Pearls: properties of a stone. Who suits pearls according to the zodiac sign? The magical properties of pearls. The magic inherent in pearl stone

Mother-of-pearl balls inside mollusks have long attracted residents of coastal countries. For a long time pearls were used as a bargaining chip, decoration and served as an expensive gift. For prey, stone catchers dived to great depths, at the risk of their lives, raised beautiful pearls from the bottom of the sea.

Mother-of-pearl stone is formed in bivalve sea and river mollusks. This product of abnormal growth the inner layer of the mollusc. A foreign body caught in a shell, a grain of sand, a piece of algae or the smallest living inhabitants of the bottom provokes the formation of pearls.

These particles are deposited on a thin inner network of conchiolin, the substance that forms the scaffolding of the shell. The body of the mollusk cannot push out a foreign object and envelops it with a substance called aragonite. The pearl consists of thousands of layers, which, in the end, give the pearl a mother-of-pearl tint.

There are cases when the formation of a pearl does not occur in the mantle of the mollusk, but directly on the shell valve. In this case, there will be no mother-of-pearl shine on pearls at the place of attachment, and such stones are valued much cheaper.

The shape of a mineral it can be round, drop-shaped, pear-shaped. Sometimes the shape of a pearl can be bizarre. The stone is rarely large, more often they catch a "varietal" species larger than 3 mm, "Pearl dust", the formation of which is less than 2 mm. Everything that is between these limits belongs to the "Beads" group.

General information about pearls

The main areas of mother-of-pearl stone mining

The color of the bead directly depends on the color of the inner layer of the mantle, near which it grows. The appearance of color is influenced by the composition and temperature of the water in the reservoir, the health of the mollusk, and even what it eats. Pearls are divided into marine and freshwater, the second one is a bit cheaper.

  • The river species was previously found in Britain; Roman jewelers brought it from the shores of England and Ireland. Nowadays, fishing is carried out only in the rivers of Germany and America.
  • In Russia, pearls were actively mined in the rivers in the north and west of the European part.
  • The most valuable stone is mined in Tahiti. Black pearls are more expensive than white ones. Brown pearls are also mined and produced in these places. chocolate color.
  • The shores of India are famous for the extraction of stone of a pale pink hue.
  • With a yellowish tint, the stone is found in the sea of ​​the peninsula of Sri Lanka.
  • Off the coast of Panama, fishermen pick up pearls with a golden glow.
  • Sparkling white stone comes from Japan and the Australian coast.

Unfortunately, the age of pearls is short, up to 200 years old. After such a period of life, it fades, cracks due to the drying of the active substances and loses its luster.

  • For the first time, beads began to be used to decorate clothes in the 2nd century BC, the mention of which is found in ancient writings.
  • On the bronze statuette of Aphrodite were earrings made of gold, inside of which small pearls sparkled.
  • The oldest find of pearl jewelry is a necklace found at the beginning of the 20th century from Soise.
  • Despite the short age of the stone, actress Elizabeth Taylor still has the oldest pearl.
  • The largest is considered the "Pearl of Allah", which was taken from a huge three-hundred-kilogram mollusk. It is oblong, measuring 24 by 16 cm and weighs six and a half kilograms.

market demand

Black is the most expensive, then a pink mineral, and stones yellow color the least valuable. Natural pearls do not always have a flawless surface. The increase in the number of defects is reflected in the cost of the stone. If there are slight irregularities on the surface, then this implies a natural origin.

Beads are measured in millimeters, the larger the size, the more expensive the item. The most valuable pearls are absolutely round shape, but these are rare. Beads of the correct oval, pear-shaped form are also taken for perfection.

The cost of a grain of pearls depends on the quality, which is determined by the strength of the brilliance. The mother-of-pearl layer also affects the price. Lowers the cost of a dull sheen, and increases the color tint in the glow.

Cultured pearls

The natural sites of stone cultivation fall into disrepair, and demand for jewelry exceeds supply. Based on the theory that its formation in the shell begins with the ingestion of a foreign body, attempts were made to artificially push such a process.

The first experiments began to be carried out by the Chinese in the middle of the 18th century. Carefully opening the shell, they pushed small pieces into it, providing the basis for future pearls. Then the shell lived in the water until full growth pearls. In this way, the Chinese cultivated cultured pearls.

Japanese discovered a way to get pearls at the end of the 19th century. It differs from the Chinese one in that a mother-of-pearl piece from another mollusk was inserted into the shell as a foreign body. Such pearls do not contain artificial additives and are called nuclear-free.

At the beginning of the production of pearls, one of the sides of the bead was obtained without mother-of-pearl, the one with which it was attached to the base. But modern scientific methods have made it possible to grow pearls without defects. Distinguishing modern cultured pearls from natural ones can only be done by an experienced specialist with great experience.

In words, everything happens quickly, but in reality it takes long years for getting. For growing from eggs desired type pearl clams take about five years. Only then the pearl components of the future bead are introduced into the shell. They are selected strictly in size so as not to kill a valuable mollusk. Pearls grow to the desired size for seven years.

Cultured pearls are divided into types:

  • The Akoya variety is round white pearls with perfect brilliance up to 10 mm in size;
  • Cultured pearls from the seas of the Southern Hemisphere, not always perfect in shape, up to 15 mm in size, with a lower quality surface;
  • Black pearls from the South Pacific. Beads up to 10 mm in size vary in color from black to gray shade. very expensive and rare view pearls.

Pearl stone: magical properties

The pearl stone has different properties. In all ages it was believed that the stone prolongs life and preserves beauty. In the Middle Ages, the groom's parents gave the bride the first wedding night a string of pearls that was supposed to in a magical way protect a woman from change. It was allowed to wear it only on major holidays to the owner herself, such pearls were not passed on to the descendants, since the grafted properties of the necklace could bring major troubles to the hostess.

The stone in the jewelry has the ability to give the owner the ability to make contact with any person and benefit from it. Does not like pearls of self-satisfied, proud and conceited people and does not help them. Moreover, being the property of such a person, he struggles with such qualities and improves the character of the owner.

To improve the body, wear pearls. Properties for treatment have long been known to the peoples. stone renders health effect on internal organs , heals diseases of the kidneys, liver, restores the normal functioning of the intestines and stomach.

After labor day allows the owner to relax and unwind to the fullest. Anyone who wants to know about future diseases needs to look at the stone. Black pearls are especially suitable for such a procedure. If it darkens and fades, it means that a person is threatened with a tumor, or there has been a violation in the acid-base balance of the body. After such changes, it is better for a person to consult a doctor.

Tibetan healers advise keeping a stone in the mouth for about 15 minutes every day to cleanse the body and the entire circulatory system. The properties of the mineral will help boost immunity, calm heart arrhythmias.

To whom and with what to wear a stone

Best suited for zodiac signs Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini and Cancer. For other signs, wearing a stone is allowed, but it will be useless. And he will protect these signs from rash actions and reckless actions.

The stone is perfect decoration that goes with any type of clothing. You can use mother-of-pearl beads to decorate dresses or wear pearl jewelry, How separate element. Earrings with stone can be supplemented fancy dress, jeans, sundresses, blouses.

Very popular is a long necklace that folds in two or three. Worn around the neck, such an ornament will give freshness to the face and sophistication to the whole image.

Pearls are among the oldest jewelry, traditions for the extraction and cultivation of stone are rooted in the deep past. Today, they not only make the appearance attractive, but also help the owner cope with illnesses and protect him from troubles.

Having become acquainted with pearls, it is impossible not to believe in magic: it has powerful energy and attracts with unforgettable beauty. The power of the mineral is so great that with its help you can get rid of many diseases and completely change your life.

Precious pearls are mined from the bottom of the sea - there they are stored in durable shells of mollusks. There are no analogues of pearls in jewelry and never have been.

A pearl is a formation that a mollusk creates inside its shell when it enters it. foreign object. It seems to envelop a suspicious interference with layers of calcium (even a grain of sand can be it). The result is a beautiful mother-of-pearl pearl, which can have a perfectly round shape, requiring almost no processing.

History of pearls

Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire extolled the mineral in the same way as their beloved dragons. According to legend, winged dragons fought between the clouds and thus caused a thunderstorm with rain. Raindrops fell on the ground in the form of pearls.

The population of Greece was sure that pearls were the tears of a nymph living in the depths of the sea. The Slavs believed that this was a reflection of lightning that left its imprint in the eyes of a mollusk.

As a jewel, the stone began to be used in the 40th century BC. The Persian king had Pearl necklace, which subsequently, after two and a half thousand years, ended up in the Louvre.

In China, officials of various ranks were celebrated precious jewelry in the form of balls that were pinned to the headdress. So, ruby, coral, sapphire balls were used. Pearl was considered the most valuable - it could only be worn by officials of the highest rank. In the headdress of the emperor, as many as 12 beads shone.

Hindus gave pearls to those entering into marriage, and this ceremony symbolized the wish for success and a good life. But the Romans were engaged in the trade of the mineral and considered it the main jewel.

For European rulers, pearl strings were the main decoration that they wore during the coronation or at the wedding. The largest and most beautiful pearls in Europe were at the disposal of the French queen Catherine de Medici in the 16th century.

Gradually, decorations came into use, and by the 17th century, not only representatives of the highest ranks could afford them. In addition to sea pearls, they began to extract river pearls. Increased in the price of the mineral irregular shape: it was even given its own name - baroque.

In Russia, river pearls have been mined since 1161. But, in view of the mass hunt for jewelry, in 1712 Peter the Great issued a decree banning fishing. The emperor did the right thing: in less than a hundred years, mining had to be completely stopped, since there were no more pearls left in the rivers.

Medicinal properties

Pearl items and jewelry have a positive effect on the human body and are able to cope with various diseases and problems:

  • diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cataract;
  • amnesia;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • anemia in children.

Previously, the mineral was used to stop bleeding and treat blood hemorrhoids.

Now on sale you can find pearl powder or pearl powder. These funds are used as cosmetic, medicinal (heal abrasions and burns) and even food.

Pearl water, which has gained immense popularity these days, is very effective. She is able to stop inflammatory process in the body, help with intoxication, strengthen immune system, relieve fever, get rid of cholelithiasis and normalize the menstrual cycle in women.

magical properties

Europeans have always considered and still consider pearls a stone of longevity. Indians are a symbol of prosperity and success. Greeks and Hindus symbolize pearls with marriage.

The stone helps to establish contact with the right person, prolongs life, preserves the youth and beauty of its owner for a long time. But overly proud, arrogant people should not count on success. Pearls will only help them improve their character.

Who suits pearls according to the zodiac sign

Gemini the mineral will give caution, and the representatives of this sign will stop doing meaningless actions that cause trouble.

Aquarius as well as Gemini, pearls will help protect against envy and anger emanating from the environment. In moments of sadness, it is better not to wear jewelry, so as not to get the opposite effect.

For Pisces given stone fits perfectly: pacifies, improves intuition, protects from unrequited love.

Scorpions only black pearls can be worn, as the stones light shades this sign of the zodiac is contraindicated. What can not be said about the representatives Taurus, which the mineral improves mood.

Cancers magic stone heals health. Pearls also have a beneficial effect on the health of Libra, relieves heart ailments. Helps women to start a family.

Sagittarius only black jewelry is shown, and then in happy moments of life. Pearls are also undesirable for Aries with Lions. And here Capricorn it is quite suitable: it brings peace and makes you look objectively at any situation.

Pearl as a talisman

If you carry a pearl item with you as a talisman, it will save you from arrogance, pride, and excessive self-confidence. For businessmen, the stone helps in making decisions, leads to success and prosperity.

For the Romans, the mineral has always been a sign of wisdom, omnipotence, female happiness and good dreams.


The color of pearls depends on its origin:

  • pink is mined in Indian waters, in the Bahamas and in the Gulf of California;
  • golden and brownish - in the water area of ​​\u200b\u200bPanama;
  • red is found in Mexico;
  • the waters of Japan are rich in white;
  • gray is easy to find in Tahiti;
  • a yellow mineral is born in Sri Lanka;
  • silver pearls are brought from Australia to world markets;
  • Creamy stones fill the waters of the Persian Gulf.

A rich palette of colors is typical not only for sea, but also for river pearls.

How to care and store

Pearl jewelry is best kept in a box lined with a soft cloth. It is important that the mineral is not adjacent to other stones. High humidity and dryness harm pearls. When it is very hot outside or in the house, it is recommended to place a container of water next to the box.

Care consists in periodically wiping pearls with a damp cloth - after each removal. Wash away visible dirt soft material with soapy water. The most suitable soap is for children, without dyes. After washing, the pearls must be dried well, and only then put into the box.

Pearl is the only mineral of animal origin. A grain of sand enters the shell, grows for about 12 years, acquires mother-of-pearl and turns into a pearl pea. The gem is unique in origin and unique in properties.

History and origin of pearls

The history of the stone is calculated for centuries. Many sources describe the appearance and use of the mineral many centuries before our era. In the legends, you can find references to the jewelry of representatives of Indian tribes.

Ancient manuscripts from many countries talk about pearl items:

  • Near East;
  • Indian seas;
  • South America;
  • Northern Russia.

Precious peas were used to decorate clothes, weapon armor, amulets, and headdresses. Its attractiveness lies in the fact that the stone does not require special finishing, processing. It is beautiful with its natural natural appearance.

River pearls differ from sea formations. Their surface is somewhat uneven. Sea pearls have regular, geometrically perfect shapes. If they grow into large formations, the shape moves away from the ball. The name comes from a translation from the Latin language of a sea shell.

Physical Properties

The composition of the stone was studied by trace elements:

  • Potassium carbonate - 86%;
  • Komhiolion - 12%;
  • Water - 2%.
  • Transparency is different - from translucent to dense opaque;
  • Hardness - 3.4;
  • There are no adhesions;
  • Density - 2.6 g / cu. cm.

It consists of three layers: outer, middle, inner. The pearl is the third layer.

Place of Birth

Fishing and extraction of pearls have been practiced for many centuries. The first data on this date back to the 2nd century AD. Mining sites give stones of different colors.

  • The coast of India, the Gulf of California, the Bahamas - pink tones. In the photo of the stone you can see a special pink tone.
  • Panama Basin - golden patterns. Some of them have brown, red patches.
  • Mexico - red stones.
  • The coasts of Japan, the seas of Australia are white minerals.
  • Tahiti is a gray pearl.
  • Red mine, Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka - yellow samples.
  • Australia is a silver mineral.
  • The shores of the Persian Gulf - cream peas.

River mineral formations are also numerous in color. Almost any shades can be found on Russian reservoirs. Freshwater mineral is mined in America, China, Germany.

The healing properties of pearls

Pearls have healing properties. healing stone warns the owner of the disease. It loses its brilliance, as if dimming from grief. Such a hint gives the attentive owner a chance to start treatment faster, not to miss the symptoms of unpleasant ailments.

Healing abilities of pearls:

  1. Restoring the properties and quality of memory;
  2. Normalization of the central nervous system;
  3. Strengthening the psyche;
  4. Treatment of liver diseases;
  5. Restoration of kidney function;
  6. Elimination of signs and causes of increased and decreased blood pressure(hypertension).

The stone helps in the treatment of eye infections and pathologies. A healing powder and tinctures are prepared from a natural mineral. The compounds are considered excellent blood-stopping agents. Pearl water is used to cleanse the body. To obtain it, pearls are left in water for 12 hours. Then during the day enjoy its healing properties.

The magical properties of pearls

IN different countries the stone personifies various symbols and magical properties.

  • India. Welfare, material independence, prosperity;
  • Europe. Longevity, Eternal youth, perfection, incorruptibility;
  • China. Fertility, humanity, support of magical powers;
  • Greece. The power of marriage.

In most countries, people believe that the stone gives a long life, protects against infections and inflammations. You can simply admire pearls. It is not necessary to carry out special magical rituals. A simple examination will calm, relax, add peace, harmony of feelings.

Gems will perform the following magical actions:

  1. Get rid of love suffering;
  2. Protect the house from the encroachments of thieves;
  3. Protects from bad looks and black thoughts;
  4. It will help to avoid false partners and dishonest transactions.

It will teach you to calmly perceive the surrounding events (no mood swings).

Interesting video: Mother of pearl and pearls

Talismans and amulets

Mineral amulets can be of great help to a person. Talismans were prepared back in the Roman Empire. They strengthened the power given by God, added wisdom.

Amulets composed of pearls are described in religious records. The crowns symbolized the connection with God.

It is advised to purchase amulets, and they will help:

  1. Build relationships with people;
  2. Get rid of excessive pride, arrogance, vanity.

pearl colors

The main color of the mineral is white. Colors for pearls are a rather generalized concept. Pearls have shades, they depend on impurities and inclusions:

  1. The pigment is the main stone of the pea. The property conveys the quality of the water where it is formed, depending on the type of mollusk.
  2. Overtone - reflection of the surface when illuminated. The rays of the sun, or artificial lamps, change the reflection, add new facets of radiance or reveal the brilliance hidden under the top layer.
  3. Reflection is a deep shade. It comes from the very center of the pearl, from the core of the stone. Reaching the surface, it creates new scales and tones. Saturation of gloss is activated from the play and transitions of the base color to the surface.

The color depends on the period of maturation of the stone. The longer the maturation period lasts, the thicker the mother-of-pearl layer, the development of the layer, the clearer the pattern.

White mineral - the usual understanding of pearls. It adds elegance and purity. White precious peas are considered a symbol of wisdom, faith, dignity. The necklace is considered a wedding attribute, emphasizing the purity of thoughts, the sanctity of marriage, the clarity of relationships. The tradition of giving pearls to the bride has a thousand-year history. Jewelry from white stone bought most frequently.

The mineral has various shades: soft pink to purple rich color. Pink will help convey feelings of love, tenderness. Decoration will emphasize femininity, modesty, grace. natural tones do not lose their brilliance, splendor and special reflection. pink jewelry give to little princesses, the color will emphasize freshness and youth.

It decorates summer outfits, adds brightness and attractiveness. Lilac color can be pale and dark. Jewelry brings mystery and intrigue to the image. The owner will have attractiveness, the power of the magic of beauty and grace. Lilac pearls were loved by the ladies of the Victorian era. For them, luxury items were created from a combination of several colors.

Gold-colored pearls are royal luxury. The cost of products is available only to very rich people. Pearls are the height of luxury, a symbol of dignity, high status in society.

This is a special mineral, its discovery frightened and delighted. Many legends have been created about the black pearls of sea shells. It cannot be said that the stone has an exact black tone. Pearls vary in color. It can be a blue tint, a gray sheen. There are almost black samples, non-translucent. There are as many comparisons of shades used in the sources of mineralogists, scientists, poets as there are flowers - emerald dark green and eggplant.

Black natural minerals are mined on the island of Tahiti. Exotic tones attract fashionistas from all countries and continents. They decorated ordinary women and became the preference of famous ladies:

  • queens;
  • empresses;
  • socialites;
  • actresses.

Black jewelry brings courage, sexuality, and individuality to the image of women. Stone from Tahiti meets the quality standards set by the documents. Its price is the highest. Artists and jewelry craftsmen, receiving black samples for work, gain wide scope for creativity. The color is so mysterious that jewelers create not only ordinary items, but also unusual items.

A cultivated mineral is created by man. The cultivation process remains the same, the same as in vivo. Get into the body of the mollusk foreign bodies any origin. A person inserts a specially prepared implant. Cultured specimens have a programmed size, color and shape.

The difference between pearls in the composition:

  • Natural stone consists entirely of mother-of-pearl;
  • Cultivated has a ball (core) inside, which is covered with a layer of mother-of-pearl. Its thickness depends on the time of creation.

Artificial pearl

An artificial mineral is completely created by man. This is an achievement of science and industry. The desire to create pearls appeared in the last century. Method of creation - the core is covered with multilayer varnish. Another stone obtained by artificial means is called Roman pearl. These are balls of glass. Inside they are filled with paraffin, outside they are covered with pearl essence. It is made from scales. A special type of artificial formations is Mallorca pearls. The method of its formation came from the island, which was called pearls. Imitation creation, developed by the masters of Mallorca, can hardly be considered a fake.

Professional high level will be able to distinguish it from a natural natural gem. The jewelers of Spain offered the world a technology of 25 stages. Only after passing through numerous stages of control, pearls become a full-fledged piece of jewelry. Physical indicators artificial species much better than natural. Stones are more resistant to external influences, more durable. Mallorca imitates the organic components of the sea. Shine, radiance can only be compared with real minerals.

Caring for pearl jewelry

Mineral of organic origin requires special care. Time affects the stone. This is manifested in the deterioration of its quality:

  1. Loses shine;
  2. Dries out;
  3. Exfoliates.
  4. Causes of damage to the appearance:
  5. Increased moisture;
  6. Dry stale air;
  7. Contact with sweat;
  8. Contact with the surface of acidic compounds.

The mineral deteriorates when fat gets on it, cosmetics, household chemicals. If you treat pearls carefully, take care of their cleanliness, store them properly, then beauty and brilliance will please you for a long time. At proper care its life can last more than 150 years. Jewelry will serve more than one generation of the family. They will become a tradition, a sacred relic.

The cost of natural stones

Pearls are one of the most expensive gemstones. It is recommended to buy it for personal use. The best purchase of pure jewelry. That is, one that no one wore. Buying pearl jewelry from your hands is not recommended. The stone absorbs the energy of a person, his illnesses and habits. A change of owner can be a harmful acquisition, even a dangerous one.

The price of jewelry consists of several characteristics:

  1. Pea sizes;
  2. Smooth glossy surface;
  3. Ideal spherical shape;
  4. Brightness and radiance of brilliance;
  5. Origin.

Marine specimens are more expensive than river specimens. And the price prevails several times. Natural pearls are expensive, but the item will become stylish decoration emphasizing the wealth and status of the owner. It will confirm the sophistication of taste, intelligence and individuality.

Interesting video: How to distinguish a real one from a fake?

Pearls and zodiac signs

Astrology has studied the compatibility of zodiac signs with pearls. You can find recommendations on who suits according to the horoscope, which will bring jewelry with pearls to the owner. Cancers will become more calm and balanced. Helps to normalize blood pressure. Women of this sign will be able to reveal their feelings to loved ones, they will no longer be afraid to be funny and misunderstood.

Taurus will be easier to cope with depression, stop breaking down on relatives and friends, looking for someone to blame for the events of life. The black bar will gradually disappear. Libra will become less conceited, take away pride. People will become more disposed towards them. Women will be able to get married, find family happiness and home comfort. Sagittarians are advised black pearls, it will become a balancer of strength and energy.

Aquarians will gain the ability to get out of conflicts. The stone will be able to direct the sign to creation good relations with those around you. Pearls will become an amulet for family values, a fortress of friendship. Gem jewelry will make women tender, caring, feelings quivering and real. Capricorns will objectively assess situations, calm down, find peace.

Astrologers do not advise wearing and using pearls to Lions. This sign is ruled by the sun. Pearls will disturb the peace of mind and psychological comfort in dealing with people.

Pearl - the properties of the stone, the meaning and who suits the horoscope

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Pearls, according to the modern classification approved by the International Mineralogical Association, do not belong to the class of minerals, but despite this, this stone is highly valued in the jewelry industry. Pearls can be natural and cultured, each of these types, depending on the origin or cultivation methods, is divided into sea and river.

Pearls are the most ancient jewel known to mankind. The Roman Empire used two different names for pearls. Large, perfectly round pearls were called "unio". Literally translated, it means "unique". The second name of pearls is "Margarita".

In Russian, the word "pearl" appeared presumably in the 12th century from Turkic roots in the form of "zhonchu", which is a borrowing from Chinese. The literal translation "zhonchu" consists of two parts: "zhon" - real "chu" - pearls.

Pearls of the highest quality, traditionally called in Rus' "sloping" or "rolling". This characterized the shape of the pearls, perfectly round, i.e., the pearls could roll.

Up until the 19th century, pearls surpassed all known gemstones in price, including. Although diamonds have been known to the world of jewelers since the 15th century, they became an unrecognizable gem for most people much later, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In "pre-diamond" times, pearls served as the most "status" jewelry.

Society's attitude towards pearls has changed over time. If during the Renaissance, a placer of pearls looked like a desirable decoration for any men's suit, then modern aesthetes believe that a man should not have a single pearl. This is a purely feminine gem. The only exceptions are handmade mother-of-pearl buttons.

In this article, you will learn about the properties of pearls, the signs of the zodiac that this stone is suitable for, production methods and evaluation criteria that affect its value.

There are four types of pearls on the modern jewelry market:

  • natural marine;
  • natural freshwater;
  • cultivated marine;
  • cultivated freshwater.

These photos show different types pearls:

Natural river and sea pearls: characteristics and photos of stones

A natural stone can only be called a pearl that was formed in nature on its own, without human intervention. The absence of human intervention is the main condition for "naturalness". Like many thousands of years ago, such pearls are extremely rare in nature. Therefore, even today it is very expensive.

What is the human intervention that turns a priceless pearl into a cheap commodity? To find out, you first need to understand how pearls are formed in nature in general.

Mollusks are unsociable creatures. Therefore, irritant objects get inside them infrequently. But since there is no irritant, there is no pearl. The role of a person in the creation of a pearl is that the irritant is placed in the mollusk forcibly. Thus, the mollusk has to surround with a layer of mother-of-pearl what a person has placed in it in order to get rid of discomfort. As a result, pearls are obtained, the characteristics of which are the same as those of natural ones, the only difference is that the pearl has grown not at the initiative of nature, but at the request of man. Such pearls, grown with the participation of a person, are called "cultured", as opposed to "natural".

Since the “naturalness” of the appearance of the stimulus object inside the mollusk has a key effect on the final price of the pearl, a complex and expensive examination is carried out to determine the nature of the pearl. Only in this way it is possible to confirm or refute human intervention in the process of creating this natural jewel and set a fair price accordingly.

In nature, natural pearls are of two types: river (freshwater) and sea.

Large, high-quality freshwater pearls were mined in Russia, Germany and China until the beginning of the 20th century. Uncontrolled catching of pearl mollusks, as well as pollution of lakes and rivers, led to the almost complete disappearance of this type of pearl.

The extraction of natural sea pearls used to take place exclusively in the waters of the Persian Gulf. By the end of the 19th century, due to the completely barbaric destruction of the mollusk population, pearls in the Persian Gulf had become a huge rarity. Nowadays, only single pearls are found there, which are sold through auctions.

Natural freshwater pearls these days are a huge rarity that is expensive. For example, a natural pearl and diamond necklace was sold at the 2008 Christie's auction in Dubai for $1.7 million. At the same auction, another strand of freshwater pearls went under the hammer at a price of $1.4 million. In the same 2008, a single natural freshwater pearl found its buyer for $713,000.

See what natural pearls look like in these photos:

Cultured sea and river pearls: what is it, criteria and prices

Cultured pearls, like natural pearls, are naturally formed inside shellfish. The only difference is who initiates the formation of the pearl. In the case of natural pearls, the cause of the appearance of the pearl is a random natural factor, while in the case of cultured pearls a seed for the growth of a pearl inside the mollusk is placed by a person. Even knowing what it is - cultured pearls, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from natural without special expertise.

Natural and cultured pearls are judged according to the same criteria. Russia does not have its own system for evaluating pearls. In the rest of the world, pearls are graded using a system developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

According to GIA system, the quality of pearls is evaluated by 6 or 7 parameters, depending on what constitutes jewel. If the jewelry is a ring, earrings, bracelet or pendant with one or more pearls, the quality of the pearl is evaluated according to 6 criteria. In the case of a necklace or string of pearls, a seventh evaluation parameter appears, which is called "matching". It only applies to necklaces or "shipping strings" of pearls where multiple pearls are drilled through and put on a string.

Below are all the evaluation criteria:

  • Size (English Size);
  • Shape (English Shape);
  • Color (English Color);
  • Glitter (eng. Luster);
  • Surface quality (English Surface);
  • Mother-of-pearl quality (English Nacre Quality);
  • Matching - only for necklaces or no pearls.

There are four types of cultured pearls available on the jewelry market. Three of them are grown in salty sea water and one in fresh water.

  • "Akoya" (marine);
  • "Pearl of the South Seas" (marine);
  • "Black Tahitian" (marine);
  • "Freshwater Chinese" (another name for "Chinese nuclear-free").

Akoya pearl. The Japanese king of cultured pearls, Kokichi Mikimoto, invented a method for growing cultured pearls. The name "akoya" comes from the Japanese word "akoya-kai". So in Japan they call bivalve mollusks in which this type of pearl grows.

This is one of the most round types of cultured sea pearls. Its main properties: small size of pearls, perfectly round shape, bright brilliance and high clarity of reflection. Up to 80% of akoya are round or nearly round. In Japan, there is a special name for a perfectly round akoya - "hanadama", which in Japanese means "flower pearl" or " round Flower". Hanadama is the highest grade of pearl roundness.

Akoya sea pearl prices highest quality are in the range of $30-$600 per piece, depending on size. Akoya pearl strands, standard length 45 cm, are valued at $1,300 to $15,000.

Pearls of the South Seas. This type of pearl is grown closer to the equator - in warm waters off the coast of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar. The clam that creates this type of pearl is called Pinctada Maxima, and its shells are simply huge. In nature, mollusks grow up to 30 cm in diameter.

The pearls obtained with the Pinctada maxima are the largest and one of the most expensive in the world. Small pearls are considered to be 8-10 mm in diameter, while large ones reach 20-22 mm in diameter. The average size pearls of the South Seas - 13 mm. With a diameter of 8 to 13 mm, the price per thread is not very high, but if the diameter of the pearls in the thread exceeds 13 mm, then the amount for this piece of jewelry increases significantly. A string of pearls with a diameter of 13-14 mm usually costs twice as much as a string of similar quality, but from pearls of 10-12.5 mm.

Round and almost round pearls are relatively rare, usually no more than 18-20% of the total mined volume.

Individual pearls of the South Seas of the highest quality, depending on the diameter, are estimated from $400 to $4500 apiece. A 45 cm long strand of South Sea cultured pearls can range from $10,000 to $50,000.

Black Tahitian pearls. This type of sea pearls follows the high cost of pearls of the South Seas. It appeared on the jewelry market relatively recently, in the early 1970s. Until that time, no one suspected its existence. The special type of mollusk in which these unusual pearls grow is called Pinctada Margaritifera Cumingii.

Tahitian pearls are the only ones of all types that have a natural black color. All other types of pearls become black only as a result of artificial dyeing.

The range of colors of black Tahitian pearls is quite wide: all shades of gray, black and brown with tints of pink, purple, green and blue.

Only to this type of pearls apply the color descriptions "Eggplant" (black, with a dark, grayish-purple tint) and "Peacock" (black-gray, with a greenish or bluish tint). These are the two most expensive shades.

Prices for individual black Tahitian pearls of the highest quality in Peacock or Eggplant colors range from $400 to $900, depending on the size.

Cultured freshwater pearls from China

Cultured freshwater pearls have recently entered the market as a commercial mass product. This is the most inexpensive and affordable type of modern pearls. The Chinese have been experimenting with shellfish in freshwater lakes since the 1970s.

Unlike all types of marine mollusks, freshwater mussels are able to grow from 15 to 35 pearls at a time. Once the pearls are removed, the clams do not die, so there is still an opportunity to harvest 3-4 more “pearl crops” until the clams die by natural causes, from old age. The quality of pearls deteriorates with each new harvest.

The peculiarity of river cultured pearls is that there is no core inside the pearl. A freshwater pearl is made entirely of mother-of-pearl, just like natural, non-cultured pearls. Therefore, the quality assessment parameter “mother-of-pearl layer thickness” for such pearls does not make sense.

Freshwater pearls in China are produced not just a lot, but a lot! All inexpensive Jewelry from pearls from 500 to 50,000 rubles, sold in retail jewelry stores, in the overwhelming majority of cases, these are Chinese freshwater pearls, whose properties are low, but this does not affect the beauty of the stone at all.

Prices for a strand of premium quality, standard length 45 cm freshwater pearls made in China typically range from $10 to $900 depending on the diameter of the pearls.

These photos show inexpensive pearls from China:

The magical properties of pearl stone

From the point of view of modern astrology, pearls are ideal for all people born in May and June under the sign of Gemini.

He was born in water, therefore, in ancient times, it was believed that the magical properties of the elements of water are inherent in the pearl stone. The moon is the ruler of the seas and oceans, responsible for the ebb and flow. The alchemists also considered the moon to be the patroness of feminine» Thus, for many centuries no one doubted the lunar or “female” nature of pearls. Therefore, the pearl stone was often endowed with the properties to favorably influence marriage and childbearing.

IN Ancient China pearl stone was of high importance for the treatment of the stomach. And this recipe, unlike other mystical practices, really works. The fact is that natural pearls consist of calcium carbonate CaCO3 and completely dissolve in stomach acid, neutralizing it. Even in modern medicine Given the properties and values ​​of pearls, stone particles are an essential component of heartburn preparations.

The creator of cultured pearls, Kokichi Mikimoto (1858-1954), at the age of 94, noted that with his good health he owes it to two pearls that he swallowed every morning since he was twenty. Mr. Mikimoto lived to be 96 years old.


In its beauty, only the radiance of the moon can be compared with pearls. A minimum of 12 years is required for a small but beautiful pearl to form from a grain of sand that accidentally fell into the shell. Large formations of the mineral are formed over several decades.
When a grain of sand penetrates the body of a mollusk, it perceives it as a foreign substance, and therefore begins to envelop it with mother-of-pearl. This is how a stone of amazing beauty is formed.
So, pearls are an excellent mineral, a gift from the sea and marine inhabitants.

A bit of history

The name of the mineral comes from the Latin word "pernula", which translates as "sea shell". The very word "pearl" is consonant with the Chinese, Arabic and Tatar names for this stone.

In its composition, the mineral is a plate of aragonite from calcium carbonate.
Mankind has known about pearls for more than six thousand years. Even before our era, this stone was especially popular with many peoples. It is believed that the first mineral in the world was discovered by the inhabitants of India, the Middle East, and the tribes of South America. In Russia, it began to be mined in river water only from the 10th century AD.
Even then, pearls were very valuable. They were decorated with headdresses, clothes, weapons and icons. The pearl is attractive from its very formation, it, unlike other minerals, does not require processing. And our ancestors in those distant times were not yet able to process hard stones. It is possible that this circumstance influenced fast growth popularity of the mineral.
In China, every gem they tried to process it so that it received the shape of a pearl, because they considered it ideal. Each high-ranking nobleman wore pearl jewelry in his headdress, this was the hallmark of noble and wealthy people.
Now pearls are mined mainly in warm seas off the coast of Australia, Venezuela, and Japan.

Varieties and colors

About 120 shades of pearls are known. It is rarely pure white and is most often silver in color. The greenish-blue mineral is very rare - so far it is found only near one of the islands of Indonesia.

Pearls are divided by origin - river and sea, and by type of occurrence - cultivated and natural. Natural is the one that is formed naturally in the body of sea shells. A cultivated gem is formed in the same way, just for this, an embryo bead is introduced into the body of the mollusk and created ideal conditions for its rebirth into a beautiful mineral.
Usually this mineral is mother-of-pearl, because it is this layer of the mollusk that forms pearls. But there are also non-pearl varieties: orange, purple, brown and pink. They are formed in certain types of shells.
by the most the best view This mineral is considered black, which is mined in Tahiti. A black pearl is more expensive than its snow-white counterpart. The fact is that White color has already become familiar, and the dark mineral looks very colorful and stylish.
Chocolate-colored pearls are mined and produced in Tahiti. This type of mineral is also considered valuable and is more expensive than others. Exquisite, very unusual and bright chocolate-colored pearls have become in demand in all countries. Most of the gems of this shade are grown artificially.
Each mineral mining site gives pearls of a certain color. Pale pink is mined off the coast of India. Yellowish - in the waters of Sri Lanka. Golden - off the coast of Panama. White gemstones are mined in Japan and Australia.
White, pink, brown, greenish, black - whatever the color of this mineral, it will be fashionable at all times, and appropriate for any outfit. This circumstance allows pearls to remain popular and in demand all over the world.

Properties: healing and magical

Since ancient times, people who "see" more than others attributed to pearls magical and healing effects on a person, his health and destiny. Especially the mineral is valued in the East.
Like opal, pearls are considered an unlucky gem. The negative power of the Moon, which he possesses in full, destroys the hopes of his owner and eliminates all kinds of illusions. Perhaps this disadvantage can even be considered an advantage.

At the same time, it is believed that this stone brings health and longevity. Those who wished to learn how to predict the future or get rid of the evil eye were encouraged to drink a mixture of crushed mineral with buffalo milk.
Oriental sages revealed in pearls the magical powers of three important elements: Air, Water and Earth. This helps the mineral to have a general strengthening and harmonizing effect.
The mineral is important in maintaining love and fidelity. Previously, before the wedding, the groom's family gave the bride a string of pearls so that the love of the newlyweds would last forever. The girl wore this decoration only on major holidays.
There is a belief that the gem will fade on the body of a person who is in conflict with his conscience. For those who want to objectively assess the personality of a partner and his actions, the mineral will become an indispensable assistant.
According to some reports, the stone has a healing effect on the kidneys, stomach, liver and intestines. It helps with hypertension, migraines and nervous breakdowns.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman, this mineral is essential for those who want to improve their relationship with close and loved ones. It will help to pacify pride, get rid of vanity and bring down arrogance. Careerists who are often at a crossroads will be able to make the right choice with the help of a stone.
The strong magical properties of the mineral caused the emergence of many beliefs and legends.

Citizens of the Roman Empire preferred pearl amulets to any other because of their ability to give power and wisdom to their wearers.

Women, with the help of their talismans, adorned with pearls, became happier, and also had beautiful dreams.