How much money do you need for happiness. How much money do you need? This exercise has two important meanings for you.

Do not rush to answer this question, dreamily raising your head to heaven...

Any magician who works with the old "What's in a gentleman's pocket" trick knows the answer to this question.

Attention: You "need" as much money as you currently have your annual (monthly) income.

No more and no less.

You can object sharply, but listen to my arguments.

In the Torah, such a metaphysical thing as money has always been compared with manna from heaven, which the Almighty sent to the Jews while they were marching in the desert.

Money was then always compared with manna and comprehended through it.

And what about manna?

And the manna always fell as much as each specific Jew needed - no more and no less. And it was impossible to save it - it deteriorated. And besides, the manna eaten had the taste of those foods that the manna eater wanted to eat at that moment.

Everything is very similar to money. Money cannot be foolishly folded - it deteriorates.

Money has the taste that a person needs.

Some have the taste of vodka, some have beer, some have new lipstick, some have a flight to Turkey, some have dust from repairs at home...

There is an opinion that:
“money always comes to a person in the amount that he really, truly needs at a given period of time.”

That is why we draw such optimistic conclusions.

Instead of asking the pointless question "Why don't I have a lot of money?", we ask the right questions.

Right Question #1

If what I have at the moment is the value that I truly need, then: Why is it now exactly like this?

Correct Question #2

Why and what do I need more?

This second question smoothly throws a bridge from this article about specifically money to our previous material, which is called “Why is the yoke not removed from the neck?”

It is (Pay attention, Reader - for this is important!) about the REAL need for a certain amount of money.

There is even such a stable concept, almost a term: GENUINE NEED.

Yes, money through its secret metaphysical channels comes to us in the same way as food enters the body. (Humanity, after all, did not always know the scheme of digestion and the structure of the organs of the body, but this did not prevent the body from eating according to stable and well-defined laws!)

To satisfy hunger, a person eats a certain amount of food. The rest is superfluous and harmful.

Few of us think about why he spent his money on what he just spent it on.

If we analyze our spending according to Freud, it turns out that almost 90% of all expenses are the result of a "shopaholic neurosis" who does not know what else to do, just not to feel that he has nothing to do by and large and life is completely "uncool" for him.

There are also people who immediately invest all the money they earn in others or in something else. In children, for example. In the construction of an unnecessary cottage.

Why do you think the inner Child of such people would want the inner Adult to earn even more from their work?

After all, they implicitly understand that the role of the “donkey” is not what they wanted from life when they were small, when the inner Child dominated this triad of Bern ... The inner understands that the Inner Adult has long been dragging stones “to the wrong construction site” ...

And that's why he doesn't push him...

Money is said to teach people to listen to their REAL NEEDS.

And for the pursuit of “fictitious and far-fetched values”, with which we are afraid and do not want to part, money punishes us with a “ruble”.

Let's write such a "business plan" so that Money "believes" in our seriousness, in the GENUINE of our needs. And they gave us a generous advance without looking ...

"- Tell me, Shura, honestly,how much money do you need to be happy? Ostap asked.
“A hundred roubles,” replied Balaganov, regretfully tearing himself away from the bread and sausage.
No, you didn't understand me. Not today, but in general. For happiness. Clear? For you to be well in the world.
Balaganov thought for a long time, smiling timidly, and finally announced that for complete happiness he needed six thousand four hundred rubles and that with this amount he would be very good in the world.

from the novel by I. Ilf, E. Petrov “The Golden Calf

How do you think, money able to solve all your problems and make you free and happy?

The answer to this question sounds simple. But it is not easy to understand it.

No matter how much we chase happiness in the outside world, it moves away in proportion to the strain that we put in order to achieve it.

In no way am I calling for quitting your job, throwing out money and become a hermit. Material wealth is a necessary brick in the building of our true prosperity. But the foundation and foundation of this house lie in something deeper, inaccessible to the superficial glance of the layman, who believes that money will make him happy.

Money itself is a convention that we use to exchange our labor for the benefits necessary for our life. We all pledged to believe in value of money to support the state monopoly.

There is nothing wrong with this. It's comfortable.

But can money buy everything?

If we are not like Shura, who was sure that for complete happiness he needed six thousand four hundred rubles, we are able to understand that for money we can only get something secondary.

We cannot buy health and youth. We cannot buy ourselves another body. We cannot buy love, joy of life, enlightenment, peace, self-confidence and much more... True values ​​are evaluated differently.

To learn to appreciate true blessings, it is necessary to learn to realize them. What is really important, and deserves our attention, is contained in our essence. The more we understand who we are, the more we become aware of our true needs the closer we are to living our life in the best possible way.

We should not live on future goals. Wisdom is to make the path to the goal our goal, to see what is happening here and now as a precious sacred "goal".

Our true nature is here and now. The stronger our tension in trying to achieve something in the future, the further we are from ourselves. No matter how much we avoid the present, we always remain in the secret gap between the past and the future.

Tension creates tension. There is nothing more obvious.

Relaxation bestows rest and tranquility. When we gain the ability to accept the present, we will feel true satisfaction with life.

And this ability is manifested when our mind is calm. When our every gesture and movement of the mind is controlled by love, because it is thanks to unconditional love we are open to life.

I really love the movie "The Golden Calf". I can watch it for hours, watch it over and over and enjoy it every time. Good black and white film with great actors and subtle humor.

There is a cool episode in this film when Ostap and Shura are sitting in a cafe and thinking about how much money is needed for happiness:

“Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy? asked Ostap. “Just count everything.”

“One hundred rubles,” Balaganov answered, regretfully tearing himself away from the bread and sausage.

“No, you didn’t understand me. Not today, but in general. For happiness. Clear? So that you have a good life in the world.

Balaganov thought for a long time, smiling timidly, and finally announced that for complete happiness he needed six thousand four hundred rubles and that with this amount he would be very good in the world ... ".

Great dialogue with meaning. It is clear that money cannot buy happiness, but understanding how much money is needed in order for happiness to come makes sense.

Where is my money?

Why am I talking about money on a blue-rimmed saucer?

Communicating with other people, I am always interested in how much money they would like to earn in order to feel secure and secure, to realize their dreams and desires.

The banal question “Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy?” very often puts them in a stupor. They don't know what to say, they "hang" for a few minutes and start thinking about how much money they need to be happy.

How much money do you need for happiness?

So how much money do you need to be happy on a silver platter? How many? A hundred thousand, a million, two or three? How many?

The question is simple, but how to really understand how much money you need to have to fulfill your own desires and needs?

There is nothing difficult in this if you do a small but very effective exercise "Money Universe". Despite the fact that it is simple, it clears the brain well, makes you think and look at your life from a different perspective.

Money every day is the money of the Universe!

What is the point of this exercise?

Imagine that every day you receive a certain amount of money from the Universe, which you must spend on yourself, your desires and needs. All this money you must spend within the same day.

If you do not spend them, you will no longer receive money from the Universe. So this is your monetary limit that you need. If you spend all the money, and write down all the expenses to every penny, the next day you will receive money twice as much as the previous one.

The rules are simple and clear.

To help you understand the essence of this exercise and how to perform it, I will give an example.

Let's say that the initial amount of money you receive from the Universe is $100. If you spend all the money on the same day, you will receive $200 the next day. If you spend $200, you will get $400 the next day. Well, etc. $800, $1600, $3200 etc.

I hope the meaning of the money is clear. I specifically repeated this point, as it is important in this exercise.

How to spend money correctly?

And now about how to properly spend the money received from the Universe.

So, we have the initial $100. Now we take a piece of paper and write what we will spend this money on. It is important to imagine that you have money, and you can spend it on your desires and needs. With this $100 you can buy a T-shirt, jeans, a new computer mouse. You dreamed about it and right now you can fulfill your dreams.

Write down all your expenses in this format:

Day 1 - $100

T-shirt - $30

Jeans - $55

Mouse - $15

The money is spent and the next day you get $200.

Now you are faced with a new task - to spend all this money on yourself and your desires. Since you have a mobile phone and have long wanted to buy new accessories for it, the money will be spent easily, simply and with pleasure.

Waste of money looks like this:

Day 2 - $200

Mobile phone case - $35

Protective glass for a mobile phone - $ 15

Powerbank for charging mobile devices - $ 25

Smart bracelet for a mobile phone - $100

Mobile phone dock - $25

The money is spent and the next day you get not $200, but $400. It is important that you understand that here the principle of doubling the money received is adhered to if the amount received was spent in the current day.

You must write down all your expenses on a piece of paper. It is very important! You will be able to see your desires and needs, what you will spend money on.

Sooner or later you will come to the conclusion that you will not be able to spend the money allocated to you by the Universe. It can be $1,000,000, $8,000,000 or $16,000,000. Everyone has their own stop amount - someone has more, someone has less, but everyone has it relative to the current moment of life.

After you come to this amount, add up all the money that you received from the Universe in the previous days. This will be your amount of money that you need to be happy.

This exercise has two important meanings for you:

  1. you will be able to understand what you have desires and needs;
  2. you will be able to understand how much money you need to be happy.

So how much money do you need to be happy on a silver platter?

How many? A hundred thousand, a hundred, a million, two or three? How many?

Special bonus

A wonderful question was formulated yesterday in Sveta Condoleezza Rise's diary about money, workload and the correlation of all this. That is, how much you can work without compromising your mental health if your work is related to people. That is, when you need to take a time out ... So as not to burn out. And filled with the right energies. And keep burning. And here's my answer, I don't know what to say. When you work sick (not, when it’s really bad, you can’t work, especially if you are a freelancer, you don’t have to go to the hospital, that is, minus one stress clinic, district police, queues, cards, brrrrrrr, how sad it all is and from inside and from the patient, God bless us all), it seems how sad it all is, the horizon is low, the head is heavy. But on the road it lets go faster if this is an uncritical illness - moving a mortal body in space for 33 km back and forth gives a therapeutic effect. I don't know how to explain it, but it works for me. Apparently the broom is my mode of transport. Wingardium leviossa, comrades!
But we, in general, are not really about that, we are about how much a person can work in an active, client-oriented job without feeling lowered wings. And so that the enthusiasm in the eyes, because, and while this mantra works for me, this is everyday life for me and "under the dome of NOVAT, the whole big theater of Moscow can fit," and for people, a new city. Or something new about the old city. And in general, an event, a holiday and nifiga is not a routine. And I, like Sveta, do not want to be like the heroine Kutepova in the short story Anichkov Bridge from the movie about Peter. although, to be honest, Novosib gives strength here, and St. Petersburg is historical ...

In general, I confess, sometimes I get tired. And yes, sometimes the motivation to agree to two excursions a day (very difficult), for two days off in the mode from seven to 22 (generally a common thing) is material. I understand that I am the guarantor of the financial security of our difficult family, where a globally well-drinking disabled person who miraculously works part-time (and this miracle can end at any moment), my mother is depressed, constantly going into psychosomatic all sorts of things, two children who, damn it, as I twitch, when they formulate like this, "need to be fed and taught", but food and study are enough for that, but you still don’t want to lose in the magic of ordinary life - go where your eyes look, eat in a cafe , to gather in some interesting place (here, a water park, for example ...), and I want to buy books, go to the theater, albeit especially without outfits, in the same jeans in which I spent the tour, please myself with cosmetics, let segment of the Avon, but it pleases me :))) In general, sometimes I hang a carrot in front of my nose and say "it's one and a half thousand, they don't roll on the road" and, girding my loins, I go to smile at people and tell them how spaceships surf Grand Theatre.

But, probably, work, if it is beloved (even in the absence of Anichkov Bridge and other wells nearby), it gives strength. And it’s interesting to read something new at the NGS, what article they say, then I’ll reach Golodyaev’s books (yes, I read relatively little non-fiction ... but it has always been like that. yes, even at the medical institute. and what would save me from madness all over there if not fiction books?). And it is curious to plan, but there will be free time, you and I, children, will already reach ... well, for example, to the lake in Pine Forest. don't ask why. Well, we still won’t get there :)) and there is a new center of the World with thermal joys nearby, they say, it’s better to go there without children, but where am I without children :))) that is, our city, nifigane Peter, gives me something That. And Tomsk gives. And Barnaul, even though it is sadder. With natural excursions, it’s a little more difficult - I’m still a city person, but there are also blades of grass ... Berdsky rocks ... The Ob Sea ... You look, and there I cheered up. And fitness, again, you live like this ... kilometers, not square meters ...

And as for the people and the rest from them, I thought in the morning and remembered - 13 years ago I was lucky to have a rest in Sochi. For the first time I saw the sea, I lived on a base owned by my father's colleagues (yes, yes, my father, who had a murdered Khrushchev apartment from real estate, and then received it once by his father, had such colleagues who built a tunnel in Sochi and bought strip of land. and rebuilt there), ate cheese, pears and pita bread, spent money on excursions, sunbathed, peeled off, went alone to the beach, sat in the inner garden, fed a family of stray cats, they even ate my cheese, collected shells, saw a dolphin on the horizon, and almost didn’t talk to anyone ... It was good, but today, on a gloomy October morning, on a day without excursions, which means school, take Linka, go with Danka to my place, do my homework, pick up Linka, a bunch people around .... I realized that there is no, like this, to leave everyone, live on the top of the bare, write simple sonnets (s), not my format. That's when you're driving away from home, and the horizon, and you've already said something, people got used to the bus, and you either dozed off or have a fascinating conversation with the driver ... here you rest ... And you also work at the same time .

So, everything is chaotic, but I don’t know what, how much money is needed for happiness (well, I would like not to save up for a year for a trip to IKEA for saucepans, of course) and how much rest, so as not to burn out. I not only get tired of people, but I also have fun with them. And interesting. Yesterday we watched the first Monsters on vacation with children-aaaah, PEOPLE!!! The man in the castle :)))))) And if we would visit good people more often, hang out somewhere ... in general, it would be normal.

Of course, if I had someone to count on, maybe I wouldn’t work all weekend ... but that would be a completely different story. Therefore, it remains to get enough sleep, if possible, drink delicious tea, read good books, walk with children and communicate with them not only about lessons ... and already review a movie about Peter. Because, God be with him, with the sea, I need roofs, courtyards, wells, water and wind.

As usual, a lot of books, and what happened is an essay on a given topic :))), maybe, throw some pictures, as we decided yesterday that the time for pumpkin lanterns had come.

Honor money neither more nor less than it is worth; it is a good servant and a bad master.
Alexandre Dumas - son

How much money do you need? It would seem that this is a stupid question, because the more money a person has, the better, the more he can afford and the wider his possibilities. And there seems to be no point in focusing on a specific amount. Or maybe there is? No, I am not going to tell you in this article that you need to specify your goals in order to achieve them faster, that knowing exactly how much money you need, you will get them faster. I'm going to approach this issue from another, less known, but very important side, to show you that each person has his own nut in the teeth and not everyone is able to digest a large piece. In addition, I want you to understand why not everyone needs to have a lot of money. Indeed, in inept hands, a large amount of money can become a big problem that will only make a person’s life worse. So read the article carefully to the end, and you will understand that the issue discussed in it is not as stupid as it seems at first glance.

So, why does a person need to know how much money he needs? He needs to know this in order to understand what opportunities he will gain if he has a certain amount of money and how he will use this opportunity, and what it will lead to. I will explain in more detail, because it is difficult to convey my bright idea, the essence of which I myself comprehended for quite a long time. If you think that you need money, then think, first of all, what exactly do you need it for? Then, ask another question - how much do you really need what you need money for, and is it worth the effort that you will need to make in order to earn, get the amount of money you need, to get what you need? do you want to receive? That is, ask yourself the price of the amount of money you need. This is one of the laws of nature, according to which everything has its price - every desire, every goal, every dream, every intention, in general, everything. It is very important to understand this, because it is possible that your desire may be absolutely not natural, that is, not so much yours as imposed on you, but at the same time it may cause you concern, not giving you rest. For example, about which people dream so much, these same people are often changed, and often not for the better, including for themselves. As a result, their life, which has almost everything, becomes worse, and the price they paid for it turns out to be too high.

You understand that the procedure for extracting money is associated with a number of decisions that need to be made and certain actions that need to be taken, and therefore with inevitable consequences that you need to be prepared for in advance. There are many ways to make money. Money can be earned, both with your own hands and with the hands of other people, you can steal it, you can kill for it, you can betray because of it, and so on and so forth. But in any case, you will have to strain to get the amount of money you need in the way you are interested in, and you will have to deal with the consequences that occur in cases corresponding to your method of obtaining money. Therefore, decide for yourself why you should strain, how you will do it, and what consequences you will have to deal with in this or that case. That is, carefully study the experience of other people who, firstly, had the amount of money that you want to have, and secondly, came to them the way you are going to come. About that, you can learn from other articles on my site devoted to this issue. In the meantime, think about the price you will have to pay for the amount of money you need. Below we will talk about how you can manage the money for which you will do something.

What will you do with the money?

Let's turn on the imagination and imagine that we, although no, not we, but you, friends, now have money, just in the amount you need it. What will you do with them, what will you spend this money on? Think also about what will happen after? I am probably not mistaken if I assume that very many of you will simply spend money on all sorts of pleasures that everyone gravitates towards, without thinking about what will happen next when the money runs out. Maybe you won’t do this, maybe you have certain plans for life, I don’t argue, but most people who get a lot of money at their disposal in different ways do just that. A rare person, having come to big money, behaves quite rationally and does not give free rein to his weaknesses. Such people become great. There are people who know about, for example, through fraud, but having received them, they themselves become victims of scammers, spending this money in an unreasonable way. Well, someone, having acquired a lot of money, can sew part of this money into a mattress, for the so-called “rainy day”, which happens quite often for many people who spend money recklessly. This is also not the best way to manage money, because, of course, savings are needed, but when a person does nothing but save money, he does not use it for its intended purpose. Money is to be spent, the only question is how to spend it.

Therefore, returning to the question of how much money you need, you should look beyond this desire to understand what can happen after you receive this money. You will still want something, even when you get everything that you are dreaming about now, which means that you will not find peace, which means it’s better to decide for yourself right away - what do you really want from life and why? After all, the amount of money that every person needs, according to his own conviction, only reflects his state in which he is currently located, taking into account the peculiarities of his life. Well, as you know, when you are hungry - you think about food, when you are thirsty - about water, when you have nowhere to live - you need a house, an apartment, and when you are alone - you need a woman / man. There are things we really need and there are things we don't want. And we can only want what we know, as a rule. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what the money is for. After all, if you need them for senseless consumer spending, when you buy one thing or another, then money for you, in this case, is a drug that you need to regularly receive in the form of a certain dose that will act for some time, and then you will again be ready for anything, for the sake of another dose of money. It's a vicious circle. Therefore, people take to buy constantly, because otherwise they feel inferior - they feel bad, they break down. Is it bad? Yes, it’s not that bad, but still, I don’t think that you came into this world in order to only pass through different things through yourself all your life, for which you don’t have enough money. Indeed, with such an approach to life, it is not the result that is important, but the constant striving for it.

And then what kind of life is this, when the only goal in it is the pursuit of money, which you constantly do not have, and when they appear, they evaporate as quickly as water in the desert? Maybe you want something that does not require you to constantly strive for a lot of money? Or is it better to put the question this way - maybe you want something else, for which you do not need to constantly strive for big money? Think about the alternatives, about, say, the possibility of acquiring some certain minimum with a certain amount of money, so that you can then do what you love, to which you would like to devote your life. Perhaps you should, and then you will think not so much about money as about its development, and money will become a natural consequence of your activities for you. Or maybe you don't need money at all? Let's talk about that too.

Does a person need money?

When talking about how much money you need and what you might need it for, we need to think about whether you need it at all. It is clear that it is impossible to live without money at all, but in some particular case, you can do without them, trying to solve this or that problem or task. Let's say you want to start your own business and you don't know, so you may need exactly the amount of money you need to start a business. In this case, it is worth considering other options for creating a business, in which money is not needed for this business, or is needed, but in a much smaller amount that you can get. There are always such options, I can tell you for sure. Or another example - a young guy wants to meet a girl, but because of self-doubt, he thinks that for this he needs to have a cool car, a lot of money and all sorts of other little things that chicks peck at. It is quite obvious that you can even get to know a very cool girl without money, you just need to learn how to do it, in the sense of how to approach a particular girl, having studied her preferences. To do this, you need self-confidence, you need charisma, you need to be an interesting person who knows how to speak beautifully and do beautiful things, then the girls themselves will spend money on such a cool kid, just to be with him. So we need to take a broader look at each specific situation so as not to reduce all problems and tasks solely to money.

If you suddenly don’t know what you will do with your money when you have as much of it as you want to have, based on the principle - the more the better, then perhaps you don’t need it at all? For now, anyway. No, well, you yourself think about what it means to have a lot of money - it means that you need to be able to properly manage it. They need to be stored somewhere, invested in something, protected, spent wisely so as not to squander everything, and make sure that the source of this money does not dry up. And if you don’t know how to do this, then imagine how much stress you will expose yourself to by contacting big money. You probably need a lot of money. And big money requires special treatment. I’ll even say this - too much money can bring you significant harm, because having tasted the benefits once available for this money, you will certainly want to do it again and again, but your cash flows can dry up, both in the form of wages and in the form of other income. As a result, a person can fall into insanity or depression and do stupid things. Therefore, for any money you need to be mentally prepared. After all, a person and money should correspond to each other’s capabilities, you can’t give too much money to a fool so that he doesn’t do stupid things, and it’s impossible to live in poverty if you are very smart, since a smart person will always find an opportunity to provide himself with the amount of money he needs, or rather resources. So what do you really need - money, in a certain, sufficient amount, to acquire what you want to buy with it, what you need, or what allows you to get this money? These can be some assets, that is, “hens” that lay golden eggs, or some of your skills and knowledge, thanks to which you can solve certain problems and thus earn money.

Perhaps you should think not so much about the money itself, but about the sources of money, the so-called cash flows, the presence of which and the stability of their work will be a reliable foundation for your financial well-being for you? This, of course, is already a smarter desire and a more competent question than the question of the amount of money you need, but if you dig deeper, you and I will understand that even cash flows are not as important as the ability to create them. That is, the skill to make money is more important than not only the money itself, but also their sources. But you will never come to this understanding and this skill if you only want money, especially to stimulate your unnatural needs. And you can't learn how to manage money if your desires run ahead of your income. This is when a person spends not only everything that he has, but also gets into debt up to his ears, binding himself hand and foot with obligations. In general, read my first article about what money is, and decide for yourself what you personally are willing to sacrifice for it. After all, they differ from each other in the price that we are willing to pay for them.

natural needs

No matter how much you want money, you really do not need too much of it if you are going to satisfy only your natural needs, without which your life is impossible. A person needs food to keep his body working, he needs clothes so that he can go outside, a roof over his head to feel comfortable in all weather conditions, and so on. There are not so many of them, these natural needs, and the rest is already secondary, or does not make sense at all, but it requires a lot of money that needs to be extracted somehow. A person does not need much money to satisfy his natural needs, even the most miserable job can satisfy these very needs of his with the wages that are due for it.

But I do not urge you to live a modest life and limit yourself in your desires, to hell with asceticism - live the way you want. After all, all that makes their life more eventful and interesting. On the contrary, I want you to be ready to take aim at the most luxurious and richest life after satisfying your natural needs. But you must prepare yourself for this life, step by step approaching more and more money. Do not wish for a lot at once - move towards the better gradually. Think about what will make you better, because by becoming better, you will improve your life and prepare yourself for big money. It's not how much money you need that matters, but who you need to become in order to have the amount of money you need. A fool with money is like “spirits” in an infantry fighting vehicle (two drunken spirits in an infantry fighting vehicle are worse than a company of the Airborne Forces), he will only add problems to himself and other people.

We wish big money

But in general, I believe that you need to want a lot of money, not for the sake of the money itself, of course, but for the sake of those great things for which you need them. Then you will definitely have them. The more grandiose your plans are, the more you will achieve in life. You just need to start small and move to bigger gradually. I know many examples when people who wanted everything at once found themselves in such a swamp from which they did not get out. As I wrote at the very beginning - every nut that you want to crack should be tough for you. We always want more than what we are really capable of, which makes our desire desirable. But so that desires do not diverge too much from our capabilities, we need to pull them, these capabilities, to our desires, but gradually, so as not to overstrain. This means that we need to break our desires into wishes that are feasible for us to implement in the short term. Simply put, if you want to make a million, start with a thousand, and then gradually increase your possibilities with more and more complex desires, in order to eventually bring yourself to your main desire. Learn gradually so that they obey you and do not slip through your fingers, and do not ask for stupid and harmful things for you and other people.

Money can work wonders if it is properly managed. On them you can buy people who, for the sake of your money, will either build or demolish. When you buy a person, you feel power over him, and therefore, you can change the reality around you in a convenient way for yourself, making your life as comfortable as possible, and the world a better place. For intelligent people, money is the builder, and for the unintelligent, it is the destroyer. Naturally, in order to constantly change everything for yourself, in order to feel safe from encroachments on your wealth, you need to have a lot of money, and for this you yourself must constantly improve, because big money requires certain qualities from a person, without which they don't stay with him.

The exact amount that you may need does not matter, as we have found out. What matters is understanding what money is for, how you can earn it, and how to develop yourself in order to earn this money, as well as the desire to live a decent life. Money, after all, in itself is not so important, they are only the result of a certain activity. But activities can be different. You can work at a terrible job, but get good pay, or get little pay, but work at a job that makes you feel happy. What's better? You decide. And the question of whether, the easier it is, the more often we see people who are tortured by life, who have a lot of money, but who work too much for them and in a job that is not the most pleasant for them. After all, as you remember, everything has its price. And in some cases, it’s not the money that matters, but the opportunities that you have. If you decide, for example, to become the president of the country, will money matter to you if you become one? Obviously not, because when you come to power, you will have a lot of this money, and do not ask why, but you will only redirect it in the right way in those areas that you consider important. You yourself will not need money so much if you have power, because no power will be left without a piece of bread, while the question of how to maintain this power will become a priority.

Questions about money

Finally, I want to say that any questions about money require careful and complete consideration. It doesn’t make sense to simply state the fact that you need such and such an amount of money, for such and such a purpose or just so that you have it, you must always understand what needs to be done in order to get this money and what are the consequences for you will lead, both the very method of extracting money, and the achievement of the goal for which you plan to extract them. So, dear readers, it should not be about the amount of money in your life, but about it, about your life, that is, about how you want to see it and who you yourself want to become in order to have everything that you need. . If you don’t have money, then think about having it. It is pointless to think about money itself, you need to think about what brings it.

They say that happiness is not in money. And they say it right, but it is, this is happiness, and not in their quantity, and not even in the cash flows that you can have. Happiness lies in your ability to set goals and achieve them. More precisely, it is in yourself - in who you think you are and who you really are. What is the use of having a lot of money if you yourself are not interesting or needed by anyone, because money should bring us closer to people, and not push us away from them? And why do you need a lot of money, if for the sake of earning it you don’t see the white light, then what’s the point of living a life in which you spend most of your time at work, which in turn may be absolutely not interesting to you? I don’t know about you, but for me, these and other similar questions are much more important than the question of how much money I need, because before answering it, I have to decide how I want to live my life.