Chrysoprase stone suits which zodiac sign. Taurus stone: choose talismans according to the horoscope. Characteristics of Taurus Gemstones

Taurus have their own precious and semi-precious stones that correspond to their horoscope. The use of these amulets in everyday life can protect their owner from any negativity and restore strength, bring good luck, this will positively affect the general condition of the hostess. The stone of Taurus should be known “by sight” by everyone who was born under this sign.

Stones suitable for the sign

Taurus - strong character, poise and steadfastness. So in short you can characterize this zodiac sign. People born under it are distinguished by the ability to love and care, for the most part they are distinguished by good health. The strength inherent in them is given by the element of earth. And she endows people born under this sign with stubbornness.

If Taurus is firmly convinced of something, it is almost impossible to move him from his position. The goal that he sets for himself will be achieved in any case. No adventures can lead him astray from the path he is on. These are practical people living with pressing problems. Insight and high ideals are not for them. The following stones are suitable for Taurus:

Stones according to the sign of the zodiac Taurus must choose, paying attention to their shade. Amulets of the following colors will suit Taurus the best thing:

  • blue;
  • white;
  • green;
  • pale pink.

Speaking about which stone a Taurus woman should have with her, one should not mention too bright specimens.

Turquoise and agate

It is considered the most suitable stones for Taurus. This stone has long been famous as a powerful amulet and is considered the talisman of the winner. Turquoise will help its owner:

  • To win in any, conceived events.
  • Restore harmony in the family.
  • Attract cash flow and turn it towards its mistress.

Agate is a stone that corresponds to the power inherent in Taurus. His energy is most suitable for the temperament of Taurus. Agate can be selected in various colors. Suitable shades from gray-blue to pure white. Agate is capable of:

  • Strengthen the qualities given to man by nature.
  • Make your mistress soft and calm.
  • Develop your magical abilities.
  • Protect from negative external influences.
  • Develop and strengthen the sense of intuition.
  • Develop a sense of self-confidence.
  • Add vitality and activity.
  • Protect from deceit and intrigue.

A woman who pays great attention to material wealth will be happy to receive this stone as a gift. Agate also helps improve eyesight.

Malachite and sapphire

These stones are of the greatest value for Taurus. This is especially true of light green shades of malachite. This light mineral can become a faithful assistant for those who suffer from heart and lung diseases. The treatment of these diseases by applying malachite is still practiced in alternative medicine in some countries. Malachite is capable of:

  • Neutralize all negativity directed at its owner.
  • It's great to deal with bad moods.
  • Reinforce positive attitude.

The deep, velvety blue color of sapphire best suits the Taurus color scheme. The energy of this sign most of all corresponds to the energy fullness of sapphire. Its magical properties have been known to people since antiquity. Taurus associated with the sphere of trade, navigation, justice, intelligence should especially pay attention to this stone. For travelers and tourists, malachite will also become a powerful amulet.

coral and pearl

They will reflect the romantic nature of the Taurus woman, enhance the imagination, give a more subtle character to the perception of the owner. These stones are strong amulets for creative people and help to develop creativity in the features of their mistress. Coral is considered a very strong amulet in the field of family relationships. Taurus women are most suitable for the white and pink colors of this stone.

Pearls promote longevity and protect against many diseases. If you look at pearls for a long time, then this:

  • Calms the psyche.
  • Brings peace.
  • Restore spiritual harmony.

It is also known as a symbol of a happy family life since the Middle Ages. This stone will help its owner to improve contact with people around her, avoid conflict situations, endow with wisdom, chastity.

Shungite and pomegranate

They will bring peace and tranquility to the owner. For the female half of Taurus, they will increase their attractiveness to the opposite sex and bring success in amorous affairs. For business women born under the sign of Taurus, shungite will become a powerful amulet. Shungite is also known for its healing properties. The water infused on this stone is especially valued. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.

Persistent and active Taurus is recommended to choose a red shade of garnet. It brings joy and optimism, improves mood. For Taurus women who are in search of their soulmate, the pomegranate will become the most effective talisman. He has the ability to kindle love passions, awaken a feeling of love. He is also known for his ability to strengthen friendship, increase the feeling of endurance. Able to accelerate the cleansing of the body after illness and recover faster.

Amethyst and mother of pearl

In astrology, there are some restrictions that do not recommend Taurus to wear this stone. However, amethyst may well become a valid talisman for those Taurus who were born before the first of May. For females born in the first decade of May, this stone will help to avoid stress and depression.

He is able to endow his mistress with insight and extinguish feelings of anxiety. It will also help strengthen memory, intellectual abilities, and mental activity. This stone is well known in folk medicine. It is used to cleanse the body, normalize blood circulation, prevent thrombosis, with increased blood clotting.

Mother-of-pearl is able to bring something new and positive into the life of its mistress, to make her more attractive and interesting. Helps to maintain intuition, peace and tranquility in the family. It has positive energy, calms the nervous system, protects from troubles.

Moonstone and Rose Quartz

These stones are the best suited for Taurus women. They help to reveal the feminine essence, to become more desirable. They will calm those whose heart is broken by love failures, they will help to try on lovers. They promote peace and harmony in the family, which is so necessary for the female half of Taurus. Protect from negative energy influences. However, the moonstone is also capable of depriving calmness and balance.

Rose Quartz is famous for its ability to create harmony in the family and help those who have experienced failure in their personal lives. He will help the sensitive Taurus, who has experienced personal love failures, giving peace of mind and self-confidence. Known as an amulet of happy love, able to make a person more attractive in all respects, attract others to him, develop the ability to find a common language with other people.

This stone will work as a home amulet that protects from negative energy. Rose quartz crystal can act as a valuable gift for the female half of humanity. It will strengthen the feelings of the spouses, help to conceive a child, bring peace and tranquility.

Volcanic lava and tiger's eye

Lava is considered a stone with very powerful positive energy. It can act as a strong talisman that will protect against failures and negative impacts, absorbing all negative intentions directed at its owner. This is the strongest amulet that will help build good relationships with others and develop intuition.

The tiger's eye will help to extinguish the zealous impulses of Taurus and get rid of anger, help you achieve your goals. It will serve as a good talisman in the development of creativity, insight, success in business. This stone will serve as an amulet for those women whose professional activities are associated with risk and increased health hazard.

Emerald, chrysoprase and chalcedony

Emerald is the most expensive of the mineral varieties and is considered an exceptionally rare gem. In its coloring, it is very diverse: from a delicate shade of May green to dark green. The more green in this stone, the more expensive it is considered. Large types of such emeralds are valued more than diamonds. Since ancient times, the emerald has been endowed with magical powers. Among all the gems, it was the emerald crystals that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra considered worthy of her beauty. She gave her image, carved on an emerald, to close people. This meant the location of the queen.

Emerald is a symbol of spring, eternal joy, youth and harmony. He will give his mistress wisdom and insight, bring joy and fun, spiritual harmony, tact and generosity, talent and grace, eloquence, self-esteem, self-confidence.

This stone will serve as a pendulum reflecting the state of mind of the hostess. When love blossoms in the heart of the woman who owns this stone, the emerald becomes brighter. It splits if the vow of fidelity in love is broken. This stone has always been considered a wonderful gift for newlyweds, because it is able to strengthen the feeling of spouses and maintain an atmosphere of love. An emerald will bring happiness if its owner is a pure and bright person. Otherwise, he is capable of grief and destruction.

Chrysoprase is a green-colored stone, which is one of the types of chalcedony. Able to give confidence to Taurus in starting something new and its successful completion. It will serve as a good protection against failures and will help to overcome all difficult situations. For Taurus women who want to achieve success in business or simply improve their financial situation, chrysoprase will serve as an excellent talisman.

It is believed that chrysoprase in a gold frame will protect against injuries and unpleasant incidents. If a Taurus woman wears a chrysoprase bracelet on her left hand, it will protect her from negative energy. It also improves brain and hormonal activity, metabolism. Helps fight hypertension. Chrysoprase is able to fight a bad mood and establish an intimate life.

Chalcedony will help you recover from emotional upheavals and give you joy.

Unsuitable amulets

There are also amulets that are better not to carry with you. Stones according to the zodiac sign Taurus for women who must not be worn:

  • Obsidian.
  • Diamond.
  • Pyrite.

All stones suitable for a Taurus woman will help overcome negative qualities and help maintain and develop positive ones. They will act as wonderful talismans that protect their mistress from everything negative, and will help in achieving the intended goals, the fulfillment of all desires.

Taurus women are very sensual, romantic natures. They are ruled by Venus herself. The female half of humanity, born under this sign, appreciates chic and comfort more than others. Stones for them are better to choose expensive and refined.

A solid and reliable Taurus looks like an unshakable rock against the background of other signs of the horoscope. No wonder Taurus was originally depicted as half-grown into the ground. This largely determines the essence of a person born under this sign - steadfastness and dislike for frequent changes of scenery. However, only those who are completely devoid of the ability to understand people will consider Taurus to be inactive or slow-moving bumpkin. Calm and peaceful, Taurus cannot stand pressure and coercion. Endowed with inflexible stubbornness, they defend their positions to the end. The property "to rest your horn on the ground" is inherent in all owners of this sign.

Charming horned strong man is considered the most mercantile among the neighbors in the horoscope. He, like no one else, knows how to benefit from everything that he undertakes. The expression "Golden Calf" rightly indicates the main quality of this sign - the ability to make money. But in order to feel happy, Taurus must regularly satisfy their considerable needs, which are love for everything beautiful and refined. Any thing that a gourmet loves must be beautiful and practical.

Even in their negative qualities, such as stinginess and selfishness, Taurus is completely unique. He is not greedy for money, but rather a collector of good and expensive items. Taurus can lend a large sum of money to a friend without much persuasion, but he will never agree to part with his beloved old box, and the longer he is persuaded, the more stubbornly he refuses. No one will be able to invade the possessions of a hoarder bull and get hold of by saying compliments. The vigilant Taurus vigilantly monitors his good and will not part with it voluntarily.

Taurus stones by date of birth (decade)

Woman's calf stone

Male calf stone

Chrysoprase stone is a translucent semi-precious mineral that has a color in shades of green. It is mainly used in the jewelry industry to create jewelry. Many people like its decorative properties, it is popular. It is framed with silver and gold or used separately, without metal. This is a rather expensive variety ( translucent), used both on an industrial and artisanal scale.

Origin story

The semi-precious stone chrysoprase has long been known to mankind. Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece are familiar with it. Cameos and amulets of Hellas from it with images of scenes were striking in their beauty. In the East, they were treated with skin and nervous diseases, applied to sore spots.

Historical figures preferred it as an amulet accompanying their success. So A. Macedonian called it the stone of victory. He was a companion of warriors even before our era. In the Middle Ages, wealthy people wore chrysoprase, considering it the patron of business. Throughout history, it was not only included in decorations, but also used in interiors, palaces and rich houses. Chrysoprase trimmed church premises and objects. Now the use of the mineral is the jewelry industry.

Physical properties

In composition, chrysoprase has the chemical formula SiO2. This is a green type of chalcedony, the color of which is explained by inclusions of nickel compounds, sometimes it is heterogeneous. If the color of the mineral is almost emerald, its transparency is significant. The sample transmits light through a thickness of 5 cm. Lighter stones appear through a layer of 2 cm. Heterogeneous specimens are spotted or patterned.

Chrysoprase, as a semi-precious stone and mineral, has physical properties:

  • green color with blue tints;
  • crystals are translucent;
  • gloss similar to glass, greasy, waxy on the surface;
  • translucent;
  • hardness - from 6.5 to 7;
  • density - 2.6 g / cu. cm.

Place of Birth

In nature, chrysoprase stone is rare. In our country, it is found in the deposits of Sarykul-Boldy (industrial production in Kazakhstan), Novo-Akkermanovskoye, deposits are available in Poland. And also in Brazil, USA (in California, Arizona and Oregon). But the main supplies to the market come from Australia, where they find samples of excellent quality.

Deposits and deposits of green chalcedony are rare. Places of detection of chrysoprase are weathered hyperbasites, barks containing nickel. Aggregates with a high density are formed in rocks: nodules, layers, lenses. In Australia, the mineral is located in the form of veins along with iron oxides.

The healing properties of chrysoprase

Chrysoprase is used in alternative medicine, as it is believed: they have properties that are beneficial to health.

Wearing a stone helps with the following ailments:

  • pain in the ears, throat;
  • asthma, respiratory disorders;
  • improves the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • eye diseases;
  • improvement of vision;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pain and destruction in the joints;
  • rheumatism;
  • depressive states;
  • stress management;
  • hormonal disorders associated with age;
  • relieves fatigue.

Chrysoprase has a very favorable effect on the work of the organs of vision, it is useful to look at them. Since historical times, the stone has been contemplated, getting rid of pain in the eyes, to improve the ability to see. Equally beneficial effect on brain activity, for example, it lowers blood pressure.

Yoga recommends putting a preheated piece of mineral on the heart area and keeping it for half an hour. This gives prevention and normalization of the chakra. When worn, it is advisable to combine with rose quartz, which enhances the effect on the heart. The stone can increase efficiency, improve metabolism and cellular nutrition, stimulate internal secretion. It normalizes the condition of the skin and helps cleanse the blood.

Its gentle "light green" and more intense shades give the same effect as all minerals with a green color. Namely: they help with magnetic storms, relieve nervous tension and stress. Lithotherapy (the science of the benefits of minerals) recommends chrysoprase for insomnia, nightmares in a dream. The water in which the stone is lowered relieves colds. For a therapeutic effect, the vessel is kept in the sun for up to 5 hours. But long-term use of the stone has negative properties.

The magical properties of chrysoprase

The properties of the chrysoprase stone are applicable in yoga, which ascribes to it an influence on the chest chakra Anahata (region of the heart, unification with its power). In the Middle Ages, also in Europe, it was considered a symbol that brings success.

Chrysoprase, like a stone with magical properties:

  • favorable in friendship;
  • brings financial well-being;
  • is a source of optimism;
  • promotes tenderness of feelings;
  • eliminates nightmares.

Eastern magic believes: when a stone hits a deceitful person, chrysoprase darkens. And an honest person will be warned of the danger by his clouding.

Green color has properties:

  • improve mood;
  • provide peace of mind;
  • give the owner prudence;
  • reward courage and endurance.

Among professions, he is suitable for inventors, lovers of innovation and undertakings. Business people use it as a talisman, especially if it is a significant financial activity associated with considerable amounts. With a restless spirit, chrysoprase brings good luck, helps to renew everything. But it does not work for unbalanced and suspicious, spiteful people. Also acts against excessive risk. In order to find like-minded people in an undertaking, it is recommended to wear chrysoprase in a silver frame and negotiate.

Energy properties of chrysoprase stone: releases energy, rewards with activity. Chinese philosophy ascribes to him Yang energy of a projective nature.

This stone can be worn by people with names: Boris, Alexandra, Marina.

Talismans and amulets

The magical and healing properties of chrysoprase are realized when wearing it in the form of jewelry. The amulet protects from bad energy, dangers and patronizes acquaintance with good people. Crafts from chrysoprase were popular even in ancient states: Greece, Rome, where he was very loved. In the 18th century, it was framed, located in the center, valued very dearly. The stone is inserted into earrings, rings, beads are made from it, bracelets and cufflinks are decorated with it. It is suitable for making buttons, inlays.

In antiquity, cameos were made from chrysoprase stone, carving fairy-tale scenes and portraits. Historically, as a symbol of well-being and for beauty, altars and goblets were decorated with it. All these items can have the value of a talisman that brings good luck. An amulet with chrysoprase protects against envious people, slanderers, the evil eye, and provides the owner with endurance. Commander A. Macedonian wore chrysoprase behind his belt, giving it great importance. He believed in the good luck that the talisman would bring when he took it with him to battle.

Chrysoprase colors

Chrysoprase is translucent, is the most valuable variety of green chalcedony. It is often an unripe apple color of varying intensity, with blue tones of green or emerald. Compounds of nickel and nickel-containing minerals give this color to the stone: garnierite, bunsenite, as studies under an electron microscope show. The mineral is divided into three types according to the tonality of color:

  • emerald, the most transparent and valuable;
  • apple green color, less translucent, sometimes with opaque fragments;
  • patchy or patchy- ornamental, less valuable.

Semi-precious stone usually has pure hues, quite bright, both light and dark, but always with the presence of blue. If a specimen with a dense color, translucent, cut, it can be mistaken for. Sometimes the mineral is colored inhomogeneously, then a unique pattern is visible on it.

The name is also associated with the color: "golden bow" in Greek. Juicy shades surprise and have a life-affirming effect.

How to distinguish a fake

It is quite possible to make chrysoprase in the form of imitation, especially since it is a rather valuable type of chalcedony. Sellers trying to sell fakes lure buyers with attractive prices. This should be the first warning factor, since real gemstone is not cheap. The cost of beads, for example, must be at least 2,000 rubles. You need to know that a high-quality mineral in a rock is a crystal that does not exceed 2 cubic centimeters in size. If the stone in the jewelry is massive, most likely it is an imitation with the appropriate quality.

On closer examination using a magnifying glass, you can see inclusions in the form of bubbles, inhomogeneous areas in density and color. In addition, during the growth of the mineral, “feathers” are formed, typical of a natural specimen. Synthetic (for example, Chinese) specimens at first glance are difficult to distinguish from natural ones. But an unnatural saturated color may catch your eye.

If the imitation is made from cheap chalcedony by dyeing it, the unnaturalness is difficult to recognize. You need to look through a magnifying glass, after which staining zones with clear edges will be found.

artificial chrysoprase

Synthetic chrysoprase can be made in China. It is popular, sometimes sold at a price not very different from natural, and quite decorative. When selling, they must be made aware that the chrysoprase is artificial. Another type of imitation is the staining of chalcedony with nickel salts, for which inexpensive samples are initially taken. There are also synthetic dyes.

Care of products with chrysoprase

Noted: chrysoprase can fade in bright light if it is under the sun for a long time. But the color can be restored if the stone is moistened with a wet cloth. Best of all, the color and appearance is preserved if the jewelry is worn often, because changes can also occur from temperature, when overheated. It is better to keep such factors under control, to prevent the harmful effects of the environment.

In addition to these features, care for chrysoprase is normal, as for other stones. Cleaning is done as needed in running water using a soft cloth. A soapy solution is used, but not aggressive chemicals.

Chrysoprase and the signs of the zodiac

The energy of chrysoprase is ideal for Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn. The mineral is less favorable to Taurus, born under the constellation of Gemini, Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius. For example, if Aquarius wears such an ornament, he is under the auspices of a stone that protects from adversity, returning negative energy to the evil enemy.

Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio need to have a more careful relationship with chrysoprase, which can even hurt.

Another name for chrysoprase is plasma. If you don't like jewelry with it, you can carry it in your left pocket without a rim. This will attract money.

The greatest effectiveness of the stone is manifested in late spring and autumn.

At a business meeting ending with the receipt of money, it is recommended to wear a chrysoprase ring on the left hand, ring finger. This will help in negotiations. When those run out, you need to change the ring on your left hand, which will allow you to get the amount sooner.

Chrysoprase stone - a magnificent green stone

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Chrysoprase belongs to the group of semi-precious, ornamental stones. It has healing and magical qualities, which is why it is popular as a talisman for many people. Since ancient times, the stone has been considered lucky, bringing good luck and victory. Often, the mineral is compared and even confused with emerald because of its unusual green color.

This mineral is popular as a jewelry stone, which is used to make beautiful expensive jewelry. The gem framed in silver and gold looks especially bright and attractive.

Features of chrysoprase

A stone with a cryptocrystalline form of silicon dioxide, which has a little nickel in its composition, was called chrysoprase. In other words, it is a variety of chalcedony and quartz.

The structure of the mineral cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is represented by the smallest crystalline grains that can be seen under a microscope. This greatly distinguishes chrysoprase from other varieties of quartz - amethyst, rock crystal, citrine, the structure of which is an accumulation of prismatic crystals.

The name of the stone has Greek roots, according to which it is translated as gold and leek. A characteristic feature of the gem is also its hardness, which is 6-7 on the Mohs scale and a break, like silicon.

Colors and varieties

Compared to the many varieties of quartz, chrysoprase is especially prized. It stands out not only for its beautiful pattern, but also for its color scheme. The mineral occurs in various shades of green. This may be a color close to the color of a dark emerald, which is due to the content of a small percentage of nickel contained in the form of scattered microscopic inclusions.

Studies have shown that such inclusions are silicates - kerolite or pimaelite. In nature, there is also a gem with a lighter mixed shade of green with blue or apple green.

The mineral is found today in various parts of the world. Its deposits are Western Australia, Poland, as well as Germany, Kazakhstan, California, Brazil and Arizona.

Chrysoprase jewelry groups

In jewelry, such a stone is carefully selected according to its structure and color. There are three main groups of chrysoprase, belonging to the highest, first, second grade.

  1. A mineral of an emerald green hue, homogeneous - the highest grade of stone, which is an excellent jewelry raw material. Such chrysoprase is distinguished by a uniform color and the effect of good transparency of a stone with a thickness of up to 5 cm.
  2. The gem of an apple-green hue, homogeneous is a stone of the first grade, the degree of transparency of which is significantly reduced. The structure of such chrysoprase is distinguished by the absence of a pattern.
  3. Mineral of light color, with the presence of specks - this is an ornamental stone of the second grade. It has a bluish-green or yellowish-green color. The structure of the stone is not homogeneous, since it has white spots, there is an alternation of translucent and matte areas. Outside, the mineral may contain inclusions of yellow, brown limonite.
Chrysoprase, intended for jewelry work, is subjected to grinding and polishing. Cabochons are made from it, as well as flat inserts for various jewelry. The most original look cabochons are high, characterized by an oval configuration. They are presented from the highest grade mineral. The stone is easy to polish, but it is almost impossible to achieve the effect of a mirror surface.

Historical information about the stone

Studies have shown that chrysoprase has been known to mankind since ancient times. He was appreciated and admired by the ancient Romans, Egyptians, Greeks. People firmly believed that this stone is able to bring good luck. Therefore, it was used as an amulet.

There is an opinion that since ancient times, stones have served not only as a building material, but also carry the magical power of talismans. The powerful energy of this natural material and the position of the stars at the time of the birth of a new life leave an imprint on the fate of any person.

Our practical advice will help you decide which stone is suitable for women's bodies? Born under the constellation Taurus, ladies are distinguished by practicality and prudence. Comfort in the house, the aroma of delicious food, increased libido and excessive jealousy - these are the characteristics of this sign.

Birthday will help the lady calf to choose a talisman

First decade

Born in the first period of the sign (April 21 - April 30) the fair sex are under the protection of Mercury. The patronage of the planet gives them unprecedented generosity, entrepreneurial abilities and luck.

Stars are advised to favorites of the god of prosperity:

  • amazonite (source of energy, gives peace and tranquility, endowed with strong female energy);
  • carnelian (love talisman, has healing properties, heals wounds);
  • aventurine (gives joy and love of life);
  • amethyst (controls emotions, promotes the development of intuition);
  • agate (protects from negative flows and negativity, a symbol of fidelity of partners);
  • tiger's eye (a talisman of prosperity and an assistant in socialization, a symbol of wisdom).

Second decade

Taurus of the first decade of May(the second zodiacal phase of the sign), can be jokingly called moon people. It is the moon that illuminates their life path. The satellite of the Earth gives nobility, while endowing with a share of indecision. Taurus, born under the influence of the Moon, more often than others will achieve success in his career, but is completely devoid of romanticism.

For such controversial personalities, astrology recommends choosing the following natural minerals:

  • chalcedony (a stone of love and joy, a symbol of family happiness);
  • opal (a symbol of love, compassion and faith, opens the gift of clairvoyance);
  • jadeite (endows a person with wisdom and nobility, is able to influence the weather);
  • onyx (a stone of rulers, a source of strength and inspiration);
  • turquoise (guardian from evil eyes, brings peace and good luck);
  • chrysoprase (talisman of enterprising innovators, brings success in business, helps to recognize negative energy);
  • coral (gives longevity, marks purity, protects on the way).

third decade

If a woman is lucky to be born from May 11 to May 20, then with a high probability she lives days under the auspices of Saturn. The deity of destruction evokes notes of pessimism on mercantile bodies. They are hidden introverts, they prefer proud loneliness to noisy companies.

The gems described below will help cheer up such gloomy girls of calves:

  • Emerald (talisman of sailors, motherhood stone, it is recommended to give to pregnant women).
  • Sapphire (powerful connection with the cosmos, brings enlightenment and wisdom).
  • Pomegranate (a stone of heart affairs and fidelity, the best gift for lovers).
  • Diamond (the king among stones, a symbol of perfection and undeniable power).
  • Aquamarine (a talisman of courage, courage and wisdom, a crystal blue stone is only in clear weather and in the hands of a person with pure thoughts).

Stones for a Taurus Woman

Taurus, as true connoisseurs of material goods, wear jewelry with pleasure. The emerald is recognized as the best gem for representatives of the sign.

Having chosen this stone as a talisman, remember that it reveals all its positive qualities and brings good luck only to people with a pure soul. If your thoughts are clouded by negativity, you should beware of such an amulet, because the mineral can respond with disappointments.

Emerald will help:

  • strengthen family ties;
  • protect the family nest from evil eyes and unwanted envy;
  • will serve as an excellent amulet for all pregnant women;
  • keep the peace and good health of children.

Those who wear it long enough will be able to notice an improvement in character.

Lithotherapy recognized the healing properties of the emerald:

  • a powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
  • prevention of insomnia;
  • improved mental health;
  • helps to get rid of panic attacks;
  • natural water filter.

The energy correspondence of women born under the constellation Taurus carries sapphire.

If you are a Taurus girl, it can be said with great confidence that the velvety blue of this gemstone will win you over to the very heart.

At all times, the importance of the stone was spoken in different cultures and civilizations:

  • In ancient Greece, they believed in the prophetic power of this mineral.(with the help of it they predicted the future, asked for advice and consultations).
  • Buddhist countries believed that sapphire helps find the desire to work and strength in turning to God.
  • In the Middle Ages, a stone was brought as a gift as a symbol of purity and innocence.
  • The modern world advises travelers to wear sapphire and occupying positions with a certain degree of risk.

In order to improve the mineral is used:

  • with visual impairment;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • as the prevention of infections.

Along with the diamond, hard and just as durable, is another precious talisman of the calves, the ruby.

It is rightly called a stone that gives vitality, health and energy to its owner. Ruby provides protection from black magic and ill-wishers.

The positive impact of the stone on the human body is great:

  1. Protection against paralysis and depression.
  2. Normalization of the digestive system.
  3. Prevention of asthma and bronchitis.
  4. Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels.

A number of semi-precious stones that are most appropriate for the character of a woman's body, we have given below.

The aesthetic tastes of the calves are able to satisfy the agate, dazzling with a variety of shades. The stone belongs to the type of chalcedony. Suitable for use by the bodies of farmers.

There is a legend that agate magically stimulates soil productivity. The natural element will bring you longevity. Effective in the fight against epilepsy, gastric ulcer, rubella, measles, mumps. Widely used by manual therapists.

The versatility of the color spectrum of topaz is amazing. It can be red, yellow or transparent, pale blue, purple, pink, etc.

The stone gives hope and gives a charge of optimism, helps in reconciliation.

The use of topaz in medicine: prevents bronchitis, diseases of bile and liver, ailments of the spleen and sensory organs, helps to avoid bleeding.

If you are a Taurus girl and are not averse to indulging in alcohol, amethyst is definitely your natural material. It can easily cure a hangover.

The mass of the positive qualities of the stone:

  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • helps to whiten the skin;
  • enhances the zeal for learning (recommended for students and schoolgirls).

In ancient times, amethyst was used as protection against pestilence, cholera, colds, and plague.

Symbolism of the main amulets of the calf

Charm of the family hearth and wealth- turquoise, the most powerful talisman of Taurus women. A turquoise amulet will give its mistress perseverance and courage, save her from indecision. Representatives of the Taurus constellation are prone to excessive gullibility, and therefore, they are often deceived. Turquoise is capable of avoiding unfortunate failures and getting rid of naivety. This is truly a lady's stone. He stands guard over women's health.

Symbol of optimism and hope- agate. It is called the lucky stone. Amazes with a riot of shades. An agate talisman will help you advance in business, while not forgetting about your personal life. Good mood and energy can be felt using green and white gems. Black stone will support in the professional field.

The ideal female amulet, a symbol of sensuality and motherhood- cacholong. This beneficial mineral motivates a woman to be more emotionally open to her loved ones. It is believed that it helps to achieve conception and the proper course of the entire pregnancy.

Categorically does not fit the body of a woman

The Taurus sign is quite loyal to many natural minerals. However, amber is definitely contraindicated for a girl calf. For unclear reasons, this piece of resin does not like calves specifically and brings problems and troubles soon after purchase. Remember, when you decide to get rid of the yellow "scoundrel", treat the process with respect! Just throwing the evil amulet in the trash will not be enough.

In Romania, a stone is left in an open place and sentenced: “We cannot be friends with you. Go to another in the heart to live. Giving it to someone who will like it will help to lose such an amulet.

Outside of a positive key can affect: pyrite, rock crystal, heliotrope, obsidian.

When choosing a stone for female calves, listen to your intuition. The exact date of birth of the calf and the energy strength of each gem will orient you correctly. And most importantly - give stones with love! They feel everything.