Mineral labradorite. Unusual Labrador: psychotherapist stone

More than two thousand years ago, a mineral of incredible beauty was discovered to mankind, the properties and power of which are being studied to this day, but have not yet been fully disclosed. Having gone through the history of many peoples, the Labrador opened up to new nations and continents gradually, changing the names, properties, and lives of people. Today this stone is a symbol of inexhaustible energy, bodily and spiritual harmony, infinity of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Origin story

The mysterious gem opened the world to the no less mysterious northern people - the Hyperboreans. It was they who, according to legend, were the first to discover not only the mineral, but also its strong magical properties. After some time, it became known that the Labrador faithfully serves a worthy owner, and a dishonorable person leads to an early death.

This is interesting! One of the ancient myths describes the Labrador as the moonlight that fell on the stones near the stream. Lunar glare turned into a scattering of wonderful stones, succumbing to the gaze of the sorceress.

The ancient Greek people revered the nugget as a sacred mineral. Solidarity towards the gem was shown by the Chaldeans - the priests of Babylon and Mesopotamia. The iridescent glare of the gem was considered a divine gaze. They prayed for a nugget, holding it in their hands or placing it over a window opening. Even then, people knew that a Labrador should have only one owner, otherwise the gem would lose its power. Therefore, the best storage for a personal copy was a leather pouch tied around the heart.

Hindus of ancient times discovered in the nugget the ability to protect the love of the family hearth. Spouses were supposed to have a pair of stones - male and female. Gems of greenish-blue tones were considered masculine, and brown-gold minerals were considered feminine.

Labrador acted as a messenger of heaven for the people of Kievan Rus. The gem was endowed with incredible healing power sent down from above. The mineral began to be widely used in the construction of cathedrals, temples, tombs of rulers.

Passing through the centuries, the nugget was called different names, it was mistaken for other minerals. So the Labrador was called the black moonstone, fish eye, black opal, peacock stone. Later it was confused with labradorite - a rocky rock.

The end of the 18th century was marked by several milestones in the history of stone. people opened large deposits mineral in Canada and Russia. As a result, the Labrador has become extremely popular in Europe. Fashionistas sought to adorn themselves with jewelry with a mineral, and complemented their homes with exquisite decor items. Later, during the Soviet era, the Labrador became in demand facing material during the construction of the subway and the Mausoleum.

The official name of the stone was given by the Canadian Labrador Peninsula of the same name, where the mineral was discovered. And on the territory of Russia, lumps of a Labrador were found by chance, during the construction of the Hermitage. Popularity was not long in coming - all Russian nobility did not miss the opportunity to decorate their apartments with a gem. However, until now, the mysterious mineral has not revealed to mankind the essence of some of its mysterious properties.

Place of Birth

Canada and Ukraine are famous for the largest gem mining sites. In Russia, the mineral is mined on the territory of the Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory, Buryatia and Yakutia. The following states also possess Labrador deposits:

  • Mexico.
  • Australia.
  • India.
  • Brazil.
  • Germany.
  • Greenland.
  • Burma.
  • Mongolia.

The islands of Sri Lanka and Madagascar have the most beautiful examples with multicolor iridescence. Qualitative ornamental stone located in Tibet. Unique specimens also come from Finland.

Physical properties

A mineral from the feldspar group is brittle, easily damaged upon impact, melts when high temperature, and also susceptible to the harmful effects of acids.

Formula30-50% NaAlSi3O8+50-70% CaAl2Si2O8
impuritiesFe, K, Mg
Density2.69-2.70 g/cm³
Refractive index1,560-1,568
kinkUneven, stepped and brittle.
ShineGlassy to metallic.
ColorSmoky gray, dark gray to almost black with a bright play of colors.

An interesting feature of the Labrador is iridescence - the play of light on the surface of the stone, iridescent different shades. This effect is inherent in the iris of our eyes, so the Labrador is often called peacock, fish, cat's eye and other similar names. The phenomenon of iridescence is also called labradorescence or labradorization. Iridescent highlights look more pronounced on the treated surface of the stone.

Varieties of the mineral

Labrador is classified not by the shades of the mined specimens, but by the optical properties. Depending on the spectrum of light reflections, the following types of mineral are distinguished:

It is the shimmering highlights that give the Labrador beauty and charm. The color of the stone varies between dark blue and shades of gray approaching black.

Do you know that in 1799 an extraordinary nugget was found in Russia, on the cut of which the profile of Louis XIV was clearly visible. This copy was immediately sold at a price of 250 francs.

At that time, Russia was already swallowed up by the fashion for labrador decor - jewelry, interior items, interior cladding. Even the dresses of noble fashionistas were sewn from a special type of silk called "tausin". The color of the fabric accurately conveyed the shade of black moonstone.

healing power

The Labrador contains a number of medicinal properties that affect not only individual problem areas but for the entire organism as a whole. The stone is used by healers in cases of:

  • hypertension;
  • eye diseases;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • violations nervous system(psychosis, stress, insomnia or disturbing dreams, depressive states);
  • problems with bones, muscles or joints.

In addition, lithotherapists note a positive result after a massage using any type of stone - the joints become more mobile, muscle and other types of pain of the musculoskeletal system disappear, salt deposition slows down.

Among the possibilities of the Labrador, doctors note a general strengthening effect on the body. Stone ensures smooth operation immune system, normalizes metabolism, improves memory, increases the efficiency of the brain. This makes the mineral indispensable for people engaged in mental work.

On this, the healing abilities of the gem do not dry out. Labrador acts as an assistant for women and men when there is a problem:

  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney disease;
  • drug or alcohol addiction.

Labrador will help a woman not only conceive, but also endure healthy child. And also experts are inclined to believe that the stone is able to prevent the development of oncology.

The unimaginable play of light makes the mineral not only outwardly attractive. Spectral changes on the surface of a mineral directly affect emotional condition person. Constant interaction with a Labrador improves mood, helping to enjoy life without stress, insomnia or nightmares.

magical aspects

It is not surprising that with such a set of medicinal properties, the Labrador is no less powerful magically. Since ancient times, it has been used by magicians and sorcerers in order to enhance the ability of divination. Modern psychics use the gem for seances, penetration into the minds of people in order to read thoughts, reveal the secrets of the past or present. It is also known that a mineral placed next to a pillow causes prophetic dreams.

It is not easy to tame this gem, because the Labrador reveals all the hidden traits of the owner, and they are not always good. Wherein it must be remembered that the owner of the stone can be only one. This applies not only to the constant wearing of the mineral - even touching the talisman is undesirable for anyone if you do not want to destroy your tandem.

A sparkling nugget acts as a talisman of the family hearth. Moreover, for complete harmony, it is recommended to have stones of male and female belonging. Male minerals are considered the most light shades stone, and female - dark.

Any variety of Labrador is able to develop intuition, which protects a person from harm. right decisions and thoughtless actions. The talisman activates the imagination, giving rise to new ideas, contributing to the development of a personality that is in harmony with itself and the outside world.

Since ancient times, the mineral was considered the keeper of creative natures - poets, musicians, painters, sculptors. Nothing has changed over the centuries. Revealing talents, the stone pushes people to accomplish the impossible, moving beyond the limits of their dreams.

Based on this, experts do not advise young, emotionally immature individuals to wear a labrador amulet. Such an alliance is fraught with the emergence of a craving for adventures, which can lead to disastrous consequences. Another thing is a person with a wealth of life experience, who understands what and why he is doing.

Compatibility with other stones

The Labrador belongs to the element of Earth, which makes him compatible with his earthly counterparts:

Jewelry with a mineral

Labrador is widely used by masters jewelry art. The price of a gem depends on its variety, degree of iridescence. Accordingly, the cost of a piece of jewelry comes from the price of the stone, the material of the setting, and the work of the craftsman.

The averages fluctuate within the following limits:

  • A silver ring - from 10 thousand rubles, a gold ring with the highest grade of stone reaches 140 thousand rubles.
  • Silver pendant - from 8 thousand.
  • Silver earrings - 8-15 thousand rubles, gold - up to 160 thousand.
  • A silver bracelet will cost an average of 14 thousand rubles.

Souvenirs are also made from Labrador. The average cost of a small figurine is 5 thousand rubles.

How to distinguish a fake

It is quite difficult to fake a Labrador Retriever, as well as pass off another mineral for it. This nugget owes the effect of labradorization. Thanks to the iridescent highlights, the gem is difficult to confuse with another stone. Twist the labrador in your hand - if you don't see something like the Northern Lights, as if passing through a stone, you have a fake.

In addition, when buying jewelry, it is appropriate to ask for a quality certificate for a stone. Large jewelry houses are required to have such documents for each product.

How to wear and care

Labrador goes well with business style. An impeccably white shirt is accentuated by neat earrings with a mineral. Thus, it will be possible to create a discreet, intellectual, but at the same time very seductive image.

charming Evening Dress will certainly cause a sensation, combined with a shimmering stone. It can be a massive necklace, a sophisticated pendant or a set of jewelry.

Labradors must be handled with care. The stone is very sensitive to acids, so use chemicals for cleaning is not recommended, it is enough to rinse the gem with running water.

The Labrador Retriever needs regular polishing. Suitable for these purposes soft fabric or a brush. Polishing is necessary to maintain shine and shimmer.

It is better to store the stone separately from other jewelry, especially if the neighboring minerals are harder. A box with soft walls is perfect.

The gem is resistant to temperature extremes, however, it is not worth deliberately exposing the mineral to such changes. It does not hurt to periodically charge the mineral in the light of the moon.

It is not recommended to wear a stone continuously and daily, as strong energy is unpredictable, turning either positive or negative.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

A strong and mysterious Labrador patronizes all women, whose name is Yana. Intelligent by nature, Yana will be able to emphasize mental capacity receiving wisdom from the stone intuitive level. The talisman will help her to lower the veil of illusions, opening true face surrounding.

The fact that a stone belongs to only one name does not mean at all that it cannot be worn by others. The main requirement of a Labrador is character. The stone will destroy the wicked person, leading him to a dead end in life.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-

The nugget is ideal for water signs:

  • Fish.
  • Scorpion.

For representatives of Water, the gem promises harmony, happiness, becoming a protector and friend.

In addition to these signs, a sparkling nugget is suitable for:

  • Virgins. The female half of the representatives of the sign will extract only good things from an alliance with a Labrador. Virgo women will become prudent, cautious in their actions, bright, energetic. The talisman will highlight only the best qualities of the Virgin.
  • . The mineral will bring them new knowledge, invaluable experience. Taurus will become more open, bold, saying goodbye to old complexes.

Astrological incompatibility is observed with the minerals of the elements of Fire - Lions, Sagittarius,. The stone will slow down such people, preventing them from achieving goals, building a career, family, and so on. At the same time, all negative qualities will be multiplied and brought to the attention of others. The addition will be suddenly increased outbursts of anger, nervousness.


Labrador is a stone that connects the Earth with the Cosmos, consciousness with the subconscious, the astral body with the physical. Not everyone is given to make friends with him, for someone friendship can be fatal. However, this wonderful creation of nature is an invaluable gift of our planet, created to protect, heal, guide a person, bringing each ward closer to the ideal.

Labrador - the stone of the mysterious northern people

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Labrador is perhaps the most mysterious of the currently existing minerals. Its magical properties have been studied for thousands of years, and each time the attitude towards it changes. It is unusual both in its name and in its appearance: Resembles a rainbow, changing color as the sun's rays refract.

The mineral was discovered in 1770 on the North American Peninsula of the same name - in honor of him they named Labrador. Prior to this, the Labrador was called either a peacock stone, or for its unusual color and “character”.

The mineral consists of crystals and grains, is one of the types of feldspar and is rich in color scheme- from gray to moon-blue. The whole essence of the stone lies in its extraordinary power - the Labrador not only fascinates with its beauty, but can also influence the character of its owner, bringing happiness, harmony and joy to life. Especially the Labrador is suitable for women. And magicians and sorcerers have used this mineral since ancient times to enhance their gift of clairvoyance.

Even the ancient Greeks recognized the Labrador as a gift from the gods and believed that the Hyperboreans, a fabulous people living in the Far North, brought him down from heaven to earth. Gem good people brought happiness and prosperity, bad - death and death.

Labrador remains a mystery even for today's magicians: it can both bring wealth and harmony to its owner, and bring out bad character traits. Therefore, the main rule for wearing and using a stone is not to give it to strangers, since the mineral tends to get used to its owner, protecting only him. The one who "tamed" this gem should always strive for the best so that the stone can strengthen and reveal only good qualities person.

Labrador has magical properties, it causes the gift of clairvoyance, enhances psychic abilities and awakens talents. If you put it next to you at night, you will definitely have prophetic dreams. Since ancient times, the mineral has been considered the patron stone of creative people - artists, poets, musicians.

The Labrador also brings comfort to the house: it protects the owner and his home from the evil eye, helps to find harmony and warm relationship between households, keeps calm and love. The stone also helps to get out of depressive and stressful conditions, restores self-confidence and optimism. Therefore, it is recommended to keep gem products - like jewelry or figurines - in the bedroom, closer to the head of the bed.

Labrador can become an amulet and protector for middle-aged people who have already seen the sights and have life experience behind them. And the mineral can harm young people - it will contribute to the loss of vigilance and the commission of rash acts.

Magicians and psychics more often than other minerals use labrador to make amulets and talismans, use it as a guide to the other world, to communicate with the souls of the dead. In magic, ritual objects from a labrador are used to penetrate into the subconscious of people, read their thoughts, find out the past and present.

Medicinal properties

The unique gem is widely used in folk medicine. Mainly labrador stone has a beneficial effect on male and female health.

Labrador heals:

  • insomnia, bad and disturbing dreams;
  • viruses and infections;
  • stress, depression and psychosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • hernia;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the joints, muscles and bones.

Often a labrador stone is used to strengthen the internal forces of the body, the mineral cheers up, improves well-being, and activates metabolism. The gem gives a powerful impetus to the brain - efficiency is enhanced. That is why it is advised to wear it to people whose profession is related to mental work.

Labrador helps students before the session, schoolchildren during periods of increased stress. The brain begins to work with a vengeance, reveals all the possibilities and resources, improves memory. Lithotherapists who use stones and minerals in treatment talk about positive results with constant massages with Labrador Retrievers various kinds: pain in muscles and joints disappears, mobility increases, the process of salt deposition stops.

Labrador Helps:

  • with impotence;
  • with infertility, and also helps to bear a healthy child;
  • with diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • promotes the removal of salt and stones;
  • stimulates and activates performance;
  • prevents the development of tumors of various types;
  • relieves alcohol and drug addiction.
Jewelry with labradors render positive influence on the human aura and cheer up. Experts and researchers say that the reason for this is the ability of the mineral to “play” with all the colors of the rainbow, change its coloring under certain lighting conditions.

If you constantly wear rings and pendants adorned with this gem, then you can safely forget about stress, nightmares and learn to enjoy life under any circumstances.

Who suits the Labrador according to the zodiac sign

Astrologers allow all signs of the zodiac to wear Labrador products, with the exception of fiery ones. But especially this mineral favors the elements of Water - Pisces, Cancers and Scorpions. It is for people born under these signs that the mineral will become a true friend and protector, give joy, harmony and happiness.

Compatibility of the Labrador according to the signs of the zodiac. Table 1.

Despite the fact that the Labrador loves water signs, astrologers say that for Virgo women, this mineral will help reveal all the most positive qualities, give brightness and energy, and also give prudence and avoid rash and thoughtless actions.

Taurus will become bolder and more open, overcome their internal complexes, gain new knowledge and experience.

With caution, you need to wear a Labrador to the signs of Fire - Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. It is possible to increase outbursts of anger, nervousness, the stone will multiply and bring out all the unpleasant character traits. The stone can prevent these signs from building a career and slow down the movement forward.

But in general, the Labrador becomes attached to its owner and helps protect him from negative, evil and envious people.

Labrador stone is a mineral with a characteristic iridescent (from the Greek "iris" - rainbow) outflow from the group of basic feldspars - plagioclases.

The Labrador was named after the Labrador Peninsula in Canada.

Labradorite - rock, predominantly consisting of a Labrador. Often these terms are combined by gemologists, and both the mineral and the rock are called either labradorite or labradorite (which is somewhat incorrect).

Characteristics of the Labrador

According to the chemical composition, the Labrador is a calcium and sodium aluminum silicate. It occupies an intermediate position in the group of feldspars - plagioclases and should contain 50-70% calcium and 50-30% sodium.

Almost all plagioclases form fibrous twins according to the "albite law". Twinning is due to an error in the crystal structure during growth.

Crystals (tabular) are rare, more often found in the form of dense coarse-grained aggregates and perforated inclusions. It is formed in intrusive rocks of basic composition.

Birefringence +0.008. Pleochroism and dispersion are absent. The absorption spectrum is not interpreted; there is usually no luminescence. Cleavage is perfect. Pearly, glassy luster. Crumbles when squeezed, easily splits on impact. Melts. Soluble in acids.

The Labrador is characterized by bright iridescent tints (usually green or of blue color) - labradorization along cleavage planes. Because of this, any Labrador with a particularly strong manifestation of the effect of labradorescence is now called a spectrolite.

This effect is associated with the interference of light in thin plates. different composition that make up the mineral. The play of light is due to fibrous micro-growths in the crystal. These sproutings are the result of a mismatch chemical composition at high and low temperatures, which leads to the formation of a boundary layer between these phases. When a beam of light hits the surface, it is repeatedly reflected from it and the underlying layers and comes out with a different wavelength than the incident beam. The wavelength can correspond to a specific color, such as blue.

The manifestation of the effect depends on the thickness and orientation of the inner layers. If the layers are too thick or thin, then the effect will not be observed. A certain viewing angle is also required, and the light beam must also fall at a certain angle. This effect is one of a kind.

Labradorite crystals may have a solid one-color iridescence or zonal and spotty, cast different colors and shades. Often, an iridescent eye looks like a collection of colorful similar polygons with a common center. When not the whole crystal irradiates, but only its thin rim, they speak of rim irization. Sometimes on a labrador plate with an area of ​​1 sq.m. you can count 250-300 iridescent eyes.

The color of the Labrador is from dark gray to gray-black, sometimes dark blue. Typically, the color spectrum of labradorite varies from blue to purple, through green, yellow and Orange color. The Labrador Retriever is sometimes transparent (although without showing the effect of labrodorescence) - more often a straw yellow or light honey color.

Large iridescent Labradorite crystals are used to make jewelry. Usually processed in the form of plates, cabochons, transparent varieties are cut.

From the distant peninsula of Labrador it was first brought to Europe in 1775, and a hundred years later it became fashionable in London and Paris. Boxes, snuff boxes, seals, clasps, as well as inserts in earrings, brooches and rings were made from Labradorite, and especially valuable stones with a sapphire sheen in jewelry were often sprinkled with small diamonds. The prices for such products were, of course, very high.

This stone was well known in Kievan Rus, it was used to decorate churches. For example, in the mosaic of the altar of the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv, you can see pieces of this iridescent, blue-shimmering stone. The tomb of the great Kyiv prince Mstislav Vladimirovich was made from it. We do not know how this stone was called in Kievan Rus, but perhaps in those distant times the name "rainbow" was attached to it.

Interest in him has revived in Russian Empire at the end of the 18th century, when during the construction of the Peterhof road, boulders with a labrador were accidentally found, brought by an ancient glacier from Scandinavia. From the most interesting and beautiful samples were made jewelry and countertops for the Hermitage.

Deposits of Labrador

In 1835, in the gabbro-anorthosites of the Kyiv and Volyn provinces, the world's richest primary deposits of the iridescent labrador were discovered. In 1849, the development of one of them began - Kamenny Brod on the Bystrievka River.

Ukrainian labradorite began to be widely used as facing stone and material for monuments, columns and fireplaces. They lined the columns of the Volyn Cathedral in Zhytomyr, the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. Ten columns of the San Donato Palace in Italy were carved from this stone. Labradorite was also used for interior decoration St. Isaac's Cathedral, they decorate the pylons of the Church of the Ascension in Leningrad. Even before 1917, products from Ukrainian labradorites were sent to Vienna, Prague, Krakow and Paris.

Now geologists and architects distinguish two main varieties of Volyn iridescent labradorites:
a) dark gray, almost black, with tints in dense blue colors(Golovino, Volodarsk-Volynsky) or with multi-colored iridescence in green and golden tones (Kamenny Brod, Settlement, Slobodka, Osniki);
b) light gray, gray with a warm smoky hue and iridescence in blue and blue tones ( Blue Stone, near the village Turchinka) or with multi-colored iridescence (Rudnya-Kamenka, Kamenka-Gabrovka).

Arrays of labradorites in Volyn occupy an area of ​​over 1000 sq. km. From here, hewn-polished stone slabs are supplied not only to construction sites in Ukraine and the CIS, but are exported to Italy, Japan, Syria, England, Pakistan and other countries of the world.

The Ukrainian labradorite of the Turchinskoye and Golovinskoye deposits is lined with the Moscow, Tbilisi, Baku and Kharkov subways, many buildings and monumental structures in Moscow, Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities of the CIS. It was used in the decoration of administrative buildings. Architects and sculptors have long appreciated the Labrador of the Korostensky and Novomirgorodsky plutons.

Labrador eyes are an excellent material for making high-quality souvenirs and even jewelry. Back in 1863, experts recommended the use of selected crystals of the Volyn Labrador in jewelry. At the end of the 19th century in Kamenny Brod there was a workshop for the production of mosaic, haberdashery and jewelry from Labrador. Since the end of the 19th century, at industrial exhibitions in Russia and abroad, a variety of products made from Ukrainian peacock stone - brooches, bracelets, hairpins, combs, cufflinks, writing instruments, vases, table tops, and even advertising furniture set from the Gorodishchensky Labrador have enjoyed constant success. Many of the exhibits were awarded with gold medals of exhibitions.

In the Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local Lore, you can see artistic and decorative items and jewelry made from the iridescent local Labrador. Visitors are interested in brooches and paperweights carved from large single eyes. Stones from the Slobodka deposit are distinguished by spotty and zonal iridescence in blue and light blue, less often in greenish-yellow tones.

In the Mineralogical Museum of Kiev University, in one of the showcases next to the samples of the "big-eyed" Labrador, a unique souvenir book 12x8x3 cm in size, cut out of one eye of a Labrador with bright spotted iridescence in golden yellow, orange and purple tones, attracts attention.

Irising Labradors are found not only in Volyn and in the Middle Dnieper region, but also in the Bug region. On the left bank of the Southern Bug, below the village. Lushnevatogo, in the pegmatite vein of one of the quarries, Labrador crystals up to 10 cm in diameter were found. They are notable for their spotted and rimmed iridescence with a variegated combination of colors: green, yellow, blue, purple, pinkish red and silver gray. Similar shades and variety of color iridescence of plagioclases from one deposit have not yet been noted anywhere else in Ukraine.

Many peoples have "their" stone, it becomes, as it were, national, for example, Russian malachite and rhodonite, Afghan lapis lazuli, Iranian turquoise, Burmese ruby, chinese jade and others. For Ukraine, the labradorite (labradorite), charming, shimmering with colorful peacock tints of colors, has become such a stone.

Amulet from Labrador

Labrador is one of the most powerful amulets, charms not only for one person - its owner, but also for the whole family, at home.

To protect the home, products from the Labrador must be placed according to Feng Shui in the health center of the house, apartment or one room. It can be a ball, a box, an animal figurine or other products.

The Labrador should not be carried in a pocket, hidden in the house, it should be in plain sight to attract the attention of the eye.

They wrote about him that his power is hidden from us, since this stone born of the world Hyperboreans, a mythical people who, according to Greek legends, inhabited the Far North.

It was believed that it enhances the propensity for visions and various mystical revelations, therefore it is dangerous to wear it aimlessly, since its effect is often manifested in the eccentric actions of its owner.

The stone contributes to foresight only for those who are naturally inclined to this, to whom a certain gift is given, and this gift is not spent immorally. Labrador promotes a person who seeks to spiritually comprehend the world and activities in it.

This stone brings up repressed memories from the past and encourages rethinking. It harmonizes the analysis and rationality of thinking with internal intuitive perception, which contributes to the adoption of timely correct decisions and actions.

The Labrador is excellent at dispelling illusions, penetrating to the very essence, revealing the true intention behind words and deeds.

It is especially dangerous to wear it for those who practice magic: it "can always meet with a disastrous surprise."

Mascot Labrador

The stone is very attached to the owner, loves him and seeks to help in all, especially very unpleasant, situations, so the Labrador is an excellent amulet for people who have to take a lot of risks.

He is an indispensable talisman of people who are looking, however, firmly standing on their feet and always analyzing cases, situations, able to make at least minimal forecasts. The Labrador will connect his owner with the past, help to see the connection between the present and the past, to draw the right conclusions.

Medicinal properties of Labrador

Labrador stone helps in the treatment of infertility, joints, prostate diseases and some diseases of the genitourinary system. Relieves pain in diseases of the spine.

Precious and semiprecious stones not only decorate jewelry, but are often used as talismans, charms and amulets. In ancient times, people discovered them unusual properties who are able to heal, protect, attract good luck. This value has been preserved to this day. From the article you will learn about what the labrador stone is famous for, the magical properties of which are not yet fully understood today.

Features of the labrador stone

When was the labrador stone discovered?

Labrador stone belongs to the "young" varieties, because it was discovered only in the 18th century in North America. According to ancient Greek mythology this stone of extraordinary beauty was given to people by the inhabitants of Hyperborea - the blessed people of the mysterious northern country. Labrador can also be found under the names: spectrolite, black Moonstone, "peacock stone", caryatitis and "bull's eye".

labrador stone color

The Labrador Retriever is actually a type of tulle spar that ranges in color from dark to greenish grey. Sometimes the stone looks almost black, all its attractiveness is that multi-colored highlights are very beautifully reflected on its surface. Thanks to this, the Labrador itself seems colored, similar to a real opal.

Labrador stone deposits

As known from scientific sources, discovered the Labrador deposit in North America on the island of the same name in 1770. 10 years later, when the construction of the Hermitage in Russia began, during the development boulders found those that contained small inclusions of it. In addition, they find beautiful specimens in Finland, very bright ones - in Germany and India, as well as in Tibet. Some species that are found in Australia are subject to cutting.

strong talisman magicians and sorcerers

Labrador stone magic

Labrador as a stone of hidden opportunities

Due to the fact that the Labrador was discovered relatively recently, its capabilities have not yet been fully explored. However, it is known that the stone greatly enhances a person's ability to know the mystical, therefore it has always been a talisman of magicians and sorcerers.

The stone is able to reveal in a person creative potential psychic skills, hidden talents. He literally pushes you to accomplishments and does not give you the opportunity to doubt your own abilities. The Labrador is able to push for adventurous and ill-conceived actions, therefore it is best suited for people over 30 who soberly assess the situation, know how to analyze and learn from past mistakes.

At the same time, the Labrador protects its owner if he is engaged in a risky business.

Labrador as a stone of inspiration

Labrador is recommended to be worn by people of creative professions, it gives them inspiration and success. If you wear a stone for a long time (but not constantly), then you can enlist its support to attract sponsors and patrons. At the same time, he will make his owner famous, and his work will be recognized.

helps to unleash creativity and magical abilities human

Labrador as a protective talisman

Labrador is one stone that is easy to befriend. He gets so used to his owner that he is able to protect him from all misfortunes and bad people. The stone will protect the well-being and tranquility in the house, you just need to keep it so that it is always visible. Labrador absorbs everything negative energy and transforms it into a positive one.

Stone hates evil people who have impure thoughts and act in accordance with them. As a talisman, he leads them into trouble.

How can you wear a Labrador? jewelry in a pendant or ring. The first option is the most successful, since the stone interacts with solar plexus. Just do not allow outsiders to take it into the hands, because it will be easy to break the connection with it.

Labrador as a stone of the moon

The Labrador draws its energy from the moon, so it can even be recharged by placing a full moon in a place that is open to moonlight.

Labrador stone for home

Labradors are divided into male and women's stones. First - light color with a bluish-golden tint, the second - a dark color with a greenish-brown. You need to keep a couple of Labradors in the house so that the stones help to economically manage household chores, protect the family and teach respectful and caring attitude towards each other. It is better for outsiders not to give the opportunity to touch the stones, otherwise the energy will be destroyed.

The Labrador should always be placed in such a way that he "sees" the maximum of what is happening in the house, and everyone sees him. It helps the exchange of energy. But in no case do not put a stone under the threshold, otherwise it is not known what the effect of the amulet will be in this case.

Labrador stone as a healer

Labrador is a stone that can strengthen the body as a whole. It helps with problems such as:

  1. diseases of the joints and spine;
  2. infertility;
  3. stress;
  4. insomnia;
  5. kidney disease;
  6. depression;
  7. dependencies.

Labrador great importance has for psycho-emotional state. It improves mood, allows you to look at the world from an optimistic point of view.

has excellent decorative qualities and healing properties

Labradorite is one of many minerals that interact with a person, help and support him. When choosing, rely completely on your own intuition and feelings, because even with all your positive qualities the stone may not suit you. You should also not unconsciously hope that he will save you from all troubles. Remember that the Labrador is a talisman for thoughtful and reasonable people who can sensibly assess the situation and possible risks.

A bizarre play of light, mysterious reflections of mother-of-pearl, depth of shades, halftones, this is a Labrador Retriever. The alien stone, among other wonders of nature, is one of the most interesting in terms of lithotherapy. A mineral that has absorbed the Moon and the Sun, giving birth to magic, as it was born by it.

Labradorite or labradorite

The volcanic origin of the labradorite breed gives the labradorite stone its unique appearance. In the heat of fiery processes, a combination of quartz, plagioclase, pyroxene, feldspar occurs, this is how a mineral is born, of moderate hardness, 6.5 according to Mohs, of a surprisingly attractive appearance.

The unearthly beauty of the Labrador gave him many names, a peacock eye, a Hyperborean rainbow. The official name comes from the place where the breed was first discovered on the island of Labrador.

Other deposits are known, the north of Europe is rich in rock, considerable accumulations hide the Himalayas. In Australia, large deposits of labradorite are being developed, which, due to its physical and mechanical properties, is subject to cutting.

There are some varieties of Labrador:
  • spectrolite;
  • lynx eye;
  • tavusite;
  • black Moon.

They are classified by color shades, a slight difference in composition, chemical and physical characteristics, but this is one mineral that has its own unique properties given by nature, the Moon, the Sun.

The popularity of stone has a considerable age, for more than 300 years mankind has been admiring the aesthetics of jewelry, handicrafts, interior inserts, and furniture. Labrador can be seen in the decoration of some stations of the Moscow metro, the Mausoleum.