Oriental oil massage. Types of massage and their description. The course of massage, techniques

Exhausting rhythm modern life often does not leave time to fully relax and feel the needs of your body. And we learn about the appearance of chronic fatigue and malfunctions in the body only when serious health problems appear.

Fortunately, the unique technique of oriental massage is guaranteed to help get rid of existing diseases and avoid the appearance of new ones. Unlike traditional medicine instruments, medicines and surgical procedures, massage techniques do not cause complications or allergic reactions, and also have minimum contraindications.

However, the procedure will ensure noticeable result: improve sleep, normalize the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, reduce or completely eliminate pain and adhesive processes, cheer up.

What is oriental massage and what distinguishes it from classical European?

Oriental massage technician There are many. These are Japanese acupressure, Chinese, Korean, Indian oil massage, and many other areas.

Combines all these techniques single, different from the classical European massage philosophy. In Eastern practice, each session is aimed not only at improving the physical body, but also at improving the emotional and energy state of a person.

Oriental massage treatment is based on the impact on energetically active points or channels through which energy circulates (internal meridians). As a rule, the master combines acupressure on the main biologically active points with linear massage techniques along the energy meridians.

There are others features that distinguish oriental technology from European:

  • Most often, additional lubricants are not used for massage. This makes it possible to provide a deeper effect on the skin.
  • The directions of the massage therapist's movements are determined not by the blood and lymph circulation schemes, but by the trajectories of energy movement in the energy meridians. Thus, movements during the execution of techniques can be performed both from the periphery to the center, and in the opposite direction.
  • When performing techniques, the master can use not only the palms, but also individual fingers, feet, knees and elbows, as well as bags of herbs, bamboo sticks filled with grain, metal or stone scrapers, coins, etc.

Technique and basic techniques of oriental massage

Direction of movement on a separate part of the body is determined by the direction of energy circulation in specific energy channels. So, the inner side of the legs is massaged from the bottom up, and the outer side - from the top down. When massaging the hands, on the contrary, the master performs movements on the inner surface from top to bottom, and when exposed to the outer surface, from bottom to top.

Basic techniques used in acupressure are:

  • stroking;
  • kneading;
  • trituration;
  • stretching and twisting of the arms, legs and spinal column.

Stroking, rubbing and kneading movements are usually performed with maximum possible pressure. In some cases, the masseur's entire body weight is used. In this case, oriental massage is performed on the floor or on a special low couch.

Stretching and twisting techniques
limbs are similar to the movements of the European.

Some schools of oriental massage also provide performing vibrations, which can be both light (as a result of soft impact with fingers or palm), and deeper (folded hands of two palms or fists).

The sequence of impact on individual parts of the body

On the back of the body(patient lies on stomach)

  1. back;
  2. hands;
  3. buttocks;
  4. hips;
  5. shins;
  6. feet.

On the front of the body(lying on back):

  1. hips;
  2. stomach;
  3. breast;
  4. shoulders.

Depending on the specific technique, an oriental massage session can last up to one and a half or two hours. During the procedure, a complex effect on the body is ensured, because by means of pressure on energy points and energy channels, the massage therapist affects the functioning of internal organs, the state of the nervous and immune systems.

As a result, well-performed procedures make it possible to cope with most diseases.

How is the session of oriental massage, look at the video:

Among the various ways of healing and relaxation, one of the best is massage. The massage procedure has been an integral part of human life for thousands of years.

People have long understood that with a mechanical effect on various parts of the body, a therapeutic effect is achieved. Massage has an effect on the skin and muscles, and its main purpose is to relieve tension.

Today, there are many massage techniques, and each has its own characteristics. LifSPA lists 23 of the world's most popular massage methods.

Russian massage

It is used to strengthen muscles, restore the nervous and respiratory systems, to combat sleep disorders.

Swedish massage

It is carried out strongly and deeply. Swedish massage is also called sports massage, as it is very useful for strong physical stress on muscles and joints.

When performing this type of massage, the therapist tries to penetrate deep into the tissues in order to rub the seals, stretch the neurovascular bundles and muscles.

Relaxing massage

Its feature is sparing, superficial, not disturbing the muscles of touch, kneading and stroking. Relaxing massage should be very gentle and relaxing.


At the moment of supplying water jets, there is a feeling of weightlessness, relaxation. The healing power of underwater massage and the impact of the aquatic environment will help you get rid of the burden of earthly burdens and troubles.

hot stone massage

Massage is performed with volcanic rocks, which were formed on the slopes of active volcanoes and slowly cooled down.

Esalen massage

The Esalen massage technique combines the techniques of Swedish, reflex and therapeutic massage, oriental methods, modern principles of deep breathing and physiology, the practice of Feldenkrais (soft fitness) and Gestalt therapy, head massage.

Esalen massage combines tapping and stroking, rocking, kneading and stretching techniques.

Endermological massage

Otherwise called LPG massage. The LPG massage technique is painless, very pleasant to the touch.

The LPG procedure consists in the treatment of the muscle layer and subcutaneous fat by vacuum action, by deep and intensive kneading with special roller maniples in various modes.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage cleanses the lymphatic vessels and ducts from toxins, speeds up the process of their removal from the body.

Reflexogenic massage

Although reflexologists sometimes refer to this treatment as a foot massage, it is more than just a foot massage.
Reflexology involves the impact on certain points on the foot, corresponding to the projections of various organs. Reflexology massage is very relaxing and is especially beneficial for people who spend a lot of time standing up.

Ayurvedic massage

This unique type of massage is based on deep work with soft tissues - skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs. As a result - the disappearance of muscle tension, improved blood circulation and lymph flow, increased energy flow.

Thai massage

A truly miraculous method that heals many ailments, permeated with the ancient spiritual traditions of Thailand. Massage balances the energy of the body, using gentle pressure on certain points.
Thai massage also includes compression and stretching. This treatment reduces stress, improves flexibility and range of motion.

Qigong massage

This oriental type of massage is aimed at restoring the energy balance, and after that - the physical health of a person.

It is a physiological massage that is carried out from the center to the periphery, including the practice of acupressure.

lomi lomi

This is a sacred Hawaiian massage using special oils. Combines deep muscle kneading and impact on subcutaneous fat, lymphatic drainage.
The massage is done all over the body, during the massage the master uses the palms, forearms, pads and phalanges of the fingers, elbows.


Using a special technique of influencing the body with hands and pressing certain acupuncture points, the master removes energy blocks and restores the flow of energy.

Aromatherapy massage

The massage therapist can choose oils that relax, activate, relieve stress, and restore the energy balance of the body. This type of massage is especially suitable for people whose lifestyle is inextricably linked with stressful situations and emotional overload.

Honey massage

Used honey of various varieties and exposure time. Mechanical effects are added to the healing properties of honey and a unique method of restoring the body after intense physical activity, after injuries and illnesses is obtained.
It is also used for lung diseases, and more recently - in anti-cellulite programs.

Spanish massage

The main difference of this massage is in the plasticity of movements. Receptions are performed with all surfaces of the hands. This is a very deep massage, after which complete muscle relaxation is achieved.


This is acupressure, during which rhythmic pressure is made with fingers, palms or elbows on areas of the skin in the projection of biologically active points or around them.
Such an impact not only physically strengthens the body, but also contributes to the correct redistribution of energy.

Thai massage with herbal bags

The unique pouches are filled with a mixture of dried Thai herbs such as mountain ginger, turmeric, kaffir lime, cryptolepsis, aromatic turmeric, patchouli, camphor. The massage consists in a gentle effect on the tissues of the body of warm bags of herbs. When exposed to acupressure points, endorphins are released, which block pain. The result is not only the disappearance of pain, but also an increase in blood flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

Turkish soap massage

This procedure is an excellent combination of surprisingly pleasant and at the same time useful rejuvenating procedures, including a traditional Turkish bath - hammam, natural peeling and soapy massage.

Anticellulite massage

One of the "actual" types of body massage, aimed primarily at deep study of subcutaneous fat, ligaments and muscles. According to my feelings, this massage is more painful than usual. Its main function is to prevent the growth of connective tissue, which occurs in the death of fat cells.

Chinese massage

Traditional Chinese massage is performed in special clothes like pajamas and consists in stretching and kneading the limbs. Wushu gymnastics elements are applied.


Traditional Indian four-hand massage. It is also called "third eye massage" because it uses heated oil, which is poured in a thin stream to the patient at a point on the forehead - the so-called third eye area.

Text: AlinaMkrtchyan

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If there is a need to choose a massage, then you can turn your eyes to the East. The working techniques are based on the ancient teachings of Oriental medicine - a holistic, holistic approach. This means that the human body is considered as a single indivisible structure in which all parts are interconnected. With the help of massage techniques, you can "tune" the human body as natural.

Oriental massage is an ancient art, along with acupuncture and cauterization of points on the human body. It is based on one principle of work - to restore vital energy. "Qi" - so it is called in China, "Prana" - in India.

According to the ideas of Eastern masters, there are many reflex zones or points in the human body, which are not located randomly, but in a logical connection with each other. They are combined into meridians - the main 12 (there are additional ones), a total of 700. During a massage session, the master can work out up to 150 zones. Each of them is associated with a specific internal organ and with each other. The energy "Qi" is able to flow from one meridian (channel) to another, and this flow is continuous.

Oriental technique is unlike the traditional one. Consider the differences:

The course of massage, techniques

Oriental massage begins with the feet and ears. “The immortals breathe with their feet,” said the sages. After all, they have many important points (about 60) associated with the internal organs of a person.

Further, the massage continues in the position of the client "on the stomach". The movement of the master is directed linearly along the meridians and coincides with the flow of vital energy. Stroking techniques are used with a “soft palm”: along the plane, spiral, circular. Then there are various types of rubbing: sawing, knuckles, planar, palm crossing. Receptions alternate, a combination is possible. The main one is kneading - it is performed with the capture of tissue, stretching, crushing.

The fabric is worked out deeply and superficially, at the discretion of the massage therapist. After kneading, vibration techniques, percussion tapping, patting, pinching, and others are acceptable.

The master also determines the degree of impact on biologically active points on his own, based on intuition and experience. If necessary, it lingers on problem areas: it pushes, kneads, warms. By such methods he achieves deep elaboration. As a result, tissue seals, tension zones, and contractions are eliminated. The master skillfully “talks to the body”, harmonizing the energy flows.

After the client changes position and rolls over on his back. The massage continues in the direction of the meridians. The techniques are the same: stroking, rubbing, kneading. And also, vibration techniques are used. In addition to hands, the master uses massage balls and sticks. They are made of both natural materials (stone, wood) and artificial (metal, plastic).

Work with soft tissues is carried out especially carefully if there are problems with the skin or postoperative scars, scars. Therefore, oriental massage is necessary for people undergoing rehabilitation therapy after injuries or surgery. Then recovery will come many times faster.

The duration of an oriental massage ranges from one and a half to two and a half hours. Moving along the meridian, the master can work out individual reflex zones for a long time. Namely: to produce acupuncture effects, rubbing warm oils or warming up.

Attention to the joints

Special attention is paid to the joints. Traditional oriental massage has a good effect on their recovery. Soft articulation techniques are used: stretching, rotation, translational movements. They are performed smoothly, physiologically, do not cause pain. Also, the articular surfaces are rubbed with warm oil and healing balms.

In terms of influence, oriental technique approaches manual therapy. As a result, mobility, functionality, and flexibility of the joints are improved.


Clients in the practice of masters of oriental massage techniques note an improvement in their health. Especially if it was carried out in a course (1 course: 12 or 15 sessions). The following positive changes are observed:

  • joints stop hurting and become mobile;
  • stress manifestations are removed;
  • metabolic processes are stimulated;
  • muscles acquire firmness and elasticity;
  • skin color and tone.

Among the "masters of the body" there is an opinion that oriental massage is a special philosophy, a spiritual practice. In any country of the world there are masters of this method. Massage relieves tension, improves the tone of internal organs. As a result of such an impact, the human body acquires lightness, a state of peace of mind and spiritual warmth sets in. It also improves the functioning of internal organs and increases the vitality of the body. Which, according to Eastern ideas, means the harmonization of energy channels.

Since ancient times, healers of different nations have known that a competent impact on special points on the human body can improve and restore the functioning of any organ, whether it be the intestines, heart, stomach or lungs. The largest number of these important points is located on the feet, palms and in the auricles.

However, during a traditional massage session, very little time is given to the processing of these parts of the body, and the auricles are completely ignored. What can not be said about oriental techniques, which are simply impossible to imagine bet point impact.

Oriental rejuvenation

The awakening of internal processes, which occurs as a result of exposure to special points, has a beneficial effect on the health of the body and contributes to its rejuvenation.

Ancient techniques that have existed since ancient times and are currently used, such as oriental massage, combine various types of exposure and perform the following functions:

  • lymphatic drainage - stimulate the circulation of lymph and blood in the body, which helps to release tissues from excess fluid and relieve swelling;
  • osteopathic - an active effect on the body helps to strengthen the muscles and tone them;
  • plastic - restores the contours of the face, body and the correct position of cartilage and bones.

An important role in the quality performance of oriental massage and in the fullness of the positive effect is played by the aromatic oils used during the procedure. So, avocado oil does an excellent job with sagging skin, wrinkles, promotes the production of elastin and collagen. "Cleopatra Oil" or coconut oil soothes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sesame oil is a godsend for flabby and saggy skin, it has a rejuvenating effect and perfectly moisturizes the skin. Apricot kernel oil will help restore skin cells, fill it with freshness and youth, and nourish it with moisture.

In addition to the use of various compositions of useful aromatic oils, oriental music is used as an additional massage tool.

Basic tricks

Like any type of acupressure, oriental oil massage is performed using certain techniques, the main ones include:

  • stroking - they are flat, circular, spiral, performed with an open palm. All movements "Tuy", as stroking is called, should be light, soft, but intense, precisely affecting meridian points, toning and bringing the whole body to a state of harmony;
  • rubbing - designed to move, displace and stretch the tissues of the body in order to produce their maximum warm-up and prepare for kneading. Excellent results are obtained by such techniques as crossing with the palm, fists or phalanges of the fingers, hatching and sawing;
  • kneading is the main technique, when it is performed, tissues are captured, pulled, compressed and rolled out. The more intense the kneading, the faster the lymph and blood will circulate.

Oriental massage techniques provide for the movements of the master's hands, both along the lymph and vice versa, that is, not only from the periphery to the center, but also from the center to the periphery. It is noteworthy that different schools of oriental acupressure use different methods of performing vibrations.

Thus, the juo school calls for performing vibrations by tapping fingers, the shui school recommends doing this with fists, and according to the methodology of the pai school, vibrations must be performed with an open palm. Learning the secrets and techniques of oriental massage is a very painstaking and rather lengthy process, because the health and life of patients depends on the correct implementation of it.

Main differences

The difference between Eastern massage techniques lies in the presence of twisting and rotating movements of the joints, which make them close to manual therapy and allow restoring the mobility of joints and bones.

In the case of manipulations in especially painful places, an oriental massage elixir is used, which is applied with point movements and rubbed vigorously with pressure. In this case, pressure can be applied both with one finger and with the supporting part of the palm and knuckles.

In addition, very often in the course of training in oriental massage techniques, in addition to traditional manipulations and techniques performed by hands, methods of performing foot massage are studied.

Such acupressure requires special professionalism of the master, because. if it is not performed correctly, there is a high probability of spinal injuries. Quite specific is the technique of oriental facial massage with the help of legs.


Basic course of study of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It does not require special knowledge and skills and is the basis for learning other popular oriental techniques.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

Acquire basic systematic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine;

What are energies, how do they affect the work of organs and their interaction;

Understand the points and meridians, what they are and why they are needed, how to work with them, methods for determining and influencing.

Diagnose the condition by complaints, appearance, behavior;

Make a diagnosis in the terminology of Chinese medicine;

Choose means and methods of healing and influencing the body with the help of oriental practices;

Get a base for mastering other oriental techniques or expand your knowledge in the field of massage.

Learn to help yourself and loved ones, to know your body and its energy capabilities.

Make a payment for the course with a discount of 25,000 rubles

Or make an advance payment for the course 50% 12 500 rubles. - the price is valid only if paid in advance, paying for the course on the spot implies the full cost: 28,000 rubles

Full name of the listener (* ):

Comprehensive understanding of Chinese medicine: a kind of map, "view from above" - ​​you will see it in its entirety, learn to navigate it and choose your own paths. Practical exercises in every lesson.

Concept, Causes of diseases, Diagnosis. Fundamental theory Meridians and collaterals, Acupuncture points. Acquaintance with the methods of healing in TCM: Phyto-and Aromatherapy, Dietology, massages: Guasha (therapeutic and cosmetic), Tuina, etc., Zhen-jiu therapy, Therapeutic gymnastics. Practice every day. Teaching materials are provided.

Course program:

No. p / p




Ak. hours

Introduction to the theory and history of the development of TCM

Features of the theory of TCM, its difference from other areas and medicine from different countries. Main stages of development.

Basic provisions of TCM

Yin-Yang Theory

Concept main content Application

Theory of the Five Elements.

Concept, main content, application, principles of interactions in the U-Sin system.

The concept of Qi, blood, essence, body fluids, Spirit.

Types of Qi in nature and the human body, Formation and function of blood, body fluids, Nature Essences. The concept of Spirit. The concept of pathological fluids.

Theory about visceral organs

Five dense Zang organs, five hollow Fu organs. Their interaction.

The concept of meridians and collaterals

The movement of Qi along the meridians, topography, the function of the main meridians and collaterals, control points.

The Eight Principles of TCM

The principles are superficial - internal, cold-heat, lack-excess, yin-yang syndromes.

Causes and mechanisms of diseases

exogenous factors, endogenous factors,

Major Syndromes in TCM

Syndromes of Qi, blood, Zhang-Fu organs


classroom hours

hours of self-study

this hour


What can be further studied after this course:

Gua sha massage, tuina, Chinese cupping, knowledge of acupuncture points and methods of influencing them - acupressure, zhen-jiu therapy, qigong, herbal medicine, aromatherapy.

Features of its integration with Western medicine (the concept of "conditionally healthy person").

The history of TCM, its place in modern medicine, the main books of TCM.

Theoretical models used in TCM:

Yin Yang. The presence of opposites, interconnections, mutual additions and restrictions, as well as mutual transformation between Yin and Yang:

Yin Root and Yang Root.

Using the theory of Yin - Yang to explain the pathogenesis of the development of diseases, diagnosis and treatment.

U-Sin. Features of the relationship between organs according to the U-Sin concept:

The Mother-Son Rule.

Using the Wu Xing concept for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Zang Fu concept. The doctrine of "dense" and "hollow" organs:

Five "dense" and six "hollow" organs, functions of each organ, features of physiology.

The presence of relationships between five "dense" and six "hollow" organs in normal and pathological conditions.

The concept of the energy of Chi (Qi), blood, fluids, "Shen":

Types of Chi (Qi) in the human body, occurrence and ways of movement of Chi (Qi), functions of Chi (Qi).

Formation and functions of blood, ways of its movement.

Formation of normal body fluids, their functions.

Education and functions "Shen".

The relationship between Chi (Qi), blood, body fluids, their interdependence

Teaching about Jing-Lo, meridians and acupuncture points of the body:

12 ordinary and 8 "wonderful" meridians of the body, their functions.

The names of the points most commonly used in acupuncture.

Meredians Ren-May and Du-May.

Three manual Yin meridians:

hand meridian Tai-yin of the lungs;

hand meridian Shao-yin of the heart;

hand meridian Jue-yin of the pericardium.

Three hand yang meridians:

manual meridian Yang-ming of the large intestine;

hand meridian Tai-yang of the small intestine;

hand meridian Shao-yang of three heaters.

Three foot Yang meridians:

the foot meridian Yang-ming of the stomach;

foot meridian Tai-yang of the bladder;

foot meridian Shao-yang of three heaters.

Three foot Yin meridians:

foot meridian Tai-yin of the spleen;

foot meridian Shao-yin of the kidneys;

the foot meridian Jue-yin of the liver.

Causes of diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Six external "misfortunes" (wind, cold, heat, dryness, dampness, fire), features of defeat by plagues, external problems caused by stress.

The concept of "an excess of seven feelings": joy (si), anger (nu), sadness (eu), dreary thoughts (sy), sorrow (bei), timidity (kun), fear (jin), as a result of which a disease occurs.

Improper nutrition, various overwork, as a result of which a disease occurs.

The concept of pathological fluids "Dan-Yin" (Tang-Yin), blood stagnation. Features of the occurrence of diseases associated with pathological fluids.

Other causes: external blows, injuries, surgeries, insect bites, etc.

Pathogenesis of the development of diseases and disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine:

The state of the body's defenses (fullness-emptiness) and the degree of activity of external "misfortunes".

Imbalance (dysfunction) of Yin and Yang of the body.

Violation of the relationship between Chi (Qi) and blood.

Violation of the normal formation and movement of fluids.

The formation of internal wind, cold, dampness, dryness, heat.

The pathogenesis of diseases of the meridians.

Pathogenesis of diseases of dense and hollow organs.

Diagnosis of diseases and ailments according to the patient's complaints, the choice of methods for restoring the patient's health in Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Features of diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine.

Rules for making a diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine:

eight diagnostic principles;

four diagnostic methods.

Practical exercises to collect information about the patient's condition and make an initial diagnosis.

Rules for choosing methods, prescribing a course of health restoration in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Contraindications and restrictions when choosing treatment methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The practice of diagnosing diseases.

Introduction to the methods of restoring health and hygiene used in Traditional Chinese Medicine:


Phyto and aromatherapy.

Traditional massages and effects on acupuncture points:

Therapeutic Guasha massage (including the use of moxa, cans, other effects on acupuncture points).

Tui-na massage.

Cosmetic Guasha and acupressure.

Head, hand and foot massages.

Dynamic and modeling facial massages.

Rules for conducting various massages.

Rules for the location of the patient during various massages.

Zhen-jiu (acupuncture and warming) therapy.

Chinese medical gymnastics.

Rules for the organization of the premises.

Practical exercises on the application of each method.

Massage training intensively in mini-groups

Our courses are focused on quality education, courses run from 16 to 60 academic hours. The course consists of a theoretical part - the 1st lesson, then all the lessons are practical and the theory goes along with the study of practice. 90% of the time it is practice, the massage techniques are worked out on top of each other, which allows you to better feel the technique of techniques. In a group, as a rule, 6-8 people - this is only 3-4 couples! We do not recruit more than 10 people (5 couples). Why? The teacher must be constantly in contact with the students and monitor the accuracy of the technique, when there are 15-20 people in a group, this is very difficult to do and the quality of training begins to "limp". Massage courses in mini-groups are high-quality training and fast practice! We also have thematic seminars for everyone, from 4 ak. hours, to expand the horizons in massage as well as to improve professional skills.