Eyebrow plucking methods. How to find the right eyebrow proportions. Choosing the perfect eyebrow shape

“House” or “thread”, solid straight lines or high-set round ones - the fashion for eyebrows has changed from century to century. Thick sable eyebrows, or their complete absence, were recognized as the standard of beauty. Eyebrows were inked and bleached, shaved off and worn instead of natural artificial ones made from mouse skins. Fortunately, modern girls only need to slightly adjust the shape of the eyebrows given by nature - the naturalness of the image is more popular today than ever. If in the past you had an unsuccessful adjustment experience, you first need to grow your eyebrows (how to do this quickly - we wrote in detail).

how to pluck eyebrows - photo

How to pluck eyebrows correctly?

Despite the huge number of offers of salon procedures, most women prefer to pluck their eyebrows on their own. And no wonder - even a girl who has no experience in the beauty industry can do it at home. We'll consider:

Choosing the Right Shape

The main thing to focus on is to individually determine the shape of the eyebrows that corresponds to a particular type of face. Otherwise, even the most beautiful make-up and ideal appearance will be spoiled, and it will be possible to correct the situation only after a few weeks, and recreate the desired shape of the eyebrows. How to pluck eyebrows at home, depending on the shape of the face?

Square face

Eyebrows with a smooth break passing closer to the middle of the eye will help smooth out its angularity. The sharper the facial features, the softer the break in the eyebrows should be. Thin threads and wide straight lines, pointed "house" should be avoided.

Round face

His eyebrows with a slightly pointed break and a high rise will make him visually longer. A short, slightly rounded tip will help narrow the face. Contraindicated: round, sharply broken or arched eyebrows.

Long face

As well as possible, it will be decorated with straight eyebrows, contraindicated in the previous case. They visually expand the face and make it more open. And any options for eyebrows with a bend will aggravate the situation.

Triangular face (heart-shaped face)

Soft, smoothly defined eyebrows without creases, slightly rounded or almost round, will help smooth out the disproportion of the top and bottom of the face. For greater effect, the beginning and end of the eyebrow should be placed at the same level. Straight eyebrows are not allowed.

Oval face

An ideal shape that will perfectly withstand experiments with any methods of eyebrow design. Owners of an oval face can afford arched, curved, horizontal eyebrows, eyebrows "house". You just need to be careful with the shape of the eyebrows, which provides for a high rise - it's worth overdoing it a little, and an unnaturally surprised or angry facial expression will be guaranteed for a week.

In an effort to create the perfect look, in addition to the shape of the face, it is important to take into account its distinctive features, which can be emphasized or corrected by properly shaped eyebrows.

The thickness and density of the eyebrows should correspond to the facial features - thin, neat "threads" for owners of refined features and small eyes, and thicker and brighter ones - for girls with a large, sharply defined face with large expressive eyes;

The distance between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose is determined by the features of the fit of the eyes. Wider - for closely spaced eyes and, accordingly, small otherwise;

The nature of the break in the eyebrows is associated with the height of the forehead. Arched and almost flat straight lines are the only solution for a low forehead, slightly raised in the center, eyebrows with a slight bend are shown to owners of a wide forehead, and with a high forehead, all forms are appropriate, except for flat and round puppet ones.

How to Create Perfect Eyebrows at Home: A Step by Step Guide

Correction of the shape of the eyebrows takes place in several stages and involves preparation for the procedure, direct plucking and final soothing measures. Consider how to properly pluck your eyebrows step by step.

Preparatory stage

The first step on the way to perfect eyebrows is the proper organization of the place for the cosmetic procedure and skin treatment.

You should prepare the necessary tools in advance - treat tweezers and nail scissors with alcohol-containing lotion, pick up a large comfortable mirror. Next to place a caring face cream, cotton pads, if desired - ice cubes. This will allow you to maintain attention, focus and not be distracted by trifles.

It is important to find a well-lit room for eyebrow correction. The light should be bright, but not blinding the eyes. An acceptable option is a room with a mirror framed by lamps on both sides.

Having solved organizational issues, it is necessary to prepare the skin - remove makeup, wash well using the usual cleanser. Apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to clean, dry eyebrows, and after 5 minutes wipe the skin with alcohol lotion. Thus, by softening and disinfecting the skin, you can reduce the risk of irritation or inflammation after the procedure.

Main stage. Eyebrow correction

So, the skin and the workplace are prepared, and the shape of the eyebrows, corresponding in all respects, is selected. To pluck your eyebrows correctly and beautifully, you should follow the “three points” rule - determine the positions of the beginning, bend and end of each eyebrow. Any thin elongated object will help you find them - a pencil, ballpoint pen, brush, ruler, etc.

  • To determine the place where the eyebrow should begin, the brush on the corresponding side is attached to the base of the nose, combined with the innermost point of the eye. The intersection of the brush in this position with the eyebrow growth line will be the “coordinate” of the first, starting point.
  • The end of the eyebrow is found by holding the base of the brush at the wing of the nose, while moving the tip to the outer corner of the eye. Everything that is beyond the point of contact of the brush and the line of the eyebrows in this case can be safely plucked.
  • And finally, the third point responsible for the break of the eyebrow is the point where the eyebrow will intersect with the brush, directed from the wing of the nose to the outer edge of the iris.
  • Through the marks obtained, the desired shape of the eyebrow is drawn and proceed to plucking the extra hairs.

It would seem - what is difficult in plucking eyebrows? But in fact, there are also some subtleties here, the knowledge of which will make the procedure more comfortable, painless and eventually give the desired result.

Rules for successful eyebrow correction

  1. It is necessary to correctly pluck the eyebrows according to the shape of the face gradually, in a calm atmosphere, without being distracted by other homework;
  2. First, the heads of each of the eyebrows are processed one by one, then the tips are corrected, and finally the break line is worked out. This will help to pluck the eyebrows as symmetrically and accurately as possible;
  3. The tweezers should capture only one hair each time, while being closer to the skin;
  4. The hairs are plucked only in the direction of their growth, with a sharp, but at the same time soft movement, without jerks;
  5. Light stretching of the skin in the area of ​​correction will help reduce pain. Another simple and effective way is to "freeze" the treated skin with ice cubes - just wipe the eyebrow with it before plucking;
  6. The final touch of the design of a beautiful eyebrow line is the correction of the bridge of the nose. The hairs growing here must be combed up with a special eyebrow brush, and then carefully trimmed with nail scissors.

Final stage

After plucking out excess hairs, micro-wounds may remain on the skin. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of irritation or inflammation of the skin area under the eyebrows, it is important to treat it with an alcohol-based disinfectant lotion at the end of the procedure. It is advisable not to apply make-up on this day. Subsequently, it will be possible to either adjust the shadows.

How to pluck your eyebrows: video

Alternative ways to correct the shape of the eyebrows

Plucking with tweezers is a simple, effective and affordable way to give your eyebrows a beautiful shape and keep them looking well-groomed for a long time. But there are other methods of home eyebrow correction - faster, but also more painful - plucking with a nylon thread and waxing. How to pluck your eyebrows with these "tools"?

Nylon thread

The advantage of the method is the removal of several hairs at once, which significantly reduces the time for eyebrow care. At the same time, the hairs are removed from the root, after which they grow thinner. The thread is processed mainly on the bridge of the nose and above the eyelid. The skin should first be steamed - the pores will open and there will be less pain. The eyebrow is treated with a gel, fixing the required shape and outlining extra hairs. After that, the prepared piece of nylon thread (about 25 cm) is tightly tied into a loop. Then it is pulled on the fingers of the left and right hands and twisted several times until a tourniquet is formed in the middle of the loop.

To pluck your eyebrows, you need to learn how to easily move the tourniquet in the center of the loop: for this, the fingers on one hand expand, on the other they narrow, and vice versa. The twisted part of the thread is applied close to the eyebrow and, moving the curls to the right and left, they capture the hairs and pull them sharply.


It is quite feasible to carry out a popular salon procedure on your own. To do this, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of the slightest traces of makeup and oily sheen. Wax is heated to 50? - the mass should look like an average density of sour cream. Using a wooden spatula, the mass is applied to the hairs in a thin layer. A few seconds later, a slightly seized strip of wax is carefully pressed for strong adhesion of the hairs to it. Completely hardened wax is torn off with a quick movement against hair growth. The treated area of ​​​​skin is wiped with lotion to reduce the risk of inflammation.

Some good video tutorials on eyebrow shaping

How to edit the form:

How to make eyebrows wide and thick:

How to make a stencil:

How to "fight" problems:

Eyebrows are a unique feature of the image of each person. They are able to radically transform the face, give beauty to the look, reflect the character of a person and the emotions he experiences. Eyebrows invariably attract attention, complementing and revealing the image, so they need to be plucked properly and maintain a well-groomed neat appearance. Now you know how to pluck your eyebrows at home. Good luck!

Before you learn how to pluck your own eyebrows, you need to correctly determine the most appropriate shape for them, depending on the type of face. Then choose the technique and pluck the eyebrows, according to the instructions.

The expression of a person's face depends on the shape of the eyebrows. If the shape of the eyebrow is not chosen correctly, it can give the face a sullen, surprised, and even stupid look. To find your ideal image, you should position yourself in front of a mirror.

With the help of a cosmetic pencil, three main points on the superciliary arch should be marked, which, when combined, form the perfect eyebrow line for every woman.

Here are the points:

  • the first point is the head of the eyebrow, to mark its beginning, you should attach a pencil so as to connect the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye (the entire part of the hairs that extend beyond the pencil closer to the bridge of the nose must be plucked);
  • the second point falls on the highest part of the eyebrow (in order to correctly determine the peak, you need to connect the wing of the nose and the pupil with a pencil);
  • to find out where the eyebrow should end, you need to draw a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye until it intersects with the eyebrow (pluck out the hairs outside the pencil on the outside).

If for some reason there is no possibility or desire to use this algorithm, you can make eyebrows in the form of a “gull wing”, such a bend, according to world-class makeup artists, is suitable for all types of faces. Imitating the wing of a bird, the eyebrow from the nose smoothly rises to the temple with a slight bend. At the moment, this image is the most popular and fashionable.

Should I pluck my eyebrows from above?

Most of the unwanted hairs should be removed from below, but this can also be done in the upper part of the eyebrow. Such a need arises if the eyebrows are asymmetrical, too thick, or if the vellus hair above the eyebrow is too dark and noticeable. To determine if you need to pluck the hairs along the upper eyebrow growth line, you should comb them with a brush. After that, the extra hairs will become clearly visible.

Preliminary preparation

Few people know how to properly pluck their own eyebrows.

This procedure does not require special preparation, however, in order to achieve a good result, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Depending on the chosen eyebrow plucking technique, you need to prepare the necessary accessories - tweezers, tweezers, threads or wax.
  • You should prepare a comfortable “workplace” with good lighting and a large enough mirror (so that the entire face is reflected in it).
  • It is necessary to remove makeup from the face and put cotton pads moistened with warm water or chamomile decoction on the eyelids for 5-10 minutes. This procedure will help moisturize the skin and reduce pain.
  • In order for the hairs to be well separated from each other, you should comb them with an eyebrow brush along the line of natural growth.

How to pluck your eyebrows with a thread for yourself: instructions with a photo step by step

You can give a beautiful shape to the eyebrows with the help of ordinary cotton thread, which is used for sewing. This method is effective and almost painless. How to properly pluck your eyebrows with a thread for yourself is shown in the photo below.

Knowing the technique of removing hairs with a thread will help you understand how to properly pluck your own eyebrows.

After studying the simple instructions and practicing a little, you can get down to business:

  • You should prepare a thread 40-45 cm long and tie its ends with a knot so that you get a ring.
  • Next, you need to twist the thread in the middle 7-10 times, the resulting “eight” is put on the index and thumb fingers.
  • When expanding and narrowing the fingers, the twisted part of the thread will move, grabbing and tearing out unnecessary hairs.
  • You need to remove the hairs slowly, against growth, highlighting a small area with a triangle of thread.

Plucking technique with tweezers and tweezers

Most often, tweezers or special tweezers are used for plucking eyebrows at home and in salons. Before the procedure, you need to disinfect the instrument with an alcohol-containing lotion, and wipe the skin with an external antiseptic (for example, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution).

Hairs should be removed in the direction of growth with sharp, confident movements. Each hair is captured at the base, while the skin must be held and slightly pulled with the second hand. Experts recommend plucking both eyebrows at the same time - 2-3 hairs on one, then the same amount on the other side, thus it is easier to achieve symmetry.

How to get beautiful eyebrows with wax

To make a high-quality correction of the shape of the eyebrows with wax at home, you need to have certain skills in working with this material.

Before starting the procedure, the skin should be degreased with lotion and a little powdered with talc. Wax heated to a temperature of 37 degrees should be applied with a thin wooden stick to a small area along the hair growth and pressed with a finger to better fix the hairs.

After a few seconds, when the wax ceases to be sticky (but does not completely harden), you need to attach a paper strip to it and, holding the skin with your other hand, remove the mass against hair growth. After the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with talc to prevent irritation.

Straight eyebrows through a stencil

Another option with which you can give your eyebrows the desired shape is a ready-made stencil. More often they are sold in sets consisting of stencils of various shapes.

The blank must be attached to the eyebrow and circled along the contour with a pencil included in the kit. Hairs outside the drawn line must be plucked. Using this method, the eyebrows are symmetrical and beautiful without any extra effort.

Pain relief procedure

Often the procedure for plucking the eyebrows causes pain.

The pain is tolerable, but people with a low pain threshold are advised to use the following tips to reduce discomfort:

  • wipe the skin with an ice cube wrapped in cellophane or make cold lotions;
  • generously lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with a fat cream with chamomile or calendula;
  • 30 minutes before the procedure, treat the place with unwanted hairs with a cream with lidocaine (for example, Emla), however, this can only be done if there is no allergy to this drug;
  • make a correction after taking a bath or visiting a bath, when the skin pores are open.

Eyebrow correction

Even the most perfect eyebrows from time to time require correction. The frequency of this procedure depends on the rate of hair growth, usually it is enough to correct the shape of the eyebrows once every 2-3 weeks. But if the hairs grow back quickly and are very noticeable, you will have to do the procedure more often.

Practice has shown that the more often you pluck your eyebrows, the weaker the hairs become and the less noticeable they are. Over time, it will be possible to carry out a correction much less frequently.

If the hairs are too long, you can cut them with nail scissors, helping yourself with a small comb with frequent teeth. Experts recommend cutting no more than 2-3 mm of hair, otherwise the eyebrows will look unnatural.

Professional make-up artists will teach you how to pluck your eyebrows so as to please not only yourself, but also those around you.

The right approach involves following several rules:

  • You can’t pluck your eyebrows just before leaving the house - redness and swelling cannot be masked by anything, in addition, pathogens can get into microscopic wounds and cause inflammation.
  • To reduce irritation after plucking the eyebrows, the skin is wiped with an ice cube or a napkin dipped in chamomile decoction.
  • The eyebrow should not be too thin, like a thread, today it is a sign of bad taste. However, too thick, "shaggy" eyebrows also do not decorate a modern girl.
  • Now the natural shape of the eyebrows is in fashion, but this does not mean that they do not need at least minimal correction.
  • From the beginning to the middle, the eyebrow should be somewhat wider than at the end and have a slight bend in the center. Do not form eyebrows in the form of a comma or a question mark, this will give the face a ridiculous expression.
  • Eyebrows that are closely spaced or fused on the bridge of the nose give a person a stern look, but the distance between them should not exceed the width of two fingers.
  • Eyebrows should not differ much from the main hair color.
  • Initially, most people's eyebrows are asymmetrical, so you need to pluck them carefully to achieve complete symmetry.
  • For styling eyebrows, special gels and mousses should be used, which are applied in a small amount with a brush.
  • To achieve the perfect eyebrow shape, it is useful to take the advice of a friend or take a selfie. When viewed from the side, all the shortcomings are immediately visible.
  • When plucking your eyebrows yourself, it is important not to overdo it.

Eyebrows according to the shape of the face

To determine the shape of the face, you need to circle the reflection of the face on the mirror with a felt-tip pen, excluding hair and ears. Having examined the drawing from afar, it is easy to determine what figure it resembles.

What eyebrows should be according to the type of face:

  • If Oval face(in the forehead area a little wider than below, the features are soft, pronounced cheekbones), the main task is not to spoil what is given by nature. Eyebrows should resemble a horizontal, slightly rounded line. Do not make a strong bend - this will visually make the face elongated, and overly wide eyebrows will give a too strict look.
  • Round face approximately the same in length and width, characterized by a low forehead and a small lower jaw. For girls with this type of face, eyebrows with a distinct break are suitable, moderately raised, while the head of the eyebrow should be slightly wider than the tip. This shape of the eyebrows will “lengthen” the face and give expressiveness to the look.
  • Long face(with a high forehead and an elongated chin) will visually acquire rounded outlines due to absolutely straight eyebrows, and a high arch will further narrow the face.
  • Girls with wide cheekbones and chin thin eyebrows with a sharp break should be avoided. To soften the lines of a square type of face, neat rounded eyebrows of medium thickness will help.
  • A face that looks like heart shaped(with sharp angles of the cheekbones and chin and a wide forehead), can be visually aligned with the help of slightly raised eyebrows with a smooth bend (“spread”), straight lines are best avoided.
  • Classic, slightly rounded eyebrows of sufficient width - what you need for diamond face. The main task in this case is to make the face less wide in the cheekbones, so sharp angles and straight lines should be avoided when correcting eyebrows.

Properly plucked eyebrows can not only give the face softness and proportion, but also visually enlarge the eyes, making the look more expressive.

The most important thing is to honestly admit to yourself what shortcomings exist and correctly correct them.

Well-groomed, properly shaped eyebrows are the main “decoration” of the face, so even with a minimal amount of makeup (or lack of it), the girl will look beautiful and neat.

Video how to pluck your own eyebrows

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows, see the video clip:

How to pluck your eyebrows, find out in the video clip:

How to pluck your eyebrows at home? If you follow certain rules, their shape will look perfect even without going to professionals in a beauty salon. You don't need to take special classes for this. It is useful for every woman to learn about the intricacies of this simple, but time-consuming process.

For each type of face, a special shape of the eyebrows is suitable. What looks good on one woman may not look good on another. Basically, there are 6 types of face shapes, the difference between which lies in the ratio of the width and length of the face. They are named after the geometric shapes they look like.

For those whose proportions deviate slightly from the standard parameters, you can determine the ratio using a ruler:

  1. First you need to measure the length of the face. You need to start from the chin and to the forehead (or rather, to the hairline).
  2. The data must be divided by 3. The resulting number will be (a).
  3. Then you need to measure the distance between the chin and the nose. This number will be denoted as (b).

And now you just need to compare the received numbers:

  1. rectangular or square shape - a is greater than b;
  2. triangular or round - b is less than a;
  3. oval - a and b are approximately equal.

This formula is only an approximation. All people are different and some just mix several types of faces. In this case, choosing the right eyebrow shape is somewhat more difficult.

Advice! You can paint your own eyebrows with foundation, then draw different lines until you get the desired result.

It is believed that the most beautiful type of face, with the correct proportions, is an oval-like face. Therefore, the shape of the eyebrows should not violate the correct natural outlines. If a woman has an oval face, then she should choose horizontal eyebrows. Rounding them slightly towards the temples, you can get a more expressive look. But do not make the bend too strong - it visually stretches the face. Too narrow or wide eyebrows also look bad. In the first case, they will be like a mime, and in the second, they will visually make the look stern.

The face in the form of a triangle must be visually slightly rounded. For this, eyebrows in the form of a straight line are suitable. Such horizontal features give the face softness and expressiveness. But eyebrows with a strongly arched arch will not work. The contour of the face from this will seem visually even more elongated.

round type

The round shape is the opposite of the elongated one. The main goal is to visually lengthen the face and, if possible, bring it closer to the oval. Women with a round face are recommended to choose eyebrows with a kink. They should be wide at the bridge of the nose and taper at the temples.

Advice! Do not make round eyebrows, which will further emphasize this face shape.

square type

The shape of the face in the form of a square is smooth straight lines of the contour, especially in the area of ​​the cheekbones and jaw. To visually soften the contour of the face, it is worth making a choice in the direction of the eyebrows in the form of arcs, without a pronounced transition. They should be wide, rounded and high. Thin as a line, and sharp eyebrows are out of place here.

Trapezoidal type

The trapezoidal face has a pronounced sharp chin and cheekbones. Eyebrows should visually soften and make the width of the face close to oval. To do this, they must be with a smooth bend.

Important! For a trapezoidal face, do not make straight lines.

diamond type

The diamond-shaped face is a combination of square and trapezoidal shapes. The cheekbones should visually be less wide and soften the sharp contours of the face. For this, smoothly curving eyebrows are best suited. They should be slightly wider than their natural shape. Broken lines and sharp bends should be avoided.

How to define the borders for curved eyebrows?

There is a simple scheme for determining the two boundaries (internal and external) and the point of fracture of the eyebrow. To create the perfect bend, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a pencil, you can take a cosmetic one, which you will then need to use to paint over inhomogeneous areas, and attach it to the edge of the nose so that it crosses the inner corner of the eye. Then mark the point above the hairs where the pencil ended up - this is the inner border.
  2. To determine the highest point, where there will be a bend, you must definitely look in front of you, then attach the edge of the pencil to the wing of the nose. At the same time, its continuation should pass opposite the pupil. At the intersection of the pencil with the superciliary arch, there is a break in the line.
  3. To find the outer border, you need to attach the tip of the pencil to the nose, and its continuation should pass along the outer corner of the eye. This will be the third point. Then you need to sequentially connect all the marks.

There is nothing complicated in such measurements. They take only a few minutes, but allow you to accurately determine the appropriate shape of the eyebrows.

Technique for the procedure at home

Before plucking your eyebrows, you need to prepare all the necessary tools. Namely:

  • white eyeliner;
  • tweezers;
  • dark (black, gray or brown) pencil and shadows;
  • brush (in order to comb the eyebrows, if necessary);
  • hard brush.

Also, if possible, you should use a special stencil for eyebrows. Usually, a set includes several forms. They should be applied over real eyebrows, and then choose the appropriate shape in this case.

The sequence of actions when plucking

First you need to mark the boundaries where the beginning and end of the eyebrow will be with a white pencil. To determine the beginning and end point, you should use the lesson described above. Or use a stencil. To do this, you need to attach a stencil so that the conditional beginning coincides with the beginning of the stencil and circle around the contour with a white pencil.

Depending on the shape of the face, the shape of the eyebrows is also selected:

  1. After marking the boundaries, you need to comb the hairs using a brush. This must be done in the direction of hair growth. After that, you can start plucking.
  2. Do not rush to immediately pluck the top row of hairs. You can radically change their shape and ruin everything.
  3. You need to start plucking the hairs from the bottom edge, while slightly pulling the skin with your other hand. It is worth noting that this is an adjustment to the shape of the eyebrow. You do not need to pluck them almost completely, turning them into a thin line. You need to pluck only those hairs that grow behind the drawn contour.

After the end of the procedure, you need to treat the skin around and the eyebrows themselves with any antiseptic.

This will prevent infection from getting into small wounds and will help get rid of redness and swelling faster.

Advice! If the eyebrows are short, you can slightly lengthen them after plucking by drawing with a pencil

Pencil contour correction

After plucking, the eyebrows may be uneven, with small “naked” areas without hair. They can be painted over using shadows and a pencil:

  1. First you need to draw a small line from the outermost point to the bend.
  2. Then one solid line from the beginning of hair growth to the end. Then make a couple of strokes to paint over the central part.

As a result, there should not be any unpainted areas.

Do not make a clear outline at the beginning, it will look unnatural. You just need to slightly shade the color at the beginning.

Not everyone knows how to properly pluck eyebrows at home. Eyebrows add charm to the eyes, emphasizing their depth. In order to give expressiveness to the face, you should know a few tricks that will help you easily and without any problems to do a simple procedure on your own.

Thanks to the advice of experts, you can easily cope with plucking your eyebrows at home. So, to expand the pores, it is best to take a shower or wash with warm water. Thanks to this, you will be able to carry out this procedure painlessly. It is best to start this in the evening or an hour before going out. The skin turns red and swells a little after plucking. To achieve the maximum effect, smear the skin with soothing agents, getting rid of the adverse effects. In order not to risk beauty, it is better to gradually remove unwanted hairs. So, you do not risk spoiling the shape of the eyebrows. Tweeze the hair in the direction of its growth. Be sure to remove the hair at the root. Otherwise, they will quickly grow back, you will have to start over. If the hair is too long and out of line, use scissors to trim it neatly.

How to determine the right eyebrow shape?

The first mistake is the distortion of your own, natural shape of the eyebrows. Thanks to her, your eyes look underlined. Only by slightly correcting them, you will achieve the desired result and be able to change the eyebrow.

The contours of the face will help determine the shape of the eyebrows. Each face shape corresponds to a certain type of eyebrows. For a square face, oblong eyebrows with a slightly curved shape are most often suitable. For chubby, triangular-shaped women, raised eyebrows are just right. Curved eyebrows look best on an oval face. If you yourself find it difficult to determine the shape of the face, seek outside help before starting the procedure. The shape and bend also depend on the shape of the eyes. For wide and large, thick and slightly curved eyebrows are great. For small ones, thin and sinuous. When plucking eyebrows at home, care must be taken.

To determine your own shape, you need to take any thin stick or even a regular pencil. With one end, attach it to the wing of the nose and follow its tip. First, the line perpendicular to the nostril is the starting point of the eyebrow. Secondly, in the place that the pencil touches, there is an eyebrow bending point. Thirdly, the line touching the corner of the eye marks the end point of the eyebrow. Through three movements of the pencil, you can easily determine the main points for work.

How to pluck your eyebrows with tweezers?

Before starting work, check the quality of lighting in the room. The light should be bright, preferably daylight if possible. The work is quite painstaking. Wash your face first, treating it with a special lotion.

Most of all, pay attention to the skin around the eyebrows. After choosing the right size of tweezers, wipe it well in alcohol or any other antibacterial solution.

Then comb your eyebrows in the direction of their growth to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary plucking of hairs.

Before you get started, remember: it is absolutely impossible to touch the upper part of the eyebrows. This part is always perfectly smooth and beautiful. When plucking, try to grab the hair at the very root. It is necessary to make sharp movements in the direction of hair growth.

How to painlessly pluck your eyebrows?

Many women cannot stand pain, and this is quite natural. Wanting to have, they try to endure the inconvenience during the procedure. Most of the girls complain that because of the unpleasant sensation, pulling out the eyebrows becomes harder and this procedure takes longer than planned.

To avoid unnecessary expenditure of effort, time, there are several tips for reducing pain. First, a piece of ice is perfect for this. It will ideally soften the skin and open the pores, which will favorably affect further work.

Secondly, a warm compress can be applied to the skin, which will soften it and dull the pain threshold. The third way is skin retraction. Due to tension, the pain dulls and becomes weaker. There is also a special cream that completely relieves pain.

How to pluck eyebrows with a thread?

There are several ways to make beautiful eyebrows at home.

Not everyone prefers to pluck their hair with tweezers, some women do it with a thread. This method came to us from ancient India, in which devices such as tweezers did not yet exist.

This method is more painful, but after it the hair grows twice as slowly. You can pull out two hairs at the same time, which speeds up the process.

Take a cotton thread of any length convenient for you and tie it around your fingers using a special design, during the formation of which the thread is tied into a ring in such a way as to make a figure eight. To prevent the thread from moving apart, cross it together twice.

By easily grabbing hairs with a thread, you can remove several at the same time. Due to the effectiveness of the procedure, you will have to slightly correct them and only after a month do it again.

Learning how to pluck your eyebrows beautifully at home is not difficult. Following the rules and advice of experts, you can easily achieve the desired result on your own. Thanks to several existing technologies, you will choose for yourself a more convenient and efficient one.

Some tips will help you get rid of the pain during the procedure. Now you know how to make a beautiful eyebrow shape.

An integral part of the female image is beautiful eyebrows. You can contact a specialist in the salon to pluck them, but this procedure can really be done at home. A successful form is never accidental, it depends on what kind of face a woman has. It is unwise and risky to choose such a pattern and curve as some actress or TV presenter.

  • Round. A pointed fracture will not harmonize. But a high rise will visually lengthen the cheekbones, and the rounded tip will narrow the cheeks. Rising type with a soft curve is ideal, and round or extremely pointed eyebrows will not paint the face.
  • Square. The shape is smoother. The kink should be moved to the middle to smooth out the angles of the cheekbones and chin. Straight or thin are categorically not recommended by stylists.
  • Triangular and heart-shaped face. So that the angular lines do not increase the disproportion, the tips should be at the same level. Best of all will be soft, arched eyebrows, even round, straight under the ban.
  • Elongated. In order not to narrow it visually even more, give preference to the look that was forbidden to the owners of all other types of faces. Straight arcs will slightly expand the elongated oval, and breaks, corners, bends will make it even thinner, which can cause disproportion.
  • Oval. Happy owners of such a face can experiment and try soft or extremely curved eyebrows, straight or “house”, with any break.

Experts warn girls who decide to pluck their eyebrows at home from excessive lifting. This gives the face an unnatural, surprised or angry expression.

Choosing the right shape is not only focusing on the type of your face, but also on the features of its features:

  • the larger they are, the thicker the arcs should be; plucking too much can ruin their line;
  • a thin thread will not fit big eyes;
  • for older ladies, neat and narrow eyebrows are considered good form;
  • the rule for wide-set eyes is a small distance between the arches on the bridge of the nose; for closely planted, the opposite is true;
  • the narrower the forehead line, the smaller the bend should be, a straight shape will do here; with a break, extremely curved are good for a high forehead.

Tool selection

You can pluck your own eyebrows at home if you choose the right tool. Not every tweezer is suitable for such painstaking and precise work. Since it is difficult to decommission it, and it does not require replacement, it is not worth saving. A good tweezer will be your faithful assistant for many years.

Buy from specialized stores. There you will get a safe product that is designed specifically for plucking. When bringing together the edges of the tweezers, there should be no gap. A good tool will not break hairs. Get one with pointed tips and one with blunt tips for basic work and touch-ups.

The question of pain

Many girls are afraid to pluck their eyebrows at home because they don't want to experience pain. This is typical for teenagers and for those who do it for the first time. However, there are several simple ways to reduce discomfort:

  • Freeze an infusion of chamomile or sage and wipe the area before the procedure.
  • A quarter of an hour before plucking, apply the cream, then wipe the remnants with a dry cotton pad, and then with a tonic pad.
  • While working, properly stretch the desired area - this is important to reduce pain.

Step-by-step instruction

During the procedure, slowness and consistency are important. We bring to your attention a step-by-step guide to plucking eyebrows, which is suitable for both a teenager and an adult woman.

1. Provide yourself with good working conditions. It is best to pluck hairs in daylight or use a large and bright lamp.

2. Correctly use a mirror that increases the reflection.

3. Sit comfortably so that your arms and back do not get tired.

4. Even if you have a good eye, do not rely on it: it is better to play it safe and be guided by a scheme that will help you pluck the same eyebrows. Mark for yourself their beginning, bend and end. For this you will need a pencil.

  • Start. Place the pencil vertically so that it passes through the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. This will be the place from which you need to start plucking the hairs.
    • Ending. The pencil should go from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye and the place where the latter intersects with the arc, where it should end.

The bend should be correctly formed where the line of intersection of the outer edge of the iris with the eyebrow passes.

5. The correct shape will be obtained if you mark all three points and carefully compare them - are they symmetrical. To do this, attach a pencil horizontally to parallel marks. If they do not match, check step by step again, following our instructions.

6. Before plucking your eyebrows, disinfect the skin surface. This can be done with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

7. Be sure to draw a plucking pattern with a contrasting pencil.

8. During the procedure, you will need a brush. Combing the hairs is necessary in order to properly shape the eyebrows, because the direction of hair growth is often not very symmetrical.

9. Each hair is grabbed right at the root to avoid ingrown. Always pluck in the direction of growth.

10. No need to rush and pull out a few hairs. Firstly, it can be fraught with their breaking off and ingrowth, and secondly, with an irregular shape.

11. After finishing, treat the skin with an antiseptic.

If you need to pluck your eyebrows, plan your time ahead of time. The procedure will take a lot of time. Haste in this process can lead to errors and asymmetrical shape. First, the face is steamed very well. This is best done with herbal decoction. Chamomile and sage are poured with boiling water, put on a small fire for about 10 minutes. After that, the face is tilted over the container with the broth and covered with a large terry towel. Steam the skin for 10-15 minutes, after which the face is wiped dry. Opened pores and cleansed skin will allow the hairs to move away from the bulbs more easily.

It is worth starting to pluck from the bridge of the nose. That is, the so-called “head” is processed - the beginning of the eyebrow, then the tips, and only at the end the most difficult thing is corrected - the kink. Take your time, constantly compare one and the other side, while using not only the visual method, but also a pencil. For some time the skin will be reddened, so do not pluck before going out. It is not recommended to apply cosmetics on inflamed skin. It is most reasonable to carry out the procedure at home in the evening, after sleep, the redness will subside.

An alternative method is to remove the hairs with wax, as they are removed much faster. But there is a risk of making a mistake with the form, pulling out a large number of them at once, and the pain is much stronger.

For a long time, the main trend has been the natural shape of the eyebrows. Thin, like a thread, unnaturally curved and broken lines will look artificial and caricatured.

Before you pluck your eyebrows at home, you should watch videos, of which there are many on the Internet, where the procedure is performed by professionals.