Pyrope stone is similar to fire. Pyrope garnet - fire stone

The international name for the mineral is Pyrope.


Magnesium-aluminum garnet - magnesium aluminum garnet, magnesia-ferroaluminum garnet, Bohemian garnet - bohmischer Granat (Klaproth, 1747), vogesite - vogesite (Weisbach, 1875), rock ruby ​​- Felsenrubin (partially, Koechlin, 1911).
The name carbuncle - carbuncle (Pliny, 77 AD), otherwise karfunkel - Kagfunkel (according to Dana, 1892) - denoted red garnets (pyrope, almandine), as well as spinel.
Gem-quality specimens are known under the names: Cape ruby ​​- Cap-Rubin (according to Hinze, 1, p. 1749), Colorado ruby, Arizona ruby-Arizona ruby, Fashoda garnet.

Pyrope, crystals in the rock. Photo of a sample from a diamond pipe. Yakutia

origin of name

Origin of name. pyrope- from the Greek word pyropos - similar to fire; named for its deep red color.

Pyrope formula

Chemical composition

Chemical composition. Mg and Fe, as well as Fe and Mn in the garnet group substitute each other indefinitely, giving any ratios, but magnesian-manganese garnet is rare. As for the trivalent elements, they can widely replace one another.
Of the impurities, K 2 O, Na 2 O, as well as P 2 O 5, V 2 O 5, ZrO 2, BeO and others are sometimes present in small quantities.

The theoretical chemical composition for Mg 3 Al 2 (SiO 4) 3: MgO - 30.01, Al 2 O 3 -25.29, SiO 2 -44.70. The highest content of MgO in natural pyropes is 21.24%; usually Mg is more or less substituted by Fe 2+ and Mn, Al is substituted by Fe 3+ and Cr. There is a continuous series pyrope- almandine; continuous transitions from pyrope to spessartine have not been established. The pyropes of Merunice (Czech Republic) contain up to 3% of yttrium earths. In crystals from the Nanazhnaya (Yakutia) pipe, 0.145 g/m U was found.

A garnet of an intermediate composition between pyrope and almandine is rhodolite.

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngony cubic, hexaoctahedral c. With. 3L 4 4L 3 6L 2 9PC.

Crystal structure

Space group Iа3d(О 10 h

Form of being in nature

Shape of crystals.

Shape of crystals. The most common form is the rhombic dodecahedron (110), less often in combination with the tetragon-trioctahedron (211). Last form can also be presented independently, and the faces are covered with strokes parallel to the long diagonal. Extremely rare faces of a cube or octahedron. The surface of most pyrope grains of Yakutia (from kimberlites) and the Czech Republic has matte gloss, often roughly corroded; some recesses are shaped like truncated pyramids, tiled, stepped, or look like imprints of needles, lentils, drops.

Intergrowth twins along (210) are also very rare.


Aggregates. Often found in the form of continuous granular masses. Rounded grains, rarely crystals.

Physical Properties

The color of the mineral is fiery red, blood red, wine red, brownish red, orange, pink, ruby, lilac, rarely black. Light lilac, violet-red, orange-red and orange colors are associated with the content of Cr 8+ and Fe 3+ in the mineral, and deep orange is probably caused by a combination of Cr and Ti. As the content of Cr 2 O 3 increases, the pyrope color changes from orange-red to red and violet. Some Yakut pyropes change color with changing lighting, similar to alexandrite. Colorless transparent varieties of pyrope free from impurities of iron and chromium are rare.

  • The feature is absent due to the high hardness.
  • Luster is greasy, vitreous. N - 1.705
  • Transparency translucent, rarely transparent.


  • Hardness 7–7.5.
  • Density 3.51 Density increases with increasing content of the almandine molecule.
  • The break is uneven.
  • Cleavage imperfect by (110), usually absent.

A direct relationship between n, density and Cr 2 O 3 content has been established.

Chemical properties

Insoluble in acids, even in HF.
After calcination, it decomposes in HCl with the release of gelatinous silica.

Other properties

Possesses magnetic rotational force. Paramagnetic. Magnetic susceptibility 1.34-1.51 10~8 g/cm 3 The theoretical composition should be diamagnetic.
Heat of formation AH298= (-) 1429.5 kcal/mol; entropy S°9g = =58 cal/deg-mol; isobaric potential of formation (chemical affinity) AZ298=(-) 1438.35 kcal/mol.
The infrared absorption spectrum is characterized by two main maxima (2381-2439 and 1754-1786 cm~x).

Behavior on heating Melting point 1185°. Melts incongruently at pressures from 25 to 36 kbar, above 36 kbar congruently.

artificial receiving

Obtained from a mixture of kaolinite, Si02, MgO and MgCl2 at a temperature of 900° and a pressure of 30,000 atm., from a mixture of the corresponding oxides when heated to 1600° and a pressure of 50-60 kbar. Stable at pressure 15-40 kbar and temperature 1000-1750°. At lower pressure, it decomposes into Al-enstatite, sapphirine, and sillimanite.

Diagnostic signs

Diagnostic signs. Macroscopically easily recognizable by the characteristic appearance of crystals, oily sheen, high hardness and relatively large specific gravity. Under a microscope, it differs from staurolite in isotropy, and from almandine in refractive index.

Associated minerals diamond, olivine

The origin of the mineral and its presence in nature

Origin of pyrope: It is observed as an accessory mineral in diamondiferous kimberlites (satellite of diamond).

Much more common are deposits that arose under the influence of acid magmas on basic metamorphic rocks (amphibolites and hornblende-chlorite rocks and others), especially if the latter are observed in the form of xenoliths.

As new formations reaching significant contents, it is found in crystalline schists: mica, chlorite, talc, amphibole and others. The composition of the resulting garnets depends on the composition of the initial rocks and from the pressure acting during metamorphism (at high pressures high-magnesian almandines appear, up to pyrope in grospidites and eclogites).

In garnet crystals, sometimes reaching significant sizes (up to 20 cm or more), inclusions of foreign minerals that form in shales are often found. In paragenesis with them, muscovite, biotite, quartz, kyanite, sillimanite, graphite, rutile, magnetite and others are quite often observed.

In the process of weathering, garnets, as relatively chemically stable minerals, turn into placers.

Mineral change

It turns into a green substance - "kelyphite" - kelyphite (Schrauf, 1882), which is a mixture of fibrous amphibole, feldspar, pyroxene, spinel, chlorite, biotite, calcite and forms crusts on pyrope grains. The most intense kelyfitization was manifested in eclogites. According to Mates, the formation of kelyphite rings around pyrope is not the result of hysterogenic destruction. According to Yoder, kelyphite is formed from pyrope in the presence of H 2 O at a temperature of 600° and a pressure of about 30,000 psi.
The formation of chlorite after pyrope is also undoubted. The alteration of rhodolite with hypersthene resulted in the formation of anthophyllite and biotite.

Pyrope deposits

Medium common mineral. It occurs mainly in kimberlites, peridotites, serpentines. Recorded in the chondrite meteorite Kurara, Western Australia, where it evolved from olivine. In kimberlites it is mostly intratelluric.
pyrope widely distributed in kimberlites of South Yakutia (sometimes it forms inclusions in diamond) together with diopside, chrompicotite, and olivine. It is found in the kimberlites of South Africa. Recorded in serpentinized Precambrian peridotites in the Kokchetav massif (Central Kazakhstan). In the Czech Republic, it occurs in kimberlites, in serpentinized peridotites (Kutna Hora, Kolin, Lingorka, Merunice, Trzhteno, Krzemzhe), as well as in secondary deposits - in tuffs, pebbles and sandstones (Czech Middle Mountains, North-Eastern Bohemia). Near Stockdale (Kansas, USA) it is found in serpentinized peridotite in the form of phenocrysts. In Kakanui (New Zealand), along with augite and hornblende, it occurs in the Lower Oligocene volcanic breccia.
pyrope with an admixture of the almandine component is characteristic of eclogites. Metasomatic formation of pyrope during eclogitization of xenoliths of crystalline schists observed in xenoliths among kimberlites of Yakutia was noted. Unlike peridotite garnets, it contains more calcium; its composition varies widely. It is widely distributed in the eclogites of Yakutia associated with kimberlites, as well as in the eclogites of Norway, England, the Czech Republic, and India. Found among the gneisses of North Karelia. In the garnet amphibolites of Kempirsai (Southern Urals), pyrope was formed by replacing plagioclase. Described from metamorphic aluminous rocks of the Anabar massif, where pyrope-almandine occurs in association with sapphirine, sillimanite, hypersthene, cordierite, and biotite.
It was observed in the heavy fraction of carbonate rocks of the Angara region. Accumulates in deluvial and alluvial placers. The deposits of thick red garnet (pyrop) from the Bohemian serpentinized peridotite in the Czech Republic, which are widely used in jewelry, are very famous.

Pyrope is a magnesian alumino garnet, a frequent companion of diamond. It has the purest, brightest red color. Pyrope means "fire" in Greek. No wonder the Mongols consider it drops of volcanic fire and frozen dragon blood.

In the power of pyrope magic

Pure pyrope that meets its formula should be colorless, but thanks to various impurities, it acquires color. The main impurity that determines the color of the crystal are chromium ions, which give it a characteristic color. The pyrope stone is the most mystical of garnet gemstones. It is about him that there are legends, according to which the mineral gives power over people. Pyrope shows such properties only in the presence of all the components, namely sincerity, which is controlled by Venus, and social literacy with authority and self-confidence, which are subject to Jupiter. Such a person, with the help of a stone, will satisfy his passion for the knowledge of the forbidden and will subordinate the necessary events to his will. Pyrope will glow on the owner's hand and provide support in moments of weakness.

Pyrope is not to be confused with anything. But still…

Pyrope pomegranate was often compared not only with blood, but also with a pomegranate flower, lips. The great scientist from Khorezm Biruni wrote in 1038 "Mineralogy, or the Book of summaries for the knowledge of jewels." In it he described shades of red, inherent in stone: "the color of pomegranate seeds, saffron, the color of glowing and smoldering coals, the flame of a candle, pomegranate petals, meaty, pink, red, with a wine tint." Some pyropes have an effect alexandrite stone and change color depending on the lighting. At daylight stones are given in blue or blue, with artificial - purple-red. Such jewelry pyropes are most often found in the Yakut deposits, in kimberlite (diamond) pipes and South Africa.

Usually the diagnosis of the mineral is not difficult. Most of all, it looks like spinel, although there are some similarities with ruby And tourmaline. The luster of pyrope is glassy or greasy, it can be either translucent or transparent. Basically, the stones are small in size, no more than 10 mm. In nature, it does not have a cut, as it forms blotches and is a scattering of matte black and red grains. In Yakutia, pyrope was sometimes found growing into diamonds. There are also unique stones that are stored in the Dresden Museum "Green Vault".

Czech pyropes

The oldest pyrope mining site is recorded in the Czech Republic. It was discovered in the Middle Ages. Most of the products from Czech stone were made in the XVIII - XIX centuries. The peak of production was in the 19th century. Czech garnet stands out with a thick red color and a bloody sheen.

For a long time, pyropes had no competitors in the global gem arena. In the small town of Trebnitz in North Bohemia, a personal museum of Czech origin garnet stones has been built, where the largest pyrope in the world is kept. Its size reaches the size of a pigeon's egg and weighs 468.5 carats. Czech garnet glass is the greatest competitor to Czech pyrope. The pyropes brought from Mongolia are even more densely colored. In large grains, they are practically not translucent, but a blood-red reflection is effectively expressed in them.

The magical and healing properties of pyrope

For a long time pyrope has been considered a symbol of love, friendship, fidelity and honesty. This mascot lovers. It is given if they want to confess to the purest and most passionate feelings. In Rus', pyrope has been a favorite stone since ancient times, a symbolic talisman of a leader, as well as a protector from wounds and poison. And the water infusion of this stone relieved various fears. In Indian traditional medicine with the help of a stone, they affect blood circulation, causing rapid blood clotting during bleeding.

Yogis claim that the stone is able to diagnose human health. For example, if the color of the pyrope is blood red, then the owner of the stone is healthy. If the stone tarnishes and loses its luster when worn, there are obvious violations of the energy balance. In their opinion, the gem is useful for energetic and domineering natures, for those who are in constant tension.

In the countries of the East, the stone is endowed with the ability to give additional vital energy. The woman who wants to have happy family, must wear a jewel with a crystal on the left hand. A man who wants to attract the attention of a chosen one needs a ring on right hand. Lithotherapists add that pregnant women should keep a stone near their stomach for several hours a day to facilitate childbirth. last month before childbirth. At inflammatory processes And high temperature the stone will ease the suffering of the patient.

Pyrope and Astrology

Astrologers advise using jewelry with pyrope to protect against negative energy megacities and black magic. To do this, you need to purchase a pendant or pendant with pyrope. Negative impact can be obtained with the constant wear of the stone itself. The stone has a more beneficial effect if it leaves its owner at night. Also, do not wear pyrope to people with increased emotionality or a sober-minded character. The mineral will help people born under the sign of Leo to achieve success in the professional field. Sagittarius - to reveal additional talents. Happiness will be gained by active and passionate natures, who devote themselves entirely to some business and do not spare their strength for it.

The name of the pomegranate is consonant with juicy fruit pomegranate, and it is believed that it comes from the Latin words "granatus" or "granum", which mean "pomegranate seed" and just "seed" respectively.

Already in the 16th century, in Russia they learned to recognize garnet and even identified several varieties of the mineral, which were called "venisa" and "bechet". It is worth noting that not very valuable and pure representatives of pomegranates were called this way, because. they were contrasted with expensive and bright spinel and precious ruby.

As early as the beginning of the 17th century, the scientist Boethia de Boot wrote in an essay on stones that the bloody Bohemian garnet, known in Rus' at that time, was a hardened drop of water stained with blood vapor.

Varieties of pomegranate

More often, garnet is associated with a dark red stone, deep, almost burgundy shade. In fact, garnets are a whole family of stones, each of which has its own name, color and distinctive features.

The well-known garnet is blood red, sometimes darker to burgundy brown. It got its name from the Greek word "pyropos", meaning "fiery".

It is a rare, but at the same time surprisingly beautiful variety of pomegranate: dark pink up to purple, uniquely shimmers in the light with shades of lilac and crimson.

Andradite is a fairly common type of garnet, which is not only maroon, but also yellow, orange and even green. In fact, andradite is a whole separate subgroup of garnets, which includes green, black melanites, as well as topazolites, colophonites and zhelletites.

Spessartine - rare unusual view brownish-yellow, orange, pink and brown. These stones almost always have turbidity or foreign inclusions, and those that exceed the weight of 4-5 carats are especially valuable.

Almandine is one of two (along with pyrope) the most popular varieties of pomegranate. It has a juicy cherry-red color, sometimes with a purple tint. One of the first became known in Rus'. For a deep noble color, almandine is often compared with.

Grossular is a pale green or yellow-green garnet. The stone got its name from the Latin word "grossularia", meaning "gooseberry". In turn, it has several other varieties, including tsavorite And hessonite.

Got its name in honor of the scientist S.S. Uvarov. The color of the stone is green, unusually saturated, for which uvarovite is also called Ural. This mineral is extremely rare and valuable.

Chameleon pomegranate

"Blue" chameleon garnet

The most rare, expensive and valuable are the chameleon grenades. Like alexandrite, they can significantly change their hue from greenish-blue under the rays of the sun to violet-red under artificial lighting.

Chameleon stones with are the only representatives of the mineral that can demonstrate Blue colour, which was previously considered impossible for a garnet.

Physical and chemical properties of pomegranate

Garnets are a group of minerals that have different colors, mainly different shades of red and orange. The stone can be completely transparent, or vice versa, it can not shine through at all, like black melanite. The brilliance of the pomegranate is pure glass up to diamond.

Depending on the variety, the mineral has different hardness indicators. (from 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale) and density (for example, the density of pyrope is 3.57 g / cm 3, and almandine - 4.3 g / cm 3).

Grenades are inherently a combination of two different minerals: in some cases the name of the stone is taken from one of them. However, most varieties of garnet still got their names: for example, hessonite is a combination of andradite and grossular, and rhodolite is the result of mixing almandine and pyrope.

Grenade stones are pyroelectrics: when the stone is heated by friction (for example, about fabric), it begins to attract small and light objects, such as pieces of paper and fluff - this effect can be observed when a static charge is formed on synthetic fabrics or hair.

Pomegranate deposits

The most common and inexpensive gem-quality almandines are mined mainly in Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, Brazil, Madagascar and Alaska. (Fort Wrangel).

Beautiful demantoids and topazolites are found in Chukotka, and uvarovite is found in the Urals, in Finland and Canada.

The most expensive and rare "blue" garnets are mined in Madagascar and Tanzania, changing their color under different lighting conditions.

Healing and magical properties of pomegranate

During the Middle Ages, pomegranate was ground to a powder and mixed with water to treat the stomach and restore vigor.

Pomegranate, known primarily as a stone of bright saturated red color, is considered a stone of passions, emotions, desires. It activates the vital energy of a person, gives inspiration and strength to implement the most complex ideas and plans. Green garnets, in turn, attract money, increase the wealth of the owner, and bring good luck.

In Persia, the pomegranate was considered a stone that bestowed power and the ability to control people. The crusaders believed that a garnet ring could protect them from injury in battle, and in the East, the mineral symbolized perseverance, devotion and good health.

Who is pomegranate for?

According to astrologers, different types of pomegranate will suit different signs Zodiac. Red stones will support the stubborn and passionate Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. Green garnets will be especially useful for Libra and Aquarius.

Capricorn can follow their own preferences. But Cancer and Pisces are not recommended to wear jewelry with pomegranate at all.

Pomegranate is one of the most interesting and, at the same time, mysterious stones. Its name can be found among many old stories and legends. For a long time, red stones were attributed to garnets, perhaps that is why it is considered to be a stone of love and love. sincere feelings.

Description of the stone

The history of the use of pomegranate goes back several millennia. The first who began to create jewelry based on it were the ancient Romans, Scythians, Persians and Greeks. Over such a long history, the stone has changed many names: residents Ancient Greece they called it "anthrax", in literal translation it meant "coal", the Romans gave it the name "carbuncle", and for the Russians it was "venice", "worm" or "bechet".

It wasn't until 1270 that the alchemist Albert Magnus gave it the generic name "garnet". Translated from Latin, the name of the stone means "similar to grains." European jewelers began to use it only in the 17th century. And since 1803, not individual stones, but a whole group, began to be attributed to garnets.

Garnets are a group of minerals belonging to the class of silicates and are combined due to the similarity of the crystal structure, which is characterized by facets square shape.

Among the main properties are the following:

  • high level mechanical strength;
  • have chemical and thermal strength;
  • the speed of sound as it passes through the stone decreases.

Colors and varieties

Absolutely all garnets are characterized by identical chemical and physical properties. And here chemical composition may vary slightly, which affects the color of the stone. As a result, in nature, grenades can be found not only in red, but also in yellow, black or even green.

All grenades are divided into 14 types, among which the most common are the following:

  • pyrope is one of classic options a stone that has a rich red color;
  • almandine - is the leader in prevalence in nature. May be red, purple or brown. Named after the area where it is mined - Alamanda;
  • spessartine - a type of pomegranate that can be reddish, pink and yellow-brown;
  • andradite - got its name in honor of the mineralogist who discovered it. It is characterized by red, brown, yellow and greenish-brown shades;
  • Grossular is a type of pomegranate that is similar to gooseberries. Accordingly, it can be light green or green-brown;
  • uvarovite - is quite rare, and the color is characteristic of emerald green;
  • hessonite - has an orange or honey-yellow hue.

Garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone.

Depending on the type, garnet is classified as both precious and semi-precious stones. Previously, all stones that had a red color were classified as precious. But for pomegranate is characteristic wide range colors.

For jewelry garnets are valued, which have a bright beautiful color. In the first place are pink and red shades. In private collections, you can find jewelry of unprecedented beauty, which at one time was worn by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Scythians.

The healing properties of the stone

ABOUT medicinal properties pomegranate was known to our ancestors, which is why many peoples revered and respected this mineral. Even during the time of the Crusades, in order to get protection from diseases and wounds, many crusaders wore rings decorated with garnet. In Rus', they believed that the stone provided unprecedented assistance to women in childbirth. And the Hindus have a belief that a gem can support with its energy immune system person.

Pomegranate also helps with:

  • stress and depression;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • wound healing.

The magical properties of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a stone that is meant for all lovers. It is he who has the ability to kindle a flame where, it would seem, the light has completely gone out. If you intend to present a piece of jewelry with a garnet to your beloved, then by doing so you will emphasize the sincerity and devotion of your feelings. In ancient times, girls who dream of true love, tried to wear a small piece of this gem.

Pomegranate has strong energy. That is why I advise representatives of air signs to wear it. The mineral tends to help those who are prone to sociability, activity and are in constant motion. Accordingly, weaker representatives are not recommended to wear a pomegranate, since it can bring harm, not help. Also, pomegranate does not like the apathetic and lazy, since it strong energy can cause a number of diseases in such people.

In general, energy compatibility between a person and any mineral plays a significant role. In cases where you notice a deterioration in your general condition or a breakdown, you should stop wearing a pomegranate. You won’t be able to forcefully make friends with a gem, it’s better to leave your idea in the early stages.

Pomegranate is suitable for those whose work is related to creativity. Sculptors, writers, composers can get an additional surge of energy from the stone, which will affect their future work.

It is best to wear the grenade that had no other owner before you. Then you can achieve energy compatibility. If the stone passed to you by inheritance, or you acquired it from your hands, then before wearing the jewelry, it must be cleaned. To do this, hold the mineral for several minutes under running water, after which it can be put on. When you're busy shopping for a pomegranate, listen to your heart. Give preference to the option to which the soul lay down and only in those cases you will get the maximum benefit from it.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Pomegranate has a significant meaning for many signs of the zodiac. perfect couple it can make up for all those born under the sign of Capricorn. Representatives of the sign receive additional strength from it, thanks to which they can achieve significant success in career growth. Especially it should be worn if there is a tendency to isolation. The stone will help to express your emotions and open up to communication, which makes it possible for new acquaintances. Capricorn women can become successful in personal relationships.

Also, grenades have a positive effect on Scorpios. The mineral helps in pacifying internal contradictions, jealousy and opens up new heights of passion.

Garnet helps Aquarius to fight their inconstancy, and also assists in love and adjustment. various relationships. It is only worth wearing it only for those who have all their energy directed towards a specific goal. Otherwise, it will not bring any positive effects. For those Aquarians who like to dream, grenades can constantly return to the world of reality, which sometimes leads to disorientation.

Among those signs that pomegranate suits are Sagittarius. Having a mineral in their collection, representatives of this sign can increase sensuality and passion. Also, the stone is able to warn against trouble and make Sagittarius wiser.

Pomegranate is a real helper for those who are looking for true friendship, thus it can affect the long-term nature of these relationships.

Garnet endows Gemini extra energy, which will help in finding a vital point of support and will make it possible to choose the right direction for further improvement and development. The gem is ideal for those who are prone to constant change, thereby providing them with constancy.

Libra grenades are able to supply additional fire energy. Thus, representatives of the sign receive additional strength and confidence in their decision. Those Libra who constantly cannot decide on the right choice, you need to wear jewelry with a dark red stone.

Pomegranate helps Virgos to start new business, fills their lives with new emotions and opens up distant horizons. The gem also endows representatives with signs special feelings and gives you the opportunity to plunge into the world of love and harmony.

Areas of use

Due to its variety and properties, pomegranate is used in many industries. First of all, the stone found its application in electronics, where it plays the role of a ferromagnet. It is also used as a crystal for a laser. Ferrous gem species can be used in the production of grinding wheels, powders, pastes and sanding skins. In addition, garnet can serve as an additive in cement and ceramic masses. And, of course, an important role of the pomegranate belongs to jewelry industry.

pomegranate cost

Determining the exact value of a grain is very difficult. Price policy on this mineral is formed depending on its type, size, color characteristics, method and quality of processing. But it is worth noting that the stone does not belong to the super-expensive. Its acquisition can be afforded by a Russian with an average salary who wants to have such a jewel in his collection.

There is another nuance due to which the price of a garnet can change - this is its cutting. By the way, this moment applies to absolutely all stones. If the gem is not cut, then its cost will be an order of magnitude lower. For faceted options, the price rises several times. One of the most expensive types of mineral is rhodolite. Often it has a pink tint.


Characteristics of the mineral.

Pyrope is a variety of garnet, a frequent companion of diamond. The purest, brightest and fiery color of magnesia-aluminum garnet is pyrope. The name of the mineral alludes to the dark red color of the stone. All the magic of garnets is in their color. This is a beautiful bright red color. Translated from the ancient Greek pyropos - similar to fire (Greek pyros - fire). The Mongols call pyropes galyn chulluu - a fiery stone. In the old days, they believed that these were particles of frozen fire erupted by a volcano, capable of glowing in the night. Other legends say that pyropes are frozen drops of dragon's blood, which gives people extraordinary strength and fearlessness. Warriors of Tamerlane drank for courage before the battle pomegranate juice from a bowl made from this fiery stone. The best pyropes have been mined in the Czech Republic for centuries, the development of local deposits began in the Middle Ages. Another source of gem-quality pyropes is southern Africa.

Pyrope is a magnesian garnet with the formula, however, it usually contains in one or another amount the end faces of other garnets (almandine, spessartine, uvarovite, etc.). Pure pyrope should be colorless, but due to the presence of impurities in it, it has a red, pink, reddish-violet, orange-red, violet, raspberry, cherry color, pyropes with alexandrite effect are sometimes found. Chromium ions are the main impurity that determines the color of pyrope. An admixture of iron in garnets with a low chromium content determines the reddish-orange color. In pyropes from Yakut kimberlite pipes, which are characterized by a high content of uvarovite mineral, an alexandrite effect is observed ( green coloring in daylight and red in artificial light).

Pyrope is usually found in the form of rounded grains, less often in the form of regular, well-formed crystals ranging in size from fractions to 10 mm. Larger crystals are extremely rare. Pyropes of the Central Bohemian Mountains for a long time had no competitors in the world market. The output of jewelry raw materials in placers is up to 40%. South African pyropes are different beautiful color and significant sizes. Pyropes are also known in Tanzania. Beautiful pyropes are also found in the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Norway. Jewelry pyropes were also found in some kimberlite (diamond) pipes of Yakutia. Their associated extraction during diamond mining is of interest. Diagnosis of pyrope is usually not very difficult. It is most difficult to distinguish it from red spinel. Pyrope can be confused with ruby, tourmaline, synthetic materials.

Pyropes are the only garnets rarely found in the form of polyhedra (only in parent rocks). They often form phenocrysts. Therefore, they are not cut and in their natural form they are matte, medium-sized, black-red grains in placers. Pyropes occur in basic lavas and in explosion pipes, similar to diamonds. They are found in kimberlites, in volcanic breccias - clastic volcanic rocks cemented by lava. Ever since pyrope was seen to be a faithful companion of diamond in African diamond pipes, scientists have been searching in volcanic olivine-bearing rocks. And among the Yakut pyropes were found intergrowths with diamonds, even intergrowths of garnets in diamonds. Pyropes, like raisins in dough, are occasionally found in meteorites, which means that they can also be found as part of other planets.

In the homeland of pyrope in North Bohemia in the town of Trebnitz (Czech Republic), a personal museum was built for him. It houses the world's largest pyrope, about the size of a pigeon's egg. It is unique at 468.5 carats. The most crushing competitor in its time for the best Czech pyrope was Czech garnet glass.

Magic properties of stones.

According to yogic concepts, pyrope is filled with a rich blood-red color with a normal energy balance and fades when it is disturbed. Indian yogis believe that wearing pyropes is useful for energetic and domineering people who are in constant tension. Pyrope helps them keep their energy potential. This stone is considered a symbol of heartfelt feelings, it brings good luck in love and friendship, it is also called the stone of honesty. Pyrope is a talisman of lovers, it is given as a sign of friendship, memory and love. It must be remembered that pyrope cannot be worn constantly. This stone is not recommended for nervous and passionate people, since pyrope can only enhance these aspects of their nature.


Characteristics of the mineral.

Translated from the Greek rhodolite - pink stone. This mineral is a deep pink variety of pyrope. Pyros is ancient Greek for fire. It is no coincidence that pyropes belong to large group garnets, previously they were otherwise called Cape rubies. A layman can easily confuse faceted rhodolites and pyropes, for example, with noble spinel. Outwardly, these stones are similar. Sometimes there are pyropes that have a green, lilac, blue color in daylight, and lilac, crimson, and violet in artificial light. Large rhodolites are extremely rare, they are valued very dearly. The largest rhodolite weighed 43.3 carats. Usually the color of gemstones is determined by eye, based on their comparison with reference spectral shades. In color, rhodolites turn out to be similar to such varieties of garnet as pyrope or almandine.

Rhodolite in composition is the middle member of the isomorphic pyrope-almandine series. Its beautiful pink, reddish-pink color is associated with the presence of Fe2+ ions (ferrous iron) in it. It occurs in the form of well-formed crystals up to 2 cm in size. Separate finds of larger crystals are known. Rhodolith deposits are associated with metamorphic hypersthene gneisses, in which it occurs as phenocrysts (characteristic rhodolites in the rock in the photo on the right). These are the deposits in the USA (pc. North Carolina), which in the XIX century. have mostly been worked out. Jewelry rhodolite was mined along with abrasive garnets. There is rhodolite in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Madagascar. However, the available deposits do not fully satisfy the demand for this beautiful jewelry stone. In this connection, there is an increase in prices for rhodolite (it costs more than jewelry pyrope and almandine).

Magic properties of stones.

According to some beliefs, faceted rhodolites give the owner vitality and arouse passion in him. Rhodoliths are advised to be worn by powerful people who are constantly in an active state.