Congratulations to boys on February 23, 4 lines. New poems for boys for Defender's Day. Original poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day for boys from girl classmates - Funny with the names of class boys


I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Army and Navy Day!
To serve in defense of the Motherland -
Good job!

"May the sky be blue..."

May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people, cities live,
Peace is always needed on earth!

N. Naydenova

Men's holiday

This morning I asked my mother:
- What kind of holiday has come to us,
Why is everyone fussing
Are you preparing a festive table?
Dad in a new shirt
Grandfather put on all the orders,
You were near the oven yesterday
I worked until late.
- Congratulations on this holiday
All men from all over the country,
After all, they are responsible for that,
So that there is no war!

V. Rudenko

Our army

On the high mountains,
On the steppe expanse
Protects our
The homeland of the soldiers.
He flies into the sky
He goes to sea
Not afraid of the defender
Rain and snowfall.

Birch trees rustle,
The birds are singing,
Children are growing up
In my native country.
Soon I'll be on patrol
I'll stand on the border
So that only peaceful ones
People had dreams.

V. Stepanov

In our army

In our army the country
Dad protects.
On the border he is at war
He won't let us into our house.
I'll grow big soon
I will become like my father myself.
That's when I'm with him
I'll stand at the border.
Let them not take it yet
To the child's army,
But can I defend
Our kitten.

A. Oshnurov


If dad is at work,
He is flying on an airplane.
Because he's a pilot.
And when he comes home,
So I don’t know fear either:
I'm flying in his arms.
Let my flight not be high:
The ceiling is bothering me.
But one day the day will come
They will trust me with the plane.
If only I want
I'll fly higher than dad.

A. Oshnurov

All Fathers Day

This morning,
Solemnly and quietly
Little sister got dressed
And dashed through
Hurry to mom's kitchen,
There was something rustling there -
Dad and I, too, hurry up
We washed ourselves and got to work:
I put on my school uniform
Dad dressed in a suit.
Everything is as always, but still not -
Father took the medal out of the closet.
The pie was waiting for us in the kitchen,
And then I guessed!
Today is the holiday of all fathers,
All sons, all who are ready
Protect your home and mother,
To protect us all from troubles.
I don't envy my father -
After all, I am like him, and I will save
Fatherland, if necessary,
Well, in the meantime, let's have some marmalade
Pick out the pie...
And back to school, on the road again,
Maybe they can tell me where
How to protect mom and dad!

I. Grosheva

When there is ice on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
Brings us a wonderful holiday
Thoughtful February.

Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate you
And grandfathers and fathers!

I'll draw a steamboat
Where is daddy captain?
My dad swims bravely
From distant, distant countries.

I'll draw a plane
Where is daddy the commander?
And days and nights long
Dad saves the world.

I'll draw a gun
And a rider in the saddle.
I know: there is no better dad
Heroes on earth!

Irina Gurina

Defenders of the Fatherland

Boys, guys, men!
The color of the rising dawn!
The pride of the ancient epic -
Russian bogatyrs!

Become the support of Russia,
The bright hope of the country,
With smart and kind strength,
Homeland of our sons!

To always admire
Russia could have you
Don't attack - defend yourself
She saved her land.

E. Shalamanova

Defender of the Fatherland

You may not be a hero
But you must be a man!
Don't break the thread of responsibilities,
Which you are sometimes tied to.

And in the rain and in the snow you serve,
You stand there and don’t leave your post.
And you value love and friendship.
And raise a toast at the table.

For those who were next to you,
For those who were in the same ranks,
For those who were killed by a shell
In that terrible battle of life!

I. Zaitseva

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

May today, in your name,
Twenty third of February
All words of congratulations sound,
As night approaches, fireworks go off.

You are a man, even if not a warrior,
Today worthy of congratulations:
You will stand up to defend the Fatherland
In times of need, you can’t escape from trouble.

February twenty third
We congratulate the man for good reason:
So reliable is a man's shoulder.
We warmly congratulate you!

February 23 is a red day on the calendar!
On this Father and Grandfather's Day
Congratulations to the whole family!
My sister and I from ourselves,
Let's draw them a horse!
Our horse gallops on paper
The harness is ringing loudly!
Well, grandma and mom
Bake a cake for them
And they will put sweets inside
And crumbly cottage cheese!
We're after this pie
Let's have a great holiday!
The holiday is important, real
A necessary holiday - Men's Day!

There is a reason to congratulate you
On a February day, in the middle of winter,
Just because you are a man:
We are proud of the Defender!
Cover it with your chest if necessary,
Girlfriends, children, sister and mother
And you won't miss the enemy's herd
In our house - beat, rob, kill!
You will pay for freedom with blood.
And - with life... The enemy will be defeated!
All the Fatherland with great love
Thank you for that!!!

Happy Defender's Day,
I won’t leave him without attention.
Grandpa is always my hero,
Although he is no longer young.
During the war he was still a boy.
I didn’t fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with their hard work.
I'm proud of my old grandpa.
He is number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, necessary, irreplaceable.

Happy Russian Soldier's Day,
A young, beardless student!..
You will grow older - for the country someday
You will rise to death, formidable and great.
Just so that any enemy at sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
You have to do well in school
Love the great motherland!
...For girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!!!

Russian warrior

Russian warrior takes care
Peace and glory to our native country!
He is on duty - and so are our people.
He is rightfully proud of the Army.

Calmly let the children grow up
In the Russian sunny Fatherland
He protects peaceful labor,
Wonderful work in the name of life.

Today is daddy's day, I congratulate him!
And on the day of the defender I wish him,
I am to be considered as a man,
And sometimes obey a little.
After all, of course, I will be a general
And I won’t forget my dad’s courage.

Dad and I play war games,
Strategy, tactics, battle without rules!
Of course, I'm interested in all this,
But let there be no place for this in life!
I want to congratulate dad today,
And I won’t say anything about the war for a moment.

Army dear

Dear army -
Defender of the country
With weapons and courage
Keeps us from war.

I. Ageeva


Our beloved Army
Birthday in February.
Glory to her, invincible!
Glory to peace on earth!

I. Darensky

The fighters go row after row,
Matching the ranks!
Someday I too will pass
Typing steps,
Let your friends admire
And the enemies frown!

R. Aldonina

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Our warriors are full
Courage and honor!
On Defender's Day
We are all with them together!

Happy day to all military personnel
And when we grow up,
Let's serve our homeland!

Like Dad

I want to be like my dad
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife

T. Bokova

This holiday has gone beyond borders,
It is not just a holiday for soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they stand in the service of the Motherland.

This holiday is a man's holiday
We can rightfully name.
In honor of men today, congratulations
They sound grateful from us.

The best

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Can even wash cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me -
My best DAD!

O. Chusovitina

Nice grandfather, dear

Nice grandfather, dear,
The kindest, dearest,
We congratulate you,
Me and all my relatives!
You, my dear, don’t be sick,
Healthier every year
To berries with mushrooms
You could easily collect
I'll get older as the years go by
I will help too!
Even though I'm small,
Do you understand me?
And probably because
I love you most of all!

My grandpa

My dear grandfather,
We are all proud of you!
And I'll tell you a secret:
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will always try
Look up to you in everything!

A. Churbanova

Congratulations for dad

I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier.
I love dad and I definitely love him
I would like to congratulate the military on this holiday...
Now I'll climb higher on the chair,
I’ll sing him a war song loudly.
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

O. Konaeva

Future man

So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.

We play Zarnitsa there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!

And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

V. Kosovitsky

Dad's holiday is the most important

The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly,
A light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, the flights of planes rush into the distance.
This February celebrates the army's birth.

At night the blizzard raged, and the blizzard was chalk,
And at dawn, daddy quietly brought us a holiday.
And today over the wide white tablecloth of the fields
The planes of our military units are visible from above.

Father's Day is the main holiday
All boys and men.
And we are in such a hurry to congratulate our beloved dads today!
We wish dads happiness and a peaceful sky for them!

We love our boys and respect them from the bottom of our hearts!
They will always protect us, even if they are short!

S. Marshak

Border Guard

Forest paths,
Scented herbs.
Behind the dark ravine
Field space...

Evening time
On patrol from the outpost
The border guard is coming
Countries sentry.

...Forest paths,
Scented herbs...
The nightingales are ringing
Over a running stream.

The border guard is coming
On patrol from the outpost
In any weather -
Both night and day.

For future defenders

Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave,
And the enemy is treacherous
He's afraid to approach you.
And there is more in life
Big things
Where are you going honor
I didn’t call for you,
You go boldly
Spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness!

I. Grosheva

February 23 is Russian Army Day!
The guns are firing upward, everyone is treated to fireworks.
They send gratitude from the whole country to the soldiers,
That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.

My grandfather served in the army. My father has awards.
So I decided a long time ago that I would become a soldier!
I know, I need to grow up... I need to become more mature...
But I know how to behave like a man!

I protect the small and weak in the yard
And I celebrate Army Glory Day in February.
I would be able to carry out tasks like a soldier.
I will ask you to accept me into the army in advance!

T. Bokova

Border Guard

Border guard on duty
Looks vigilantly into the darkness.
The country is behind him
Immersed in a peaceful sleep.

The night on the border is alarming
At night anything is possible
But the sentry is calm
Because behind my back
Our army stands
Work and sleep protect people;
That is rich and strong
Our peaceful country.

G. Ladonshchikov

Defenders of the Fatherland

Wonderful holiday in February
My country welcomes you.
She is her defenders
Hearty congratulations!

On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers protect our peace
For us, my friend, with you.

When I grow up big
Wherever you serve, everywhere
Defend your Fatherland
And I will be reliable.

N. Migunova


Red shoulder straps,
Brand new uniform.
Walking around Moscow
Young commander.
He has a gait
Full of pride.
Day of your defenders
The country is celebrating.

V. Stepanov

On a winter day,
February day
We are walking down the street.
Belted day today
Strong leather belt
And the medals ring on it,
Orders are burning on him.

On a winter day,
February day
We're walking across the square
To the heart of a warrior-soldier
We put flowers on granite
And defender of the people
We honor silence.

On a winter day,
February day
We will go around the whole country.
We'll take off on a plane,
We'll sail on the sea
And we'll see how it lights up
The sky is filled with festive lights.

V. Stepanov

Military holiday

We have only one holiday.
This holiday is the day of men,
Day of Defenders, soldier.
There will be a parade on this day!

We'll see helicopters
Guns, tanks, planes.
We will march with military stride
Under a big beautiful flag.

Let's read the congratulations,
Let's sit on daddy's lap.
There are many men in the army,
And there is only one like him!

I. Gurina

Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will face an unequal, difficult battle.

Don't let other people's dogs near the kitten -
More difficult than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

A. Usachev

When there is ice on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
Brings us a wonderful holiday
Thoughtful February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate you
And grandfathers and fathers!

I'll draw a steamboat
Where is daddy captain?
My dad swims bravely
From distant, distant countries.

I'll draw a plane
Where is daddy the commander?
And days and nights long
Dad saves the world.

I'll draw a gun
And a rider in the saddle.
I know: there is no better dad
Heroes on earth!

I. Gurina

Let war games remain just a game

After all, we are playing, because we are fighting for fun:
We don’t want to face trouble -
Neither Danil, nor Misha, nor Seryozhka.

Let war games remain just a game
And our girls don’t cry out of fear.
And let laughter flow like a river everywhere,
And above us - let the birds sing fervently.

Let war games remain just a game,
Let no one ever perish;
And let the sun be a golden ray
Happiness embroiders in a peaceful sky!

Natalie Samoniy

Nice day

Everyone sacredly honors this glorious day.
All the courageous traits are evident in him.
Any man keeps a fragile world,
Serving the Fatherland, with valor “on your face.”

Not every feat can be accomplished,
Moreover, in the flow of peaceful days,
But everyone must serve the Motherland,
To ache with your soul and heart only about her.

February brought us a great holiday.
Viva to the defenders of the Fatherland!
Will protect you from storms and thunderstorms
A Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.

B. Polyakov


Where are dads rushing to today?
Dads are in a hurry to go to kindergarten for the holiday.
Here's a tall dad, here's a shorter dad,
Here's dad with curly hair, here with bald hair, here with red hair,
Here's dad with a mustache, here's dad without it...
We greeted them with a ringing song!
And the guests did not hide their joyful eyes -
Each of us sang about the best dad!

Auntie Au (Natalia Karpova)

Holiday of all men

On the twenty third of February
I was preparing a surprise with all my might -
I made a paper weather vane.
Finished it and gave it to my dad...
With a smile he clung to me
And he held out a bright bundle:
- Here's a gift for you, son -
Today is a holiday for ALL men!

Auntie Au (Natalia Karpova)

Army beloved

About the beloved army
Knows old and young
And to her, invincible,
Today everyone is happy.
There are soldiers in the army,
Tankers, sailors,
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!
There are rockets somewhere
And the border is locked.
And it's so wonderful
That we can sleep peacefully!
Don't be afraid, mom

I have a sailor suit
I have the checker.
My mom bought it for me
Fast horse.
You gallop, little horse,
Sword drawn.
Don't be afraid, mom
No one.

Behind my crib
The engine hummed
Rolled on the floor
Armored personnel carrier.
The shells are falling,
A fight ensued.
Don't be afraid, mom
I'm with you!

There is a rocket on the table.
The enemy cannot pass.
Our planes
They protect the sky.
The sun won't go out
The garden will not perish.
Don't be afraid, mom
I'm a soldier.

I'll grow up like my dad
The years will fly by
And the wars will be canceled
People forever.
Let him not know grief
Good globe.
Don't be afraid, mom
I'm with you!

E. Shklovsky

You can download greeting cards on Defender of the Fatherland Day for your beloved men and male colleagues

For some reason, it is common to think that Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for men who are in one way or another connected with military service. No, of course, the boys are also expected to receive congratulations on February 23, but as if a little for fun, so to speak, in advance for the future. In vain! After all, you can defend not only with weapons in your hands, and the Fatherland is not only the borders of the country, but also the closest people, family, home, friends. And even the youngest defenders - without any quotes! - I can do a lot. And to make congratulations to the boys on February 23 especially solemn and sincere, we offer you a selection of poems.

Every day is an adventure -
The boys are sad.
Stomp, screams. What's happened?
There's a roar again - ding! - it broke…
We only know the secret:
There are no boys!
This is an airborne company,
Cavalry, infantry.
And not at all sad -
After all, they are studying!
You are our protectors,
That's why our class is friendly.
You are always a mountain for us,
Even though we quarrel sometimes.
Dear boys!
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish you nobility
And greatness of soul!

A knight rides on a horse.
He thinks about me.
True, that horse is wooden,
But it is quite reliable.
The knight will meet the army in the field,
He will protect us
Let it be in the imagination for now -
A thought can come true.
Our brave knight gallops,
It's okay that the helmet is made of paper.
We princesses will be waiting
Meet the winners.
Time will pass quickly
The brave knight will grow up.
And a horse and toys
Little brother will pick it up.
What does the knight have?
Nobility, intelligence and honor!
Congratulations, boys!
And let's eat our pie!

(in addition to some very creative gift)

All week we decided
What to give to boys.
They argued without stopping
We couldn't decide.

Maybe they should buy tablets?
Or maybe an iPad?
They probably really need it

No, of course it's too much
Expensive for us.
What to do? And helped us
Grandmother's order:

“I don’t care about your gift,
Dear your love."
So it's about our feelings -
We repeat again.

You can't hide friendship in your wallet,
Loyalty cannot be sold.
And now we know for sure
How to congratulate you!

Selfless and honest
You are the hope of the whole country.
And with or without weapons
To protect you the blue of heaven.
In the meantime, all the kids
They love you with all their hearts.
To you, defenders of the yard,
Three times “hurray!”

Here I am writing on the blackboard
White-white chalk.
Here I am writing on the blackboard
As if in between things.
Formulas and rules
Today it is not held in high esteem.
But my mistakes will be forgiven
In holiday work.
Because on the board
Not a problem solution,
Happy holiday to the boys
Our congratulations!

We are naughty boys
Congratulations on the holiday.
We are not too lazy to do this,
And we wish you on this day
Wonderful friends to you,
Fair fights,
Bright adventures,
The debate is very heated.
Bruises and bumps in moderation
And keep faith in yourself!

Congratulations on your 23rd!
Let everything be fine.
I also wish you love and joy:
Let there be light in life.

Twenty third of February -
Red calendar day.
Congratulations to all men
And we wish them happiness!

Happy February 23, dear guys.
We know that you can handle anything, you are cool with us.
Let the sky be blue and clear,
Let happiness come to your home like the radiant sun!

Twenty third of February,
And I hasten to congratulate you,
Wish you happiness and peace,
Live long and not get sick.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all the men.
May you not encounter any problems
May there be peace everywhere!

You are a man with a capital M!
This holiday is definitely yours.
I wish you great success -
In life, hit the big jackpot.

Defender's Day today -
Let there be palaces and horses,
And in the soul the fire burns.

Defender is proud
His gait is firm,
Decisions are always important
They are a support for the country!

Defenders, happy holiday to you.
You are a support and shield for us.
We wish you courage, success,
Health, smiles and laughter.

A man sounds proud.
Defender! May he protect you
Today, tomorrow and always
Love's lucky star!

Defender, be strong and brave,
Accept my congratulations soon,
Let everyday life be filled with happiness
And there will be calm days!

There's nothing scary with you,
You are amazingly brave.
I'm truly proud of you
You are my protector and hero!

Let the lucky star smile
Let miracles happen every day,
And may the heavens be favorable,
I sincerely wish you well on this day.

Happiness in personal life,
Life is always great
To be able to, to strive, to conquer.
Be a Man. Happy February 23rd!

I wish you to be a hero
Be able to conquer all women.
Always live happily as fate would have it
And win! From February 23rd.

Glory to you, men!
Valor and honor!
Let there be no reason
For the war in the world!
Be young at heart
Know - you are always heroes!

From February 23
For courage and strength
I hug you, love!
Let there be a lot in Russia
All the brave, courageous, strong!

Congratulations on the 23rd!
I wish you peace on the planet.
Success and victories in service
Reliable, devoted friendship to you.

May the sons of the Motherland today
They will forget the reflections of war,
May they have glory and praise,
And more good warmth!
Remember, defenders, that we
Conquered by your valor!

Girls should dedicate the most beautiful, optimistic congratulations and cheerful, perky poems for boys on February 23rd. You can learn the lines by heart, and then read them out loud with expression during a class hour or a formal matinee. The second option is to write short funny rhyming couplets on cards and hand them to each boy along with warm, good wishes and a small gift. In order for the pleasant lines to acquire a more personal touch, it is worth choosing funny, funny poems in which the name of the boy you want to please will be mentioned. Such a surprise will really appeal to the young defenders of the Fatherland and will make each of them feel special on this holiday.

Funny short poems for February 23rd for boys from girls in kindergarten

In order for the matinee on Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten to be a success, it is necessary to include cheerful, cheerful and funny short poems dedicated to February 23rd. A very good option is if funny lines for boys are read by girls during the performance. To enhance the effect, the performance can be supplemented with a small costume performance or dynamic dance. This will add a show element to the performance and allow the boys to have a lot of fun while listening to cool poetic congratulations from their group friends. This format of the festive performance will also appeal to parents invited to the event. They will sincerely rejoice at the artistic talents of young artists and will appreciate the work of educators who, from a very early age, instill in children a respectful and touching attitude towards significant public holidays.

You boys are naughty
Very daring, crazy.
But you always have us
Protect me, friends.
You can be relied upon
Even though you like to frolic.
Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart
We gathered today.
From February 23,
Our boys, hurray!

On this Defenders Day
Hooray for the boys!
We wish them good luck,
Joy, goodness!

Be very strong -
Both soul and body.
Remember that the main thing is
Not words, but deeds!

Congratulations, boys.
Everyone, I know, is a daredevil.
On men's day I wish you peace,
So that they forget about the fist.

I wish you my strength
Show intelligence
This will always give an opportunity
Life is difficult to win.

Funny, funny poems for boys with names for February 23 from girls

In order for the poetic congratulations on February 23 to be more personal, it is necessary to mention the boy’s name. Every boy will be pleased to hear from a girl on the day of the holiday not general, universal words, but a funny, funny individual congratulation in verse with his name, complemented by pleasant, sincere and good wishes.

If the thought of reading a poetic work out loud is a little disconcerting, you can write the rhyming lines on a bright, colorful card and hand it to a friend personally on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Such a sign of attention will make the most favorable impression and will make the boy feel special, because a funny, funny congratulation is addressed to him personally and there is no doubt about it, since his name is clearly indicated in the verses.

Kirill, happy men's day to you!
Let good luck settle in the house,
So that your love can be found,
So that you become stronger and richer,

So that a smile is always on your lips,
Like a bright sun, she played,
So that everything succeeds in business,
May there be many victories in life!

Your name means "unharmed" and "healthy."
You're lucky with your name, but what's wrong with that?
It is my pleasure to congratulate you on the men’s holiday:
Dear Artem, be happy and always invincible.

I also want to wish you health and good luck.
This is important for success, don’t you know that?
Let the sun shine brightly, the clouds will not be visible,
Accept poems as a gift, everyone needs defenders!

The sun doesn't shine brightly
Lilacs don't bloom
But all men are congratulated
On this important day,
And I hasten to congratulate you,
You are my friend, Vadim,
So I’ll say, why lie:
Be invincible.
Let the bad weather recede
And the trouble will go away
The 23rd is coming,
Be happy always!

Congratulations in verses for boys on February 23 in elementary school

On the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day, elementary schools always hold matinees and various festive events, and beautiful and sonorous congratulations on February 23 in verse are always prepared for boys. During the matinee, cheerful, optimistic lines are read with expression from the stage by girls from their class. Pleasant congratulatory quatrains are written on postcards with thematic pictures and on the day of the holiday they are given to all the boys at a formal class hour or matinee.
Wall newspapers are filled with poetic congratulations, decorated with interesting photographs and funny drawings, and then hung on the walls of classrooms or the school assembly hall in which the performance is held. Such elegant, bright and spectacular decor, made by the hands of the students themselves, enhances the festive mood and creates a warm, optimistic and joyful atmosphere around.

It's too early, boys.
You still have to get into formation.
First you need to grow up
To become a soldier.

On this holiday we want to wish
Much success to you,
Let the Motherland wait for everyone
Their defenders.

If in a school bag,
A lot of thick books
Ask to carry it
You can boys.

Sometimes they, of course,
They forget to give in to us...
Girls should remember -
The boys are protecting them!

They made us brave too
You are able to protect
Whenever needed, whenever
Fiery and beautiful!

Be strong for real
And not for fun,
We wish you stars from the sky
A whole basket!

Beautiful holiday poems for February 23 for boys and girls grades 3-4

Girls in grades 3-4 already consider themselves old enough and they themselves choose interesting holiday poems for February 23 for the boys with whom they study. For the official part of the solemn day, as a rule, beautiful, touching and optimistic works are prepared, and then they are read by heart in front of the whole class. In bright, sonorous lines they express admiration for the courage and courage of the defenders of the Fatherland and express the hope that their boy friends will become the same fearless brave men in the future.

For personal congratulations, short funny quatrains with a funny meaning are used, which allow you not only to rejoice at the holiday, but also give you the opportunity to smile once again and look at the celebration from a humorous side.
Poems with names are dedicated to close boy friends so that the boys can better feel the sincere attention and good attitude of their girlfriends on a wonderful, kind and very patriotic holiday.

Our dear boys,
Congratulations on this day!
For your great deeds
We thank the mothers.

Why were you raised so honestly?
That they taught us to appreciate everything,
What they always, always told you,
What a man should be.

We wish you all good health,
Good luck to you, big victories.
And may happy moments
You will be protected from many troubles!

Guys, on such a brave day,
Believe me, he is very important to everyone,
We wish you kindness,
In the hearts of goodness and beauty.

So that you grow worthy,
And may your souls bloom
Kindness, love, mood,
And good luck to everyone in your life.

Today is a holiday for the guys,
Their fathers and grandfathers, soldiers.
Congratulations to our boys,
We always want to be brave.

Don't let obstacles scare you,
Let your strength not leave you,
May everyone's dreams come true.
Health, happiness, kindness!

1. We congratulate the boys

Happy twenty-third of February,

Let's tell all our guys

Only kind words.

Vladik, my dear classmate,

I congratulate you

On this excellent holiday -

Twenty third of February!

Anton, may you be lucky, my friend,

Let there be joy in life,

So that you find everything you are looking for,

Lost melancholy and sadness!

Misha, you are a naughty boy,
Restless, funny,
Very kind, positive,
Energetic and sporty!
Stay like this
And don't change a bit!

Dima, you just become more mature,
Every day a little smarter!
Be happy and healthy
Ready for the test!


Smart, and generous, and smart, and kind!

Nikita, we wish you good luck,
So that there are no difficult tasks,
To have true friends,
Happy was your life!

Vania, I wish you the best!

Smart, patient, cute!

Sasha, let us wish you to be obedient,

So that all wishes come true,
All dreams came true
To become the happiest
The kindest and most beautiful!


May life give you happiness and joy!

Oleg, do not offend and help,
And protect from failure

But if they offend you, fight back!

Andrey, even if you haven’t served yet,

The eye is sharp and the hand is steady,
Future Defender of the Fatherland!

Our dear classmates!
Best boy friends!

Happy glorious February 23rd!
You are the protectors of girls
Future knights of the country.
These are such brave guys
We need it to protect the Motherland!

Girls give gifts to boys.



1. We congratulate the boys

Happy twenty-third of February,

Let's tell all our guys

Only kind words.

Vladik, my dear classmate,

I congratulate you

On this excellent holiday -

Twenty third of February!

Anton , may you be lucky, my friend,

Let there be joy in life,

So that you find everything you are looking for,

Lost melancholy and sadness!

Misha , you are a naughty boy,
Restless, funny,
Very kind, positive,
Energetic and sporty!
Stay like this
And don't change a bit!

Dima , you just become more mature,
Every day a little smarter!
Be happy and healthy
Ready for the test!

Sasha We wish you health and happiness,
Always be active, brave and cheerful,
Smart, and generous, and smart, and kind!

Nikita , we wish you good luck,
So that there are no difficult tasks,
To have true friends,
Happy was your life!

Vania , I wish you the best!
Be athletic, cheerful, energetic,
Smart, patient, cute!

Sasha , let us wish you to be obedient,
So that every day is not boring,
So that all wishes come true,
All dreams came true
To become the happiest
The kindest and most beautiful!

Sasha , study well and be friends with sports,
You value your friends and loved ones,
Be smart and brave, strive for victories,
May life give you happiness and joy!

Oleg , do not offend and help,
And protect from failure
Don’t abandon your friend in difficult times,
If they offend you, fight back!

Andrey , even if you haven’t served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious
The eye is sharp and the hand is steady,
Future Defender of the Fatherland!

Our dear classmates!
Best boy friends!
Congratulations on your holiday today -
Happy glorious February 23rd!
You are the protectors of girls
Future knights of the country.
These are such brave guys
We need it to protect the Motherland!

Girls give gifts to boys.