Natural scientific understanding of energy. Energy is a source of well-being. Methods of energy conversion. Efficiency of energy production and consumption. Types of human energies

This article touches only on the most general issues related to human energy. The Bekmology knowledge base contains a huge amount of material on all aspects of psychic energy management. In fact, Bekmology can be called a complete guide to effective psychoenergetics.

Energy (translated from Greek means activity) is a general measure of various types of movement and interaction. Energy is the driving force of absolutely all observable and invisible changes that occur with living and inanimate objects, as well as during their interaction. Life is based on the exchange of energies. By expending and restoring energy, a person experiences the reality of his existence.

Traditionally, the following types or forms of energy are distinguished: mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, gravitational, nuclear. Science has established that all living beings, and especially humans, have a specific energy - biopsychic.

The hypothesis of psychic energy as a quantitative measure, which Freud writes about in the book “The Joke and Its Relations with the Unconscious Sphere,” was self-evident and very important for Freud. We are talking about the existence of a hypothetical force that manifests itself in mental phenomena and can be considered similar to the physical concept of energy, but one should not forget about the inherent differences between them. Freud makes this very clear in his Outline of Psychoanalysis (1938) when he writes: “We believe that, as in other natural sciences, a special kind of energy is also found in mental life. We just don’t have any reference points to approach its understanding using analogies with other forms of energy.”

In the psychoanalytic concept of psychic energy, we encounter two forms of energy: 1) easily mobile free energy and 2) energy in a bound form, when we talk about the occupation (captivity) of an object. The concept of energy is able to explain phenomena such as displacement, attention, interests, attachment to an object or activity. We are talking about the occupation of mental representatives (substitutes) of external objects, about real objects and about quantitative changes in the processes of occupation. Free, mobile energy is attributed to the processes of the unconscious sphere; in the topographic model of the psyche, it therefore belongs to the system of the unconscious; Such energy is generally characteristic of primary processes. During the period of creating the topographic model of the psyche, Freud believed that the binding of energy represents a prolongation of the discharge, that the bound energy is characteristic of the functioning of the preconscious system.

After the creation of the structural theory of the psyche, the sphere of the It began to be considered the seat of free, mobile energy, while the sphere of the Self works primarily with more neutralized, that is, with bound or desexualized energy. From an economic point of view, the concept of psychic energy plays a major role in the psychoanalytic approach. Psychoanalysis initially considered not only drives, but also external reality as sources of psychic energy. The mental apparatus, to a certain extent, is endowed with the function of energy distribution, which can be accomplished by changing objects of occupation and changing the amount of occupying energy. The development of the ideas of self psychology in the works of Heinz Hartmann, Ernst Kries and Rudolf Loewenstein led to the development of the concept of neutralized or desexualized (“disaggressive”) energy. Within the framework of the theoretical concepts of ego psychology, the sphere of the It is endowed with sexual and aggressive free, mobile energy, while the sphere of the Self uses desexualized and deaggressive energy. In this regard, we can also talk about neutralized energy. From the point of view of developmental psychology, it is worth emphasizing that in childhood the functions of the I are characterized by greater mobility, and even where in later life the functions of the I are associated with the sphere of the Id, greater mobility is noted.

In the modern understanding, biopsychic energy is generated by the vital activity of the entire human body, and, as is known, different forms of energy and, first of all, thermal, electromagnetic, and chemical are involved in its formation. The presence of a biofield in a person is a scientifically proven fact, as is the existence of an aura - this is the name of the part of the biofield that goes beyond the physical body. Aura is measured by physical methods and has several parameters: electrical, magnetic, sound, optical, light. Psychic energy is part of biopsychic energy, but it is not reducible to other known types of energy and is not the result of their transformation. At the same time, psychic energy, in all likelihood, is associated with other types of energy and is capable of being transformed into its other varieties, for example, into mechanical or thermal.

There is an information-energy point of view on psychic energy. According to it, the source of psychic energy is the brain, along with channels for perceiving information of different types (modalities) - analyzers. Each analyzer, as is known, is adapted to reflect a specific energy: visual and auditory - electromagnetic (light and sound are based on electromagnetic vibrations), olfactory and gustatory - chemical; cutaneous and kinesthetic, providing information about temperature, external and internal pressure, about the movements of one’s own body - mechanical and thermal; vestibular, reflecting our position in space - gravitational. Having perceived the impact of energy of one type or another, the brain then evaluates the received information: compares it with “samples” stored in memory, determines the degree of usefulness or danger to life, reveals the degree of attractiveness for the personality of its owner, etc. After this, as is known , a response occurs, for example, using words, emotions, decisions or actions.

When this or that energy from the outside affects the brain, it activates the non-material, or ideal, components of the psyche. Thinking, memory, attention, ideas begin to work, as if the experience and knowledge stored in the brain cells come to life, attitudes, values, needs awaken, once acquired habits, skills, and abilities emerge in the consciousness. These and similar manifestations of the psyche are immaterial. They are ideal because they do not have physical parameters or chemical properties, they cannot be removed from the brain, analyzed or measured until they appear outside. True, when the activity of the ideal is carried out, specific physical and chemical changes are recorded in the brain using instruments. However, this is only a physiological basis, and not the content of the psyche, and they do not say anything. Just as the temperature of a heated boiler tells us nothing about the properties of the liquid poured into it.

The living brain is an apparatus with the help of which various types of energy that affect a person are converted into mental energy (the energy of the ideal) and back - mental energy (the energy of the ideal) into other types of energy.

It is known how actively the ideal “works” in the psyche: one thought, arising under the influence of a specific external influence, can awaken a whole stream of thoughts, desires, needs, plans; the image of the recent past sometimes revives images of youth or childhood; external influence can mobilize a person’s will, encourage him to be creative, etc. What happens? It turns out amazing: non-material manifestations of the psyche have energy. Energy is endowed with images, thoughts, needs, abilities, emotions, feelings, knowledge, attitudes, moods, habits, desires, motives, character traits - all these and other manifestations of the psyche are carriers of the ideal. The fact is that they are saturated with information, which is the source of energy; information is constantly active, is in the process of transformation and, which is extremely important, exists in a very compressed form. The brain of every person stores a huge amount of information, ready to make itself known at any moment. Our consciousness, preconscious and subconscious are filled with information.

So, mental energy is the activity of immaterial, or ideal, mental phenomena that have information that is concentrated at its different levels - consciousness, preconscious and subconscious.

In all likelihood, psychic energy begins to accumulate in a person in the uterine state. It is known that already at this moment the psyche is enriched with information. But the main information is acquired by a person after birth, in particular, in the form of pleasant or unpleasant impressions, positive or negative experiences, in the form of images of a safe or threatening environment, etc. It is likely that the predominance of positive or negative information content determines the quality of psychic energy reproduced by the brain of a particular individual. If you mentally add to this energy flow everything that the habitual states and typical properties of a person bring into it - prevailing positive or negative feelings, bad or good character traits, positive or negative attitudes, etc., you will get an energetic “double” of the personality .

The information-energy field is a reflection of the invisible and inaudible, but nevertheless perceived essence of the individual.

In the historical consciousness of many peoples there is an idea that every person has a “double”. He resides either in the form of some animal partner, or in the form of a relatively independent soul. In the light of the lepton-electromagnetic hypothesis, the presence of a “double” is explained. There are several hundred biologically active points on the surface of the skin - their radiation creates the total quantum shells of the human body. There is no doubt that psychic energy is present in the bioenergetic flow.

What does psychic energy “do”? Firstly, it unites the external and internal environment of human life. After all, it is psychic energy that participates in the transformation of material into ideal and vice versa. In this sense, we can only conditionally talk about the psyche as an attribute of a person. In fact, it is part of some more general information-bioenergetic system that makes up the world in which we and other inhabitants of space, including space, are immersed. This is an indivisible world of material and spiritual. He is united by common forces of action - harmony and disharmony, opposing principles, the elements of sky, water, fire and earth, time and space.

According to the teachings of Living Ethics (Agni Yoga), the source of life in the Universe is Fire, or the Primary Energy of the Cosmos - the most subtle energy, the most perfect - psychic energy of the highest quality. And this energy is the source of life for all microcosms that make up the Macrocosm, including the human microcosm. Hence the conclusion follows: the vital activity of the organism is supported by the subtle energies of the microcosm, and the more subtle energies the microcosm perceives and assimilates, the greater the potential of vital forces it receives.

Assimilation means the harmonious unification of related elements (Latin assimilation - likening, similarity, merging, assimilation). The most subtle energies of a person, akin to the Universal Energy of the Cosmos, are the energies of his spirit, and the manifestation of the energies of the spirit is consciousness. Consciousness, having perceived the subtle energies of space, assimilates them into the microcosm and replenishes it with vital force.

Thus, consciousness must perceive the subtle energies of space. To do this, first of all, you should realize the presence of Higher energies. Then you need to accept these Higher energies into consciousness. It is necessary to open your consciousness for them, to discover those of its energies that, in terms of vibration frequency, are identical to the Higher energies of space, and therefore are related to them. In other words, it is necessary to refine and enhance all the manifested energies of your microcosm so that, having revealed your spiritual potential, bring into an active state and further refine the subtle energies of the spirit. And then the operating high, refined spiritual energies will assimilate the perceived Higher energies of space, which will harmoniously merge into the energy of our microcosm and replenish its vitality.

The indivisible world of the material and spiritual is connected by the principles and trends of interpenetration and connections of a wide variety of phenomena and processes. The material and spiritual layers of this world are dominated by the same energy components - paints (colors), sounds, smells, rhythms, temperature, pressure.

The psyche is an integral part of this world, resonating, like everything else in it, in response to current events and capable, in turn, of influencing them. The psyche is a converter of various types of energy.

The psyche manifests itself through emotions. Emotion (from Latin emovere - to excite, to excite) is usually understood as an experience, emotional excitement.

Emotions are a psychophysiological phenomenon, therefore the occurrence of a person’s experience can be judged both by the person’s self-report about the state he is experiencing, and by the nature of changes in vegetative indicators (heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, etc.) and psychomotor skills: facial expressions, pantomime (posture), motor reactions, voice. In psychology, emotions are understood as mental processes that occur in the form of experiences and reflect personal significance and assessment of external and internal situations for a person’s life.

Why do humans and animals need such a variety of emotional reactions? How do the mechanisms of occurrence of one emotion differ from another? Why does this object, signal, this situation evoke this particular emotion in us and not another? Is this due to the stimulus or the specificity of the functioning of certain brain structures?

The reason for the diversity of emotional reactions is seen in the countless reflex acts that arise under the influence of external objects and are immediately aware of us. Since there is nothing immutable, absolute in a reflex act, and reflex actions can vary indefinitely, the mental reflections of these physiological changes also vary indefinitely, i.e. emotions.

Emotions - unique creation living nature, most universally realized in man. They are designed in such a way that they find themselves on the line of merging of two worlds - material and ideal, accompanying the transformation of different types of energies affecting the individual into mental energy and vice versa. In other words, emotions play the role of a mediator in the transformation of material external and internal influences into mental energy.

As a result, a world arises that has neither physical, nor temporal, nor ideological boundaries. Many phenomena and processes that unite the material and spiritual have long been known and are understood in approximately the same way in different parts of the earth’s space - in the Mexican province and in Ancient China, in the New and Old Worlds, in India and Tibet. Buddhists, Indian yogis, northern shamans, and sorcerers of the Tzotzil Indians have in many respects similar ideas about the connections between human energy spheres (shells) and the energy potentials of the Cosmos, as well as similar ideas about ways to establish contacts between the material and the mental.

The material and spiritual in the world are best united by intermediaries, to whom people of the past assigned different ranks and who were called differently - gods, sorcerers, magicians, fairies, healers, soothsayers, shamans. These are those who, thanks to their special abilities, overcome the invisible line of the material and spiritual much easier than others. However, what is such mediation based on? There is only one answer - on the properties of emotions (psyche), capable of absorbing different types of mental energy. A prayer addressed to the “creator”, the actions of a sorcerer, magician, shaman - everything is based on the concentration of psychic energy. Emotional energy absorbs mental energy from various sources - inclinations, intelligence, worldview, plans, needs, will, etc. The concentration of energy reaches the power of suggestion, motivation, impulse, creation or destruction.

Particularly gifted mediators of the material and spiritual include artists, sculptors, composers, musicians, poets, dancers, and inventors. All of them are talented generators of psychic energy and transmitters of information from the external world, where they draw inspiration, to the internal one, where they take energy for creation, and transform it back into the external world - into the products of their creativity.

The Creator has powerful psychic energy that allows him to imprint his emotional state in creation. At the same time, the power of energy is so great that it is enough for an ordinary person, a consumer of creativity, to perceive, decipher and express his response. This means that the energy that influenced the consumer was transformed within him many times: it was transferred from the outside to the inside, reflected, caused a resonance in feelings, thoughts, values, and “came out” in the form of delight, opinion, mood.

Masterpieces of world classics are mediators of the material and spiritual, whose information and energy essence can be transmitted over the centuries, almost endlessly, as long as the foundation for this exists - emotional programs of behavior. A one-day hit in the moment of its existence is subject to the same laws: the composer and poet “fall” into the emotional mood of their contemporaries. But its energy power is scanty and disappears after several acts of perception.

Thanks to emotions, the most ordinary person also becomes a mediator between the material and the spiritual. At the same time, he carries out prosaic work: every second he transforms the properties of the physical world into mental energy and vice versa. True, modern man is hindered by reason. Today humanity is in a tragicomic situation: it turns out that the ancients reflected the world more accurately than today's enlightened generations can do. Our ancestors successfully penetrated into a single cosmological matrix and lived according to its laws.

They achieved this with the help of sensations, emotions, intuition and feelings, and in some ways they were wiser than us. The paradox is that with the help of reason and knowledge, of which the man of our time is proud, it is almost impossible to tune in and penetrate the matrix of the Universe.

This is much easier to achieve if the mind is “turned off” and sensory, emotions, preconscious and subconscious begin to act instead. Then the brain is likened to a hypersensitive receiving and transmitting device that reacts to cosmic realities and acts in unity with them. This, it turns out, is what the sorcerer’s ritual action consists of: he gradually “turns off” his mind and turns into a receiver and generator of energies.

Is it a paradox that the mind prevents penetration into the cosmological matrix? Of course not. How can a person’s consciousness, burdened with, say, school knowledge, interact with the world around him? In this case, the brain is able to decode information and act strictly in accordance with the program given to it - through acquired ideas, concepts, and moral principles. And the brain that has been subjected to any kind of ideological treatment works completely defectively. Our thinking is blinkered.

In addition, psychic energy sets in motion various non-material substances of the psyche and is transmitted from one psychic reality to another. For example, thought stimulates feeling or will, and will controls feeling or forces thinking to concentrate.

At the same time, the role of a transmission link connecting different carriers of the ideal, that is, psychic energy, is played by emotions.

Emotions redirect their energy to various mental realities and absorb the energy of many sources.

This “winding up” of psychic energy is necessary for the implementation of the “internal to external” scheme. With the help of emotions, or rather the psychic energy united on their basis, the individual comes into contact with the surrounding reality. Now he satisfies his needs with increased strength, realizes potentials, embodies plans and ideas, that is, influences the environment. Psychic energy causes various forms of external response, that is, material manifestations of the psyche. For example, thoughts or memories prompt a person to make statements, feelings and emotions provoke body movements - facial expressions and gestures, the resulting images entail meaningful actions and materialize in creativity.

This is how the transformation of non-material forms of psychic energy into its material forms occurs. This also means that psychic energy is converted into other types of energy: into electromagnetic energy - sounding speech; mechanical - written speech, facial expressions, gestures and other body movements; into heat - for example, internal excitement can cause a decrease or increase in body temperature.

What are the properties of psychic energy? Let us note some related to interpersonal interaction.

1. Since psychic energy constantly manifests itself in a person’s life, it becomes the background of all his activities - internal and external. Let us take the inner life of an individual. Mental energy accompanies all mental processes - cognitive, emotional, volitional. It is present in any mental state, for example, in moods, experiences, affects. It is an indispensable attribute of such stable personality traits as character, beliefs, attitudes, needs, moral qualities, etc. Being the background of a person’s external activity, mental energy is detected in interaction with partners, in the work performed, in leisure time, and in creativity.

2. Psychic energy controls a person. It is known that as soon as you think about someone, remember, imagine people, objects or events, needs are awakened in response, certain images, moods, desires, motives arise, or actions are carried out in space and time.

3. Like any energy, psychic energy goes beyond its source - the brain, the physical body of a person. It easily spreads in space, perhaps rushing into space. In any case, the energy of one person can reach another.

4. The mental energy of one person affects the state and behavior of another. This means that each of us is simultaneously both a generator of psychic energy and its conductor and receiver.

Today they talk and write a lot about psychics, but why are they given so much attention? After all, in fact, all people are capable of perceiving and sending streams of psychic energy. For some, these abilities are almost inactive, but most use them without knowing it. Every person experiences the energetic influence of their partners. It’s easy and simple to communicate with some people, they seem to attract you, while with others you feel uncomfortable, tense - they seem to push you away with an invisible wave. There are people who give their energy to their partners, and there are also those who primarily consume it (“vampirism”). Being at a considerable distance, we sometimes feel the state of our loved one or loved one. In the company of a loved one, we feel warmth and uplifting spirit, while an unattractive partner awakens antipathy, as if a cold breath blows from him. Sometimes a partner infects us with his energy, and his impulse or pessimism is transmitted to us.

Sources of psychic energy

Energy is not created again and does not disappear. Consequently, energy consumption and replenishment are different degrees of energy movement between energy sources. Movement, breathing, food, sleep, place and time, external and internal processes - this is an incomplete list of available energy sources. Let us consider these sources in more detail, taking into account that the energy of these sources can be spent, accumulated, transformed, distributed or directed. The degree of energy (whether it is currently being accumulated by a person or being spent) can be determined using knowledge of how a person can successfully interact with this energy.

There is a dynamic type of energy known to us, by getting into the flow of which a person can significantly increase his efficiency, saving the consumption of his own psycho-physical forces. This is an “independent movement”, more related to our psycho-emotional and spiritual component. In particular, a person, having consciously chosen an egregor with a matching vector of goals, can use the energy of the egregor (the knowledge and strength of other people - members of the egregor) to overcome a certain stage of life in the best possible way. For example, if a person lacks positive emotions in life and needs to strengthen family relationships, he can join the “sports family” club. As a result, a person will not change his image alone, but will be helped by the egregor of the same name with the participation of his entire family and all members of the club. Such techniques literally “pull” a person out of his unfavorable past, but only if the egregor is strong enough.

The second type of movement can be started by a person independently. Here are some examples:

  • physical culture, sports, tourism and other types of various muscle activities;
  • auto-training, hypnosis, meditation and other methods of accelerating and inhibiting the psyche;
  • ritual dances, smooth tai chi movements, qigong exercises, static yoga poses and other amazing practices that combine the philosophy of spiritual and physical healing;
  • massage, tantric sex and other couples and group intimate exercises;

Even chopping wood can serve a person well in acquiring valuable life resources. However, it turns out that the same type of movement can result in energy consumption or its accumulation as a result of work performed by a person.

Physical culture and sports involve a gradual increase in physical activity from exercise and warm-up to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities increase. As a result of physical education, you get pleasure and achieve good health and mood, and restore mental and physical performance. As a rule, classes at the mass level physical culture for a healthy person they are not associated with very great physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplinary, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity. Sport is distinguished by the fact that there is an element of competition, the desire to win and achieve high results, which require increased mobilization of a person’s physical, mental and moral qualities, which are improved in the process of rational training and participation in competitions.

Autotraining is a method of influencing one’s physical and emotional state through self-hypnosis. As a rule, auto-training, like meditation, is effective for short-term rest, suppressing stress and excessive excitability. In this case, potential psychic energy is formed and accumulated. Psychic energy begins to move in a person who is unable to remain calm. Modern Western philosophy transfers the “active lifestyle” to the area of ​​emotions and feelings, teaching, for example, that stress is good, since it mobilizes all a person’s forces to achieve specific goals, but these teachers are of little interest in the fact that the body literally “burns out” in a short time during such stress. In this case, a person experiences an overexpenditure of energy due to strong emotions accompanying certain events, and then he experiences severe fatigue, and his body requires rest, and, consequently, recharging.

Positive thinking has become very popular now. However, even here there can be a deeply meaningful, calm, positive attitude of a person towards life; as well as the blind conviction that “everything is fine with me.” In this case, when a person pumps himself up with “positivity” through self-hypnosis, he uses his own reserves, i.e. uses his personal field, his energy. By redirecting his energy to the right place, a person sets himself in a “high mood” and gains the ability to more easily cope with the problems of life. With self-hypnosis, a person’s mental energy is used, which mobilizes the body’s internal reserves, leads to coordinated work of all the body’s cells and makes it healthier. Spiritual and religious teachings, mainly Eastern, teach us to develop in ourselves, first of all, good qualities of character, such as calmness and tranquility. Due to a strong spiritual foundation, such people are not worried, and as we remember, the brain works more efficiently at lower biorhythms. When engaged in creativity or mental activity, a person, due to internal work, can produce a lot of energy, despite the fact that he will lead a quiet, calm lifestyle. Creativity and mental activity produce a lot of energy. If a person is in constant anxiety and does not do anything like that, and he needs the exchange of energies to feel good, then it is advisable for him to move around in society as much as possible. Interconnection in society also forces a person to generate energy for all kinds of connections. The more people a person interacts with, the more energy he produces. The greater the energy potential a person has, the more people he must interact with in order to strengthen his potential and produce the amount of energy that corresponds to his potential.

Hatha yoga focuses on correct body position with the goal of harmonious development. Due to high concentration on the location of body parts, the brain works better and faster, because a state of “dynamic meditation” arises. An important rule is to follow a sequence of poses (asanas), which are selected in a special way to reduce the risk of injury. In the generally accepted understanding, yoga is a type of static gymnastics. However, the founder of yoga, the philosopher Patanjali, divided it into eight steps and the practice of full yoga is a universal philosophy of life designed to lead a person to happiness. Considering only the physical aspect of yoga - performing asanas, it should be noted that it improves flexibility, restores vitality and health, activates the work of internal organs, establishes a connection between body and mind, to move from physical to spiritual perfection. Hatha yoga is universal in nature - exercises are selected according to your current state. If you feel tired after a hard day's work, you should perform calming asanas. In the morning it is better to perform activating asanas (in a standing position). To an ignorant person it may seem that there is nothing difficult in yoga poses. However, your personal experience will show that even being in the simplest pose in a motionless state turns out to be quite difficult. By developing the ability to remain motionless in one position for at least a minute, you also develop personal qualities such as will and concentration. That. daily yoga classes allow a person to accumulate potential psycho- physical energy: keep your physical body in good shape and strengthen your psyche. Such a person is literally “not touched” by life’s difficulties, because he knows how to endure while being in a serene state.

At the same time, there is an opinion that exercises in hatha yoga - in a light form, done with great care - can improve health, otherwise they will lead to obsession, a form of madness.

During massage, sex and other intimate exercises performed in pairs, energy is both given and acquired through the interaction of people as sources of energy. The quality of such energetic interaction is influenced by the nature of the partner, technique, duration and other personal factors. By elevating sex to the rank of a basic human instinct, scientists have given it the status of one of the most motivating forces in the Universe. Such a desire forms a powerful flow of energy in a person, which can be used both for its intended purpose and for the purpose of progression, through sublimation.

There are popular eastern schools, in particular the teachings of Taoism and the school of tantric sex, which claim that with the help of special techniques and the adoption of a specific philosophy, one can achieve good health, increased mental abilities and even achieve spiritual awakening (Kundalini awakening). Sexual energy nourishes the human body, mind and spirit and is creative in nature. From the Taoist point of view, energy and working with it are the main factor in achieving general condition happiness. The principle of the above eastern techniques is to retain the semen and redirect the sexual energy generated during sexual intercourse along the spinal column to the brain and then down to the solar plexus to organize the circulation of such energy throughout the body.

Breathing is a process that is intricately connected with the work of the entire human system: with movement, both physical and occurring in our consciousness. When we are anxious and extremely agitated, our breathing becomes rapid and irregular. By deliberately calming our breathing and slowing it down, we gradually stabilize our emotional state. Thus, by changing the rhythm and type of breathing, we can influence a whole range of physiological and mental changes in the body. By concentrating on breathing, a person is able to begin to transform the energy of the air into various types of energies that he needs for spiritual activity. For example, in pranayama (breath control), one of the principles is the mental representation of filling oneself with vital energy when inhaling and releasing it when exhaling. Thus, through breath control, a person learns to control energy (prana). For example, a universal and popular breathing exercise that quickly normalizes the nervous system is alternate nostril breathing. It allows you to feel calm and balanced after just a few breaths. This allows you to quickly enter a favorable state for meditation. That. Working with breathing allows, in addition to the physiological nutrition of the blood with oxygen, to discover other aspects of the “subtle” energies of a person.

A person performs mechanical actions, moves, thinks, feels - and for all this he needs energy. We are accustomed to personifying ourselves with the body and believe that we fully replenish our personal energy reserves through food, as well as through solar energy, like any fuel-powered engine. However, as you can notice from your own experience, if you are overly saturated with food, not only will there be no more energy, but you simply won’t have the strength to leave the table. Socrates taught to abstain from everything that is eaten not to satisfy hunger, but for taste, and persuaded his students to do the same. He said that excess food or drink caused great harm not only to the body, but also to the soul, and advised leaving the table while you were still hungry.

Today there are countless diets and diets: separate meals; nutrition by calories; vitamin supplements; dairy, fruit or vegetable diet; vegetarian food; all types of national cuisine, etc.

Separate nutrition is based on the principle: eat proteins separately, carbohydrates separately and fats separately. However, this principle is not fully reflected in the proposed methodology, because There are practically no natural products containing only protein or only carbohydrates or only fat. Take any product from the garden - vegetables or fruits - and it will contain all the components of a separate diet. An exception may be a glass of vegetable oil (pure fat), sugar (pure carbohydrate), egg white (pure protein). But which of you will eat like this? There is evidence that people who followed separate diets for many years became neurasthenics over time. Just imagine: you need to constantly think about what product to eat and when, while a person constantly feels hungry and is not satisfied with the taste, which is very important for emotional satisfaction. Thus, a person may have a healthy body, but the psyche becomes upset.

Calorie-Based Nutrition originated in 1930 with the publication of two young men who proposed that “obesity is the result of the consumption of calorie-rich foods rather than a metabolic disorder.” Despite the fact that they did not succeed in serious scientific work, their work was published and was immediately accepted as an undeniable scientific dogma. Their theory was included in the curriculum of medical institutes in many Western countries and even today continues to occupy a leading place there. As a result, a simplified and dangerous hypothesis that has no real scientific basis has led to the fact that in most cases, obesity in people with more than fifteen to twenty kilograms of excess weight was acquired as a result of many years of consistent adherence to low-calorie diets. In real life, we see people literally dying of hunger and continuing to gain weight. This is because our body is programmed to store fat for its survival under any nutritional conditions.

Vitamins are nothing more than compounds present in food. A hundred years ago, scientists discovered that some diseases are caused by a lack of vitamins. In the middle of the last century, Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes, came up with the idea that vitamins were powerful enough to prevent even such serious diseases as cancer and premature aging, you just need to take them in huge quantities. Pauling's statement that large amounts of vitamin C is a cure for colds is perceived in our time as dogma, as a scientifically proven fact. Everyone has heard about it and no one doubts it. Such statements by a famous scientist quickly created a super-industry for the production of vitamins and food supplements; at that time no one thought that any theoretical calculations should be confirmed by life, and these are practical experiments throughout a person’s life - several decades. Modern institutes studying data on the lives of volunteers taking vitamins have come to the conclusion: undoubtedly, vitamin C acts on a cold when you are already infected; but does it prevent it? The answer was unexpected - taking huge amounts of vitamin C will not help prevent colds. Other, more dismal research results have come from taking other vitamins. Increasing intake of a type of vitamin A, retinol, over a long period of time increases the risk of developing osteoporosis - bone destruction. Increased intake of carotene, another type of vitamin A, among smokers led to the development of lung cancer in almost a third of volunteers. Until now, scientists cannot accurately name the dose that is not harmful to the body. At the same time, scientists draw another conclusion: a large amount of vitamins for our body is not predictable, and natural, balanced food can provide us with everything we need.

It is believed that overeating is caused by the desire to have as much as possible, or in other words it is caused by greed. Food gives a person what he needs to live. However, what is life for us: only the existence of a physical body, or also the presence of a spiritual body. Which one is of greater priority to you? For example, Mahatma Gandhi selected his diet in such a way as to keep his spirit peaceful and calm. To do this, he did not allow seasonings and foods that stimulate the development of human appetites and passions in food.

Food compensates for the loss positive energy bodies. It balances the negative energy entering the body (feelings of guilt, fear and anger) and thereby prevents the body from dying. The appetite for various dishes and products arises as a subconscious desire to compensate for the lack of energy. By paying attention to body signals, you can learn to think and recognize stress with their help. Appetite contains information about what is happening in you, and this information is simple.

If you crave sour, then guilt needs to be fed. If you do not release the feelings of guilt and continue to lean on the sour, then a moment will come when the feeling of guilt will grow to extreme proportions, become deadly, and you yourself will become the accuser. You will no longer be drawn to sour, but to sweet.

If you experience an irresistible craving for sweets, then you have a lot of fear. It requires recharge. Consumption of sweets causes a pleasant calmness, and thus sweets quietly become a means of self-soothing. Those who are too fond of sweets cultivate their fears.

Craving for meat means that you are embittered, and anger can only be nourished by meat. If an embittered person does not receive meat, then he becomes even angrier. The habit of eating meat breeds anger. The angrier a person is, the more meat he consumes. The saltier, pepperier and spicier the anger, the saltier, pepperier and spicier the meat should be on his dinner table. If you force an embittered person to eat exclusively plant foods, he will become humble, lose weight, and become more and more human.

Every person dreams of perfection. Anyone who starts a meal with sour food soon craves sweets, and when the sweet is eaten, then he craves salty. A person under stress always eats more than necessary. He eats intermittently - after the salty one he again turns to sweets, washes them down with sour ones, etc. If you balance stress with unreasonable nutrition, then the appetite does not disappear, the stomach just can’t accommodate it anymore, but the appetite remains.

If feelings of guilt, fear and anger are raging in a person with equal force, then such a person needs to adhere to a precise regime and diet. It is generally accepted that a solid daily routine promotes good digestion and performance. In fact, with the right mindset, time has no meaning. It is enough to turn to your digestive tract and food with a positive mood when you receive a signal from a hungry stomach.

Let's give an example of the relationship between appetite and a specific disease. For example, with increasing feelings of guilt, constantly and with pleasure leaning on sour, a person one fine day feels that sour no longer fits into his mouth. Abdominal pain indicates that a peptic ulcer has occurred. The feeling of guilt turned into accusation. Now a person should switch to frequent consumption of meat and dairy, otherwise the stomach begins to eat itself. The increased acidity resulting from the accusation viciously attacks the available meat, without asking whether it is one’s own (stomach) or someone else’s (food). A person with a peptic ulcer behaves the same way. When the ulcer begins to bleed, the anger has already become very bloodthirsty.

A person with a balanced mental life does not abuse food and seasonings. He doesn't need a diet. If a person drinks little water, then he has a heightened vision of the world and acute perception. If a person drinks a lot of water, then the world for him is vague and unclear, but supportive and benevolent. True, water reduces, that is, dilutes aggressiveness, fears and emotional experiences.

Let's give examples of the energy of some food products: cereals - responsibility to the world, rye - interest in comprehending the deep wisdom of life, wheat - interest in comprehending the superficial wisdom of life, rice - a precisely balanced perfect vision of the world, corn - easy access to everything from life, barley - self-confidence , oats - thirst for knowledge, curiosity, potatoes - seriousness, carrots - humor, cabbage - cordiality, rutabaga - thirst for knowledge, beets - the ability to explain complex things clearly, cucumber - languor, daydreaming, tomato - self-confidence, peas - logical thinking , onion - recognition of one's own mistakes, garlic - self-confident intransigence, apple - prudence, dill - patience and endurance, lemon - critical mind, banana - frivolity, grapes - satisfaction.

Any excess leads to the opposite result. Likewise, good food becomes bad from excessive consumption. The miracle of nature - honey - gives perfect maternal love and warmth, like a mother's hug. Therefore, honey is used to treat all diseases. If a person has never experienced such love, if he is afraid of his mother’s love, which causes pain, then he hates honey.

All modern diets take into account the compatibility of foods with each other, but do not fully take into account the timing of food consumption. Thus, modern science claims that it is necessary to finish eating before seven o’clock in the evening, and drinking milk is harmful for an adult, since it is not digested. However, the science of Ayurveda states that each product has its own time of use. Here are some basic nutritional recommendations.

It is best to have breakfast from 6 to 8 am, at the time when the Sun rises. This increases the activity of the digestive organs and you feel a “suction” in the abdominal area. Morning is a time of optimism and happiness, so it is recommended to consume foods that have an optimistic nature. Such products include all fruits, dairy products, berries, nuts, sweet spices, jam, sugar and honey. Morning is the time for sweet, formative positive mood, however, the rest of the time, sweets will interfere with normal concentration on work.

You need to have lunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is ideal to eat at 12 o'clock, when the Sun is at its zenith. It is at this time, according to Vedic knowledge, that there is a burst of activity in the body that can easily digest food. At this time, it is good to eat all grains and legumes to enhance mental activity. However, if you eat these foods at other times, the result will be completely opposite. For example, if you eat bread in the evening, it will interfere with mental activity and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. In addition, undercooked food sits in the stomach all night, releasing toxins. As a result, the nervous system suffers and a person, after waking up, feels overwhelmed, weak and tired.

It is best to have dinner around 18 o'clock with stewed vegetables (except tomatoes and potatoes) and nuts with a small amount of butter, salt and spices. You can also use buckwheat. 1-2 hours before going to bed, it is recommended to take a small amount of boiled milk with spices, which helps increase the efficiency of sleep, relieve mental stress, as a medicine for the mind and mind. Night time is the only time when milk can be absorbed by the body.

By the evening, every person gets tired. The amount of fatigue arises from the number of mistakes we made during the day, or, in other words, it is measured by the level of accumulated stress. Regular failure to replenish energy through sleep leads to accumulated fatigue, which quietly turns into illness. People who are actively engaged in spiritual practice practically do not have such fatigue and only 3-4 hours of sleep is enough for them.

There is a general belief that sleep relieves fatigue. However, the quality of sleep, as well as preparation for sleep, are more important than the amount of time devoted to it. Intellectual and emotional state has a particular impact on the quality of sleep. Before going to bed, it is recommended that instead of watching news on TV that does not please your mind, take warm shower or a bath, do stretching and relaxation exercises, meditate and then, with a clear consciousness and a calm mind, go to sleep. And every day before going to bed, you must remember your main goal in life. Sleep in this case will have healing powers for the mind and intelligence.

The material body has an acceptable minimum energy limit, below which irreversible processes and death occur. The body is constantly under the control of the unconscious, which monitors all parameters of the physical body and its organs. Therefore, when the amount of energy drops to an acceptable limit, a device is turned on to supply the body with energy. And when a person sits down or lies down to rest, this device is activated when necessary, and energy begins to flow into the material shell. Where does strength come from during sleep? Modern scientists claim that our psyche needs dreams in order to process the conflicts that worry it and scientifically prove the need to sleep up to 8-9 hours a day. Universally recognized beauties, such as Claudia Schiffer, sleep 12 hours a day to maintain their beauty.

The science of Ayurveda states that not only the quantity and quality of sleep is important, but also the time when you should fall asleep and wake up. According to ancient knowledge, the mind and intelligence rest from 9 to 11 pm. Failure to comply with this rule leads to a gradual decline in a person’s mental abilities and rationality. Vitality is restored from 11 pm to 1 am; if a person does not sleep at this time, he will begin to develop nervous and muscular system. From 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock in the morning emotions and feelings rest, neglecting rest at this time, irritability, aggressiveness and antagonism will begin to appear in a person. In general, it is recommended that a person between 18 and 45 years old sleep an average of 6 hours, for example, from 10 pm to 4 am, but individual characteristics and the rhythm of life should also be taken into account. Many people who have ever achieved success are united by the rule of getting up early in the morning. However, none of them can explain in detail why they do this, except that while everyone is sleeping, I can get more done. Ayurveda explains that from 3 to 6 in the morning a person’s mind works much faster and more focused than during the day, which allows him to solve life’s problems more effectively. And such recommendations for each type of activity exist in ancient texts, but modern scientists are skeptical about them, preferring to develop their own theories.

Place and time
From time immemorial, there have been sciences such as astrology, feng shui, vastu shastra and others, which aim to determine the most appropriate time and place for any actions, to identify the best way to organize the surrounding and internal space. The task of such a science is to warn about favorable or unfavorable elements at one time or another, as well as to include a person in a favorable, power-filled flow that can lead him through time to achieve his goal.

Everything in our world is under the influence of time and moves according to the law of cycle. We cannot stop the aging of the body or the destruction of the built house, but only slow it down. Time affects all areas of our lives. For example, a medicine that enhances digestion should be taken before or after meals. However, medicine taken with food will only damage the digestive organs. Vedic medicine, for example, cannot take a step without Vedic astrology, individually compiled for the patient.

Modern scientists also know that the actions of our body are subject to biorhythms. They are usually divided into 3 areas: physical, emotional and intellectual. And there are simple programs for making such individual forecasts of your biorhythmic state, in order to use your state for specific life situations.

Modern science has also determined through research that the functioning of the neurons in our brain changes depending on the direction in which we look. In addition, the brain has “orientation” neurons that send signals about the location of the body in a room and in space. Thus, the direction in which we look has a direct impact on the functioning of our brain and body as a whole.

Ancient Vedic knowledge goes much further than this statement. They describe exactly how orientation in space affects the mind and body. When we live or work in buildings with incorrect orientation or distorted proportions, the functioning of brain neurons becomes abnormal, and this can cause anxiety, illness, loss of creativity, troubles in family and professional life, antisocial behavior and even criminal tendencies.

In nature, everything is proportionate to its purpose. For example, every organ of the human body is not only located in the right place, but also has precise proportions, and any deviation can upset the balance and cause problems. The sun, moving across the sky, emits various types of energy, which have a certain effect on different parts of the house. Vedic knowledge teaches how to design in such a way that these types of energy correspond to what a person is doing in the various rooms of a house or building. It is very important to arrange each room in the right place according to its purpose, so that a person does not feel drowsy in the dining room or hungry in the study. This is just one of many factors that are important to consider in order to ensure that every aspect of daily life is in complete harmony with nature.

Magical methods of harmonizing living space have always occupied a significant place in the cultures of the peoples of the world. Since ancient times, the sympathetic principle has been used to transmit information and influence at a distance. The possibility of this occupied the minds of people even when science in its current understanding did not exist. Paradoxically, in a primitive society, a person’s dependence on the speed and quality of information transfer was often higher than in the modern world, which is much more saturated with information flows, but also more protected from accidents. Success in war and hunting, the ability to resist diseases for ancient people meant life or death. Therefore, everything that was somehow connected with information had cult significance. The methods of influencing and transmitting information, the objects with the help of which these actions were carried out, were sacred and were trusted only to specially trained people. Moreover, ancient society was so imbued with the idea of ​​​​the importance of information impact that almost all objects that were used in everyday life were of a ritual nature. From the oldest rock painting in a cave, in which a hunter hits an animal with an arrow, to the tom-toms of Africans and the furcal of Ukrainians, capable of transmitting sound information for many kilometers. From Viking battle axes and swords to Slavic spindles and spinning wheels used simply to make everyday clothing. Man lived ritually, everything that surrounded him was not just an “empty” warehouse; information, but a source of vital energy-information interaction. Over many centuries, man has developed effective methods of actively influencing the world, and methods of energy-informational influence occupied a dominant position among them.

In principle, there are two main ways of harmonization. In one case, it is a flat pattern that, due to its correct location in space and inclusion in time, can generate energy that maintains the necessary “climate.” A striking example is the giant drawings in the Nazca desert, the feasibility of which for humans has been debated for so long and will continue to be debated by modern science. Pagan systems of sacred groves, characteristic of the ancient Slavs, Celts, Romans, etc., also served to harmonize space in a similar way. In this case, the energy of the design was additionally fueled by the living energy of the trees, allowing the most effective way to combine the energy of man and the area.

The second method of harmonization is the construction of volumetric structures, which, in principle, perform the same task as a flat pattern on the ground. These are Egyptian pyramids, ancient Mayan pyramids, temples of all cultures and peoples of the world. This also includes the famous Stone Henge in England, and the Stone Tomb near Melitopol. But if modern temples are designed to serve the needs of only limited areas of the area, then pyramid systems have a more global significance.

As an example of a separate group of small energy systems, talismans and amulets can be cited. A feature of amulets and talismans that distinguishes them from other harmonizing energy systems is their individual selection in each specific case. Moreover, unlike energy systems belonging to a specific egregor, the use of extra-egregorial means of influencing the human biofield does not contradict strict adherence to the traditions of the egregor to which the person belongs. These systems, due to the individual harmonization of a person’s field structures, make it possible to increase his ability to psychophysiological adaptation in society without affecting the layer that is responsible for egregorial connections.

The range of talismans and amulets used since ancient times is very rich. Along with minerals, plants and metals, sign generators were widely used. This class includes sacred drawings - yantras and mandalas. And if the mandala belongs rather to the devices of “global”, impersonal harmonization of space, since it reflects the highest cosmic law of the world order of our Universe, then the yantra is closer to real time, space, person and situation. Pantacles, widely used in magic, are even closer to a specific person and his daily concerns - sign generators designed to harmonize certain situations and problems arising in society. The simplest sign generators are various geometric shapes, often found in state symbols, family coats of arms, etc. - triangles, pentagrams, hexagrams. It is necessary, however, to make a reservation that they are the simplest only from the point of view of the outline, but at the same time they carry a very deep symbolic meaning.

Already in the time of Paracelsus, individual sign generators were used to treat various diseases and as amulets of the biofield. Moreover, despite the rapid development of official science, only very recently were important discoveries made regarding the impact of various information systems on humans. In the course of work carried out in Germany in the period from 1933 to 1945, aimed at searching for the most effective methods control of the human psyche and behavior, specialists from the Ahnenerbe Society (Heritage of Ancestors) discovered a special formation in the area of ​​the human pituitary gland, which they called the “crystal of will.” It is obvious that until this time there were no devices for the targeted protection of such a structure from external influences. Perhaps such an impact was taken into account in conjunction with others, as the main part, but due to the absence of the very concept of a “crystal of will,” it is unlikely that protective devices could be effective. As experience shows, even at present the overwhelming majority of defense systems do not take into account the psychophysical structure of the cerebral cortex and the physiology of human information systems. This means that, as a result, the protective systemic effect is carried out without taking into account the individual characteristics of a person as a physiological and social object. In this case, a superficial rather than deep effect is achieved, covering only a small part of the field structures. As a result, the mechanisms of mental adaptation are not fully activated, and at a certain stage a person develops an “explosive” complex, causing either mental breakdowns or a “collapse” of the event plan with a full range of mental and physical injuries.

Sciences like the Vedas and Feng Shui were actively used by our ancestors. In Russian huts, according to scientists, windows and doors were also made taking into account the correct circulation of energy, even the ring for the cradle with the baby was attached to the ceiling in the most energetically powerful place.

Here are some examples of Feng Shui tips that will help you improve your business luck:

  • The Dragon is believed to create precious cosmic chi energy that brings good luck to the home and office. Install such a dragon along with a fountain in the North for unlimited success in your career or in the Southeast for great luck of wealth.
  • A crystal globe is one of the most powerful means of enhancing success in the fields of education, literature and communications. If you work in one of these fields, installing a crystal globe on your desktop will bring you not only success, but also wealth and recognition.
  • The sector responsible for career according to the theory of Eight Aspirations is located in the North. Installing a wind chime with 6 hollow metal tubes in this sector will bring to life the energy of water, which will activate luck in your career.

Feng Shui is taken quite seriously today, considering that ordinary quackery cannot exist successfully for more than five thousand years. Thus, in the center of Hong Kong, the government was forced to rebuild six floors of the Bank of China due to the fact that nearby buildings were irradiated with negative energy.

The attitude towards astrology now remains quite skeptical, despite the opinion that one of the most popular and accurate predictive books in the world, the Bible, was compiled taking into account astrological predictions of the movements of the planets. A person really wants to believe that everything in this world depends on him, but there are much more powerful forces that we cannot influence. Ebbs and flows, solar and lunar eclipses, stellar activity and many other phenomena leave an imprint on the human psyche. Somewhere a million kilometers from Earth, one planet came too close to another and this affected the entire Universe. If a person is born on this day, hour and minute, then he is endowed with certain character traits, and this is how a horoscope is drawn up. In the same way, some time, day and hour may be favorable for one type of activity and not favorable for another.

External objects and processes
Any object of the universe is characterized by an energy attribute, which means it can be endowed with the following properties:

  • attract or repel a special kind of energy from the field of its influence (on the mental level - egregor, on the physical level - magnet)
  • accumulate any types of energy (human memory accumulates information energy);
  • transform one type of energy into another (a person, during self-hypnosis, transforms mental energy into physical energy, for example, before a sports competition);
  • radiate energy outward (a positive-minded person, with the help of a smile and the power of thought, creates a space of kindness and love around him);
  • guide in a given direction (a person with a strong belief system will steadily direct your thinking in the direction he has chosen);
  • rebroadcast, i.e. receive and transmit any energy flow in a certain direction without its quantitative and qualitative changes (this is how information is transmitted, for example, through rumors);
  • organize or structure in a special way one or another type of energy (an organizational leader can make a public association out of a crowd);
  • generate, i.e. reproduce energy of a special kind and quality (a person, with the help of prayers or mantras, is able to generate psychic energy in himself for a specific purpose);
  • act as a catalyst for activating certain energy processes in other objects (one person with revolutionary ideas can “shake up” an entire society).

These properties extend to any visible or invisible objects, some of which become amulets or talismans, as concentrated sources of energy of a certain quality in physical manifestation. Energy of a certain quality can reside in a person, an animal, a complex of stone monuments, natural formations or egregorial structures, and so on. Various shamans, sorcerers, exorcists, or simply people who believe are capable of endowing physical objects with magical properties. If modern science is not able to detect these subtle layers of energy, this does not mean that it does not exist. This rather means that to study subtle energies, a measuring device of an even more subtle nature is needed, such as a person himself is capable of becoming.

Folk signs are based on the energy principle:

  • Don’t take someone else’s handkerchief - other people’s tears will pass on to you with it;
  • If you carry a rich man’s wallet with you a little, then your wallet will learn from him how to store money;
  • Drying yourself together with one towel means you will soon quarrel.
  • After sunset, they don’t lend money or things: there will be no return.
  • Don’t keep an empty bottle on the table - there will be no money.
  • Wearing other people's things means changing your destiny.
  • Losing a glove is bad luck.
  • Accidentally breaking a chain worn around your neck means freeing yourself from heavy responsibilities.

Life consists of interconnected processes with human participation, in which he takes both direct and indirect participation. Whether it is participation in a demonstration, a traffic jam, a daily walk in the park, a visit to the cinema - all these are regular processes in which we have repeatedly participated. Other people and objects of the universe are also involved in the same constant processes. The higher the level of understanding of processes in a single system of phenomena of various scales, the greater opportunities a person opens for himself to use external changes for his own purposes. For example, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin used the revolutionary situation in the country and the disunity of other political parties to found a socialist state. The Decembrists did not succeed in this, because the situation in the country was completely different, they did not take into account the external processes in Russia. If you are in a depressed, pessimistic mood, join in the process of infection with laughter and positive emotions - go to the circus or watch a comedy in the cinema, and a powerful flow of emotions formed by a group of people will pick up and carry you to a place where you will begin to smile again. If you find it difficult to force yourself to study, go to a place where learning is taken seriously - for example, Public library– this can provide a powerful stimulating flow of energy.

Types of external processes that allow the generation of human psycho-physical energy are effects on the senses.

The organ of touch can be influenced through visiting a bathhouse, sauna, taking a contrast shower and other types of exposure to temperature and water, as well as through individual selection of clothing.

Through the sense of smell, using aromatherapy techniques, you can influence a wide range of human capabilities. For example, cut a piece of orange and place it on the table next to you. After a few seconds, your performance and mood will noticeably improve. If you cannot sleep, instead of taking pills, use a light scent of lavender or rose and a restful sleep will be ensured in a few minutes. Vocal therapy has a complex effect on the entire body through the organ of hearing.

Sound has an impact on the mind, which is able to correct all psycho-physical abnormalities that occur in the body. We ourselves have noticed that a melody can shape a mood - what they sing about is what we experience inside. And if we analyze the content of songs performed on the modern stage, then its quality, in the sense of ensuring the progress of society, leaves much to be desired.

The organ of vision is involved in pattern recognition and transmits this information to the brain. Scientists know the connection between the color and shape of objects and the mental characteristics of a person. Therefore, by choosing the surrounding colors and shapes in clothing, in the environment at home and in the office, you can consciously influence your mental abilities. For example, a person striving to cultivate purity and tranquility in himself deliberately creates a space around himself with predominant white and pale blue colors, rounded shapes in furniture, spacious and bright rooms.

Internal objects and processes
The internal objects of a person include the organs of the body and energy centers - chakras, dantians (depending on the spiritual tradition). Internal processes include the movement of physical manifestations of the body’s work (movement of air, blood, nutrients) and the circulation of energy through energy centers.

Spiritual practices allow a person to bring together physiological and energetic objects and processes in the body. This is truly the path to the development of a superman, when a person, for example, using only the power of thought can accelerate muscle activity and perform an active warm-up of the muscles of the whole body in a few seconds or stop breathing for a day, go without sleep, food and drink for tens of days, etc. . However, until now, internal self-improvement is the most attractive and at the same time, the most incomprehensible direction in human progress. For those who are skeptical about spiritual practices, it will be useful to develop the ability to control the mind.

Catalysts of psychic energy

Various mental processes contribute to the accumulation of mental energy. Let's look at them.

Needs, preferences, desires
While a person is alive, his actions are controlled by a “perpetual motion machine” - the information and energy forces of needs. It is known that need - physiological, material or spiritual - is a signal of the dysfunctional state of a particular life support system and maintaining the comfort of the individual.

Any noticeable deficiency or discomfort in one or another life support system generates psychic energy, with the help of which the system strives to resume its functionality - this is the essence of needs.

Emotions are built into the mechanism of sensations and needs. A need arises, and after it an emotion, the experience of discomfort; the need is eliminated - the negative emotion is replaced by a positive one, the experience of pleasure. It turns out the following: a need, highly energized in itself by what makes us strive to satisfy it, “resorts” to the services of another mysterious force - emotions. They encourage the satisfaction of needs, and then “rejoice” as a result of its saturation. The more acute the need is, that is, the more fully it is emotionally perceived and experienced, the greater the psycho energy potential she has.

The consistency of needs and emotions is revealed already in the first seconds of a person’s life. Having been born, the child takes a breath and immediately starts crying - a symbol of life. This is how genetic programs of emotional behavior begin to operate prosaically. From this moment on, emotions will relentlessly accompany the life of an individual - from the first to the last second of life, gradually becoming more complex and diverse. However, at the very moment of birth, the basic structure of emotions is triggered.

Events occur in two inextricably linked dimensions:

– at the physiological level: the action of an external stimulus (a breath of air that has vital physical and chemical properties) causes changes in the body (air fills the lungs, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which ensures the functional state of the brain and the whole body) and stimulates a response (active movements appear , various internal life support systems “turn on”);

– at the psychophysiological level: the uncomfortable state of the body, caused by the need (stopping the flow of oxygen through the maternal blood), activates an unconditioned reflex (the respiratory complex is called), which eliminates the need (oxygen entered the brain and blood, restoring the functionality of the body), in the process and as a result of its elimination, an emotion arises (screaming, crying).

Emotions behave in exactly the same way when any needs arise - physiological, material, spiritual. They accompany all stages of the emergence and implementation of needs: experiences of discomfort and then satisfaction arise alternately. This is the moment of transformation of physiological need and external influences environment into psychic energy.

In our example with a newborn, at first glance, only one thing is strange - satisfied life needs are accompanied by negative emotion. However, this is not surprising: this is a form of emotional response.

In our lives, we often resort to it, responding in a “strange” way to useful changes if they are unknown to us, alarming or surprising. We are afraid of sudden happy turns of fate, we are afraid to reciprocate too tempting and unusual offers. The crying of a newborn probably comes from the same mysterious area of ​​the emotional. Perhaps this is a reaction to a new and incomprehensible sensation. Perhaps this is how fear of the unpredictable manifests itself - what will happen after the exciting influence of the environment? Or is it evidence of joy, conveyed in an inadequate, not yet socialized form. Sometimes adults behave the same way - they cry with happiness. It is possible that in the distant past joy was accompanied by crying. In any case, the centers of pleasure and pain are located nearby in the brain.

Since a person experiences different needs, he is forced to evaluate them and order them in order of importance. This is how a new source of psychic energy of preference arises, that is, emotionally weighted needs. The most preferred need naturally carries the greatest psychoenergetic charge. The more preferences, the stronger the energetic arousal. A person may not talk about his preferences, but the energy of his emotions gives him away - in an effort to satisfy important needs, he is very active, hasty, assertive, aggressive, and ruthless.

Conscious action aimed at satisfying preferred needs is desire. It is more energetically saturated than the need. Desire is an effective form of manifestation of preferences. Some people are literally torn apart by the energy of exorbitant or competing desires - they want both this and that. The nervous system sometimes cannot withstand the pressure of the energy of needs, preferences and desires. Then either a breakdown occurs, for example, mental maladjustment– anxiety, stress, neurosis, psychopathology, or protective emotional mechanisms are used – avoidance, self-deception, apathy, depression, aggression, etc.

The energy of needs, preferences and desires makes a significant contribution to the individual’s energy double. A person who is suffering, dissatisfied, full of intentions, is in a state of dynamics, his energy gives periodic bursts, which naturally affects those around him.

A person who does not have clearly expressed needs, or someone who is completely satisfied with himself and his circumstances, is perceived completely differently. Such a person is static, his energies are muted and therefore do not enter into information and energy exchange when interacting with partners.

The most powerful mental motivating force is possessed by a person’s needs associated with his subjective reality. Subjective reality is a complex of self-perceptions and self-esteem that inform a person’s consciousness about his own existence in real space and time.

The need for awareness of one’s subjective reality is the need of the individual, which, like any living system, strives to restore its full functionality, which is accompanied by psychic energy.

For this, an individual almost all the time needs information about his own well-being and self-sufficiency: I am, I exist, I manifest and realize myself, I have my own characteristics, I satisfy my claims, interests and rights, I am significant for myself and for others. The subjective reality of a person is embodied in his basic needs:

  • self-realization
  • self-actualization
  • self-esteem
  • self-expression
  • self-improvement
  • self-affirmation
  • self-respect.

We can safely say that these seven needs express the essence of both the personality itself and its energy “double.” Taken together, these needs constitute a single information-analytical subsystem in a person—her self-awareness. It is able to function normally only in the presence of feedback: the personality exists and is constantly convinced of this on the basis of information about the manifestation of itself. The brighter and more multifaceted the needs associated with the subjective reality of the individual, the more mental energy is generated.

The need for self-realization. Its energy is due to the fact that the inclinations, abilities, skills, knowledge, and practical experience of the individual tend to materialize—to be embodied in activity, creativity, and actions.

Need for self-actualization manifests itself through the desire to be significant for oneself and others in specific time coordinates - “here” and “now”. Mental energy is formed due to the fact that a person usually actively manifests himself in situations in which he finds himself a participant.

Need for self-esteem associated with the urgent need for the individual to be aware of the results various manifestations your Self and determine your place among your own kind. Otherwise, he will lose the opportunity to further correct his actions, which determine status, improvement and even development. Self-esteem becomes an energy source of purposeful mental activity and a condition for progressive development.

Need for self-expression is energized by two circumstances. Firstly, a person’s desire to demonstrate the characteristics of his nature. This is very important in the conditions of social life - to show the originality of inclinations, abilities, character, interests, desires, feelings, opinions. Secondly, with intentions to defend and defend one’s nature, chosen lifestyle and relationship to reality - otherwise subjective reality is lost and eroded.

Need for self-improvement is energized depending on how satisfied a person is with his development, achievements in general or in a specific period of life, within the framework of his goals. An individual is normally programmed to manifest himself in achieving ever new goals, in gradual advances along the line of his development, and this is the source of psychic energy. Dissatisfaction with oneself and what has been achieved is another source of it, associated with the need for self-improvement.

Need for self-affirmation manifests itself in a person’s desire to prove to himself and others the presence of certain potentials - abilities, inclinations, qualities necessary to realize specific goals. In self-affirmation, two psychoenergetic forces merge together - the desire for something and faith in one’s capabilities. “I want and I can” - this is the energized leitmotif of the mindset and actions of a person who affirms his Self.

Need for self-esteem is energized by a person’s desire to express self-esteem. To do this, he has to maintain his self-esteem at such a high level that he is constantly aware of his usefulness and self-sufficiency.

These are the basic needs of the personality, which express its very essence, beingness, subjective reality. Please note that they form an ensemble of psychic phenomena that is amazing in its internal logic. It seems as if some higher intelligent authority ordered them and forces them to act together:

  • internal potentials encourage a person to express himself - to realize himself either in significant achievements, or to actualize himself in specific everyday situations;
  • expressing oneself requires control - self-esteem;
  • objective self-esteem is possible only by comparing oneself with others, by identifying one’s own uniqueness, that is, by self-expression;
  • if self-esteem does not satisfy a person, then he strives for self-improvement;
  • for this, the individual needs to believe in himself - to assert himself;
  • and as the highest reward comes to her a feeling of self-respect.

What an amazing sequence of psychological operations combining the rational and the emotional. Its name is self-regulation. It has a cyclical nature and continues as long as the individual fully exists and, therefore, needs to prove to himself his existence - subjective reality.

Inclinations, abilities, abilities and skills
The inclinations given to us by nature - the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the brain and nervous system - determine a predisposition to the most effective types of activity. This is the secret of the psychic energy of the innate inclination. Predisposition means a pronounced adaptability to a specific activity, an internal motivating craving for it. A predisposition to any activity, that is, a predisposition, is a genetic program for the easiest and therefore acceptable and pleasant style of existence for an individual. The deposit is like some kind of coiled spring, trying to straighten out and act. His energy manifests itself spontaneously. There is no deposit - there is no mental energy corresponding to it. If it exists, then it declares itself regardless of the will of the individual. It can only be suppressed by more powerful psychic energy. For example, deliberately not giving it a way out, blocking it with competing values ​​or needs. The more clearly the inclination is expressed, the more noticeable its energetic moment in behavior is the desire to “break out”, to materialize. Let us remember how, for example, musical, visual, mathematical and other inclinations actively declare themselves - a gifted person cannot help but show them or hide them. He is driven by the powerful psychic energy of natural potencies.

Developing on the basis of practice, knowledge and experience, inclinations serve as the basis for the development of various abilities - this is a new energy force. It absorbs the energy-informational richness of knowledge and experience.

As a result of learning, based on inclinations and abilities, skills are formed - actions regulated by rules and knowledge. Skills have internal energy, which is concentrated in acquired action algorithms that are ready for implementation.

If skills are repeated many times and eventually become automatic, more complex and well-formed actions emerge - skills: motor, intellectual, labor, communication. What is each skill? This is an energy-intensive program of behavior that seeks to be embodied in physical acts - business operations, work methods, etc., or in intellectual actions, that is, in a new form of mental energy.

One cannot help but admire how purposefully nature unites the power of psychic energy around innate and acquired potentials. The mechanics are surprisingly elegant: the energy of inclinations is transformed into a new enhanced quality - the energy of abilities; abilities are supported by the energy of skills; skills turn into an even more effective and spontaneous force - skills. The energy gain does not end there. The experience acquired in the process of implementing skills usually leads to the emergence of increasingly advanced skills, the development of which requires new knowledge.

Such a probable sequence in the interaction of innate and acquired personality potentials, influencing each other, is possible due to the fact that each of them has psychic energy. It is transmitted from one link to another, transformed, intensified or weakened, becomes more or less dynamic, determining the energetic essence and manifestations of the individual. What is happening resembles a kind of perpetual motion machine, in which one potency, possessing psychic energy, stimulates another. Ultimately, a closed energy circuit is formed within the personality, which stimulates active self-realization.

The mental energy of various innate and acquired potentials of the individual - inclinations and abilities, skills and abilities, knowledge and experience - arises due to the fact that the inner involuntarily strives for external reproduction, for embodiment in materialized forms.

Materialization occurs in actions, deeds, initiatives, results of labor, in creative products, in intellectual activity, in roles performed. A naturally gifted person, whose abilities have also been developed and reinforced by knowledge, has such powerful mental energy that it is enough for various types of creative activity. Or the energy is so great that it neutralizes or suppresses many other manifestations of personality. This is the “mechanics” of emotional manifestations of giftedness - obsession, an indomitable thirst for activity to the point of self-forgetfulness. Remember what a specific energy field talented and brilliant people have. As a rule, they are surrounded by an aura of spirituality, which is especially noticeable at the moment of realization of inclinations, when they seem to dissolve in the process of creativity. They forget about time, don’t notice what’s happening, and don’t think about the essentials. They merge with the result of their creations - be it poetry, dance, music, invention or sculpture. They are immersed in a seething stream of psychic energy, which is produced by the natural forces of giftedness. The eccentricity or extravagance of a genius is entirely explained by the excess of mental energy of inclinations and abilities, which often blocks various areas of his activity, except for the manifestation of “God’s gift.”

Research reflex, curiosity and inquisitiveness
In essence, these are genetic programs for the cognitive activity of many highly developed living beings. Thanks to them, knowledge and assessment of the state of the environment occur, without which adaptation to it and survival are impossible. Naturally, in humans this “program trio” operates at a higher and more harmonious level than in other animals with a psyche.

An elementary cognitive program that ensures survival is the exploratory reflex. Instinctive forces predominate in it, but there are already elements of psychic energy. This is easy to verify by tracing the “work” of the reflex. He encourages the animal to carefully observe and examine its habitat: what is happening, is there any threat of danger, no matter what happens. The brain automatically and tirelessly, at the subconscious level, converts the energy of external influences into mental energy. Everything happens according to this scheme:

  • sensations and perceptions record physical states and changes in the environment;
  • the energy of reflected external influences activates memory - the container of the ideal: the impressions just received revive the images stored in it;
  • the mental charge of images forces thinking to “work” - a comparison of new impressions and old images occurs, conclusions are drawn: is the environment favorable or threatening in some way.

If the recorded state of the environment does not correspond to the image stored in memory, a feeling of anxiety and restlessness arises. This is psychic energy, and it forces you to make one or another conclusion: you need to take protective measures, you can take risks, or you need to remain calm. The exploratory reflex is a reliable survival tool, however, an animal leading an active lifestyle cannot manage only with its help. After all, the research reflex allows only to record and evaluate the state of the environment. But it is changeable and sometimes unexpected, which forces the animal to look beyond the boundaries of the obvious and probable. Otherwise, one cannot forestall events, one cannot anticipate what is hidden, one cannot discern what is dangerous.

Curiosity comes into play - a more powerful program of cognitive activity, accompanied by emotion. Curiosity involves the psychic energy of a once-accomplished accidental discovery - it led to the unexpected, to surprise.

Curiosity is driven by the mental energy of anticipating novelty - unknown sensations and discoveries.

The psyche is terribly “curious” - it needs changes, discoveries and shocks. The mechanism of curiosity is fundamentally the same in a variety of manifestations. A cat sniffing corners and objects in a new situation. In a baby who reacts to a new toy by feeling and putting in his mouth, trying to look into its insides. A woman is a seeker of love adventures, eager for sharp turns of fate and encounters with surprises. A man with a passion for change in space and time. The essence of curiosity is that the psyche oscillates: from the familiar to the new, from the outdated to the unknown, from interest to boredom. Some parts of the brain are temporarily activated and gradually “get tired,” while others, under the influence of something new, are connected and get to work. But they too will soon adapt and will wait for a rest. Under the influence of internal and external influences, zones of active action periodically change in the brain.

In the “period of oscillation,” in the process of shifting from the experienced and known to the new and unknown, the psychic energy of a pleasant state is generated.

That is why for the curious, the process of knowledge is usually more important than the subject of knowledge and the triumph of victory. I would like to repeat the pleasant state of the “oscillation period”. That is why curiosity, if it is inherent in a given person, comes to him seriously and for a long time.

Curiosity is a higher level of cognitive activity characteristic of people. Curiosity is already a stable trait of a person who has certain inclinations and was brought up in certain conditions. The mental energy of many manifestations of the ideal “works” for curiosity; experiencing the joy of discovery, the desire for new knowledge, for unraveling deep mysteries and complex phenomena, the driving force of knowledge and experience. Of course, intelligence plays an exceptional role.

The mental energy of the intellect lies in its natural potentials - in the quality of its organization as a system. It is known that any well-organized system performs its functions better than a poorly organized one. Good intelligence is a powerful source of mental energy.

Intelligence, like any ability, operates on the principle of “giftedness,” that is, depending on the quality and organization of its substructures.

These are cognitive mental processes - perception, memory, ideas, attention, thinking. Moreover, each cognitive process is a completely independent source of mental energy. Let's take perception. The more active, intense and widespread it manifests itself, the more psychic energy it produces. After all, perception forms images of the surrounding reality and impressions of internal states. Each image or impression is a fragment of the ideal, an information-energy model, a cast of reality.

An image is a compact and convenient unit of ideal for storage in the brain, possessing a charge of psychic energy.

For the time being, images are stored in memory, but the moment will come when the energy concentrated in them begins to act. The image gives rise to a happy or sad memory. The image encourages one to move towards the intended goal, attracts and beckons. Image gives meaning to our actions. It acts as a measure when assessing new impressions. The mental energy of the image forces the thought to act: how, what, in what sequence must be done so that the desired becomes reality.

The energetic nature of memory leaves no doubt. It stores information and energy carriers of the ideal that are very different in origin: images of objects and people, everyday experience and professional knowledge, information from the field of science and culture, properties of physical and chemical substances, impressions of childhood, adolescence and youth, etc. Influence memory on the internal and external activity of the individual is so enormous that it sometimes has a destructive effect on the psyche and relationships with others. It is no coincidence that we say: “memory haunts,” “memories disturb,” “memories arise by themselves.” The energy content of memory determines not only the volume, but also the quality of the information stored in it. The predominance of positively or negatively emotionally charged episodes is known to affect the state of the individual, his communicative style and the nature of interaction with partners.

The most powerful source of mental energy is thinking. By nature, human thinking is “stuffed” with numerous programs—operations—that are suitable for different cases: analysis, synthesis, classification, typology of phenomena and objects, determining the probability of the development and occurrence of events, constructing judgments and conclusions, etc. Mental programs are potential information -energy forces. A kind of compressed spring, ready to straighten and act at the right moment.

The variety and quality level of mental programs available to an individual determines the strength and communicative properties of his mental energy generated by the intellect.

What mental operations are most characteristic of you? Are you best, like Sherlock Holmes, in going from the particular to the general, or, like a Marxist philosopher, from general theory to the particular? Do you easily operate with concepts? If everything goes well with the operations of thinking, you produce outwardly quite powerful energy of the intellect. It attracts the attention of equally intelligent partners and encourages them to respond to the work of their minds.

If any mental operations “sink” or are unusual for you, then an energy vacuum forms in their place. Weak intellectual potential is accompanied by weak mental energy. A flawed intellect generates distorted images of reality and draws dubious or false conclusions. As a result, it forms an ugly energy biofield in which a partner with normative intelligence feels uncomfortable.

Plans, goals, intentions
These are products of intellectual activity that have a reserve of mental energy. Where does it come from? Firstly, these are forms of manifestation of the ideal, and it, as we recognized, is a carrier of information and energy. Secondly, plans, goals and intentions are associated with survival, or more precisely with one of its forms - purposeful self-regulation. And everything that ensures survival is equipped with energy.

The energy of “plans” is generated due to the fact that a person is by nature programmed to survive through targeted influence on the internal and external environment.

What does this mean? Nature has designed people in such a way that they are able to actively influence external and internal reality, adapting it for themselves. Not only adapt to the environment, like most living beings, but change it according to your goals, needs, ideas. The chain of psychological events is as follows:

  • having examined and assessed reality, a person realizes its unsatisfactory state;
  • there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the environment (threat of destructive influence, discrepancy with existing experience, lack of desired behavior);
  • this encourages you to find a way out - set goals, make plans, organize your intentions.

As we see, in the energy mechanism of “plans” there are many coercive forces that control the psyche. Sometimes society or an individual becomes a victim of their own intentions. Remember K. Marx: “Theory, having mastered the consciousness of the masses, becomes a material force.” Commenting on the true statement of the classic, we can clarify: the mental energy of plans, goals, intentions, indeed, is capable of being transformed into material forms of its manifestation - into actions and deeds. At the same time, the quality of the psychic energy of the “plans” undoubtedly influences others. There is no doubt about the validity of the everyday conclusion about “purity of thoughts” - good goals, plans and intentions have a reserve of positive mental energy that has a beneficial effect on others.

Habits, affections, tastes
These manifestations of personality concentrate the energy of information acquired during life. The better and more diverse the formed habits, attachments, tastes, the more energized they are. In addition, they have additional energy potential, since they are a set of algorithms - habitual, memorized, sequential actions and assessments. Every algorithm has spontaneous energy generated by the fact that it strives to reproduce. A person uses algorithms because they facilitate the implementation of activities and direct them along the path of least resistance.

By demonstrating habits, affections, tastes, the individual directs his mental activity along well-trodden paths, due to which the energy of freedom and lightness appears.

So the river gains strength, rushing along the laid channel. The stability of habits, the dictates of attachments, and the obsession of tastes are explained by the ease of mental processes, which brings some satisfaction to a person.

Ideals, values, beliefs
Ideals, values, beliefs are the main components of the psyche, constituting the level of consciousness in it. It is formed as a result of assessments, arguments, and disputes between a person and himself or with others. We must admit: the world of consciousness is a powerful source of psychic energy. Firstly, because the conscious mind stores a huge amount of information received during life. Its energy tension depends not only on the number of storage units, but also on the embedded meaning, strength and persuasiveness of the arguments with which a person supports his consciousness. Try to rob someone of his faith, try to convince someone that his views are controversial or his assessments are dubious. You will definitely encounter resistance and rejection of your attempts. It is the partner’s psychic energy that counteracts alien influences. Secondly, ideals, values, beliefs are highly energized due to the fact that they live their own lives: they appear, develop, transform, disappear, and most importantly, they contradict each other. When the elements of consciousness are contradictory, another energetic prerequisite arises. A person is designed in such a way that, willingly or unwillingly, he strives for some orderliness in his inner world, to overcome internal conflict. This is the condition of his normal existence. Destruction and disharmony at the conscious level makes a person inferior and fills him with worries and suffering.

A person strives to get rid of internal disharmony, to overcome contradictions between the components of his consciousness - this is an additional source of psychic energy.

Wanting to eliminate the disharmony between the individual components of his consciousness, a person resorts to various meaningful tricks and unconscious tricks. He ignores the truth if it does not coincide with his ideals, values, and beliefs. He distorts information that does not suit him, belittles the role of reliable facts, and underestimates the strength of his opponents. He wants to see something that is not there in reality. He avoids the truth and lies. And all this for the sake of one thing - to get rid of psychological discomfort caused by the conflict of certain components of the ideal. But it is almost impossible to ignore objectivity; it shows its true face again and again. This forces a person to resort to psychological defense mechanisms again and again, injuring himself and others. The mental energy of “ideals” constantly circulates between partners.

Interests and motives
Interests and motives are the connecting links between internal and external. Both mental realities reflect a person’s desire to influence the relationship between internal and external. For some reason, a person strives to coordinate or subordinate his states, needs, inclinations, skills, values, that is, internal, to external ones - requirements, conditions, opinions of others, properties of objects. Interests and motives contain a program that explains, first of all, to the individual his own actions: why and why he should influence the external environment or his inner world. Such a program is a source of psychic energy. Moreover, any interest expresses an explanatory program of human actions based on knowledge of the properties and values ​​of the external environment - objects, phenomena, people. Motives determine a program of action dictated by internal states.

Thus, the energy potential of interests and motives is determined by driving force programs with the help of which a person more or less clearly and decisively (hence the amount of energy) formulates for himself and for others an explanation of his actions.

Subconscious and unconscious
The subconscious and unconscious in a person are its second essence, which has no less energy potential than the world of the conscious. At the subconscious level, as well as at the conscious level, inclinations and abilities, skills and abilities, experience and knowledge, needs and intentions, habits and attachments, interests and motives manifest themselves. Due to the subconscious (preconscious and unconscious), the personality at least doubles, becomes larger, deeper, more complex. Accordingly, her mental energy increases. In addition, the annals of the subconscious contain repressed ideas, inclinations, immoral and impulsive tendencies that a person does not want or cannot recognize in himself, so as not to disturb psychological comfort or at least maintain a portable idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own Self.

The unconscious is a constantly operating source of psychic energy, ready to materialize in its various other manifestations and behavioral acts.

According to 3. Freud, the unconscious and subconscious manifest themselves, in particular, in aggression, fears, forbidden desires, stubbornness, cruelty, sadism, in the desire to do evil or in the form of so-called minor symptoms - slips of the tongue, jokes, paradoxes, slips of the tongue. If it is impossible to “break through” the blockade of the conscious, this psychic energy pushes the personality from the inside, deforms it and makes it abnormal. Sublimation (redirection of psychic energy), neuroses, associations, dreams and regressions (primitive behavior) are also forms of manifestation and neutralization of psychic energy.

Mental energy is the most important attribute of will. When we think about will, it is no coincidence that we use words that show the connection with energy: we must mobilize, restrain our impulses, exert our strength, overcome fatigue and apathy. Will is a person’s ability to act in the direction of a consciously set goal, while overcoming internal obstacles. Obstacles of this kind arise in the form of psychic energies when a person experiences the action of multidirectional or opposing forces and tendencies. The conflict of energies can only be overcome by increasing one or another opposing energy force. The force that our mind or emotion “supports” will prevail.

Volitional effort is the energy of thought or emotion, with the help of which we redirect mental energy from one energy source to another.

The will overcomes the conflict of multidirectional psychic energies and sends a signal of psychic energy to the physiological level, where other forms of energy, in particular mechanical, come into play. As a result, a person forces himself to work, change his lifestyle, and overcome distances. Redo poorly done work, etc.

Signs of a lack of vital energy

The level of filling the body with vital energy constantly undergoes strong fluctuations. These fluctuations occur both during the day and during the week, month, season and year. Eating food initially leads to a decrease in the level of vital energy, but after it is absorbed by the body, the level of vital energy is not only restored, but also increases. Fasting, physical, mental and mental stress, painful conditions reduce the level of vital energy in the body. Through rest, nutrition and physiotherapeutic procedures, the human body restores the average level of vital energy, and we feel this in our well-being.

If we do not feel the recovery of our well-being after exercise, this means that the balance of vital energy entering the body and its expenditure is disturbed. If this balance is significantly disturbed during long term, then a chronic deficiency of vital energy arises, which we feel as chronic fatigue. A constant imbalance in the flow-in balance of vital energy by a relatively small amount, but over a long period of time, is also dangerous, since it gradually and imperceptibly undermines the body. After some time, this may manifest itself through the “sudden” appearance of the disease - sciatica, decreased visual acuity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc. There are many of these painful signs that appear, warning us of danger, but usually we do not pay attention to them. One or two painful signs may not mean anything if they are the only ones on the list or appear within a short period of time, are a hereditary feature of the body, or are a manifestation of a wound and infection. Taken together, these painful manifestations are a threatening warning about the need to take measures to eliminate energy deficiency.

The complex may include a combination of three or more painful symptoms listed below:

1. Fatigue.
2. Meteor dependence.
3. Sudden attacks of nausea.
4. Weight loss below normal.
5. Frequent groundless irritability.
6. Decreased visual acuity.
7. Frequent pain in muscles, joints and bones, including spinal pain and headaches
8. Decreased appetite.
9. Frequent sleepiness during the day and sleep disturbance at night.
10. General weakness.
11. Memory impairment.
12. Loss of interest in the environment.
13. Difficulty in perceiving information (dullness).
14. Regular digestive disorders.
15. Frequent constipation.
16. Frequent discomfort in the stomach.
17. Decreased immunity.
18. Deterioration of posture.
19. Deterioration of the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.
20. Decrease in bone and muscle mass of the body with increasing physical weakness.
21. Increasing selectivity and pickiness in nutrition.
22. Weakness in the legs.
23. Deterioration of the body’s thermoregulation (feeling cold and a constant desire to dress warmer).
24. Decreased sexual desire (libido).
25. Erective dysfunction.
26. Decreased regenerative functions of the body (wound healing).
27. Decreased excretory functions of the skin (sweat, sebum).
28. Decreased adaptive functions of the body.
29. Progressive thinning and hair loss.

If there are more than five such painful symptoms, then this is a reason for urgent action to restore the required level of vital energy in the body. These actions should include optimization of behavior in intellectual and mental activity, physical relaxation, optimization of nutrition and physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at saturating the body with vital energy.

Let's look at the main reasons why you may be losing energy and which, accordingly, may be preventing you from achieving your goals.

The first culprit in your loss of strength and energy is stress. Most often, stress is caused by fears that events will not go as planned, or any other fears.

When we are under stress, it leads to increased production of adrenaline by our body. If this process of overproduction of adrenaline continues for too long, we become very tired.

It feels like someone has sucked all the energy out of us. If your job involves a lot of stress, you need to balance it out somehow. One way or another, you need to take control of your stress, since stress is the main energy vampire.

The next reason for loss of strength is excess weight. The average person's blood vessels are approximately 60 km long. For every excess 5 kg of weight, your body needs an additional 7 km of vessels through which blood must be pumped! All the organs of your body are forced to work harder when you are overweight, and this causes a loss of strength.

The next reason for loss of energy is indecision, anxiety, excitement, and inability to make a decision on some issue. Having to constantly think about an unsolved problem drains a huge amount of energy from you. The state of indecision is like a state of war between the two hemispheres of your brain.

They seem to be fighting with each other: left... no, right... no left... no, right... When, in the end, you make a decision, a feeling of inner peace arises, and with it a lot of energy appears. This is because indecision acts as a traffic jam for your energy channels. And once you make a decision, whether it is right or wrong, the energy begins to flow freely. Practicing decision-making skills is one way to regain your energy.

The next reason on our list is lack of sleep.

You could say that you have a kind of internal battery and it can only be recharged by the amount of sleep you need. It's similar to your cell phone. Imagine that you connect it to a charger and charge it. But you urgently need to go somewhere, you take it off the charger and take it with you. But after five minutes of conversation it turns off. You think, “What happened? I was charging it.” Yes, you charged it, but not completely. You simply recharged it a little, but did not bring it to a full charge. The same thing happens with lack of sleep. If this happens to you constantly, then your energy supply will undoubtedly be in a deplorable situation.

The next reason is the increased consumption of sugar or high-sugar carbohydrates in everyday nutrition. Today there is a lot of information confirming this. High glycemic index carbohydrates raise your blood glucose levels. However, this high level at some point drops sharply, and the glucose level graph begins to look like a broken line with sharp changes. So constant sharp changes up and down take a lot of energy from you, because every time the body needs to readjust to new level. Unfortunately, in our time, many people have developed an addiction to sugar, which in turn perpetuates this process. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, or normal carbohydrates, create a much smoother and more stable curve, making your energy levels more consistent.

Increased caffeine consumption is another energy vampire. Very often people drink several cups of coffee a day because it seems to give them energy and strength. It's a false feeling. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands, which in turn leads to a sharp increase in adrenaline levels. However, once caffeine is eliminated from the body, the adrenal glands calm down again. However, they have been overstimulated for a period of time and this is not a good source of energy.

The next reason may be low protein content in your diet. Proteins are the main building and repair material for your body. It releases energy slowly, but with protein your body will produce much more energy than with any other type of diet.

Next possible reason loss of strength is a possible dysfunction of any of your organs. For example, poor liver function can lead to severe intoxication of the body. This leads to chronic loss of strength and, moreover, actively contributes to the damage and destruction of all other organs.

Well, the last reason is digestive problems. This includes a whole group of different problems. Their general essence is as follows: if your digestion does not function well, then you do not receive the substances necessary for the body, which results in a lack of energy, and also due to poor removal of toxins, they can directly enter the blood through the walls of the stomach and intestines, which also leads to severe intoxication and loss of strength.

Energy in the theater world

There is a widespread myth in the theater world that an actor must have energy as a magnetic force that bewitches the viewer, in large quantities. Theater practitioners, when discussing the secrets of the profession, often use the word “energy”: “to be in energy”, “exchange of energy with the audience”, “psychic energy of the actor”, etc. Most often, “energy” refers to manifestations of temperament or the excited state of an actor before going on stage, which is obtained through “self-pumping”.

Of course, the stage is a “magical zone with special energy,” requiring increased activity from the actor. Here we mean energy in the esoteric sense.

Yogi Ramacharaka reasons: “There is a universal principle of energy or force called by the Sanskrit word “Prana”, which means “Absolute Energy”. This universal principle constitutes “the essence of every movement, force or energy, no matter how and in what way it is manifested - whether in the force of attraction in electricity, in the rotation of planets or in other forms of life, from the lowest to the highest.” However, Prana should not be confused with the “I”, “Ego”, with this particle of the divine spirit.” Prana is simply a form of energy that the Self uses for its material embodiment.” With the help of yogi breathing, “we can accumulate prana like batteries absorb electricity.”

It is known that Stanislavsky practiced mysterious exercises on “radiation” and “radiation”. These exercises caused skepticism among materialists and, as a rule, were removed from the texts by editors. However, in the third volume of the collected works we find descriptions of exercises clearly invented under the influence of treatises on yoga. For example, exercise “Mercury”. Students are asked to imagine that through their finger right hand and mercury flows into the body, and carefully monitor the movement of “imaginary mercury or internal energy - it doesn’t matter ... along the internal muscle network. It is necessary to find the clamps. Muscle tension is motor energy stuck along the way” (Stanislavsky K.S. Collected Works in eight volumes. T. 3 - M.: Art, 1955. - p. 459). Translating Stanislavsky-Tortsov’s instructions into conventional “technical” language, we can say that we are talking about a method of overcoming resistance in a conductor, i.e. in the actor's body. Tortsov continues: the energy coming out of the very recesses of the heart, “passing along the muscular paths, irritates the motor centers and causes external action. You already know from radiation experiments that energy moves not only inside us, but also comes from us, from the recesses of feeling, and is directed to an object located outside of us, to the viewer, to the partner. Stanislavsky accurately conveys the student’s feelings: “When the energy slid from top to bottom, it seemed as if you were descending into the underworld. When it climbed up the spine, it seemed as if you were separating yourself from the floor.”

Creating “biomechanics,” Meyerhold proceeded from the premise that the acting of an actor is “a discharge of excess energy” (MEYERHOLD. On the history of the creative method. Articles. Publications. - St. Petersburg: KultInformPress, 1998. - p. 26). He believed that energy as excitement arises in an actor reflexively in response to the director’s instructions and is realized in action. Any movement in biomechanics is organized in such a way that by shifting the center of gravity and twisting the spine into an s-shaped line, physical energy is awakened - the fundamental basis of emotional and verbal actions. An exclamation (word) can only be allowed when “everything is tense, when all the technical material is organized” as a “mark of the degree of excitability.”

Meyerhold came up with the idea of ​​separating the poles: he proposed to “split” the actor, to represent him “by a formula where A2 is the material and A1 is the constructor, the controller.” The excitement (excitement) that arises between the material and the designer distinguishes the actor from the puppet, giving him the opportunity to infect the viewer and cause a response phenomenon, which is already food (fuel) for subsequent play (ecstatic state).”

Sergei Eisenstein, arguing with his teacher, argued that the dominance in biomechanics of the principle of “totality” (“the tip of the nose works, the whole body works”) leads to a mismatch in the actions of the psychophysical apparatus as a whole, denying the independence of impulses coming from the periphery of the body. From Eisenstein’s point of view, expressive movement “is formed where the motor message from the body as a whole (received from the push of the legs) smoothly spreads, for example, in the upper part of the body to the extremities of the arms, where the local movement awakened by this flow is included in it and continues it, counteracts it, modifies its direction.” According to Eisenstein, the tension between the center of movement and the periphery (hands, facial expressions, voice) creates the conditions for “the game of restraint, the top of one force, then another - the psychologically expressive part of the process.”

Eugenio Barba, who considers himself a follower of Meyerhold, founded the Odin Theater (Holstebro, Denmark) in 1964 as a laboratory for the study of Western and Eastern acting techniques. In 1979, he created the International School of Theater Anthropology (ISTA - International School of Theater Anthropology), which aims to study human behavior in performance situations.

Barba argues that existence on stage, in contrast to everyday life, where the law of “energy conservation” applies, requires an increased energy expenditure from the actor. Energy work occurs at a pre-expressive level (i.e. before the actor begins to express something), where cultural, social and individual differences are erased and requires a special technique of the body. Barba discovers that at the pre-expressive level, performers different traditions: from Kabuki theater to ballet, from Kathakali to commedia dell’arte, from Decroux to Dario Fo, they are guided by common principles. He formulated universal “principles that return”: “balance in action”; “dance of oppositions” and “connection of the incompatible.”

Working with energy was the focus of Jerzy Grotowski's attention. He believed that an actor is capable of glowing, like the figures in El Greco’s paintings, capable of “shine,” becoming a source of light in the performance, “psychic light.” Since the actor’s “radiation” arises from the contradictory combination of form and internal process, he sought a synthesis of Stanislavsky’s “system,” which explored the spontaneity of everyday life, with Meyerhold’s method.

Having started working as a director at the 13 Rows Theater in Opole in 1959, Grotowski began training with actors with hatha yoga exercises. However, realizing that static poses that accumulate energy inside the body are unsuitable for the actor as the person acting, Grotowski transformed the asanas and created “dynamic yoga,” which became the basis of physical training, widely promoted as “Grotowski training.”

In the theater, in addition to physical, plastic and vocal training, they secretly practiced techniques for working with energy. We find evidence of this in the book by Eugenio Barba (from 1961 to 1963 he was Grotowski's trainee) Land of Diamonds and Ashes. My apprenticeship in Poland." For the purpose of secrecy (in socialist Poland, accusations of “mysticism” threatened to close the theater), the terms “Technique 1” and “Technique 2” were used among initiates. “Technique 1” included all types of psychotechniques since the time of Stanislavsky. These trainings were comprehensive and impactful, but provided a level of craft. “Technique 2” was aimed at working with “spiritual” energy. “It is a practice of self-concentration that opens the way to the power (energy) known as shamanic, yoga or “mystical”, in which all individual psychic powers are integrated. We believed deeply in the actor's ability to access this "Technique 2". We imagined its paths and looked for the exact steps that could help us penetrate through the darkness of the night to internal energies". It is also known that in search of the “technique of the inner,” Grotowski experimented with the methods of psychoanalysis, the “active meditations” of Ignatius of Loyola, the “trance technique,” ​​hypnosis and “spiritual exercises” of Stanislavsky.

In his speech “Theater and Ritual” (1968), Grotowski reveals one of the secrets of the powerful energy of the performances “Acropolis”, “The Steadfast Prince” and “Apocalypsis cum figuris”, which mesmerize the audience with “the immense energy radiated by the artists in every second of their stage existence.” This is a precisely calibrated structure of the performance, where “spontaneity and discipline mutually reinforce each other; what is spontaneous and what is taken within the framework of the “score” leads to mutual enrichment and leads and becomes a true source of radiation in acting.”

Using the example of working with Ryszard Cieslyak on the monologues of The Steadfast Prince, Grotowski reveals the technology of working on the actor’s score. Each level – physical, textual (verbal) and internal (psychological) – is developed separately. In the process of creating a score, Technique 1 is used to sculpt a form from physical impulses and reactions and a polyphony of sounds (of which the text is a part). "Technique 2" serves to melt the actor's real experiences into a living stream of spontaneity. At the final stage, the director assembles all the elements of the performance into a whole according to the laws discovered by Eisenstein. The score is built “on many levels, through the simultaneous identification of many aspects that remain interconnected, but not identical to each other.” It becomes a runway for the actor’s act of confession, in which “the barrier between thought and feeling, soul and body, consciousness and subconscious, vision and instinct, sex and brain disappears. The actor, having accomplished it, achieves sources of energy open up in him.”

The score of the performance, thus, like a spiral of wire, creates that magnetic field into which the viewer enters in a “state of intensity.” Thomas Richards, who worked in recent years with Grotowski on Actions, explains this type of contact by the action of induction: “if you take one electric wire through which energy flows and put a wire next to it without the flow of energy, then in the second you will find traces of electric current. This is the phenomenon of induction. The same thing happens to those who observe those doing an “internal action”, this transformation of energy” (Theater and Ritual. //Grotovsky. From poor theater to art guide. M.: “Artist. Director. Theatre.”, 2003/ - p. 118).

Consequently, the problem of an actor’s energy is not its quantity, but the ability to model it in the presence of the viewer, its competent use during the transition from rest to active action. Mastery of body techniques (there are many of them) is not sufficient, but a necessary condition for energy management. This requires daily practice from the actor, and from the director - the ability to construct a multi-level score of the performance as a condition for the magnetic power of the actor, captivating the viewer.

There is probably not a person who has never thought about where he gets his vitality for work, active activity, and why sometimes it is so difficult to force himself to do even the simplest and most common things. A person’s vital energy is the engine that sets his body in motion, gives inspiration, encourages action and decision-making.

Most people have less achievement than potential energy, so their energy is used by those who have goals

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Numerous works on psychology, created by well-known and not so well-known authors, set out a number of systems of views, concepts and ideas that define what human vital energy is. For a person who has become seriously interested in this field for the first time in his life, it is not so easy to delve into the essence of the psychology of energy and draw constructive conclusions for himself, to derive benefit from what he read, which could serve as a guide to action.

This article makes an attempt to explain to the reader, without overloading him with special terms, obscure ideas and theories of psychology, on what the reasons are based that prompted him to show interest in this topic. As a rule, a person who is satisfied with his life will not be interested in what vital forces are, where they come from, and where they disappear so unexpectedly and without a trace.

If you are reading this article, it means that something is not going as you would like, and you definitely want to correct the situation by identifying the reasons and outlining an action plan to overcome their current situation. Of course, the main thing for you is to find the right path, but without theoretical justifications it will be quite difficult to get by.

You often hear the phrase: “I have no strength...”.

The continuation could be like this:

  • go to work;
  • exercise;
  • maintain a relationship with a certain person;
  • prepare for exams.

The list goes on and on. Without understanding what the real reason for an unsatisfactory state and mood is, a person generalizes them with one concept: strength. What are these same forces, where do they come from and where can they disappear without a trace?

A person’s vital energy is his action potential

It can be represented in the indivisible unity of two components: physical and moral. Good health, a strong body, bodily perfection - this is what belongs to the first category, and the complex of psychology, internal attitudes and thoughts - to the second.

If we compare a person with a computer, physical energy is its “hardware”, “hardware”, which obediently carries out the instructions of the “software”, that is, moral energy. That is why these elements must be in complete harmony, their clear interaction will ensure the high-quality operation of the entire system - a person will live and develop as a full-fledged personality.

The most important point here is the realization that work on oneself must be carried out in two directions at the same time. A person’s vital energy must have a reliable source of nutrition, without which there is and cannot be any activity. Physical health is sports, correct image life, rational nutrition. Spirituality is about making thoughtful decisions, developing positive attitudes and eliminating all harmful and destructive attitudes.

A person’s vital energy gives strength to satisfy all his urgent needs, both primary and secondary. Primary are considered to be the natural needs of the body, such as nutrition, and secondary are those that have a psychogenic orientation. This is the desire for respect, the acquisition of knowledge, and intellectual development. The need to realize both is expressed in purposeful behavior. It is on the availability of internal resources, vital energy, that the development of a person as an individual depends.

Where and why does a person’s vital energy disappear?

Without vital energy, none of us can carry out any actions. Very often you can encounter such phenomena when a person becomes so inert and passive that he does not want to go to work, he loses the desire to communicate with others and loses interest in his appearance. This condition is usually called depression, and few people can determine the reasons that lead to such a helpless state.

The most important thing in such a situation is to convince the person that he must find a reasonable way out of the current situation. Without his conscious desire, it will only get worse, leading to unpredictable consequences. You can seek the help of a psychologist who will approach the problem professionally, but it is still worth making an attempt to restore the condition on your own.

This state can be formulated in such a way that a person’s vital energy has dried up, “leaked out”, and first of all it is necessary to find where and why the “leak” formed. What could be the causes of exhaustion? You can try to analyze and determine what exactly was the impetus for acquiring such a condition.

There can be many reasons why a person’s vital energy has become low.

First of all, it is fear, one of the basic instincts. It has a destructive effect on us and is quite difficult to resist. This can also include grievances, misunderstandings, and claims against oneself and the world around us that have gathered in a whole ball. A person can develop irrational and ineffective internal attitudes, or psychologems, and become their unwitting victim.

For example, if, by coincidence, several events in life in a row turn out to be unexpected and unpleasant, a person has the opinion that the whole world has rebelled against him. This is a conspiracy theory, which is nothing more than a cognitive distortion, an incorrect interpretation of the situation. In this case, you can develop a destructive and destructive attitude: “All the people around are mean, insidious and unreliable. No matter what I do, this cannot be changed; I cannot go against the majority. Unknown forces are acting against me, and the whole outcome is predetermined.”

It is not surprising that having perceived such an attitude as a final and firm conviction, a person gives up, and with the further development of this course of affairs, even suicidal thoughts may come. It’s another matter if, after a series of failures, he says to himself: “This is all nothing more than a coincidence. And since I am a resourceful, intellectually developed and purposeful person, I will find a way to cope and solve all problems, even if gradually.”

Restoring a person’s vital energy is possible only with his active position and conscious desire

Between the incoming events that his brain perceives and the meaningful actions that express his reaction, there is a very important, most significant process - interpretation. The course of further events depends on how the received information is processed.

If a person approaches the analysis of the situation critically, he will understand that not everything is so scary and categorical. It is important here not to rush into making decisions, but still try to figure out whether he correctly perceives what is happening to him. After all, ridiculous accidents are not a reason to be disappointed in life. If it seems to him that he has been betrayed, he should figure out whether this is really so, and not perceive what seems to be real. Perhaps there were complaints against him at work, but he could have made a mistake that could actually be corrected. If on the way home that same day he got stuck in an elevator, this does not mean that the whole world was up in arms against him, but simply that there was a loss of power in his area, and there were many like him.

Unfortunately, a person becomes a victim of his own delusions, which over time form peculiar “eaters” of energy. They take the initiative, completely controlling behavior and actions, and the person begins to act according to unconstructive and incorrect patterns, losing the remnants of vitality. Coming into conflict with the world around him, he finds himself in a state of conflict with himself, which inevitably leads to a decadent mood.

We often look back

Very often, thoughts arise in a person’s head that begin to transport him to the past, make him remember unpleasant situations, or imagine failures in the future. They only seem uncontrollable, but in fact they can and should be driven away and not allowed to create a strong but destructive attitude. After all, it is precisely such thoughts that eat up a person’s vital energy.

A person’s desire to ensure that everything around him happens with his participation or under his direct control is destructive and harmful to himself. He has the opinion that he can and should correct the situation, but it doesn’t make the slightest sense to adjust the whole world to his ideas. He is not so helpless that he cannot cope without anyone’s participation.

A clear manifestation of this desire to keep everything under control is a feeling of jealousy. It seems to a person that he must check every step of people close to him, be interested in everything that happens to them, and constantly doubt their sincerity. He begins to ask them questions that will not only irritate, but push them away from him, the further, the more. It is not surprising that a person’s vital energy will disappear, and then completely dry up.

Imagine a black cloud - this is your fear. Fear is energy, energy has consciousness, which means your fear hears you. He is not malicious and did not come to torment you. You have absorbed it yourself. He came to teach you

Viilma Luule

Restoring a person’s vital energy is difficult, but quite possible. In order for him to have a desire to restore his potential, gather strength and continue an active fight against all destructive attitudes, he may need the help of others. The most important thing here is to convince him that nothing irreparable has happened, that everything is in his hands, and that he just needs to set himself up for further activities.

First of all, you should determine what serves as a source of positive emotions. They will be the mechanism that will launch restorative forces and promote acceptance right decisions. Coming to the conclusion that everything around is not as bad as it previously seemed, a person will begin to drive away all bad thoughts and develop restorative beliefs. These include phrases such as:

  • "I can achieve everything I dreamed of"
  • "I will resume my sports activities"
  • "I will not allow my mind to be manipulated"
  • "I am the master of my fate".

If a person has the desire to write on a piece of paper everything that makes him suffer, worry and suffer, this can only be welcomed. Since such an approach will indicate that he is beginning to realize why his vital energy was lost. It will become easier for him to analyze each of the points and determine what should be done so that the situation does not repeat itself.

Among the main tasks will be a program to strengthen and restore physical fitness. Playing sports and not feeling sick will contribute to a positive attitude towards the world around you and will become a source of increased vital energy. Any specific advice should not be given, since the type of sport that will take a person out of an unenviable sport is something everyone chooses for themselves. Some will go to the gym, some will resume morning jogging, and others more suitable visiting the swimming pool.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that on the path to restoring a person’s vital energy, one should take care of physical health and prevent the formation of harmful and destructive internal attitudes developed on the basis of deeply erroneous and false conclusions and beliefs.

James Oshman is one of the leading authorities on the healing techniques of laying on of hands with scientific point vision. His status as a scientist on the one hand, and his experience and knowledge of holistic healing on the other, gives him a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between world academic medicine and alternative healing methods. His published book "Energy Medicine" and A new book"Energy Medicine in Therapy and Human Performance" is easy to read, but at the same time clearly and clearly provides a scientific basis for the healing system of laying on of hands. His work is easy to understand and promotes the acceptance of Reiki by clinicians and researchers, allowing Reiki to be disseminated in hospitals and academia. His exciting ideas give us a new perspective on Reiki, and inspire us to discover our inner abilities.

Question: Tell us something about your research – what areas are you currently focused on and what made you turn to energy medicine?

Answer: As an academic scientist, I have conducted research in cell biology, biophysics, physiology and taught at major universities and laboratories around the world. My specialty was studying the microscopic structure of various cells and tissues using an electron microscope. I carried out these interesting studies for 20 years, but then I developed back problems, which were most likely associated with prolonged stooping over the microscope. And it was during this period that I met Petre Melchior, whose presence changed my life forever. In addition to helping me with my back, Petre Melchior told me about the field of human energy research, which before meeting him I had not heard a single word about in my entire professional career. I was overcome by curiosity, and I decided to find out everything possible about the new world of human energy that had been discovered to me. Previously, no one had ever covered such information either in training, or at seminars or round tables of academic circles. It seemed that for some reason no one wanted to talk about energy. It amazed me. It was my curiosity and persistence that led me to the field of energy medicine. I met therapists who knew a lot about energy and I became motivated to explain scientifically observed facts.

Question: You have considered Reiki and other alternative healing modalities from an academic and scientific perspective. How compatible are these concepts in your opinion?

Answer: It takes a lot of effort to integrate new perspectives into medicine and science. From the beginning, my focus was not on what science can teach others, but on what science can learn from others. I saw how science can help people better understand what happens at the cellular and molecular level. I am sure that as we discuss today's topic, you will see that Reiki (Reiki) and other methods do not violate the laws of physics. Obviously, we still have a lot to learn, but now we have logical explanations and testable hypotheses for the methods in question. It is these factors that allow Reiki and other alternative modalities to be viewed from a scientific perspective, which is the hallmark of good science. Testing these hypotheses is one of the most interesting and exciting lines of research I have ever undertaken.

You will see that I have focused on magnetic and biomagnetic fields. This is because we know a lot about these fields and have proven techniques for measuring them. But this does not mean that we exclude other forms of energy from research. The body also emits light, sound, heat and electromagnetic fields - in addition, it has a gravitational field.

Question: Can you define energy medicine for us?

Answer: In a sense, traditional medicine is also energy medicine. This may seem trivial, but it is an important fact. Any intervention with a living system refers to one or another type of energy impact.

Each of us has our own standard specializations and interests, and going into the field of energy is a challenging step, since this topic contains many unexplored areas in which new information is constantly appearing, correcting what is already available. In order for Reiki (Reiki) practitioners to better understand the mechanisms of this technique, they should learn more about physics and biology. This will clarify the situation not only for themselves, but will also allow them to explain their work at the level of professorial medicine, which is based on a scientific point of view. Energy medicine involves understanding how the body generates and responds to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, including light and sound, or other forms of energy such as temperature, pressure, chemical energy and gravity. We are interested in how the body produces different forms of energy and how these energies can be used for healing.

It is important for therapists using Reiki or other similar techniques to understand that science cannot actually explain the origins of such forms of energy. If you are unsure what the word “energy” means, if you are confused by science, then, oddly enough, you are on the right track. The best minds in the field of science, including Albert Einstein, have struggled to figure out what energy really is and how different forms of energy relate to each other. And at a fundamental level, the problem is still not solved. We say that an electron has an electrical charge; but why it has a charge and what exactly the charge is remains a mystery to science, as before.

When scholars, especially physicists, react negatively to the concept of "energy medicine", they forget that there are many medical technologies that use different types of energy for diagnosis and treatment. For example, X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are similar diagnostic methods. Passive measurements of fields generated by the body are also important for diagnosis: electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms, and the like. Each of these diagnostic techniques has recently discovered biomagnetic antagonists: magnetocardiogram, magnetoencephalogram.

Every doctor has the opportunity to use the electrocardiogram as a diagnostic tool for energy medicine, which has been around for almost a century.

In 1963
Baule & McFee from Syracuse University in New York, measured the magnetic field of the heart using two coils, each of which consisted of 2 million turns. The heart's magnetic field is about one millionth the size of the Earth's magnetic field.

Modern researchers have developed magnetic, electrical and optical diagnostic methods. Nerve stimulation, pacemakers and defibrillators, lasers, endoscopy and magnetic field therapy are examples of energy healing techniques that are part of traditional medicine.

It is undeniable that energy medicine, which is based on the use of medical devices used in hospitals, doctors' practices and laboratories, is widespread throughout the world. Reiki (Reiki), and other hands-on healing methods, are also energy medicine, and are based on scientifically measurable energy fields emanating from the hands of the healers.

Question: Can the existence of a human energy field be proven and can you tell us about scientifically sound studies on this? What instruments were used and what measurements were taken?

Answer: In recent decades, scientists have changed their opinion that the human energy field does not exist, to the belief that such fields exist and are important from a medical point of view. And now, doctors are conducting treatment based on measuring such biofields.

First, a well-studied human energy field was the heart field. This research is carried out using an ECG and was first done a century ago by Willem Einthoven, who received the Nobel Prize in 1924 for his achievements. About a quarter of a century later, Hans Berger measured the electrical activity of the brain, as a result of which a new method for studying the state of the brain, EEG (electroencephalography), appeared in medicine.

Research by Willem Einthoven, Hans Berger and other scientists shows that organs such as the heart and brain produce bioelectric fields that, passing through body tissue and electrodes, can be measured at the surface of the skin. For example, an electrocardiogram can be taken regardless of where the electrodes are located, even if the electrodes are placed on the legs.

One of B. Josephson's main developments is an ultrasensitive magnetic field sensor (SQUID), which allows one to measure the biomagnetic field of living organisms.

There is a fundamental law of physics, Ampere's law, which states that if a current flows through a conductor, such as a wire or living tissue, it will generate a magnetic field in that medium. Since living tissues conduct electricity, then, following the classical laws of physics, electricity flowing through the heart, muscles, brain and other nerve endings inevitably forms magnetic fields in close proximity to the surface of the body. Such magnetic fields are called biomagnetic fields. For the first time, the biomagnetic field of the heart was measured in 1963 in Syracuse, New York, using two coils that had a winding of two million turns.

Around the time these measurements were made, a discovery occurred in Cambridge, England, that would revolutionize the measurement of biomagnetic fields. It was for this discovery that, a decade later, Brian Josephson received the Nobel Prize. Brian Josephson's discovery led to the development of an ultrasensitive magnetic field sensor (SQUID), which can measure the biomagnetic field of living organisms. Currently, such devices are used for medical purposes all over the world to study the human energy field.

Question: Various alternative treatments often talk about healing energy. What do you think about this concept?

Answer: This concept has long been disputed in academic circles, however, modern medical research is gradually changing its point of view. Much of the credit for this goes to S. L. Andrew Bassett, his fellow doctors at Columbia University College and surgeons from New York. Overcoming the ingrained skepticism and regulatory hurdles of traditional medicine, they proposed a revolutionary method of healing bone fractures using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). Their research showed that for unhealed fractures, certain electromagnetic fields serve as a starting accelerator for the healing process, even if the unhealed fractures are more than 40 years old. Andrew Bassett and his colleagues at Columbia have also investigated the effects of PEMF in other musculoskeletal problems, and have had significant success in osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, osteochondrosis dissecans, osteogenesis imperfecta, and osteoporosis.

In the early 1980s, Brighton Bassett and his colleagues showed that the healing of non-healing fissures could be stimulated by electric and magnetic fields. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the US Department of Health), this method is safe and effective.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) was first approved by the FDA in 1979. Subsequent studies have shown that different frequencies stimulate healing in other tissues as well. The picture shown shows a device used to heal bone tissue. In this case, coils placed near the fracture induce electrical current to flow through the bone. Frequencies significant for tissue healing are in the biologically active ultra-low frequency range. Two oscillations per second (2 Hz) are effective for nerve regeneration, 7 Hz is optimal for bone growth, 10 Hz is used for ligaments, and slightly higher frequencies are effective for skin and capillaries.

The phenomenon of induction was described by Michael Faraday in 1831 in England. He showed that when a magnet is moved near a conductor, a current is induced in that conductor. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction is the basic law in electromagnetism, and underlies modern science, which is referred to as magnetobiology, and studies the effects of magnetic fields on living organisms.

It is important to note that all healing techniques that work contact or at a distance (for example: Reiki (Reiki), acupressure, aura balancing, Bowen therapy, Rolfing, massage, healing touch) generate ultra-low frequency signals in the hands of the healers. This effect was discovered by Dr. John Zimmerman. The results of his valuable research are shown in the figure. He discovered that the hands of healers produce a pulsating field of ultra-low frequency, while such a field is not generated in “non-practicing” people.

John Zimmerman's measurements showed that the healer's generated pulsating field was constantly changing in a frequency range similar to the ultra-low electromagnetic frequency range used in pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), which stimulates healing of various tissues. As a result, great similarities were discovered between clinical biomedicine and complementary medicine. It is likely that the action of various energetic non-traditional methods of treatment is based on the transfer to human tissues of the same frequencies that medical researchers have identified as healing. This proves that the mechanisms of treatment and effects on cells are equally valid, both in treatment with conventional and complementary methods.

The idea of ​​fields interacting between people is a central theme in many healing methods.

It is important to understand fundamental physics as it helps explain how Reiki and other similar treatments work. In essence, the biomagnetic fields created by the healer’s hands induce electrical currents in human tissues and cells. Evidence of this can now be found in a fascinating paper, "The Science of the Heart," published by the HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek, California.

Based on the results of these discoveries, I formulated a definition that is also a hypothesis: healing energy produced by a medical device or emitted by the human body is the energy of a certain frequency or group of frequencies that stimulate the restoration of certain body tissues.

Question: Based on your research, can you explain the biological mechanism that is responsible for the formation of the human energy field?

Answer: The biomagnetic field arises from pulsating electrical currents that penetrate tissue. The total field of the body is summed up from all individual fields, the strongest of which is the field formed by the heart. Since blood is a good conductor, electrical impulses permeate the entire circulatory system with each heartbeat. The second largest source of electrical energy is the retina of the eye, which behaves like a battery, changing its polarity when light hits it. The third most powerful field is produced by muscles, with large muscles producing large fields and small muscles, such as the eyelids, producing small fields. The magnetic field of the brain is approximately one thousandth that of the heart. Even weaker fields are certain areas of the brain responsible for sensory stimulation of the organs of hearing, vision and touch. There are still a huge number of sources of weaker fields. As I already said, the combination of all these fields makes up the human energy field.

Question: Is measuring equipment so accessible that even an amateur can see the human energy field?

Answer: The answer depends on what part of the field you want to measure. Biomagnetic measurements usually require expensive equipment and a shielded room. A shielded room is necessary to ensure that no external electromagnetic fields affect the final result. But even here there are exceptions - these are Qi Gong Masters who are capable of generating very strong biomagnetic fields. They are strong enough to produce a biomagnetic field measured with just an amplifier with two 80,000-turn coils. This was demonstrated in 1992 by Mr. Seto and his colleagues from Japan (see figure). And there are fascinating measurements of the heart's electrical field that anyone can make on their own. These measurements were published by Sean Carlson in the article "The Amateur Scientist" in Scientific American in June 2000. There is also software and hardware available to measure the important phenomenon of heart rate variability*.

These methods are very valuable for further research into the phenomenon of Reiki (Reiki), if, as I believe, the energies involved are associated with the energy field of the heart, which forms the strongest field in the human body. The HeartMath Institute conducted a study on the connection between the energy field of the heart and a person’s emotional state. In essence, feelings of love, compassion and gratitude created particularly harmonious fluctuations in the frequency spectrum of the electrocardiogram, which manifested themselves in all areas of the body and positively influenced every cell in the body. In the same way, fear, anger and anxiety influenced the field and, spreading, reported this to every cell of the body.

Question: It is very interesting! Many Reiki (Reiki) practitioners feel that Reiki energy enters through the heart, and from there flows down to the hands. Can you give us a scientifically based hypothesis to explain how Reiki energy is formed?

Answer: Based on the above information, it can be hypothesized that when a Reiki (Reiki) practitioner begins treatment, emotions such as compassion, love and other healing feelings appear in his heart. These feelings change the electrical energy of the heart, which is transmitted through the nerves, and especially through the electrically conductive vascular system into the hands, where she creates a healing biofield that interacts with another person. My guess is that the fields that are created during Reiki (Reiki) practice are minimal and very finely tuned to specific frequencies that stimulate the immune system and other important systems of the body. This is a hypothesis that needs to be tested. The laying on of hands is an ancient healing method. And the various healers and therapists who have worked with energy for thousands of years purely intuitively should be considered as true pioneers.

I am sure that one day, their experience of intuitive perception of the human aura as a multi-layered system will be scientifically proven. Then we will learn that chakras actually exist. From a practical point of view, the science of biofields still has a lot to learn.

Question: If biofields are created in the hands of healers, then how do they heal?

Answer: The discovery that pulsating magnetic fields can stimulate the healing of bones and other tissues has led to a series of rigorous studies into the workings of this method. As a result, we have a deep understanding of how energy fields stimulate the healing process in various tissues. There are currently several plausible hypotheses that are being investigated. I will describe the hypothesis that has been studied most fully. It is shown in the figure and can be described as a signal cascade.

There are two parts to this story: first, we have a detailed understanding of the cascade reaction that passes from the cell surface into the cytoplasm and on to the nucleus and genes where selective processes are written into DNA. Secondly, there is the phenomenon of amplification, which allows a tiny field to achieve a large impact. This story is part of a lecture given by A. Gilman in 1994, when he received the Nobel Prize in Medical Physiology. It has been discovered that one molecule of a hormone, a neurotransmitter, or a single photon of electromagnetic energy can trigger a response in an entire cell. One of the key processes in this is the activation of calcium channels so that hundreds of calcium ions can enter the cell, where they initiate various cellular processes leading to the repair of damaged or diseased tissue. The most important aspect of this study is that it is very small margins that lead to better results. This is now profound and important knowledge that will have an impact on all areas of medicine. If the therapist does not get the desired effect, there is a tendency to do more, force it, increase the intensity, or increase the dosage of medication. Modern research points us in the opposite direction. According to recent discoveries, living tissue is much more sensitive than we previously suspected.

The long period during which many scientists were confident that the physical body was insensitive to small energy fields gave way to the knowledge that biological systems do not fall under the simple logic that stronger stimuli lead to better result. For many living systems it is extremely weak fields may be more effective than strong ones.

One example of how these methods work is by opening communication channels in the body through which cells "talk" to each other and provide "headspace" so that needed cells can move there, giving a boost to healing or fighting pathogen. Another effect of these methods is to calm the person to the point where his immune system begins to function without any disruption.

Question: Is there a biological explanation for why some people can see or feel a person's energy field?

Answer: There is a physical phenomenon called the Faraday effect, named after Michael Faraday. According to this effect, magnetic fields change the polarization of light. Human eyes are sensitive to the polarization of light, and I think that some people have the ability to perceive the body's energy field through the changing polarization of light. Some people are already born with this high degree sensitivity, while others acquire this ability during life. I think it is this form of vision that allows some people to see the layers of a person's energy field.

Another mechanism discovered by scientists is that the retina of the eye reacts not only to light, but also to magnetism. This mechanism has been best studied in bees. Bees use magnetic information for orientation. These studies have progressed far enough that neuroscientists have discovered specific nerves in the eye that sense magnetic fields in close proximity to the eye. Whether the visual system can form an image of the magnetic field of the environment is not yet clear.

These two approaches generate different types of information about the human energy field. My goal is to understand how these approaches can be combined to provide a more complete picture. And that's exactly what I'm doing now.

Question: Is there a direct connection between consciousness and energy medicine? If YES, what role does consciousness play in energy medicine?

Answer: Some scientists have proposed that what we call the mind be based on a three-dimensional neuro-magnetic field, which they call the real substance of consciousness. This is an interesting concept that I explore in my scientific writings.

Undoubtedly important has how consciousness influences energy medicine. In psychology there is no more current problems than resolving traumatic memories and experiences. And work with the energy of trauma occurs through human consciousness. This applies both to the individual level and to society, nation and ethnic groups. Given the current state of the world, energy medicine is indispensable in addressing traumas that are key to our future existence. Three important books delve deeper into this topic: William Redpath's Energy Trauma, Gallo's Energy Psychology, and Lewin's Waking the Tiger.

Question: Reiki healers, based on their experience, report that the Reiki energy itself controls the healing process and contains something like a higher intelligence or force that produces exactly those vibrations that are needed at the moment for a person. This higher intelligence also directs the hands to the right place and ensures the necessary contact time with that point. Is there anything in your research that points to the possibility of a higher intelligence that guides Reiki energy and the healer?

Answer: From a scientific point of view, the higher intelligence you refer to is nothing more than our own inner knowledge that we all have and which we can access if we relax our thought processes and allow our subconscious mind to clearly focus on important things. In The User Illusion, Tor Nørretranders describes how our consciousness receives only a small fraction of the 11 million bits of information our senses send to our brains every second. Much of this information resides in our subconscious, where it is processed outside of our awareness. If we trust our intuition, then we rely on information that is closer to reality than what we consciously accept as reality, because intuition is based on a much larger amount of data processed in the subconscious. So, if you learn to turn off your thinking, you will find that your hands, as if magnetically attracted to the right parts of the body, and move to other places at the right time.

I think that one of the possible explanations for this fact is that the injured or diseased tissues of the body emits signals that are perceived by the energy system of the hands, processed by the subconscious, and then, intuition directs the healer’s hands to the right place. But this hypothesis is worth testing.

It is also possible that there is an internal mechanism that automatically adjusts the Reiki healer's biofield according to the needs of the person being healed. If we understand that living tissues are composed of semiconductor material and form a complex electrical circuit, then it becomes clear that a person is able to perceive and reproduce various frequencies.

I call it the body's operating system and compare it to a computer. It is a system that runs silently and unnoticed in the background and performs all tasks on the computer. Likewise, the body's operating system runs silently and unnoticed in the background of everything we do. One possible option is to adjust the frequency of the internal circuitry according to the situation. In the case of working with Reiki (Reiki), this will mean that the healer's system adapts to the vibrations of the person being healed and transmits a balancing signal to his tissues. Of course, these are hypotheses to be tested. With suitable measurement instruments, we could examine this interaction and confirm or reject these hypotheses. At the same time, we would receive huge amounts of information about the body, which would be useful for all branches of medicine. This is precisely the pattern that science follows. Having a hypothesis, even if it is incorrect or incomplete, is an advantage over not having a hypothesis because we are suggesting something that can be studied. Whether a hypothesis is correct or incorrect is less important than the information obtained from the study.

Question: In the second degree of Reiki (Reiki), people learn to send Reiki energy over a distance. At the same time, the power of the healing energy of Reiki (Reiki) does not depend on distance, and does not decrease with distance. The energy remains just as strong whether it is sent within one room or to the other side of the globe. This contradicts the scientific theory of energy radiation, according to which, as the distance from the source of radiation increases, the strength of the energy decreases. Is there a scientific explanation for how this can happen?

Answer: There are some physical phenomena that could explain distance healing. For example, scalar waves. They have a special property of influencing the structure of space everywhere and at once. They do not have speed as such, and their effect does not decrease with distance.

Scalar waves were predicted by theoretical physics a century ago, but physicists excluded them from the equations because they did not want to deal with a phenomenon whose properties they did not understand. Now that there is more experimental evidence for distant healing and the benefits of prayer, scalar waves are being reconsidered for their potential role in explaining these phenomena. This is important because in many alternative healing methods you will find that healing occurs both locally and at a distance.

Valuable perspectives are revealed by quantum physicist Dr. Milo Wolf, who describes how everything in the universe is in constant communication with each other. His articles are written in language that non-scientists can understand, while being both very insightful and scientifically accurate. His fascinating concepts integrate the properties of space, matter and physical laws.

Exactly how this works is shown in the figure, which illustrates the quantum waves of a particle of matter. Its existence depends on its interaction with its transmitted waves, and on all the waves, all the other particles in the Universe that interact with it. This means that the particle is in dependent interaction with all other particles in the Universe. I think Milo's statements are true.

The existence of a particle of physical matter depends on all other particles, through the interaction of quantum waves.

Another aspect is the so-called nonlocality of quanta, inseparability, Bell's inequality or the "EPR effect" (after E Einstein, P Odolsky and R ozena, 1935). This is a quantum phenomenon that completely defies common sense or shows us that the world does not really function according to our common sense. The existence of this phenomenon was proven experimentally in 1983 by the French group of Alain Aspect.

The experiment that shows quantum nonlocality involves putting calcium atoms into an unstable energy state so that a pair of identical photons are emitted in opposite directions at the speed of light. Since they move relative to the point of radiation at the speed of light, their speed relative to each other must be twice the speed of light. Modern technology allows us to track the behavior of these two photons moving in opposite directions relative to each other. Their behavior is very strange. If you change the rotation of one of the photons using polarization, then the rotation of the other changes symmetrically. It is as if one photon is sending a message to its twin about what happened to it, no matter where they are or how fast they are moving relative to each other. Since, according to the theory of relativity, nothing can have a speed greater than the speed of light, the only possible conclusion is that there is a direct connection between two photons that come from the same calcium atom. Einstein called this "spooky action at a distance." It is as if the separation of particles was an illusion - if the particles were once connected, then they are always together. So before the Big Bang, all the matter in the Universe was collected at one point, and now, it remains connected with all other matter. Milo Wolf's concepts describe the basis for this. Since these conclusions contradict common sense, physicists carefully tried to find errors in them. But still, the discussion of this topic in physics continues, with some accepting nonlocality and others not.

A clear explanation can be found in F. David Peat's book Synchronicity. Ken Wilber and Larry Dossey have also written about this. At a healers' conference he recently remarked that "...there can't be a little non-locality." Either the Universe works according to this principle, or it doesn’t. Many phenomena indicate the validity of nonlocality.

Question: Initiation (initiation) in Reiki (Reiki) is a unique part of Reiki (Reiki). In order to transmit Reiki, a person does not have to specifically train his abilities. This ability is transferred from teacher to student through the process of attunement. The attunement appears to activate the student's ability to perform Reiki, with a clear difference between the healing power the student had before and what is now present. Is there something in your understanding of biology or science that explains how this is possible?

Answer: As with other energy medicine topics discussed, I can offer hypotheses to test. I think that in tuning, the teacher transmits to the student a pattern or structure of a frequency or group of frequencies that the student remembers. The process of remembering may be similar to the process of remembering in homeopathy, where the electromagnetic structure of a substance is transmitted through water. While some scientists doubt and oppose the idea of ​​water memory, others are conducting research to find out how it works.

The human body contains a water structure that is a suitable antenna for interacting with surrounding fields, and this water structure could receive and store transmitted frequencies.

Question: Where do you think energy medicine research is headed and what developments do you see in the future?

Answer: Energy medicine has grown, the old arguments of vitalism versus the mechanical worldview are being addressed, and methods are being developed to measure the human energy field. In my opinion, one of the most interesting developing areas is the scientific study of the fields that arise during the practice of Reiki and other healing energy techniques. It is also important to note that healing does not always involve transferring healing energy to a person; sometimes it involves removing energy from a sick or injured area. Therefore, it is also important to pay attention to studying the nature of the fields emanating from damaged or diseased tissues.

Another exciting area is quantum holography. Edgar Mitchell, former Apollo astronaut, founder of the Institute of Spiritual Sciences, has revealed a lot of interesting things on this topic in one of the chapters of his book “Clinical Applications of Bioelectromagnetic Medicine,” edited by Paul Roche and Marko Markov.

The principle of quantum holography is that every biomatter, from a single-celled organism to a multicellular organism, is internally informationally connected by non-local quantum communication (single waves), and is connected with the external environment by quantum radiation over long distances. There is another point of view, which claims that beams of photons emitted by living matter contain information about the entire organism.

I am confident that the study of quantum connections will take all of medicine to another level of treatment methods. And methods that were considered in the past as miraculous healings will be explained, understood and can be repeated. This may be the key to understanding the spontaneous healings described in Andrei Weil's bestselling book (1995). He discovered that “..all the relationships and mechanisms already exist; the problem is simply finding the right buttons that will trigger the processes.” I think that the time will come when quantum coherence and other scientific methods will show us how to use these buttons that Andrew Weil writes about in his book.

We have the methods to do the research we need, and I have high expectations that this will lead us to new, more effective and less expensive medicine. I applaud research centers that are investigating the different types of fields emanating from diseased and damaged tissues, as well as investigating the physiological effects that Reiki (Reiki) generates.

The answers to all these important questions will become clearer; it is important that modern science listens to healers and studies centuries of experience in the use of energy medicine.

The issue of energy conservation in the human body can be approached from different positions. In this article we will analyze two approaches: the one that has been formed over centuries and is still decisive from the point of view of Buddhism and yogic philosophy, and the one that is adapted to our current rhythm of life, which is suggested by modern reality. In some ways they overlap, in others they differ. Let everyone choose for themselves what seems more correct to them.

Rudiyar Topor. Why do we lack energy?

Buddhist philosophy on conservation of energy in the human body

So, Buddhists believe that man is part of the Cosmic Energy that permeates the entire world. The original energy is given to a person along with the soul. The stronger it is, the more powerful the body’s defenses. But this energy (it is called “prana”) can be learned to be used sparingly and managed. The more economically life energy is spent, the higher life expectancy.

  1. Life energy passes through our body in the form of biocurrents. And biocurrents that reduce the body’s energy consumption in relation to the external environment can, if desired, be learned to control. The exercise is very simple: a person lies down or sits in a comfortable position and exhales air using the vocal cords. You need to lower the timbre of your voice as much as possible and, slowly exhaling, pronounce the sound combination “ummmmm.” This concentrates energy in the body and prevents it from dissipating.
  2. It is very important to learn to regulate your breathing. A person should not constantly use “earthly breathing” (inhaling through both nostrils, using both the left and right halves of the chest to inhale). Every evening, a person who wants to master “partial” breathing sits in the lotus position or tailor’s position (with legs crossed and bent at the knees) and breathes alternately through the left and right nostrils (clipping the “unnecessary” one with a finger or cotton wool). The left nostril is lunar breathing, helps to concentrate and heal from diseases that consume vital energy. The right one is solar breathing, which makes it possible to tame energy. This type of breathing is especially good twenty to thirty minutes before bedtime; a person who has tamed his energy and “repaired” his body sleeps well at night and fully restores his strength by the morning.
  3. Concentration of nervous energy in the morning so that it is not wasted on trifles. A full breath is taken, hands with clenched fists move forward, breathing is held. While holding your breath, your arms are pulled back as far as possible with increasing muscle tension. Simultaneously with the exhalation, the arms are sharply thrown forward. The sharper the release, the greater the concentration of energy.
  4. Creating an impenetrable protective shell in order to protect your life energy from the so-called energy vampires. A person sits calmly, concentrating on himself, and imagines how either a protective film or a transparent shell is created around his body, allowing only air to pass through. With training, it is possible to create such a shell very quickly, and a person reliably prevents the unnecessary expenditure of his vital energy on a quarrel, scandal, or conflict.
  5. Accumulating reserves of vitality is also an important part of the program. This is especially convenient to do where there are a lot of people, where it is important not to give away strength, but to accumulate it. Let's say, in the subway. A man, sitting, squeezes his legs tightly, bends left hand“bucket” and places the fingers of the right hand between the thumb and the remaining fingers of the left hand. Or intertwines the fingers of the left and right hands (“lock”). The hands are clenched tightly, vital energy accumulates in the body. The duration of the exercise is ten to fifteen minutes, a five-minute break, then you can repeat it again.
  6. You need to purposefully develop a positive attitude towards people. Any release of negative energy reduces the vitality of the body. To save it, learn to smile mechanically, practice in front of a mirror (it’s not for nothing that the wise Chinese and Japanese try to smile constantly!), perceive your interlocutor as a source of positive energy, don’t get irritated, don’t get into arguments. Phrases like “We’ll discuss this later, if you don’t mind,” “Let’s reconsider our positions,” etc. allow you to “cut off” the negativity coming from your interlocutor. You need to treat animals the same way: do not be afraid of dogs on the street (and they will never touch you), do not point at stray cats - all this allows you to save vital energy.
  7. Did you know that the very atmosphere of a metropolis robs a person of vital energy? Let's say while you work, you are forced to live there. And after retiring, many of us can change our place of residence, move to the suburbs, a holiday village, a village, in a word - away from technogenic civilization, closer to nature. This will allow you to spend your vitality sparingly and feed it with positivity.

Human energy - an unexpected discovery

Scientific arguments about the conservation of energy in the human body

This is approximately the position of Buddhists. But it is not always applicable. There is a more modern technique for saving various types of energy in the body. Let's try to understand its provisions. In some ways it undoubtedly coincides with the yogic one, in some ways it approaches the problem in a fundamentally different way. But in general, it is much simpler - the main thing is to be able to restructure your thinking.

  1. Often the body spends too much energy on heating the body. Therefore, in the cold season, you need to dress according to the weather, and if you have to travel for a long time in an open space, have “warmers” with you: a scarf, a hat, gloves, a shawl - something to cover your hands, where the blood flow is weaker, the head, which cools faster due to brain activity, and the chest, which expends a lot of energy on gas exchange. It’s very good if you have a thermos with you - by sipping warm tea or warm water from it, we give the body an additional supply of energy, which is so necessary in this case. And we feel more energetic.
  2. Not only hypothermia is harmful to the body, but also overheating. To save energy, we dress according to the weather. It is recommended to cover the upper part of the body with thin linen or cotton fabric (blouse, sundress, shirt), the lower part with wide clothes, also made of natural fabrics (wide trousers, flared skirt). Elbow-length sleeves are preferable to bare arms because it prevents your hands from overheating. Just like shorts are worse than long clothes - for the same reason. It is advisable to protect your head with a Panama hat, a scarf, or a “breathable” hat. The body does not produce extra energy for sweating and reducing temperature, thus saving energy. And on the beach you don’t have to be in the open sun. In temperate latitudes - yes, perhaps, the body absorbs solar energy and adds vitamin D, and this must be done in doses, otherwise the skin overheats to the point of burning, and the body spends a lot of energy on treating a sunburn. In southern latitudes, open sun is contraindicated from 10 am to 4 pm; it takes too much energy from a person.
  3. A person also spends energy on digesting food. In order to conserve energy, you should think through your diet so that the food you consume does not require too much effort to process it. Foods such as pork, horse meat, and some types of raw vegetables (such as beets and cabbage) are difficult to digest. Fried foods take longer to digest and require more energy than boiled or baked foods. A large amount of pasta also requires a lot of energy to digest. The Mediterranean style of eating is classically low-energy: fish, poultry, a large amount of boiled or stewed vegetables, salads from fresh vegetables and herbs, olive oil, drinking plenty of unsweetened drinks, a little red wine, which speeds up the digestion process.

What are chakras?

Muscles must be trained

  1. Muscles must be trained. Then the body will spend less energy to perform any work than an untrained one. Fifteen to twenty minutes of energy expenditure on muscle training will allow you to save during the day a noticeably large amount of energy expended when going up and down stairs, carrying bags of groceries, doing household chores (mopping floors, sweeping, hanging out laundry, etc.).
  2. It is necessary to save not only physical energy, but also nervous energy. Pointless viewing of a large amount of uninformative materials on television (“soap operas”, detective stories, etc.) does not require physical exertion from a person, but puts a lot of strain on his spine, pinching the channels through which energy rushes to the brain and spends nervous energy on following the plot stupid movie. Once a week you can allow yourself to “unload”, but more often you shouldn’t. Walking at a moderate pace on a street that is not crowded with traffic is a much less energy-intensive process.
  3. Nervous energy is also spent on emotions. In this, the modern technique is completely consistent with the yoga one. Will you use the kind of exercises that yogis recommend, or will you develop your own (for example, with practice, you can learn to imagine your opponent as small, no bigger than a mouse, which will reduce the size of the problem and the nervous load accordingly). Saving energy that is uselessly spent on scandals, quarrels, and conflicts will significantly extend the life of the heart and blood vessels, which “overheat” during these skirmishes.
  4. You need to learn to save your breath - after all, it also uses up the body’s strength. In your free time, lie down comfortably and practice full breathing: we start inhaling from the lower parts of the lungs, protruding the stomach, then the middle ones (the stomach spontaneously retracts), then the upper ones (imagine that your lungs are a bag that needs to be filled to the top). All this is done on a count from one to eight. Then hold your breath for a count of eight. We begin to exhale in eight counts: first the upper sections, then the middle ones, then the lower ones - the stomach protrudes, and then retracts as much as possible to help the remaining air escape. We hold our breath for another eight counts. And we also conduct eight such cycles. Not everything will work out right away, but it will certainly work out. Then this exercise can be performed standing, before morning exercises.

Drinking regime. When the body lacks water

  1. Drinking regime. When the body does not have enough water, and it is necessary for metabolic processes, it begins to release internal reserves: turning fats into water. This process is very energy-intensive and not healthy. “Internal” water is not identical in composition to ordinary water; it puts a greater burden on the urinary system, sweat ducts, and intestines. Energy is spent unproductively, and a person’s well-being deteriorates. Therefore, always, even in winter, make sure that 2.5-3 liters of liquid enter the body during the day (this is the physiological norm), and only in summer time Carrying a bottle of water with you, periodically taking a few sips from it, is absolutely necessary.
  2. Now – about the most delicate part. An adult needs sex. But in moderation. So, for people over the age of thirty, three sexual acts a week are enough, after forty - two, after fifty - one. There are, of course, personal norms - but just norms. And boosting your capabilities with the help of ointments and tablets is a large and absolutely unproductive waste of the body’s energy. Learn to listen to your needs and remember: excessive passion for sex, as a rule, shortens the duration of sexual activity.
  3. And finally, the simplest method. When you are tired, when you feel that further energy consumption will be too much, it is very useful to just lie down and lie down, maybe even sleep for an hour or two. If this is not done immediately after eating, then rest will save the body’s reserve resources and give it the opportunity to remain in balance.

Now, choose what suits you from the first and second methods, and begin to treat your body wisely, carefully, and economically.

How to always have enough energy? A. Pokhabov

Although the mystics did not speak of energy fields or bioplasmic forms, their traditions, accumulated over 5,000 years in all parts of the globe, are consistent with recent observations by scientists.

Spiritual Tradition

Adherents of all religions talk about seeing light around a person’s head. Through religious practices such as meditation and prayer, they achieve an expanded state of consciousness that opens up their subtle sensory abilities.

The ancient five thousand year old spiritual tradition of India speaks of a universal energy called Prana. This universal energy seems to be the basic component of all life and its source. Prana, the breath of existence, resides in all forms and gives them life. The yogic practice of manipulating this energy through breathing techniques, meditation and physical exercise is aimed at maintaining the vigilance of the mind and the youth of the body longer than usual.

In the third millennium BC. In China, the idea of ​​the existence of vital energy, which was called CHI, was formed. This universal energy pervades and constitutes all living and nonliving matter. This Chi consists of two polar forces - yin and yang. When yin and yang are balanced, the living organism is in a healthy state; the result of their imbalance is physical disease. The ancient art of acupuncture focuses on creating balance between yin and yang.

The Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical theosophy that originated around 538 BC*, refers to these same energies as the astral light. In Christian religious painting, Christ and other spiritual figures are depicted surrounded by fields of light. In the Old Testament there are numerous references to glowing around people or the manifestation of light, but over the centuries these phenomena have lost their original meaning. For example, in the sculpture of Moses by Michelangelo, karnaeem shown as two horns on his head, rather than the two rays of light originally mentioned. In Hebrew, this word means both “horn” and “light.”

* Nativity of Christ

John White, in his book Future Science, lists 97 different cultures in which the aura phenomenon is referred to under 97 different names,

In many esoteric teachings - in ancient Indian Vedic texts, theosophists, Rosicrucians, Indian healers, Tibetan and Indian Buddhists, Japanese Zen Buddhists, Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner - just a few are mentioned here - the human energy field is described in detail. Recently, many modern scientific schools have supplemented these studies with observations at a specific physical level.

Scientific tradition: 500 BC. - 19th century

Throughout history, many Western scientific thinkers have developed the idea of ​​a universal energy permeating all of nature. This life energy, perceived as the body of light, was first mentioned in Western literature by the Pythagoreans around 500 BC. R.H. They believed that this glow could have various effects on the human body, in particular cure diseases.

Scientists Boylas and Liebeult discovered in the early 12th century that people have an energy that can create interaction between individuals at a distance. They argued that one person has the ability to have a healthy or unhealthy effect on another simply by their presence. The medieval scientist Paracelsus called this energy “Illiaster” and said that this Illiaster constitutes both life force and life matter. At the beginning of the 19th century, the mathematician Helmont presented for consideration a universal fluid that permeates all nature and is not solid or dense matter, but a pure vital spirit permeating all bodies. The mathematician Leibniz wrote that the essential elements of the universe are centers of force, containing within themselves their own sources of motion.

Other properties of the universal energy phenomenon were explored in the 1800s by Helmont and Mesmer, who created mesmerism, which later became hypnotism. They reported that living and inanimate objects could be charged with this “fluid” and that material bodies could influence each other from a distance. This suggests the possible existence of a certain field, somewhat analogous to the electromagnetic field.

In the mid-19th century, Kant Wilhelm von Reichenbach experimented for 30 years with a field he called “odic” force. He discovered that this field had many properties similar to those of the electromagnetic field, which had been described earlier in the 19th century by James Clerk Maxwell. In addition, he discovered that many properties are inherent exclusively in physical strength. He determined that magnetic poles are not only magnetically polarized, but also have a unique polarity associated with this “physical field.” Other objects, such as crystals, while not being magnetic, also have this unique polarity. The poles of the odic force field, when observed by their sensitive individuals, exhibit subjective properties and are seen as "hot, red, unpleasant" or "blue, cool and pleasant." In addition, he established that opposite poles do not attract, as in electromagnetism. He discovered that when the odic force manifests itself, like poles attract, that is, like is attracted by like. This is a very important aura phenomenon, as we will see later.

Von Reichenbach studied the electromagnetic radiation of the sun and the associated condensations of the physical field. He discovered the greatest concentration of this energy in the red and blue-violet parts of the solar spectrum. Von Reichenbach argued that opposing charges produced subjective sensations of heat and cold of varying intensities, which he correlated on the periodic table after a series of separate tests. All electropositive elements give subjective sensations of warmth and cause unpleasant feelings; all electronegative elements are perceived as cool, pleasant, the intensity of these sensations corresponds to the arrangement of the elements in the periodic table. Variations in these sensations from warmth to coolness correspond to variations in spectral colors from red to indigo.

Von Reichenbach discovered that a physical field could be conducted through a wire, and the conduction speed would be very low (about 4 m/s) and depend more on the specific gravity of the material rather than on its electrical conductivity. In addition, objects can be charged with this energy, similar to the charge of an electric field. Other experiments have shown that part of this field can be focused through lenses, like light, while another part will bend around the lenses, like a candle flame bending around objects located in its path. If this refracted part of the physical field is placed in air currents, it will also react like a candle flame, which suggests that this composition is similar to a gaseous fluid. These experiments showed that the auric field has properties that suggest that it is both particularistic in nature, like a fluid, and energetic, like light waves.

Von Reichenbach discovered that the force in the human body creates a polarity similar to that which exists on the main axes of crystals. Based on this experimental evidence, he identified the left side of the body as the negative pole and the right side as the positive pole. This concept is close to the aforementioned ancient Chinese principles of yin-yang.

Observations of doctors in the 20th century

From the above, we can see that until the 20th century, research was associated with observations of various characteristics of the energy field surrounding people and other objects. In the 1900s, doctors also became very interested in this phenomenon.

In 1911, MD William Kilner reported his studies of the human energy field, which he observed through colored screens and filters. He described three layers of luminous haze around the entire body: a/ a four-inch dark layer closest to the skin and rounded b/ a vaporous one-inch layer spreading perpendicularly from the body and c/ more distant from the body, a thin outer glow with vague contours about six inches wide . Kilner found that the appearance of the "aura" (as he called it) of subjects varied markedly depending on the age of the field, the person's mental abilities and his health. Some diseases manifested themselves as spots and disturbances in the aura, and from this Kilner developed a system of diagnosis based on color, texture, volume and appearance covers. This is how he diagnosed diseases such as liver infections, tumors, appendicitis, epilepsy and mental disorders such as hysteria.

In the mid-1900s, doctors Georges de la Warre and Ruf Drown created new instruments to detect radiation from living tissue. They developed radionics, a system for detecting diagnosis and healing at a distance using the human bioenergetic field. The most impressive photographs were taken using the patient's hair as an antenna. These photographs showed the internal formations of diseases in living tissues, such as tumors and hists in the liver, pulmonary tuberculosis and malignant brain tumors. A three-month-old fetus in the womb was even photographed.

Dr. William Reich, a psychiatrist and colleague of Freud, became interested in universal energy in the first half of the 20th century, which he called “orgone.” He studied the relationship between the flow of orgone in the human body and physical and psychological diseases. Reich developed a psychotherapeutic system in which Freudian analytical methods of identifying the subconscious were integrated with physical methods of removing blocks to the natural flow of orgone energy in the body. By removing these energy blocks, Reich cleared negative mental and emotional states.

In the 30-50s, the Reich experimented with these energies, using the latest electronic medical devices at that time. He observed the pulsations of this energy in the sky and around all organic and inorganic objects. Using a specially designed highly sensitive microscope, he observed pulsations of orgone energy emanating from microorganisms.

Reich developed many physical instruments to study the orgone field. Among them was an "accumulator" that could concentrate orgone energy and was used to charge objects with this energy. Reich discovered that an empty, discharged tube would conduct an electrical flow much weaker than a tube charged for a long time in a battery. In addition, he argued that the rate of atomic decay of a radioisotope increases when placed in an orgone accumulator.

Doctors Laurence and Phoebe Vevdit conducted extensive research on the EFC in the 1930s and established the influence of these fields on health, healing and spiritual development. They emphasized the importance of knowledge and understanding of the powerful etheric formative forces that are the basis for the health and healing of the body.

Not long ago, Dr. Shafika Karagula correlated visual observations of sensitive people with physical disorders in the body. For example, a clairvoyant named Diana could observe the energy forms of sick people and very accurately characterize problems - from disorders in the brain to blockages in the colon. As a result of these observations of the etheric body, a vital energy body or field was discovered that constituted a matrix that permeated the dense physical body like a sparkling fabric of light rays. This energy matrix is ​​the basic template on which the physical matter of tissues is formed and strengthened. Tissues as such exist only thanks to this vital field located behind them.

Dr. Karagulla, in addition, correlated disturbances in the chakras with diseases. For example, sensitive Diana saw the patient's throat chakra as overactive, red and dirty gray in color. When Diana looked at the thyroid gland, it seemed porous and soft in structure. The right side of the thyroid gland functioned worse than the left. Using traditional medical methods, this patient was diagnosed with Graves' disease, which causes enlargement of the right lobe of the thyroid gland.

Dr. Dora Koontz, president of the American branch of the Theosophical Society, worked for many years as a physician and healer. In her book, Spiritual Aspects of the Healing Arts, she noted that “a healthy vital body carries within itself a natural, autonomous rhythm,” and that “every organ of the body has its corresponding energetic rhythm in the etheric field. Various rhythms interact between the spheres of various organs, as if carrying out transmitting functions; when the body is intact and healthy, these rhythms are easily transmitted from organ to organ. But with pathology, the rhythms change as well as the energy levels. For example, in the field you can find traces left from a surgical appendectomy. The function of electrical transmission of physical tissues now adjacent to each other is different from that previously performed by the appendix. In physics this is called impedance matching or mismatching. Each adjacent tissue is "impedance matching", meaning that energy can flow freely through the entire tissue. Surgical intervention or disease alters impedance matching so that energy, instead of being transferred, is to a certain extent wasted."

Dr. John Pierrakoz developed a system for diagnosing and preventing psychological disorders based on visual observations of the EHR and observations using the pendulum. Information derived from these observations of energy bodies by psychotherapeutic methods developed in bioenergetics and with conceptual work carried out by Eva Pierrakoz. This process, called "essence energetics", is a unified internal healing process that works through ego and personality defenses to unblock the body's energies. Essential energy seeks to balance all bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual) in order to achieve harmonious healing of the entire personality.

From this and other information I conclude that the work of emitting light from the human body is directly related to health. It seems to me that it is very important to find a way to measure these light emissions using reliable, standardized light measuring instruments, so that this information can serve clinical diagnosis and so that this energy itself can be used in prevention.

My colleagues and I conducted a series of experiments to measure EFC. In one, Dr. John Pierrakoz and I measured light levels at a wavelength of about 350 nanometers in a dark room before, during, and after people were there. The results showed a slight increase in light in a dark room when people were in it. In one case, the light dimmed noticeably while an exhausted and despairing person was in the room. In another experiment, carried out jointly with the Parapsychological Society of the United Nations, we were able to show part of the aura field on black and white television using a device called a colorizer. This device allows you to greatly increase the intensity of light changes occurring in the human body. In another experiment conducted at Drexel University with Dr. With William Andson and Karen Gestla (a sensitive who worked with Dr. Reen at Duke University for many years), we were able to apply aura energy to a small two-milliwatt laser beam. All these experiments helped to confirm the existence of energy fields, but they did not lead to conclusions. The results were shown on national television channel NBC, but no further research was carried out due to lack of funds.

Hiroshe Motoyama from Japan was able to measure the lower light levels of radiation in people who had been practicing yoga for many years. He carried out this work in a dark room, using a movie camera to film the lower light levels.

Dr. Jeng Rongliyan of Lanzhou University of the People's Republic of China measured the energy (called "Ki" or "Chi") emitted by the human body using a biodetector made from a leaf vein connected to a photoquantum device (low light measuring device). He studied the energy field emanating from Master Chi-Gong (Chi-Gong is an ancient Chinese method of healing exercises) and the energy field of a clairvoyant. The results of his research showed that the detector system responds to pulsating radiation. The pulse of Master Chi-kung's hand was very different from the pulse of a clairvoyant.

The Shanghai Atomic Nuclear Research Institute of Academia Sinica discovered that some of the emanations of the life force of Qigong masters have a very low-frequency sound wave, which appears to be a wave of low-frequency vibrations. In some cases, Chi manifested itself as a microfrequency flow. The diameter of the particles was about 60 microns, their speed was 20-50 cm/sec.

Several years ago, a group of Soviet scientists from the Research Institute of Radio Reception and Acoustics named after. A.S. Popov announced the discovery of energy vibrations with a frequency of 300-2000 nanometers in living organisms. They called this energy biofield or bioplasma. They found that people who are able to successfully transfer bioenergy have a wider and strong biofield. These data were confirmed by the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences and supported by studies in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland.

The most amazing research I have seen on the human aura was done by Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA. While studying the effects of rolfing on the body and psyche ("Study of the Structural Neuromuscular Energy Field and Emotional Domain"), she recorded the frequency of low-millivolt body signals during a series of rolfing sessions. For these measurements, she used elementary silver/silver chloride electrodes applied to the skin. Simultaneously with recording electronic signals Rev. Rosalyn Brewers of the Healing Light Center, Glendale, California, observed the auras of a rolfer and a person being rolfed. Her comments were recorded on the same tape recorder as the electronic data. She provided a consistent report of the color, size and energetic movement of the affected chakras and auric linings.

The scientists mathematically analyzed the wave samples using Fourier analysis and frequency echogram analysis. In both cases interesting results were achieved. The consistent waveforms and frequencies were in particular correspondence with the colors Rev. was talking about. Brewer. When Rev. Brewer observed a blue color in some place in the aura; electronic devices always recorded the shape and frequency of the blue wave in the same place. Dr. Hunt repeated the same experiment with seven other aura observers. They saw aura colors that corresponded to the same wave/frequency patterns. In February 1988, the results of the study showed the following relationships between color and frequency /Hz==Hertz, or cycle/sec/:

White 250 - 275 Hz plus 1200 Hz

Green 250 - 475 Hz

Yellow 500 - 700 Hz

Orange 950 - 1050 Hz

Red 1000-1200 Hz

Violet 1000 - 2000 Hz, plus 300 - 400;

600 - 800Hz White 1100-2000Hz

These groups of frequencies, with the exception of additional groups on blue and violet, are in the opposite order of the rainbow color sequence. Frequency and energy indicators are recorded by equipment.

Dr. Hunt says: "In all the centuries in which sensitives have observed and described aura emissions, these are the first objective electronic measurements of frequency, amplitude and time to confirm subjective observations of color emissions."

The fact that the light frequencies presented here do not duplicate those of light or pigment does not detract from the discovery. When we realize that colors are frequencies perceived by the eye, differentiated and demarcated by verbal definitions, then there is nothing left to indicate that the eye and brain processing centers interpret colors only at high frequencies. The ultimate criterion for color perception is visual interpretation. However, with the use of more sensitive instruments and improved recording and reporting techniques, this figure, currently around 1500 Hz, may well move towards higher frequencies.

Dr. Hunt also states that the chakras typically have the colors mentioned in metaphysical literature: kundalini - red, pancreas - orange, spleen - yellow, heart - green, throat - blue, third eye - violet and crown of the head - white. Obviously, the activity of a certain chakra causes an increase in the activity of another chakra. The heart chakra is usually the most active. Individuals have many emotional experiences, images and memories associated with different rolfed areas of the body. This suggests that the memory of impressions is stored in the tissues of the body.


If we consider all the fields and emanations of our body to be the human energy field, we can see that many well-known components of the EFC have been measured in the laboratory. These are electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic, sound, thermal and visual components of the EFC. All of these readings are consistent with and beyond normal psychological processes occurring in the body to provide data on psychosomatic functioning.

Dr. Hunt's observations have shown that certain frequencies correspond to certain aura colors. These frequencies may have high overtones that were not detected due to the limitations of the laboratory equipment involved.

The indications given above also indicate that the EPC must have a particle nature and a fluid movement reminiscent of the movement of air or water flows. According to some studies, these particles are tiny, even subatomic. Physicists usually call clusters of moving charged microparticles plasmas. Plasmas obey certain physical laws, as a result of which physicists consider their state as intermediate between energy and matter. Many of the properties of EFC observed in the laboratory suggest the existence of a fifth state of matter, which some scientists call “bioplasma.”

These studies have shown that the usual view of the body as consisting of systems (such as the digestive system) is insufficient. An additional model needs to be developed based on the organic energy field concept. The complex energy field /EMF/ model does not fully meet this task. Many of the physical phenomena associated with EMF, such as predictions or awareness of past life information, cannot be explained using the EMF model.

According to Dr. Valerie Hunt, the body can be viewed in terms of the quantum concept of energy, originating from the atomic-cellular nature of the functioning body, which permeates all tissues and systems. She believes that the holographic view of the EPC must be correct. “The concept of the hologram, as it develops in physics and brain research, appears to be a truly unifying cosmic view of reality that requires a reconsideration of all biological discoveries on a different level.”

Marilyn Ferguson reports in the Brain Mind Bulletin that the holistic model is characterized as an "evolving paradigm," an integral theory that will embrace all the wonderful facets of science and spirit. Finally, there is a theory that directly connects biology and physics.”

Chapter 5 Review

1. How were the characteristics of the EFC measured?

2. When did people first learn about the aura phenomenon?