Obsidian – volcanic glass

Obsidian - mysterious stone With unusual properties, helping a person protect himself from negative thoughts and intentions, improve health, and get rid of aggression.

Origin of the mineral

Obsidian is an amorphous silicon oxide mineral formed when lava cools rapidly. Essentially, it is frozen glass. Associated with volcanic origin magical properties stone Obsidian is a mysterious stone.

Its deposits are found in places where volcanoes are located, active or extinct. A significant part of obsidian reserves is located in Mexico, Ethiopia, Iceland, and the Canary Islands. There are stone deposits in Siberia, the Caucasus, Kamchatka, and the Kuril Islands.

Most often, translucent stones with iridescence and shine of gray, black, reddish-brown or brown and stripes due to the directions of lava flow are found. One piece of mineral can contain the entire range of shades. Transparent specimens are very rare.

Types of obsidian

Stone in nature is famous for its diverse shades and varieties.

There are a number of varieties of this material:

  • snowy - a black stone with white-gray star-shaped inclusions;
  • rainbow - material with tints of reddish, blue and greenish shades;
  • golden, having inclusions in the form of gas bubbles, giving the effect of a gold coating;
  • obsidian onyx - obsidian with transverse stripes;
  • obsidian " cat eye» - stone with longitudinal light stripe, resembling the pupil of a cat.

Snow obsidian is a stone whose magical properties help to achieve purity and achieve balance in body, mind and spirit. Its effect is softer than that of dark-colored stones, but it is the snowy variety of obsidian that helps cope with bad habits and cure herpes, and also relieves muscle spasms.

Rainbow helps to alleviate feelings of betrayal or unhappy love.

Gold, onyx and obsidian cat's eyes are rare and highly prized.

The origin of the name of the stone

Volcanic origin is explained unique properties obsidian. His healing power was known in ancient times.

Often the name of the stone was associated with mysticism among different nationalities. In Central Asia, the crystal was called “fragments of a satanic claw” (since stones with longitudinal stripes resembled the claws of a monster), in Latin America- “tears of the Apaches.” The last name is associated with the legend about the frozen tears of Indian women mourning the dead tribe.

In Greece, the stone was called a “spectacle”, as polished mirrors were often made from obsidian.

The Russian-language name of the stone also comes from “obsis” - spectacle, mirror. However, according to another version, it came from the name of the Roman legionary Obsis (Obsius), who brought this mineral to Rome from Ethiopia.

The trade name for obsidian is wasser-peridian. Shiny stones are called bottle glass, dark colored ones are called resin stone.

Legends and myths about the stone

Obsidian has been known since Paleolithic times, when knives, spears and axes were made from it.

The magical properties of obsidian stone determined its purpose: its black color and ability to serve as a sharp blade made it possible to use knives and mirrors made from the stone in ritual sacrifices. IN Ancient Egypt craftsmen carved vessels from it for storing incense. It was believed that obsidian would completely retain the healing and magical properties of oils. In India they believed in the cleansing power of the stone and that it conducts the energy of the Earth into a person and eliminates bad intentions. In Transcaucasia, obsidian was used to make amulets for children.

The Mayans, who did not know iron, used tools made from this mineral until Cortez (early 16th century). Where metal products were in use, ritual figurines of animals and people were cut out of obsidian.

In the Middle Ages, rosaries, beads, and pendants were made from this stone. It was believed that its energy allows one to concentrate and refrain from negativity, and wearing jewelry improves health, heals the kidneys and normalizes blood pressure. Obsidian was widely used for magic balls and mirrors.

The stone was also popular in XVIII-XIX centuries, is used as an ornamental material even today.

Obsidian stone: properties and meaning

To this day, it is believed that the stone is able to cleanse a person from the inside and feed him with energy. Both in ancient times and now, the magical properties of obsidian stone are associated with its volcanic, “fiery” origin, which makes the stone close to the Universe and the energy of space. However, due to this, obsidian amulets should be treated with caution.

The stone is used in magic to work with all elements; obsidian balls are needed to capture the forces of the astral plane and subjugate it to oneself. This mineral makes it possible to comprehend the secrets of the universe and nature, and relieves aggression.

Snow obsidian, a stone whose magical properties (photo below) are especially strong, provides its owner with protection from the evil eye and damage.

The stone can:

  • concentrate energy;
  • reflect bad thoughts and intentions;
  • remove negative energy;
  • make important decisions.

Who is the power of the stone suitable for?

Despite considerable magical power stone, it should be used carefully. The energy of obsidian is so strong that if worn constantly, it can begin to suppress its owner, making him too cautious.

However, there are people who are shown to use the stone as an amulet or decoration. These are indecisive and emotional natures, hard to bear any troubles and shocks, taking everything to heart.

It is for them, as well as for those who for a long time cannot dare to make an important decision that radically changes life (place of residence, new job etc.), wearing an amulet will allow you to come to correct conclusions and will give strength for necessary actions. Obsidian will not only reveal the essence of the problem, but also show how to change the situation, push for growth and provide support.

For highly sensitive people, the stone will become a protective amulet that eliminates attacks. negative energy, will help get rid of psychological traumas of the past that have Negative influence on human life in the present.

Obsidian is also useful for replenishing the body with energy and cleansing from negativity. Here, too, you should not overdo it and wear the stone only from time to time.

Obsidian and the signs of the Zodiac

Obsidian suits all zodiac signs. It is especially recommended for Capricorns. The mineral will give efficient, thorough representatives of this sign the opportunity not to be afraid of changes, to easily perceive new views on the world, eliminating natural slowness and the desire to take a long time to calculate future steps. Capricorn women are more suited to dark-colored stones.

The mineral will protect Fiery Leo and Sagittarius from rash actions and narcissism.

It will help Air Geminis and Aquarius to gain composure, self-discipline, and concentration.

Perhaps only Cancer and Virgo should handle talismans from it with caution. It can make them feel excessively indecisive and suspicious.

As an astrological amulet, obsidian (stone) most strongly exhibits magical properties when set in silver. The zodiac sign does not matter. You can also purchase a pyramid that will accumulate energy for its owner.

Obsidian: the meaning of the stone in medicine

Since ancient times, this stone has been used to protect against diseases: it was believed that it was able to regulate blood pressure, kidney function, and intestines. And currently, the main reason for the use of obsidian in lithotherapy (stone treatment) is its cleansing effect, the ability to remove toxins, acting at the cellular level.

The stone also helps in the treatment of diseases such as gout, removing excess salts from the joints, as well as in colds. It increases the body's protective energy and gives physical strength.

The magical properties of obsidian stone when used in medicinal purposes associated with its energy of the Earth, which is why it helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

Obsidian in jewelry

Obsidian has been used in jewelry for a long time. It gained particular popularity after Faberge began making his masterpieces from this mineral.

Currently, the stone is used as an ornamental and jewelry stone. This material is inexpensive (except for gold), and it is not counterfeited. Both practical business-class writing instruments and magic balls for astrologers are cut from the mineral.

Stones for jewelry are set in gold and platinum; for astrological amulets, obsidian (stone) is set in silver. He transfers his magical properties (photo below) to the products, and they, in turn, transfer them to their owners.

It is important to remember that, used as amulets and amulets, obsidian jewelry is quite fragile and must be washed regularly under running water. cold water to neutralize negative energy.

Obsidian at the expense of its natural properties It can be successfully used as a talisman against negative influences, as an astrological symbol, and as an exquisite decoration.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/obsidian-4.jpg" alt=" obsidian stone" width="300" height="185">!} Obsidian, due to its volcanic origin, is not like others semiprecious stones. Because of its appearance, the mineral has been actively used in magical rituals. IN modern conditions crystal is popular in jewelry making. It has also found application in industrial sectors.

Origin of the mineral

Obsidian stone is often called volcanic glass. Indeed, the mineral is a rapidly cooled igneous rock that came to the surface of the earth.

The dark crystal has been known for quite a long time. However, it got its name from the name of the resident Ancient Rome Obsidia, who brought the crystal to the empire from Ethiopia. The volcanic product was also well known to the indigenous Indians, who called it “Apache tears.” Caucasian residents treated this mysterious breed with caution, comparing it with the claws of Satan.

This type of volcanic rock is classified as ornamental. It can often be found as a component in the manufacture of costume jewelry - beads, earrings, bracelets, rosaries. Some connoisseurs choose obsidian vases and glasses as decorative household items.

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The mineral from cooled lava also appealed to many sculptors, whose masterpieces can be found in many museums around the world. The famous Faberge did not ignore the appearance of the rock.

Products of lower quality are used in construction and serve additional material during thermal insulation work. Knives and scalpels made of volcanic glass have also found their use as medical instruments.

Types of stone

The mineral is incredibly beautiful. His noble dark shades with sometimes bizarre and unique patterns made it widely known and popular in the jewelry community. The stone does not have much strength, which allows it to be processed without much effort.

The color range of the crystal is not rich. There are 3 main types of this representative of volcanic rock:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/obsidian-1.jpg" alt=" Peanut obsidian" width="110" height="102">!}

The translucent crystal has a glassy luster. Primary colors include black, gray, dark red. Blue obsidian is also found.

Medicinal properties

The mineral has been known for many millennia. During this time, people learned to use it for medicinal purposes. Adepts traditional medicine It is recommended to use obsidian as a preventive measure colds. Beads and other jewelry will help cope with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and bring blood pressure back to normal.

Jpg" alt="obsidian jewelry" width="130" height="216">!} At the same time, for the reason that obsidian has a powerful energy potential, wearing it constantly is not recommended. The action of the mineral can not only benefit the body, but also have a negative effect on certain areas of the body. Thus, a volcanic crystal can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys if you wear jewelry with it without removing it.

With a careful approach, products made from igneous rocks help cure diseases of the spine and have a beneficial effect on nervous system, successfully cope with diseases of the reproductive system. Blue obsidian also has a beneficial effect on skin regeneration processes. Wounds from burns and various degrees of injury heal much faster under the influence of this dark stone.

The magic of mineral

Obsidian stone is associated with many magical stories. It was not by chance that ancient shamans and sorcerers used this stone during their rituals. Volcanic glass is a source of powerful energy accumulation. Therefore, caution is still recommended when interacting with him.

Jpg" alt="obsidian ball" width="200" height="283">!} The famous magic balls are made of volcanic glass. People believe that it is this crystal that provides a person’s connection with higher powers nature.

In the Caucasus, it was customary to give stones to children. It was believed that the obsidian talisman would give the child strength, add wisdom, and protect him from possible misfortunes.

A volcanic crystal protects its owners from making rash decisions, directs a person’s thoughts for the good of society, and does not allow them to commit illegal actions.

The mineral is best suited for soft and indecisive people, bringing harmony into their lives, revealing creative potential. It is not for nothing that writing instruments made from obsidian are so popular.

But for strong and extraordinary individuals, it is better to reduce communication with this stone to a minimum. For some people of this type, the mineral will cause suppression of independence. For others, on the contrary, excessive ambition under the influence of the crystal will provoke them to take rash actions.

Obsidian talismans are ideal for protection from evil spirits and otherworldly forces. Amulets made of volcanic glass are also suitable for people who want to get rid of excessive obsessive attention.

Obsidian and the signs of the Zodiac

In astrology, obsidian is associated with Pluto. Who is obsidian stone suitable for? Its properties are universal for most. Framed in a silver frame, the mineral can be worn by almost all zodiac communities.

Jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="40" height="40"> Так, обсидиан для Козерогов практически идеален. Камень обеспечит им улучшение качества жизни.!}

Jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="40" height="40"> Водолеи при помощи темного кристалла откроют в себе мистические способности, интуитивное мышление обострится.!}

Jpg" alt="Scorpio" width="40" height="40"> Скорпионам обсидиан гарантирует защиту от !} stress state. But, being self-centered natures, representatives of this zodiac sign are better off not abusing communication with the stone.

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="40" height="30">.jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> Для некоторых же людей лучше все же не использовать камень обсидиан. Это относится к Ракам, чья излишняя осторожность может только усилиться. Девы при контакте с камнем рискуют не только избавиться от излишней прагматичности, но и превратиться в оторванных от реальности мечтателей.!}

How to recognize a fake

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/obsidian-8.jpg" alt="ring with obsidian" width="200" height="204">!} Very often, instead of obsidian, you can buy skillfully crafted colored glass. To avoid becoming the owner of a fake, it is recommended to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Large transparent stones rich colors rare in nature. There is little chance of finding crystals that are ideally homogeneous in structure and without additional impurities. Description of obsidian natural origin somewhat different. Such characteristics are characteristic, as a rule, of artificial minerals.
  2. Real obsidian can be scratched easily.
  3. In tactile interaction, a fake is passed off as natural stone, heats up quickly. A natural specimen remains cold for a long time.

How to care for stone

Given the increased fragility of obsidian, it should be worn with caution. The mineral can be damaged by accidental impacts. In addition, you should not allow exposure high temperatures, which the crystal may simply not withstand.

To clean the stone, just wash it in a soapy solution. And if you periodically hold it under cold running water, you can remove excess negative energy, which ultimately will have a positive impact on the owner of the jewelry.

Obsidian – spectacular stone with a bright color, was first discovered by the Roman warrior Obsidios. This mineral so amazed the legionnaire with its unusual appearance that he brought it from Ethiopia to Rome to show it to his compatriots.

Its origin is due to the rapid process of crystallization of volcanic lava, as a result of which fragments of black, brown or gray color appeared.

Thanks to its original shine and unique color, the stone quickly spread throughout the world in the form of all kinds decorative crafts. But the most advantageous look is jewelry made from the so-called “rainbow” look - when the color of the surface is not uniform, but with bright splashes of red, green or blue. Obsidian does not belong to the class precious stones. This is a type of semi-precious ornamental material.

Because of its sharp edges, in ancient times blades for knives and axes were made from it, and, due to its good reflective properties, lava fragments often served as a mirror.

Currently, the mineral is used in decorative arts, for the manufacture of jewelry, figurines, in construction, in the manufacture of surgical instruments, as well as in alternative medicine.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology?

Very often, original, designer products are made from obsidian. Let's figure out who's horoscope suits a ring or earrings made of this material.

Note! Products with obsidian are not recommended to be worn for a long time long time. It has a very strong overwhelming energy, especially when framed in gold.

The magical properties of the stone have been known since ancient times. Excavations of the burials of ancient Sumerians discovered many objects made of obsidian - mirrors, amulets and talismans. And it is still believed that the mineral protects against the evil eye, gives its owner energy, can restrain aggression and protects against rash actions.

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

Due to the nature of its origin, obsidian has a dense, non-crystalline structure and an iridescent glassy luster.

The unusual color, similar to marble, is obtained as a result of the instant solidification of magma emissions, and the arrangement of stripes on the surface indicates the direction of boiling lava escaping from the crater of the volcano.

Obsidian comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Here are its most common varieties:

  • Black- the most common type. The color is rich and deep.
  • Rainbow- specimens with green, burgundy or blue shades. In cross-section, the pattern resembles spilled oil. This is the rarest and most expensive species.
  • Snow- black, interspersed with white crystals that look like flowers or snowflakes. It looks very impressive and unusual.
  • Peanut- has inclusions similar to peanuts with an elongated round shape.

Different nationalities gave this unusual mineral their names. Mountain tree (striped varieties), bottle stone, Icelandic agate, resin stone, Nevada diamond, mountain jet, muslin stone - these are all names different types obsidian.

How much does it cost: price

The fashion for jewelry made from solidified lava was introduced at the end of the 19th century by the famous jeweler Carl Faberge. It was after the products of his work, inlaid with bright shiny pieces, went on sale that crafts made from this mineral became popular among the French nobility.

And now rings, earrings, pendants and rosaries with obsidian are in stable demand.

Plays a significant role in this and not too much high price. A string of obsidian beads can be bought for between 1000 and 1300 rubles, a pendant for 200 to 1000 rubles, but the price of silver rings can reach up to 8-10 thousand rubles.

The breed is sold separately as an ornamental material for needlework. The price for a pebble 2–3 cm in diameter ranges from 40 to 80 rubles per piece, depending on its color.

Products and decorations made of stone and its use

After grinding, raw obsidian acquires a bright shine and a smooth surface that is very pleasant to the touch. This is what explains his frequent use in the manufacture of ritual objects - rosaries, magic balls.

Obsidian figurines or candlesticks look very presentable and will be a wonderful gift for men. For women, jewelry is more suitable - long earrings, necklace or massive ring.

It is traditionally believed that the mineral goes best with blackened silver. In this case, the embellishments are most effective and organic.

Note! Obsidian - stone mature women. Products made from it, especially if they dark color, will not fit young girls. But adult ladies in such headsets will be irresistible.

Obsidian chips are most often used in the construction industry. A material called perlite is made from it, which has excellent thermal insulation properties, and is also added in the manufacture of cement.

Medicinal properties: do they exist?

In unconventional practices, obsidian is used to treat kidney and liver diseases, reduce excess weight and stabilization of blood pressure. For getting maximum effect from the healing properties of the mineral, its direct interaction with the human body is necessary.

To do this, small pieces are placed on the body strictly along the central axis. It is believed that treatment with warm, smooth small stones strengthens the immune system and helps with colds.

Important! Any methods not recognized by official medicine have no proven positive results. Therefore, they must be used with great caution.

In the modern medical industry, surgical instruments are made from obsidian, with the help of which a variety of operations are performed, including on the eyes.

How to distinguish a fake: checking for authenticity

Due to the characteristic glass shine and fragility, unscrupulous sellers may substitute a product with painted glass instead of a natural mineral.

To avoid getting into this unpleasant situation To determine the authenticity of a stone, you must follow some rules:

  • Make purchases only from verified, licensed sellers. Do not purchase jewelry or figurines in subway passages or street layouts. In such places, the risk of running into a fake increases several times.
  • Warm the pebble in your palms. The fake one will heat up quickly, but the real obsidian will remain cold.
  • Rub the craft with a damp cloth, or better yet, dip part of it in water. If after 7-10 minutes the material has lost its shine, as if “faded”, this is sure sign painted glass.
  • Pay attention to how the stone looks - natural obsidian is not uniform. Even the blackest type has microscopic inclusions.

Important! If you are not sure about the quality of the product and the honesty of the seller, ask to see the certificate of conformity. It is in this document that a detailed description of the materials used in decoration is given.

Mineral deposits

All deposits are associated with volcanic processes. Any geographical area that has an active volcano in the past or present is saturated with obsidian deposits.

Currently, this mineral is mined mainly in Mexico - the largest volumes, the USA, Ethiopia, Iceland, and Turkey. On the territory of Russia, this stone is found in Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka.

Care and storage

The structure of the mineral is quite fragile and has low wear resistance.

It is precisely these properties that determine special requirements for storing and caring for stone:

  • Store your jewelry in a separate soft cloth case.
  • Do not expose the stone to prolonged exposure to water, temperature changes or sunlight.
  • Try not to drop obsidian products and do not expose them to strong impacts.
  • Do not use abrasive or harsh chemicals when cleaning.
  • Clean crafts using a mild soap solution and a piece of soft cloth.

Obsidian – ancient stone having amazing story and no less unusual origin. Born in fire, he absorbed all its natural power and energy, which he will gladly share with his owner.

Useful video

Obsidian has been known since ancient times. Scientists find tools made of volcanic glass, as this igneous rock is also called, during excavations at former sites of ancient settlements. The thing is that this stone has a very sharp chip. Ancient Mayan settlements made spears, stakes, and various jewelry from obsidian.

Modern scientists use historical obsidian artifacts to study migration routes and contacts of ancient settlements.

Scientists' findings show that high-quality stone raw materials were actively used both in the Neolithic and Paleolithic, that is, the last 15,000 years ago.

There are two theories about the name “Obsidian”. Some scientists believe that the word comes from the Greek “obsis” - “spectacle” (small mirrors were made from stone). Others claim that "Obsidium" is the name of the Roman who first brought this mineral to Rome.

Physical and chemical properties of obidian

Obsidian is a stone that is formed by rapid cooling igneous rock. This is perlite, familiar to everyone from school, but with a much lower water content - only 1%.

The chemical formula of Obsidian is SiO 2 - a glass-forming oxide with an acidic content. Obsidian does not conduct current. Color ranges from dark brown to black. Formed from flowing molten rocks, it is easy to grind. By the stripes of the stone, you can determine in which direction the magma flow was directed.

Obsidian deposits

Obsidian is considered sufficient rare stone. It is found only where there are ancient volcanoes, as well as in places where archaeologists have discovered ancient settlements. Such finds were in Russia, China and Japan, India, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

Applications of obsidian

Volcanic glass – unique material to create the perfect blade. The cutting edge is obtained at the molecular level, and this is not an exaggeration. This property was appreciated by gunsmiths who experimented with the composition of ceramics to invent extremely sharp knives. The disadvantage is the fragility of obsidian. However, when correct use and this is not a hindrance. The stone is used to create surgical blades.

Due to the fact that obsidian is highly polished, it is used in making jewelry. Amulets, beads and talismans made of obsidian have been preserved since ancient times. Along with its other properties, this mineral is very beautiful. Black shiny glass with various inclusions and stains it looks impressive on modern jewelry.

Decorative elements in the form of boxes, stationery stands, photo frames made of obsidian are original elements decor that will find a place in any interior.

The magical properties of obsidian

Obsidian is a powerful energy absorber and information storer. Magic balls and mirrors are made from it in order to see a person’s past and future. And obsidian talismans are able to protect their owner, attracting all the negativity directed towards him from strangers.

However, you need to be extremely careful with the stone. The stone turns evil thoughts against the one who conceived them. The wearer of obsidian jewelry should be extremely honest with himself, and then this stone can bring good luck.

Who is obsidian suitable for?

Astrologers say that of all the zodiac signs, obsidian is ideal for Scorpios. Those who feel they have clairvoyant abilities should also have this stone with them.

With water content less than 1%; black, dark gray, brown volcanic glass, By chemical composition varying from rhyolite to dacite. The amount of silicate glass is 80% or more by volume. Glasses richer in water and capable of swelling when heated are called perlite. Obsidian and pearlite can occur within the same sample. Obsidian - massive rock(unlike vesicular pumice), is characterized by a conchoidal, cutting fracture, sometimes striped or spotted in color. May contain phenocrysts of quartz, feldspars, dark-colored minerals. There are obsidians of the normal, subalkaline and alkaline series. Ongonite and ongoryolite obsidians are known, rich in fluorine and rare elements. Obsidians are common in areas of volcanic activity.


Obsidian is formed during the rapid solidification (hardening) of viscous acidic magmas on the surface (lava) or in subvolcanic conditions (stocks, domes, dikes and other secant bodies). Physical properties depend on the water content and the degree of crystallization of the rock. Hardness 5; density 2.5-2.6 g/m3.

History and practical significance

We find the first written mention of obsidian in the “Treatise on Stones” by the ancient Greek naturalist Theophrastus (372-287 BC). At that time, this mineral had not yet acquired the name obsidian, but it had already revealed to people one of the most characteristic and amazing properties volcanic glasses - the ability to swell and bubble when heated. Therefore, Theophrastus classified it as a combustible stone that crumbles, decomposes, or burns in fire.
Only after more than three centuries in " Natural history» Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), the name that has come down to us Obsidianus lapis - Obsidia stone - is first encountered. It so happened that, although many islands of the Mediterranean Sea are rich in this stone, it received its name in honor of the Roman Obsius (Obsidius), who found it in distant Ethiopia and first brought it to Rome. A different interpretation of the origin of the name of the stone is offered by geologists B.F. Kulikov and V.V. Bukanov: “...a more plausible origin is from the Greek opsis - vision, spectacle, since black obsidian from Ethiopia was used to make mirrors. The term from the Greek opsianos became opsianus, opsidianus, obsidianus in Latin."

The history of obsidian processing and use dates back to Paleolithic times. The earliest obsidian artifacts, more than 9 thousand years old, were discovered in Mesopotamia. Thanks to its sharp cutting edges, obsidian fragments were a convenient material for making sharp arrowheads and spears, knives, scrapers, and axes in the Stone and Bronze Ages. Later, products made from obsidian became quite widespread; it served as a material for making jewelry and amulets, household items and ritual figurines. Residents of Ethiopia and the ancient Aztecs North America They made mirrors from obsidian. In modern industry, obsidian is used mainly as an intumescent filler for lightweight concrete. Some obsidians rich in rare elements (for example, ongonite) are a promising source of lithium, cesium, beryllium and other rare elements.

Obsidian is used in modern jewelry and decorative arts. Obsidian is highly polished, and some varieties of this stone are used as an ornamental stone. In Russia, the primacy of the use of obsidian in jewelry belongs to the masters of the Faberge company. Today it is widely in demand in mass jewelry and art production; obsidian is used to make decorative watches, writing sets, animal figurines, coasters, boxes, beads, key chains, and rosaries. Obsidian with an iridescent, silky, silvery-pearl or golden tint, due to the presence of tiny gas or crystalline inclusions, is especially valued.

Magical and healing properties obsidian are discussed often, but have a twofold character. Some of these properties were described in ancient times, at a time when the Earth was considered flat and standing on a turtle and three pillars, and these descriptions belong to the realm of ancient legends, myths and legends. Another thing is the discussions about magical and medicinal properties this stone, representing either the fruits of the ignorance of those authors, or obvious