Description of the stone and magical properties of obsidian: meaning for humans. Obsidian - volcanic glass or stone of change

Obsidian stone comes from volcanic rocks. It comes in amazing shades and patterns. Black obsidian attracted people of antiquity with its properties, and remains an interesting and used mineral among modern masters.

History and variety of legends about obsidian

The volcanic mineral formation was named after the man who found and brought obsidian to Rome. Although there is evidence that the stone was known much earlier, but under different names. Obsidia, an ancient warrior of the Roman Empire, was the first to note the unusual nature of the stone formations. That is why he took him with him to his great city.

The volcanic crystal has other appearance stories:

  1. Fragments of Satan's claws. This explains the appearance of black glass in the Transcaucasian republics. He was considered natural product, which appeared and was created in the underworld by black forces. There is a legend that talks about the wrath of Satan. He began to spew lava, frightening people with his power, it seemed that he wanted to escape from the Underworld, to get to those who imprisoned him there. Black pieces appeared at the site of the eruption. People compared them to fragments of the nails of a terrible mythical creature.
  2. Tears of the Apaches. This is the American vision. The legend talks about the love of women for their husbands. The ancient warriors did not want to become slaves of the colonists. Showing indescribable courage, the warriors rushed into the volcanic crater. The wives mourned the loss bitterly. Their tears, according to legend, petrified and turned into unusually sad formations of black glass. The color of parting, grief and death.

In Hungary, stones are called luxury -. Comparing appearance two crystals in terms of brilliance, iridescence and extraordinary mystery of the glow.

Many other names used to describe obsidian can be found in the literature:

  • (royal, mountain, Icelandic);
  • Pseudo-chrysolite (dark green samples);
  • Bottle, resin, muslin stone;
  • Montanan;
  • Mountain mahogany tree. Red sample dark brown with gray stripes;
  • Persian, stone flower brown tint black tone;
  • Snow obsidian.

The history of the stone is found in chronicles different states. Descriptions of the mineral can be found in numerous sources. All nations are trying to give their own interpretation to the formation of an unusual volcanic stone.

Physical properties

Obsidian is formed during the process of rapid solidification of hot lava, after it erupts to the surface from the bowels of the Earth.

The chemical composition of the stone is not very heterogeneous. A larger amount (from 66 to 72%) is silica. In addition, the rock contains oxides of alkalis, alkaline elements of the earth.

  • Hardness on the Mohs scale – 5–6.0;
  • Density coefficient – ​​2.3 g/cc;
  • Can be cut and polished;
  • Shine of glass products;
  • The structure is amorphous;
  • The fracture is sharply conchoidal, sharp, cutting.

Place of Birth

There are mining sites in many countries.

  • USA;
  • Mexico;
  • Saxony.

Large deposits are developed in areas of high volcanic rock activity:

  1. East African State - Ethiopia;
  2. Japan;
  3. Republic of South America - Ecuador;
  4. Türkiye;
  5. Armenia;
  6. Island state of Northern Europe - Iceland;
  7. Aeolian Islands.

In Russia, the deposits are located in the Siberian territories.

Healing abilities of obsidian

Sources of traditional medicine recipes describe healing properties mineral. Healers have discovered the benefits of glass for treating the effects of hypothermia. Cold infections go away much easier and faster with products made from soft volcanic rock.

The healing stone helps in the treatment of pathologies:

  • gastrointestinal lesions;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • rheumatic disorders;
  • renal failure.

Lithotherapists recommend obsidian for mental illnesses. Nervous disorders, psychological disorders, fears, depression, black thoughts are not full list healing possibilities.

Interesting video: Properties of obsidian - igneous stone

Magical powers and properties of obsidian

The ancient inhabitants of Egypt created vessels from volcanic glass to store incense. The mineral did not transmit odor, retained all important substances inside, and did not change their quality when in contact with liquids.

The Sumerians used mirror glass made of mineral for seances. Mages are confident that obsidian is endowed and possesses the powers of distant planets (Saturn and Uranus) and the Sun. The enormous power of cosmic and planetary magic requires caution. Volcanically created obsidian glass is used in the form of round ritual attributes - black balls. Ritual actions with them allow you to look into the future.

Indian wizards cleanse the soul of terrible ideas, then strengthen the body. A person feels a new birth. The magical properties of the stone are recognized as very strong, but also dangerous. Not everyone is allowed to work with volcanic glass. Ignorance of the possibilities, according to Indian mediums, can destroy the physical body and open the body to the development of diseases.

Actions and significance for humans of volcanic rock:

  1. Warn against wrong actions;
  2. Protects against acquaintance and friendship with bad people;
  3. Leads away from sinful ideas and deeds;
  4. Suppresses aggression;
  5. Relieves tension;
  6. Protects from the evil eye;
  7. Removes negative emotions from the body.

The owner of the jewelry becomes more disciplined. There is a concentration of energy on important matters. Mental images and words come into logical order.

Amulets and items for protection

Since ancient times, obsidian has been recognized as a powerful amulet, a stone of savior. The talisman keeps you from negative actions. The amulet helps you see yourself from the outside, your vices and shortcomings.

It will play an indispensable role for people involved in literary creativity. Designer creations of writing objects, pens, accessories will reveal all the hidden Creative skills and talent. Writers noted that an obsidian pen is capable of transferring to paper those thoughts that cannot be formulated or created with an ordinary stationery pen.

Shamans, mediums, magicians, sorcerers, scientists, naturalists prefer to have a talisman made of unusual black glass. Rosary beads for ritualists enhance clairvoyance, develop intuition, and witchcraft powers. Those who seek protection from obsidian have the opportunity to create a wall against witchcraft spirits.

Varieties and shades

The colors of stone in nature are different, but black is recognized as the main color. It is formed due to inclusions of magnetite in the mineral.

Other volcanic rock tones:

  • Reddish;
  • Brownish;
  • Grey.

All shades give obsidian its own special hue. It can be compared to decorative.

The variety of colors allows you to have a huge number of patterns. Mineralogists have divided volcanic black glass into groups of varieties:

  1. Rainbow ones. The most dear group samples. The cost of the products is comparable to the price of precious materials in the jewelry industry.
  2. Peanuts. Ball-shaped cristobalite crystals penetrate into the volcanic rock.
  3. Snowy view.

The name conveys the characteristics of the shade of black. The basis remains precisely dark tone nights. Rainbow gives shades of colors natural phenomenon: blue, cyan, green and red. An attentive person will find all the colors of the rainbow in one copy. A special feature of the group of rainbow stones is the color of the cut, the fracture of the mineral. It is compared to an oil drop, its shine and glow.

Peanut is named based on its resemblance to the shape of the nut, small spots of peanut color.

Snow obsidian gets its name from the shape of the pattern of white inclusions. Patterned snowflakes shine through and cover black surface, making the variety mysteriously beautiful.

How to spot a fake

Obsidian is substituted in the trade of colored glass. There are a number of features that will help you avoid being deceived and buying a fake.

  1. The natural mineral has saturated color and the obligatory shine of the surface.
  2. Natural obsidian retains temperature. If the stone is held in the hand, the buyer should feel the cold, which will last for a long time.
  3. Natural products can rarely be monochromatic. More often these are stones with numerous inclusions of other colors and patterns.
  4. A simple option for checking a fake: support part of the stone in water. The fake will lose its original appearance, the tone will change and the shine will disappear.
  5. Knowing the signs of obsidian varieties, you can quickly understand whether what you are looking at is a fake or an original.

Caring for products with obsidian

Obsidians are quite fragile. That is why scientists who have studied the properties of stone have developed rules to help keep products in excellent condition.

  1. Store separately from other items and decorations.
  2. Prepare a case with soft walls, but not a fabric bag. Tight packaging required.
  3. Don't hold on open sun for a long time.
  4. Do not leave without care during sudden temperature changes.
  5. Protect from mechanical and physical impacts (shocks, falls).
  6. Avoid exposure to liquid for long periods of time.

To clean the stone, you should not resort to chemicals. Most The best way cleaning - soap. Solution cold water with soap, then clean. Nothing else is needed. It is recommended to dry obsidian objects soft cloth, sanitary napkin.

Satan's Stone and the signs of the zodiac constellations

Astrologers believe that obsidian has the strongest connection with Pluto.

The planet protects Scorpios and children. It is widely believed that obsidian framed in silver will suit any sign of the Zodiac constellations. It will protect not only the body, but also the soul from disease. The sign is not recommended for lovers of platinum and gold. Their powers block the magic of volcanic glass. Aquarians have compatibility. They'll reveal everything leadership skills. The stone is suitable for the horoscope of Leo, Aries and Capricorn. Astrology also identifies those for whom obsidian is not suitable. These are Virgos and Cancers. Bearers of signs become irritable, suspicious, and envious.

Applications of obsidian

The history of a stone consists of stories of its use. The mineral found its use back in Paleolithic times. Having studied the properties of the stone, sharp parts of the weapon were prepared. Sharp edges helped create blades for knives, axes and axes. Tips (arrows, spears) were made from pieces of the mineral. The age of the examples of the work of gunsmiths discovered during excavations is more than 9 thousand years. It can be assumed that the first tips of spears and arrows of bison and mammoth hunters were obsidian. Even the appearance of iron did not stop the use of the mineral. The blades of knives and obsidian scalpels were much sharper.

Later, masters saw the possibility of creating jewelry, amulets. The stone began to accompany magical communication sessions with the Cosmos. All in. In America, the Aztecs used stone to create mirror surfaces, the same use in the Ethiopian tribes.

Gradually, obsidian became a frequent item of processing by jewelry craftsmen. Museums different countries they carefully preserve the works of artists, engravers, and sculptors. Today the mineral has taken its place among semi-precious stones. Actively used in jewelry production. Faberge started it, seeing special qualities in it. The end of the 19th century is called the time of obsidian fever. There are countless possible shapes and types of products. Noble ladies and wealthy men sought to purchase collectibles from the House of Faberge. The main use of the mineral is as a filler for concrete mixtures. Thermal insulation material has found its place in construction. In the photo of the stone you can see numerous options for using the stone.

Obsidian - magical and healing properties of the stone, who is suitable for it

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Obsidian is volcanic in nature, for which it is sometimes called volcanic glass. The rock is formed when lava flows to the surface and cools quickly. Yours official name he received it thanks to a Roman soldier named Obsidius, who first brought such stones to Rome. Since ancient times, people have believed in magical properties obsidian, making all sorts of amulets and ritual knives from it. Nowadays the stone is actively used in jewelry, construction and industry.

Colors and varieties of obsidian

The main colors of obsidian are black, gray or reddish-brown. There are also three options for mixed stone colors.

  • Snow obsidian is black in color, with small white spots resembling snowflakes.
  • Peanut obsidian has inclusions similar to peanuts.
  • Iridescent iridescent red, blue, green or blue shades so that the stone resembles a piece of the rainbow. When cut, the color looks like spilled oil. This is the most expensive and rare subtype of stone.

Healing properties of the stone

IN folk medicine Obsidian is widely used because it is believed to have not only strong magical properties, but also healing properties.

Those who have kidney disease should wear obsidian with caution, since the stone can negatively affect the condition of these organs, disrupting their energy balance.

The stone is also used in traditional medicine— many modern surgeons perform operations using instruments created on its basis. Patients note that after this, the body’s restoration and healing proceeds faster than in cases where instruments made from other materials are used.

The magical properties of obsidian

Mystical properties stones were known to people in ancient times. They believed in his unusual strength. According to historians, many cultures in different corners Lights used obsidian for various religious ceremonies. Such popularity suggests that the stone really does have extraordinary features if people around the world have noticed it.

The Sumerians believed that the stone simultaneously contained the energy of three planets - the Sun, Uranus and Saturn, which is why its influence is so powerful. It was also customary to make mirrors from obsidian and magic balls to look to the future.

What other magical properties does this stone have?

Obsidian combines best with silver - this metal more clearly reveals the magical properties of the stone. However, you can also wear individual items made entirely of obsidian. This stone is made from various decorations: bracelets, beads, earrings and others, and they may well become a talisman. And for those who do not want others to notice the mineral, we can recommend small teardrop-shaped pendants on laces that can be easily hidden under clothes. Obsidian's power is independent of its size, and even a small pendant can help as much as its larger counterparts.

Meaning of zodiac signs

Which zodiac sign will obsidian become a faithful assistant, and for whom is it better to be careful when dealing with this stone?
  1. Aries should not wear obsidian all the time; contact with the mineral should be limited. You can use the stone as a temporary assistant. Under the influence of obsidian, Aries can become hot-tempered and irritated; the stone will only aggravate stubbornness and pride. The mineral will best help Aries in matters related to money and career.
  2. Taurus people usually do not get along very well with obsidian and find it difficult to wear this stone all the time. Although he is very impressed by the determination of the representatives of this sign, Taurus extremely does not like change and prefers stability, which contradicts the essence of obsidian. However, the stone will become a reliable assistant if you do not use it too often.
  3. For Gemini, obsidian will give confidence, relieve indecision and help change their life for the better. Obsidian is suitable for this sign as an amulet for constant wear.
  4. Cancer is better off not using obsidian. Representatives of this sign are already very careful and logical; they are used to analyzing and weighing their steps a lot. Obsidian will do a disservice, making these people cautious to the point of absurdity and rushing between different elections.
  5. For Leos, the stone will help them become more reasonable, get rid of unnecessary temper and give them calmness and concentration. This sign can wear obsidian all the time.
  6. Virgos should use the stone with caution; it can help them become more confident and arrange their personal life, but due to constant contact with obsidian, Virgos often become suspicious and become too immersed in dreams.
  7. For Libra, the stone is neutral, it will not harm them, but it is unlikely to work at full strength. Representatives of this sign can rarely build full contact with obsidian.
  8. Obsidian will help Scorpio find peace of mind psychologically, get rid of stress conditions. Also, the stone can become an assistant in matters related to personal life. However, you need to take breaks from working with the mineral, as it can make Scorpio too narcissistic and selfish.
  9. The stone helps Sagittarians well, stimulating mental activity in representatives of this sign. Negative influence obsidian usually has no effect on them.

  10. Obsidian is recommended for Capricorns, it strengthens them positive traits and helps get rid of negative ones, and also provokes changes for the better in life. Representatives of this sign have very good compatibility with obsidian.
  11. Aquarians will also find very quickly mutual language with obsidian and make friends with it. It will help them discover mystical talents, sharpen their intuition, and also become an assistant in almost any matter.
  12. Pisces can sometimes use the stone. They are not very decisive, so obsidian will help them become more confident, but if worn for a long time, it will begin to put pressure and cause anxiety.

Stone cost

The range of prices for stones is quite wide, and depends on the size, variety, shape and cut, as well as the overall complexity of the jewelry.

  • Small miniature stones irregular shape, cabachons and pendants a few centimeters in size can be bought for 100-700 rubles. This category includes the usual black obsidians, snow obsidians, and peanut obsidians.
  • The price of bracelets ranges from about 800-2000 rubles. This applies to products made from one mineral, without the addition of other stones or metals.
  • Small beads can be purchased for 1000-1500; the larger the diameter of the beads and the length of the product, the more expensive it is.
  • The cost of small spheres starts from 800-100 rubles.
  • Earrings and rings, as a rule, are made with a frame made of metal, for example, silver, so their price starts from about 2,500 thousand rubles.

In general, obsidian is not too expensive, regular black stones can be purchased for affordable price, snow and peanut are usually easy to find too. But the rainbow is a more expensive and rare subspecies, so you will have to pay more for it.

Obsidian is a rock consisting of volcanic glass with less than 1% water content; By chemical composition varying from rhyolite to dacite. The amount of silicate glass is 80% or more by volume. Glasses richer in water and capable of swelling when heated are called perlite. Obsidian and pearlite can occur within the same sample. Obsidian is a massive rock (as opposed to bubbly pumice), characterized by a conchoidal, cutting fracture, and sometimes striped or spotted color. May contain phenocrysts of quartz, feldspars, dark-colored minerals. There are obsidians of the normal, subalkaline and alkaline series. Ongonite and ongoryolite obsidians are known, rich in fluorine and rare elements. Obsidians are common in areas of volcanic activity.
Currently, according to the chemical composition, obsidians are distinguished only for acidic volcanic rocks: from plagiodacites to comendites;
according to the composition of phenocrysts: quartz, plagioclase, sanidine obsidians, etc.; the previously used names of obsidians - basalt, leucite, syenite, trachyte - are considered obsolete.
According to structural and decorative features, they distinguish: “Snow obsidian” - with inclusions of small, white, radially fused crystals of cristobalite in the black groundmass, forming a semblance of snow flakes or snowflakes; "Rainbow Obsidian" - rare obsidians with iridescence in bluish-blue, green and reddish tones, sometimes rainbow-colored in one piece.
Obsidian is formed during the rapid solidification (hardening) of viscous acidic magmas on the surface (lava) or in subvolcanic conditions (stocks, domes, dikes and other secant bodies). Physical properties depend on the water content and the degree of crystallization of the rock. Hardness 5; density 2.5-2.6 g/m3.
History and practical significance

We find the first written mention of obsidian in the “Treatise on Stones” by the ancient Greek naturalist Theophrastus (372-287 BC). At that time, this mineral had not yet acquired the name obsidian, but it had already revealed to people one of the most characteristic and amazing properties volcanic glasses - the ability to swell and bubble when heated. Therefore, Theophrastus classified it as a combustible stone that crumbles, decomposes, or burns in fire.
Only after more than three centuries in " Natural history» Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), the name that has come down to us Obsidianus lapis - Obsidia stone - is first encountered. Some peoples called this stone by more mystical names. In America it was known as “tears of the Apaches”, and in Transcaucasia - “fragments of Satan’s claws”.
The history of obsidian processing and use dates back to Paleolithic times. The earliest obsidian artifacts, more than 9 thousand years old, were discovered in Mesopotamia. Thanks to its sharp cutting edges, obsidian fragments were a convenient material for making sharp arrowheads and spears, knives, scrapers, and axes in the Stone and Bronze Ages. Later, products made from obsidian became quite widespread; it served as a material for making jewelry and amulets, household items and ritual figurines. Residents of Ethiopia and the ancient Aztecs North America They made mirrors from obsidian. In modern industry, obsidian is used mainly as an intumescent filler for lightweight concrete. Some obsidians rich in rare elements (for example, ongonite) are a promising source of lithium, cesium, beryllium and other rare elements.
Obsidian is used in modern jewelry and decorative applied arts. Obsidian is highly polished, and some varieties of this stone are used as an ornamental stone. In Russia, the primacy of the use of obsidian in jewelry belongs to the masters of the Faberge company. Today it is widely in demand in mass jewelry and art production; obsidian is used to make decorative watches, writing sets, animal figurines, coasters, boxes, beads, key chains, and rosaries. Obsidian with an iridescent, silky, silvery-pearl or golden tint, due to the presence of tiny gas or crystalline inclusions, is especially valued.
The magical and healing properties of obsidian are often discussed, but they are twofold. Some of these properties were described in ancient times, at a time when the Earth was considered flat and standing on a turtle and three pillars, and these descriptions belong to the realm of ancient legends, myths and legends. Another thing is the discussions about magical and medicinal properties of this stone, representing either the fruits of the ignorance of those authors, or obvious quackery.

Obsidian is a young rock, so its origin is associated with active volcanoes. Most often it is found in Iceland, Kamchatka, the Caucasus, and Mexico ( largest deposit), Ecuador, USA. In the Bronze and Iron Ages, it came to Egypt from Asia Minor.

Aragats deposit, Armenia
Artenis deposit, 70 km west of Yerevan, Armenia, is visible even in relatively thick plates (Shakhmuradov P.K., 1968);
Gumush-Jraber, deposit, Armenia
Dzhraber-Fontanskoe deposit, Armenia-variegated (Barsanov G.P. et al., 1980)
Keceldag, deposit, upper reaches of the river. Terter, Kelbajar district, Azerbaijan - dark gray, silvery, iridescent, translucent in plates up to 1.5 cm (Rustamov S. Ya. et al., 1980);
Paravani, Georgia (KIMS)

Rock Properties

  • Rock type: Igneous rock
  • Color: red, brown, black, gray, sometimes with a beautiful tint
  • Color 2: Black Gray Brown Red
  • Texture 2: banded massive spotted
  • Origin of name: The word "obsidian" has several possible origins. The name of the material may come from the Greek. οβσις (“obsis”) is a sight to behold, as in ancient times this material was used to make mirrors. However, many researchers suggest the origin of the name from Lat. Obsidianus lapis or lat. Obsianus lapis - stone of Obsidia (or Obsia), on behalf of the Roman Obsidia (or Obsia), who first brought the stone to Rome from Ethiopia. With this etymology, obsidian is mentioned in the encyclopedia of Pliny the Elder, 77 AD. e.

Incredible beautiful stone obsidian comes in many shades and patterns. It is popular due to its magical properties. When interacting, the energy of the mineral is able to gently penetrate the biofield of its owner and change fate forever.

Obsidian is an amorphous silicon oxide that forms after the instantaneous cooling of volcanic lava. The magical properties of the stone arose due to its origin.

The mineral was first discovered 9,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. The gem owes its name to the ancient Greek warrior Obsidia. It was he who found obsidian and brought it to Rome. In Transcaucasia they thought that the stone came from the underworld, for which they called it part of Satan’s claw.

In Egypt, obsidian was believed to be the stone of the dead. They placed the mineral next to the deceased person, thereby protecting him in the other world.

Thanks to the cutting edges of obsidian stone, it was used to make knives, scrapers and axes. The ancient American Aztecs made mirrors from the mineral. Many centuries later, it began to be used in jewelry and decorative elements.


Sources of stone are found in countries with active or extinct volcanoes. They are most numerous in Ethiopia, Mexico, the USA and Turkey. Rich deposits of the mineral have been discovered in Japan, especially on the island of Hokkaido.

Valuable samples are mined in America, namely in Nevada, California and the Mississippi River basin. The mineral from the USA is valued due to its low degree of transparency.

In Russia, the mineral obsidian is mined in the Caucasus, Siberia and Kamchatka. A rich source on the peninsula is the Sredinny Ridge. Small deposits were discovered in the Trans-Baikal Territory and Khabarovsk Region.

Scope of application

Obsidian is ornamental stone. How much jewelry with it costs becomes clear if you pay attention to the cost of 1 gram of material. It is suitable for the production of low-cost products. Before manufacturing, the sample is polished and then inserted into bracelets, rings and pendants. Rosaries are made from the mineral and decorative items: glasses, figurines, knives.

In jewelry and applied arts, the significance of the stone is quite significant. At exhibitions in museums you can find works of ancient masters. Fabergé had a love for obsidian, using the mineral to bring famous works to life.

Contraindicated for one representative of the horoscope - Cancer. Suitable talismans for Cancer, look at this one. Others can use the stone's capabilities partially.

How to distinguish a fake?

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the authenticity of the stone, since they often try to pass it off as painted glass, the true price of which is much lower. The following features will help distinguish the original from an artificial mineral:

  1. Natural stone has a shiny surface and rich color.
  2. A real stone is cold to the touch and needs to be held in your hands for a long time to heat it up.
  3. A single-colored gem is rarely found, since obsidian has a lot of inclusions different forms and shades.
  4. The easiest way to distinguish a fake is with the help of water: if a stone, after immersion in liquid, loses its shine and becomes faded, then it is ordinary glass.

Knowing the properties of obsidian, it will be impossible to purchase a fake mineral. Before purchasing, it is recommended to study all the information about the gem.

Obsidian can be a talisman stylish decoration, astrological symbol and ornamental material. The mineral will help almost all people who want to solve problems with the help of its volcanic energy.

Obsidian (from Italian. Obsidius is the name of the Roman who brought the stone to Rome from Africa)– homogeneous volcanic glass, formed as a result of rapid cooling of molten rocks. The rock is an outpouring (effusive) analogue of the widespread igneous rock- granite.

Structure: dense, glassy structure. The texture is foamy or chunky. The fracture is conchoidal. There is black, gray, red-brown, wax obsidian, and it can also be spotted and striped in color. Glass shine. Specific gravity 2.21-2.41 g/cm3. Hardness 5-6 on the Mohs scale.

Features . Obsidian is characterized by a dense structure, glassiness, conchoidal fracture, glassy luster, gray, almost black, brown color. It resembles morion and rauchtopaz. The difference is that morion and rauchtopaz are crystalline, obsidian is amorphous.

Composition of obsidian

Mineral composition obsidian is similar to the composition of granite: feldspar 60-65%, quartz 25-35%, mica 5-10%, hornblende and biotite also make up 5 to 10% of the rock mass.

Chemical composition accordingly, also similar to granite: SiO 2 68-72%, Al 2 O 3 15-18%, Na 2 O 3-6%, Fe 3 O 4 1-5%, CaO 1.5-4%, MgO up to 1, 5%, etc.

Varieties and photos of obsidian

  1. Pechstein(resin stone) is a type of obsidian that is rich in water. The shine is greasy. Color black, reddish, brown, light green.
  2. Snow obsidian- covered with white spots that look like snowflakes.
  3. Rainbow obsidian- the rarest variety that sparkles with the colors of the rainbow.

Obsidian. © Simos Xenitellis Pechstein Snow obsidian Rainbow obsidian. © Brocken Inaglory


Volcanic. Formed by the rapid cooling of lava on the earth's surface. Obsidians are liparitic, trachytic, andesitic, diabase, and basaltic.

Applications of obsidian

Used in the production of thermal insulation and building materials, and also as an ornamental stone, as it is easy to polish. There are reliable facts that from obsidian even before our era primitive people Some of the first tools (axes and knives) and spearheads and arrows were made. Figurines, figurines, jewelry and dishes were made from volcanic glass (they are still made to this day). The rock is also sometimes used in construction: it is added to swelling of certain types of cement.

Obsidian artifacts from excavations in Guatemala. © Simon Burchell