The magical properties of the Labrador. Products and decorations made of stone and its application. Blue labrador stone magical properties

There are many in nature various stones among which gained popularity rare mineral Labrador. It is named after the peninsula, whose origins began in 1770.

Not everyone had to see it, and some do not know what it looks like. It has a unique color. May be gray with a green tint. The mineral is a variety of tulle spar, can shimmer and be all colors of the rainbow.

According to mythical data, during the time of the Hellenes, Labrador was of great importance to humans. He was given for certain merits, for which he brought them wealth, happiness and success. If a person did not deserve the mineral, he was capable of bringing death.

The magical properties of the Labrador stone have not yet been fully disclosed.

But still he has them:

  1. Gives the ability to see the future, enhances the feeling of a psychic.
  2. It is the strongest talisman for healers.
  3. Protects the owner from evil and greedy people.
  4. Helps to find calmness, peace, harmony in the family.
  5. light minerals blue tint, help and protect men, and green and gray shade are a talisman for women.
  6. Helps to maintain relationships and love in the family.
  7. Helps creative people.

It should be noted! The stone quickly becomes attached to the owner, protecting him. He does not like being allowed to be touched or worn by strangers.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

Consider who suits Labrador according to the horoscope. In general, in astrology it is allowed to wear it to all signs of the zodiac. But the mineral will be especially useful for people who have the zodiac sign Leo, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo.

The stone will be devoted to its owner if it is always in a conspicuous place. You can not hide it in a secluded dark place. It is not allowed to wear jewelry with a mineral for signs: Cancers and Aquarius.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

At a glance, the mineral does not attract much attention, it looks nondescript.

Its main colors are:

  • Blue-black.
  • Grey.

The main advantage is iridescence, the ability of a stone to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. These multi-colored colorings can be in the form of spots, or various patterns.

The color of these patterns can be:

  • Yellow.
  • Red.
  • Green.
  • Blue.

And in rare cases, it contains several tones together at the same time.

Depending on the colors, the mineral is divided into the main types:

There are varieties that are divided according to their characteristics into male and female. Women's crystals are considered darker colors. On the other hand, men's colors are lighter.

How much: price

Like all gemstones, the Labrador has its price per carat. It is determined depending on the color of the mineral and weight. Price small size can be from 1-5 dollars per carat.

The cost of products from it: beads, bracelets, is up to $ 35. Many do not realize how much a product or jewelry made of amazing crystals costs.

Average prices per crystal range from $20 to $70. In nature, you can also see raw stone, with amazing shades of the rainbow. And it can also be on sale a natural mineral, in the form of figurines, or various crafts.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

The mineral has been widely used in the jewelry industry. In combination with it make miscellaneous products and decorations. It goes well with both gold and silver.

They make from it:

  • Earrings.
  • Bracelets.
  • necklaces.
  • Rings.
  • Pendants.
  • Figurines.
  • Protect.

All products, jewelry and various amulets made from it are capable of possessing magical properties, which means helping the owner in all personal and family matters.

It should be noted! The Labrador gets attached to his owner and helps to protect him from negative, evil and envious people.

Medicinal properties: are they?

The unique mineral has been widely used in traditional medicine.

It has not only magical, but also healing properties:

  1. Treats insomnia.
  2. Normalizes sleep.
  3. Gets rid of nervous stress, overexcitation, overvoltage.
  4. Prevents muscle pain and pain in the joints, back.
  5. Treats infertility, increases potency.
  6. Helps with pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  7. Helps to get rid of bad habits.
  8. Prevents the appearance of various tumors.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

Natural Labrador is very difficult to fake. To independently determine the authenticity, just pick it up and look at it. A real stone will show the effect of overflowing colors. What can you say about a fake.

It is almost impossible to fake this stone, because of its ability to shimmer.

Mineral deposits

Most large deposits mineral are considered the territory of Ukraine. To this day, stone is being mined in Canada.

Also, small deposits were found in:

  • Finland.
  • Greenland.
  • Tibet.
  • India.

The rarest species of Labrador High Quality are available in Australia. And spectrolites are located in the vicinity of the city of Ylämaa.

The Labrador is also found in:

  • Mexico.
  • Brazil.
  • Madagascar.
  • Fennoscandia.

Care and storage

Like all crystals, the Labrador requires care and storage. It must not only be cleaned from pollution, but also from bad energy.

To fulfill proper care, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Regularly rinse the product with a stone with clean, settled water at room temperature.
  2. It is recommended to put jewelry with a mineral on the windowsill so that sunlight falls on them in order to recharge with positive energy.
  3. It is allowed to clean it with the fire of a candle, in a circular direction.
  4. Cleaning with special means is carried out no more than 1 time per year.
  5. It is allowed to store stones in separate bags made of natural fabrics.
  6. To store precious stones fit box, with soft upholstery.
  7. It is not advisable to allow cosmetics or various creams to get on the mineral.

It should be noted! The mineral needs to be allowed to rest periodically. To do this, it should be cleaned in water, dried in the sun and put in a box. If you pass it on to another person, you should put it on the table, and not give it from hand to hand. It can lose its magical and healing properties.

Useful video

The mountainous Labrador Peninsula (Canada) breaks off into the Atlantic with high cliffs above the fjords.

The landscape with sparse vegetation resembles the winding bays-skerries of Norway, laid by the giant emery of disappeared glaciers.

Ancient volcanic granites, rocks, ornamental gabbro minerals, gneisses, feldspars come out of the depths to the surface here.

But there was also something else.

On a fine afternoon in 1770, a priest from the Moravian Catholic mission, who had arrived in Labrador to convert the local Indians of the Innu tribe to the true faith, was walking along the mountain plateau. At that time, the Enlightenment reigned in Europe, the prelate read the Encyclopedia of Denis Diderot and was fond of collecting minerals.

He turned with interest the unusual gray stone he had just picked up in his hands.

With each turn, wavy tints of green and yellowish hues arose on the surface, and a disappearing red border flickered along the edges.

The stone looked familiar. A priest once replenished his collection with a similar gem in Greenland, on the island of St. Paul.

Yet the Labradorite mineral was different.

eminent captain

The peninsula bears the name of the Portuguese captain Fernandes Levradura, who discovered this harsh land (1498). Navigators also named the vast area in the north of the Atlantic the Labrador Sea.

The name of the captain indirectly became famous twice more: in the name of the breed of large rescue dogs, and in the name of the mineral Labrador found on the peninsula, new for geologists of the 18th century.

The illustration clearly shows the layered structure of the mineral. Each ray of light is reflected in these layers twice, creating marvelous overflows of iridescent tones (irization). Stones are highly valued, including several changing shades - bluish-green, yellow, red.

Centuries before the Labrador Discovery

In fact, the Labrador was found in other places on the planet. They just called it differently everywhere.

For many centuries before the discovery of geologists in Labrador, this amazing stone local aborigines found in Australia. There he was reputed totem stone crocodile people. Only the Australian Labrador is transparent.

The Aztecs and Mayans mined it in what is now Mexico and Brazil. What these peoples called the stone is unknown.

The Hindus scooped the mineral from their own mines, and called it in Singhalese - monara valigaya (peacock stone).

The Persians also called the peacock stone, but in their language this word sounds like "tavusi".

Sometimes the iridescence comes from the center of the Labrador. Then, in the depths of the mineral, a bull or lynx eye is seen. Such features have a Madagascar Labrador with a deep bluish-blue tint, which has long been in demand for the magical practices of the Malagasy.

A completely unique Labrador with golden and yellow-orange tints is mined in several mines in Oregon (USA). On jewelry market it is known as a very expensive Sun-stone (sun stone).

European Labrador

In Europe, there is also a paradoxical name, which experts consider to be completely wrong: black.

But many mineral scientists are not aware that this is exactly what it is - Niger Moonstone - this strange mineral was called by medieval alchemists, in contrast to the not so rare milky or bluish-blue moonstones, which have a related structure of feldspars.

Black and gray Labradors are still found in Sweden, in northern Germany. Here the mineral is still called spectrolite.

For Finns and Laplanders, the iridescent flashes of the stone resembled the Northern Lights, which was reflected in its local name. The Finnish Labrador is the most multi-colored representative of the varieties of this mineral.

It is interesting that huge boulders of the Finnish Labrador were once discovered (1781) in the swamps through which they laid the road to St. Petersburg, which was then under construction. But there are no mineral deposits there, the stones were brought by a glacier that had once moved up from rocky Scandinavia. The properties of the stone surprised the court stone cutters. Several countertops for the Imperial Hermitage were made from the found blocks.

Inexhaustible deposits of the beautiful Labrador have been developed for more than a thousand years in Ukraine, in the area of ​​ancient Korostyshev (100 km west of Kyiv).

The sarcophagus of the Kyiv prince Mstislav the Udaly (1178) was carved from the shimmering blue-black slabs of a labrador.

Eight hundred years later, a mourning frieze was made from a black Korostyshev Labrador at the Lenin Mausoleum.

Revitalizing eyes

In the surviving fragments of the altar mosaics of the first Christian church in Rus' - the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv (X century) - labrador pebbles were found, neatly split into iridescent cubes.

These rare smalts can be found in the temple mosaics of the Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople (VI century).

The properties of the Labrador shimmer "enlivened" the eyes and lips of the solemn images of saints. It seemed that their eyes were following the observer with a meeting gaze, and their lips were slightly moving in inaudible prayer. The people of Kiev called magical mineral marvelous stone.

Columns and decorations of the interiors of the Volyn Cathedral in Zhytomyr (1852) and the Kyiv Cathedral of St. Prince Vladimir (1883).

But the days of impressive structures made of solid stone are long gone. Now the precious labradorite is used sparingly, in the form of thin finishing slabs. Samples of the highest quality are sent to jewelry factories and muralist workshops.

brittle hardness

Labrador stone is hard but brittle. The Australian mineral is successfully cut, but stones for cutting at other deposits are a rare exception. So that the mineral does not crumble, it is simply polished.

Many samples are not suitable for jewelry processing due to cracking. But collectors are happy with them.

Such specimens of the Labrador adorn the largest natural history museums. The showcases contain specimens from various fields so that visitors can compare their various optical properties.

During processing, the mineral easily splits into plates. Labrador jewelry and amulets must be worn and removed carefully, an awkward sharp blow on hard surface may well crush stones.

In addition, the mineral can be melted. Such a characteristic of the stone is given in one of the chapters “ natural history» by the ancient author Pliny Secundus. It was this feature that gave reason to believe that Pliny described the mineral now known as labradorite. In a colorful narration, the Roman scholar compared the play of the colors of the stone with the multicolored feathers on the neck of a dove. He called it peresterite (from the Greek περιστέρι, which means "dove").

Labrador and labradorite

It should be said that a pure Labrador is rare in nature. More often it contains combinations of mica and other minerals: pyroxene, rutile, olivine. Additional components mixed with a labrador in molten volcanic magma ejected by volcanoes from the bowels of the earth.

Based on the structure of the crystals and the optical properties that the mineral exhibits, geologists distinguish this "impure" variety as labradorite.

But this does not matter for our story, labradorite and labradorite almost do not differ in the properties of interest to us. In popular literature, both names are used interchangeably.

Jewelry and amulets

At the beginning of the last century, the Labrador was in the center of attention of the masters of avant-garde jewelry in modern style. The public, satiated with brilliant brilliance, enthusiastically accepted the amazing properties of the labrador stone - such, at first glance, a modest mineral.

Jewelry designers have discarded the old canons, blindly copying the style of bygone times in mass crafts. The works of modernists most fully revealed the creative genius of the new generation of jewelers. Often they drew stories from observing the graceful creations of nature, embodying them in unusual combinations of the thinnest labrador plates, enamel, ornamental and precious stones.

Fashionable and exclusive amulets were created in French and Belgian jewelry workshops in Assyrian and Egyptian style. Shimmering details from a mysterious Labrador gave a special expressiveness to these jewelry.

Beautiful works of this fleeting period of high modernity, which soon perished in the cataclysms of the First World War, are presented in the Paris Museum of Decorative Arts.

Labrador Magic

Medieval magicians of Northern Europe knew about the magical properties of the Labrador. Mysterious shimmering stone old belief Vikings, was presented to girls on the thirteenth anniversary, as it is able to reflect the possible failures associated with the unfortunate devil's dozen.

very valuable magic amulet it is considered to be such a blue labrador with eyes that appear after grinding. Magicians grind stones with their own hands, according to ancient technology which is kept secret. This procedure they call "opening the amulet's eyes."

Properly Handled magic stone serves as the magician's third eye, foreseeing the future.

Hindus living in the jungle, attach a "peacock stone" over the entrance to the dwelling. They believe that the cobras are afraid of the look from the "monar waligaya", and will not crawl into the house. Wealthy residents of forest villages have several more of these "monar" to wear on the hunt.

The poorer peasants, unable to buy a talisman, invite a local magician, and he simply writes the name of the stone in Singhalese on the wall by the door - මොනරා වලිගය, accompanying the magic inscription with spells.

Labrador and Zodiac

Astrological schools of East and West differ in recommendations for whom a Labrador can suit. Perhaps the disagreement arises because of the different names for the stone in different cultures. After all, the word for an amulet is material. It affects the horoscope.

According to European tradition, the Labrador is suitable for Scorpions. The zodiac sign Leo also belongs to those chosen by this wayward stone.

Capricorns and Cancers should not wear a Labrador, but you can keep it at home and look at it with pleasure.

Healing colored crystals

Using the Labrador as a healing talisman, lithotherapists first of all pay attention to its color. But in this case What matters is not so much the color as the location in the stone of crystals that reflect a certain color. After studying the horoscope, after listening to the patient's complaints, the healer will select a favorable structure of crystals.

A common independent use of the Labrador is suppression stressful conditions. To do this, without any tension, simply consider the play of light of the mineral, rotating it in your hands. After a while, you will feel relief.

If you don’t have a stone, you can go to the mineralogical museum and stand at the display case with Labrador samples. The result will be the same.

The common property of all Labrador varieties is the stabilization nervous system patient. The amulet provides good sleep, often with vivid fantastic dreams.

For those who choose souvenirs from gems and precious stones, the Labrador seems unique, thanks to a specific ebb. It is worn in rings and cabochons as a talisman, counting on healing power and the magical properties of the stone, the ability to influence the fate of the owner and unlock the potential.

A mineral with characteristic overflows is rarely found in nature, some of the deposits have been exhausted. Fakes are noticeably different from the analogue - they do not have a characteristic overflow. It is quite difficult to process it, but polishing in the form of plates, pendants and beads is popular. Labrador shimmers with iridescent colors, with a cursory glance - a gray or black mineral with splashes.

Labrador has been known for a long time, but it is often confused with other gems, calling it "black Moonstone". After the discovery of a large deposit in Canada, it was “rediscovered”, as it were, giving the current name to the location of the mine in the area of ​​the Labrador Peninsula.

Scientists have identified it as a mineral from the plagioclase group, its physicochemical characteristics researched recently. Masters of folklore from different nations gave him their descriptions and names, such as "fisheye". There are interpretations of the origin of the amazing stone.

One of the Eastern myths describes the scattering of Labrador as reflections of moonlight, frozen on the stones of the stream under the gaze of the sorceress.

In Kievan Rus, iridescent gems were considered heavenly messengers, endowed with divine grace to heal from ailments.

The ancient Hindus believed in his ability to give love and family well-being. To do this, it was necessary to have a “paired” Labrador of blue-green shades (male) and golden brown (female).

The magic of stones, with the ability to change shades when reflecting light, was perceived in a special way by the Chaldean priests from Mesopotamia and Ancient Babylon. It was inserted above the window or prayed in the hands, believing in the power of the “prayed” stone, and the overflows were considered the “look of the gods”. But the amulet must be "tied" to one owner, it was worn in a leather bag near the heart.

Fish eye in the form of a "magic" ring in different countries It was customary to take on the road to protect against the evil eye. Since the middle of the 19th century, the mineral has become popular in the aristocratic and bohemian environment of Europe. A book was written - W. Collins "Moonstone", which mentioned how the Labrador changes the fate of people, discovering their vocation.

Aesthetic value and application of the Labrador

Gems, with like stone Labrador properties are still called "lunar". But nothing compares to the Labrador in terms of richness of shades and blotches. There are discrepancies in the names "labrador" and "labradorite". This is a rock used for finishing work.

Labradorite is also known as spectrolite or "stone that refracts the spectrum". This name is closer in meaning because of the iridescent shades. Amazing Property to reflect light is called iridescence (also labradorization and labradorescence). The effect resembles the play of the colors of the iris, which is why the name "...eye" is often used.

Labrador cabochons are especially valued, where there are several shades - blue and yellow, blue and green. The most picturesque and expensive is the "peacock eye" from Madagascar and Sri Lanka. It is rich in a spectrum of blue-blue, violet and green overflows on a black background. Most of the samples from jewelry stores and stones exhibited by private cutters in India and Tibet, gray color with a sheen of one color. Less common are pendants with a golden, green and red-brown tint.

The play of iridescence or “irisation” is better seen on a polished surface, where the light falls at an angle. In untreated stones, this is less noticeable. Best Gems going to manufacture:

  • jewelry;
  • souvenirs;
  • elite jewelry;
  • folk crafts (the work of stone carvers).

Labrador from different deposits is distinguished by hardness and pliability. A beautiful fragile stone is polished on the iridescent side. Not all gems lend themselves to rough processing. The hardest Labrador retrievers are from Australia, they are suitable for various processing and stone carving. Some art souvenirs are more expensive than finger inserts.

At the end of the 18th century, spectrolite became one of the ornamental and jewelry stones suitable for pendant earrings and other jewelry. It is said that Catherine the Great's lover had a ring with an extremely rare "overflow" stone. Most likely, it was a Labrador.

Rock deposits with similar properties were discovered during the construction of St. Petersburg. It is used as an expensive cladding. An example is the decoration of the Lenin Mausoleum and some metro stations with labradorite, where the plates play in the light, as in jewelry collections. Most often it is offered in a silver frame.

The chemical composition and formula of the stone

Spectrolite was rediscovered and described in 1770 from the Canadian peninsula of Labrador, hence the name. Scientists rank it in the group of plagioclases (the main composition), classifying this variety of feldspar as calcium and sodium aluminosilicate.

Moonstone composition:

  • Na2O - 3.96% (sodium);
  • CaO - 10.93% (calcium);
  • Al2O3 - 26.83; (aluminium oxide);
  • SiO2 - 55.49 (silicon).
  • Fe2O3 - 1.6% (iron oxide);
  • K2O - 0.36% (potassium salt);
  • H2O - 0.51% (water);
  • MgO - 0.15% (magnesium oxide).

Physical properties of stone

The double refractive index of the rays is about +0.008, without dispersion, pleochroism and luminescence. The crystal structure is rare, more often tabular structures with inclusions and fractions. This is albite with the formula NaAlSi3O8 or anorite CaAl2Si2O8, there are varieties with up to 70% anorthite content.

When a stone is found in a deposit, it is not worth experimenting. The mineral can crumble under pressure, in a vise, under the impact of a heavy object. The volcanic specimen dissolves in acid and melts at high temperature.

Varieties of the mineral

A gem of volcanic origin has several varieties with color options found in different deposits. They differ in aesthetics and chemical composition.

  1. A black labrador with blue and blue iridescence comes from Madagascar. It was called tavusin for its resemblance to peacock feathers, the most beautiful variety.
  2. Adularia is a light gray-blue stone with iridescence, but its belonging to the Labrador group is disputed.
  3. Rainbow spectrolite is a picturesque Labrador Retriever. One of the deposits was discovered in Finland in the vicinity of Ylämaa during the construction of fortifications.
  4. The sunny Labrador has a golden brown iridescence, this is a typical "female" stone from Oregon.
  5. The brown-violet variety is called the fisheye.
  6. "Bull's eye" has reflections of red on a black background.
  7. The lynx eye is distinguished by green-yellow tints.
  8. The rarest variety of Labrador Retriever in the Russian Federation is the blue belomorite.
  9. Luxurious Aventurine Labrador - a stone with an amazing golden shimmer due to inclusions of magnetite and copper.

Despite the variety of varieties of feldspar, dark base with iridescent tints makes it so desirable. The play of shades inspired artists, designers and fabricators to create fabrics and finishing materials with a similar effect.

There are also many fake and cheaper stones that are sold with a label indicating the variety of this. rare stone. But they do not have the characteristic iridescence of the spectrolite.

Labrador deposits

The Labrador was officially discovered in Canada at the Greenville Mines over 300 years ago. There he received a description, a new name and a place in the general classification of minerals. Since then, he has been delighting his connoisseurs with iridescence and amazing with the mysticism of the impact on the owners.

Later, deposits were discovered in the USA and the Russian Federation, in India and on the islands of Southeast Asia. The largest deposits of the Ukrainian Labrador were in the area of ​​settlements Blue Stone, Golovinskoye, Guta Dobrynskaya and Rudnya-Ocheretyanka, but the deposits have been exhausted.

There are small reserves in Madagascar, Australia and Germany. Beautiful ornamental labrador mined in Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Mongolia and Tibet. High-quality spectrolites are rare, more often stones of gray color with a blue, blue or green tint come across.

Medicinal properties of Labrador

Since ancient times, mankind has attributed healing properties gems, and the Labrador is no exception. It is believed that it is suitable for women who are in position (pregnant) - helps with bearing healthy child. Healers claim that with its help they relieve inflammation of the prostate gland in men. They say the Labrador cuts recovery period after injuries and treats pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes.
  • Arthritis and arthrosis.
  • neuroses.
  • Insomnia.
  • Infertility.
  • Diseases of the urogenital area.

The magical properties of the Labrador

The stone is especially appreciated by representatives of the occult professions - for its ability to awaken psychic abilities. They believe that the mineral refracts subtle worlds, helping to reach the levels of the spirit, can energize.

There is an opinion that the Labrador gives the ability to withdraw into oneself, analyze a lot in the past and see the future. The black Labrador is especially in demand with its prophetic and magical properties, which has golden and reddish tints.

Video on the topic: labrador, stone properties

Labrador is a mineral that suits many according to the horoscope. The most friendly is considered for fish, crayfish and scorpion. It is recommended for all representatives of the water element for every day. Many who are suitable for a gem according to the horoscope are willingly worn as a talisman and amulet. It will not suit Aries and representatives of the fiery element, so that they do not fall into a state of unbridledness and outbursts of anger.

Other signs of the zodiac can wear it in the form of jewelry according to mood or before an important decision. A gem with healing and mystical properties will take pride of place in your collection.

Labradorite is rock, which includes transparent, yellowish or gray, impurities of quartz, pyroxene and the mineral labradorite. The content of the latter in labradorite is at least 60%.

Labradorite is a rock, which includes transparent, yellowish or gray feldspar, impurities of quartz, pyroxene and the mineral labrador

In nature, golden, purple-red, blue-green, blue-orange labradorite is found. The last two are most often used to create jewelry. The surface of labradorite always consists of several colors intertwined in fancy patterns. In the rays of the sun, the stone radiates a bright glassy luster and shimmers. different colors rainbows depending on the angle of rotation. The ability to mother-of-pearl radiance - iridescence - is a distinctive property of the Labrador.

Labrador dark gray, dark blue, black-orange and blue-black color base, playing in the sun with the whole range of cold shades, was called spectrolite (from the word "spectrum"). In a dark room, the beauty of spectrolite is not so noticeable, but in the bright rays of the sun, the mystical play of stone shine creates a feeling of something magical. This mineral is widely used in jewelry and is considered the rarest variety of Labrador. Spectrolite is mined only in Finland.

Labrador is one of the most beautiful and mysterious stones our planet. It was known to the Indians of America, the ancient Greeks, Romans and Scandinavian Vikings, but Western Europeans learned about it only at the end of the 18th century, when deposits of blue and blue rocks were discovered on the Canadian Labrador Peninsula, from whose name the mineral got its name.

However, in Rus', labradorite was known long before Western Europe discovered it. The Slavs called this stone "peacock's eye", "Wonderful stone" and used it for the mosaic of the altar of the Church of the Tithes - the first stone Christian church of Kievan Rus. However, in subsequent centuries, the “peacock eye” was not used in Russian monumental architecture, perhaps because the deposits from which it was mined dried up. And only in the middle of the XIX century. layers of labradorite were again discovered in the Kyiv, Kherson and Volyn provinces of Ukraine, and in the twentieth century. - in Yakutia.

Currently, the Labrador is mined in Canada and America, in Australia, India, Brazil, and Finland. The price of the stone ranges from $2 to $10 per carat and more.

Properties of labradorite stone (video)

Application of the Labrador

The blue, blue and red labrador is important in the decoration of monumental architecture. It is actively used for external and interior decoration facades of temples, metro stations, columns and cultural monuments. Labrador was used in facing the facade of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The central entrance to the Lenin Mausoleum is also lined with labrador.

Labradorite is plastic, so it is well suited for creating sculptures, mosaics, decorative coatings for furniture and decorations small items everyday life, for example, snuffboxes and countertops. IN Lately labradorite began to be used in the production of decorative paving slabs. At right technology processing such a tile does not differ in hardness from concrete.

However, the labradorite stone is a rather fragile mineral, therefore it is not used very often in the jewelry industry. Labrador products are not durable: even from minor impacts, chips and cracks can appear on the surface of the stone. Therefore, when creating jewelry, small Labrador cabochons are used, which are fixed in a dense frame to protect the stone from accidental damage.

Gallery: labradorite stone (50 photos)

Healing properties of stone

It is difficult to list all the properties of the labrador stone. Specialists in the treatment of minerals attribute to the Labrador the ability to restore male strength, treat infertility and diseases of the genitourinary system. It is believed that the stone is able to relieve stress and nervous excitement, helps to get rid of insomnia, improves overall well-being, improves mood and returns vital energy. When asked about who the Labrador is most suitable for, lithotherapists, without hesitation, answer that the stone suits everyone. But many astrologers believe that the Labrador is most useful to those who, according to the horoscope, belong to Pisces, Cancers or Scorpios.

A small product made of Labrador, placed at the doorstep of the house, will protect its owners from uninvited guests and thieves. It is believed that the mother-of-pearl mineral is a good amulet for the hearth.

Impulsive people and those whose work is associated with constant stress are advised to purchase a ring or bracelet made of spectrolite. However, it is considered that the owner of such jewelry should avoid contact with the stone of strangers, since the Labrador connects with human energy, interacts with inner world its owner, and touching the stone of other people can break this connection. Traditional medicine experts are convinced that the Labrador loves to be in sight, "look" at the world, therefore, a stone bracelet does not need to be hidden under clothes - it should be visible. Figurines and other items made of Labrador are also recommended to be placed in a conspicuous place: on a bookshelf, table, on the windowsill, there is no need to hide them in a closet or drawer.

Labrador - mystical mineral

In addition to healing, the magical properties of the stone are also distinguished. Many people who have labrador jewelry, over time, begin to notice positive changes in their attitude and consciousness, they have new ideas and plans, and there are opportunities to implement their plans.

Labrador patronizes creative personalities, artists and poets, whose creative potential requires constant disclosure. But also labrador is considered a stone of magicians, healers and psychics. Some astrologers are sure that the Labrador attracts the energy of otherworldly forces and helps to establish contact with spirits. This is probably why the mineral is often used in magical practices. However, the Labrador cannot guarantee the safety of contact with the other world, therefore only experienced healers and magicians resort to the help of the stone.

Labrador is associated with the moon, which is why it was called the black moonstone. People who are fond of divination and magic believe that mystical properties Labrador obtained by him from the lunar energy, which in magic is associated with secret knowledge and intuition. During the rituals of the new moon, the spectrolite is placed on the windowsill so that the stone is “charged” with the light of the moon and helps the magician connect with otherworldly energy. In astrology, the Labrador is associated with the element of water. It is believed that, like water, spectrolite in magic can play the role of a mirror to the afterlife.

This characteristic of the stone suggests that young people who are prone to daydreaming and adventures should be wary of the Labrador Retriever. The energy of the stone can increase their impressionability and encourage them to commit dangerous acts.

The magic of labradorite (video)

Who is the Labrador suitable for?

Labrador is the best mature people who know what they want from life. For the ambitious and strong people Labrador can become a real talisman of happiness. However, having such a talisman is a big responsibility. The owner of the stone should remember that the Labrador cannot stand lies and deceit, no matter who they come from, and can punish not only the enemies of his owner, but also himself if he commits a dishonest act. But if you feel that this is “your” mineral, follow your intuition no matter what your zodiac sign is. The main thing is to be honest man, and then the stone will become your good patron. A labradorite bracelet or mother-of-pearl earrings are very beautiful, they will suit absolutely all the fair sex. Labrador is a noble stone that patronizes the fair, successful and strong.

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A bizarre play of light, mysterious reflections of mother-of-pearl, depth of shades, halftones, this is a Labrador Retriever. The alien stone, among other wonders of nature, is one of the most interesting in terms of lithotherapy. A mineral that has absorbed the Moon and the Sun, giving birth to magic, as it was born by it.

Labradorite or labradorite

The volcanic origin of the labradorite breed gives the labradorite stone its unique appearance. In the heat of fiery processes, a combination of quartz, plagioclase, pyroxene, feldspar occurs, this is how a mineral is born, of moderate hardness, 6.5 according to Mohs, of a surprisingly attractive appearance.

The unearthly beauty of the Labrador gave him many names, a peacock eye, a Hyperborean rainbow. The official name comes from the place where the breed was first discovered on the island of Labrador.

Other deposits are known, the north of Europe is rich in rock, considerable accumulations hide the Himalayas. In Australia, large deposits of labradorite are being developed, which, due to its physical and mechanical properties, is subject to cutting.

There are some varieties of Labrador:
  • spectrolite;
  • lynx eye;
  • tavusite;
  • black Moon.

They are classified color shades, a small difference in composition, chemical and physical characteristics, but this is one mineral that has its own unique properties given by nature, the Moon, the Sun.

The popularity of stone has a considerable age, for more than 300 years mankind has been admiring the aesthetics of jewelry, handicrafts, interior inserts, and furniture. Labrador can be seen in the decoration of some stations of the Moscow metro, the Mausoleum.