestinal mucosa.

Nucleotides serve building material for DNA. Thanks to them, the natural microflora of the stomach and intestines of the newborn is formed. In the milk of a woman, there are much more nucleotides than in the milk of a cow or goat.

Adapted milk formulas for babies of the first 5-6 months of life also contain the amino acid taurine. It is especially important to receive it for premature babies, since the acid is extremely important for the proper formation of the visual analyzer and nervous system of newborns, and it also takes part in the production of bile acids.

Milk mixtures contain 45-50 g/l of taurine. The body of a newborn child up to 1 month old is not able to synthesize this substance on its own, so it needs to be obtained from food. All adapted milk formulas are divided into highly adapted, less adapted and partially adapted.

Highly adapted infant formulas

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Adapted milk formula of this type closest in composition to human milk. It is designed for the smallest - from birth to six months. Although these "starter formula" products are intended for the early age, they can be fed to children for almost a year. The main disadvantage of this type of food is its rather high cost.

Below is a list of the most commonly used artificial nutrition dry products of this type:

  • "Baby-1" - Nutricia, Russia (more in the article:);
  • "Nan-1" (Nan-1) - Nestle, Switzerland (we recommend reading:);
  • "Hipp PRE" (Hipp PRE) - Hipp, Austria;
  • "Humana PRE" (Humana PRE) and "Humana-1" (Humana-1) - Humana, Germany;
  • "Friso PRE" (Friso PRE) - Friesland Campina, Holland;
  • "Hipp 1" (Hipp 1) - Hipp, Austria;
  • Frisolac-1 Gold (Frisolak-1 Gold) and Frisolac-1 (Frisolak-1) - Friesland Campina, Holland;
  • "Nutrilon-1" (Nutrilon-1) - Nutricia, Holland (we recommend reading:);
  • "Semper Baby-1" (Semper Baby-1) - Semper, Sweden;
  • "Lasana PRE" (Lazana PRE) and "Lasana-1" (Lazana-1) - Humana, Germany.
Highly adapted infant formulas in their own way

Less adapted blends

This type of baby food is already somewhat different in composition from mother's milk. Less adapted milk formulas contain all needed by the baby the second half of life vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

“Follow-Formula” products, in contrast to highly adapted ones, contain more iron. This is due to the fact that the body of a child in the first months of life contains a sufficient amount of iron, which was still inherited from the mother during the period intrauterine life. After the child reaches the age of 5-6 months, iron stores already need to be replenished.

An excellent source of iron, as well as zinc, calcium and copper, are the following mixtures:

  • "Ialutka-2" - Nutricia, Russia;
  • "Detolakt" - Ukraine;
  • "Semper Baby-2" (Semper Baby-2) - Semper, Sweden;
  • "Nan-2" (Nan-2) - Nestle, Switzerland;
  • "Humana-2" (Humana-2) and "Humana-3" (Humana-3) - Humana, Germany (we recommend reading:);
  • "Hipp-2" (Hipp-2) and "Hipp-3" (Hipp-3) - Hipp, Austria;
  • Frisolac-2 Gold (Frisolak-2 Gold) and Frisolac-2 (Frisolak-2) - Friesland Campina, Holland;
  • "Nutrilon-2" (Nutrilon-2) - Nutricia, Holland.

Partially adapted infant formulas

These are adapted infant formulas of the so-called "casein formula", which have a thicker consistency. They are recommended for children from 5-6 months, especially those who have difficulty holding food and often spit up immediately after eating. Partially adapted milk formula of this type is the most affordable. In addition to lactose, this carbohydrate product contains sucrose and starch.

The most common of these types of mixtures are:

  • "Nestogen" (not empty) - Nestle, Switzerland (we recommend reading:);
  • "Solnyshko" - Nutritek, Russia;
  • "Similac" (similac) - Abbott Laboratories, USA (we recommend reading:);
  • "Malyutka-1 plus" - Nutricia, Russia;
  • "Baby" and "Baby" - Ukraine.

Liquid adapted mixtures "Agusha"

Many parents believe that completely ready-to-use liquid mixtures are better absorbed by the crumbs than dry ones that still need to be diluted. Agusha liquid adapted infant formula has gained great popularity among mothers. Russian production, designed to feed babies up to a year. Produced "Agusha-1" and "Agusha-2". The number 1 in the name means that the mixture is recommended for children from birth to six months, and the number 2 - from six months and older. Mixtures "Agusha" for each age differ in the color of the package. In turn, each of them is of two types: sterilized and fermented milk.

Mothers speak of these species in different ways. Some children prefer sterilized "Agusha", others prefer sour milk. There is no particular difference in their composition. The only difference is that sterilized products should be consumed immediately after opening the package, while sour-milk Agusha in an open pack can be stored for up to 12 hours.

Milk formula "Agusha" helps to solve some digestive problems, and it does not need to be diluted

Non-adapted milk formulas

These products are made from whole milk of animals and are not subjected to specific processing. They categorically cannot be fed to babies in the first six months of life, because they very little resemble breast milk.

If it is absolutely not possible to purchase an expensive adapted milk formula for the baby, then it is better to order him food in the children's dairy kitchen in the direction of the pediatrician. Cooked in a dairy kitchen using a special technology, children's kefir or milk will bring more benefits than unadapted mixtures. In this situation, you need to introduce complementary foods to the child a little earlier than it should be for age.

How to choose a formula for feeding a child?

Nutrition is selected based on the age, health status of the baby, his tendency to allergies, as well as the degree of adaptation of the product and the financial capabilities of the family. It can be very difficult to choose the first mixture for your baby, because most milk mixtures are very similar in composition. Even a highly adapted mixture can cause an allergy, but a partially adapted child can tolerate it perfectly, and vice versa.

A very responsible job. Immaturity gastrointestinal tract, enzyme deficiency, reaction to allergens, delicate health of the baby require careful study of the composition of baby food. The same food can be great for one child and cause an allergic rash or spit up in another. Every mother recommends exactly the products that best suited her child. The price of the product also plays an important role. Therefore, it is difficult to rank infant formula. Everyone should choose what is most suitable for the child.

The best food for a baby is breast milk

Given the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, mother's milk is an ideal food. It is easily digestible, contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins that are so necessary for the growth and development of the baby, antibodies and leukocytes protect the child from dangerous infections. Surprisingly, the composition of breast milk varies depending on the needs of the baby's body. Scientists still cannot explain the mechanism of this phenomenon.

WHO strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 4 months of age. At proper diet for a nursing mother, this almost completely eliminates problems such as constipation, colic or indigestion. In the future, children who grow up on breastfeeding suffer less from asthma and other diseases.

Reasons for switching to mixed or artificial feeding

All moms try to give their baby the very best, but it's not always possible to breastfeed. Often in young mothers, milk disappears or an insufficient amount is produced due to stress or other negative factors. Therefore, parents are forced to switch to various infant formulas.

The main reasons for switching to mixed or artificial feeding:

  • far-fetched fear of young mothers before pain, cracked nipples, mastitis. The myth that breastfeeding spoils the beauty of the breast; unwillingness of a woman to follow a diet in the first 3 months of breastfeeding;
  • inability to feed every 2-3 hours (work, business trips);
  • unsatisfactory state of health of a young mother;
  • lack of milk.

Blend selection

Infant formula, whose rating is not the only true guide for parents, may be suitable for one child, but not at all suitable for another. The body of each baby is very individual, so you should carefully consider the choice of mixture, consult a pediatrician. The doctor can point parents to possible allergic reactions, intolerance to certain components or congenital eating disorders.

Composition of mixtures

You can not focus only on the rating of infant formula. Parents should definitely carefully study the composition of baby food. Most formulas are based on cow's milk, and some brands make baby food based on goat's milk. Often it includes iodine, nucleotides, oligosaccharides, prebiotics, which are important for the intestinal microflora. Choline is needed to maintain the normal state of the liver, carnitine and taurine are beneficial for the health of the nervous system and vision of the child, starch is added to give the mixture the desired consistency, polyunsaturated fatty acids for nutrition. Very useful for child's body when the mixture is enriched with iron.

If the child is overweight, casein should be included in the diet.

What does the marking mean

Next, you should pay special attention to the labeling of infant formula. If products are intended for children who are underweight or premature, then the packaging is usually marked with the prefix "PRE" or the number "0". For babies of the first half of the year (from 0 to 6 months) products are indicated by the number "1", for children of the second half of the year (from 6 to 12 months) - by the number "2".

Mix "Baby"

According to many surveys, the rating of baby formulas is headed by the food "Malyutka". The advantage of this mixture is that it contains such useful components as prebiotics and nucleotides, vitamins of group B, A, E, K, D, C, PP, carnitine, many minerals - such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and others. The mixture does not contain preservatives and dyes. Despite this, the price of food is quite reasonable. Among the minuses, the presence of palm oil in the composition of the mixture should be noted, it foams strongly and is very sweet. The mixture is a kind of compromise between quality and low price, proof that quality is not always expensive.


Infant formula, the 2014 rating of which is voiced by pediatricians, is headed by Nutrilon. This is an adapted mixture of Dutch production. It strengthens the immune system of the baby, prevents increased gas formation and colic, supports normal condition intestinal microflora. It contains such useful components as nucleotides that promote brain development and support vision, 29 vitamins, minerals, prebiotics.

Among the shortcomings, the presence of lecithin and palm oil should be noted, and the price is quite high, so the Nutrilon mixture, which, according to some reports, tops the rating of infant formulas, may not be affordable for many parents.


Experts consider Similak (Denmark) to be one of the best infant formulas. It contributes to the formation normal stool, prevents constipation, helps the body to better absorb calcium, which is very important for the development and strengthening of the bone tissue of a growing organism. There is no palm oil in the mixture, but there is coconut oil, which is no better. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the reactions of the baby's body after feeding this mixture.


"Nan" (Netherlands) take pride of place in the ranking. Different types of mixture are designed for each age category kids. A feature of the mixture is that it contains fish oil, taurine, a sufficient amount of iodine. But among the components, there is still palm oil, which negatively affects the absorption of calcium. Prebiotics and maltodextrin were also not found. The mixture dissolves quickly in water. It should be noted that the cost of such a mixture is quite high.


"Nestogen" (Switzerland) - a mixture for children from birth, the rating of which is quite high, according to pediatricians. They recommend it for feeding children up to a year. In the composition - standard components: prebiotics, lactose, demineralized taurine. Among the advantages, it should be noted that it tastes good, it is bred well, quickly, sucrose was not found in it, the cost of the mixture is reasonable. Useful material promote regular stools and improve the digestion process. The disadvantage is that the composition contains maltodextrin - molasses, which manufacturers add to increase the satiety period of the child, and this substance can adversely affect the health of the baby. Also, the mixture is sweet in taste, which can lead to the development of caries.


In the ranking of infant formulas, it is worth noting the nutrition of "Agusha". It contains required amount prebiotics, probiotics, casein, nucleotides, docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids, which significantly increase the immunity and defenses of the child's body. Also present are lutein, which is very useful for vision, inositol, which is useful for lung tissue, but the amount of iodine and whey proteins is very small here, it does not correspond daily rate and does not meet the needs of the child. The amount of maltodextrin in "Agush" is large. No pathogenic microorganisms were found. The mixture is poorly soluble in water.


"Hipp" (Germany) - a good and safe infant formula. It tastes good, dissolves perfectly in water, does not contain maltodextrin and toxins. There are many lactobacilli, carnitine, selenium, taurine and others additional components that help normal development bone, muscle and endocrine systems. A distinctive feature of this mixture is that it is perfect for feeding babies with anemia, because it contains folic, ascorbic acid, and iron.

Its major drawback is its high price.


Nutrilak is also considered one of the best infant formulas in the ranking. It is perfect for children with digestive problems, with cow's milk, for children who suffer from allergies. The perfect combination prices and quality. The mixture has a natural taste neutral shade. But it does contain maltodextrin. It should be noted that the mixture contains many useful components- galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides, nucleotides, lutein, selenium, zinc, vitamins C, E, A, group B, no sucrose and starch.


The next in the ranking of infant formulas is Frisolak. It contains fatty acids, beta-carotene, dietary fiber, which contribute to good digestion. The mixture is well suited for babies who do not tolerate iron, because there is very little of it. There are prebiotics and nucleotides, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids for brain development, beta-carotene, which protects the body from free radicals, the optimal ratio of vitamin C and iron. Probiotics are not found, there is a very small amount of maltodextrin. The mixture is made on the basis of goat's milk.


"Humana" - many believe that this is the best infant formula. Her rating is close to high positions. "Humana" is a high quality blend. Pediatricians note that it is as close as possible in composition to natural breast milk. This healing mixture, which is prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: with constipation, diarrhea, colic, with fructose intolerance, with iron deficiency anemia, with rickets. It is easily digestible and free of gluten, sugar, preservatives and colorants. It has a mild effect on digestion, helps maintain immunity. However, its price is quite high, and many parents cannot afford to feed their child with this mixture.


Baby formula brand "Nanny" (Bibikol) is made only on the basis of goat milk from New Zealand. They are rich in "soft" proteins, which are better absorbed by the body and contain the maximum amount of all necessary for the baby vitamins and minerals. Manufacturers emphasize that Nanny baby food is environmentally friendly. pure product. There is no glucose and sucrose in the composition, but there is lactose. The mixture is perfect for diet food.

The described infant formulas, whose rating is high, take care of the health of the baby from the first days of life. Parents should do everything so that nothing bothers their child, so that the baby grows strong and enjoys every day. Therefore, we should not forget that the nutrition of the child is one of the most important factors his future health.